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No. 171984

I'm a guy that just spent a good amount of time for this place which he could only remember as "female 4chan".

I need girls that can decipher another girl's behaviour

>be me at a friends house

>guys night (5 of us)
>a friend brings his best girl friend
>marriage/10 material
>really outgoing and contrasting my introverted personality
>just talk a bit that day

And this is the start of a fucking confusion fest for me

>go out at a bar, same people

>she comes late
>she says hi to everyone, looks at me and really lightly pinches my cheek while saying "nice to see you again"
>really talkative to me, asks me stuff to which I respond like a complete autist

And finally the worst/best thing that happened in my life
>3 days ago
>we go to K's house (one of the guys) ((same people))
>she comes late again
>"nice to see you"
>palms my face and smiles
>lots of cheek pinching every time she goes past me
>hand grabbing
>i start falling asleep and she jumps on top of me
>"looks like you're sleepy"
>grabs my hand
>go outside for 30 minutes and come back
>"you're back, anoon!"
>hugs me and squeezes me for a long time
>in the morning I found her sleeping while wearing my hoodie
>while saying goodbye to me she pinched my face again (i was sleeping on a chair)
>a few hours later pms me about some really random crap she could ask anyone else

I think I love this girl. Do you think she likes me at least a bit? I am planning on seeing her best friend tomorrow and telling him what's going on. I can't think straight, I don't know what's going on, I only feel the rollercoaster hill feeling in my body.

Help me…I don't want to fuck this up(Male here)

No. 171985

I Think she likes you

No. 171986

she obviously likes you, wouldn't give you that much attention if she didn't

No. 171987

no messages on facebook aside from a few really short ones spread through the entire day

shit, wouldn't she at least try to talk to me more?
What if she is just overly-friendly with me for some reason?

No. 171988

Sounds like she likes you but she wants you to make the first move.

Hurry up before she figures you're not interested! Not over the internet obviously, in person.

No. 171989

Well does she act like that to anyone else in your friend group or just you?
Is she overly friendly and touchy with her best guy friend too?

No. 171990

No. Just me.
The most physical thing she does to him is jump on his back.

How the fuck do I do that, don't you see how anxious I am even now? Me confessing my fondness of her to her best friend will be the most tense, throat ball, moment of my life.

No. 171991

Oh shit. Really important moment.
We were joking around at how she hooks up K with girls but he doesn't hook her up with boys and he says "Look at those 3, pick one haha" and we all laugh.
She says "Oh I already like one of them but I won't tell who because the other two will get jealous"

No. 171992


she likes you, girls aren't that "nice" to guys they aren't interested in. She's giving you all the signs but she wants yout to make the first move.

No. 171993

Anything else before I go to bed?
How do I let her 100% know that I have a thing for her without it being too out there?
What would you do in my position?

No. 171994

sorry friend, I'm a KHV so I don't even know what I'd like a guy to say to me while asking me out. good luck though!

No. 171995

she 100% wants to fug. if you don't reciprocate she will think you're not into her. you are probably going to get banned for posting on the girl talk board btw, this belongs in /b/

No. 171996

>I think I love this girl.
You dumb autist.
You are up and ready to get hurt massively if you get so attached so fast.

No. 171997

Moved to >>>/manure/4786.

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