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No. 1622345
You probably are not alone in your opinion.
>adhere to site and board rules>do not respond to bait>report and ignore trolls or obvious maleposters instead of replying like an idiot Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1598175 No. 1622351
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He’s ugly and annoying. Miguel is alright but I don’t think he’s THAT cute either. I think fanartists draw him better than he actually looks.
No. 1622371
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Sims 4 looks worse than Sims 3.
No. 1622535
>>1622530Everyone actively tries to gaslight women into not wanting physically attractive scrotes. You see how scrotes get mad about height, as if they don't offer their unwanted attention about who they do and do not want to sex or date all the time. Even some women do it, will praise any misshapen scrote for losing weight or call ugly scrotes like Lil Baby ugly cute, while spending hours online discussing what woman can pull what type of man, or who can secure a rich man, or all that dumb shit.
People actively try to push to us not to want in shape handsome tall men, while everyone never shuts up about what fat, or unattractive (to them) women deserve in a spouse. I'm drunk but I'm very annoyed. Gay men are allowed to be superficial and work hard to look good for eachother. Plus there's legit people so use to dealing with dirty scrotes who thinks a man who cares for his appearance is gay because so many scrotes rock shit in their asses or dirt under their fingers.
No. 1622689
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>>1622643no, you will not drakepost about reviewah, fuck you
No. 1622722
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actual skin looks better than foundation 99% of the time unless it’s a grotesque man with beard remnants and harsh skin, foundation is absolutely useless
No. 1622724
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>>1622722Foundation is pointless for people with really bad skin. For people with perfect skin it just enhances their beauty. The reality makeup does look nice but you need to have perfect skin to begin with. Trying to cover up acne, wrinkles etc with makeup is a waste of time.
No. 1622737
>>1622351Yes he’s hideous, I thought he was 40 when I saw him, so the bits of Miles being sus about Gwen being at his house and wearing his shoes was weird
He is not funny or cool at all and I was sad to see people loving him when I went online after watching the movie
No. 1622741
>>1622411>tell them to quit watching pornBoyfriend already doesn’t watch porn and one time when I was drunk and hypersexual and suggested we watch some porn together he was disgusted and was like absolutely not, ew.
>calling women he dislikes bitchescurrently he’s only allowed to call his mom a bitch (cause she is a bitch and literally is a murderer, don’t come for me)
>asking for kinky sexHe actually prefers super vanilla slow sex and I’m the one who asks for degenerate shit sometimes.
No. 1622765
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>>1622747>>1622759I always knew she’d been convicted of manslaughter DUI (as her third DUI) but recently found an old investigative journalism article about the whole ordeal and was utterly sickened. She has and had 0 remorse, she blames the person she killed for being outside, she still drinks, she served no time in prison ever because her parents are rich and she pretty much got away Scott free. SHE BLEW 3.5X THE LEGAL LIMIT.
Boyfriend remembers her having him blow into the breathalyzer that she had attached to her car engine to get it to start because she never stopped drinking and driving even with her kids in the car. Also unrelated to the murder but she left my partner alone with a friend of hers who had tuberculosis and was offended when people told her not to leave a baby with a random moid with TB.
No. 1622769
>>1622411Radfems are right about pretty much everything, and I respect those who actually walk the walk, but I also feel pessimistic about the state of feminism/women's rights these days (I believe libfems are fucking everything up, and that we, as women, struggle too much over our differences to accomplish the unity we need). I'd feel dumb calling myself a radfem because I know my life doesn't reflect the principles, and I'm not in a place where I can make it do that and not lose everything.
This is why I don't call myself by any political ideology in general. I live individualistically, pick my battles and poke holes in some of the particularly dumb bullshit I see. I kind of wish more women who agree with radfems but live out a decidedly non-radfem life would do the same. It's okay to want radfems to win, doesn't mean you're ready to be one. It's not something you can do "choice feminism" on and just call yourself while doing nothing like the liberal feminist stuff. They could at least take baby steps, but so many don't. It's annoying.
No. 1622941
>>1622857This one never fails to get me “actually sex
is a need!” so you agree? Moids are right then?
No. 1622947
>>1622857>for many it is too strong of a needNow this is just pathetic, most women don't even cum cause men are incredibly bad at sex
>Inb4 intimacy!!Men aren't capable of emotion, they just larp it to get sex from you
No. 1622959
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>>1622941>>sex is a needI blame pic rel. unpopular opinion, nearly all of the 'needs' in pic rel are actually desires.
No. 1622981
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not that unpopular i guess but so many people call themselves "radfems" and pretend to care about women but when you really listen you know they don't give a fuck about women at all and are just using the label and what they've read as an excuse to be racist as fuck ( towards and against women ) under the guise of "protecting women". same goes for misogyny, they just change up the script what they've memorized. they don't actually give a fuck at all about women being brutalized they just use that as a shield for whatever abhorrent shit they want to say. same with "gender critical" they literally couldn't give less of a fuck about how the ideology hurts women if you look at how they talk about them, they're not even gender critical at all the way they criticize masculine women and talk about them, i doubt they're even feminists at all imo they're sounding to me more like reactionaries. ironically they're exactly the type they make fun of for "faking identities" so maybe that comes from a place of vitriolic projection and insecurity but i think they just want an excuse to be omg shock so le edgy blackpilled!!!!!
No. 1623128
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I don't feel much nostalgia for the 2000s when teenagers would spend a lot of time hanging out at malls. The whole environment of the mall is about consooming which isn't good to spend so much time in. It's better for teens to hang out outside or at each other's houses.
No. 1623159
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Superstition is the last album with good songs by The Birthday Massacre. Idk what happened but their last few albums are fucking boring, the only song that sounds like their old stuff is Counterpane.
No. 1623160
>>1623128>>1623149Maybe I was just autistic or something but I just tried to remember what this was like when I was a teen and realized that I don't know because I barely ever spent time hanging out with other teens at all. I did have friends but I would just socialize with them at school and that felt like enough to satisfy my social needs, I always preferred to chill on my own after school. The only times I ever hung out with a group of others was at specific events or birthday parties.
I've always seen a lot of groups of teens hanging out at parks though, that seems to be just as popular now as it was in the 00s and 10s. The only difference is that half of them are on their phones now lol, I don't want to sound like a boomer and obviously it's not the only thing they're doing but it is very noticeable.
No. 1623182
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>>1623159Okay I take back what I said, Diamonds as an album is actually pretty good. Fascination is underwhelming though, sorry TBM. I miss heavy rock TBM.
No. 1623204
>>1623187Kek this. I read that post and went, "who in their right mind would think that pyramid is encouraging incels?"
It's obvious that it says the things at the bottom are the most important
No. 1623234
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"Spoilerphobics" are whiny fucks, these people get catered to way too much. What do you mean I have to tag spoilers for a something that ended before you were born? Why do you even go online to discuss this show if you are the impressionable type whose experience gets ruined due to exposure to spoilers? picrel indeed.
No. 1623257
>>1623243>>1623242Yeah sorry, I've seen this pic before many times (not sure if this exact one or other versions) but somehow completely forgot about sex being at the bottom, I only remembered the other things such as food and water because every time I saw it, it was being used to argue for food/water/shelter being the most important. I take back what I said kek, that's pretty fucked up sorry.
Though I don't know why there's sex and then there's sexual intimacy above. Maybe the former meant reproduction or something like that? It seems baffling to me. I just found other versions that leave sex out altogether or replace it with reproduction. It looks like
>Maslow himself acknowledged that the satisfaction of sexual desire was likely linked to other social motives as wellBut we can all agree that sex isn't necessary for your own survival so it's retarded to put it at the bottom.
No. 1623305
>>1623194Most bisexual (biological) men I've met are barely bi, they have a really heavy preference for women.
FtM troons also heavily prefer men when they're bi.
No. 1623318
>>1623310I would say it's a male too but there are multiple,
particular anons on here who are kinda obsessed with bisexuals.
No. 1623885
>>1623881I think most cases of depression would be solved by giving depressed people money.
>t. Someone whose depression went into remission when I got a hefty lawsuit settlement kek My anxiety/panic disorder is still off the charts bad, though. So bad it’s given my chronic tachycardia. ADHD and PTSD also still extremely difficult to deal with. But depression? Nope, I’m not a sad sack now that I have money that I didn’t have to break my back and waste all my waking hours to get.
No. 1623889
>>1623883I don't mean all cases of depression. Of course some people do genuinely have the mental illness. But I know far too many people with awful lifestyles who complain about muh depresshun without changing a single thing. It's like people who get nervous about completely normal things to be nervous about, and then self-diagnose themselves with an anxiety disorder. Low moods and anxiety can happen without it being a mental illness.
>>1623885Agreed. I grew up a poorfag and when I started making substantial money it was crazy how much better life got. People who tell you money can't buy happiness are delusional.
No. 1623940
>>1623901Nta but to me, the issue of volunteering as a depressed person would be that while you’re helping people/animals as much as you can, it’s still depressing when you see the ugly things of life.
Like trying to save a kitten and then knowing it died even though everyone did their best, or helping some old people by cooking a warm meal and knowing that that’s all you can do because that person’s family pays for their stay at the retirement home because they can’t pay for some surgery or treatment.
I’ve seen those things while volunteering, I don’t consider myself a depressed person but if that can make someone healthy cry and feel like there’s no hope other than trying to help yourself and your family as much as you can, then I can’t even begin to imagine how it would make a depressed person spiral.
No. 1623978
>>1623670This is unironically true. There was literally a video of an immigrant going around and stabbing children in France.
I'm so sick of people from the Middle East. I hope we all go to war and we send the immigrants as conscripts so we can fucking get rid of them.
(racebaiting) No. 1624017
>>1623859People always praise asian cultures for looking out for one another, but then people who marry into an asian family get butthurt when they're asked to fork out $80 per week to pay for their nephew's medical school costs.
That said, childfree individualists are absolutely giga-coping with how terrible old age is without a family.
No. 1624046
>>1624033The mods will shit up any thread with "sage your shit" which actually makes threads way worse. Imagine "cleaning" up the internet for free and shitting it up even more in the process.
Maybe do something with your free time? Tranny.
No. 1624136
>>1624062I sort of agree but I don't think it's only about attractiveness, more just in general it takes time for women to truly see the situation they're in, I feel like all younger women of all attractiveness lean towards pickmeism
Example, I saw a tiktok yesterday where two attractive women are sitting on a mountain in their sleeping bags eating a snack after climbing up said mountain. Off camera some strange guy asked them "politely" to gtfo so he could take a photo in the spot they were sitting. Due to being young and agreeable and also alone on a mountain with a strange man making demands, they both got up straight away but one of them took slightly longer to get up and ate another bite of her food before doing so. The comments are FULL of pickme bitches who not only don't see the problem with this man bullying these women on a mountaintop, (taking advantage of the fact they were alone, young and agreeable, bet he wouldn't have asked them to move were it two men) the idiots in the comments had issue with the 2 extra seconds she took before bowing to his demands and said she was a bitch, had an attitude etc. I fucking zoomed in on her face and she had a pleasant, friendly expression. The other girl was in the comments saying what a nice guy this strange man was and how they lent him their battery pack and whatever, literally being bullied by and doting on some strange fucking man on a mountain due to "female socialisation".
Pickmes stay losing but in general younger women think bowing to male demands and being "good girls" is how you succeed in life. Eventually all women realise this is actually how you get used and abused, but tl;dr I agree it takes longer for prettier and younger women to see the truth.
No. 1624373
>>1624369You can be straight/bisexual and never/not want to date men, nothing wrong with that
Lesbians aren't attracted to males so they wouldn't do anything romantic or sexual with them, it's a literal incapacity
No. 1624385
>>1624371It's so easy. Eat meat, eggs, dairy if you're not lactose intolerant, fish, vegetables, fruits, beans, and seeds/nuts. There, you're satiated and getting all your vitamins, nutrients, protein, and antioxidants. Done.
No. 1624407
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The concept of pretty privilege is a psyop against women.
No. 1624453
>>1624407I hate this so much. Fucking Americans it's your fault. All women have to go through shit. Stacy isn't free from harassment, abuse, and ridicule from males and society just for being pretty. It's division tactics to shift the blame onto women again.
Everybody has privilege over someone else in some way. If you're going to make an argument about pretty privilege, then you'd have to include all the other kinds of privilege to be fair. Then it turns into an endless pity party and finger pointing.
No. 1624454
>>1624453I think it’s delusional to say pretty privilege doesn’t exist just because all women go through gender based discrimination. That’s like saying white women don’t get treated better than
poc women just because they are both women. Two things can be true at once…pretty privilege can still exist but that doesn’t mean that pretty privilege will protect you against all sex based discrimination.
No. 1624471
>>1624462See this is why I hate this shit. It makes people say the most absurd claims. Here you go hating on women and claiming that "nu-uh men only attack the ugly ones!! Only attractive men creep on you so you're privileged!!".
Men don't fucking care all women get treated like shit. Stop trying to target a specific group of women, stop falling for division tactics.
>>1624464Living in real life is acknowledging that there isn't a specific group of women that get 100% better treatment. Pretty women go through hardships and issues just like you. You will have advantages in life that they won't. Being pretty is not the only factor that affects how life treats you.
No. 1624487
>>1624478I am this anon
>>1624412 it doesn't matter how pretty you are, people can smell if you're socially retarded and don't have the same charisma they do. Especially mean, cliquish, backstabbing popular girls (read: female sociopaths) who can immediately identify autists and get off on subtly humiliating them. Looks will not and never will save anyone, other anons in this thread talking about being attractive as a target on woman's back is true in most situations, like how attractive women were more likely to be kidnapped and prostituted as comfort women during WWII
No. 1624522
>>1624504Salad cream? You mean
dressing, you goddamn animal?
No. 1624559
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>>1624509it is actually called salad cream dumbass
No. 1624562
know it's called salad cream, dunce. I'm saying to stop calling it that.
No. 1624577
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I think this tradwoman is cute. It's a shame about her beliefs tho (if she really believes in them)
No. 1624656
>>1624610I have to agree. Pearl is definitely more entertaining.
>>1624615She is! It honestly just seems like a LARP to me like all other tradwomen discussed in the thread. Anons tend to shit on her looks more for whatever reason.
No. 1624673
>>1624610I saw someone say that the lady looks like a troon, I had to fight the urge to not make a comment like, "Can you fuck off?" her looks aren't the issue. She's very cute or average, she doesn't look like a man. I'm sure she does something that makes her a cow, but it's not her face.
>>1624656That Pearl lady pisses me off. I think she's in that thread trying to blend in defending herself. Kinda like i feel that Kai scrote is in that commentary thread white knighting or downplaying shit.
No. 1624711
>>1624675You just reminded me of so many times women have went out there way to remind me i'm ugly or talk about me, yet everyone treats ugly or fat men like people. They aren't mocked endlessly and if they are it's done in a way thats jokey. Everyone hates ugly and/or fat women to a irrational degree. I've even had pretty women make rude comments about my looks, when it made no sense. You are pretty, it can't be a bout male attention, you get it. It can't be me being some threat, no it's just me existing as a ugly woman.
Showing my face at all.
With all that said, at least this shit from women just hurts mentally, men will literally kill me for being ugly or harass me if given the chance or situation. Men will get into relationships with doormat women who aren't their type or they can't "Do better" in looks, and purposely make these women life hell. Doesn't matter how ugly he is.
No. 1624725
>>1624713I see videos like that all the time. No, they don't. Tiktok is normie social media to everybody is nice and tells her she's beautiful.
The only ones who shit on them are men, but they shit on everybody.
No. 1624754
>>1624468>More dating options isn’t real either because scrotes are still shit.Literally, wow 1000 shit men want to utilise my resources and give me nothing back, I am so lucky!!
>>1624734There are literal tiktok trends mocking specific posters for some positive thing they said about their hair or face or w/e, you're only ever allowed to be "beautiful but I don't know it" on social media. Any post with a pretty woman shitting on her personality/behaviour/feelings will be full of people agreeing and relating, actually saying something positive about yourself is a sin tho
No. 1624769
>>1624675Yes it does. I've never been conventionally gorgeous or even wear makeup, but I have a small, cute face and I have gotten extremely nice treatment from many people throughout my life and literally get better treatment than my wife. She hates going into places without me because the clerks will literally be rude to her if I'm not there and it kills me. I'm not even pretty, I would describe myself as cute.
I agree with you btw that women who aren't conventionally attractive get shat on by everyone and I think it's very shitty. The only people we should shit on are moids
No. 1624882
>>1624855Agreed within reason, if you aren't actually in a relationship and are just talking on dating apps or whatever it's appropriate. Just take it for the clear rejection it is, why do you need them to explain themselves? To give you a chance to guilt or argue them into sticking around? Men always do that if you try to politely reject them, they hate being ghosted because they aren't getting an opportunity to manipulate you.
