>>173613Dad died when I was 6. Started when I was 4. I know I went through bad shit because I can't remember a lot of the little things that happened and so I know I blocked it out because I can remember A LOT from when I was like 3. I'd do this thing when whenever he got bad again, I'd pack my own backpack, pack my brother's backpack, and then we would sit outside my parents' bedroom door until my mom was ready to get him to the hospital again. I know this only because she told me.
After that just a lot of abuse. My mom is hispanic but was extremely abused and treated horribly as a kid, so she passed that on to me. The physical abuse wasn't as bad but the emotional stuff was. Around a very unhealthy relationship as well. A married man who seemed to have the perfect life with two of his own kids my mom would constantly equate us to, a wife, everything cheated on his family with my mom for years. During that time, when my mom realized it was dwindling, she got with a doctor. And then after the married man left to Hawaii, my mom got with an oral surgeon. And during that time, my mom continued to let the doctor live at our house (long story) but still see the oral surgeon. And it was bad.
I've been to a mental institution, I've self harmed. Nothing major. But a lot was taken away from me. I was exposed to shit like gold diggers, cheated, physical and emotional abuse, shit like that. And I always got the brunt of it. I'd protect my brother and kick down doors if I heard her wailing on him. I'd later realize that what my mom had done with the married man was extremely wrong, even though I sympathized with her, after years of believing that was normal (I think I was 14 when it dawned on me).
I didn't realize my childhood had really been taken away until I had almost turned 18. I realized that I was nothing I wanted to be. I used to think about growing up to be someone the Little Me could look up to but I was really broken. And then when I finally got into a relationship with this guy I've been absolutely in love with for the past three years, more stuff came to light. Extreme trust issues. Horrible insecurity issues. It's long distance so sometimes I edit my pictures. I only skype when the light is flattering. I got a job just to raise money for a nose job and labiaplasty lmao. I mean I still look like me in those pictures but a more "refined/better" version. It makes me physically sick imaging him being disgusted by me and thinking about other girls. I'm only just now realizing some of the warning signs in the very beginning of the relationship he presented, things that now worry me greatly even though he's over it. But it makes me regress back into not trusting, thinking I'll never be good enough. He has no idea what those things did to me but one day I'll explain.
I think about my dad all the time. People don't get it. He was borderline perfect. An engineer but seriously handsome af (not to be weird, it's just the truth) and had a really great body (think meaty muscular but no gut, just huge arms). So freakin' smart, like all these dictionaries in different languages because he traveled all over the world, different books about animals, plants, etc. Just to know shit yknow? Because he was just intelligent. He knew like everything. And he was kind and funny in that teasing/sarcastic way and he never rubbed it in your face how smart he was. Now that I'm older, I think about how much I want to be like him. I wish I could be quiet but always have something interesting to say like him. I wish I could hear his stories, learn everything about him.
I'm 18 now and I feel like I really, really lost out. Everything that happened when I was a kid prevented my from having a childhood and now that I'm older, I constantly think about if my dad had been around, I would've turned out much better. I probably wouldn't be with the same guy, though, so I guess it was a blessing in disguise…idk. I know this is long but there's a lot that's been on my mind. I know other people have had it harder ofc.