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File: 1688223515081.jpg (139.04 KB, 1189x900, Fi0beCQXEAUjZOH.jpg)

No. 1622033

prev >>>/ot/1614319
for the thick of head and the dumb of ass

No. 1622043

Uh what am I supposed to do with twatter down… I don't even tweet but I lurk a fucking lot

No. 1622045

Yeah. I tweet like a fucking maniac but I don't know what to do now. Also I'm suppose to be in bed.

No. 1622046

File: 1688224663325.jpg (41.81 KB, 500x494, hmph.jpg)

me defying Islam at age 13 by drawing Budo x Ayato Yandere Simulator fanart

No. 1622047

It's working fine for me. Is it down in some countries

No. 1622049

File: 1688224903082.jpg (107.87 KB, 480x512, Muntjac-in-garden,-High-Kellin…)

i bought those push-up pop type popsicles. yesssss

No. 1622050

I'm currently in a car being filled with gas while it's running….

No. 1622051

Is that a bad thing?

No. 1622052

You were literally challenging Allah nonna.

No. 1622053

File: 1688225792682.png (944.31 KB, 1200x800, IMG_4499.png)

omg me defying islam at the age of 10 by incessantly drawing the gems from steven universe making out. one time i even made sakura miku and hatsune miku gay ( can't remember if they were kissing ) for my art exam in primary school KEK

No. 1622055

I'm starting a new blog where I thoughtdump and "review" (wordvomit my opinions on) otome games I've played
I hope I stick to it, I think it'll be funny to read back in a few years time

No. 1622056


I want to follow it nonna because I am getting back into otome games

No. 1622058

I love otome game review blogs. Especially when they have obscure ones

No. 1622059

I can't tell if this is serious or not lol

No. 1622061

idgi you can't post at all? I can post but when I go on somebody's post I see the post but none of the replies and I have an error message for that.

No. 1622064

File: 1688226718536.jpg (19.91 KB, 643x601, FTshzB6aUAAv7vz.jpg)

tfw you exceed the rate limit

No. 1622068

File: 1688227019079.jpg (307.71 KB, 1600x1053, view-dome-Vienna-St-Peters-pse…)

i hope the anon who was traveling western europe is doing ok, her posts made me feel like i was on vacation too.

No. 1622071

that's awesome nona, it will definitely be fun for you, there's no bigger relief than to look up certain details/routes for an otome game and actually find someone that's reviewed it(me basically with I Love You!)

No. 1622076

I wish I were a panda nanny.

No. 1622090

Got twitter "rate-limited" and now I can't even check out if the artist I saw getting quoteretweeted for drawing a nose too "european" is going to get dogpiled because of this or not. Googling tells me it could be a bug going around because I really wasn't even browsing much, but maybe it's better this way.

No. 1622099

Ladies, I think it's finally happening to me. The true rite of passage. Puking and having diarrhea at the same time.

No. 1622101

good riddance

No. 1622108

File: 1688232021949.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1697x1668, IMG_1553.jpeg)

I found this dumb ass drawing like four days ago and it's the only thing I've thought about ever since

No. 1622110

File: 1688232221357.png (71.33 KB, 250x250, 1531395410267s.png)

recently found out my ex buys anime figures FROM SECONDHAND SHOPS, OUT OF THE BOX. i was always told never to buy them opened ever because of sick creeps cooming on them.

No. 1622113

File: 1688232813259.png (23.88 KB, 640x315, e9u38u1wca9b1.png)

Twitter has been limited to 600 tweets a day
Reddit killed the API
And now this in america on google chrome

I feel like the internet is shitting itself today
Where the fuck will I go for my daily fanart feed? Pixiv?

No. 1622114

Also this is READING 600 tweets per day, not writing

No. 1622117

kek, I love these "ghetto cartoon" artworks

No. 1622119

Honestly I'm using WFDownaldoer to download from all the accounts I like and then deleting my twitter account.

No. 1622120

I'm fascinated by the "cartoon gangster" genre of art. My favorite are the Shrek edits and spongebob gangsta shirts. Who even draws this stuff? What motivates them? Outsider art meets Pop art.

No. 1622126

File: 1688234011964.gif (30.56 KB, 175x250, 2E9CDA1F-7911-4F83-94DC-3C59F9…)

I bought a heart locket to put a picture of my husbando in. I fear my autism has reached the point of no return.

No. 1622128

Kek I thought who the fuck tweets 600 times a week anyway before realizing you mean viewing. That explains why Nitter stopped displaying all tweets when I was browsing through someone's TL yesterday. I thought it was that site shitting itself, not Twitter.

Guess Muskrat isn't so cool now huh, I wonder if there will be any backlash from his fanboys

No. 1622130

Have you tried using a VPN and incognito mode?

No. 1622134

THATS SO COOL enjoy your locket! i'm doing a bit of merch hunting myself rn, why is all the merch of my guy so (seemingly) enticingly cheap yet so difficult to actually locate online…

No. 1622136

File: 1688234445648.jpg (76.47 KB, 1200x590, Fz941X3XsAUkzg6.jpg)

No. 1622137

You're based and I wish you and your husbando a long and happy love

No. 1622140

beautiful nonna.

No. 1622141

But why? I don't use twitter that much but could you imagine if other sites begin to take after?
>"Sorry you've reached your limit of YouTube videos for the day. With YouTube Premium you can watch for however long you wish"

No. 1622143

Shh nonna, don't give them ideas

No. 1622145

yeah he's basically turning the app into a subscription service since they make so much money. glad i don't use it

No. 1622146

File: 1688234895653.jpg (465.37 KB, 1170x1534, FytC_VNWwAEZlYO.jpg)

Honestly this is kinda sweet.

No. 1622147

also looked up his account and he's 16 and has a bad home life, so I sorta get it.

No. 1622153

File: 1688235457356.jpeg (110.78 KB, 1024x976, 7B8F682E-5AB3-4198-86E3-566875…)

ahh thank you nonnies, he’s already motivating me to be better

No. 1622154

Does he want twitter to die or something?

No. 1622160


No. 1622162

Hmmmmmm….. weird. Very weird. Indeed.

No. 1622163

Is this with ublock? I think that one gets updated pretty often so it should work again eventually.

No. 1622164

Aw. It sounds like he loves to cook. I wish I wanted to work this bad

No. 1622165

I think this whole rate-limited is what is truly gonna bring back decentralized forums. If anything… this is gonna be healthy for the whole entire world.

No. 1622166

File: 1688236606464.png (47.4 KB, 977x538, jesus.PNG)

Look at this wikipedia I found. Kinda feels disrespectful that they're calling him only Jesus, even though I imagine him to be chill with that.

No. 1622167

>Chooses death over getting help from her enemy
Queen Shit.

No. 1622172

I feel like this dude is a nigel but i hate nonnas nigelposting so much that it’s making me resent him for being perfect

No. 1622174

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He said it's temporary, but I hope it'll make some change towards forums again. But it'll most likely only push more people into discords

No. 1622179

Regardless…. I'm hopeful that musk's retarded decision will backfire, and somewhat bring back a resurgence of nostalgic, freedom forums. Where you can say whatever you want, do whatever you do.

No. 1622188

You should resent him, use it as fuel to keep on vetting him.

No. 1622209

File: 1688239814517.jpg (46.16 KB, 573x594, chemcials.jpg)

>want to install the latest clipstudio paint
>find torrent for 2.0
>download it and install it
>the crack is detected as malware
I know it's dangerous but I just want to draw. I don't care if it's technically wrong but I don't want to risk someone keylogging my PC or other wacky bullshit.

No. 1622211

i found a download for version 1.13.2 but i have no idea if i can post it here

No. 1622214

I think I know exactly which one you're talking about, I already have the crack installer and stuff for that specific version. I just wanted to try out 2.0 because of its new blending feature.

No. 1622216

ohh okay, i dont even know if you can re-download older versions of csp so maybe it wouldnt be very useful now

No. 1622228

thank you nona. wtf i love russia now

No. 1622234

You love Russia for invading Ukraine?
You got to be baiting.

No. 1622237

Should I eat a Snickers or strawberries, kiwi and cherries? I just drank apple juice so I shouldn't have either but uuughhhh.

No. 1622239

No. 1622246

Nonna was obviously joking because the pic was a Russian soldier chopping off a Ukrainian soldier’s dick

No. 1622248

I am going to spend thousands of dollars gambling on TF2 crates and no one can stop me!

No. 1622251

If he really wants to kill twitter he'll ban porn.

No. 1622252

what this >>1622246 nona said, i would support any army that cuts off the enemies' rape wands. less penises = less forced impegnations and severe trauma.

No. 1622261

Is all of this going to be permanent for the website, going forward? If so, I truly don't understand how this will make Twitter financially prosper in the long term. Am I missing the bigger picture here or…? Are we simply just witnessing sheltered billionaire brainrot in action and I'm overthinking it?

No. 1622264

True. It has killed tumblr before, it could happen again. Apple just needs to start threatening him to take that shit off the app store

No. 1622265

samefag, my stupid fucking speed reader ass found the word "temporary" in that op image I'm sorry

No. 1622269

It's so fucking hot anons. It's 92 degrees and feels like 102 degrees. I fucking hate living in the south during this time.
Yep, it's one of the only social media apps that still allows NSFW content (unless Tumblr is allowing it again? I heard something like that). It would alienate both artists and onlyfans pornstars and it'll either make way for a new social media app or they will just have to go to reddit or something. I feel like Elon wouldn't do it, but idk.

No. 1622272

my favourite hobby is finding ways to make the most out of my money while ordering fast food. It's extremely retarded yet engaging, for example today i found out you can get more food by the same amount of money if you tweak a combo rather than choosing the original. I hate being a fatty but its funne nonetheles.

No. 1622273

What a bizarre thing to say when Russian soldiers are raping Ukrainian women and children.

No. 1622274

I do not understand the husbandofags for TF2 that post everywhere

No. 1622275

so did the azovs in donbass. just moids being moids but at least if some of them cut some penises off they'd do better.

No. 1622283

I don't get why there are so many anons here who see those characters as sexy husbando material, I mean to each their own but they all look so goofy and cartoonish.

No. 1622285

This is why ALL armies should take up this practice. Some new chivalry code. Standardize enemy castration 2023. Do it in more medically safe ways for all I care. Slowly funnel the world toward a bonobo emulating matriarchy situation.

I don't like to think of women soldiers. They face enough horror from their own side. We need to stay out of chimp on chimp violence. It's not like women being present currently is preventing violence toward civilians.

No. 1622288

I think tf2 characters look like they're made of clay. No hate to the tf2fags tho.

No. 1622290

you need to cut off the balls not the penis. common mistake.

No. 1622296

Exactly, that is what bothers me about the design.

No. 1622319

Sometimes I get scared to shitpost because both jannies and anons are a little dumb and jokes don't go over well sometimes here on seriouscow.business

No. 1622320

What would you classify as "sexy and attractive"?

No. 1622325

Yeah, the amount of times anons took my jokes way too seriously got me traumatized, it's not fun at all nowadays I'll admit. My true clown self shines bright at bunkers because no one can stop my chaos, not even the pearl clutchers

No. 1622328

Its a form of attention seeking. Like
>haha look at me i find this objectively ugly/bland design attractive aren't you tempted to give me (you)s going "wtf nona??"

No. 1622331

There are people where I'm from who literally eat roadkill and rabbits and shit, and I wont even buy a pack of chicken at a grocery store if there's too much blood or it's on sale

No. 1622342

Lmao I'll admit my husbando has a bland design and I like the way my post go unnoticed actually, getting several "wtf" replies is not a pleasing experience imo

No. 1622359

File: 1688250778011.png (622.9 KB, 600x800, howling.png)

there's this goodreads reviewer that i found and like ( i reverse image searched her profile picture and it lead me to several of her other reviews and then i apostrophe searched for her user number on google and i found even more kek ) she's so based and has been based since like 2012 BUT her profile is set to private so i can't see any more ugh i'm so upset!!!! and she has so many books reviews in the thousands i need to know. i'm wooed by the gendercrit radical feminist views and the bold hating i need to see more!!!!! i'm so frustrated but i respect her privacy i suppose i just am so so so curious and knowing she's based it pains me that i can't know what her favorite/highest rated books are and her pseudo is a single letter too so i can't look it up elsewhere AAAARGHHHHH… PAIN

No. 1622363

I love tiramisu (eating some tiramisu cake right now) but for some reason I cannot fathom the idea of eating a tres leches cake. They look so soggy.

No. 1622365

Dude log off. When will you shut up?

No. 1622367

Update, I managed to download a crack from a source that I feel confident in. I can now use procedural blending. Hurray!

No. 1622372

I love seeing cute guinea pig videos on my explore page on instagram but what is it with some of these fucking weirdo pet owners frequently drawing attention to their guinea pigs’ fat balls

No. 1622376

Seeing my 50+ year old father read those long-strip ultra cheesy power fantasy manhua is surreal

No. 1622382

File: 1688252405985.jpg (155.92 KB, 960x960, ee4.jpg)

I've been praying for a Hellweek for what feels like years and we finally get one and it starts on my birthday

No. 1622386

They actually aren't 'wet' if we'll made. The holes are meant to store the milk, and let the milk out when you press on it with cutlery. Even if you fail and create a soggy mess, it won't be a problem if your cake is short. Although I've never had a GOOD tres leches prepared by someone who isn't me. You should never penny pinch when selecting your slice, because I've only been gifted low to medium price range products so far and none of them were even close to satisfactory. If you don't have money to blow on food don't even bother

No. 1622389

I like tiramisu sometimes but tres leches is a texture nightmare. I always try it when it’s at a party or something because people who like it act like it’s the best thing ever and I start thinking maybe I just haven’t tried the right one but ew no. It’s like a soggy sponge. I hate flan for its texture, too. I’m a bad Mexican.