I'd also rather be ghosted than subjected to an upsetting justification about why someone lost interest in me. I had a female friend ghost me and I intentionally never chased her for an explanation. It hurt but only very vaguely- I never knew the reason, so I never had to feel insulted or insecure over anything specific.
No. 1625262
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did not like this faggot at all until the end of the movie when he saves the baby. And even then I didn't really like him.
No. 1625320
>>1625316Not only that, there were some creepy, incestuous bits that she kept trying to push for being written into her Netflix show that didn't see the light of day, according to an assistant of hers at the time that was working on the show.
>April also says that Colleen allegedly asked writers to work in storylines in which Miranda and her uncle Jim would be caught in compromising positions or stomach-churning moments of intimacy that could always be easily explained away by a clueless Miranda. It was my responsibility to write down every single one of these pitches, schedule calls to look at mockups of The Daddy Saddle [a prop that Miranda would use to ride on her uncle's back] that would be featured on the show, and mark points in the script where Colleen thought we could make Uncle Jim even more ‘rapey,’” April claims. “It all felt deeply wrong — she would show us photos of the packed rows of smiling children who had attended her show the night before, and in the same breath, spend hours trying to think of a way to show Miranda and Uncle Jim all but having actual sex on screen.”Like, this bitch is seriously unhinged. If it were a one-off thing that might be understandable, but it's cringey, forced shock value humor. Not sure if this was already mentioned in the thread because I stopped scrolling up after some of the shit I saw them trying to defend.
No. 1625344
>>1625320Man I'm starting to buy into the Colleen was SA by her uncle and is now repeating the cycle tinfoil because… This is weird. And I'm glad most farmers see shit how I do.
>>1625328Colleen is the real name of that awful Miranda sings persona and Adam was one of her fans who was in a group chat with her while he was a minor. She had him lurk gossip forums for her and she sent him a bra and panty set in the mail as a "joke"
No. 1625350
>>1625340What age is Adam? He was pretty active as a drama channel during Frenemies.
Does he have association with jefree star or Shane Dawson they're known to give money to small channels to promote drama like that fat faggot lux or something.
I don't know much about Colleen if she's the freak that does mirinda sings I've never watched her content because I thought it was for autists and retards I thought she was the female Fred. If she's got group chats with minors that's weird if she talks sexually with minors that's fucking weird. She doesn't have to have sex with minors to be a groomer there are other nefarious reasons someone would target minors. Parasocial fan bases provide stupid amounts of money. Plus we've saw cows many times use their deluded fans to go do recon missions for them on social media like DMing people, stirring the pot.
No. 1625409
>>1625399Being pretty is only really a privilege if you have other more important ones to go along with it. Like being wealthy and not a
POC. Otherwise it mainly puts a target on your back for all sorts of weirdos.
No. 1625471
>>1625443Being a pretty
POC just means you'll get the occasional white pickmes who will treat you badly, try to undercut you and project strange attitudes onto you, like accusing you thinking you're "better" than them or sneak insulting you or outright trying to sabotage you. Also, a certain brand of scrotes will fetishize you, and you'll get gaslit if you try to call them on it, and the inceloid ones will try to racially abuse you if you reject them.
No. 1625493
>>1625486I've never been diagnosed with autism but I just figured there's something off about me.
Bullying for me stepped up a notch after my awkward puberty stage. I was bullied pretty bad towards the end of highschool by the "popular" girls who use to be my friends lol. I've been picked on in the workplace by coworkers or management, even when I'm a high performing worker. I thought it was due to the work and went back to uni to get my masters but same shit at different levels. Walked into a lunch room wearing contacts one day to overhear "ugh who does she think she is without her glasses. She looks like a rat!"
I feel lucky to have one close girl friend, ill make friends of convenience at work but it's never translated to having an actual close friend. I really miss my early 20s when I had a core group of girls but we've all went separate ways and there was even weird tension in that group, I'm the only one that still talks to them all they've all fallen out with each other. I met up with one girl for coffee and after 40 minutes of being passive aggressively criticised I didn't bother seeking out another catch up.
No. 1625503
>>1625493Samefag to add, I've noticed the more conventional or assumed confident a person is due to societal perception of convention the more frequent they receive passive remarks about their physicality.
Many times I'll have something pointed out on me. Or even in other situations where men preemptively figure I'll reject them and make remarks about specific features on my face/body. "Did you know you look better with/without your glasses? Did you know your right canine is not perfectly symmetrical to your left? Did you know you had a pimple? Did you know your nose isn't symmetrical?" Or "Why would you wear that? Do you think you look nice in that? I can't tell if you're fat or thin when you dress like that"
I've never asked
No. 1625527
>>1625485>The bitch literally spread a teenaged girls legs open in front of a live audience>The bitch literally performed black face in the 2010s>The bitch literally had a minor stick his hand in her pants>The bitch literally wrote a book full of creepy uncle "jokes", "jokes" about all women being gold diggers, etcBut you're more mad about her animal abuse. Shut the fuck up holy shit you look so dumb. She should have cancelled for EVERYTHING I listed because they're ALL disgusting. She markets herself to kids, we should be outraged at anyone who pulls those stunts then turns around and says they're child friendly. And then everyone wonders why the world is going to shut while excusing the actual problem because I guess it's funny to make fun of tards and the untalented (Colleen has admitted she based the character off a neurodivergent relative). People need to stop writing these sociopathic YouTubers off as harmless because they didn't offend you personally. Especially when, like I said, they market their shit to children. There's a reason why the generation that grew up on tablets is so sociopathic. And part of it is the content they consumed. Aka Miranda sings, Shayne Dawson, Trisha paytas. All of them did irreversible damage to zoomers. It's on parents to monitor their individual kids, but society as a whole, we need to be firmly rejecting these degenerates. If you can't keep it PG and squeaky clean at ALL times when making your content that caters to literal children, well you need to not make content for them. No room for le edgy humor. That's not an excuse. Quit normalizing degeneracy. Colleen is a giant degenerate.
No. 1625701
>>1625527>The bitch literally spread a teenaged girls legs open in front of a live audienceShe was facing away from the audience, nobody saw her underwear or anything. I guess Colleen saw it which is weird, but the girl admitted she dressed extra slutty in hopes to get called up on stage for this bit.
>The bitch literally performed black face in the 2010slol who the fuck cares
>The bitch literally had a minor stick his hand in her pantsNo she didn't, she hid a pack of cheeseballs in her pants as part of a gag where they were trying to hide food from bears and he ate one of the cheese balls. The bag was sticking out of her pants, his hand never entered her waistband.
>The bitch literally wrote a book full of creepy uncle "jokes", "jokes" about all women being gold diggers, etclol who cares? literally trying to cancel someone for jokes
The animal stuff is the only thing that I am going to disavow. That shit is horrible. She's not a groomer or pedophile tho and the stuff she is being cancelled for is a nothingburger pushed by a faggot troon.
No. 1625729
>>1625493>>1625499ayrt, I relate because this is the exact same way I felt all my life and I only got diagnosed as an aspie in my late 20s. My doctor told me it's actually common for women with autism to fly under the radar and get diagnosed later in life, because a lot of us don't present with it in the retarded way that men do. Normies don't get it because their view of people on the spectrum are drooling retards, not women who look and act normal for the most part.
For me personally, I started seeking out other adhd or autist women as friends. You still have the usual problems of meshing, but they're way more understanding and can even be unaware of the 'otherness' we have, since they have it too. Also lesbinonna, I believe in you! My gf has adhd and we balance each other out pretty well. I know a lot of lesbian autists actually, though sadly a lot of them are falling into trans stuff.
No. 1625739
>>1625714Okay? Why are people dismissing racism, it's wrong her brand is child friendly, yet she acts so weird towards her fanbase and constantly did things pushing the limits.
Why did she put the chips in her pants? Why did she choose a teenage girl in a skirt to do that skit with? Why was she sending a minor porn of a grown woman to giggle at? None of this shit is funny or necessary, she doesn't have to be a pedo but she's a definitely a groomer who interacts in weird way with her fanbase
She had a teenager running her social media, it's weird she wanted to be so friendly with kids. She had a adult gay friend to shoot the shit with.
The second half wasn't towards you anon just a vent
No. 1626186
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>>1626184I think you are?
No. 1626396
>>1626365Feel like I've seen this often enough. They maybe have one puppy love relationship where they were head over heels about her.. forever seethe over how they lost her and therefore lost control and dented their ego along the way. Solution, settle into a 'she'll do' routine that helps them have the upper hand. There isn't genuine love. Its a power thing. The path of least resistance and least risk. Just as long as you tick enough boxes on providing the things they want and you're not too strong minded.
Then those women bang their heads against a brick wall for years thinking their man will change and that deep down he definitely cares but just has a funny way of showing it sometimes, or a few flaws that totally don't come from a bad place. Makes you wanna scream, girl he doesn't care and his actions are spelling it out. He doesn't compromise? he doesn't work on those flaws after a million talks about them? He turns on you and chimps out as soon as you have a disgreement?.. you're not his head over heels love. You'll do for now. But he'll never fight for you, he'll only fight with you if you're not being convenient enough for him. He wants convenient. He loves what you do for him and not who you are.
No. 1626545
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If your man is giving you a hard time just kill him
No. 1626686
>>1626456ayrt, autism isn't a personality trait, it's a neurological disorder, and autists come in all kinds just like regular people. Aspie women can camouflage very well with normies. I myself work in HR. I'm not saying you have it, because you know you best,
nonnie. I just related to your story as an aspie myself.
No. 1627750
>>1627715I like to think that it goes like this:
>MoidIt means a basic retard loser with no brain in his head, he parrots random bullshit, acts like a mindless idiot that only follows trends or whatever another moid or scrote tells him to believe in.
An example of a moid would be: some trannies, followers of celebrities, your average joe.
>scroteDouchebag that’s a misogynistic piece of shit, aggressive, disgusting, pathetic, scrotes are usually so retarded that they only think about fucking or being violent.
Example of scrote: some trannies, incels, celebrities, military scrotes, etc.
No. 1627800
>>1627772Me too nonna that shit was 6/10 at best. It was just nonstop noise in the first half, moved way to fast, with no transitions, like it would be a scene of one group of characters then next frame is another group. The bright green and pink colors were painful, and the human character models especially looked almost direct-to-DVD. It also wasn’t funny at all.
Most overrated thing in a long time.
No. 1627955
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When people go out of their way to make a comparison innacurate. If she wore her size, the sleeves as they are meant to be worn and in god lighting it would be identical.
No. 1628139
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>>1628136Condom breaking, BC's imperfect failure rates? Even a hysterectomy doesn't protect against possible pregnancy (it'll be unviable since there's no uterus for the fetus to develop in but you'll have to go to the hospital to remove it). No. 1628144
>>1628139I was aware the fallopian tube method wasn't 100% but hysterectomy not being 100% effective is new to me. Women really are not safe from our own bodies kek.
To me a woman who uses condoms, pills, IUDs etc ie. multiple methods together should not be shamed for seeking an abortion because she's serious about her health and her life. Reckless women on the contrary I have little to no sympathy for. And I would rather women simply refuse to have PIV at all since there are other ways to have sex, but of course going around in circles with that argument is useless because people will do what they do regardless of how much it can or actually does harm them
No. 1628165
>>1628155Then sterilization and birth control should be taken seriously to tackle the root of the problem in the first place.
>>1628160>>1628161I specifically said I wouldn't ban abortion for anyone. I only find it acceptable for rape
victims, which I know scrotes find irrelevant as they want every single woman to be a walking incubator anyway. I support abortion legalization in general, but access should be prioritized for survivors and not irresponsible people.
No. 1628168
>>1628165>access should be prioritized for survivors and not irresponsible people.How would you even go about that? Most rape cases can't even be proven in court, that would probably end up preventing most rape
victims from getting access anyway. This is less of an unpopular opinion and more of an unrealistic opinion.
>I only find it acceptable for rape victimswho the fuck cares kek
No. 1628186
>>1628136There's barely any 100% BC methods, and getting technical on someone for using an "only 95-97%" protection that society usually pressures women into taking is pretty fucking mean. Like saying anything less than taking organs out is not ebing serious enough protection would be pretty insane.
I'm not sure where this idea of women's tendency to treat abortion as a first line of BC comes from, other than the head of tradchistian podcasters.
No. 1628403
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>>1628384Googling about it and this is disgusting
No. 1628414
>>1628386>>1628391South Korean women who stay celibate for life due to the
toxic culture for women in the country. The South Korean version of "WGTOW". There have been a lot of popular articles about this movement recently, for example in The Atlantic and The Cut. Even though it's a relatively small population of women following this lifestyle. They present it like this movement is significantly impacting their birth rates and other issues in the country, when being honest it barely makes a dent so far and there are other factors to consider.
No. 1628426
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>>1628418Neither, because tubals exist and are significantly less invasive than hysterectomies. What you're suggesting is major abdominal surgery and removal of a major organ that has function beyond growing babies.
No. 1628431
>>1628425nah i'm serious and have a true and honest vagina, cervix, vulva, et cetera.
>>1628426in my opinion all of those are better than risking having a baby in case of something like consensual sex, or significantly worse, rape. i don't understand how any of you think it's worth the risk. even abortion still means your body changed from the parasite, the best way to prevent it is to either not have sex or rip out the entire reproductive system. a tubal ligation is better than anything else, unless you're still paranoid about the risk, like me
No. 1628443
>>1628439i'm in my early 20s, aggressively child free, and all that so i forget i'm lucky on occasion. nearest abortion center is hours into the state up north too so that could have to do with it
>>1628438the site paypigs are 90% fat zoomer retards and 10% fat boomer retards. why anyone would pay a pedophilic misogynist any amount of money dumbfounds me
No. 1628448
>>1628443I think you're Rita Page Griffin.
Have consensual sex, defective femcel
No. 1628566
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>>1628542Made me think of this. An autist friend and I got into an argument about if cute aggression is real or not. I’ve never once experienced it and it just sounds like such a sperg thing to me.
No. 1628605
>>1628601Bold of you to assume I'm a burger. You do sound like one though
>unless you're surrounded by idiots who think you should have children no matter what That's exactly the case in second world/third world countries, you're not a "real woman" to them unless you've popped out a kid, even if you're a famous scientist or etc you're still treated like dirt and shamed into having het sex and breeding.
No. 1628614
>>1628605what people think of women is not what they actually are contributing to society. even on first world countries men have a hard time remembering how much women contribute, for example, in domestic affairs, they don't grasp we do most of the shit.
you seem slow so I will explain to you like it:
>women contribute no matter where they live, birthing or not>in some places people think it's not enough, they should be birthing children>it doesn't fucking matter what people say because women are valuable no matter what they do No. 1628617
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>>1628609Picrel (this is how extreme right first worlders think but it's the same mindset)
>>1628614Nvm I really am retarded, thank you. I thought you were a tardwife calling for all women of reproductive age to "contribute to society by breeding".
No. 1628640
>>1628632The boys room in my high school constantly had shit smeared on the walls according to my moid friends. That never happened in the girls room, not even once. One time I went in and saw a girl holding a bic lighter up to the wall and I just sorta stared in bewilderment until the lighter got too hot and she was like ow ow ow and turned around. She saw me and was
Like omg please don’t tell anybody I just wish this place would burn the fuck down but please don’t tell anybody
nonny. I knew she wouldn’t get anywhere trying to light painted drywall on fire, so I just told her no worries, but to let me know right away if she succeeds so me and my friends can gtfo kek. And that was the craziest thing I saw in the girls room. Much better than shit smeared everywhere and people doing meth and totally not gay guys sucking each others dicks.
No. 1628665
>>1628659There were no troons at either of the high schools I attended. The girls room at the bigger high school had terrible plumbing that would get clogged with one wad of TP and a door that broke due to just being old and was never fixed. Ran out of soap frequently but that wasn’t our fault, we just weren’t nasty and we washed our hands, our school was just underfunded (but not super ghetto).
I spent a lot of time in the bathroom cause I had anxiety and had to pee a lot so I was privy to the bathroom goings on. It was pretty normal to see girls bringing hair dryers or flat irons and doing their hair and makeup in the bathroom. I was class of 2012 so I never saw kids vaping in the bathrooms, nor did I ever see anyone smoking cigs. Caught someone smoking a bowl a couple times but that was it and I just asked for a hit and they gave me one lol. Looking back that was when spice was still legally sold in gas stations and wasn’t nearly as weird and dangerous as whatever “spice” is these days, god teens are stupid, my teenage self included.
No. 1629046
>>1628126yeah because "privilege" and "-phobic" are overused and memes at this point, but there's nothing crazy about the idea that people prefer good looking people
>>1628410this omg, the whole "you were irresponsible, now deal with the consequences!!" argument is so fucking dumb, really shows that "pro-lifers" care more about punishing the mother than the well-being of the future child. why would you force someone who you know is irresponsible to have children?
