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No. 166393

Who went to an All Girls School? I want some good stories.

Do you believe we should have single-sex education?

No. 166394

My mom went to an all girls Catholic highschool and I always thought it was weird. Mainly because all my friends were boys and I don't make friends easily with girls. That doesn't mean I hate girls. I am just not used to being friends with them.

She never really told me anything interesting save for some girl who refused to bathe who had an identical twin who was very clean and well dressed. It messed up their relationship because the clean twin's friends didn't want to be anywhere near the dirty one.

I don't think I'd enjoy an all girls school. But the option should be open to those who are more comfortable in that environment.

No. 166395

ot but that op pic gave me war flashbacks.

No. 166396>>166397

I am at an all-girls highschool rn, and it's pretty nice actually - You dont feel awkward or embarassed because dah boyz saw your tampons Falling out of your bag or because you farted and you can talk about anything. Really Anything.ANYTHING.

You can just focus on school without feeling stupid because most boys are better at subjects like Maths and physics, you can focus on school without this whole boys-drama that finds place in highschools during puberty.
It's really good - was definetely The right decision for me(UNDERAGE B&)

No. 166397

Only children get embarrassed about tampons and pads. You sound underaged as fuck.

No. 166398

I went to an all girls school, it drove me nuts until I switched to co-ed in year 9.
Teenage girls love cliques and they are hormonal bitches, this works really well for some but sucked ass for me.

When I met up with some of them a few years later they had calmed down a lot.
turns out some of the girls who were mean actually just had big lesbian crushes on me.

No. 166399

i went to an all girls roman catholic school from year 7 to year 13. it was in a middle-class area, and the girls who attended came from middle-class families or families who aspired to be middle-class. it was pretty chill, actually. we had mass at the beginning and end of every term, and carol services outside the library around Christmas. we also had houses which were named after abbeys/churches in England lmao. it was nice because there was a sort of camaraderie when it came to getting enough points for the house cup.

the sex ed was terrible though. we were encouraged to abstain and the teachers only skimmed the subject of safe sex.

the girls were definitely judgy. clothes didn't matter since we had a uniform, but you were definitely judged on your shoes, hair, skin, makeup, etc. also, you do get quite a few awkward girls who just don't know how to function around boys. our school did joint dances with its brother school, the local catholic boys school so it wasn't like we never interacted with boys at all.

personally i loved the experience. i like the long lasting female friendships that formed out of that environment. i'd send my own daughter to a single sex school with no problem.

No. 166400>>166402

Did any of you lick pussy?

No. 166401>>166404

I went to an all girls school and now I'm studying at a women's university.

Im straight, so I went for the education. I've been in female education all my life. Can't say it's all that Intresting.

No. 166402

only when i got paid

No. 166403

I had a big ass crush on a girl in 6th and it lasted 4 years, until I got tired of all the uncomfortable attention from some classmates but the girl I really was ~in love~ didn't gave a fuck about me. I ended up so frustrated that basically beg to my father to put me in a normal, cheaper school. Man I still think about her, I even had my confession all planned back in the day.

No. 166404>>166405

A woman's college? Kek, that must suck
Was it your choice to enroll at a WC?
I was thinking about going back to college, is it a nice environment? (Single sex education)

No. 166405>>166406

I actually sidnt want to enroll in a womens uni but it was the only place I could get into haha

No. 166406

is this school in america

No. 166407

We had an "experiment" in 6th grade at my school, where they separated girls and boys in two different classes.
To be honest, I hated it. It was boring as hell. It's probably because of the "experiment" thing and the fact that we were a mixed school, but we basically did our best to appear "better" and more "well behaved" than the boys' class. So no one ever cracked jokes or whatever. Our grades weren't better by the end of the year either.
I've always been interested in going to women's college though. I'm not sure why, just sounds nice.

No. 166408

I went to a school that was split, girls and boys in seperate buildings, separate gyms, separate dining halls etc. The two rarely mixed, except for end of year dances and such. I don't really have any good stories, just that there was a lot of fake lesbian attention seeking.

Apparently girls do better in single sex education, but boys do worse. Which I can believe as the girls always got far better grades than the boys.

I suppose I'm glad I went to an all girls school because I was a pretty big loser, so at least I didn't have to deal with guys calling me gross/ugly etc. I didn't really start interacting with guys my own age until I'd learnt to do make up and dress properly, so my experiences with them are a lot more positive. I often feel awkward around other girls, I don't know if I'd feel differently if I'd gone to a mixed school.

No. 166409

My highschool class was an all-girls one. 27 girls. Even if you could've seen other boys hanging out in the hallways, a same-sex classroom is weird. There was so much dramu, but this is the funny part

No. 166410

Yeah, since I was 3 years old until I finished highschool. I've basically never had real everyday contact with guys until I got into university. I think it was overall a good experience. Without guys around girls are less competitive and bitchy towards each other. The few "mean" type of girls who wanted to start drama and gossip were usually shunned and no one liked them (they usually came from mixed-gender schools too).
I also noticed it's more common for girls in these schools to choose more "male dominated" careers, maybe because we're kind of sheltered from gender stereotypes and we're not treated differently from guys in the classroom. The downside is that I became super awkward interacting with guys irl (though the guys from the boys-only school have it worse, or so I've heard). We also had a uniform so there was no "omg look at how she's dressed" or clothes-envy drama.

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