No. 1622390

Same anon as above (it won’t let me delete to repost with this added) but my sister absolutely loves tres leches and insists the soggier the better. She’s not the only one I’ve heard express that opinion so I guess there’s a wide variety of what is considered good.

No. 1622403

Just had a flashback to middle school and one of the retarded kids in my class was this like 6 foot tall guy with a teeny weeny little jaw and chin that was so receded it basically didn’t exist and he had a horrendous speech impediment. I remember one time he was trying to say the name “Josh” and he kept saying “sauce” and even the teacher told him to just stop trying KEK. And then he body slammed a kid

No. 1622412

Of course he body slammed a kid. Could you imagine the rage he had to hold back.

No. 1622414

I am crying laughing in bed did he body slam a kid because he couldn’t say the name?

No. 1622419

I’m not sure if it was directly because of that but I know they happened like one after the other lol. I remember the teacher being like “gentleman please” and then the huge retard just falling on top of josh so maybe they were beefing?

No. 1622429

>nobody can possibly like something i don't like, they must want attention
The tf2fags don't even get that many replies so this doesn't make sense. Plus they're liked by women outside of imageboards too. This argument only applies if there's a widely controversial character being posted.

No. 1622452

>TFW your dad has reverse vitiligo

No. 1622483

I never go to /w/ but I'll check it this week to see all the bans there.

No. 1622485

Guys replying to stuff about MGK casually gendering him as her is the funniest fucking thing to me. Some guy was like "Eminem made her change whole genres" to a short of him completely bombing on stage and it gets me every time

No. 1622496

I'm not a TF2 husbandofag you dumb shit I have money to waste and I'm deciding to waste it gambling on TF2

No. 1622507

Wonder how that nonna who kept being harassed by an autistic manchild and everyone else telling her to give him a chance is doing. I hope she's ok now and living her best life.


No. 1622509

Airplanes, obviously

No. 1622531

And I think about the anon who harasses an autist and wants to hate-fuck him and everyone told her to leave him alone kek

No. 1622544

There was a creepy hand ghost video in saw on YouTube, hands coming out the walls and eyes, I legit thought it was real when I saw It years ago. I feel so silly now.

No. 1622547

this reminds me of my previous roommate who would always pour tons of milk on any cake she ate, I guess some people like the texture of soggy food

No. 1622551

Love the visuals and can't wait!

No. 1622553

I want cabbage.

No. 1622554

A few years ago I would sometimes watch videos of this guy's "homunculus" creature hatched from an egg fertilized with his sperm. I don't know if it's because I was watching them at 3am or because it was so well edited but I believed it fully and it freaked me out so much kek

No. 1622555

Me too

No. 1622568

Im making some tomorrow night for a small get together. Mac and cheese, barbecue chicken, and fried cabbage. My dumbass bought an entire head of cabbage instead of buying some precut stuff.

No. 1622572

Holy shit another anon remembers that

No. 1622576

I remember these. I kinda wanted it to be real even though it was obviously fake even back then, I thought it was cool

No. 1622582

I was fucking invested. It was real to me.

No. 1622583

I guess there was a time when homunculus were popular, I remember a friend sending me a video of a guy who would do witchcraft stuff and he attempted to create a homunculus, except he was serious about it, so he unironically made a little hole in an egg, put his cum in it, then incubated it, of course, nothing happened.

No. 1622584

Like the rance attention whore, i hope she gets a perma ban during hellweek

No. 1622592

Hasn't she already?

No. 1622602

yes she has, she ban evades occasionally but is considered a ban on sight ever since her nude posting meltdown

No. 1622606

I'm dru k a d mad

No. 1622623

Idk if it was here or somewhere else, but I remember seeing someone say "poopenfarten" as a joke on German and I think of it every time I go to the bathroom. The German language is so funny.

No. 1622625

why are you mad

No. 1622628

I think cause her n key is broken

No. 1622633

File: 1688274159026.jpg (97.28 KB, 736x736, 10a4062f9efa175fb827284a4a65ec…)

Unironically beautiful shoes.

No. 1622638

With the right dress I can honestly see these working as part of a campy look for Halloween, Disney World, etc.

No. 1622653

it has begun, by the end of the week all the active /w/ threads are gonna be lit up like a christmas tree kek

No. 1622665

Was gonna say something but I frogot

No. 1622667

Oh I remember. Why are gymbros so obsessed with looking like an upside down dorito? And has anyone else noticed that new posts always say "2 minutes ago" when you post them

No. 1622668

These look like they would give zooey deschanel heart palpitations when she passes them in a storefront

No. 1622678

in that video, the Ukrainian soldier is on his tummy so they start by cutting thru his scrotum and make their way to his dick, they even take what they cut off and throw it on the ground so you can see it's both the penis and balls attached by a flap of skin.

No. 1622682

Men. Barely human

No. 1622686

> Why are gymbros so obsessed with looking like an upside down dorito?
where? all of the ones i have met except my friend want to look like cubeez

No. 1622687

i used to watch a youtuber that tries internet hacks and the absolute madwoman tried it irl

No. 1622691

>And has anyone else noticed that new posts always say "2 minutes ago" when you post them
I've noticed this, I suspect the time on the server is out of sync or something like that. Admins, sync your NTP or something, damn.

No. 1622694

It's been like that for a very long time. I expect nothing from the people who left us with ancient banners for five years and can't even fix a catalog.

No. 1622696

If admins gave me SSH access to the servers I would fix every problem (by deleting the entire website)

No. 1622699

Now when I search for stuff on youtube it shows me stuff related to things I've watched instead of just showing me general results (searching "mukbang" and just getting Amberlynn Reid and Foodie Beauty vids). This is just like pinterest. and the home page is good for nothing because it just shows me the same shit over and over again. I'm going to fucking lose it.

No. 1622701

I’m glad I’m not the only one KEK

No. 1622702

Anon we're the same. I think youtube is confused as to what interests us. Also my YouTube is demented it thinks I want to watch bone queen eugenia even though I dont read ana chan threads or anything about her. I could search "fluffy bunny" and under 10 videos a random video of her stream is there. I wouldnt be surprised if they were pushing her but I dont give a fuck it's weird.

No. 1622703

This shit isn’t happening to me, maybe because I pay for YouTube premium?

No. 1622704

>I pay for YouTube premium

No. 1622734

File: 1688283736102.jpg (130.92 KB, 800x1202, Fendi_store_opening_-_Karl_Lag…)

high fashion designers look so omminous

No. 1622742

NTA but same. Some people have been angry at me over jokes.

No. 1622780

Not looking like clayanimation is a start.

No. 1622872

>ever since her nude posting meltdown
Qrd? What the hell did I miss

No. 1622884

how did she try it without sperm, did she use her bf's/husband's? it's hard to harvest an egg from a woman and it's useless since it's the sperm that has to fertilise it, two eggs won't do anything

No. 1622888

i remember the homunculus videoes >>1622554 described. he used, like, a chicken egg. idk about the person >>1622687 referred to but i assumed she also did a chicken egg. it wouldn't do shit but rot because of fertilization barriers

No. 1622889

he was kinda based about what he said about fat people though

No. 1622890

also chicken eggs sold in stores are a chicken's menses so not even viable anyway. one time when i was 4 i rolled a chicken egg down the stairs because i wanted it to hatch

No. 1622895

Rancefag posted her nudes but admin/a mod deleted them.

No. 1622898

she was posting naked pics of herself with rance written on her body in /ot/ to prove she's not a troon, was arguing with people who engaged, and oversharing about herself then admitted she was having some sort of mental episode

No. 1622928

The newest posts are about 40 minutes old, is this the weekend deadness everyone always talks about or is everyone scared of hellweek?

No. 1622930

it's been difficult to post today.

No. 1622944

I'm always active, but even I know better than to post on weekends, specially Sunday, several boards drop dead on weekends for some reason

No. 1622964

File: 1688313253341.jpg (72.25 KB, 647x806, g70qv.jpg)

>when the cows think they've outdone lolcor

No. 1622966

Do you suspect the nonnies are all in church? kek

No. 1622973

File: 1688314104608.jpg (58.62 KB, 593x739, 4a524b991af0ca414c7f6906331733…)

What is with people who post bait but sage their bait posts? Commit to being an attention whore or don't even bother.

No. 1622975

I've never been in a TJ Maxx, but I imagine it's like Walmart for women (minus the grocery section).

No. 1622976

they keep all the purses right by the exist because they want me to steal one

No. 1622978

Because the bait is only for you, I'm not going to bother everyone else. You don't use a catfish lure for walleye.

No. 1622979

>didn't sage

No. 1622987

Thank you for revealing to us that there's a new way to upset people that are being baited

No. 1622996

Eh, I just report anyway.

No. 1623000

Reporting someone for baiting you… so sad

No. 1623006

I sage all my posts that could seem baity because I want to emphasize that I'm in fact not baiting.

No. 1623007

I just found out that there was a law passed like last year that says mangakas and vtubers have to reveal their identity

No. 1623011

A law passed where? Laws aren't global

No. 1623012

Hmm idk anon. Which country do you think is most likely to have laws for mangakas?

No. 1623013


No. 1623015

Samefag, small correction, the law was passed but only goes into effect in October.

No. 1623016

There should be a global law for vtubers to be banned from existence. I hate clicking on a video that seems well made and interesting and there is this retarded cat person that seems straight out of a shitty pervy japanese videogame. I'd rather look at some ugly fella, not this bullshit. It's even worse when men do it, they look extra pathetic in a way I've never thought possible.

No. 1623021

I wonder if musical artists and seiyuus that work under a stage name will have to do this some time later, too, then

No. 1623022

It's hellweek but just feels like another day on the farm.

No. 1623032

How would it feel any different?

No. 1623036

File: 1688319432046.jpg (44.1 KB, 622x738, 244f5dbe7e34598198dc409f899942…)

No. 1623040

I've been walking my new dog for weeks now and my clothes fit way better so I've lost something but I'm not seeing a number change

No. 1623041

File: 1688319828768.jpg (162.25 KB, 1434x1438, wu1xbwp1mny71.jpg)

No. 1623045

File: 1688320670226.jpg (47.32 KB, 1280x720, goodnight_moon.jpg)

She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen and I'm crushing on her so hard rn

No. 1623048

There are some deranged eroge ads on picrew, the animu girls in those ads are as well animated as the avarage vtuber, look about the same too.

No. 1623054

Muscle weighs more than fat. So if you're getting thinner but staying the same weight, you're gaining muscle.

No. 1623057

File: 1688322392550.jpg (59.11 KB, 768x498, LOW07608-768x498.jpg)

>be greasy femcel
>they make you play a hot twink
What do?

No. 1623059

Win to show him his place

No. 1623067

I wish there were YouTubers who do mukbangs of regular sized meals. I like to use mukbangs for meal inspo, and also I think people forget that mukbangs are meant to feel like you're eating with someone. I can't imagine I'm having lunch with someone if they're eating 20 packs of Korean fire ramen with hot Cheeto fried chicken dipped in cheese, and snow crab legs smothered in bloves sauce. And most of them don't commentate either, bitch I'm not here to watch you binge eat. JUST TALK.

No. 1623068

Didn’t you already post this exact post

No. 1623072

File: 1688323471444.jpg (22.14 KB, 564x559, 4860b2d0e0a6098d8e77e8716b149d…)

I was going to complain about not getting replies recently, but then I realized I make so many posts in so many different threads I forget about half of them. I am dumb

No. 1623076

Anon ships them I guess.

No. 1623077

Agreed, fuck vtubers. I know a couple of semi popular ones that are secretely based but hide their manhate because I met them in mmos prior to their vtuber careers. I still can't help but see them as massive pickmes though. I wish vtubing never became a thing

No. 1623078

File: 1688324164942.jpg (121.03 KB, 735x697, 17ef87b6230aa2ae4adaa043dc86ac…)

I've been getting into the Amberverse recently, and ngl the Haydurs sometimes have really dumb criticisms for Amberlynn. I was looking at people's thoughts on a recent Amberlynn Reid vid, and people were saying she shouldn't buy Lego kits cause she's a 500(?) elbee adult. Like damn, being fat isn't a moral failure or anything, if the girl wants to buy Legos I say let her.
In general, my impression of Haydur nation (from reaction channels and everything I've seen) is that it is probably a lot of fat people or formerly fat people projecting onto Amberlynn. That's not to say she hasn't done anything wrong tho.

No. 1623080

I dont know many, I only know the pipa girl because kiwi scrotes love her, meaning she's probably a male panderer

No. 1623081

I don't get what is her milk except for being fat and dumb. Guess most Americans are cows if you go by that standard.

No. 1623083

>it is probably a lot of fat people or formerly fat people projecting onto Amberlynn.
Exactly, and the wannarexics using her as "fatspo".