>>1628644being against mass immigration isn't racism indeed, but middle easterners/north africans don't look white kek
>>1629042why 19 though? just your personal experience? at least there's a reasoning behind the number 25, 19 seems a bit young, but i get your point
No. 1629253
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>>1629210Idk if that’s true. Most women have pretty low standards so as long as the guy buys them things and doesn’t beat their ass they will give him a chance. I can 100% understand why a woman would have a hard time getting a man but as a man of you can’t get any decent woman at all the problem is you. Women like pic related are crying on their knees and begging for men like pic related to be faithful to them. Being a fem faggot will not stop women from liking a man.
No. 1629506
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I don’t get what’s so bad about political lesbianism. In fact I think any excuse to distance oneself from moids, sexually or otherwise, is a good excuse. Plus, I feel like if you’re willing to fuck other women under the guise of feminism I think you probably had some underlying homosexual desires anyways and you just wanted an excuse to act on them.
No. 1629529
>>1629516Girl,I legit have a personal fund to get myself legal euthanasia in Switzerland if I ever get too sick.
I have no interest in living past my intended terenure on earth. I only live because I know that I'll die, life has no meaning without an end.
It's ok if you can't understand that someone might actually feel that, but don't call it "lies" just because it doesn't speak to you.
No. 1629532
>>1629506polilez is bad because they're pretending to be into real lesbians and leading them on or manipulating them. they also take up lesbian groups, try to pull strings to get women to buy into their bullshit, et cetera. i consider all febfems polilez, but not all polilezzes, febfems. Febfems are less malicious than male troons and moreso take up lesbian spaces like troons, but seldom dangerous outside of an emotional level unlike them. Furthermore, most radical feminists I've met have been polilez, by a longshot. it damages the radical feminist movement by making them be taken less seriously, if they're willing to lie about something such as
sexuality to a same sex partner. generally a good way to make lesbians want nothing to do with you.
No. 1629557
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>>1629551Are you suggesting that whoever isn't a "tryhard" commits suicide or kills more people with them?
No. 1629565
>>1629516>>1629551Wow it must be cool to have never made a serious attempt on your life and never had any friends do the same. My 3rd attempt should have been successful and it’s nothing short of a miracle in here. The amount of buproprion I ingested was more than what had been invested in case studies that resulted in death or needing kidney transplants. I had an acute kidney injury and rhabdomyolysis, and bad liver enzymes for about 6 months before my kidney and liver levels normalized. I also had multiple tonic clinic seizures and experienced over a minute of asystole (flatline) and the doctors were shocked none of my ribs were broken from the CPR. And shocked that I had no permanent damage. Still wonder why I was able to survive such a high dose of that when so much less has killed people or at the least left them with permanent organ issues.
Death isn’t scary at all. Suffering and being unable to escape the suffering is terrifying. I think life in prison without parole is 10000000000% more horrible than the death penalty.
No. 1629601
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>>1629582>>1629580You both would like this book. It’s pretty short, nice little read. (Not a trick recommendation it agrees with you from what I remember but I read it like 15 years ago)
No. 1629605
>>1629601>korean book>that titleI'm scared, even more that it does sound like something up my alley.
Thanks anon.
No. 1629934
>>1629932I never heard of a hysterectomy being performed solely because of birth control, exactly because of the risks you pointed out. It's usually a last resort thing for some diseases.
People usually just cut their tubes
No. 1630007
>>1629998>>1629997I see women all the time being dead serious complaining about not getting a hysterectomy as birth control and want heir uterus removed. But yes, they most likely dont know the risks at all or have any understanding of how organs arent just single purpose and think it doesnt afffect the whole body to have them removed.
I also dont mean to downplay period pain etc bc I suffer from deliberating pain myself, just think its bizarre how the average person thinks major surgery and organ removal is no big deal
No. 1630017
>>1630007The knee-jerk reaction is likely happening because doctors are telling them that they actually do want children so they won't do it. If doctors instead explained that they won't do it because of the health risks, you would see less complaints.
The only people I've ever seen complain about not being able to get a hysterectomy were women with endometriosis that also happened to not want kids.
No. 1630219
>>1630216from what i know it depends on the country. some only consider sports to be activities where you display physical exertion, full-body coordination, athleticism, and intensity while others consider sports to be any organized competitive game regardless of physical activity involved.
chess seems to be a special case because while it doesn't require intense physical activity, the international olympic comitee has declared it a sport nonetheless. probably because it's a classical game and while it doesn't involve much moving around it does require a lot of strategy and mental abilities to be able to outwit your opponent that the average person doesn't possess or needs a lot of training to get to that point.
No. 1630363
>>1630335how about just dropping the L at that point, leaving the gbt to destroy itself kek. if you remove more than one letter it gets more logical to split the L or T or split the entire community off entirely.
>>1630339okay, how about parasites? is that better for you? and the people who choose to have kids or risk having them in any capacity, in any way, are disturbing handmaidens at best and parasites as well at worst. as a sex we should ban intercourse with males without ostracization and cutting contact
No. 1630399
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>>1630377Please stop, you're breaking 2014 me's heart! Tate didn't do anything for me, but Evan in the Asylum, Coven, Freak Show and Hotel seasons are near and dear to me. He's just such a good type of basic Wonder Bread white boy. I do agree that he's not very cute these days though, he has been since like season 6 or 7 of AHS. I think Ryan Murphy sucked the life and good looks out of him.
No. 1630403
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>>1630399Samefag, vs him in like 2018
>>1630402He was 24 when he started AHS, what do you mean? That pic is from Adult World where he would've been 26/25.
No. 1630470
>>1630419ayrt, not a polilez (i'm actually lesbian, and a virgin) just someone who hates anyone who sleeps around male or female. i also don't hate bi women unless they fuck men then cry about getting pregnant like straight women do constantly. maybe don't sleep around and you won't get infected with a parasite? just a thought. maybe it's the fact that i find dick to be the most repulsive thing on the planet, right up there with pregnancy, but shouldn't it be easy
not to have sex? unless it's rape you have no excuse. and abortion should be legal up until birth but your body will forever be ruined by the parasite inside. so glad i'll only ever be with women.
No. 1630496
>>1630472not a tranny either. sorry to inform you but not all women have the same views. this
is the unpopular opinions thread. i can say i hate licentious people as a whole. if you take that personally, that's on you bihet.
No. 1630559
>>1623859>>1623859They think it would be a socialist utopia, but a feature in many collectivist like communities is trying to erase anything that they see as detrimental to the group.
Its so embarassing to see certaing groups (cof cof transexual) writing how they hate individualism, because they would be easily treated as social pariahs.
No. 1630614
>>1630575because everyone thinks they have a mental illness even when they don't, especially younger people who are convinced every quirk of theirs needs intervention
it's the people without any kind of real ingrained trauma who piss me off the most like what do you need therapy for
No. 1630696
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>>1629576Ignorant comment, buproprion Od is not like an overdose of a normal SSRI like Prozac or Zoloft (relatively harmless and won’t kill anyone). Tricyclics can kill you with an overdose easily as well, but are very rarely prescribed these days partly due to the fact that a depressed person can take a months worth and die. Same with buproprion.
No. 1630718
>>1630696oh did you google it on your phone to show me how ignorant I was? wow you're so helpful what would we do without you…
I just think there are more serious methods. buproprion is not guaranteed to work and more likely to make you incredibly sick, like it did to her.
No. 1630758
>>1630716>>1630721Well pigs are incredibly intelligent I personally love pigs, what I mean is that dog/cat meat isn't really fit for consumption as it may carry several diseases, worms or parasites even with proper measures, pig meat is way safer.
Also pigs grow up to 200 lbs in approximately 6 months with a grass/grains based diet (cheap) while dogs grow much slower, you would need to feed a dog lots of meat so it grows as fast and big and is not profitable. Pigs have more meat to be consumed in less time
No. 1630765
>>1630758i have to disagree about that. pigs can carry trichonosis, and obviously you can get tapeworms from pigs and cattle. if we were to implement modern farming practices like we do with other livestock for cats and dogs, the risk of parasitic infection would of course be way lower.
you're correct that pigs create more meat than cats or dogs, but thats because they have been bred for this purpose. its not outside the realm of possibility for humans to create a dog breed that is fit for consumption, in the same way we've bred dogs for hunting or other jobs for centuries.
im not supporting any of this btw but its definitely something humans
could do if we decided we suddenly had a taste for cat and dog meat
No. 1630859
>>1630811I think it can look good or bad depending on the person, like any other hair and eye color. But I can't for the life of me understand why some people hype up blonde women as ethereal goddesses of beauty when most look just like everyone else.
I started getting tiktoks of random American guys setting their location to Sweden or Denmark and going mental over perfectly average looking women and calling them so hot. They were just blonde.
No. 1630916
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>>1630913You just made that upon the spot.
No. 1631003
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i fully agree with picrel, even though i used to write fanfic from ages 10 to 29.
No. 1631013
>>1631003>didn't create settings, plot or conflictThis feels like they've never actually read fanfic before. There are some very detailed fanfics out there with world building and there are "AU" fanfics that aren't even set in the same world as the source material and have different conflict.
But also, most fanfics are for women and teenage girls who want to imagine themselves with their favorite character. Who really cares if it's not "real writing".
No. 1631136
>>1630972It will be made to produce slaves. People always wanted to have slaves and they will do anything to get them again. Now they can apologize it with it being unwanted people, people with genetic defects. The discarded eggs with genes partens didn't like will be grown secretly and put into all kids of work nobody wants to do and sex work.
Besides that i don't think it'll be healthy for people to be born out of artifical womb, they can't simulate it perfectly. All that will just make people more pathetic, more reliant on robots and medicine because they wont have that natural experience of being born and growing in something that's actually alive. It will get us closer and closer to Musk's future, an anti natural future which is also anti spiritual future. Also it makes society more and more insect like, since insecs also grow in eggs outside of the mother, and insect like society is fucking terrible for primates.
No. 1631150
>>1631136If the elite wants slaves, what is stopping them from taking women as slaves and forcing them to be broodmares to produce more slaves? I don't really understand what gestation outside a woman does to justify having a class of people with no rights. They could already have slaves, with artificial wombs, women won't have to reproductively suffer to produce them.
>it makes society more insect like…insect like society is fucking terrible for primatesdon't a hell of a lot of female insects have a much less shitty time than female mammals? The fact gestation happens inside our own bodies is probably the biggest reason why women are oppressed
No. 1631157
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>>1631136>Also it makes society more and more insect like, since insecs also grow in eggs outside of the motheror more frog-like. just think about it. we could be frog-like. frogs are vastly superior to stupid ass rapist primates.
No. 1631210
>>1631190nayrt but yeah it's really sad how significantly the nutritional values of vegetables has decreased since the 1950's. due to soil nutrient depletion or something.
>>1631110 if you want some anachan advice, start volume eating. guess what? your new favorite food are broccoli and cauliflower even though they're not nearly as healthy as they were 70 years ago. they'll still filled your stomach with fiber and you'll shit out the most shiny turds. as long as you pay attention to calories and make sure that you remain in a deficit you WILL lose weight. once you get to your desired weight, practice staying within maintenance level with calories. DO NOT go back to eating how you used to. i swear, so many people go on diets, literally lose weight (like they intended to) then go back to eating whatever created their lard ass anyways then turn around and cry about how diets don't work (i'm not accusing you personally of that anon sorry i get a little heated).
No. 1631258
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>>1631247The thing is he cried about it online because of what she was WEARING not from getting a vip experience with Usher. He chose to date a celebrity and loved it when she was wearing revealing clothes back then but now that she’s a mother to his kid he’s ashamed and upset. The moid doesn’t even have the right to be mad, he never made plans to marry her and Keke herself has said before that she considers herself single until she’s married
No. 1631263
>>1631247Who the fuck cares how a scrote feels. Women are forced to shut up and play it cool when their men are flirting or checking out other women in front of them because they don't want to get labeled "crazy bitches".
So why are we defending this scrote, who cares, let the men defend him, why does it always have to be women defending scrotes or taking their sides ffs.
No. 1631266
>>1631202Military men (along with policemen) are known for their domestic abuse. Also in countries like south Korea where men are forced to the army…they are still entitled and engage in spycams,stalking and other crazy shit.
The user-base here is very retarded lately.
No. 1631497
>>1631494Wahhh the nazi I chose to let enter my vagina for years was
abusive to me wahh lol she's such a dumb bitch
No. 1631534
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if you use your own female anatomy as an insult you are a retard goodbye
No. 1631536
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This isn't to say that there's anything wrong with being a lesbian, but I really do feel like whatever causes women to be lesbians is totally different from whatever causes moids to be gay. I'm convinced that there is a gay gene, but not a lesbian gene. A lot of gay dudes seem to come out of the womb zesty (voices, mannerisms, etc) but I can't think of a singular trait that all lesbians seem to share in common the same way I can with gay men. There's no equivalent of a "fagccent" for lesbians.
No. 1631537
>>1631150When you convince all society that genetically imperfect people are lesser lot of people will excuse their slavery. People will get sucked into this if they have a good reason. Societal psychosis happens all the time and it would be pretty easy to do in the future with this technology. Getting back on the topic of pigs, they were bred to be eaten, 90% of the planet sees them that way and it's okay to them. These people will be bread to work and it will be the same.
But we are not insects, you can't wish mammal nature out of existence, males try to do that with all society because insect society = highly controlled society. We are getting more and more mentally and physically ill, worse genetically, less adapted to our enivormnemt because of this.
No the reason women are opressed is males and their pathological need for control, not nature. Nature is what you are, they try to convice you you are not part of nature.
No. 1631544
>>1631110here's a tip that sounds retarded but actually helps when you are prone to overeating, not feeling satisfied with "normal" portions, etc.: eat slow. and by that i mean, set a timer for 30 seconds and start it after you swallowed your bite. then take the next bite once the timer goes off. yes, it sounds retarded and you probably feel retarded and i bet someone is gonna reply to this to tell me to jUsT pUt ThE fOrK dOwN fAtTy, but this genuinely helps me feel more in control of my food. as a person who is prone to binging and restricting, food feels like something that controls me. when i eat that slow, i have more time to register what the food tastes like and i feel full with my portion, even if it's only half a small pizza when i'd usually gobble down the entire pizza plus dessert. it also makes it easier to recognize that some food tastes shit and you can throw it out instead of gobbling it down just for the sake of not being hungry anymore. i also do this with snacks, btw. eat your 250 calories snickers, but eat it slow.
No. 1631708
I don't think this would get too much flak here, maybe more of a twitter issue, but I don't think there's any moral problem with recognizing/celebrating holidays that aren't "yours". I've seen some other anons mention being "homeschooled" and I was too, from kindergarten to 12th grade. never went to a real school until lying my way into college. so I talk a lot of shit about "homeschooling", but one thing I enjoyed and actually got something out of was being observant of other culture's holidays. we didn't usually go all out or anything like that, but I remember when we starting doing low-key stuff for Chinese New Year when I was around 6 years old, and during that time my sibling and I would learn about Chinese culture and the history of the holiday, put up decorations, etc. the offense behind someone not celebrating your holiday 100% correctly or being invited by someone of the "proper" ethnicity to take part in celebrating "your" holiday doesn't make a lot of sense to me if they are not acting as an expert on a subject they know next to nothing about, but just quietly observing it within their own home. if you don't want people learning about your culture, just say so bluntly.
No. 1632493
I've got a full field of grass on my lot and it's buzzing with locusts and crickets. I love to listen to it at night, non ever bit me so why be worried?
>>1632400>>1632384Did they bite you or why are you scared?
No. 1632556
Only unpopular with the current rw tech "based" crowd, I suppose, but most things surrounding Terry Davis.
No one gives a shit about the actual OS in general and no one gives a shit about Terry in particular. Most people just pretend to like TempleOS because Terry had manic episodes and yelled nigger. Not even, they just like repeating his quotes because he yelled nigger.
He spent his last years as a schizophrenic lolcow living in his car, jacking off on camera and pissing in bottles, egged on by online sociopaths to talk more about how much he hated black gorilla niggers, until he got run over by a train; and now we have to pretend those same people were there purely because they wanted to see a guy build an OS in C. Kill yourself.
If he wasnt schizophrenic no one would've cared. No one cares now. It's the right's biggest virtue signalling campaign.
Unrelated but similar, how they (we, since I was also there) spent over a decade effectively gangstalking chrischan, setting him up with fake girlfriends (!) because he was a fat autistic virgin that drew sonichu and it was funny, and then retroactively justifying it because at the end of it all he trooned out and fucked his mother, like the two had no correlation at all.
No. 1632628
File: 1689253893277.png (7.4 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2829.png)

