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File (hide): 1448717061537.jpg (114 KB, 463x699, d.jpg)

No. 165389

Post about your guilty fashion pleasures, those green polka dot shorts you like to wear at home, that three wolves t shirt at the back of your closet, that awkward cyberpunk phase you went through in high school.

Post bad/weird/questionable fashion you like/wear/enjoy etc.

No. 165390>>165393>>165442

File (hide): 1448717400469.jpg (52.86 KB, 700x700, 400923330_061.jpg)

I'll start off.

My bad fashion secret is that I buy all my lingerie off ebay. I buy cheap chinese crap, because there's no way I'm spending 20 quid on a scrap of chiffon. This results in mishaps sometimes, as the clothes can be horribly bad, but it still works out cheaper in the end

No. 165391

When I'm at home I look like a homeless. I wear a black sweater, red polar jacket, with blue and white sweatpants and oysho puppy slippers.
When I was 15 y.o I had an emo phase (LOL)
I also own a fake cartier bracelet but it passes as real, so people asks me. I feel bad when lying so I tell them it's fake, in fact a friend gave it to me after a trip to China.

No. 165392>>165396>>165397>>165410

File (hide): 1448722940269.jpg (211.28 KB, 736x736, 16ed5c971b60e492adcfca86087cce…)

tbh i rlly only wear band merch and american apparel. like i even save a certain amount of money a month just for band merch…yikes @ myself.

but i think classic and sweet lolita is pretty, it's beautiful if it's done right. i wouldn't wear it myself tho.

No. 165393

I get all my "sexy" underwear from Victoria's secret - they give out free panty coupons every month kek

No. 165394

All I wear is jeans, t-shirt/sweatshirt and sneakers

No. 165395

I have a really big shirt with cats on it. I love it but only wear it as housewear

No. 165396>>165415

lol you have awful taste in music

No. 165397>>165411>>165415>>165420

Holy fuck all of those bands are so awful. I can tell you got all of those at Hot Topic. And is pop punk the new music for scene kids instead of metalcore/deathcore now or what?

No. 165398

I really like dressing up when I go out or go into town but as much as I love it I'm super lazy at home and just lay around in white t-shirts and pajama pants all day. I hate wearing jeans in my apartment, it's so uncomfortable to lounge or lie in bed with jeans. I don't get people who can walk around their house in a button up and sweater and long pants and everything when they're just mucking around the house.
I love fashion but I like to go without doing my hair or face or anything at home. Also the perfect time to let your face treatments sit.

No. 165399>>165400>>165401>>165409>>165443>>165504>>165505

File (hide): 1448750078074.jpg (61.87 KB, 500x376, tumblr_n1oskgtFGK1r22xhvo1_500…)

I really want a pair of jelly sandals to pair with some cute socks. My boyfriend says he will divorce me if do tho.

No. 165400>>165401>>165402

They aren't comfortable. I'm a 90's child and they weren't comfy then, they likely aren't now.

No. 165401>>165402

File (hide): 1448750575120.jpg (33.16 KB, 428x571, 2c97e6d006af483e78e945461d7d09…)


I got a pair of these Mel by Melissa macadamia jelly sandals and they were decently comfortable. nothing amazing, but not hell on my feet at least.

No. 165402

File (hide): 1448751198155.jpg (11.21 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg)


Yeah, my feet are super picky about shoes so I'll have to compromise comfort over aesthetic most of the time. I'll probably go for a leather/fake leather counterpart since the jelly shoe trend is pretty much over where I live.

No. 165403>>165404>>165405>>165408>>165412>>165415

File (hide): 1448751377441.jpg (90.57 KB, 700x467, adidas-sandals-trends-tendenci…)

Same fagging here, but can anyone elaborate on what's so appealing about the adidas sandals + socks trend? I'm in a design degree and a girl from my class wore these one day. She's pretty on point most of the time but one day she showed up with a cute skirt and one of these.

No. 165404

It was a weird trend when I was in HS, so it was a big thing early 2000s? I didn't get it either.

Then again, i follow a YT who likes to pair sneakers with bodycon dresses which also confuses me.

No. 165405>>165406>>165407>>165414

This is still a trend? I always thought it was just something lazy guys wore like 10 years ago that's been shamed to hell at this point. Sandals + socks are still mocked around here.

No. 165406


I wouldn't say it's a trend, but I think it's a part of normcore now.

No. 165407

It tends be something you'll see during fall when people don't want to bother with actual shoes. In summer socks and sandals are always a faux-pas.

No. 165408

I've seen teenage boys wear these and a few lazy women who pair them with sweatpants and a t-shirt. People who wear these usually never stop talking about how chill of a person they are and they always call them Nike slippers or Adidas slippers. Avoid anyone wearing these.