No. 1623084

Any female cow that seems to exclusively have a huge male "hater base" and annoying wine moms, I avoid. It's why I can't get into Chantel despite her being kind of interesting

No. 1623086

Tell me the best threads to read for cosplay cow drama NOW

No. 1623089

Most of her milk is just treating the people (mostly significant others, she accused one of rape) in her life poorly and constantly "trying" to lose weight by trying new diets or programs for like a week.
I've also seen people accuse her lying about being sexually assaulted when she was young, which was pretty wrong even if she could have possibly lied about being raped by a partner. I think speculating about whether or not someone was sexually assaulted is off limits.
Old Momokun threads are a classic. I actually don't know if her threads are even still active.

No. 1623091

who the FUCK keeps using all the vpn servers i use and getting banned here??

No. 1623093

There's a general costhot thread in /w/ and Sarah Spaceman has some hits as well. I don't actually know if there are any active good cosplayer threads at the moment because all the cosplay anons seem to have fucked off to greener pastures which is a shame, I really miss the times when they would absolutely rip into Momokun's shoddily made costumes piece by piece. After she stopped making her own costumes it just turned into calling her fat and ugly and there's zero joy or creativity in that.

No. 1623094

File: 1688325190411.jpeg (205.93 KB, 1076x1154, 1638974406910.jpeg)

Nonnas I think I'm really losing it. I just got done plucking out every single one of my pubic hairs with a pair of tweezers.
It took me 4 days and countless hours. It hurt like fuck and I have back pain from sitting hunched over but somehow it is extremely addictive to me. I keep going back to inspect the skin for new hairs or bits where the root isn't pulled all the way out yet, and cannot wait for tomorrow so I can sit down and nip all the new hairs right in the bud. My skin is reacting about as well as you would imagine but I cannot stop.
Why am I like this

No. 1623104

obsessing over body hair like this is mental illness

No. 1623108

File: 1688326179231.jpg (24 KB, 540x393, tumblr_pn4ghh66Qq1qlf1q2o1_540…)

I used to say I wanted to be the one people could count on for great hot chocolate and bad advice, but somehow along the way I apparently became the friend that gives great advice and mediocre hot chocolate instead because somehow most of the advice I give seem to work and now everyone recognizes me as the most sensible person they know and idk how I feel about this turn of events.

No. 1623109

Stop thinking about people's issues and go work on your hot chocolate skills. What kind of milk do you use?

No. 1623115

omfg, my feelings exactly. as much as i dislike amberlynn (and related cows like chantal), the sheer amount of youtube channels that profit off nitpicking every single breath she takes is insane. the ones who show their face and EVERY SINGLE VIDEO is a ten minute diatribe complaining about her are the worst, especially when they themselves are overweight. when i got into amberlynn i tried watching a few of them and i found them all annoying as fuck, i stick to the ones that just make compilations without much commentary and when they do it's just text and an ai voice reading it. young dumb honey bun the terminal NLOG is the worst.

No. 1623116

It's not because I care about having body hair if that's what you mean, I don't give a shit and usually don't even shave my legs. It's purely that it feels physically satisfying to spot a thick one and pull it out, which might also be mental illness but still.

No. 1623118

doesn't that hurt like a motherfucker? i have ever only shaved.

No. 1623121

Moids. Stop using free VPNs and you won't have any issues with using a VPN on this site.

No. 1623122

I typically mix 50% cream and 50% oat milk (we have a brand that is especially made for coffee that I use, it has a much softer and creamier taste than regular milk). So, the way I typically make my hot coco is:
>Heat up the cream & milk mixture with some nutmeg, a pinch of ginger, cardamom and a stick of cinnamon.
>Take the milk from the heat, take out the cinnamon stick and add coco powder and some chopped dark chocolate. Wait for it to melt.
>Bring it back to the heat, add some vanilla extract, sugar, salt and instant coffee powder.
>Optional: Some condensed milk.

I usually go by taste and feeling until I get the right taste and consistency, but I'm struggling to find something that gives it that extra OUMPH that makes people crave more or give it enough personality to call it my own.

No. 1623123

My roommate loves watching comment and reaction videos of Amberlynn. I've asked her to wear headphones now because she would listen to them for hours while painting and the retardation drove me insane, kek. The nitpicking is crazy. I especially remember one dude have a meltdown because Amberlynn called a cupcake a muffin. He had a whole "uhm, it's a cupcake, sweetie, does this bitch even know what she eats anymore?" tirade going on for five minutes straight.

No. 1623124

File: 1688328013390.jpg (325.27 KB, 1440x961, Tumblr_l_3494457439207.jpg)

I always notice when troons on discord servers delete their selfies like a few hours or a day after posting them. Even faster if a woman posts a selfie immediately after, sometimes they even let their guard down and show their jealousy over the woman's selfie getting more attention than theirs. I love knowing they're insecure because they KNOW they are disgusting and unworthy.

No. 1623125

I delete pictures I post on Discord because I don't want Discord to permanently have a copy of a photo that can be linked anywhere else on the Internet, it's basic online hygiene.

No. 1623126

Are you a tranny?

No. 1623127

No, but I'm explaining why someone might be compelled to delete photos on Discord.

No. 1623129

Pretty sure Discord still keeps the files even if you "delete" them.

No. 1623131

Although that is a decent reason to delete, I assure you these trannies (and most others) are too attention seeking for that to be the case. They even admit to it being the reason if asked kek

No. 1623133

It eventually purges the file IIRC. I fucking hate that anything you upload to Discord gets a publicly accessible link. It makes me very uncomfortable.
That's a fair assumption, just wanted to provide my unwarranted input.
>They even admit to it being the reason if asked kek
Not shocking at all!

No. 1623139

That's gonna suck for the female mangaka who keep their sex secret to avoid harassment

No. 1623145

that's only in china

No. 1623153

Yes it was painful as fuck, especially when the hair doesn't come out right away or when it's one of those deals where there's two hairs growing out of the same root. I fully admit it's stupid for me to do this but I guess it's at that spot where it doesn't hurt so much that it offsets the urge to do it again.
I'm like one of those dumbasses in psychological experiments who keep knowingly administering electric shocks to themselves just because they're understimulated or something.

No. 1623158

You should look into Spanish style hot chocolate, the thick type that Spaniards use to dip churros into. You can still drink it normally. It’s like crude oil, shit is obscenely chocolatey.

No. 1623180

my coochie pink my bootyhole brown

No. 1623197

I've done this too. Not all my pubic hair, but a patch of it on the side that I keep returning to. I do it with my leg hair as well. I have skin picking disorder and found that plucking hairs out with tweezers provided the same effect with less scarring and infection. Don't have any advice, just wanted you to know that this could escalate into worse stuff if it hasn't already.

No. 1623200

File: 1688335676335.jpeg (1.62 MB, 2304x3456, 52D8790A-A003-43C1-9BF3-19EADE…)

I made fried cabbage and put bratwurst in it, instead of andouille or bacon as I typically would, because it's German and German people like cabbage. It's ok but not as much flavor as I'd hoped. Kinda hotdog-y. Still yummy cabbage

No. 1623205

Did this shit with my legs and have done it on those multi hair roots. I think we might have some form of OCD it's hard to stop once I notice and have tweezers in hand… I cant even feel the pain as much with my legs because I've done it enough

No. 1623222

Captain crunch is so hard it's always leaving my mouth feeling sore as fuck after eating it

No. 1623232

Fuck I do this too but with my armpits. I stopped after I started getting gnarly ingrowns that were really stressful to pick out and took weeks to heal, and I had to go to a dermatologist cause the inflammation wouldn’t go down (topical
Clindamycin helped a lot).

No. 1623238

>sister moves back in with us
>she gets her period
>now i get my period a week early because for some reason mother nature loves to keep women in sync

No. 1623253

found a potential friend on dating apps, she likes dark souls 3 and bunch of other video games that i'm into. but she's also a non binary and also said shit like 'he's so gender!' when talking about gwndolyn.
nonnitas is there any hope for this blossoming friendship? can both of us compromise?

No. 1623256

so did you die?

No. 1623262

Is that actually true? I have never noticed tbh

No. 1623264

why would you put a spoiler on this

No. 1623269

Fuck I do this too sometimes. Not all the way like you but I'll do any that go past the pantyline and have to force myself to not go further or I end up with random bald patches kek. I can't imagine how bad your back must hurt. Idk why it's so satisfying. Weirdly the ones on the legs hurt the most. I've also given myself a Brazilian and I had such a high afterwards I felt like I could do fucking anything, but when it grew back it was absolute hell, it's so itchy I would never do that again. I was thinking of investing in the home ipl lasers, I heard it can make them grow softer and lighter and might take away the urge to tear them out. I'm not like this about any other body hairs, just the pubes piss me off so much and especially if two grow from the same follicle. Nice to know I'm not the only one, but I pity you when they grow back it fucking sucks.

No. 1623273

To tell you the truth, it's a retarded habit when I post something I'm slightly ashamed to say so most people overlook it when scrolling, kind of like whispering in real life. I should've just posted in stupid questions instead kek

No. 1623283

File: 1688341913187.jpg (97.42 KB, 624x702, fcae457e28c83eb80d6328af0e781f…)

One of my dreams is to binge eat dates til I get sick.

No. 1623285

Dates are soooooooo sweet. I'm a fatty with a sweet tooth and even my maximum is two with peanut butter

No. 1623287

Nta but the spoiler makes me curious and I always read them even if I don't know the context.

No. 1623289

Sounds like some mild form of masochism

No. 1623297

File: 1688343544934.png (449 KB, 1278x501, when you build a house on sims…)

The economy getting so bad I might have to buy a house off Aliexpress

No. 1623298

Chocolate balls made with ground up nuts, dates, cocoa powder, and rolled in shredded coconut.

I can eat them until the GI distress forces me to reconsider my life choices

No. 1623300

Yes. She often comes back to stay with us from uni and every time we start off with our periods out of sync and end up with them in sync

No. 1623308

Found this weird fetish account completely by accident on Pinterest and I really don't know what to think, do moids really
https://pin.it/4gTc301(imageboard, post caps next time)

No. 1623322

File: 1688346678873.png (109.43 KB, 366x289, asmr.PNG)


No. 1623325

File: 1688346952754.png (167.24 KB, 489x422, Screenshot (21078).png)

ALR's so hongry she's resorted to eating emails now

No. 1623329

File: 1688347048795.jpeg (557.89 KB, 750x912, FD3E872A-908F-4EA6-9A91-EEA6FA…)

Anon wtf. This is terrifying. What is the duck bill look???

No. 1623334

File: 1688347599029.png (7.48 MB, 1170x2532, E04D5CF2-10C1-46A2-AEC6-1449E7…)

this is horrifying, imagine finding yourself on this guys page.

No. 1623336

File: 1688347696239.png (7.11 MB, 1170x2532, FEAEB7FE-AD86-49BA-AEF8-E3AA34…)

sorry samefag but i guess the duck lips are lip plates, heres a sc showing his follower count and a comment from another guy who apparently has the same fetish??

No. 1623339

oh my god yeah

No. 1623342

ALRfags are so annoying

No. 1623352

Men are so fucking weird

No. 1623354

best feeling I ate a lb in a couple hours and shit my entire bodyweight out after. Worth

No. 1623357

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No. 1623360

It was a joke about the way she phrased the title, this is the dumbass shit thread it's for dumbass shit

No. 1623362

File: 1688349672850.jpeg (68.45 KB, 640x360, IMG_0308.jpeg)

Happy birthday to me

No. 1623363

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No. 1623364

File: 1688349835685.png (588.54 KB, 766x760, 1671882824573.png)

Happy birthday Nonnie!

No. 1623367

File: 1688350349453.jpg (77.03 KB, 940x960, 1626892981590.jpg)

Happy birthday! Eat lots of cake and may all your wishes come true!

No. 1623370

Thank you nonnies! This means a lot to me today ♥

No. 1623391

My b, but I am glad that her thread isn’t active on here.

No. 1623393

tbh i honestly just wouldn't

No. 1623419

The only drama in amberlynn's life is her "haydurs" they're even more mentally inept than she is and act incredibly condescending and creepy to her at the same time. I got away from watching amberlynn related stuff after some freak stalked her new girlfriend and posted pics they had snuck of her walking twinky. Yeah her life is sad and pathetic but it's no different than any other morbidly obese persons life.

No. 1623433

No problem, I agree and I don't like the "haydur nation" that surrounds her, the majority of them are fat males who dump on her to feel better about themselves. Unpopular take but I don't even dislike ALR, I dislike some of her actions but I don't hate her at all and I watch her youtube channel because I support her and hope she's able to make the changes she wants to make in her life. I honestly just thought the way she titled the video sounded funny in a "dad joke" kind of way.

Agreed, they take stuff way too far it's creepy. It's funny that lc is often referred to as a bully site and a doxxing site but the rando's on youtube are 10 times worse than lc has ever been

No. 1623436

i watched ALR's drunk livestream last april and i was cringing at all the middle aged wine moms continually trying to grill her like they're some kind of detective. and they were genuinely so furious too, it was bizarre. you're supposed to laugh at the cow and have fun doing so, not be raging over some stranger for being a rude fatass.