I believe that like 80% of the same sex couples I see on social media are larping because it looks trendy, especially among zoomers. Peak example of a what I’m talking about is instagram user ffigs and her ‘girlfriend’
No. 1632657
>>1632639Admittedly I wouldn’t, but I also see a lot less of those type of men on social media and don’t know any of them in real life, whereas I have personally known a few women like this in real life who are spicy straight and base their whole identity/aesthetic around being “gay”. I wouldn’t say it’s internalised misogyny, but rather noticing a pattern
>>1632641I also think women like that are faking it though, as in they’re trying to convince themselves that they really love being a tradwife when deep down they know their existence is miserable
>>1632645not the lesbians I know kek
No. 1632822
>>1632556I agree about Terry, but not Chris. I won't deny Chris' trolls took things too far sometimes, but Chris had every opportunity to stop engaging, and never did. Not to mention it was established early on he was rotten - shouting nigger at little kids while he was a a teen/adult, drawing porn of his only real life friend Megan, then justifying it in his mind by saying if he hadn't, he would have probably raped her. The consistent animal neglect, if not outright cruelty, such as getting his neighbors cat killed.
Chris's trolls were annoying weirdos who needed real hobbies at best, and sociopaths at worse (bluespike), but Chris himself has always been rotten to the core, and would have been doing rotten shit even if he languished in obscurity. The only
victims in that story are the animals, Megan, and Barb when she got raped.
No. 1632945
>>1632753>>1632760Calm down anonna. Where are you right now? What was that? You're what? Bleeding to breath? Where is that? Is there anyone with you right now I can talk to? Oh, they're unconscious? Okay. Where are you right now? Help will arrive soon (within the next 30 or 50 minutes), please stay calm and breathe slowly.
kys you soulless deaf demons, if I wanted to talk to an AI before dying, I'd chat with my husbando
No. 1633043
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People who think like this have room temp IQ. I swear people think that speaking in a foreign language makes them invisible, as though second-language speakers and translators don't exist? Translating comments and videos is especially more easy and accurate than ever, and the internet is for everyone. People who think this IRL are stupid too, I can understand what you're saying in Spanish you aren't slick kek
No. 1633209
File: 1689299158207.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1276x1825, 10F0C5D7-7954-4C20-8B72-A194F0…)