No. 165409>>165443

File (hide): 1448757436572.jpg (19.4 KB, 500x375, 33529b35a562ee6ff25ecca2422811…)

I love you anon.
I have a "clear sparkles" pair of jellies and everyone is shocked when I wear it.

No. 165410

me tbh. i like all those cartoons/video game/band t shirts but they're all loungewear casual stuff to wear around the house. im rlly ""normcore"" cause jeans + graphic sweatshirt + sneakers just fit me the best cause i cant bring myself to be all coordinated everyday. applause to those who do.

i love pumps and bodycon dresses and shit and all the glamorous outfits but too lazy.

No. 165411>>165413

>how dare people like music I don't like

No. 165412

It's comfy and stylish.

No. 165413

Sucks to have shit taste.

No. 165414>>165415

I have a ton of anime/manga shirts, the kind that make me wonder why I spend so much buying them because I almost never wear them outside.

Sometimes I wear black socks with sandals but I only do it when I'm wearing pants, I think it looks pretty ridiculous with shorts or white socks.

No. 165415


it's not even my picture, it came up when i googled band merch lol i like death metal but this isn't a music thread so


ugly as hell but forgivable if done by a cute person


i still have a few anime shirts from my weeaboo phase but i couldnt and still cant bring myself to wear them in public

No. 165416

Maybe not "bad" fashion but I keep buying platform shoes and never get the guts to wear them outside. My dream is a pair of Rocking Horses, but after my last purchase (and not haven't worn them outside) I'm just not so sure anymore.

No. 165417>>165421>>165432>>165435>>165473

File (hide): 1448805610862.jpg (115.26 KB, 500x707, b3d9a70e9cebc7b26a33c6f20a816f…)

Shorts and stockings, not these particular stockings, but I think it's a nice way for people who don't have very nice legs to sort of deal with that.

No. 165418>>165419

My fashion is terrible to nonexistent, mostly jeans, t-shirts, sweaters, and boots. I used to be fat and lost a lot of weight, but still kind of chubby and I just don't know how to dress for my body type. I'm afraid people will think I'm trying too hard because I'm still chubby and fashion is for skinny girls and shit, so I just don't bother at all. My clothes are insecurity hold overs from being fat, basically. I'm physically comfortable in what I wear but I see fashionable girls and wish I could pull it off, but when I go to the store and try on similar clothes I feel like a joke. I feel like I need a What Not to Wear type intervention.

No. 165419

Hey anon, I'm in the same boat. I stick with skater dresses and tend to spend a bit more money on well-structured clothes that suit my body type. I also tend to lean towards darker-tones/neutral colours.

No. 165420>>165427

One good god how young are you? Pop punk has been around from the early 2000's, and two who the fuck cares.

No. 165421>>165422

I like shorts+tights as well. When people try to do it with leggings it just looks so fucking bad. You do need decent legs to pull it off as I've seen girls who are at least one week short of squats do it and look dumpy, despite not being fat or anything.

No. 165422>>165423>>165424

non-american here, what is the difference between stockings and leggings?

No. 165423>>165425

Leggings are usually made out of a thicker fabric instead of the see through stuff stockings ( tights/pantyhose)and leggings dont cover your feet, they only go to the ankle

No. 165424>>165425

Also leggings usually have a seam that goes along the inner parts of the leg and if stockings have a seam, it's usually along the back of the leg. I know some places the terms are interchangeable (and when it comes to dance wear they are essentially the same) but when you go shopping in normal stores there is a definite difference.

No. 165425>>165426

Oh! I see! Over here we only use leggings as a term if it doesn't cover the ankle. We have many types of stockings that come in opaque forms and some are even made for winter, which are especially thick, since it gets so cold here.
Do you think those are still acceptable?

No. 165426

You mean wool tights? I suppose so, but I think it's a bit weird to try to wear shorts in winter. Even with tights/stockings. That would be personal preference tho, so if you have thick wool tights and want to pair them with shorts, more power to you.

No. 165427

It's from the 80's, you little shit. And I'm talking about all the newer bands like Neck Deep and Real Friends that scene kids seem to be raving about all of a sudden. Sorry I hurt your feelings just because you have shit taste in music. Get over it.

No. 165428>>165429>>165431

File (hide): 1448828839624.jpg (30.1 KB, 500x437, three_keyboard_cat.jpg)

I have a t shirt like this but without the dots

No. 165429

the dots are seam lines

No. 165430

I have an affinity for early 2000s fashion. It's so embarrassing to admit but I love watching old MTV shows from then and wishing trucker hats/iron on pop culture shirts would be a thing again.