No. 1623443

Too accurate kek, they really are so angry over the smallest things she does it's bizarre. And yeah it is a lot of middle aged women as well, usually from Kentucky or the surrounding area, and they all seem just as cowish as ALR kek

No. 1623449

yeah i can't imagine being so mad at someone being so dumb it's entertaining. they need to go outside. i'm not emotionally invested in ALR at all, just enjoy laughing at her silly antics. those kentucky wine moms are basically a-logging daily about her and don't understand, uhh ~cow culture~ as i could put it lol. she's pretty harmless, yeah she's a LAHHH but most of her lies are silly and nothing a-log worthy so i don't see the point in them getting so angry at her.

No. 1623452

It's mainly bc she's been abusive to all her exes. One of them being underage. Lied about having cancer Lied about her underage ex raping her. Had her last ex she abused living with her while she was cuddled up with her current partner. She also lied about getting WLS, her weight, pneumonia, and lung issues currently.

No. 1623453

File: 1688355757133.png (26.6 KB, 484x216, based.png)

Hood spongebob is taking me on a date for mexican food

No. 1623455

where's the evidence she lied about having cancer?

No. 1623458

women feel like they have to wear makeup in childbirth, keep wearing a pair of heels even when it hurts, female fighters still get done up for matches, i think it's fine if a woman shows up as she is. a male like this wouldn't have given her a chance anyway.

No. 1623460

nothing wrong in showing up as you are, hell I do the barest minimum hygiene myself but if i'm going out in public (especially for something important like this) I make sure my hair doesn't look greasy

No. 1623463

Ewwwww I hate when it's obvious that the only posters online are tiktok kids

No. 1623464

atyrt, i'd respect your preferences, but i feel like males don't deserve "beauty", especially from a 17 year old girl still in school.

No. 1623466

File: 1688357673444.jpg (1.25 MB, 1436x1687, 1688351473276882.jpg)

Meanwhile, on 4chan.

No. 1623467

why is the hottest CG in the entire game of Love Unholyc the opening screen and why cannot it be acquired?

No. 1623469

samefag, just around the time i learn to not hate other women and not shit on the female characters in the media i consume, you mean to tell me the first girl i talk to, is an asshole and i have to be dismissive to her all the time else it results in a game over?

No. 1623470

Good luck with the date keep us updated

No. 1623471

That game sounds and looks pretty shitty tbh. Usually in otome games there are female best friend characters, not female characters you have to hate

No. 1623472

i'd like to see him make out with the hood, if you know what i mean

No. 1623478

I was taking a poopenfarten and looked at my hands and it felt like I was missing fingers. At first I only saw my 4 fingers, but even when I saw my fifth pretend finger, the thumb, I still felt like I didn't have enojugh fingers but the feelings slowly started to go away. But I couldn't shake it. I couldn't shake the feeling of "where are the rest of my fingers?". I was kinda constipated so maybe it was fucking with my head.

No. 1623479

there is a female character that you can befriend and is pretty cute, but the game kinda tricks you bc you feel like being nice to the first female character you interact with. spoiler:she's obsessed with a main LI and fucking slaps us and tries manipulate to the others.
tho, there's a funny cute ending: where you get a girl's love ending with her because you didn't have enough affection with Jung Hi

No. 1623480

File: 1688359089196.png (154.75 KB, 424x308, Man_Ray.png)

>the hood
Man Ray?

No. 1623481

File: 1688359186305.png (108.35 KB, 758x770, sponge.png)

we have chemistry

No. 1623482

damn, what's it like to have your clit protected by Man Ray

No. 1623483

please don't let WIHIB be like LUc, pleasplease don't let WIHIB be like LUcplease don't let WIHIB be like LUcplease don't let WIHIB be like LUcplease don't let WIHIB be like LUcplease don't let WIHIB be like LUce don't let WIHIB be like LUcplease don't let WIHIB be like LUcplease don't let WIHIB be like LUcplease don't let WIHIB be like LUcplease don't let WIHIB be like LUc

No. 1623484

>Lied about having cancer Lied about her underage ex raping her. Had her last ex she abused living with her while she was cuddled up with her current partner. She also lied about getting WLS, her weight, pneumonia, and lung issues currently.
There's no proof of any of this beyond speculation, and it still doesn't explain why everyone is so angry about everything else like her sleeping in makeup and getting takeout or quitting a diet or skipping her meds.

No. 1623485

Hood Spongebob a more eloquent mfer than any scrote I've met in real life, hope he paid for the food though

No. 1623486

$10500 for a house with shipping is actually pretty decent, damn. You could likely get a small parcel of land for about the same price in a lot of places and would then probably need another 15-20k for it to be built and hooked up to sewers and electricity

No. 1623488

My hair literally gets greasy within a few hours of being out and about kek

No. 1623490

I remember the old threads here about her and I was so confused about what her deal was. So I checked her thread way later on kf and it was moving so fast it was even more confusing. Is there a way to find a summary somewhere? All I know is that she's a fatass and rude to her girlfriends.

No. 1623495

KEK listing doesn't even have real material pictures. Modular homes from aliexpress seem like a terrible idea, you'd be better off insulating and modifying a shed from Lowes or homedepot and renting a space on someone else's property than risking getting blown away in the wind or dying of acute lead toxicity.

No. 1623503

im starting to consider the possibility that i may be lactose intolerant….

No. 1623532

Sometimes I have an urge to make a burner account on Instagram and tiktok and leave snarky and rude "transphobic" comments on trans people's posts but I would be stooping down to their level and that would be pretty pathetic

No. 1623552

File: 1688376224249.gif (402.71 KB, 200x200, 9259b779b71df23db50970c7251072…)

She's a liar but I still love her

No. 1623593

File: 1688382471729.jpg (96.4 KB, 888x499, 78v1ya.jpg)

I got a propositioning message from an account with very little personal info outside of "40-year old dominatrix in [city] looking for a little girl to punish". Profile picture is a woman in lingerie but cuts off at the neck. What do you guys think, tranny or a murderer?

No. 1623595

sounds like both

No. 1623614

I felt so bad about being horny for a random famous guy while being in relationship with a normal Nigel who takes care of me, until I actually watched a movie with said celebrity in it and he's actually kinda ugly. I feel so healed, he's literally just some guy on a screen (who's admittedly pretty good at acting).

No. 1623639

Congrats on not becoming a de/g/enerate

No. 1623643

Oh i used to be one, just less of it now.

No. 1623644

I replied to a post, except I somehow replied to a different post on a completely different thread. Why am I retarded?

No. 1623666

I've been sleeping with my light on these past few weeks, but then I get irritated when I wake up and my light is on. What kinda logic is that.

No. 1623668

What about him is supposed to be hood aside from smoking weed and wearing a cap backwards? Is he gang affiliated?

No. 1623709

File: 1688396915778.jpg (29.92 KB, 700x700, 15075-4.1.jpg)

Get a timer plug nona, plug a lamp into it and set it to shut off a couple hours after you fall sleep. You can get them at the hardware store.

No. 1623712

File: 1688397382115.jpg (114.86 KB, 735x1103, 42704ebef63485ecca5046088db239…)

Can't believe there's so many people hating on this color season
>It's boring / muted/ doesn't stand out!!
Bitch look at it, it's beautiful, literally pastel colors: lavender, soft pink, baby blue, mint, it's perfect. I wish I could wear pastel colors 24/7 without looking sickly and yellow. These colors are a staple in several cool fashion styles, and look nice with no effort

No. 1623716

Pastels make you look like a walking yoghurt commercial, hard pass.

No. 1623726

Why does this get called summer? Looks very wintery to me

No. 1623730

File: 1688399825772.jpg (Spoiler Image,600.18 KB, 1080x1729, Screenshot_20230703_175504_You…)

I keep seeing more and more coomer bait on youtube and it pisses me off so much. Go post that shit somewhere else and not on youtube of all places where I have to see it and it can't be filtered. How pathetic do you have to be.

No. 1623733

Shit looks like the colors you'd put in a nursery tbh. Nothing about this says "summer" to me.

No. 1623741

The deep folds on her robe piss me off. If you are going to take a picture with that at least iron it.

No. 1623745

What the genuine hell that looks like a mannequin

No. 1623750

I have a separate email I use for only watching tech videos and I had to purposefully watch a bunch of shorts which I fucking hate and had never touched about animals and and tech because google assumed I must be a man and kept suggesting shorts about sex tourism and pedo passport bros

No. 1623769

Lordy lord I closed out all of my tabs, ~80% of which were photos of my husbandos so I just dropped several hundred dollars on a bottle of perfume to comfort me

No. 1623777

Why don't you save your husbando photos to pinterest?

No. 1623780

I really should've I'm such a dummy

No. 1623782

Can't you just go into your history and search your husbando as a keyword and then they'd all be right there?

No. 1623783

Nooo I used a mobile private browser for reasons
It's a whole mess, it'll make less sense the more u know
I should have just saved the pictures and not worry about keeping 400+ tabs open

No. 1623784

ig nonnina was using incognito and couldn't save it to history.

No. 1623785

It's not all bad, I saved the rarer pictures and should be able to relocate the other uncommon ones, I'm just a little upset about it tho
Months of hard work and autism down the drain

No. 1623786

i think you could use one of those websites which have lots of images with tags attached(idk how to explain, but like danbooru, pixiv, zerochan, etc) that you could use to find some of those photos again

No. 1623787

File: 1688405966136.jpeg (169.94 KB, 828x825, 306B6510-74F1-4020-8FA2-5B12A4…)

No. 1623788

ntayrt, i personally save them to a different non-profesh gmail acc's Google Photos, uploading pins to Pinterest seems annoying.

No. 1623789

I am taking note

No. 1623829

File: 1688409522623.jpg (70.61 KB, 564x793, 8f98347eecdaa8f1df5866d723207d…)

they don't want you to know that chickens can lay eggs without roosters and that they lay an egg a day and that they love company so you can just get three hens and have infinite eggs forever and also great little girl friends who are funny as hell and adorable

No. 1623830

the Sanrio Danshi anime was cute and awesome and the moid that shat on it in the reviews needs to die

No. 1623837

File: 1688410832667.jpg (57.28 KB, 500x615, tumblr_b48818061908e960d98b755…)

she's so mesmerizing

No. 1623839

I hate how if you point out how sexual shorts in particular are you get the "it's based on your browsing history" 'burn' when in reality if you go on youtube not logged in on an incognito browser you get even more of them. I was getting gore execution videos recommended to me at one point.

No. 1623844

samefag, the moid was probably seething that the male MC wasn't just a blank slate satisfied with being a blank slate surrounded by admirable men while he gets female attention for no fucking reason.

No. 1623848

I hate when you say something lighthearted on here and an anon tries to pull an "um akshually". Some of you need to lighten up and realize that not everything needs to be some disagreement or you "correcting" someone.

No. 1623855

File: 1688412380359.gif (1.84 MB, 300x262, 1536566714021.gif)

who woulda thought that crying my eyes out would be the best way to clear my nostrils

No. 1623864

This reminds me of when I started talking about diabetes (as a person with diabetes) and some retard sperg came to "UMMM ACKCHYUALLY" me when they weren't even diabetic themselves.

No. 1623870

File: 1688414517334.jpg (27.97 KB, 466x466, E7rds3210.jpg)

but sometimes they're objectively wrong and I can't allow that

No. 1623925

After that nona chiming in to say she spawned the genesis of the dumbass shit threads in I think the last thread, I was wondering what were your nonas proudest moments on lolcow? Big or small.

I made a post about this cringe scrote I used to see and the scenario was so ridiculous some nonas believed it wasn't real. It was then posted in the lolcow caps. I'm just happy that someone thought my real life experience to be so bizarre they didn't believe it.

No. 1623930

Not saying I'm the biggest believer in the paranormal but sometimes I like to suspend my disbelief and just enjoy peoples stories. Every time I find some place where people discuss their experiences
> eeh you were having sleep paralysis
> It was the middle of the day, I was awake and upright and walking around and my husband saw it too
> yeah that sounds like sleep paraly..

No. 1623935

File: 1688419260125.gif (33.26 KB, 731x30, picasion.com_hmFe.gif)

I've done a lot of things just from being on LC for so long, but I made picrel and it still makes me laugh.I can't find the original gif for the life of me so I had to recreate it

No. 1623939

File: 1688419790016.gif (1.76 MB, 640x426, teehee.gif)

anons finding me funny enough to post caps in the lolcow screenshots thread felt pretty good.

No. 1623943

When I was a teen I was in the online 'black metal community', a lot of retards but I kind of miss the community aspect. It was an echo chamber but kind of comforting because of that, I miss being a dumb kid.

No. 1623949

File: 1688420439356.jpg (36.02 KB, 750x621, 56f5b41e-65ec-476b-89ae-aac0dc…)

Why do I have to eat to gain weight

No. 1623951

I wish that were my problem.

No. 1623962

Newfags thinking we have to hate on every cow and that cows who arent problematic arent allowed on this site. Some people are wildly entertaining and harmless, and its fun to keep an eye on them. Not everything has to be about cancelling someone jfc.

No. 1623966

My favorite cow things are kinda harmless, like being generally retarded and cringe and bad photoshop, but nowadays that isn't even considered milk anymore.

No. 1623987

File: 1688424744937.jpeg (22.96 KB, 736x564, 0DD1C84A-7FF6-4E57-885B-25914D…)

same. i hate eating meat so much but i need to gain 5 kg of pure muscle right fucking now

No. 1624009

I really miss my favorite cow. She was harmless but so incredibly delusional, I wished she didn't find her own thread so fast.

