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File: 1453241550074.png (139.17 KB, 645x400, d258f6838c57c8967f9eaa799f1c23…)

No. 167269

What're good make up palettes for caramel skin? What's the best haircut for a brown girl? How do I become cute like everyone else?

No. 167270

How long is your hair? How long is your hair? What's your facial shape?
Are you black, Latina, Indian…? I'm only asking because I can get an idea and examples together. If you don't want to answer that's fine or you can post a picture of someone that looks similar to you.

No. 167271

I'm a tan puerto rican woman and gold and red/purples have always looked good for me and made my brown eyes really stand out as well.

No. 167272

Okay maybe mermaid waves with a middle part. Color wise maybe an ombré effect with chocolate brown that fades to honey blonde. I think it'll compliment you eyes.

No. 167273

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No. 167274

How brown are we talking? Post the exact colour.

No. 167275

File: 1453253101699.png (190.77 KB, 380x294, Screen Shot 2016-01-19 at 8.24…)

like this brown. my hair is quite large if i don't have it up.

No. 167276

that's the best kind of brown, you're very lucky. Nearly every haircut, colour and palette will work for you. Bright colours might be a bit harder to coordinate, but really, it's a very neutral tone so you're on easy mode

No. 167277

Stay away from anything like the recent Gwen stefani palette. It's only good for the palest of the pale and not suited for anyone in the medium range who isn't white. Otherwise yeah, you could do anything. Bright jewel tones. Dusky neutrals. Even grungy goth looks tend to look less weird on brown skin. I'm south asian my self and while my mom hates my more… extreme looks, I get a lot of compliments for random strangers. You can even pull off deeper lip colors too, and weird colors. I have a white friend who's mad jelly that I can wear a blue lip and not look weird.

No. 167278

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pretty much. this is what I look like with blue lipstick on

No. 167279

To be honest pastel colors are a bitch to wear on any skin tone, they work best as shadow shades rather then a lip color. I have the lavender lip shade from Nyx and while it's not horrible on me, it does make my teeth look more yellow and I don't know what eye look to pair with it yet. Part of me wants to become the artist that wears crazy lip colors, but I will wait after training before I start to sneak them in.

No. 167280

To all black woman out there:
Please don't bleach your hair, it always looks ratchet af and will probably be also uneven because of your hair texture.
I'm speaking from experience here

No. 167281

This is random af as OP isn't black she's Puerto Rican. If you want to do a PO start your own thread. That being said no one should be bleaching their hair. If you aren't a professional you probably shouldn't be bleaching you hair yourself. Please go to a salon or a professional.

No. 167282

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That's what EVERYONE looks like with blue lipstick. i swear the only person who ever pulled it off without looking completely idiotic was Mana-sama.

I can't buy half of JS's lipstick line because of the 'lulz so random' colors he keeps releasing. I own both Redrum and Unicorn blood, but other than that, I hate his blues and greens and purple bullshit.

No. 167283

It also helps that in Mana's photos he doesn't open his mouth, because those kind of colors usually emphasize the yellowness/off-white color of teeth.

No. 167284

Damn Mana is literally the prettiest person in existence. Not even into Gothic Lolita or Aristo, but he will make a person want to.

No. 167285

it also helps that Mana's adverts are like 75% photoshop blur and 25% heavy-ass theater makeup…

No. 167286

I'm an indian girl with light-medium (NC25 - 30) skin and I've found dark jewel colors, particularly purple and navy, suit me best when it comes to eyeshadow. the Naked 2 palette is also really good for everyday wear. my favorite lipstick colors are MAC Cyber (deep purple), KVD Poe (deep blue), ABH Heathers (deep red), MAC Candy Yum Yum (barbie pink) and KVD Coven (grayish-purple).

hair style it's going to depend on your features, but for color i've found jet black to medium brown with some blonde highlights looks best. i personally prefer ashy colors when i go lighter but for you it's going to depend on if your skin is warm or cool toned (mine is neutral)

No. 167287

Pretty much this, it is a great skin tone to work with. I tend to notice bright/deep colors work best, but sometimes really bright white or silver can be an interesting change, if you're into that sort of thing.

No. 167288

Man my lips are probably as thin as his. OT but does anyone know how to get bigger lips naturally?

No. 167289

cinnamon is a lip plumper I think

No. 167290

yeah, generally spicy things do the trick for a few minutes
if youre looking for a lip plumper get Candy lipz, my lips stay big af after using it for a few hours

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