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No. 167299

Hey! So I'm really having a hard time figuring out how to dress for a night out clubbing/drinking with my girlfriends. (muh gurls)

Tips for clubbing attire and makeup? Hopefully this thread will be a cool place for us to get tips for stuff like this.

How do I dress really cute while there is snow on the ground? I need help ladies, I'm desperate.

No. 167300>>167301

It's not necessary to display skin to appear stylish and cute. In fact dressing skimpy could lead men into thinking you're easy and desperate.

>I need help ladies, I'm desperate.

Welp, nevermind then. Let it all hang out

No. 167301

Desperate for styling tips, asshole.

No. 167302

Personally, I wear cute faux fur coats because they're really warm and also look more dressed up. Forever 21 sells some really cute ones.
I also wear thermal tights or regular tights with thigh highs over them.
Besides this usually I just wear whatever my normal night out clothes are.

No. 167303>>167304>>167307

since it's snowy, you should go for a vampy look. if I where you, I'd probably be in an all black outfit. Faux (or real) fur, black high waisted pants, a black top, and black thigh high boots with extra grip.

No. 167304

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I like this topic! Personally, I'm a fan of bold looks, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

Depending on what kind of place you're going to, decide on your theme of the night and go from there. An indie dive is gonna be way different than, say, a rave or a gay club.

I find it's all about experimentation, which can be really fun! Feeling cute one night, or "dangerous" another (like >>167303 and the vampy-suggestion) can really give you confidence. It improves your sense of makeup/style, too.

tl;dr, pick a theme, consider a color palette and/or main pieces, and have fun with it.

p.s., pleather is your friend. traps heat (good for winter), looks great, is versatile and easy to move in.

No. 167305

Depends whether your doing drugs or not, whether you can afford a taxi or have to use public transport and where you’re going, what town, what kind of music. A hipster techno club in Berlin has a completely different dress code than an EDM rave in the US. A village club where they play David Guetta requires different clothes than some super posh club in London.

So where are you located and what kind of music do you like? Do you plan on going at 10pm and leaving at 2am or going at 2pm and staying till Sunday afternoon?

Regarding practibility: I usually dress the same as I would in summer since it’s really warm on the dance floor. For the time I spend outside I add cozy socks, an extra pair of stockings/leggings, a woolen jumper, a very warm coat and a scarf which I leave at the checkroom.

Choose shoes you can walk and dance in or take two pairs with you.

Don’t take your credit cards or anything valuable with you. Some people even get old cell phones for partying so they don’t risk losing their smartphone.

No. 167306

It depends SO MUCH on so many things. How old are you? Are you ugly? Are you fat? Do you have big tits? What's your style? What do your friends dress like? What country/culture are you in? Do you want guys to hit on you?

Club attire can vary so much, all the way from 'ugh leave me alone, I'm bloated and wearing a baggy thing that's kinda a dress' to looking like a smokin hot sex demon which makes guys pop boners just looking at you. Which do you want?

No. 167307

>thigh high boots

please don't.
everything else is fine, but if you're going to wear boots, wear ones that stop at the knee or below.
thigh-highs immediately turn a normal night out look into that of a trashy, dated dominatrix.

No. 167308

personally, I've had good luck with this combo:
>slouchy black beanie to keep your ears warm
>netted black scarf to keep your neck warm
>oversized leather jacket (resistance to wind and rain)
>cardigan or long-sleeved button-up underneath
(because leather jacket linings are generally not cozy)
>short sleeved/sleeveless shirt beneath that, so you can take off your layers & dance comfortably later.
>textured or patterned skater skirt (during the winter, one of my favorites is this deep red, shimmery velvet one)
>black, fleece-lined tights
>these boots: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Womens-Lace-Up-Ankle-Military-Combat-Round-Toe-Booties-with-Credit-Card-Pocket-/321872388521?var=&hash=item4af116e1a9:m:mLacI3fCaRjhmuKgmrFNkrg

Like anons said, get a cheap tracphone or something if you're worried about losing your smartphone (although that's kind of a hassle because you'll have to update everyone in your group with your 'party phone' number, so I usually don't bother) keep cards/id/cash/a spare key in your boots. I also carry a small backpack or crossbody rather than a 'regular' purse, so I can have my hands free for whatever while still keeping my valuables/necessities (phone/condoms/tampons/makeup bag, etc.) within reach. I kind of hate having to ask bartenders to stash my bag behind the bar, and then being forced to wait while they finish serving drinks whenever I want it back, esp. if it's a busy place.

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