No. 1624013

File: 1688427198117.png (3.86 KB, 474x69, chad.png)

No. 1624018

they don't understand the point of cows, they're noobs thinking it's anything like cancelling someone for being ~problematic~. lolcow = entertaining, simple as that. the best cows never have actually made me rage ime

No. 1624029

File: 1688428631458.jpg (73.5 KB, 1024x1024, E7-GnEDXsBMUMGn.jpg)

I usually come here to complain about how dead lc is but today there's dozens of new posts and cool things to read.

No. 1624031

I got a theory that lc is slow on the weekends because people got banned on fridays

No. 1624034

i wish we could keep the abby brown thread going for this exact reason but people always accuse me of being a crazed facebook group poster when i do. like i'm not even in any of the fb groups, she has a public instagram and youtube and tiktok. i just want to document all her phases.

No. 1624068

File: 1688433602622.gif (8.13 MB, 640x442, IMG_4463.gif)

this is really autistic but i fucking love orangutans. they’re so cute and they have such a calm loving energy. one time when i was young i went to the zoo and i saw a baby orangutan and it was playing on just a regular ass kids playground they put in the enclosure swinging on the monkey bars going down the slide and shit, and then when she saw me she stopped what she was going ran up to the glass and WAVED at me. I could just see from the look in her eyes she had the intelligence of about a human four year old I don’t know how to describe it. i wish I was one of these obscenely rich millionaires instead of being retarded and dying on a submarine i would just pay a bunch of money to go in the enclosure and hang out with them once in awhile.

No. 1624071

I love this orangutan video. He's so cute. He's also a better driver than me, kek.

No. 1624081

i know the feeling. i have this personal cow but he's so retarded about his personal info/using the same account for everything/talking about town in said account i'd reveal where I live if I talked about him

No. 1624084

i'm so pissed i have a mosquito bite right on my big toe joint so its impossible to ignore

No. 1624089

File: 1688435555661.gif (1.94 MB, 500x281, burn.gif)

some days i want to change the world, be ambitious, sail across the narrow sea, burn cities to the ground, slay the masters and free the slaves. but then there are other days when all i want is to putter around a garden, raise chickens, and live a quiet, peaceful life somewhere in the countryside while i grow old and die.

who am i, nonnies? what am i?

No. 1624094

A faggot

No. 1624095

I called Lana "cute as a button ♥" a few times in celebricows and some other nonas started saying it too in different threads. I also accidentally started an infight about Bella Thorne that some anon took to meta and was posting about 3 days after the fact. I've gotten comments posted in the copypasta and lolcap threads a few times, one of the posts someone accused of being written by the troon though so that was disappointing cause the post was funny.

No. 1624104

well fuck you too, sis.

No. 1624106

File: 1688436515325.gif (9.94 MB, 540x350, j.gif)

I want to have sex with Jaime Lannister

No. 1624108

File: 1688436766826.png (630.71 KB, 1079x1340, 1676798487016.png)

what the fuck happened to fujochan??

No. 1624109

pretty sure you aren't his type, since he always goes back for his sister. maybe try marrying into the family and becoming his cousin or something?

No. 1624116

i hope the op of the panda royalty post in snow comes back i actually fucking love lost tiktokfags on here

No. 1624120

File: 1688437517321.jpg (69.72 KB, 407x425, mfw.jpg)

It's so cute how in the books he's never had sex with, kissed or maybe even romantically held hands with anyone except his sister. Literally a non-incest virgin. I would change that.

No. 1624131

I'm the tubularfag from the scumbags thread if anyone knows what I'm referring too, and I really didn't mean to start a shitstorm over it and I explained my post in the breast thread in /g/ after I saw the damage it caused. I also didn't know Niamh was only 16 so obviously I wouldn't have commented about her at all had I known. At the time I thought she was 19/20.

No. 1624138

Omg I hadn't even noticed because I only follow 3 slow threads, but I saw some speculation its a "Soyjack Party" raid

No. 1624161

I've only used this site for internet gossip but I found another gossip fourm about youtubers and it sucks. I thought ladies on here were weird at times, these people make winded posts about their personal lives in the cows thread and are picking the dumbest shit to complain about. There is no milk, sister, you're coping hard post after post about your parenting skills to some youtuber who doesn't even show her child on screen. I don't wanna read this shit kek.

No. 1624165

same I hate Guru gossiper and LSA. Also need to talk about their personal lives and how much better they’re doing than the person they’re discussing like fuck off. PULL (rip) also had this problem. At least it’s discouraged on here and kiwi . Makes it easier to read.

No. 1624167

Someone gifted me a bottle of vermouth do I throw it out or drink and hope to have some kind of artistic epiphany?

No. 1624178

Goodnight nonnies

No. 1624181

early to bed, early to rise, makes a nonner healthy, wealthy, and wise.

No. 1624183

just bought some old kinder toys and damn, i thought it was just nostalgia, but those things genuinely degraded in quality over the years.

No. 1624185

File: 1688445236943.jpg (157.59 KB, 902x1202, gn.jpg)

No. 1624198

File: 1688446863448.jpg (38.99 KB, 680x539, 1683725947069432.jpg)

I love in constant fear of TIFs finding out about my favourite show and ruining it. It has everything on the table to be tif catnip, like only having one recurrent female character, a depressed old man they can self insert into and turn into a cuntboy, bunch of cute male characters, copious amount of fujo bait, a decent artstyle and story. They already ruined Morel Orel and Clone High, so i guess it's only a matter of time until they find it.

No. 1624201

if you like cocktails you can use it to make negroni, martinis, and manhattens

No. 1624202

whats it called?? Tell me tell me tell me tell me

No. 1624208

File: 1688447477007.jpg (157.11 KB, 677x848, 1677291524914549.jpg)

Venture Bros. It's honestly only a matter of time.

No. 1624211


Oh shoot yeah I forgot about that show kek. Yeah it definitely has the potential

No. 1624215

File: 1688448643965.jpeg (32.95 KB, 1080x608, 1651648329438.jpeg)

feels weird

No. 1624216

I hate having a sinus infection

No. 1624218

I am baffled that I can tell what this is instantly

No. 1624220

File: 1688449146278.jpg (32.31 KB, 480x480, 1651699285738.jpg)

nonny…oh nonny my beloved

No. 1624222

Ive seen people make Hank and Dean trans. Speaking of Adult Swim shows, I hate what tifs did to Metalocalypse. Poor Pickles especially

No. 1624223

No. 1624224

File: 1688449447921.png (354.63 KB, 691x338, no you dont.PNG)

No. 1624225

wasnt one of them actually trans, obviously as a joke, but retarded tifs took it as representation? they always choose the ugliest dudes to trans, like Dale in koh

No. 1624226

If you don't know you don't know, sorry sister

No. 1624228

It took me a minute, but then the ptsd hit.

No. 1624229

I like the show and I draw cuntboys. I wouldn't dare try to fetishize anything in venture Bros. It's just a cool show, that's all.

No. 1624232

I don't know what it is either

No. 1624238

File: 1688451302743.png (103.19 KB, 299x357, butwhy.png)

>I draw cuntboys

No. 1624248

File: 1688452731114.jpg (44.5 KB, 477x542, a3f9053939cd7330f0f625be7f4a41…)

I want to alog at anons for not knowing that wall paint has a function.

No. 1624250

it used to have a function when it contained lead (culling children with extreme sugar cravings) but now it's useless. you can lick modern paint and and nothing even happens.

No. 1624253

at first i thought this was rance penis kek

No. 1624254

Just because they don't like the taste, it is no reason to not feed paint to your children.

No. 1624257

It’s okay those anons are retards. I was literally looking at limewash paint 20 minutes ago and they’ll never understand the rush of picking out a beautiful wall color.

No. 1624261

I'm writing smut fanfiction about my favorite music producer and none of you can stop me

No. 1624263

that is so valid nonnie, oof

No. 1624269

this and the null gif. give me three pixels and the image will materialize in my brain. ptsd

No. 1624276

Ohhhh it's the fucking kpop boy it just hit me after the nonnies comment above kek

No. 1624290

File: 1688460425114.gif (6.82 MB, 498x280, EB678F15-0229-488A-8094-ADCADD…)

>They already ruined Morel Orel
How even
Is it possible. Who is twans there

No. 1624295

just saw this vid last night what a coincidence

No. 1624299

How is that website still up, it raids spaces with CP and gore constantly, there has to be some law it breaks.

No. 1624304

Pfft is this a joke???

This is exactly what "sad old men" do to Sad women, turn them all into cuntgirl victimized rape victim characters and then subject them to every degree of rule24. Fuck filthy old men!!! Why should we care about them ?? Women have been turned into every sexual plot device since the beginning of time. Fuck old men and every backwards thing they put on this earth. Bring me cute males now. I hope you choke on it too !!

No. 1624313

Women that preach that shit about poor old men and 'the horror of cute males' are just desperate for male approval.

No. 1624321

The way you type is annoying.

No. 1624322

File: 1688467434939.jpg (45.1 KB, 418x338, 1643913019936.jpg)

i have no idea what you are getting offended over, i just dont want tifs to ruin one of my favourite shows.

No. 1624324

its a honeypot

No. 1624331

File: 1688468885643.jpg (42.23 KB, 622x622, 7d4b866e3017dbf878d26c0c427d94…)

watching another anime and already seeing all the ways a main character is going to be spun into some "transmasc" headcanon

No. 1624337

It's crazy to me that you will hate a man with all your might for literal years just disgusted by his embarassing cringe like literally everyone else and the entire time he will think you're in love with him.

No. 1624376

I love this video of an orangutan asking for bananas, his mannerisms when the he asks the second time and the guy shakes his head no are very humanlike.

No. 1624386

I got way too fucking drunk last night for having work the next day, I don't ever drink but when I do it's at the worst times fuck me

No. 1624401

File: 1688478829434.jpg (105.21 KB, 450x253, fireball_jawbreaker-2315401007…)

Got these when I saw them at the gas station for nostalgia's sake but they aren't spicy at all anymore, sucks.

No. 1624423

File: 1688481086778.png (501.84 KB, 1404x802, 1688470952607158.png)

holy fuck its true

No. 1624425

KEK so true

No. 1624427

I like having a laugh at the harmless cows too, but some anons get really obsessed over them and commit undeserved a-logging and cowtipping. Then their threads devolve into middle school level "she's an ugly fatty boombalatty ew" insults and fanficcing about the bad things she possibly could be doing. I think this became more frequent after PULL closed down and their users migrated here.

No. 1624431

File: 1688482104887.gif (1.12 MB, 320x320, SH.gif)

Confession, I only recently found out that those were fake, and that was only because I brought it up to my friends and then got laughed at kek
Only reason why I didn't get obsessive about it or attempt to recreate those videos was because I would've had to interact with a moid to get their sperm.

No. 1624434

Homophobic scrote gossipers are the gayest men alive.
Normal people- "oh yeah that guy is gay"
Homophobic scrote gossipers- "oh yeah he's a dick gobbling, asshole destroyer. Man I hate these fans, they take 20 dicks in their throbbed red assholes
Sounds like a fantasy. Even the ones who hate troons are annoying they will spout on the top of their head graphic details about gross Troon porn they were totally watching for research. Am I the only one so put off by this??

No. 1624436

What would you do with a homunculus, anon?

No. 1624439

Try to see how far I can 'evolve' it by bringing it up with love and educating it, something akin to a pet.

No. 1624445

Orangutans are mostly solitary and usually not aggressive, unlike monstrous chimps. I like orangutans too anon.

No. 1624450

I like marmosets, they're friendly to a fault.

No. 1624465

File: 1688484827627.jpg (1.92 MB, 1862x3045, EqiQFcC.jpg)

the Bishounen Tanteidan anime is so pretty i'm glad i'm watching it

No. 1624469

File: 1688485179993.jpeg (192.78 KB, 1024x682, istockphoto-478255514-1024x102…)

Peeling off sunburnt skin is one of the most satisfying feelings ever. It's right up there with peeling off the plastic sheet off of new electronics. I've literally been sitting for an hour just peeling my own dead skin off and I'm having the time of my life. This was almost worth going through the pain and suffering of a sunburn.

No. 1624474

I've been watching hrh collection compilations for like the past 40 mins

No. 1624493

I swear some of the posts on lolcow are subtle trolls by moids. Not the low effort dumb ones like 'women hit the wall at 18', or 'yall are a bunch of roasties', but genuine seeming posts. You usually can't even tell at first glance but if you take a second look it's like 'wait a minute…'

Like I saw one where anon posts about how 'she' now garners more attention from men and respect in general from having lost a bunch of weight and going from a normal bmi to a skeletal look. Legit feels like something a moid would post with the intent to 'trigger those dumb femoids', while cackling behind the screen. And this was posted in the ED recovery/vent thread as well I think. Feels like they go out of their way to target women in an already vulnerable state of mind. Any other nonnas noticed something else similar, or am I just paranoid?

No. 1624494

Well it seems like it's down for maintenance so hopefully it's back up and running soon.

No. 1624502

File: 1688487120079.jpeg (94.61 KB, 3088x2320, 9182737671.jpeg)

Made my own

No. 1624503

This gif slays me every time I see it kek
>you got games on your phone???

No. 1624514

A ghost?