Dylan mulvaney is actually starting to look pretty
No. 1633297
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>>1633209And here I thought only men were faceblind and easily fooled by makeup
No. 1633478
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>>1633209This is what he (still) looks like nona, he hasn't changed as much as he wants you to think
No. 1633516
he'll be back soon with more clickbaity shit
No. 1633552
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>>1633209Factually untrue statements don't count as opinions.
No. 1634598
>>1633706I have them at 21 BMI. My mom is fat and yet she has visible ribs and prominent clavicles. Some people are built like that.
>>1633707Because it doesn't make any sense and sounds very random. I remember my hs friend suddenly insisting she had to get rid of a beauty mark on her neck. Meanwhile, I never paid any attention to it in the ten years we'd known each other. My brain can't comprehend obsessing over stuff like that.
No. 1634659
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The people who claim the "slim thick" aesthetic is "more unattainable" than the early/mid 2000s skinny aesthetic are wrong. I'm speaking about shape/proportion here, rather than weight. For hourglass and pear shaped women, no matter how thin they get, they'll never have a rectangular/banana body type like picrel or 2004 Paris Hilton, even with surgery.
No. 1634810
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>>1634801kek you are one of those people i'm talking about. you assume hourglass = big ass and tits, but hourglass just means your shoulder and hip bones are much wider than your waist, if you were a skinny hourglass back then, you were alright too, hourglasses don't have to be curvy/fat. pic is more hourglass than beyonce and yet was considered perfect back then.
so like i said, people didn't care whether you were banana or hourglass, they only cared about being skinny.
No. 1634861
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>>1634833I never said you didn't need to be underweight? I literally wrote that you had to be skinny, but nobody cared whether you were a skinny banana or skinny hourglass.
>>1634844It seems like you still don't get that hourglass has nothing to do with tits but with your bones… if you have wide hips and wide shoulders but a narrow waist you are hourglass, no matter whether you're thin and flat or fat with big tits and ass, it's about ratio.
No. 1634869
File: 1689471081421.jpg (23.33 KB, 1500x1000, Candice Swanepoel.jpg)