No. 165431

I'm 27, and I am addicted to buying oversized nerdy t-shirts (mostly comics shit, some animu; yes, I am awful). I have amassed a sizable collection. I mostly wear them around the house, but I'll sometimes wear one out, and I feel like a terrible person. Mostly I just like having a huge "t-shirt gallery."

I usually dress like a hobo when I go out, and the second I'm back in my house, I put on pajamas/sweats. I'm really bad at "fashion." I'm sorry.

I'm unemployed right now though, and I do own clothes in which I look presentable - I just have no reason to put them on at the moment.

I love this shirt. I play D&D with a guy who often wears the Three Wolf Moon shirt, and it always cracks me up. I should get one for myself.

No. 165432>>165433

Is this really shameful? I ask because I am clueless about fashion but I thought this was making a comeback at the moment and it was something I might be comfortable trying.

No. 165433

It can come off as tacky to some people since you could just wear a casual skirt instead (or you know, pants.) Again, it's another personality thing. And having decent legs.

No. 165434

I'm 24 and only wear t shirts and jeans, can't give any fucks to try harder.

No. 165435

This has always seemed fine and normal to me. I fucking hate leggings though. They look dumpy to me no matter what they're paired with and god forbid they're worn as is.

No. 165436>>165437

I once won a XXL t-shirt at a convention by LARPing with a bunch of Vampire: The Masquerade folks.
They gave out prizes for who solved the 'mystery' plot quickest and who was best in-character out of the new players, and I won the latter mostly I think because I was wearing lolita at the time.
Anyways, even though I never really played again, and the shirt was WAY too big to fit me, I have a huge soft spot for Vampire the Masquerade because I played the shit out of that computer game they made out of it. It's got a big framed drawing of a spooktified lady on the front and says 'TREMERE', which is kind of funny because by now Tremere aren't even part of the game anymore. Usually I wear it with my punky-goth stuff in the wardrobe and hope that people will assume it's some kind of metal band or something.
But secretly, I dream of the day when someone recognizes the defunct clan name & ousts me as the fucking nerd I am.

No. 165437>>165444

My nigga! I always played as tremere! Id so recognize your shirt anon

No. 165438>>165439>>165440

I'm 30 and I want to buy clothes from the Nightmare Before Christmas from Hot Topics because it reminds me of my childhood. I'm too embarrassed to buy any of it.

No. 165439

>giving a fuck what others think
Stop that and do what you want anon!
But if you feel really insecure, now would be the right season for shopping. Just imagine you're getting a gift for someone.

No. 165440

I'm 28 and continue to wear my NMBC stuff proudly. Hot Topic has decent stuff for it too (and occasionally the Disney store will also.) Also if you want it for kinda cheap, shopping after Xmas/New Years is best. Hot Topic has sales on their clearance pretty regularly so if spending money on it makes you feel bad, try getting it at a bargain instead.

No. 165441>>165445

I mentioned it before in a thread a few months back but I love my cat ears. I don't own the weird weeb like ones, or cosplay ones whatever, I just have a shit ton of head bands with different types of cat ears. My favourite ones are the plain black wire with lace over top of it. Those popular metal ones with the fake diamonds on them are so irritating to wear though,

No. 165442>>165456

Same oh my god. I've gotten some really cute, cheap stuff from ebay, and there's no way in hell I'd waste so much money on a scrap of fabric that's going to get ruined in the bedroom anyways

No. 165443

So fucking cute. My boyfriend hates them too, but they're just so adorable I don't see how anyone can dislike them

No. 165444>>165447

is it weird that i just touched my computer screen and whispered 'BRRROTHERRR' after i read this

although I realize now it probably should have been 'sssisssterrr' since we're on /g/, haha whoops

No. 165445

mannnn, I have a pair of the wrapped black/crystal ones from Urban Outfitters that they sold last halloween and I loved the fuck out of them BUT THEY BROKE
and now I have no idea how to fix them. eugh. maybe I should just buy another pair on ebay.

No. 165446

File (hide): 1449096591564.png (145.13 KB, 294x427, hammer-time.png)

No one can take my harem pants from me.

No. 165447>>165448

Then.. ma sista! seriously, tremere was my favorite clan and I'm just so jazzed to see someone else that likes vampire the masquerade (rare) AND loves the best clan (even rarer!) omg

remember in the game how if you're tremere and you dance in the clubs everyone spreads out away from you? kek me irl

No. 165448

KINDRED. the dancing in bloodlines was so beautifully janky.
ngl I still sometimes dance like that when I attend the local monthly goth night in my city.
Most likely they spread out and away because of my flailing limbs, but that's ok. I like my space and I hate hitting people in the face.
I need to replay that game with the other clans but steam is fucking with me at the moment. Apparently at some point in the past two years when I was inactive, my account got hacked, and now their support team is being really slow to respond to my claims. dangit.