No. 1624529

I keep getting criticized for eating fruit with my bare hands, mainly mangos. What people don't realize is that if everything went correctly we would be in forests eating fruit all day, do you think we would have knives and shit? You don't need utensils, bite into that apple like a real woman and stop cutting it into bitch ass slices. Who the fuck cuts mangos into cubes???????? Tear the mango skin off with your TEETH and suck the juices out. Break into that pineapple with a rock.

No. 1624535

File: 1688490800270.jpg (217.67 KB, 1080x1630, Screenshot_20230704_101420.jpg)

My BF sent me this and it's just a loop of a guy cutting a tree, no falling. Am I stupid or is this not funny?

No. 1624536

Wtf why would you NEED to cut a mango? You lose so much goodness when cutting it. That's like people who make fun of me for eating kiwi with the skin on

No. 1624538

Got a ban on the alt thread for Reddit spacing when I was just actually using normal paragraphing and told to integrate even though I've been here since 2014 and had run about in same social circles. Do better mods

No. 1624539

you got trolled nona

No. 1624541

i eat the mango skin and everyone thinks i'm a degenerate for it. it tastes fine, kind of pine-y. i enjoy it

No. 1624544

Exactly, if your mango is nice and ripe there's so much meat on the skin

No. 1624555

notifications from this one woman woke me up and i can't go back to sleep. she didn't even reply back. why would u text me at 1.30 am if u're not gonna reply back!!!!

No. 1624560

God yes. Last year my scalp got burnt pretty badly for the first time in my life, it was in May and I was totally unprepared on that day. I spent 6 hours carefully combing my hair and getting every single piece of skin out because I looked like I had the worst case of dandruff ever. It was incredibly satisfying getting the pieces off with a comb, especially when I got a bigger one.

No. 1624563

I'm constipated as fuck

No. 1624583

So glad my hair is curly so I can wait 2 months between root touchups, nice

No. 1624592

I live with my dad and 3 brothers. Tell me how I still get along way better with my mom who doesn't even live with me. These guys fucking suck. I gotta save up to move out finally.

No. 1624605

I hate that milk is the popular remedy for spice because sugar is much better for it.

No. 1624609

File: 1688498505847.jpg (119.22 KB, 994x961, 20230704_152247.jpg)

This movie will be amazing fuck anyone who doesn't believe

No. 1624620

Show me the science

No. 1624623

Where… are you seeing this?

No. 1624624


No. 1624626

You're paranoid. She posted it because it's true.

No. 1624627

No nonnie, share the data, don't be a coward.

No. 1624641

File: 1688501143158.jpg (62.05 KB, 1200x1800, Carolina-Reaper-Pepper.jpg)

How about you just show yourself? Bite into this, anon.

No. 1624647

Kiwifarms, Thecoli,most alt-right spaces or spaces those scrotes hang in, 4chan etc. I legit see straight men unironically using "Bussy" online. Straight men don't spend time speaking in detail about gay sex or troon gentials. I genuinely think they get off to…humilating gay males with their words. They think being gay or a troon is the worst thing a man can be, some male gossipers get off to feeling they are ruining some scrotes "Life" by talking shit online. People pick at us for gossiping and all that, but male gossipers are really fucking crazy people.
They take it serious, then when you are like, "You are really fucking mad-" they go, "I'm just laughing at retards online".
Men don't put that much energy into the sexual activities that don't give them type of sexual rise.

No. 1624650

Yeah, that's a given. I guess I'm in the opposite spaces, I got a headache from watching gay guys crying about how it's homophobic to call them out on their freakishly dramatic wannabe-teen-mean-girl flamboyance being a cringe put-on. Gay men are exactly like straight men btw, for every straight man being homoerotically bigoted there's a gay man seething about how disgusting women are, I wouldn't bother with defending them. Leave them to their own retardation.

No. 1624683

File: 1688504664028.jpeg (77.97 KB, 475x702, IMG_0423.jpeg)

The vibes are freaky today but I’m going to have my fun. Happy Fourth to the nonnies that celebrate

No. 1624687

I want spicy food now.

No. 1624692

Same that chili pepper got me mouth watering

No. 1624700

I'm not defending gay men, but I'm also going to call out weird Straight men who act like they are so disgusted by gay males but constantly describe homoerotic situations as "Jokes" or "insults" at any given moment.
I try to stay out of sites where gay men are, I will look at Datalounge maybe once a year or so, but they are very annoying.
I know gay men can be just like straight men, but I was discussing a situation about straight men. It wasn't even a defense of gay men, just, "You dudes are fucking gay and obessed". just like gay men constantly are in male spaces and are very critical of women's looks.
They are all the same.

No. 1624702

* female spaces, not male spaces.

No. 1624712

It's rule 34 not rule 24 kek

No. 1624717

I cut off a good chunk of hair a few months ago because they were so dead and needed it but I’ve been at an awkward length ever since and I really just want it to grow out already

No. 1624718

I'm just saying, you don't need to be their defenders. You aren't "calling out" anything. They don't need you to stand up for them or protect them, it's becoming pretty common knowledge that men who are obsessed with being homophobic are repressing homosexual feelings. Yeah, they're all the same. You don't need to space your posts like that btw.

No. 1624726

You keep accusing me of doing things i'm not doing. I think you are just mad that I'm talking about straight men and assuming that i'm "Defending/standing up/protecting" gay men, from what? My whole point was-
>it's becoming pretty common knowledge that men who are obsessed with being homophobic are repressing homosexual feelings. Yeah, they're all the same.
You got exactly what i was saying, yet you keep doing this "Stop protecting them, They don't need you to stand up for them, you don't need to be their defenders, yeah but gay men-". I just made a post, it's not that serious.

No. 1624729

is that Gaddafi?

No. 1624731

is that Gaddafi?

No. 1624733

File: 1688508318004.jpeg (106.99 KB, 728x1086, IMG_2136.jpeg)

No. 1624745

is that Gaddafi?

No. 1624758

You're mildly insane.

No. 1624768

File: 1688511103570.jpg (56.42 KB, 772x353, Vr9f54xxna11v1.jpg)

Having really older siblings is a strange feeling sometimes. For example, I have no basically memories of my eldest brother who is 13 years older than me as he had left the house before I was old enough to have any proper recollections. Similarly, my other elder brother is 7 years older and has also viewed me and my other siblings as babies growing up. He rarely interacted with us. On the other hand, I am a lot closer to my younger brother and sister and we grew up together and shared experiences and memories.

No. 1624770

>I just made a post, it's not that serious.
kek this is too funny

No. 1624775

Nothing is better than pulling out a pube that has a huge bulb on the end. It's so satisfying but so rare

No. 1624805

File: 1688517201091.jpg (21.58 KB, 340x375, 36014bba6f6ab3297b33ec5011c2d9…)

Why did I decide to start swimming in the coldest month?

No. 1624813

Is it that strange? My youngest sister is 9 years younger than me and I see her more like my little baby than like a sister so I kind of get it but at the same time I didn't think it would be weird from hee point of view. Then again we've always lived together and I was her official babysitter because of my mother being hospitalized and my father not understanding that raising a literal baby was his job and not mine just because he's a guy. You kind of make me want to ask her thoughts about it.

No. 1624843

You are Australian?

No. 1624844

Looks like a typical sweet lolita color scheme. Are you a lolita, nonnie?

No. 1624850

Why would you have text notifications on while you sleep?

No. 1624856

I think I know which post it was and you don't need to break 4 sentences into 3 paragraphs. A paragraph isn't a single sentence.

No. 1624880

File: 1688526915336.jpg (276.69 KB, 1170x1295, 8765r333.jpg)

Damn some nonnas truly are illiterate.

No. 1624885

File: 1688527318419.jpg (52.96 KB, 604x438, 1646175640081.jpg)

nonnas are really dumb, my point was that i dont want a really good show i watch to be turned into pro female mutilation propaganda. How they turned that into me white knighting 2D characters is beyond me. I actually wish Venture Bros had an unhinged westaboo fujoyume fanbase like south park.

No. 1624889

Are you calling me illiterate(I'm the op) or >>1624718 who responded?
I'm drunk so be kind

No. 1624890

The second one. Your post didn't come across as defending gays imo.

No. 1624893

I want to make a blog or youtube channel, but I don't know what I'd want it to be about. Not like I don't have a few ideas, but I don't know how to make anything cohesive without a guide

No. 1624896


No. 1624897

Do you have any meds to fix your headache?

No. 1624901

I took a Tylenol a few hours back. Maybe I should take another one, it probably wore off by now

No. 1624910

Could have strained or injured your neck, can be a tension headache, can be caused by your posture or how you slept. Or is gut-related. More often than not it's neck-related tho, lying flat on your back on solid flooring with your eyes closed and maybe an ice compress can help if it's really bothering you. If you don't have nausea or the urge to throw up, it's likely tension

No. 1624914

on a nothernlion binge and kinda disappointed I found a clip of him talking about a tweet he wanted me make going
>People say they can't respect your pronouns but then can recite their whole subway order
then he was like, "I've never seen this much +2's" so it's just blatant pandering.
Whats with scrotes going out their way to pander to troons? Especially people who don't go too deep into other politics, I'm not a notherlion superfan, but…he seems to be one of those streamers who more so clever and funny then politics.
It's just retarded, we don't need to know you respect pronouns a lot of people do, even some people who claim they don't online.
It's so fucking weird. I almost don't want to watch him anymore, It's petty but i hate pandering towards troons, either be a woke bro about every situation or keep politics out of it. Don't just latch onto the troon train

No. 1624920

i forgot!!!

No. 1624921

then again maybe i'm drunk and over reacting, he could just be one of those simple, "Just respect people man!" but I still see no reason to make those kind of comments other then to farm troon support. Scrotes who usually aren't politcal but always stick up for troons (Jerma) are weird asf. I guess I should take it as blatant easy pandering. They know their audience but again, their could be current big political things they avoid.

No. 1624945

File: 1688531516076.png (735.11 KB, 572x588, beautiful smug cat.PNG)

I'm in the current screencaps thread four times. Jealous?

No. 1624948

you would get shit on for making fun of pixy nowadays and there would be a lot of moralfagging

No. 1624951

Tbh I understand that because she's like, genuinely mentally retarded. When I was younger, I thought the banners of her humiliating herself were hilarious. Now that I'm older I cringe a little, because 4chan creep pretended to like her and paid her to film all of that weird sad tardcontent only to share it all publicly which she is too handicapped to have had the foresight for. Idk I get it sometimes. Maybe I'm just getting old.

No. 1624956

File: 1688532085946.jpeg (655.19 KB, 1881x1623, 1665725647327.jpeg)

I think the japanese airforce mascot is cute tbh
I love that cat so much

No. 1624960

>I think the japanese airforce mascot is cute tbh
post it

No. 1624961

File: 1688532341318.jpg (436.88 KB, 1024x714, image-56-1024x714.jpg)

It's causing a shitstorm on 4chan but I like it

No. 1624962

They want to fuck it, dont they

No. 1624964

And the other half is pearlclutching over "anime le bad, muh dignity, kill furries"

No. 1624967

Did you really need to specify? Everyone knows girls have vaginas kek

No. 1624974

Another day where I am thankful I don't live in japan I guess

No. 1624975

Does it always look like that or is there a non coomer version?

No. 1624980

It's a boy and the left image has a cardboard cutout when you search it

No. 1624984

I think its because both my elder brothers left home when I was very young.

No. 1624987

If sex work is work then being a landlord should also be considered work. Checkmate leftists

No. 1624989

I believe you, but what's up with drawing things with hips and things that look like breasts and then calling it a boy? Like I could fucken draw a whale right now and call it a toucan, but who's gonna believe it??

No. 1624992

File: 1688535713091.jpeg (552.73 KB, 1536x2048, FzIkUeJaUAAwp_S.jpeg)

This is worse than I ever could have imagined.

No. 1624993

File: 1688535734962.jpeg (444.88 KB, 2048x1286, Fzxntq6aIAAcFBU.jpeg)

No. 1624995

File: 1688535874731.jpg (346.54 KB, 1183x2296, CeMTgCGOxUSicyC.jpg)

What the fuck is wrong with teenagers, who does this to some kid minding his own business and not bothering anyone.

No. 1624996

File: 1688536194256.jpg (112.4 KB, 400x600, 593c678247568.jpg)

i wanna know how they came up with this creature's designs. Normally japanese mascots, even furry adjacent ones like buffalo bell, still dont look like straight up furry bait. There has to be a tranny furry in the japanese airforce.

No. 1624997

people in the usa go on shooting rampages over my little pony, dont try to understand them

No. 1625003

File: 1688537679411.gif (3.32 MB, 500x462, d95340915a44d28d81b9239bedbebf…)

is it normal to feel a bit queasy after eating eggs? could it be just from not having eaten egg foods in a while?

No. 1625006

I love eggs, i still get carsick though but i am a agrphobic neet, it's been happening since a kid though

No. 1625007


Moids, anon. It's always the moids.

No. 1625010

cruelest vid I've ever seen(imageboard)

No. 1625011

Buffalo Bell is so cute, I don't care about sports at all and I despise furries but she's super adorable.

No. 1625012

not clicking that

No. 1625013

File: 1688539120227.png (206.15 KB, 557x490, crying anime boy.png)


No. 1625014

File: 1688539189036.jpg (257.3 KB, 900x675, 1672961209061.jpg)

fine, just to spare you

No. 1625016

I thought it was going to be some gore video, pleasantly surprised

No. 1625017

Thanks nonnie I love you

No. 1625024

File: 1688539975077.jpeg (31.9 KB, 407x354, 1561332986421.jpeg)

I was going to confess something in the confession thread, but I held back, I can imagine nonnas roasting me for that and I don't feel like dealing with it. I am a weakling, maybe if I get drunk in the weekend… but ot has some agressive posters, some of you scare me.

