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No. 166436
>>166435holy shit, same
I do have a bit of a wide nose, and even though in the mirror it looks proportional to the rest of my face, in photos its like the biggest thing on my face. I have to do the higher up angle in very bright lighting to actually get a good photo
honestly there are times I could stare at myself in the mirror just like "damn im fucking pretty" but then I take a selfie and im like well shit nvm
No. 166438
>>166436Same here, my nose looks perfect on my face in real life. But when I take a photo it stick out like a sore thumb. I have to take a million photos and apply filters sometimes just to make it look similar to how I look in the mirror.
>>166437I feel like Iphone selfies are more clearer than Samsung selfies. I always felt really confident using the Iphone camera versus my boyfriends Samsung for that reason.
No. 166440
>>166435it really depends if i will take the picture or if someone else will
if i take it i generally look better than what i look like irl
however, if someone takes a pic of me with a HQ camera or something i end up looking like a guy trying to look like a woman (HUGE jaw, huge nose, small square forehead and no lips…kill me )
No. 166441
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Front cameras have really low focal lenghts which is why everyone's nose looks gigantic in selfies.
Picture related, it shows clearly how different focal lenghts affect the subject's features.
No. 166442
>>166441jesus christ this is why i don't trust selfies at all.
Depending on the camera your face can be practically distorted. My phne camera makes my face ridiculously long in my case.
No. 166448
>>166447My boyfriend thought the same thing when he met me in real life, the camera really does change how you look.
I think using the back camera does help a lot but it's so difficult to use, I'm always holding it in front of a mirror and I can't ever get decent angles. I do want to try the selfie stick honestly to play around with how the lighting and angles work on my face though.
No. 166450
>>166441Holy shit. This…explains a lot. I dont know anything about cameras, so thanks a lot Anon.
>>166437Same here. I have a Samsung s5 and I look like utter shit, but look decent on everyone else's iphone.
Favorite App is probably Beauty Camera (Meitu App)
No. 166453
>>166451My parents both got s6 Actives recently and their cameras are so weird to me. It was like things were pulled diagonally or something as I moved it around? Seems great for ana-chans, but it was hella weird for me and I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. The clarity was great, though. There's just quite the difference between my profile pic (taken on my phone) versus the one I took with my mom on her phone.
I have a Lumia 950 because I have a preference for Windows phones and the camera is pretty decent. I still Meitu things a little but nothing big. When I had silver/platinum hair, B612 had some filters that looked great on me, but now I darkened it because the damage/maintenance was getting to be too much… and I can't get any to look okay :/
No. 166455
>>166454If you have a smart phone it may be best to see if it is raw/professional mode compatible. A lot of newer phones are being optimized for iphone photography and so putting it on that mode will give you better, clearer photos with more options like shutter speed and aperature. My bf has a galaxy 5s I believe and just found that setting and it is amazing. Also, saving in raw makes post processing so much better.Always expect to do some bit of after editting to your photos.
Regarding the focal length of iphone 5's and 6's. Google says they are closer to 29mm or 31mm rather than 35mm. There is no way to adjust tge length or distance.
But you can invest in mobile lenses and filters to add on to your camera. Or mobile lights for the best lighting.
ISO Tips:
Low light area requires a higher iso
High light area requires a lower iso
If you go too high or too low it will get grainy or come out too dark.
If your white balance is off try to balance it by adding yellow if it is too blue, green if it is too red. Basically the same mindset behind colour correction in makeup.
A trick some photogs use is putting vaseline over the lens for a more dreamy/fuzzy effect.
No. 166456
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>>166455I forgot to mention, the smaller the focal length the more 'zoomed' in the photo becomes and squished the image becomes. There is a big difference between 35mm and 29mm. Pic related for reference. So if you have a 29mm camera it'll look really zoomed in, features will be squished in the frame you may come across as more 'bloated' so to speak. Check out this video for more information: this is an awesome video that explains most of these concepts really well, so you'll learn what to look for to get and produce the best selfies on your phone.
No. 166457
>>166441This… does not happen in any of my photos regardless of what lens I am using or a phone or fucking DSLR… what? I'm so confused right now, like I just compared myself in the mirror to a selfie on my Samsung and my nose looks the same.
Perhaps this is because my nose is pretty small but…. none of the shape of it is different in either photo or in the mirror.
Same thing with webcam pictures…. Although if I fuck up the angle I can look pretty scary.
No. 166458
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I have no idea how to smile or otherwise look okay in a photo. I'm completely unphotogenic in general. Pic related
It's so bad that every time I've done the online dating thing, the guy drops hints about how much better I look in person. Your photos don't do you justice, I didn't think you'd be so cool/lovely, etc etc
No. 166459
>>166458I have the same problem
It's either super awkward and weird looking smile or a straight face that just makes me look boring
No. 166460
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>>166458Same. My boyfriend told me I look depressed and tired in pictures because I smile with my mouth and not my eyes, if that makes sense. I feel really awkward smiling in pictures, so I guess it looks forced as fuck.
No. 166463
>>166462when we look in the mirror our brains 'correct' some of our flaws
photos, depending on the camera lens/lighting, can make you look shitty
so.. probably not as cute as you think, but not as ugly as your pics
No. 166466
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>this thread
No. 166467
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Do any of you use DSLR cameras instead of phone cameras for selfies? Does it help reduce the effect in
Pls help I don't know anything about cameras.
No. 166470
>>166469I did a google search and tips suggest having the camera at least 6-8 feet away
Of course this means you either need a tripod or a mirror 4 feet away. Of course a smartphone will never zoom as nicely as a DLSR
No. 166479
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Anyone know the editing app she uses? I keep seeing people use it but no one ever tells I just want to be smooth please
No. 166482
>>166481No problem Anon.
btw, the camera looks absolutely best when used with natural lighting, so outdoors next to a window, and imo Candy is the best filter and I suspect the one used here
>>166479It has an auto beautifying effect that I often leave switched off because it's a bit too strong for me, I just like the smoothing effects.
No. 166483
>>166451I know this post is 3 months old but I have to reply because THAT WAS LITERALLY ME. I had an S3 for so long and I took a lot of perfectly fine - even great - selfies. I was on a shared plan and someone forcibly upgraded me to the S5 like 2 weeks before the S6 came out (I was waiting) and I didn't take a selfie for a whole year because the distortion was so bad. I'm so glad I don't have it now.
Also, are iPhones really the ideal selfie phones or what?
No. 166488
>>166485I just got an S7, I'll try it out and let you know if it's any better, although I don't think it'll be outright gone. My friend fiddled with it in the store and said the distortion is still there if your face is at the top or bottom, so I think its unavoidable with the wide angle lenses they use nowadays.
>>166486>>166487That is actually an amazing idea, anon! Thank you!