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File: 1693425112956.jpg (60.67 KB, 800x600, best vegetable.jpg)

No. 1682822

Brussel Sprouts are the best vegetable, there is no competition.

Discuss recipes they go best in

No. 1682851

why are you doing this

No. 1682872

I never had brussel sprouts but they look very delicious

No. 1682894

I really like the texture

No. 1682931

love them. children's tv shows need to be put on blast for convincing children that brussel sprouts are yucky.

No. 1682932

File: 1693433336376.jpg (89 KB, 775x461, brussels-sprouts-on-stalk.jpg)

tiny cabbages on a stalk. so cute.

No. 1682934

What are some interesting ways of eating them? All I ever do is roasting them.

No. 1682936

I've never liked brussel sprouts very much because they are bitter to me and my parents would always boil them kek. I'd love to try any recipes anons have

No. 1682942

ok I have only had them twice but they were kinda sweet, kinda like broccoli or peas? how are you people tasting bitterness? I think my mom roasted them with some salt, pepper and maybe some garlic powder

No. 1682943

I read something about how they are engineered these days to not be bitter. Never had them as a kid but I started eating them as an adult, they’re mild tasting.

No. 1682949

I've always loved them, as a kid too. I never noticed any change in the taste, either ("to be less bitter" or whatever). They are probably my favorite vegetable to eat, as long as they are cooked in a good way (love them roasted in olive oil and vinegar, for example)

No. 1682950

Agreed, brussel sprouts are delicious!
I like them sprinkled with some parmesan a lot

No. 1682951

I like them in soups, like chicken broth

No. 1682953

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No. 1682955

oh this looks yummy

No. 1682956

I found a recipe on some blog, you can Google translate it if you're interested. Didn't find a good recipe with the broth on any blog in English.
It's a childhood food to me, very gentle taste.

No. 1682957

I have an instant pot, what is the best way to do brussel sprouts in it?

No. 1682960

They actually used to taste really bad. The ones that taste good were developed in the 90s.

No. 1682964

aaw thank you so much for sharing nonniška! the recipe looks very easy and straight forward, I'll give it a try

No. 1682967

I went on a binge (which I need to get back on) where I ate brussel sprouts roasted lightly with garlic and grilled cheese sandwiches every day for a month.

No. 1682971

I ate them for a while but one pack of baby brussel sprouts I had tasted like soap for some reason, and it put me off them since then.

No. 1682974

God that sounds amazing, sad I didn’t get any brussel sprouts at the grocery store now

No. 1683002

check your privilege nonnies these basically don't exist in some countries

No. 1683028

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Very sorry to hear this nona

No. 1683074

What, like North Korea?

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