File: 1457865439354.jpg (67.17 KB, 576x1024, My BF and me.jpg)

No. 170088
File: 1457865617889.jpg (106.59 KB, 1056x526, hawtie.jpg)

Ladies, get a man that can do both
No. 170089
File: 1457865623162.png (529.37 KB, 699x515, Untitled.png)

No. 170090
File: 1457866124944.png (Spoiler Image,342.93 KB, 619x512, Screenshot_2016-03-12-09-36-50…)

pretty sure he will kill me for this
No. 170095
>>170094People generally end up with their equivalents. There have been a couple of above average guys posted ITT and the rest seem to be average.
Or do you think our userbase is comprised of Miranda Kerr lookalikes?
Don't be cruel. You never know when someone may get some leverage over you and remember what you've said.
No. 170097
File: 1457874888607.jpg (1.22 MB, 2560x1440, 20160307_130514.jpg)

He's not a looker but I have kind of a hero complex about him since he had gotten raped as a kid
No. 170100
>>170097>>170090>>170088>>170087These are just robots selfposting, right? No one here is actually dating guys who look like this… right?
I'll remember this thread the next time I see one of you bitching about nasolabial folds.
No. 170101
>>170100Post what you consider an attractive man then.
And see:
>>170095 No. 170103
File: 1457883614040.jpg (96.83 KB, 640x480, gustavowtheedge.jpg)

i have a thing for edgelords
No. 170104
>>170088>>170089Are not "hideous", even if your standards are high.
They're certainly better looking than your average Korean, who a small but loud portion of lolcow creams themselves over.
No. 170105
wow, all these guys are fucking ugly.
>>170088Isn't too bad though. Looks pretty average but for some reason his face annoys me.
No. 170109
>>170103This one is a robot. I know him and can confirm.
This thread is probably just robots selfposting.
No. 170111
File: 1457897312929.jpeg (236.66 KB, 1200x1800, image.jpeg)

My face is blocked because I'm ugly
No. 170112
File: 1457897817100.jpg (7.38 KB, 119x200,…)

No. 170113
>>170111Are you white?
>>170088This one's nice in the left picture, but looks like shit in the right