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No. 168716
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I like to make polymerclay charms,it can be quite relaxing when you know what your doing lol. But if not it can be a bit of a nightmare
No. 168718
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>>168717Im looking for work in the tv/film area, also due to being a fucking retard at anything but crafts. How hard was it to wrangle the job?
Ive been looking at those 9k sewing machines that come with a touch screen and 800 stitches pre-programmed. I'd like to pump out a bunch of stuff to sell on etsy/at markets. Only dreams for the moment though.
No. 168720
>>168719corrected to:
Making those stamped pieces of leather then selling them*
Leather is fun to work with tho
No. 168722
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I like all the crafts. my current favorite is watercolor. And im getting into making sock plushies, pic related (not mine) I like the idea of having all the fabric you need in a pair of socks.
and I want to take a pottery class someday.
No. 168724
>>168723I'll have to get back to you about that. I used to but when I started working I was basically the bitch for a few years, way too many hours and not enough money ect. I haven't updated but I've thought about it since I'm unemployed due to health reasons. If I do I'll update this thread, if it's alive.
I've worked for the past few years for the same writer who started Adventure Time and Gravity Falls, so a lot of it is very kid-friendly. My personal style is super dark (think al hirschfeld + lovecraft + dark web stuff), but that's why I went to school for art, so I could fake any style whenever.
No. 168728
>>168726I only have 10… I'm getting rid of 4 to the greenhouse down the street because they don't like the conditions they're growing in. Tbh I want 40, even if it's not fun
>>168727What? Like when I have time or money to invest in those things, yeah?
No. 168729
Sorry if this is too long. (TL;DR: music, hair, diy, and drawing/storytelling)
>Music (singing and keyboard/piano ever since I was a wee babby, and I started violin lessons this year.)
>Hair (I love looking for new styles and methods. Especially when it's a straight style, and I find ways to incorporate it into my texture (wiry 4 type) and art! Unlike most people I know wash and style day is my favorite!)
>DIY products (mostly skin and hair. Right now, Im trying to finish off a shea butter+coconut oil+vitamin e mix so I can start something new)
I draw first, and as I go, I get more detailed with the character's design, and create their story as I progress. Finally, I build the actual story around the world the character(s) come from.
I've been considering getting a Wattpad for putting my stories out there, but I always had this fear that they're not good enough. So for most of my life (excluding these last two years), I've kept most of my art hidden.
>What got you into them?
My mom pushed me into learning the piano when I was really young because she was too underprivileged to do so herself when she was a child. According to my family I've been "singing before I could talk"(not surprising as I come from a family of locally well-ish known church singers). As for violin, I just love the sound they make, especially in orchestrated songs! Oh and listening to different types of music (Chinese ballads, Celtic, world basically, and dark fairytale type music) gives me the relaxation and ideas for stories/art.
The light came to me, and I finally realized after many years my hair was a hot mess. Looked worse than Micky's helmet hair. Later turned into an obsession, and now that I have calmed down, it's a hobby.
Being too lazy to buy products
Idk really. I liked reading and watching my older brother draw I guess. Additionally, whenever movies or shows didn't go my way, I would draw my own alternative endings. Lol (basically, little kid fan fiction offline) As time went on, it kind of became my thing.
On another note, I want to get into sewing my own clothes. Half of the clothes I like to see and would like to wear are jfashion. It would be nice to recreate some styles I see to fit my own proportions.
No. 168730
>>168724you sound cool as fuck. c-can we be friends?
polite sage for OT
No. 168731
>>168718Are they really worth it?
When I'm done with studying I want to save up for a decent sewing machine which is why I'm asking.
The one I have now is alright but I want a better one.
No. 168732
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>>168730hehe me, cool as fuck – man, that feels weird. but sure anon. I'm uploading a piece of mine because I feel bad starting a new job on monday and thus, loosing more of my life. But who doesn't fucking love zombie christmas displays? I can't say no.
No. 168734
>>168715My current hobbies:
>drawing>mostly ink, watercolour and pencils but would love to get back into painting
>recently picked up dolls>started with onster High Dolls, want to own a nice BJD doll one day
>want to get into sculpting, tried out babby's first stuff
>How long have you been doing said hobby/ies? Or, what got you into it?I have been drawing my whole life, I loved it since I was a child. Stupidly I stopped around the age of 17 and only started again now five years later. Dolls, a few months ago, same as sculpting.
>Any tips for beginners?DON'T FUCKING STOP, EVER! Do your thing, and never stop trying. Believe me, it is the worst mistake you'll ever make in your life and you'll regret these years that you never get back.
>What's your favorite thing you've made, or are working on now?Nothing, honestly.
I am okay with the last doll I repainted, because it actually went much better than I expected, and I am looking forward to colour some of the lineart I inked. But I'm barely over the point where I can look at anything I do without immediately feeling disgusted and disappointed with myself. I am trying not to judge myself too much.
Also I have zero friends who are into crafts, so I have no one to share my stuff with. It is a bit disappointing that no one can share your enthusiasm or frustration over your newest project.
No. 168735
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>How long have you been doing said hobby/ies? Or, what got you into it?
I've been playing guitar for about two years and getting better pretty slowly. I got into because of Annie Clark before she got kind of wierd. I don't really draw anymore, but still doodle pretty frequently but never got too great at it either. If anything, my guitar skills are pretty decent compared to my drawing skills despite drawing since I was in kindergarten.
There's also sewing, writing music, and reading about interesting facts and small books I pick up in the science section just to have something to do and learn something new
>Any tips for beginners?
Just keep at whatever you want to do. I don't think that talent is really a thing. Just stay determined and keep going
>What's your favorite thing you've made, or are working on now?
I'm working on a concept album and tabbed out a few songs from m favorite video game. My OC isn't great because I just started a few months ago, but I'm still proud that I'm even doing it because I didn't think I could ever get to this point when I first started out.
That, and I made a little Hambo plush
>Any crafting disaster stories?
Can't think of any at the moment, but there's probably something.
>Dream project?
Making a concept album or a beautifully intricate cosplay of something