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File: 1482405017558.jpg (159.87 KB, 1868x1227, Save Australia 18.jpg)

No. 173048

PSA: Please don't lump all patriotic movements in with the ALT-Right. I am a nationalist and have always been. It means cultures are free to do as they please in their own countries.

I live in Melbourne Australia. Look at what happened to the abbos. 200 years on and there is no culture left.
Look at Glen Waverly: the city centre is entirely chinese and ALL realestate is sold in chinese
Look at springvale or dandenong.

Finally: nationalist =/= nazi

Thanks, you may now continue back to your regular programming.

No. 173071

so you're just a boring old racist then

No. 173084

Moved to >>>/sty/676.

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