No. 165449>>165450>>165451>>165453

I'm 30 and I just got into the band 21 Pilots, would I seem like a doofus if I bought one of their shirts? I don't know anything anymore

No. 165450>>165454

Get it. There's nothing wrong with 21 Pilots.

No. 165451>>165452>>165454>>165455>>165458

File (hide): 1449259567813.jpg (89.93 KB, 736x981, 3fc4bf156fd3f08a96a9a2ae5d037d…)

Buy it, anon! You'd be a doofus to let what anyone thought about what you wear to stop you from wearing what you want.

Sincerely, someone who wears a DIY tank version of this Britney shirt with goth/industrial hybrid getup (black jacket with unnecessary zips and straps, black skirt, fishnets, knee high Demonia boots w/ red bootlaces etc.) and gives zero fucks.

No. 165452

>The Britney Tour 2001
god tier

No. 165453>>165454

>21 Pilots
wear it with pride. I'm serious

No. 165454

Thanks buds, will do.

No. 165455

this is glorious

No. 165456>>165457

File (hide): 1449500389235.jpg (208.95 KB, 600x600, rk9h2u-i.jpg)

I have a friend that buys all her lingerie from victoria secret and these expensive online stores, where you pay literally 20 quid for a pair of knickers. The quality is seriously comparable to cheap chinese crap from ebay. I wouldn't be surprised if these fancy brands are borderline reselling from china with some alterations

Image related cost me something stupid like 3 quid with free shipping, and the quality is on par with the fancy stuff. It's flimsy chiffon and lace, whether you pay 50 quid or 5

and don't get me started on butt floss/strings

No. 165457


although a lot of stuff IS super cheap from victorias, a lot of it is less cheap looking/feeling than chinese 1 dollar lingerie. I have never spent 60 bucks or whatever at victorias buying lingerie or whatever (and have bought many cheap things from ebay or amazon) but touching the ones at the store they are generally softer/less scratchy.

I do agree some of the flimsier pieces are similar tho

No. 165458>>165459

this britney shirt is lovely. i wish i had a diy tank version of this tbh

No. 165459

No. 165460

File (hide): 1449669641713.png (631.83 KB, 782x544, 1449625228892.png)

This image is from the thread on /b/, but these fucking pants.

I know they are ugly as sin, but they are so forgiving on my short, stubby legs. They are also comfy as fuck.

I just wish they'd make them in other… colors. Like, just flat colors.

No. 165461>>165462>>165464

File (hide): 1449684316571.jpg (106.27 KB, 375x562, Ed-Hardy-Jeans.jpg)

I love trashy Ed Hardy-type outfits. Sparkly, tacky shit with edgy symbols.

No. 165462

Shame Ed Hardy was very 5 years ago thing.

No. 165463>>165467

File (hide): 1449728730429.jpg (72.2 KB, 610x606, i5eux0-l-610x610-jacket-addida…)

I like tumblrcore 'soft grunge' shit style because I'm too use to it and too lazy/dont know how to change.

No. 165464

Love em too, they're so bold

No. 165465

File (hide): 1449764892712.png (807 KB, 614x440, homeless.png)

qt candid of myself wearing my favorite outfit

No. 165466>>165495

File (hide): 1449786264540.jpg (58.42 KB, 461x581, crapppppppppp.jpg)

I fucking love tacky/bright/mismatched/60's inspired stuff

No. 165467>>165468


This is probably my favorite style, not even guilty.

I like being able to throw on some easy clothes and just focus on my hair/makeup.

No. 165468>>165469>>165471>>165483>>165500

File (hide): 1449796803544.jpg (231.4 KB, 825x619, imagen morris Chadwick Tyler00…)

Yeah, it's conducive to utility whilst maintaining some casual style, even if it is pretty basic/common/derivative by now. I've never been fashionably inclined, honestly, so it doesn't really bother me.
I treat my hair the same way, barely even brush these days. I;m shit with makeup application, so I just go for a heroin chic look which is my way of trying to make a disaster look intentional. kek

No. 165469>>165470>>165471>>165472>>165475


Well in a response to that, and in truth I feel horribly guilty about it, but I love heroin chic.

Its never been a popular opinion since yeah, they do all look like druggies or domestic abuse victims. But there's just something about the no-effort look that I have a guilty pleasure for.

No. 165470

I agree with you. I actually really like the heroin chic look.

No. 165471>>165472>>165474

I do appreciate the look on an aesthetic level, but it usually only works in pictures, or maybe in movies - simply in artificial setting where you have tons of people who do your hair, make up, the right lightning, right poses, clothes, retouching, and make sure you always look the desired way. It takes alot of effort to look so effortlessly.

In real life I don't think many people can pull of the heroin look and don't look like actual heroin addicts, unless you look extremly attractive and know exactly what you are doing.

