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No. 171750

I want to take advantage of farmers' knowledge of jeans.

Post your favorites, ask for recommendations, flip out about prices, whatever.

No. 171751>>171753>>171763

OP here.

I have an adult job but don't want to drop $270 on jeans that aren't worth it. I know almost nothing about denim. I live in the EU but can get stuff sent to me from the States.

Lower body type: fairly straight (ruler), narrow hips/butt. However, because I have narrow hips my thighs can look out of proportion in some jeans. I hate anything that makes them look bigger.
Height: 170cm (5'7")
Size: 25 in Euro sizes, but can change depending on fit. US 0 is sometimes too short for me. Then again I even have some vanity size 00 from the US. Weird.

I own only one pair of borderline "designer" denim: a pair of Victoria Beckham jeans (which run obscenely small btw), at least the one I have. I don't think they are as flattering as I'd hoped. The rest of my jeans are more or less shit. I need some recommendations as far as quality, flattering brands to try. Nothing high-waisted please.

No. 171752>>171755>>171758

Don't wear jeans unless you're doing some kind of dirty work. They make you look low class and unfeminine.

No. 171753>>171754

Lucky Brand Jeans aren't too bad. You can usually find 40% off site wide sales so you'll pay a good 60 bucks for jeans. I'd say they're mid quality, fairly soft and comfortable. My biggest complaint is that they sometimes lose shape and stretch just a bit.

With your body type, boyfriend jeans are really cool. They have that lose relaxed fit I love on the models on the website, but when I get a pair, my huge thighs and moderate hips just make it look like a flair fit without that cool baggy look.

No. 171754>>171762

Thanks, definitely will check those out. I've never worn boyfriend jeans but I love androgynous styles so that could suit me well. Are they always cropped though?

No. 171755>>171757

fuck you

No. 171756

I shop at thredup.com when I want to try new styles.

It's an online consignment shop that I've had a pretty good experience with so far. They seem to screen for quality pretty well.

No. 171757>>171759>>171760

Enjoy looking like trailer trash.

No. 171758

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No. 171759

Even royalty wear jeans, so what's your problem?

No. 171760>>171761


First time I hear that jeans are trashy tbh

No. 171761>>171766

They really aren't. Sweats are trashy. Anon is just a 5/10 troll. It would be 1/10, but they're posting on lolcow and we have no bait filters.

Classic casual chic that never goes out of fashion is a pair of quality well fitted jeans and a white t-shirt.

No. 171762

Unfortunately, I've only encountered cropped styles this past year. Fall fashion may have boyfriend fits get back into regular lengths. I don't think its as trendy as skinny jeans which haven't gone out of style in years.

No. 171763>>171769

anon i dont think you need to spend $300 on jeans to look good. dont listen to the rich bitches and trolls.
no one is inspecting your jeans as you walk down the street. no one can tell just in passing whether your jeans are some awesome designer or good quality of not (unless of course they are shitty walmart jeans)

No. 171764

havent worn pants in 3 years or more. feels good man

No. 171765


sorry for the autism but holy shit I love their pants. Not the other brands they sell but the actual ASOS brand jeans. They're around $50 brand new but I first got mine at a thrift store near me and fell in love and now I'm addicted.

I always get the high waisted kind but they have all styles. They do make my butt look big and perky though so if you hate that kind of thing YMMV.

No. 171766

So fucking true, sis.

No. 171767>>171768

I like wearing black jeans but I'm short and have trouble finding any that are decent quality and petite size.

Express used to make great jeans that were the perfect length but the last time I tried a pair on in one of their stores the quality really went downhill. The pair I bought before is seriously around 8 years old and they're still immaculate.

No. 171768

How tall are you? Have you tried a fitting at Abercrombie? They're expensive but I find the ones that aren't high waisted fit well length wise. It's either that or the kid's section at Target and Walmart for me.

No. 171769

> no one can tell just in passing whether your jeans are some awesome designer or good quality of not

but uhm, YOU can. Try wearing $200 selvedge denim sometime and tell me there's no difference.

No. 171770>>171771

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I want jeans that are 100% cotton, a reasonable rise not too low, but also not senior citizen high, not skinny jeans, and in small waistbands 24 or 25. So far the best I've found is Patagonia, but I think they sort of look like mom jeans. Any suggestions? Does what I want exist outside of mom jeans?
I also want to be able to wear close-toed shoes that work with socks with my jeans without looking tooautistic.

No. 171771

Look up Black Orchid. I haven't worked with them in a while (used to manage a store w/ lots of brand jeans) but I remember they used to have a style that fit those criteria. Hopefully their prices haven't skyrocketed too bad in the past few years. They were around $100~$150usd, really nice quality.

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