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No. 173659
I never said raped and the point I made was that all of it was grossly typical.
What's your bother there fam? Or are you just trying to learn how to be Le epic troll?
No. 173666
>>173662you okay fam?
You seem really upset that I had the same shitty experiences as millions of other girls my age. Do you need to talk about it?
No. 173668
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>>173640I adore the cliche Japanese school experience so much in anime/TV shows/movies, it's so pure, lmao.
But anyways, I grew up in the American public school system.
6th grade:
>Bff turned on me>Never sure why - either jealousy or mad about how I befriended a boy that we both liked, or something like that>Told everyone I was a dyke (I am gay)>Bullied by strangers at school for being a lesbian and stared at for wearing dark clothes, you know the deal>Retreat into homeschooling for the rest of middle schoolI was/am an incredibly shy person, so I never reached out for help. However, a female security officer did know about the whole thing and she gave me her contact info if I ever wanted to talk. A male counselor, on the other hand, didn't understand the situation at all because teen girl drama.
That's the highlight of my school career and I hope any underaged lurking Anons will seek out the helpful people in their school's staff system, because I do believe some really do want to help. Others, I have experienced, kind of suck and just want to get through the workday. Their attitude has nothing to do with the vailidity and importance of whatever issues you are facing.
I can't help but fucking scoff at how LGBT acceptance is forced into school systems nowadays, though. I wish I had that back then. I had a Christian friend in middle school who was the most accepting of it, though, which is really damn backwards. She was incredible and I hope she's doing great now. Sorry for my weird nostalgic rambling, I'm a little buzzed.
No. 173734
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Bullied throughout school until the last year of mandatory school.
I had to switch schools inbetween Primary school, so had to go to a school which was full of cliques and everyone had been there since Preschool. Was singled out but didnt care, I used to sit and read alot to get away from the kids. It was in the last year that it got bad with my main teacher,L. She;d pick on me for anything, try and make me look like an idiot in class whilst her favourites would smile smugly and act up around me to get a reaction(had anger issues that were really bad for 6 years as a kid). Some situations was L taking me to a room just to tell me I looked disgusting, my family were horrible and looked like tramps and basically she hated me, I was constantly singled out and the teachers would support her, one teacher found me crying and asked if it was because L had "talked" to me, I said yes and the teacher went away. After that I was terrified of her, tried to never talk but she'd always find something. In our school photos, I didnt own a jumper so was shouted at one girl gave me her cardigan reluctantly, afterwards told to not put it back on. With a class photo I was dragged from the middle to her side as she poked me in the back to smile, resulting in me crying in the photo. afterwards the entire class blamed me for ruining the photo.
I fell into too many of her traps to get me angry and hit people and the constant "tramp" remarks have stayed in my head. I hate her with a passion even now as every other kid in her class remembers her fondly and laugh about me.
I have stories from Secondary school but I've rambled too much with this.
No. 173868
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School wasn't too bad. I was cyber bullied in 7th grade (and so was pretty much everyone else), but by 8th grade everyone had forgotten about it. I got teased for being "weird" but I was good at getting people to like me despite this. I went to a really small school and was literally the only person in my grade (that I knew of) that spent most of their free time at home on the internet and watched anime.
The thing that probably sucked the most was that my closest friend since 3rd grade was really manipulative and emotionally abusive to me and our entire circle of friends. I couldn't be happier that we didn't stay in contact after high school.
Never had a boyfriend or even dated anyone. A bunch of dudes in my grade randomly tried to hook up with me at the end of senior year. It was really embarrassing and made me uncomfortable. I turned all of them down kek.
No. 174112
>>174032I will oblige.
Usually, chemistry class is taken in grade 11, in the U.S. (idk where you guys are from, or if it's different,) but for some reason, I didn't take it then and had to do it my last year. Chem teacher was a really young guy. Like, 25? He graduated college pretty early, to my understanding. I thought he was cute and really cool. One of those guys into alt shit and the kind of music I liked too. Anyway, we would flirt and banter back and forth in class, but he actually told me once (in private, of course) that he refused to do anything with me or even add me on Facebook until I graduated later that year. Total gentleman. I was 18 at this time, so barely legal, but still legal. While I don't think that was the main reason he was into me, it probably factored in somehow. Graduation came around and he actually gave me his phone number. We talked for a while, but nothing really came of it. He was all for dating me, but I found someone else closer to my age, so. I regret it sometimes because chem teacher was actually better than this other guy. Pretty sure my parents would've freaked out if I brought my teacher home, though. Ha
No. 174350
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So bullying's an actual thing that happens and not a cliche in teen media? Shit.
No. 174356
>>174112…cripes I don't care if he actively denied you anon but the flirting thing is pretty creepy and you can bet to this day he gets off on that ego trip from new girls entering his classroom.
Chem teachers have always been super neurotic in my experience. I had one literally bully me because she thought I looked 'undeserving' of her course and didn't like how I dressed when I had her for homeroom.
>older woman, single, kept pictures of dogs taped to her desk>constantly waved around her PhD with a chip on her shoulder despite working at the ghetto po-dunk which was my hs>took chem class with another teacher but had her as my honors chem lab teacher in grade 10>hated me from the start bc I would ask questions and wanted her to explain things>grew visibly angry when I excelled over her 'favorites' during a lab exercises>so bad that if I was the first to finish she'd find something 'wrong' with my work and have me repeat steps despite my answers being identical to the favs>made the mistake of wanting to take her AP-chem course in grade 11 >because I wanted to be ahead for college>she had a 5 inch thick packet for students to do over fucking summer break>parents go in for teacher's meeting at end of year counseling>the fucking bitch tells my parents I'm essentially too stupid for her course>even though I was honors student since freshman year and was due to get early enrollment in college senior year>just bc she wanted to be a lazy teach and not answer to me>had the unfortunate luck of getting her as my homeroom teach before first bell in both grade 11 and 12>would specifically target me for dress code 'violations'>constantly stared at my 'cleavage' whenever I wore a camisole under my cardigans>one day, I guess after realizing sending me to the office wasn't doing shit, tried to 'level' with me about how 'us' girls with big boobs had to cover more>bitchwat>meanwhile she let other smug bitches get away with booty shorts and camisoles lower than mineSo glad I escaped highschool senior year and took legit college courses on campus instead.
No. 174364
>>173640Elementary and Middle School: Bullied all throughout the years I was there. Awkward kid, messy hair, didn't take baths often, no friends, short temper, couldn't stand up for myself
High School: Bad in the early years, it got better though I still wasn't a social butterfly, started taking care of myself more when I was 16-17, people started being nice to me, I started getting a backbone and sticking up for myself
Now: Failed college, regressing back to Middle School state.
I need help.