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No. 165878

Hi anons. I'm just wondering what are all of you getting for christmas?
I'm getting a docomo popteen cellphone.

No. 165879

hopefully a bf

No. 165880

Preach sis

No. 165881

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I asked my boyfriend for watercolor paints and a sketchbook or something. I was going to buy them myself, but he offered since he didn't know what to get me. I'd really like to get back into making mixed-media art.

…I asked my mom for cheese.

No. 165882

I bought myself tickets to a band I've wanted to see since high school. They left their record label last year when I was in Japan so no tours then… but now they're back and I'm just so excited ugh. It's exactly on Christmas day too!

My dad also texted me telling me he's getting me a Canon Rebel T5 and I'm honestly so, SO grateful and kind of excited for it but I honestly wish he wouldn't because I feel like I'm going to just leave it to gather dust on the shelves. I mentioned wanting a canon camera a couple years back and decided I'd most likely buy it with my own money so the guilt of not using it just lies on myself, but my dad remembered and… :'))))) I have a nice iPhone 6 that I use to snap pretty *~*~*artsy*~*~ photos so my need for a fancy camera went down the drain but I'm so UGHH. I'm so spoiled, I'm so sorry if I'm humblebragging or something but I honestly just feel like shit because I don't want my parents throwing down money on something I know I won't use that often… I told him no but he insists and it's just… I know he's switched jobs recently which means he might end up between jobs sooner or later and I'm so stressed about it lol

sage for blog post

No. 165883

I'm pretty sure I'm getting a PS4 from my Godfamily because they hint at it every time a video game commercial comes on. My Mom commissioned an artist from Russia to paint my dog but idk anything about it (she won't tell me their name because apparently thats a surprise too). I'm also pretty certain I'm getting an iPhone 6, but it's time for an upgrade deal anyways.

My gift to myself is finally giving in to a professional hair color-correction so I can match my natural color. I've been putting it off for far too long.

No. 165884

I hope money…or maybe a new bed.

No. 165885

Since I can afford most things I asked for succulents because people insist on it lol. I also asked for those cat headphones with me pitching in. Every time someone finds out about them on fb they tag me in it so I figured yeah why not, I just broke my headset and I need something with a mic

No. 165886

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It's a secret lol, but I'm hoping from my mum maybe I'll get some of my books for next semester since they cost £125.

For my boyfriend I bought him a new bottle of the Burberry London cologne since it's his favourite scent and he ran out months ago, and the 2014 Goodsmile Racing Miku since he's secretly an adorable weeaboo bitch (£92 though, ouch).

No. 165887

>having a buyfag weeaboo bf
I'm a bit jealous. I have to get all the figures myself, my bf isn't into animu at all. I bought my bf the new vidya game he asked for.
My bf is a poorfag but he already has a present for me, I have absolutley no idea what it is though as I haven't wished for anything.

I'm getting myself some drawing materials, like new sketch books and watercolours, and ink. Shit's expensive so I put it on my xmas wishlist. My mom was too confused on what I wanted, so I just put everything I wanted in the webshop basket. I did, and she told me "Why don't you get some more, we can save on shipping costs!" So to my pleasant surprise I have a big order coming.
My mom is probably happy to finance something more productive than animu plastic butts or clothes, haha.
I might get some books too, because those are sensible gifts as well.
If I'm lucky I might get some money.

No. 165888

I got a beautiful pair of leather shoes for my birthday + christmas, they where 140 euros and my parents can't really put more money into my presents, but I very happy they are gorgeous and I hope they will last.

My grandparents are probably going to give me money. I plan on buying a good pair of dark jeans surely a levis. I don't buy clothes anymore unless they are going to be great lasting pieces.

No. 165889

I'm pretty sure I'm getting a PS4 from my parents which is super exciting. It'll be nice to finally be able to play some current gen games since my laptop can't run anything for shit.

I have no clue what I'm getting from my bf, though. He hasn't asked me anything about what I want or even mentioned going shopping yet. He's really swamped with finals so I don't really blame him, but I'm gonna be pretty butthurt if he doesn't get me some sort of gift lol. So far I've bought him some really nice YSL cologne, but I need to find something else to add to his gift still.