>>1634849Look for yourself. She actually looks like a triangle here.
>>1634861I agree they didn't care about the waist ratio at all, but i kinda doubt skinny pear vs skinny triangle would be treated the same just because of the proportions. I heard skinny idols with wider hip bones are constantly more critiqued. But i don't know, maybe you're right, nonna.
No. 1634871
File: 1689471418851.jpg (175.15 KB, 1080x1080, beyonce and candice swanepool.…)

>>1634810>pic is more hourglass than beyonceNot really imo, Beyonce at her smallest pretty much had the same shape as Candice.
Beyonce has appeared to be a higher weight than Candice for most of her career though, and I will say that weight does contribute to body shape. An hourglass/pear shaped woman that weighs higher is going to be more curvy than a skinnier hourglass/pear shaped woman.
Anyway, I don't think one literal model is proof of anything. There have always been exceptions
No. 1634994
File: 1689489403767.jpg (478.02 KB, 1067x1383, HdNdhiw79j13kd8478.jpg)

Avogado6 isn't a great artist tbh. Their themes are sort of basic, but the way they portray said themes are quite unique and interesting which is why people are drawn to their art. However, their art style isn't that skillful, their anatomy is so square and blocky. You could argue that anatomy, realism of depiction of characters isn't the majn focus though, and I agree that is true. Anyways, this isn't out of malice or hatred that I'm saying this lol, just putting it out there and seeing if people agree with me.
No. 1635019
>>1635010The art stuff is just sad. It IS made by other people's work and just stiched together. Sometimes you can even tell, if you saw a lot of art before, what pictures it used. Problem is that people sell it and it feels dystopian and depresing. I absolutely understand why a lot of artists lose their motivation if people rather buy artifficialy made logo or a painting.
You heard all your youth that robots will take over difficult jobs and people will be able to chill more and do creative things. The opposite happened, people still work hard jobs and robots are doing the creative part of life for them. It's like somebody is trying to take creative joys from life and we'll be left with fucking, eating, working and watching what robots made for us. Creating things, pulling them out of the higher source is a meaning of life for a lot of people. Humanity is a lifestock without this ability.
No. 1635119
>>1635010You're right. Actual creatives see it for what it is (a new tool that can be used
or exploited, much like pretty much all digitally-based art/tools), while others are just going "nooo break the machine".
No. 1635167
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>>1635152i hope rancefag sees this
No. 1635184
File: 1689515868162.jpg (60.52 KB, 768x960, 106609513_307187840672638_8540…)

>>1635010My opinion is that no one seems to have a clear idea about image generated AI yet and are side picking based on either wanting to spite artists out of envy, childishness and schadenfreude/wishing ill will on artists occupationally, and also arguing that putting limitations on the terms of use of an artists work and not wanting their work to be stolen without consent is somehow "hampering technological advancement", despite no one consenting to this supposed "advancement" to begin with lel. Its ok for someone with no talent to make this argument as they have no stake in the matter whatsoever.
Usually this is a common opinion of talentless males and autistic computer programmers who have a stake in this as a conflict of interest vaguely, I say this as a programmer and artist. I've seen equally as many arguments for as I've seen against image and text generative AI, in particular image generating AI technology which does literally steal art whether you want to call it this or not. Most art generated currently should be void as there is no consent for artists art to be used in the training data for these technologies the same is for text based AGI but that's a whole other topic. There are some exceptions; one notable being public domain art and artists who did give consent but these are a minority that pale in comparison to the majority that "AGIs" blatantly take with no accrediting.
>Inb4 b-but its just copying training data to make new transformative works therefore its fair useIf the entirety of the training data is the internet then yes, this is stealing the collective of the internet in all its presence. We haven't set standards for transformative works for a computer with a far different brain than a human. Fair use doesn't apply to AGIs and this isn't fair use because they aren't making new work their stealing work without consent and mashing it together. Fair use exists to protect critics from making reviews of games, movies and music while containing copyrighted material into transformative work, not AGI mashing.
The argument lies therein with it stealing content, not if its going to replace artists or "breaking the art industry". Retards will determine if it breaks the art industry. You have no control over Tulip Mania and its silly for artists to believe they can control this, if there's a demand for literal shit and feces capitalism will allow it, this is more an indictment of this sick shit but that's beside the point. If idiots choose to worship stolen generated AI art so be it. The nature of demand is that retards will demand the most inhumane shit if they are male and will always demand stupid shit collectively, this is all economics and is irrelevant, there's a demand for CP but we don't allow it. Instead, I believe the argument lies in plagiarism which it does definitively steal content through its training data, all of these generative AGIs all do not source their works they mashed up together, this applies to almost all currently from what I know.
>Inb4 b-but artists steal content too, what about students copying their teachers? Picasso said 'good artists copy, great artists steal" Yes, and those great artists would get slapped with libel, and copyright claims lel.
Taking an old quote from some perv old man is not an argument, studying art fundamentals is not what generative AI does and obviously he was talking about humans learning art not machines. Also fuck Picasso, enough with the sexpest male worship. A person cannot process trillions of pieces of data and output others work, the human brain has physical limitations so even if you were to train a human to plagiarize efficiently (which is often what unethical Chinese companies do already), technology has software and hardware limitations which are theoretically limitless within the scope of operational hardware.
Generative AI and diffusion models are a tool and like probably all of you I have experimented with it to make a 3D model based off of prompts of concept art. I don't know if I'm just shit at writing prompts but all the results I got were clearly stylized and stolen imitations of peoples various art styles on the internet. None fitted the desire of what I wanted. My personal opinion is that current AI generated art is shit right now, the potential is great as an artists tool as I tried to use, but as of now all I see is fetus faced identical women portraits with no ounce of difference to the faces, no discernable character, identity and fuck all actually reflecting the reality of how diverse humanity is. In this sense its not an issue of whether its "real art" with soul or whatever gushy shit some artists will argue but rather reflects the reality of the real world. This is but one miniscule issue with this technology that big data already fucks up. It Also generates a lot of boring, trite, photorealistic shit and the worst of all; none of this is original. To call a mash up of thousands of images made by a computer stolen from multiple artists styles art is laughable. It is not original and its not artificial intelligence, Its human intelligence mashed together by early artificial intelligence. I also think no one is thinking about this enough, on one hand you have many retarded artists shit scared because they don't understand this technology, then you have the techbro retards who want to purposely crush artists with their talentless crap and flood markets with generated stolen content. You even have talentless retards saying writing prompts is a artform in itself lel. And those using this stolen content for their projects, effectively making money off of someone elses work. Piracy usually goes unpunished because it is ultimately a victimless crime in the grand scheme of a triple A game company or when someone pirates a APK of Spotify etc. Piracy is generally frowned upon with small indie developers and artists because we recognize this will kill those small projects from ever existing in the first place. Piracy usually goes unpunished that is true but not piracy rackets. However if you resell pirated copies of music, games etc. you will be punished, period.
This should be regulated but I have doubts it will be in the future, there are simply not enough dollars the average artist could pay to sue these companies making plagiarism generators and with how many so called "AGIs" exist currently anyone and everyone will only code their own plagiarism image generator. I hear many saying this AGI fiasco will go the way of Napster where gradually overtime stealing content will become as normalized as pirating a movie, videogame, tv series, APK, or music. This is truly bleak if it does become the case. No ones art should be stolen without their consent and then a profit be generated from it, but I don't see a way around it currently. You can pirate nearly anything you want right now after all but you cannot resell pirated copies en masse like this technology. I think the future will be artists becoming more protective of their art but this is impossible since you must get exposure as an artist. Anti-piracy laws have never really been enforced thank god, but racketeering and distribution of pirated works are and its nigh impossible to prevent talentless spam from flooding the market with effortless shit, at the very least these companies should be punished for their blatant stealing.
No. 1635202
>>1635196I disagree. People must have relationships to remain sane. It's basic biology 101. We lose brain power and verbal fluency when deprived of other humans' company, and it's not about
>commendation from others as a source of validityPromoting complete solitude (aka screen addiction; don't pretend you mean walking beautiful gardens and fishing in the mountains by yourself), no friends and no family, is unhealthy as fuck.
No. 1635224
>>1635188Women are more likely to get raped/abused by family members, people on positions of power(teacher/boss/etc) or friends rather than romantic partners. Stop blaming rape
victims and acting like schliking to cartoon porno is the best way to avoid abuse.
No. 1635233
File: 1689520038013.png (183.29 KB, 779x486, rainnstats.PNG)

>>1635229Here you go nonna. Family is the biggest risk for children/teens but for adults acquaintances and current/former partners are the biggest risk.
No. 1635238
>>1635229Let's face it: while you have a small chance to get murdered or raped in a relationship, husbandofags face negative outcome in 100% of cases, and the lowliest, most uneducated 'trad' housewife achieves more in her life than your average NEET husbandofag because
she does something.
No. 1635245
>>1635238why do you have to do or achieve something? why can't you just live?
plus husbandofags do something too, they work in order to get money to pay for husbandostuff. thinking about it, both of these types of women do different work for a "man" lol
No. 1635250
>>1635245>both of these types of women do different work for a "man" lolKekw. Except porn can't give you kids, so it's just money down the drain with no impact on the world whatsoever.
And why do husbandofags act like it's either porn obsession or kitchen slavery? Like the world "made" them turn to worshiping 2D? If you don't want to date, you could become a businesswoman, an author, basically anything. But no, it's porn. Pottery.
No. 1635263
>>1635238Really weird logic here. It's almost like you're implying women who appease men are worth more than women who don't.
Oh wait.
No. 1635266
>>1635152I find it strange that women devote themselves to characters but it is better for them to than date an
abusive moid with the same interests.
No. 1635290
>>1635270>>1635288But I'm- I've never said- Well. I guess it makes sense that mentall ill people can't see how harmful their habits really are.
My point is: doing anything in real life, even playing in the mud, is better than obsessing over a fictional character.
No. 1635327
File: 1689525984947.jpg (143.02 KB, 934x716, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>1635319>It’s just a bit unhealthy to devote all your free time and thoughts to anime characters etc. It would be unhealthy to do so to a real life moid too.You're being so diplomatic and I don't blame you. When I said the exact same thing here
>>1635250, I got called names. We're looking at the demographic that's going to pay the dystopian cyberpunk society into existence because real people succccckkkk.
No. 1635365
>>1635350>Then you have a healthy relationship with them.She doesn't. Having a celebrity crush/favorite character that helps you get off is not the same as having a husbando. Husbando is a made-up boyfriend or husband, a parasocial construct. Except you can't have a relationship with a character, hence the mental illness.
See hot takes like
>>1635295. While that anon is (hopefully) joking, it reflects the attitude of husbandofags pretty well. They deadass think what they have is a relationship and they "are not alone".
No. 1635388
>>1635365I don’t get what’s the big deal, husbandofags aren’t hurting anyone because they have a parasocial relationship with a character. What exactly is the harm of feeling less lonely by thinking of a hot anime dude telling you that he loves you? Not everyone is spending thousands of dollars for a husbando, nor going in debt because of that, I’m pretty sure most husbandofag anons are sure that no moid will ever resemble their husbandos, so they won’t attack random men like moids do.
Is it because husbandofags are less likely to get an irl boyfriend and do the “most important thing a woman can possibly do”, reproduce? Is that why anons are mad at husbandofags?
No. 1635390
>>1635383serious answer to a shitpost: not really. the whole religious shtick is that they claim god can give followers a good afterlife. i think that would be ooc for komaeda, even if i have no idea who that is.
>>1635388>I don’t get what’s the big deal, husbandofags aren’t hurting anyone1. they hurt themselves.
2. they glorify their lifestyle.
No. 1635401
>>1635365>They deadass think what they have is a relationship and they "are not alone".This is not true except for a couple. We know they're not real and there are literally husbandofags in relationships with real people.
I don't understand why people act like husbandofags are some crazy concept when literally go anywhere else on the internet, and you will see women thirsting for fictional characters.
No. 1635448
File: 1689532519622.jpeg (151.7 KB, 1242x1237, 1646369581335.jpeg)

>>1635288There should be some kind of lolcow graphic with the growth of moids trying to post here and growth in posts seething about husbandos & yaoi.
No. 1635459
File: 1689533022307.jpg (38.11 KB, 622x384, 1651726323137.jpg)

