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File (hide): 1463498958787.jpg (117.55 KB, 1000x665, brandymelvilleusa.0402.jpg)

No. 171287

>casual, not too try hard style
>usually thin
>light tan, overall sun-kissed skin and hair
>light makeup/"natural looking" makeup

I've always liked the "basic" looking clothes (no big brand names on the clothes), lightly tan, bayalaged hair, skinny girls kind of look. Very simple and casual, not as try hard as other looks. Anyone else like this? hate it? lets share pictures

No. 171288>>171311

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No. 171289

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No. 171290

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No. 171291>>171306

File (hide): 1463499344308.jpg (80.09 KB, 564x845, br.jpg)

No. 171292>>171293>>171297>>171306

File (hide): 1463503862072.jpg (130.81 KB, 610x610, beauty-casual-fashion-girls-Fa…)

I've loved this aesthetic forever, it's so simple but cute and fun. I can't wait to get tan during summer.

No. 171293>>171294

File (hide): 1463503878210.jpg (185.06 KB, 500x493, beach-boho-fashion-girl-Favim.…)

No. 171294>>171295>>171297

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No. 171295>>171296>>171298>>171300

>tfw can't find an off the shoulder top for less than $100

No. 171296

European H&M got some, don't know about American H&M

No. 171297


Love these pants!


I bought a few Brandy Melville clothes for the first time, and now I'm waiting for it to be more "summer" to fake tan (just don't wanna be tan too early). But then again, I live in Florida so it shouldn't be too weird.

No. 171298>>171299

No. 171299

File (hide): 1463507476474.jpg (22.93 KB, 400x496, 7521031251_2_2_1.jpg)

No. 171300>>171304>>171306

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American apparel has a bunch, including printed summer-y ones (under 30$)

Brandy Melville has a few too

No. 171301>>171302>>171306

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No. 171302>>171303>>171306

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No. 171303

File (hide): 1463509897505.jpg (128.59 KB, 610x610, beach-best-friends-bikini-cafe…)

No. 171304

Awwrrr. ^^

No. 171305


I'm super pale and don't tan, if I attempt to use a tanning product should I post a before/after on here? maybe will help you pale gals looking for this look

No. 171306


one of the things I love is how happy/carefree they always look

No. 171307

This is my favorite kind of aesthetic. It's what encourages me to keep losing weight, so I can look effortlessly carefree and cute.

No. 171308>>171310

Would this be brands like Wildfox couture?

No. 171309

I find this look really cute, every higher class brazilian girl looks like this here.

Sadly it doesn't suit me very well.

No. 171310


Sometimes. the less flashy clothes they have could work

No. 171311


her skin looks like dried leather. love to see what this looks like in 20 years

No. 171312>>171313

So basically an American Apparel model, no thanks it's too dull for my tastes.

No. 171313>>171330


not really. maybe a small resemblance.

No. 171314>>171315>>171316

It looks like hell on your skin and hair, and the only option for white girls who want to avoid actual sun is fake tans which are a pain in the ass. The American Apparel/super casual look isn't my thing though, it doesn't work on short girls. Either you end up looking 12 or way larger than you actually are.

No. 171315>>171316


why wouldn't it work on a shorter person? don't get it

No. 171316>>171317

It's about proportions more than it is height. The AA look is best suited for people with a lanky figure.

No. 171317>>171318

It's true, although I feel like if you're really scrawny it kind of works.

No. 171318


Honestly I think it works if you are skinny or petite

No. 171319>>171320>>171331

Look cute, but tanning is really bad for your skin.
White people should enjoy their pretty skin and take great care of if they don't wanna end up looking like an old leather jacket..

No. 171320>>171321>>171322


You can always fake tan. I do that and it looks natural.

No. 171321

That's the most reasonable solution.

No. 171322>>171323>>171324

Any way you'd be generous enough to share your fake tan routine in the skincare thread? I'm super pale and want to start, but it seems so gross and messy and I'm not sure if I trust YouTube gurus.

No. 171323


I'm actually going to do it tomorrow (or saturday) most likely, I'll post a before and after (of like a patch of skin) /my routine when I do it.

No. 171324>>171325>>171326>>171327>>171328


but pale skin is so pretty :(

No. 171325

It's not your skin so? Some people like change

No. 171326

Some would say tan(ned) skin is pretty anon. To each their own.

No. 171327

It is, but it depends on what aesthetic you're going for. I find loads of girls prefer tans over the summer because it brings out leg muscle definition, is slimming, and hides stubble better if you have darker/coarse hair.

No. 171328

But the beauty of fake tan is that it's temporary
You can easily go back to bring a pretty pale princess

No. 171329

>tfw half hispanic and turn orange when i tan
i will never be a cute california girl

No. 171330

I dunno, I see all these photos and it reminds me of either an American Apparel, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Topshop or Dorothy Perkins catalogue.

I'm not shitting on that fashion if you guys love it, it can be cute at times… but it's just not my thing.

