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No. 164816

Anyone have experience with having a Storenvy shop? I"m thinking of being a Taobao reseller to earn a little cash on the side

No. 164817

Is it even worth it? Personally one they stopped accepting Paypal I never bought from a Storenvy ever again.

No. 164818

is being a taobao reseller even profitable anymore? most all sell the same things, and people can find things cheaper on aliexpress.

most of the prices i've seen storenvy resellers have are ridiculously high for the not-so-great quality you are getting.

No. 164819

They have started to accept PayPal again tho, obviously they noticed that sellers and customers weren't pleased.

I never buy from TaoBao resellers but they have some sellers that have vintage clothing and handmade things which I like.

No. 164820

Iono if this is related but what online shops do u guys use? I need something new

No. 164821

I'd like to sell some clothes (t-shirts leggings etc) with my own prints on Storenvy but IDK if it's really a good idea if you're not already tumblr famous or something

No. 164822

I'm trying to get into selling on Depop, but I've never sold online before and don't know how the PP fees work for sellers.

No. 164823

Be prepared to pay more than you expected in fees and shipping.

No. 164824

Shit, yeah? That's what I'm afraid of. I'm not selling anything worth much and I don't want to make zero profit just because I'm selling an item for $10.

No. 164825

I plan on making the markup smaller

They started accepting paypal again

No. 164826

Unless you are selling vast quantities of items for $10 it won't be worth it. you'll probably end up making about $7.50 per item. Which is fine, better than nothing, but you just have to ask if it's worth the effort.

The only time I ever sell anything for that low online is if it's a special item I would rather send to someone who would appreciate it than drop it off at goodwill.

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