No. 1625029

could you give a hint of what it was you about were gonna confess?

No. 1625036

File: 1688541506829.jpg (660.42 KB, 2000x1500, vtubertilt.jpg)

Call me fucking insane but I feel like modern anime art is getting influenced by vtubers and something I noticed they all do which is this weird head slightly backwards tilt. I didn't see it that often in anime art but now I see it everywhere, especially like on the second post I linked.
They all do this stupid fucking face

No. 1625046

there was an ancient lost 4chan greentext, from /fit/ or something, about a guy trying to teach other anons how to approach women in the gym. He describes making a very specific face in some sort of effort to look hot, which when drawn out ends up looking absurd, and I swear this is the face. Yeah, still ridiculous.

No. 1625067

It's the one that clearly states Reddit spacing and you take a new paragraph in writing when you are expanding on an idea. Reddit spacing is faggot spacing down from the post number and spacing like a retard.

No. 1625069

Now that you mention it, yeah. I've already noticed most of modern anime trying to emulate vtubers with the busy as fuck yet still boring blob designs but the backwards head tilt with that retarded vacant look caused by the rig not tracking the face properly is definitely a thing now.

No. 1625078

Good god those designs are fucking hideous. They're like bugs or insects, like I want to roll up a newspaper and swat them till they're dead.

No. 1625080

File: 1688546606689.jpg (44.45 KB, 555x553, 1687447847067299.jpg)

they are cats

No. 1625084

I know exactly which greentext you're talking about and yes I think the face is extremely similar kek

No. 1625101

So just because he's an autistic furry femboy, he can't work for the air force? That's pretty ableist of you.

No. 1625102

From what I understand it was an aspect of traditional Japanese puppetry and the works of Osamu Tezuka(who was inspired by Duck Tales of all things) that is responsible for the Anime aesthetic,

No. 1625106

I love the vintage borzoi threadpic thing in the things you hate threads

No. 1625113

tezuka was inspired by bambi, not ducktales

No. 1625117

wtf wasn't it betty boop kek

No. 1625120

i found out there are men who fetishize big/hooked noses, i even saw them seething about plastic surgery and how it looks uncanny and ruins poc girls. There is no way to win as women.

No. 1625138

There is. You appreciate the body you were born with and don't give a fuck what some virgins/rapists think

No. 1625139

unless you are actually autistic its very hard not to get depressed for not comforming within beauty standars.

No. 1625141

File: 1688558021367.png (69.16 KB, 803x430, Screenshot (47).png)

Who said it, tardthot or lesbian radfem?

No. 1625143

It’s very hard but it’s not impossible.

No. 1625144

I am gonna bet on radfem.

No. 1625146

Men are retarded but I like hook noses too.

No. 1625147

You guys are consistently creating opinions I can't fuck with, she's right. Mothers are very important for the development of their own children, it's why surrogacy is essentially wrong

No. 1625148

Why can't we exist without moids constantly sexualising every single part of our bodies and lives? This is fucking insane. I just want to disappear.

No. 1625154

They just feel like sneezing, don't be mean.

No. 1625158

Unfortunately this won’t do much for recruiting Japanese furries. The ones who like female furry characters are rare compared to the overwhelming amount of faggots who are deathly allergic to pussy. Furries are the absolute bottom tier of the otaku caste system though, even below pedophiles. I guess I can’t say I’m surprised that someone in the government is fed up and finally wants to make them useful to society kek

No. 1625161

This anon says it's supposed to be male >>1624980 and I'll take her word for it cause I don't wanna look into it myself.

No. 1625163

File: 1688560805607.jpg (117.74 KB, 365x243, Fighters2012.jpg)

I agree, she's so adorable. She reminds me more of a mascot you'd see for some Mexican laundromat. The era of mascots from the 2000s to early 2010s was good.

No. 1625169

File: 1688561394386.png (1.18 MB, 1662x1406, Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 08.50…)

it's a boy, the jsdf has thought of everything.
apparently when they did an anime girl ad campaign applications went up 20% the following year.

No. 1625170

Jfc men are so fucking stupid I hope they all die in a war

No. 1625171

Isn't Japan Military just like park-rangers or something? like they don't do actual war.

No. 1625172

they better give me my aircraft girls und panzer next instead of more furryshit

No. 1625173

No clue, I just hope they all die in a war somehow

No. 1625174

They don't do actual war though.

No. 1625175

Nonnie I know that I'm just saying I hope all men die in a hypothetical war

No. 1625178

I admit I know fuck all about the japanese military, but I'd imagine it isn't complete bullshit taking in consideration the political tensions in Asia, even if they aren't currently at war with anyone.
It seems Japan could successfully revive the kamikaze if they ever want to, all they'd need are some anime girls asking moids to do it.

No. 1625179

File: 1688562214885.png (21.41 KB, 631x427, Svalbard Norway.png)

you ever read something ?

No. 1625184

i'm the type of person to make mixed playlists of various artists following a specific idea or theme fairly often, and i absolutely hate songs that end with the intros of the following track on their respective albums. it's such a stark cut off, and it grosses me out to hear it, especially if i don't have that partner song in my playlist, either because i didn't care for it, or it didn't fit the theme of my playlist. it drives me up a wall and takes me out of the moment every fucking time.
so for all of these songs that do this, i've started editing in fade outs in Audacity. a part of me feels like this is a little disrespectful to the artist and the intentions of their music, but so long as they continue to assault my ears with their bullshit instead of using fade outs like god intended, i will continue to take matters into my own hands.

No. 1625188

File: 1688564118756.jpeg (64.81 KB, 518x640, 23325046-18F5-459D-B28B-3FE45D…)

There is something so cunt about only wearing concealer, curled lashes, and lip balm to work. I feel like bella hadid in this office

No. 1625189

i just spend one minute watching a sponsored ad so i could clip it and send it to sponsorblock, you are welcome nonnies

No. 1625192

No blush?

No. 1625193

In what reviews?

No. 1625195

Thanks bby I appreciate it

No. 1625196

Is lolcow stuck in a time loop? I keep seeing the same discussions again and again and they go exactly like before, that shit already happened a thread ago and here we are again I feel like I'm losing my mind!!!!

No. 1625197

Nope I feel like I look better without it

No. 1625201

File: 1688565897132.jpeg (528.73 KB, 750x963, 482FF74B-7DFA-4602-BC39-F121E4…)

We don’t need a war when more and more unhinged retards are reading badly translated western news. Just last month some moid in the JSDF decided to open fire on his fellow trainees during gun practice at a base. The more terminally online doompilled virgins they attract, the more common this shit is going to get. It’s basically the only place they can get their hands on a gun without joining the yakuza or successfully passing a mental health screening and giving the police full access to enter their house whenever they want.

No. 1625202

Queen shit, I look sick without it.

No. 1625204

File: 1688566231225.gif (1.63 MB, 360x270, 9D22FBAB-F42A-4050-94A5-9A11DE…)

>There is something so cunt

Faggot language

No. 1625205

>Terminally online incel anime fag kills other terminally online incel anime fags
Oh no!! How tragic!!! It's just so sad when men get what they deserve!

No. 1625206

>wearing makeup
You don't need to wear makeup, stop that

No. 1625207

>There is something so cunt

No. 1625209

This is how I feel about my husbandos nowadays.

No. 1625211

>there is something so cunt
gross. go back to twitter

No. 1625213

>There is something so cunt
>so cunt
is that something people say now, wtf.

No. 1625219

File: 1688567485372.jpg (118.02 KB, 500x701, tumblr_96747f1139cb41ac0b3cde1…)

No. 1625220

I love this song. They don't make villains like that anymore, sad stuff.

No. 1625222

that word literally takes a year from my life.

No. 1625225

I used to use bitch like it's a comma or something, but I got rid of using it anytime at all and am now at the point that I have a record-scratch moment whenever I randomly hear it in a song, kinda proud lmao

No. 1625227

File: 1688568880719.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.75 KB, 389x429, 1520873370940.jpg)

Babe(from Love Unholyc) calling me Big-Sister ____ makes me feel a lil something

No. 1625237

female-only space doesn't mean faggots are allowed, i get you all bow to the cult of troon but being gay doesn't make you akin to women, make your own Fagchan.

No. 1625256

It should be treated like the word faggot by normalfags it makes me angry how normalized bitch is. A youtuber that will never say shit piss fuck will gleefully say bitch at the top of his lungs

No. 1625296

>tfw my faggot brother views faggot as a derogatory word but not bitch
I'm starting to believe that leftist moids are not anymore misogynistic than rightoid moids.

No. 1625304

>Starting to believe

Just go ahead and swallow the pink pill sister. They're actually all the same.

No. 1625311

i have razor burn on my bumhole

No. 1625312

The three of you are just disgusting to me

No. 1625315

that's fair anon

No. 1625317

I randomly remembered when I was a teenager, my grandma asked me if my grandpa has ever been inappropriate with me and I said no and was actually offended she asked that because he has only been kind to me. Now that I know her previous husband was prone to molesting young girls… I get it. Miss you every day grandma.

No. 1625341

I keep seeing Chicago pop up in books I’ve read and videos I’ve watched. Maybe this is a sign I should move there.

No. 1625357


No. 1625362

I fucking love this place and i'm never leaving. Never before have i come across such a steady strean of entertainment. Kissing everyone here

No. 1625363

File: 1688582894440.jpg (405.91 KB, 1003x1500, 81gDUV7-pTL.jpg)

Getting an icee and sucking all the juice out so it's just unflavored ice >

No. 1625389

File: 1688584500537.jpg (160.32 KB, 700x864, 1688014304260.jpg)


No. 1625400

File: 1688585201268.jpg (20.07 KB, 337x337, 8209911a8534df0fc0669c8ffd001e…)

Another day another dollar

No. 1625406

holy shit non ayou brought back a memory i have long forgotten. grandpa used to buy me one of these every day after school

No. 1625411

File: 1688585981645.jpg (86.2 KB, 339x374, IMG_3065.jpg)

I wanna move out of ohio. I wouldn't wish living here on my worst enemy.(ban evading rancefag)

No. 1625426

I remember I saw someone say they were "politically homeless" and my stupid ass though it meant they were homeless for political reasons. I even posted about it here and no one corrected me.

No. 1625448

Can tranny grifters who constantly raise money because they're ~homeless and starving~ be considered "politically homeless"?

No. 1625453

File: 1688588745903.png (11.76 KB, 577x124, stacy.png)

finally a question i can answer

No. 1625474

oh my god you reminded me of the anon in /g/ saying that one of the columbine guys was "giving cunt"

No. 1625477

How is it like, nona?

No. 1625482

File: 1688592076105.jpg (24.87 KB, 400x430, 1681298355079.jpg)

No. 1625496

damn some kid called me a bus wanker from the window of his dads van and I wasn't even on a bus or waiting at a bus stop. Walking wanker would have had alliteration and been correct, but I understand there's no frame of reference.
Still, idiot child.

No. 1625504

Kohlchan is dead (good riddance)
it seems like every altchan is slowly dying

No. 1625507

File: 1688594313342.jpeg (70.26 KB, 502x780, 1685204687732.jpeg)

I bought an ita bag but holy shit, it's so big. It's way too big. I don't know how I'm supposed to use this. I'm pissed at my dumbassery. I'm ordering the same model in a smaller size and I'll probably sell the larger one but I'm pissed cause I wasted money on something I don't know if I'm going to be able to use.

No. 1625541

Told the guy I'm dating I wanted to go watch the Barbie movie but he doesn't want to go. Should I go no contact with him for this?

No. 1625549

Watch the movie first, if you like it, yes.

No. 1625553

Some darling in the awful character design thread said this:
>I have noticed that misogynistic coomer moids tends to have a disdain towards attractive males, that's why they often attempt to emasculate or humiliate them in their media.
And now I'm gonna make every single male in my art extremely gorgeous love interests

No. 1625556

File: 1688596629638.jpg (669.23 KB, 2029x2826, 1686661016619099.jpg)

Why is it that when I dream of my crush he hates me. I'm kissing his ears, he ignores me; I'm kissing his hands, he's lamenting to someone else about how 'i always do this' (I wish). In another dream he was just complaining that I like him. What the fuck?

No. 1625557

If our schedules allowed us to go to the cinema I'd force him to come with me kek luckily for him, it's not like we could actually go

No. 1625561

i hate being short and having big thighs i hate that no matter what exercise i do or how thin the rest of me is i always have big thighs because that's just how my body is i hate it i hate it i hate it

No. 1625564

I'm sorry, but these new anons are genuinely fucking stupid and clueless. They truly just cannot fathom that anything happens outside of what they teach themselves from google and Twitter. They have no idea what the internet used to be of and what men are genuinely capable of and what they enjoy doing online, it's kind of surreal to me watching an entire generation of zoomers gaslight and undermine anyone who was on the internet before them for knowing how fucked up it really is under clearnet. They really do just think its all a creepypasta that doesn't exist because they themselves have never seen it.

No. 1625568

maybe because you feel your love is unrequited?