No. 165472>>165475

I like it too but I agree with >>165471 that it's kind of an artificial look. I live in an area with a large heroin problem and the people that are addicts look terrible, even though the younger ones are thin they usually have gross picked-at skin and look very dirty (not really surprising because most of them are poor as shit and blow all their money on drugs)

Maybe it's different in areas where drug users actually have money but I'm just used to seeing the borderline homeless types.

No. 165473>>165474

I'm in the same boat. I don't understand why everyone on the internet hates it so much. I do kind of a metalhead version of this. Black shorts, black stockings, band tee or cute top, and some type of covering like a leather jacket/cardigan/denim jacket/battle vest. Obviously I'm hanging with a different sorts of crowd than a lot of people, but every time I go to concerts strangers will always compliment my look. I sometimes do some variation of this with less black for every day non-metalhead activities and it still works well for me.

It's just really easy.

No. 165474


Definitely. Same goes for a lot of styles you see online or in magazines; they don't often work in reality and are only for media or events.


I used to do a kinda heroin-chic inspired makeup/hair just because it was so minimal. But yeah, that's when I dressed in a similar way to how you mentioned (lots of black and kinda alt. stuff). I pretty much just stick to eyeliner, mascara, and concealer now though.

No. 165475

yeah, I knew you would and everyone else who likes it, too. Usually, alt types who like the soft grunge tumblr shit glamorise the signs of mental/drug/physical abuse (i.e., tumblr posts of heroin chic, drug paraphernalia, self harm, bruises, etc. running rampant). As long as you don't condone/romanticise the actual activities associated with the appearance (rather than the stylised version of the appearance itself), there's no reason to feel guilty. Plus like >>165472 said, real addicts look nothing like editorials, obviously. Running the risk of looking like actual drug users is nigh improbable, barring the naive and sheltered concerns of the uninitiated. The most common thing people will ask is if you're okay/sleep deprived/have been crying, but that happens whether I wear it or not so that anecdata isn't controlled for properly in my experience. Just don;t dress like a school shooter in combination with the heroin

No. 165476>>165477>>165480>>165482>>165511

File (hide): 1449934698460.jpg (10.49 KB, 294x288, 31MAmJwTtDL.jpg)

I wear meme shirts in the house, especially when I'm sewing.
I found pic related in a charity shop near my house and I've never looked back

No. 165477>>165478

Please tell me you also have a fedora and fake neckbeard you wear. Lie to me if you have to.

No. 165478>>165479>>165481

Funny you should mention it, I actually do have a fedora
It keeps my hair out of my face while I'm growing it out (its to short to tie back at the moment)

No. 165479

*too short

No. 165480

i took one look at this pic and burst out laughing omg anon im so done with you

No. 165481

File (hide): 1449981195262.gif (1.9 MB, 312x250, 1446852706994.gif)

I love you.

No. 165482


No. 165483

I love this look too but every time I've tried people have actually handed me their spare change. I'm already waifish looking and discovered that I need to wear something that's put together or I'll look homeless automatically.

No. 165484>>165485>>165486>>165487>>165498

File (hide): 1452647413088.jpg (25.31 KB, 384x449, hmprod.jpg)

These aren't really bad but…

I like to wear men's casual shirts (which hang long on me) with printed tights or a pair of shorts.

There's some Japanese-printed stuff (lounge pants, tees, tunics, sweaters) floating around H&M right now in the men's section, and every time I see it my inner lazy weeb craves it. I'd wear the shit out of it everywhere if I bought any. Maybe next time I go, I will.

No. 165485


I always see the Japanese printed shirts in H&M and I'm always tempted to get one because my degree primary is Japanese but I don't think anybody will understand my ironic memeism and just think I have a penchant for awful weeb sweaters with bad Nihongo.

No. 165486


"the future is here"

>"hurry up"

>"hurry up"
>"hurry up"


No. 165487>>165488>>165493

File (hide): 1452648823437.jpg (60.61 KB, 600x450, Engrish_Shirts_02.jpg)

This is the Western equivalent of those Engrish shirts you see people wearing in Asia.

No. 165488>>165490>>165493

I am extremely interested in these crass Engrish shirts. Where to cop?

No. 165489

I wear leggings so fucking much and Idc if my thighs are still soft ill wear them to the goddamn supermarket.

I'm too lazy to care about my brows as much as I should.

No. 165490>>165492>>165493

sometimes you can end up with engrish shit when you order clothing w/English words from an Asian source. from personal experience, I bought a pair of jean shorts that had a union jack on a pocket and the words 'free hug' on the other (don't judge; they were cute) and ended up with the union jack a pocket that says 'ree hoo'… so, you know…
you can take some chances.
[btw, the sorts were still good quality and fit how they should, so I couldn't really complain aside from the engrish]

No. 165491>>165494>>165497

File (hide): 1452662220790.jpg (13.11 KB, 370x370, i-don-t-care-translation-ringe…)

ausfag here, I like to peruse 'ally' regularly for cute clothes that occasionally pop up.