No. 171331>>171332>>171333>>171334>>171335>>171336

I beg to differ, if you mean "fake tanning" as in being on a sunbed, it's very safe if you actually have a salon who knows what the fuck they're advising.

For instance, I've been to one that has had a lady telling people who are very pale not to use them more than 3 minutes at a time until they build up a base tan, that can take over a month. Then go up to 6 minutes for another month, then finally 9 mins for the last month and they look nice and toasty as fuck… I guess what I'm getting at is that if you're careful, take care of your skin and don't go mental with it - it's safe.

I've been to tanning places that don't give a fuck how long you're on for and that's dangerous as hell, no advice on after care or even preparation… but if you are in the know, it's perfectly safe… you should be slathering on a high SPF in the sunshine when going outside anyway.

No. 171332


I'm not sure what you don't understand. Tanning especially in "sun beds" is EXTREMELY dangerous. There is no "safe way" to do it, you are still getting all of that sun damage.

You still have a much higher chance of skin cancer, you still have sun damage, you still will experience the physical aspects of sun damage (which builds up over time) such as spots/freckles/wrinkles/etc.

Anyways, the whole "base tan" to "provide protection" is a total myth.

>Avid Leffell, the chief of dermatologic surgery and cutaneous oncology at Yale University School of Medicine, is “completely meaningless” in terms of providing protection. (talking about "base tans")

>Recent estimates suggest indoor tanning causes about 419,000 cases of skin cancer in the U.S. every year, which is almost double the number of cases of lung cancer linked to smoking

> UVA is often chosen for tanning beds because its longer wavelength penetrates deeper into the skin and is less likely to cause sunburn. The body will readily redistribute its existing melanin in response to UVA exposure—which results in immediate skin darkening—but UVB rays are better at triggering several more long-term protective mechanisms in response to cellular damage.

Tanning beds are even more dangerous than "regular" sun exposure

You have a right to do whatever you want, tan or not tan. But you should know the truth behind tanning you know?

ESL anon

No. 171333

Tanned skin is cute but it's never safe or healthy. If you want the benefits of getting tanned you have to deal with the downsides of sun damage

No. 171334

> build up a base tan
> if you're careful
thats not how it works

No. 171335

That lady is either misinformed or she is blatantly lying to you…
Tanning is a really bad habit and tanning in a sunbed is the worst thing you could do to your skin, please stop doing this shit.

No. 171336

Tanning is always, always bad for your skin. Full stop. Also I meant a spray tan, not a sunbed. Spray tans are annoying because it gets on your sheets on white shirts.

No. 171337

File (hide): 1463782963143.jpg (81.99 KB, 1000x667, brandymelvilleusa_00501.0.jpg)

I agree, OP. This aesthetic is very cute and casual. Brandy Melville clothing is super adorable. I don't see why a pale girl couldn't pull this look off unless you're super set on going for the california thing. A lot of their models are pale. Tanning lotion is a pain in the ass because it gets everywhere and is really hard to apply evenly on the skin without spots being darker than others. I knew one girl who applied it perfectly to her face and it looked lovely though!

No. 171338

Girl on the left and right aren't tanned at all

No. 171339>>171340>>171344

File (hide): 1464186465147.jpg (201.02 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg)

I decided to post this in two threads (the brandy Melville one and skin care one) as it relevant to both. I'm pretty white and used a self tanner. I used it only on my legs and you can see my natural skin tone on my face/upper body. I will use it everywhere today but took this pic to show you guys how it looks. I used ST.MORITZ tanning mouse in dark, got it from Amazon for 6 bucks a bottle with free shipping (although they sell it at ulta for 12 a bottle if you want). I love the way it looks (plus you get a tan with no sun damage!). Sorry for retarded pose I am a midget so I cannot get my legs/face in same pic as I have no full body mirror.

No. 171340>>171345

You seem very pretty even with your face hidden, anon!

No. 171341>>171342>>171343

File (hide): 1464322970382.jpg (105.54 KB, 640x640, HIJifyY.jpg)

Is OP's pic an actual BM ad? I'm amazed that they cast the girl on the far left, she seems like a more high fashion face than I'd anticipate for Abercrombie & Fitch: The Sequel

Anyway I think BM's branding is pretty astute but I still think it's disgusting and they're ultimately making the same mistake that A&F made, which is making exclusion be the crux of their brand.

No. 171342

Why did you make this post?

No. 171343


yes it is. I think she fits tbh.

And nah, I don't mind the exclusion part. If someone can't fit into these clothes they should just shop another brand. Anyways, A&F has way more sizes/inclusion for larger sizes so idk what you mean anyways. BM only has one size

No. 171344>>171345>>171346

>$6 on Amazon
>Retails for $12

Enjoy your diverted/expired product and skin cancer, anon

No. 171345


It's not expired lol, it's a product that is actually from England so it's much cheaper to purchase from an English vendor vs an over priced US retailer like ULTA. Anyways it's FAKE tanning so I'm not baking in the sun. I wear sunscreen all over my body everyday.


No. 171346

are you retarded?

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