>>1635250>Except porn can't give you kidsWhat if someone is infertile or simply doesn't want kids? You act as if that's something every woman must want and must achieve.
>money down the drain with no impact on the world whatsoeverI'm genuinely curious as to what you mean when it comes to "impact on the world" if a woman was with a real man but didn't want kids and had a well paying job would she be making more of a impact than a woman with a 2D man and doesn't want kids and had a well paying job? What impact do you want them to make?
>you could become a businesswoman, an author, basically anythingI'm pretty sure you can still do those things even if you're a husbandofag. As another Anon had said, one doesn't exclude the other. You can still be devoted to your 2D husbando while still having a job and being a "productive member of society". Then again, I might be wrong considering I am a husbandofag in the sense that I've reconstructed my worship into something more pure and that of an fan/idol.
No. 1635469
>>1635459>What if someone is infertile or simply doesn't want kids? You act as if that's something every woman must want and must achieve.NO. I made my point very clear and reiterated it multiple times. Why do you guys keep acting like I want everyone to have kids?
>I'm genuinely curious as to what you mean when it comes to "impact on the world" if a woman was with a real man but didn't want kids and had a well paying job would she be making more of a impact than a woman with a 2D man and doesn't want kids and had a well paying job>You can still be devoted to your 2D husbando>I am a husbandofag in the sense that I've reconstructed my worship into something more pure and that of an fan/idol.That… That still reads like mental illness. I'm sorry if you cannot comprehend why people would think that. Please build real human connections.
No. 1635472
>>1635469You couldn't at least answer my questions? What do you mean by impact on the world? What impacts do you expect them to make that they're not making? What are the differencences? If both are the same, without children, have well paying jobs, and have friends…what's the difference in impact?
>Please build real human connections.I do have human connections, and no, not just with my family.
No. 1635521
File: 1689536990873.jpg (20.56 KB, 500x375, 17bd0f2795f5b7f6688458473c8a59…)

Being offended over being called a moid is dumb
No. 1635640
>>1635636and now some totally not a moid is posting
tit pictures to prove he's a woman In shayna's thread. There's probably scrotes on some chan site somewhere who come to /snow/ to troll certain threads/derail. Nona's fall for it and have hours long arguments with clearly bait. It should just all be deleted.
No. 1635652
File: 1689547255871.jpg (491.81 KB, 2898x2898, avmlxwau0yr51.jpg)

I miss when we used to make fun of bimbos instead of encourage them and see them as a valid lifestyle. I dont think its a coincidence women are becoming hypersexualized again once we stopped making fun of paris hilton and all of her clones. I will take a million nlogs over one bimbo who thinks being a walking silicone factory is empowering.
No. 1635656
>>1635651It's fucking weird, to this day nonas are like, "Member when Shayfags posted their tits?" every single time it happens it's due to some weird ass fucking agrument. Oh ass eating? Oh breast reductions aka scrote shit. Scrotes baiting for attention pretending to be women with these "agruments".
Though I do believe the scrote whining about the breast shit was truly mad about it. He was already in the thread thinking of ways to troll then his pedo ass saw something that pissed him off.
It's like that other tradthot thread. People see these extreme opinions, take it serious and/or just bicker. This is what they want. It's probably that Soyjak site or something.
No. 1635674
>>1635663I grew up with little parental support as I had an absent father and a extremely mentally ill,
abusive mother, you literally have no idea how hard life can be when you don't have the people who brought into this world to guide you. Forcing a child to suffer through life without any parents is infinitely more cruel than simply aborting a baby that literally will not have even known they even existed. Those children will probably grow up in poverty that they will struggle to get out of and be more susceptible to abuse throughout their entire lives.
No. 1635692
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I think Rancefag's stalker is in love with her
No. 1635749
>>1635737Indeed that's quite a "sick" burn, or rather, it would be, if it weren't simply wrong. I think what you meant to say is that I
type like a redditor
No. 1635887
File: 1689563703637.png (22.44 KB, 1000x563, partnerseualassault.png)

>>1635202Ok continue to seek external sources of validation for the rest of your life. Continue to assume anyone who works on self growth over external validation are all just screen addicts to cope with this insecurity.
>>1635224>Women are more likely to get raped/abused by family members, people on positions of power(teacher/boss/etc) or friends rather than romantic partners.Not in my country. But either way splitting hairs about which rape ape is the most likely to assault you is a waste of time. People turning to escapism having fake relationships with images etc. is no different than "normies" being absorbed in social media and being cut off from society in any meaningful capacity coping over male violence and validation. I don't condone artificial relationships but what other women do without hurting any other women is not my problem.
No. 1635916
>>1635835Kek no I refuse to accept that is a thing, at least fapping doesn't sound so grotesque
>>1635758Samefag I can't believe I typed "pray" and not "prey" please ignore my retardation
No. 1635926
>>1635238Kek, imagine being so mad about a group of women finding fufillment in unconvetional ways that you need to resort to making moid tier takes. I'd rather be a husbando fag rather than a professional
victim like most normal women who are addcited to moids are.
No. 1635939
>>1635910No, that's how it is for 90% of husbando fags. Don't let retards who need to feel good about themselves for settling for whatever shitty moid and have serious attachment issues control the narrative.
>>1635929Don't you get it anon? There is only one way women are allowed to live their lives. That's basically how it all boils down to. I see this irl with a lot of very normie women, very judgemental and a hideous sense of self importance just because they believe they live life "correctly". If you dare to have any kind of mental illness, quirks or neurodivergence apparently you should just kill yourself as a woman, that's her point. Or you know, let some scrote do it.
No. 1635951
>>1635939So the "negative outcome" she (he) was talking about isn't being a sexual abuse
victim or a mutilated dead body in some vast forest and instead just not breeding? Kek.
No. 1635975
>>1635969You are so ignorant
nonnie, so ignorant!
No. 1635978
>>1635969god why do you care and why are you so invested in something so harmless. It really does seem like you are mad that you will never be able to spread your worthless seed because no sane woman wants it so this is how you take out your anger.
Notice how men who are successful sexually absolutely do not care nor do they have the time to spend their free time talking about fujos, husbandofags or making
shitty bait.
No. 1636149
>>1635969This is the first decent reply i've seen to this fictional character/parasocial attachment argument, but I still disagree with it. Imagination can provoke creativity, its only as depressing as you make of it. And who honestly cares if some women choose to worship fictional males who could and would never exist. I see the worship of any male real or fictional as incredibly bleak and the actual problem in this, but won't stop or shame women for this behavior that has no bearing on me.
>>1636135>Except we have many posters who are exactly like those waifufagsNo. Women are not like men and are not mass rapists, so who cares if they want to masturbate over a piece of plastic, they are hurting no one but arguably themselves in the process.
No. 1636158
>>1636149>No.Functionally, yes.
>Women are not like men and are not mass rapistsThere is no rape involved, and I wish people would stop mentioning it so much. I've seen someone replying to
>People must have relationships to remain sane.with sexual assault statistics. It's extremely inelegant and makes them look unhinged.
>who cares if they want to masturbate over a piece of plasticWe were arguing whether or not it was delulu behavior. Which it is. Same as making shrines, blowing you whole salary on merch, and professing your devotion to pixels.
No. 1636162
>>1636158do you have a boyfriend
No. 1636169
File: 1689586002013.png (32.87 KB, 1786x177, myad1 - childswitcharoo.png)

>>1635472The difference is because they're women not serving mens desires. Men have to try and shill mens desires as actually womens desires. Women not wanting or having children
triggers them. She was right.
No. 1636184
>>1636178Multiple posters opposing husbandofaggotry went out of their way to say stuff like 'romantic or non-romantic relationships' to avoid
triggering a certain portion of lolcow that sees diapers in the walls. Sadly, it didn't work. I guess husbandofags can't really defend their lifestyle and all they have left is moving goalposts.
No. 1636205
File: 1689590531421.jpg (73.26 KB, 1014x570, twd-father-gabriel-seth-gillia…)

He's my favorite character in the post-Rick seasons, Maggie is my top favorite but she's well liked so her being my fave isn't an unpopular opinion. Oh and I hate Daryl
No. 1636206
File: 1689590640960.jpg (81.49 KB, 446x600, Kashuu.Kiyomitsu.full.1830315.…)