Curious to know how good/bad the translation is on this tshirt?

No. 165492>>165493

I remember seeing one with like every English swear there is, plus wop and some other stupid one that didn't really fit in with the rest. Might have been the word turtle? And some other ones that were Tourette's word salad, like 'piss shit your auntie fuck'
I'm sure they can be found dirt cheap on some Chinese sites, hell if i know where though.

No. 165493

I have a love for these too. Sadly, the only places I know you can get them for sure are from Japanese stores. Maybe a shopping service could help you out? (ANAP is one of my guilty pleasure brands, they have some whack engrish on some of their items.)

Examples of the kind of shit you see everywhere:

otherwise, probably just what >>165490 and
>>165492 suggested.

No. 165494

It's correct, but it's apathetic way of saying it. Defiant way of saying would be かまうものか

No. 165495

It's funny to see someone that my friend knows on here. So weird. I have to say though, that her fashion taste is indeed pretty bad. It just doesn't translate well in the real world.

No. 165496>>165499>>165522

File (hide): 1452724150116.jpg (68.32 KB, 500x642, z1199-30-20150624_3.jpg)

This was on a dress/tunic I found on Rakuten. I forgot the brand, but I was very tempted to buy it.

No. 165497>>165498

lol, kiki level japanese

No. 165498

oops, meant to quote >>165484

No. 165499

t-thats beautiful anon

No. 165500

I actually really like the heroin chic look myself, but it doesn't really work in a real-life scenario it seems unless you have a little bit of a Courtney Love face.
So long as skin isn't terribly broken out etc. so you don't look like a genuine heroin addict.

No. 165501>>165502>>165503

File (hide): 1452773705189.jpg (816.47 KB, 1454x1282, 7da55573e4883ac40e79c43b2c65b6…)

Everything I like clashes in one way or another or just looks "eh"

No. 165502

I feel ashamed for liking a lot of this. I like to dress in a way that's either way too casualfag or put together tho.

No. 165503

Same. I have two modes, Mana and Shrinkle.

No. 165504

Pretty sure I have those exact ones on the right. My boyfriend hates them too (boys amirite?) but my friend seem to think they're cute.

At first they were super comfy and very cooling on a hot day, but I went on a spontaneous walk around a museum and ended up cutting my feet up. Your feet will stick and sweat and rub, so don't plan on wandering around for too long in them.

No. 165505

I have 3 pairs of these in different colours. I love them and sometimes I wear them with casual sweet lolita

No. 165506>>165507>>165509>>165510>>165516>>165518>>165525

File (hide): 1454514004146.jpg (41.37 KB, 499x750, 1f853a976363682bc7042f4237ad55…)

Pink , fluffy cute clothes

No. 165507>>165510

File (hide): 1454514025499.jpg (2.19 MB, 1950x1350, Chanel-No.3-Hester-and-Chanel-…)

No. 165508

File (hide): 1454514045936.jpg (116.12 KB, 500x749, 1344621975990.jpg)

No. 165509

Ugh, I love this.

No. 165510

Yes definitely. I want an excuse to wear this.

No. 165511

this is fucking normiecore style right here

No. 165512>>165513>>165521

File (hide): 1454533522851.jpg (211.04 KB, 693x1500, 91XpVUebDHL._UL1500_.jpg)

I love the long sort of dresses that a middle aged woman who is really into wicca and cats would wear. Feels nice and kinda dreamy to be out walking with all the soft fabric flowing and fanning out around your legs. But I know the styles I get are not fashionable.

No. 165513>>165514

I love this dress. Where is this from?
I like the same kind of style that you're talking about, the only trouble that I have is keeping a cohesive palette going. My wardrobe is about 60% black/red and 40% muted greens and soft browns and cream/off-white.

No. 165514>>165525

It's a brand called Sakkas, I got it on Amazon lol.
As for color palettes as long as you can build enough outfits in each of the main color schemes in your wardrobe it can be alright. But having one main color palette definitely helps a lot. I used to have that issue so a couple years back I just committed to earth tones

No. 165515

File (hide): 1454544328935.jpg (502.1 KB, 1000x1500, 6DOKIDOKI-Kawaii-Harajuku-Mook…)

This and other than like 2 stores I have no idea where to get it

No. 165516>>165517

Yeees! Scream Queens is always on fucking point. I have a couple of pages bookmarked that have links to some of the clothes that they wear (and lookalikes if the originals are sold out/really expensive.)