No. 165890


I'm going to kek if Christmas day rolls round and you get to unwrap a Pee.S.4-u! Chinese console clone whilst your parents sit opposite you grinning and waiting for your happy response.

No. 165891

I'm really excited about the present I got for my bf. I bought him a fucking expensive graphics card (Asus ROG Poseidon Platinum GTX 980 Ti)

No. 165892

Dunno, probably perfume. Family can't really do xmas this year due to cut backs and other shit.

I'm more interested in the sales, getting my self latest fucking phone on the market once my student loan comes through in January and a IMAC to go with it!

No. 165893

The michael kors studded backpack. Never had a backpack purse before, and didn't want to invest in a chanel or something until I knew I would use it. I like the idea of it for concerts because I had two concerts completely ruined by drunk fuck bitches spilling their shitty beer on my purse.

The only other thing I know is a lancome makeup set, because I picked it out. The rest is all a surprise, so that will be fun.

I bought myself some new clothes on cyber monday. And some cheap, whore like perfume because it is the best time to buy it.

No. 165894

I bought my boyfriend a $200+ custom jersey for his favorite hockey team. I hate Christmas and if anyone asks I tell them not to get me anything because I won't get anything for them.

But I went all out for the bf because we couldn't do anything for his birthday, he supported me through a lot of shit this year, and this will be the last time for awhile that I have that kind of disposable income. All I want is to make him happy.

No. 165895

I'll probably buy something for myself. I was thinking about a laptop because I've never had one and the computer I use is ten years old, so it's getting difficult for some sites to load and I can't really do anything like streaming with it.

My parents don't really celebrate Christmas anymore (tbh I actually dread it every year because it gets so awkward) so I started getting into online secret santas a few years ago, too. They're a lot of fun to participate in.

No. 165896

While I don't think it was meant to be a Christmas present by any means, my boyfriend bought me plane tickets to visit and spend the holidays with him in Japan. I'm really poorfag at the moment so I'm greatful for the extra time to pick up some cute little things for my friends while I'm there. Bf and I will probably just go out to dinner on actual Christmas though, since we didn't make any solid plans.

I'm not really a "stuff" person and clutter turns me into neurotic mess so I'm kinda glad my family doesn't really do Christmas anymore.

No. 165897

I'm getting some shitty gifts I don't even want, such as dubious chocolate from lidl or maybe some socks.

I on the other hand am expected to buy expensive and nice gifts. Each year I give a little less of a fuck

No. 165898

I'm waiting for a couples pieces of jewelry to back in stock at Artemis Classic to buy myself.. but idk if they will before Christmas :/
Though I believe I'm getting a new hair straightener because my good one petered out a couple weeks ago after four years of use. Other than that, idk.

I've also bought my friends various $20 or less gifts bc we're broke college students… and I also bought my dad one of those leg lamps from A Christmas Story because that movie is a holiday tradition in my family… and the lamp was on sale so I couldn't resist. I need to find something for my mom, though.

No. 165899

I'm building a PC for myself, got my dad a bike, and my mom some korean beauty cream. I'm getting my younger sister some nail polish/body scrubs

No. 165900

Clothes maybe, if im lucky lol

No. 165901

nothing bc my parents are dead and i have no friends

No. 165902

nothing cause i got fired and i can't buy shit for myself rn

No. 165903

Don't really want anything, so nothing. We're not really poor and things are good between me and my parents, I just can't really think of anything useful I want. Maybe cheapo DMMD keychains off ebay but they'd probably ask about what it is and I don't want to explain

I think it's a cute phone, but if I had one like that, I'd mostly use it as a mp3 player/camera etc

No. 165904

i asked my dad for a horse

No. 165905


I'll be your friend anon. :(

No. 165906

A boobjob from my boyfriend and maybe socks and shitty garbage from my family

No. 165907

that's pretty cool

No. 165908

>DMMD keychains
Ayyy good taste

No. 165909


How big u goin'?

No. 165910

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My book grail popped up on Ebay, so that's my Christmas gift to myself. I've been trying for a while to find a copy that didn't cost a fortune but still has the cover intact.