>>1636198I believe you.
I still remember a Touken ranbu fan years ago on 4chan who loved Kashuu. She was going to marry a normie man but she wanted to include Kashuu somehow in the ceremony too, like cutting the cake with a replica of the sword kek. I hope the wedding went just like that and she is living a happy life with her husband and husbando.
No. 1636209
>>1636206I'm sorry, but reading cringy stuff like that is physically painful.
>my boyfriend is going to marry me but he wants to include Asuka somehow in the ceremony tooFUCK
No. 1636217
>>1636205His character arch is fucking amazing. If people don't like him even after the "call me Gabriel" moment they can't be saved.
On that note my unpopular TWD opinion is that it wasn't Carol's fault that they all ended up in that cave and Daryl's anger at her (especially considering how he got Glenn killed) was unjustified. You telling me this man who had no deep emotional connection to Negan's first
victim had better reason to act irrational and emotional than a woman who has lost several kids and only wanted revenge on her son's murderer? The whole "let's all just run head first into a dark cave" thing was stupid anyway, but the fandom collectively deciding that it was Carol's fault makes me mad to this day. Male fans can't handle characters like Maggie and Carol because they're complicated female characters, but will simp for Rick and Daryl despite all their faults.
No. 1636226
>>1636217Omg yesssssss a fellow Gabriel fan kek, I agree so hard that's one of the main reasons I like him, seeing him go from that scared sheltered traumatized priest hiding on a rock begging for God to save him to this badass half blind mofo who isn't scared of shit is amazing. I miss Michonne and Rick so much though, I was hoping to find out what happened with them and Jadis and the group she took him too but oh well, maybe they didn't even have a plan for that to begin with. I'm a few episodes from the series finale so maybe I'll find out but I doubt it.
And I completely agree with you about the Carol and Daryl situation, the last few seasons really ruined his character for me. Especially blaming Carol for the cave thing and the way he treated her when the two of them got to that cabin where him and Leah stayed for a while. He blamed her for pretty much everything even though he's made way more mistakes than she ever has and acted out of anger way more often. I didn't realize the fandom had sort of turned on Carol for that, but it doesn't surprise me the male fanbase always looks for reasons to hate the women on the show. The very first few seasons they would always bitch about how terrible Lori was but never Shane even though they pretty much did the exact same stuff they'd hate on Lori for, and how awful Andrea was even though she was essentially a mini Shane in those seasons. They even blamed Carol for losing Sophia back then, and then after the prison fell and everyone got separated the fanbase all dumped on Maggie for not trying harder to find Beth. They're just sad men who want to feel big and bad like they'd know exactly how to act in a zombie apocalypse kek, so they have to chastise all the female characters like they're better than them or something. The male fanbase sucks
No. 1636262
>>1636230I wouldn't mind a celibacy thread. I wouldn't mind a female separatism thread. I wouldn't mind a blackpill feminism thread, as in "feminism is never gonna win". I wouldn't support them, understand, but I wouldn't mind them either.
However, what I see in 2X is vile. I don't think the thread should be nuked because we better keep that shit contained. I'm simply disgusted.
No. 1636268
>>1636266I'm not samefagging. Believe it or not, more than one person finds the bp thread revolting.
>>1636265One what?
No. 1636334
>>1636299>different angleDo you mean the
>obese greasy NEET who's high on anti-psychotics and has been spamming the thread with nearly identical rants for yearsangle? Because that's where she's coming from.
No. 1636384
>>1636230I haven't checked 2X in a while because from my experience it's just racebait the board but the "right wing feminism" thread or whatever it was called was by far the worst thread. It's a tough choice between misogynist
femcels and misogynist tradthots though.
>>1636354Pretty sure you were homophobic before that thread,
No. 1636841
I think you're ridiculous if you hate a food that you decided you didn't like in childhood. Allergies excluded, of course. Like, plenty of grown ass adults decided they hate a food (it could be anything, it's usually a random vegetable tho) when they were a fucking toddler or in elementary school and have never, ever tried to eat one since. I am certain it's that their parents or the school cafeteria or whoever served that food made it shittily. They cooked the bejeezus out of it, or seasoned it improperly, or got the texture completely wrong. And that sealed their opinion on the thing forever. They'll never revisit that food, even though there's a strong possibility that they'll like it if it's part of a delicious meal and prepared in a competent way. I know 30+ year olds who last tasted a tomato when they were 8, found it yucky, and will never give it another chance. If you're one of those people, you're being ridiculous.
No. 1637060
>>1637034nta but abortions can be traumatic from even "just" the crash of hormones after the procedure. women with this opinion aren't saying 'abortion is too traumatic so just have the baby maybe' but rather 'abortion is great AND a serious medical decision and event, and shying away from talking about its negative consequences can blindside and further traumatize the same women it and our platform is supposed to help'
many of the women who hold this opinion talk abt it from a place of 'prevention (of conception) is the greatest cure' - condoms, plan b, non-PIV, vasectomy, dump him, etc etc
No. 1637089
>>1622351he reminds me so much of that red lizard from animal crossing, except that one is cute kek
seriously though, why did they make him look so old and scruffy when he's supposed to be like under 20
No. 1637109
>>1636988>it's not a small procedure even if you get the pillI can 100% confirm that the pill abortion is literally no different than a heavy period and the only reason why it feels like a "procedure" is due to the lengths you have to go through in order to obtain it.
Not to say there is no psychological impact, women experience different things, but we could do a lot to destigmatize abortion by not hyping it to be this big scary event.
From 2000 to 2018, of 4 million women who got abortions, 12 died.
Penicillin and Viagra cause more deaths than a medical abortion and yet no one will talk of the trauma from taking a pill for an infection or a broken cock.
No. 1637154
>>1637126As anon mentioned upthread, you are going to go through trauma in your life regardless of which decisions you make.
I and many other women would rather deal with what trauma there is of a pill abortion versus the D&E abortion or having to carry out an unwanted pregnancy.
We cannot exactly pick our poisons when we are already pregnant and out of options. Pill abortion is by far the least painful and risky of the options you'd have with childbirth being the most painful and deadliest.
My whole point is maybe women wouldn't experience such psychological and psychosomatic pains if we stopped stigmitizing pill abortion. It's fear mongering.
>>1637143Who told you that pill abortions are riskier than surgical ones?
But anyway I heavily disagree, I've had both pill and D&E and the pill was by far the least intrusive and painful.
No. 1637180
>>1637169It's unfortunate but you forget the mainstream narrative up until recently (~10ish years) has been that abortion is literal child murder and women should be ashamed.
It's far more priority to destigmatize first, focusing on the traumatic aspects first just gives more ammo to anti-choice.
No. 1637392
>>1637154that's relieving to know in case of rape but i
really do not understand bihet women who use abortion as birth control, or bihet women in general. wouldn't it be easier to not have sex, or at least use protection and rarely do it, if your partner is a moid?
No. 1637402
>>1637400Only person I’ve ever known to get a ridiculous amount of abortions (but also had two kids she neglected and left with
abusive scrotes) was extremely mentally unstable and also a multi drug addict. Truly for the best that she didn’t have those 7 fetuses she aborted. The two kids she did have were teen pregnancies and full of complications and she wasn’t even a heavy drugs user at that time and her second kid had some super rare serious disorder and almost died and needed a colonostopy bag for the first 5 years of her life. She was too drugged up to remember birth control and IUDs weren’t really a thing back then.
No. 1637697
>>1637576Sadly for me I had an
abusive ex who treated me like shit through my pregnancy, and unrelated to him I was tricked into going to a fake clinic (google it if you don’t know what this is). They misled me and fucked up my timeline. I caught my pregnancy very early so I wouldn’t have had any trauma if they hadn’t lied to me and led me to believe I had a miscarriage because there was no heartbeat. Because of that and my naivety (I was going through this alone so I had nobody to ask for advice), I got an abortion later than I wanted to once I realized I was still pregnant.. The abortion itself was fairly easy but everything around it was so awful that i do have PTSD. Pro-life faggots caused so much personal suffering for me that I hope they all die slowly.
No. 1637789
>>1637736Abusive or non-
abusive, pedo women shouldn't be treated better just because they're not men.
There is also no such thing as non-
abusive pedo. You just don't know when and how they will offend.
Pedo apologists = trash.
No. 1638003
>>1637882Inclusivity in stuff like beauty and makeup is kind of interesting to me because of the double edged sword it is. It's impossible to portray the alluring "perfection/ideal" using people who don't fit the image, you just can't have an ugly person and pretend that looks good.
I kind of feel like saying that ALL people have to be included to be seen and feel beautiful just confirms that "beauty is really important", rather than keeping it an alluring mystical ideal that no one is really expected to uphold because we aren't all models. We aren't really doing it for other things, like we aren't saying "ALL people can be olympic athletes" while we insist amateurs are given equal airtime to pro athletes or saying "ALL people are artists, so my amateur painting is worth 5 billion too". Instead of saying "beauty ideals don't matter, just play around with it for fun if you feel like it" they change it to "let's pretend everyone is the beauty ideal".
Every race has beautiful, average, and ugly people. Some beautiful people happen to have disabilities. But a person isn't automatically fit to be the image of beauty simply because they have a disability, which is how brands treat it. They just grab the first disabled person they see and insist we see them as beautiful, when in reality it just looks like money-grabby pity. They/thems are literally just followers of a specific religion, they have fuck all to do in any inclusivity campaign unless it's about religion and spirituality.
No. 1638281
>>1638090now this is a truly unpopular opinion.
i think the incision looks like shit but admittedly it couldve been way worse. they look uneven now but they obviously havent fully healed, so we wont be able to tell for a few months. honestly though her chronic tit veins are the most offputting thing and no implants are gonna be able to fix those
No. 1638285
>>1638095i came into this thread to talk about the weird fanfics treat pregnancy and abortion sometimes by saying pro-life things to make it seem more romantic e.g. "I would never kill his (emphasis on his) baby". but i see that this thread has a pro-life troll.
To this troll, i have to say is you will never stop abortions, you are just killing poor women and teenage girls who can't afford to get safe private abortions. But you probably get off those women dying and see pregnancy as punishment despite you going on about the "poor babies"
No. 1638288
>>1637406because people turn women into charicatures to control them. so it always has to be a madonna/whore extreme, the saintly mother or the promiscious woman who treats abortion as bc pills. same with the charicature of evil women lying about rape and abuse even though majority of abuse
victims never report.
No. 1638347
>>1638337I agree, it also helps people have a realistic view on human bodies. I've read so many horror stories of men having sex with women for the first time and they are shocked and actually believe there is something genetically/physically wrong with the woman because she doesn't look like a porn star
scratch that, maybe hentai, there's multiple porn stars who have realistic bodies
No. 1638473
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It was a terrible idea to make a Barbie movie for an adult audience and then not make Ken bisexual.
No. 1638527
>>1638499Not even an anachan, it’s just the truth. If you’re skinny and you eat, it’s cute or you’re just hungry and that’s okay, if you don’t eat, you’re just nervous or anxious and that’s totally fine. You can wear whatever you want and either be considered cute and a trendsetter or oh so crazy and rebellious wearing cool stuff beyond everyone’s comprehension.
You can find better clothing options that won’t make you look like a pillow in a small pillowcase, you are less likely to have issues with your clothes suddenly ripping at the seams because you sat down too hard, you don’t get as tired, you don’t get swollen feet all of the time, you can just have fun without worrying about looking frumpy or ugly because everyone will think you’re just so funny and adorable doing funny faces and not an ugly mess.
Being skinny is literally one of the most important things in life and I’m sick of people pretending it isn’t.
Talking to people when you’re fat always means having people bringing up calorie counting, how sizing is unfair, how “you can be healthy and still be fat” pity compliments, putting other people down because they think that will make you feel better, diets, exercises, more calorie counting and portion management.
It’s so tiresome, I’m pretty sure that there’s something about being fat that
triggers people that makes them think that they can fix fat or even just chubby people, I’m pretty sure that skinny people don’t have to talk about the same things over and over again because it doesn’t matter, they reached the most important goal, they can focus on other miscellaneous things, and maybe on staying skinny, but that’s not a big deal, just some magical calorie counting and that’s it.
No. 1638577
>>1638527most of this is blatantly untrue. firstly, unless you're incredibly obsessed with fashion to the point you make faggots blush, most fat people only care what they wear is comfortable. i agree the tearing shit is annoying but that seldom, if ever happens unless you gain weight and don't notice. i personally love getting concern trolls to interact because they sperg out when i'm not concerned with my appearance. in all honesty that only ever happened with my batshit insane extended family, but otherwise i get treated better than my thinner counterparts. by "treated better," i mean i never,
ever get catcalled. fat fetish freaks never approach you unless you make a mess of yourself, which fat people, or at least fat women, do their best to never do. it's the perfect way to not be noticed and blend into a crowd. i know most people dislike it but unless you're around 300 or more pounds none of the problems you listed happens.
No. 1638834
>>1638589Did you carefully read her entire post, or did you have a stroke?
>>1638577Oh okay, so you're a scrote or a retard. Any woman knows that catcalling isn't about finding women sexually attractive, it's about harassment and making them uncomfortable. Good for you that you're the main character, my sister still gets followed out of stores and comments on her tits.
>unless you're incredibly obsessed with fashion to the point you make faggots blush, most fat people only care what they wear is comfortableYes, those unreasonable beauty standards women are held up to and scrutinized over magically disappear when it comes to fat people, and most tubs of lard are so fat they just care about being comfortable because they couldn't possibly care about looking good or presentable! Retard.
>>1638799>I personally have NEVER discussed calorie counting with my fat friends I sometimes have. I'm sure they definitely suffer in other ways (especially physically!) but I've never seen it, so you are overreactingOkay. Cringe post.
The stink of ana-chan cope in this thread from anons who refuse to extend even a mote of empathy to their fellow women for the cardinal sin of not being thin. Scrote-brained, all of you.
No. 1639243
File: 1689892622671.jpg (91.95 KB, 307x358, vintage-flocked-hair-ken-doll.…)

>>1638579The original Ken dolls came both in blonde and brown. They probably just picked the one that matched Barbies hair since blondes are stereotyped as more vapid
No. 1639306
>>1638834not a scrote, possibly a retard but i doubt it.
i have never been catcalled, i'm in the upper 200's and have a very small chest and a hank hill ass. i don't get treated worse, i never get pressured into wearing makeup or being "feminine" because i'm butch and they know it won't do shit but make me laugh at them and do the opposite of whatever they suggest out of spite. if you're going to be fat, you have to have a titanium backbone and a sense of humor. if not you get negative comments. have you tried learning self confidence?
No. 1639452
File: 1689918720536.jpeg (33.6 KB, 306x488, 2146ABCD-A46B-4972-BAB7-DD5E8A…)

>>1638527I wonder if this is Claire/grimes posting KEK. Tbf she’s one of the few people I’ve ever seen look better anachan skinny vs healthy weight, being a normal size makes her look like a chubby British potato man.
No. 1639600
>>1639452it's not the weight,
nonnie. it's the overly high dosage and migrated fillers.