No. 165517>>165518

I need to finally start watching that show. What can it be compared to?

No. 165518>>165519>>165520

My wardrobe always jumps from gyaru fashion, to more of a gothic styled gyaru or just hot topic shit, to pink cute stuff like >>165506 everything changes so much and it's always kinda embarrassing and gets normie looks.
Imagine mean girls, but amped up and everyone's getting killed left and right.
It's really funny, and make sure you remember that it's not supposed to be super serious.

No. 165519

I kinda feel you, anon. I can never make up my mind when it comes to clothes. I kind of like everything and my taste changes so fucking sporadically. I used to be super into androgynous, dansou-kind of styles (lots of dark colors, baggy shirts, layers, distressed jeans general fuccboi type stuff) and now I'm finding myself getting attached to Himekaji and ott larme and its the biggest pain in the ass trying to cycle all the black out of my closet. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself lol.

No. 165520

Thank you, anon. I'll check it out!

No. 165521

that could be cute, I hate the seams going down the dress like giant plaits though. It needs a little tweaking

No. 165522>>165525

I like to buy shirts with horrible butchered french in english speaking countries, and then wearing them in french speaking countries. It's very entertaining.

No. 165523>>165524

who's that in op?

No. 165524>>165527

>learn 2 reverse image search

That's Jung Ryeo-Won.

No. 165525

My friend had a carry on bag with random French words on it that translated to stuff like "dirt", "rabbits", "love", etc etc. French people thought it was funny but French Canadians took every opportunity to correct her. She goes to Canada a lot and she takes the bag with her every fucking time.

Sakkas pashminas are my old lady trend. Obviously they're luring us in while we're young.

I love that skirt.

No. 165526>>165538

I always had a fantasy of going to thrift shops and replacing my entire wardrobe with all those old 'team __' and family reunion shirts people get rid of.

No. 165527

was on mobile

No. 165528>>165529>>165530>>165531

File (hide): 1457701624767.jpg (600.15 KB, 900x900, Bliss-Screensaver-Sweater_7af4…)

I'm really into this sweatshirt. I'd never wear it though since it clashes with my aesthetic of dressing like a normal person and is probably not at all figure flattering.

No. 165529>>165547

It's very vaporwave. Guilty pleasure.

No. 165530

Collared shirt and skinny jeans. You'll look really fucking quirky and shit but not horrible. Where is this available?

No. 165531>>165532

Holy shit anon, I think I need this. A+ taste.

No. 165532

Its not anon's taste anon was inspired by becki kek

No. 165533>>165542

File (hide): 1457729659248.jpg (2.03 MB, 1920x2560, I-really-like-sloths.jpg)

I went to find the store for that xp sweatshirt,luckily I found it! That'll be 60$ please


I would buy these (they are from the same store)

No. 165534>>165542

File (hide): 1457731013285.jpg (39.56 KB, 354x400, tmp_5041-britney_spears_in_swe…)

What I actually wear is a far cry from what I actually like. Sometimes, I wish I could throw away every piece of clothing I own and buy an entirely new wardrobe. But, I'm a poorfag and I wouldn't even know what things to buy that would go together. Honestly, though, I have a LONG term boyfriend who loves me when I look shitty, so I could care less about changing my ways. Who am I trying to impress anymore?

No. 165535>>165536>>165539

File (hide): 1457733779532.jpg (50.7 KB, 852x694, thatshirt.JPG)

I LOVE ugly (men's) shirts. They have to at least fit well, though. Unfortunately I have a hard time finding normal men's shirts that fit me properly and you just don't find that kind of thing for women. I'm not looking for ugly blouses, what I want is an androgynous weirdo look. What do I do?

No. 165536

File (hide): 1457733828981.jpg (55.63 KB, 683x673, shirrrrt.JPG)

No. 165537

Bed socks, HUUUUGE band shirts from when I was really fat worn with leggings.
Leggings all the time. Always a messy bum on top if my head. Cartoon character tshirts and grandma sweaters and clunky boots.

I am a disaster and I love it.

No. 165538

I collect bizarre thrift store tshirts. I highly recommend the family reunion ones.
If you're lucky, you come across one of the actual family members since people tend to donate locally.

Pretend to be a family member. Enjoy their struggle.

No. 165539>>165541

Thrift stores are the best place for hideous man shirts.

No. 165540

I wear Hollister skinny jeans..they're comfy and the only ones that fit me nicely.
Is this a fashion crime?

