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No. 168386

Hi farmers, are we allowed to talk about internet personalities that we genuinely like? It can be a youtuber or a fashion model or beauty guru. State the reason why you like them too. Cows and snowflakes are definitely not allowed.

I'll start. I found her when I was browsing on deviantart, apparently she's also popular amongst illustrator. Her name is Yurisa, a model from Korea. She's famous for modelling lolita and cute fashions, even cosplays some of the popular characters such as Hestia and Suigintou from Rozen Maiden.


Personally I think she's really cute, even though I think she has done some work in her face. I like her photographs and fashions. I know some of them are photoshopped, especially the professional ones.

So who's your favorite internet personality? Let's discuss them!

No. 168387>>168392

damn this risa girls cosplays are so bad
her face shape is not so cute, why does she want her face to look like she has an overbite

No. 168388

She's cute. But like most asians on the web these days, they all try and look like dolls if they're tiny/pale enough.

If it's not dolls then it's some weird gothic bondage fad like michellemoe or creepyyeha

No. 168389>>168390>>168392

she's only cute in certain photos for me. personally I don't like her 'without teeth smile', it's like she's trying so hard to recreate the kitty or bunny face, you know, the arched upper lip and big eyes, idk if this makes sense.

No. 168390

same anon. while we're on the topic, if you're into sfx make up, i like mykie from glam&gore the most. her sfx tutorials are interesting and very informative and she's kinda funny too in some tutorials.

No. 168391>>168393



Idk why, but she's the only one I am subscribed to…

No. 168392

As someone with an overbite, I don't think she's trying to make her smile look like anything. Maybe her upper teeth just cover her lower teeth entirely, mine do and your smile just ends up looking a bit silly as a result.

No. 168393

Hi Peachie

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