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No. 1736473

A thread for nonas who are either recovering from a gacha gaming addiction or currently considering/attempting to recover.

1) This is a thread dedicated to gacha recovery, not general gaming recovery. Broader discussions of general gaming addictions will not be tolerated unless done so in relation to the thread’s topic. Accepted and expected topics include examples such as Genshin, Honkai, Fate, Arknights, etc. and any game that uses a gambling mechanic as its central source of revenue.

2) This thread is for genuine discussion: personal anecdotes, venting, advice and support. Mocking others, either for developing an addiction in the first place or for deciding to leave an gacha game and its community, will not be tolerated.

Welcome to lolcow’s first GAA. To all who may lurk, remember that it is not mere luck, but your own self determination alone that will keep you on this journey.

No. 1736482

Since I created this blasted thread, I’ll be the first nona to vent. I started playing genshin at 16 when it first came out, rapidly became addicted, started spending money I didn’t have and borrowing from friends, failed my dream university entrance exam, fell out with my parents and barely scraped my way out of school with the necessary grades. So not to dodge accountability but in short: Hoyoverse ruined my life.

And like an abusive relationship, as soon as I went off to (the next best) university on the rota, I fell straight into Honkai Impact twice as hard. I’ve not spent a dime, but it feels almost worse that I let most of my first year drip down the drainage with the hours wasted on that stupid fucking app.

It’s now my second year, and I’ve turned so much around since. I eat well, I exercise, I organised my shit. But there’s still that void in me, that urge, and last week, I caved. I can’t do this again. I can’t. It’s early enough in the year to stop that I can pick myself up again but I can’t let this draw out any longer.

I deleted the app again about 10 minutes ago and made this thread in a frenzy knowing the only thing that might help is finding other people with the same problem. The main side of gacha fandoms make their spending problems and addictions into a joke, but it’s unbelievably fucking unfunny. This shit has ruined me, and I know it’s ruined others. So please, please, if you’re going through the same or similar experience right now, I just want to know I’m not alone.

No. 1736490

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Advice from a former gachakoi…steal the pngs and play more games which have no pay to win mechanics…here's a reminder even though you may have indisposable money atm you'll only fool yourself into a security of this is just a fun pastime. First those events are meant to sell you things only spend money if you know you can pay your rent that month or have enough groceries and some side money for emergency. Understand its not the end of the world if you don't get the pull invest the money into something better for your future

No. 1736494

>16 when genshin first came out

No. 1736495

Thanks wise nona, but what if I have a time spent on the game problem, not a spending problem? Playing more games would be like throwing sticks on the fire

No. 1736504

How so? Are you like more prone to games which have gachekoi mechanics? Or do you have a lack of time management? For that I would suggest investing in physical hobbies relating to your likes and interests anything to change up routine keep a fixed time for games like if it goes above 2 hours I stop (make your brain feel like you suddenly have something urgent to do basically a placebo effect take a shower make food anything to break the cycle of gaming) don't worry nonnie you'll break the cycle if I who was a twisted wonderland and genshit user could so can you

No. 1736505

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To make you feel bad without commenting on your taste, starting an 8 hour infight. You know, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be like that. Let me use my magics to ensure you WILL get that SSR in your next 10 pull–guaranteed.

No. 1736508

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Honestly I've never had any interest in the gacha games but I am a huge rhythm game/vocaloid fan and Project Sekai has completely pulled me in. I even read all the event stories, got interested in the side characters and started drawing fan art kek. I promised myself I wouldn't spend money on the game (I already broke this, spent ~$20 on the cheap beginner's bundle) but I know it's a slippery slope, gacha games are gambling incarnate and I've always been prone to addiction. It helps that I don't want to touch the toxic fandom with a 10 foot pole, and that the rhythm game portion (which is the main reason I downloaded the game) is completely unlimited free-to-play. I really wish the best mobile rhythm game didn't have all this extra gacha shit tacked on, I'd be way more willing to give them my money if it was $20 for the app or whatever, but I get that that's the preferred way for video games to make money these days

No. 1736861

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i spent a looot of money on love nikki and shining nikki for several years. then one day i straight up just got bored.
i still occasionally drop money in online games but they're not gachas, i jst buy a specific skin or item. so i wouldn't say im totally cured. but i myself am at a loss as to how i ended up just dropping these games one day.

No. 1736877

You bring up a good point Nona, which is that interests can’t last forever. Gambling can reword your brain, sure, but it’s the rush of it, not the game itself, that keeps you hooked. I’m just trying to speed up the process of making myself disinterested in these games. For Genshin, I stopped checking up on updates for long enough now that I’m out of the loop enough to not care anymore. Ah, but Honkai…. er. Well. Abstinence proceeds ignorant bliss and I did just confess to having downloaded it last week. It’s just about figuring out how to force myself off it long enough to lose interest naturally, like you did.

No. 1736881

Like I said I do schedule my time now for this very reason, but as soon as I get a break, sometimes I get this deep itch to start gaming again. The first break I stay within the time limit, the next I go over, then it’s (pun not intended) game over. It just occurred to me that a good solution here would be to schedule my breaks themselves with other hobbies, like you said. The only problem is my main hobby is digital art, and at the uni I go to I feel like I’d be sneered off campus for making ‘childish’ drawings on company time (the atmosphere is ridiculously competitive and intense. We don’t have any art courses, plus I go on online forums, so you can guess I don’t have a snooty fine art style) but anyway that’s a mental barrier I have to overcome myself, I suppose.

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