No. 165911


From A to C. I wanted more but I have no boobs now, so the doctor recommended a small teardrop implant under the muscle. Recovery will be a pain in the ass but I hate the round pornstar ones

No. 165912

A new phone. Hopefully a new car.

No. 165913

Nice. Thanks for reminding me of this book, re reading again

No. 165914

Oh boy, you don't even know what kind of pain you're in for. Let us know how getting out of bed feels, anon.

No. 165915

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A bunch Of my friends and I did this, and I died cause I got my boyfriend.
It was super easy got him a really warm hoodie for the ss.

And for Christmas I bought him a really nice knife set, and a few cooking accessories.

For myself all I ever ask for now is either money, or give direct links to art supplies that I need/want. (fucking love/hate being a art student)

No. 165916

Are those 2 sets of buttons on the bottom of the phone?

No. 165917

I want some alone time for Christmas. I would love to have a weekend to myself with the husband the kids out of my hair for a while so I can drink beer and play vidya in my undies. But I will probably just end up getting stuff that was well meaning but not as satisfying.

No. 165918

Shit that's cute as fuck, OP.
No idea what my folks are getting me. I hope it's winter clothes.
I'm so tempted to get those axentwear headphones they're so cute but I've heard that they're kind of shit. I just want a pair of okay headphones to wear when I'm playing New Vegas.

No. 165919

wait, is it really that painful? Im scared to get mind done now :(

No. 165920

Me and bf are both super poorfags, but we got joint gifts, two 2DS's so we can play pokemon together. I think it's super sweet.

No. 165921

This is a good year as I got money to pay off a vacation I took and I think my bf is going to propose.

Presents from my mother are always kind of funny because she doesn't know me at all so I never know what random thing I'll get. Of course I always pretend like I love them but she's so adorably off (for instance, I'm mildly/"mature" goth–I just wear a dark color palette–and often joke about it, but last year she bought me a sparkly white purse).

No. 165922


Yeah, listen to your doctor and don't go higher than a C of you already don't have much breast tissue.

A C is more than enough though. I'm an E now after putting on weight but I was a C 50lbs ago and it was my favourite cup size. I can't wait to get back down to it.

No. 165923

An etimology dictionary
Some english/german/french dictionaries
Money that I'll spend on cocaine and make-up

What cheese(s)?

I'm hoping I'll stuff my face with some nice grana padano there's going to be in the christmas party. I'm the only one in the family who likes it so that shit is all mine, yo

No. 165924


>An etimology dictionary

Some english/german/french dictionaries

Aw wow Anon is obviously educated and true in her pursuit of knowledge

>money that I'll spend on cocaine

wait wat

No. 165925

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My BF is getting a fancy new camera tripod from me, since I lost his a few months ago while we were on vacation and I promised to get him a new one. I'm also going to try to make him a stocking filled with cheesy stuff. He's not from America, and his parents never did christmas, so it's his first time getting even a stocking.

He's getting me some new hand weights, since I'm in need for some 5lbers. He say's he got me something extra, and he's keeping it a secret. I'm thinking it's either a yoga mat, or a pair of yoga pants.

No. 165926

I bet it's a shake weight

No. 165927


I don't know why but your post made me laugh out loud. I fucking love you crazy bitches so much

No. 165928

I want a boyfriend

No. 165929

I got my boyfriend a big bottle of his favorite cologne that he hasn't had in a long time because he was broke, and some socks because his always disappear. No idea what he's getting me, I told him to keep it a surprise lol.
From my parents I'm pretty sure I'm getting the meat grinder attachment for my kitchen aid mixer and probably money.

No. 165930

I know at least a sweater from my bf and gift cards from my family. I can never figure out what to ask for beforehand and it's always after that I realize I need things (socks, sports bras, camera film, makeup, ect) and all presents have been bought. One year I will.
I always forget that secret santas are a thing as well, I really want to participate every year (I love giving gifts) but only remember them when I see others posting their gifts online.

No. 165931

I know my mom got me clothes since I ordered it all (she's not very good at the internet.) I MIGHT get a new laptop since my old one is acting fucky. I got my bf a Charmander onesie and a sweater. I got my bestie Gengar socks and I'm looking into art books for her. The bf's family is getting garbage I pick up at Ross or some shit because they all suck.

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