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File: 1446487355004.png (56.51 KB, 300x422, Screen Shot 2015-11-02 at 12.0…)

No. 164435

do any of you guys go on dates with weird guys just so you can get free dinner? that's what i'm doing tonight.

i really wanted an excuse to share these creepy text messages i got.

No. 164436

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No. 164437


and this guy talks the exact same way in real life. it is so weird.

No. 164438

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No. 164439

>into lolita
>calls others creepy and weird


No. 164440

You're a horrible person

No. 164441

Sounds like some autistic guy I know, but you're still a cunt for leading him on.

No. 164442

No, that is stupid and dangerous. I can afford my own goddamn food too.

No. 164443

They're gonna stalk you OP-chan, I've been down that road before

No. 164444


I would have been pissed if he seemed like a genuinely good guy but weak-winded, utterly socially oblivious people like this deserve to be manipulated because it's the only function they can serve to society.

No. 164445

Fuck off. Just because he's socially awkward doesn't mean he deserves to be manipulated. OP is just a cunt.

No. 164446

It's okay to be socially awkward so long as you are aware of it. If he were just acting shy, then it would be wrong to manipulate him. But sending out paragraphs of text without a reply just reeks of not being self-aware at all. These types of people just spend their entire lives being used by person after person, blaming patriarchy or hypergamy or whatever, instead of fixing themselves. Most are lost causes. They shouldn't be pitied, they should feel lucky that they live in a time where this behavior doesn't cost them their lives.

No. 164447

this so much

No. 164448

Same. I've learned to always use a Google Voice number and never give out any of your social media if you're going to do this.

No. 164449

This is an /r9k/ troll right?

No. 164450

That's a good idea! Well, I'm ready for anything to happen. At least I got the free food. lmao

And idk why everyone is being so morally upright here. This is a board founded on making fun of people. idk, I've bought people food when they've approached me on the street and looked like they needed help. Whatever.

No. 164451

>go on date with creepy sexually frustrated virgin for free food
>whine about getting raped later

Food isn't even that expensive and if you are that desperate to get free greasy restaurant food you are probably a fattie.

No. 164452

Well, you're in the right place as you sound like a stupid lolcow.

No. 164453

Kill yourself

No. 164454

Get a girlfriend, /r9k/-kun.

No. 164455

ITT: Reverse /r9k/
No matter how you try and spin it, taking advantage of people makes you a shit person.

No. 164456

ehn. just make him take you somewhere nice. consider it a test run.
it's not taking advantage of him if you tell yourself that you're open to the idea of dating and he just completely blows it.
at the end of the night, if it doesn't work out, just kindly tell him that you don't think that you two are compatible personality-wise and let's just be ~friends~.
you're not forcing him to take you out on a date, he's just desperate for your approval. try to be nice to him, at least. these dates are probably the closest he's ever going to get to going steady with a semi-attractive girl.
also sometimes they bring you gifts.

No. 164457

I don't go on any dates because I find all guys creepy.

No. 164458

This. Maybe walls of text is wrong, but there's nothing creepy about not knowing lolita.

No. 164459

The guy didn't know what Lolita the book was either.

No. 164460

he acts weird and creepy, but that doesn't mean you should exploit them

No. 164461

Talking online has changed dating. I was born right into the peak of technology, so by the time I was 17, I was able to chat with people on AIM/Yahoo messenger and if someone gave me the creeps, I'd stop talking to them. I met my now wife in person, but we kept in touch through skype every night. I think that there's no need for creepy dates since it's easier to weed them all out now.

No. 164462

Do you want to end up in a suitcase under a bridge? Because this is how you end up in a suitcase under a bridge.

No. 164463

>bumping a month old bait thread
go away

No. 164464

Not bait. Just mental retardation.

No. 164465

not cold enough tbh, manipulating people like this still grants them a place in society, they should just not because it sets an example

No. 164466

Me too anon.

No. 164467

What's it like to be a coward?

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