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No. 164827

All that discussion in Kate and Choke's threads led me to open that new thread to avoid derailing.

Please discuss wig for fashion oriented topics here. Questions relative to cosplay should better go on the wig thread of cgl.

I'll start: can we do a recap of good wig stores with high quality wigs for daily wear? I have a few wigs from lockshop that more or less suck and want new ones.

No. 164828>>164830>>164833

I've got 2 wigs I've never worn. Anyone got any idea on what to do with them? Who buys wigs anyway? Do I have a chance of selling them and for what price? Less than half of what I paid for them or…? No idea. These things have been lying around here for years now.

No. 164829

Why the hell do you need a wig for daily wear? Are you balding? Black? What's the problem?

No. 164830>>164837

The only use for me is hiding my identity/spicing things up in the bedroom. Might also be nice for halloween or if you're balding.

No. 164831>>164832

Honestly if you're going to wear it daily I recommend getting a human hair wig. There are some really nice synthetic ones (cyperous is top of the line for me) but they all have short shelf lives. I wear wigs daily but they're all human hair or human hair blends. I just get so annoyed with how often I have to get new synthetic wigs because they die all the thyme

No. 164832


Wtf. Time**

No. 164833>>164834

File (hide): 1447514873139.png (627.42 KB, 2248x760, geishadarkmoon2.PNG)

there's a bunch of con-artist stores operating on Instagram in particular.
Selling Aliexpress/eBay wigs for a minimum of 3 times the original price.
Geisha Wigs is a terrific example of this.

Pic related.

Don't be that Anon, Anon.

No. 164834>>164841

File (hide): 1447515011223.png (849.12 KB, 2288x812, geishajoker.PNG)

Wrong pic, this one.

No. 164835>>164836

Has anyone bought from Lockship wigs recently? People say they're awful and the wefts show on top of a lot of shedding. I keep seeing the shedding comment for Lockship wigs in particular.
Also, a review of Gothic Lolita wigs, if anyone has one. Kek. I wish I knew what it was about lolita wig shops and being the center of stupid drama.

No. 164836

*Lockshop, not lockship, phone.

No. 164837

They're not shitty wigs, though. Both cost over 60$.

No. 164838

Can anyone recommend some good wig sellers on eBay/Amazon? I found a wig that was the perfect color and length for a cosplay I wanna do but I'm scared it'll show up and be super thin like all the other wigs I've bought before.

No. 164839>>164840

My hairline is thinning and sucks butt, is there such thing as convincing clip in bangs?

No. 164840

There are! I use clip in bangs because I have a hairline cowlick right in the middle of my forehead and it makes having bangs a bitch because my hair refuses to lay down, so I just keep my hair long, push it to the side and clip some bangs in. Super easy.

No. 164841

kek. I almost admire the people making money from this.

No. 164842>>164843

I was thinking about getting a wig to let my hair heal and to mix up my hair since im addicted to hair dye. I would only wear one to go out somewhere for night life, not a run to target.
Are wigs really noticeable? I was thinking about this onehttp://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B014KQDCE0/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1448217991&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=synthetic+lace+front+wigs+blonde&dpPl=1&dpID=412GyQVp4lL&ref=plSrch

No. 164843

>dropping links to images on an image board

Y'all gotta stop doing this. JFC just post the pic. /vent

As long as your real hair isn't poking out and the wig isn't sliding off your head/one of those cheap, shitty party city wigs, most people will assume it's your real hair, especially strangers. More often than not if they ask, they'll say "is that your real hair?" And not "is that a wig?". Even if it's an unnatural color.

Last year for a con I had to go get something from a store, I changed out of my cosplay (Asuka from EVA) but I kept my wig on with the interface clips in (I went with a more natural red-brown color instead of orange) because I was just gonna go right back anyway. The cashier at the store said my hair looked really healthy and she liked my "barrettes" (lol).

As long as you buy a good wig you should be fine.

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