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No. 171813

Democracy (in its current form) is even worse than that. There is a culture today that boasts of not being informed.

There is no doubt in my mind that this will hurt the middle class and the working poor of England.

Every credible financial institution warned of the dangers and was dismissed as scaremongering. These people do not need another vote, but another brain.


No. 171814

Why are you posting on girl talk? Go spam your blog on /b/.

No. 171815

>implying politics aren't girl talk

Why are you saying this OP? I don't think Britain was ever really part of EU, but it's just my french opinion. Care to elaborate your point?

No. 171816

Board guidelines:

>/g/ is for on-topic discussion of the following subjects:


>Personal issues
>Anything else related to female-oriented hobbies and interests

>If you plan on making a thread to discuss a contentious issue, or to criticize a person, community, place, issue, or subject, it should go in /b/ or /pt/, not /g/. Threads should generally be neutral or positive in nature.

Also I have a feeling that OP is a male /pol/fag who comes here to hang out with the girls because 4chan is shit. Hope I'm wrong though.

No. 171817

Moved to >>>/b/101086.

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