No. 165541

Yeah but none that fit and altering a shirt istn't easy/cheap. Sucks to be female. Even trying to bulk up to fit better inte men's clothes but shit isn't working, would have to go full degenerate and shoot up testosterone lol

No. 165542

I want them all. They look so comfy.
How about a compromise? You could buy a few trashy/weird things you like and rock them around the house. You too can be rehab britney! I believe in you anon <3

No. 165543>>165544>>165546>>165548>>165549

File (hide): 1458424784207.jpg (730.53 KB, 1920x1440, Harajuku_girls,_Tokyo.jpg)

Is this style of Harajuku fashion still a thing? Or is it dead?

No. 165544>>165545>>165548

oh its a thing. in fact the real harajuku fashion walk is overrun by foreigners. its a sad joke

No. 165545

Not that anon, but I can't say I'm surprised. Why is weebism becoming more widespread? It used to be a niche thing you'd get bullied for. Now, everyone is a weeb? I don't get it.

No. 165546>>165548

Local malls, authorities, and partially gawking tourists literally killed Harajuku culture, not weebs.

Basically, they'd tell Harajuku kids to get lost because they they were loitering and they didn't have much a place to go. They put generic stores around Harajuku, shut down unique stores like lolita fashion ones, and basically ruined the most weird and unique homegrown fashion culture in Japan.

It's kind of funny because the rest of the world still thinks Harajuku is amazing, like Nicki and Gwen Stefani. It's an easy way to see if someone has no idea what they're talking about with j-fash these days. Even the Japanese government prides it as a unique thing, but Harajuku is literally dead thanks to them. Laforet is where a lot of interesting j-fash is now.

No. 165547

Vaporwave clothing is my guilty pleasure too, although I don't own any atm.

No. 165548>>165549

File (hide): 1458565950505.jpg (34.34 KB, 736x439, b79e9a7b09fb90d66939e0bd789c21…)

>tfw you'll never get to be part of the cute decora girls in Harajuku at it's peak.

No. 165549

File (hide): 1458566367598.jpg (209.94 KB, 285x392, japanese-schoolgirl-inferno.jp…)

I bought this book "Japanese schoolgirl inferno" when I was 20 (2007) and was always sad that I couldn't be part of them (especially decora) but I don't live in Japan and didn't have the money to go visit there.
It's too late now and part of me is still sad about it, so stupid haha.

No. 165550

I'm still in that awkward cyber punk phase, thank you very much.

No. 165551

I just want to be a metal/punk earthen fairy doll trying to survive in a post apocalyptic world.

Is that so bad?

No. 165552>>165553

Vancouverite reporting in.

Lululemon every day; don't even care.

I love my magic ass pants.

No. 165553

I'm still working on sculpting an ass that I'd be proud to show off in lululemon gear. Goddamn this cellulite. :(

No. 165554>>165555

File (hide): 1462932519893.jpg (140.58 KB, 600x900, A2342-Kuro-Gyaru-Black-Diamond…)

Gyaru all day every day. People stare and some even say I look like a prostitute but I really don't care.

No. 165555>>165556>>165557>>165558>>165559

I've never gotten the appeal of this. I'm not even trying to be rude, I just don't get why anyone would think they look good like that.

No. 165556


It's trailer park mom when she wants to glam up for her abusive husband, but with squinty eyes

No. 165557

I live in Japan and still occasionally see gyaru. They look like transsexual prostitutes.

No. 165558

Sometimes you know you look trashy, but that's part of the fun. I don't do gyaru, but occasionally I go out in red lipstick, a goth tshirt, fishnets, hooker length boots, etc. just because I feel like it. imo if you're self-aware and own the fact that you look like a hoochie it's fine.

No. 165559>>165560

File (hide): 1462939862610.jpg (33.67 KB, 480x643, 12ed0b1f02c708ac98ac34e2a843ee…)

OP here, and because it's just fun to dress up and look wild and sexy. I do it just for myself tbh, just because like the other person said, I look trashy but I personally like the look of it and have fun doing it. The whole start of gyaru was to go against beauty standards, so yeah.

That being said I've also always looked up to "trashy" girls, like Paris Hilton and stuff. It's just what I like, along with goth fashion and stuff, people like their own things.

No. 165560>>165561

Other anon here, and I'm in love with this look. I was veeeeery close to buying garter style leggings just like that. If I weren't a grown-ass adult, I'd wear this style all the time.

No. 165561>>165562>>165563

File (hide): 1462941925670.jpg (37.04 KB, 339x720, large.jpg)

Agreed. Goshikku gyaru is just so damn good. Too bad it's even flashier than regular gyaru and gets way more stares.

No. 165562>>165563

Really? I'd think it just passes as another goth/punk look if you're in a big city where people are used to crazy fashions.

Anon, if I break out the ratty old Joy Division dress I DIYed as a teenager and my old ho stockings tomorrow, it's your fault.

No. 165563>>165564

this. just went to a show and saw girls dressed just like this, but better.

No. 165564

It wouldn't happen to be the babymetal show, would it?

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