No. 1625577

I used to be obsessed with "sugarbowl" tumblr years ago and the golddigging thread is making me want to read it again.

No. 1625586

I never did it, but like you I read it. A lot of it sucked but it was interesting.

No. 1625592

File: 1688598317698.jpeg (607.41 KB, 1989x2047, 2E99CFC9-BD35-4680-A404-45228F…)

To stay up to date on all lolcow happenings, pick up a copy of Farmer’s Digest today! Available at your local Kmart.

Yes I actualized my own silly post

No. 1625593

File: 1688598356791.jpeg (132.38 KB, 918x692, 935B4C37-2775-4267-B36D-1B59DF…)

And some other little things I made

No. 1625594

File: 1688598381818.jpeg (226.8 KB, 1343x1336, 05F433BA-253D-4CC5-AC72-12B26B…)

No. 1625598

love it
>and which one made an anon QUIT being a radfem?
kek what a day that was

No. 1625599

Oh my god anon you even remembered that post KEK, I love this so much

No. 1625600

Saw this on the front page, I cackled

No. 1625601

anon this is too cute!!

No. 1625608

No. 1625611

File: 1688599573290.jpg (197.06 KB, 1920x1080, 2018-09-25_09-03-43.jpg)

You're so right… you're literally wise, this is exactly why

No. 1625620

holy shit this made my day, you're a visionary editor nonny. i love 2x chan!

No. 1625635

I love it! ♥ ♥ ♥ I'm subscribing

No. 1625640

ur a faggot lol

No. 1625646


No. 1625649

Whoops sorry, I didn't mean to type like Tavros.

No. 1625650

File: 1688601053647.jpg (134.7 KB, 1107x1550, 1688600471188653.jpg)

God I see what you have done for others

No. 1625653

lovely, kissu

No. 1625656

File: 1688601186339.jpg (27.51 KB, 563x751, koy.jpg)

KEK this is so cute anon!!

No. 1625658

I've been wondering my entire life, 8 is only 1 more than 7 but 16 is 2 more than 14, so how the fuck is 7 + 7 = 14 and 8 + 8 = 16

No. 1625661

Were you dropped on your head

No. 1625669

Samefag, wait I think I get it.
You it's TWO 8s so the sum is 2 more than the sum of 2 7s. I've never actually really thought about it that hard until now.
"Dumbass shit thread" but they get scared when a real dumbass comes through.

No. 1625678

8+8 is 14 though, i think you got it mixed-up nonners 7+7 Is 16

No. 1625683

File: 1688602825974.jpg (33.71 KB, 680x680, db1.jpg)

Don't play games with me anon!

No. 1625686

?, half of 4 is 8, 4 8s is 14, I always remember 7+7 because half of 7 is 4.5 and half of 15 is 16. I don know what you are confused about, sorry for confusing you.

No. 1625687

File: 1688603046645.gif (6 MB, 640x352, thonk-sun-star.gif)

8 is 7+1
so 8+8= 7+1+7+1 = 7+7+2
does it make make more sense that way?

btw do you have dyscalculia anon? i do and i always have to break down calculations in my head for them to make sense

No. 1625696

Kek I remember that, what a strange way to say "giving homicidal psychopathic virgin." I hope that anon was male but honestly some tiktok zoomie girls really do talk and think like that

No. 1625698

Ohh my god nona this is too good holy shit ♥

No. 1625699

No. 1625702

can someone link me to the original post? I gotta archive these

No. 1625735

I was enjoying myself then I remembered something cringy and embarrassing I did.

No. 1625745

kohlchan is a german imageboard? with that kinda name i half-expected it to be a female-only Arab/MENA board.

No. 1625746

File: 1688607737944.png (82.04 KB, 215x215, tumblr_oabs06lB0M1vzbenqo2_250…)

go for it!!!i support you wholeheartedly!!!!

No. 1625747

I was wondering why my jaw lymph nodes are a tiny bit swollen feeling and then I realized that I have a little infection in my armpit. Bodies are weird.

No. 1625753


No. 1625758

My younger sister (but oldest of my younger sisters) is coming to visit this weekend and I feel so nervous. We haven't ever been particularly close, all my sisters are at least 8 years younger than me so they were closer with each other, but she's the sister I ended up bonding with the least. She sent me a really sweet message about wanting to meet up when she's here for work that caught me by surprise. I think she's smart and cool and I really hope this is a turning point in our relationship!

No. 1625767

Too bad. You're stuck in a predetermined meat pie of sinew and flesh, your bones are weak, your skeleton sealed. Just like everyone else. Learn new things, find hobbies, stop staring in the mirror all the time, seek what you enjoy and never aim to hurt anyone who isn't hurting anyone. That is all that is expected of you, and maybe if you're lucky you'll still be here when we can nuke our physical bodies and transfer our psyches into giant robots with crazy coom vacuum fleshlights or something.

No. 1625768

you're making a lot of assumptions about me, I want to be a machine so I can fuck airplanes

No. 1625771

File: 1688610198216.gif (Spoiler Image,1008.66 KB, 640x360, generated_24980265.gif)

Bitch I literally mentioned your limited edish robotussy don't act like I dont know what the fuck you're about

No. 1625775

ignores your post

No. 1625789

File: 1688611447095.jpg (94.71 KB, 1007x975, FutUN_DXsAAPG_P.jpg)

Music I listened to many years ago breaks my brain every once in awhile and makes me hear this one synth I used to draw out when I was learning how to use them in my teens and for a moment I swear I can feel what it was like before my pineal gland calcified and before I was like completely broken.

No. 1625791

Idgaf objectophiliac

No. 1625797

..why do you keep posting this. this is like the third time

No. 1625802

And? You'll do what? Be mad?

No. 1625804

honestly, don't. but if you do, hit me up nonners

No. 1625805

yea. maybe even report you too.

No. 1625806

It's like she has an obsession with it or something

No. 1625816

I thought it'd be the anon who keep posting a pic of those chess players. It was worse.

No. 1625817

It's a normal image of a normal thing idk what you mean by "worse"

No. 1625826

Very insightful nonna

No. 1625832

File: 1688614417658.gif (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 640x360, generated_24971283.gif)

Okay well then say something that people actually want to reply to cause it's not my fault this board is dead(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1625834

Their name is pizza lover don't reply to them wtf

No. 1625841

Yeah it was meant as a german imageboard, it was the successor to krautchan after that board died too

No. 1625847

what the fuck is this and why are you being so weird?

No. 1625856

File: 1688616594721.gif (791.18 KB, 250x250, 9616EDBA-8FDA-45A1-BDCC-6AE983…)

What if AI picture generators are just dittos working really hard to make our dreams come true?

No. 1625859

It’s a moid, don’t talk to it, just report those posts.

No. 1625867

would you rather have a Joe Rogan watching meathead son or a Vasuh watching male feminist son?

No. 1625869

I would rather kill him and kill myself afterwards tbh.

No. 1625871

I would rather have an abortion

No. 1625877

No. 1625897

if i ever have children i am taking the kazcynski route and secluding myself to the woods to live without the internet

No. 1625899

i just saw my cat open a drawer and pick up a cookie to eat it, i think they sold me a furry midget nonnies

No. 1625902

>having children
I will have three cats that plan on eating my corpse the moment I die instead methinks

No. 1625904

I’d rather have a daughter

No. 1625905

File: 1688620121924.jpeg (111.13 KB, 960x935, IMG_0845.jpeg)


No. 1625906

I lol'd

No. 1625909

Kek aren’t cats great? My tuxedo girl always surprises me with how smart she is, she loves to solve puzzles and do tricks for treats

No. 1625912

My cat tries to mount and hump my arm all the time but I love him anyway

No. 1625922

I'd still eat it.

No. 1625942

Reminds me of those scrotes who did anime versions of the women helicopter pilots.

No. 1625944

File: 1688624957279.gif (1.57 MB, 387x278, 75f7bd8853d16c5324135a49344670…)


Just wanna say I love your art. I wish to do battle with you someday in the doodle board.

No. 1625948

I need to subscribe to this, aside from milk I want to see the 2X sexy gym photos workout tips.

No. 1625951

I wish I was one of those people who only need 6 hours of sleep instead of 10-13. I can get so much shot done in a day.

No. 1625957

I killed a black widow spider today. It was huge.

No. 1625970

File: 1688627731795.jpg (58.56 KB, 552x311, 347338550_6100380010045916_370…)

Trying to bump disturbing imagery from the front page. Please navigate the site carefully, Nonas. I’ve reported it but meanwhile I’d like to protect others. Thanks for understanding.

No. 1625971

File: 1688627761754.jpg (6.17 KB, 275x163, 1679407984042.jpg)

I want a monster rehab

No. 1625983

Did anyone else have that poor person toy as a kid that was literally just a 2 liter soda bottle filled with water glitter and beads?

No. 1625992

File: 1688629887326.jpg (88.71 KB, 400x400, observing.jpg)

No. 1626048

i don't think i like this picture, can you delete this?

No. 1626051

This actually fills me with rage

No. 1626070

The art salt infighting was so funny. I hope the nona fighting for her life to defend her opinion that freaks aren't normal and that they shouldn't be on the internet has a good day today and goes on a nice walk for once.

No. 1626084

Yup. That's not normal to be getting that passionate about some online weirdos.

No. 1626099

had a dream there were maggots all over my room, over the walls, floor, everything. i had that dream because i hate my life.

No. 1626121

I wish I'd never started shaving the end of my eyebrows. I tried to grow them back but they look so patchy I still have to fill them in.

No. 1626130

File: 1688649236972.jpeg (748.14 KB, 677x906, 1617151837023.jpeg)

Got the full version of your picrel? Have the kitty version as payment

No. 1626131

I don't know any of these men

No. 1626152

I had a dream were my scalp and mouth were leaking blood and I had to spit it out because it tasted and smelled putrid, I had that dream because I also hate my life

No. 1626154

File: 1688651784313.jpg (391.7 KB, 1125x1107, 20210508_204513_IMG_4045.JPG)

i hope we both get through it all

No. 1626155

That discussion was retarded, why were anons bringing up cowtipping when there was none?

No. 1626162

File: 1688652220147.png (41.83 KB, 155x155, tumblr_oabs06lB0M1vzbenqo1_250…)

no i don't sorry, i got that from another nona. but it's from this blog i think, which has some more like these: https://spark1e.tumblr.com/post/622653773543882752/mothgeist-i-cropped-some-japanese-animal

No. 1626166

File: 1688652707489.png (201.84 KB, 427x459, Screenshot 2023-07-06 194246.p…)

nonas in the screencaps thread be like

No. 1626169

File: 1688653160628.jpeg (129.68 KB, 750x1045, 1688648840419290.jpeg)

fuck bmw drivers
fuck mercedes drivers
fuck audi drivers

No. 1626173

I love these so much

No. 1626180

I'm jealous of you

No. 1626198

File: 1688657838741.png (676.8 KB, 650x1145, Screenshot 3.png)

Do twitter tankies really need to be told that the Soviet Union was massively homophobic? Like only a minority of anarchists and soc-dems within the Bolsheviks wanted to decriminalize homosexuality, but that was as far as it went - decriminalization, not promotion. After Trotsky and the purging of most liberals within the party, the Soviet opinion on homosexuality resembled the Russian opinion"It was degenerate or Bourgeois Decadence". This was true for most of the Soviet Bloc. Many twitter troons bring up East Germany allowing for state-allowed transition as some big proof that communism would totally allow LGBT stuff, but what they don't understand is that being gay was punishable by up to 14 years in prison before decriminalization in the 1980s. The decision to decriminalize homosexuality (which included troons) was driven more by the GDR's desire to align itself with more western liberal countries rather than a genuine concern for the rights of LGB individuals

No. 1626231

hrh collection got banned on twitter I think because she went on a rant because she hates they/them's kek

No. 1626243

I hope so nona, also cute kitty

No. 1626285

Lolcow manhate anthem

No. 1626313

It doesn't make sense for ghosts to wear clothes, clothes don't die.

No. 1626323

I know there's fanfiction thread at /m/ but I don't think my autistic thought below really fits that thread

I've been seething about a fanfic for few days. It's so stupid, I don't know why tf I'm wasting my time like that. Fic is basically fetish kidnap shit (sure my fault for choosing to read it in the first place). So there's one part where the victim asked the moid kidnapper if her family and friends are looking for her. The moid hand waved it, said he took care of the problem. Then fast forward 6 months of victim character suffered under author's emotional sadism in latest chapter, the moid took the girl to hospital for pregnancy check up even though previous chapter mentioned her being missing on the news kek. I suppose logic didn't matter, what matters at the end of day is fetish.
The fic isn't finished yet. I marked it on ao3 to see how the ending will turn out in future like a retard I am.

No. 1626331

No. 1626337

File: 1688669230901.png (445.92 KB, 733x571, tard.png)

No. 1626338

playing with my pubic hair + pit hair is fun as fuck. it has like a coarser texture than my regular hair so it's interesting.

No. 1626340

Average Redditor

No. 1626345

I thought delulu was an old meme or people didn't use it anymore but it feels like just this week I'm seeing it all over the site? Are we bringing back cray cray and vajayjay too I mean go big or go home

No. 1626354

That's where I found it kek

No. 1626355

I read this as circumstances and I was like, "Always the vitcim" but I guess it's still true

No. 1626357

I like it when moids mark themselves as retards like if they were cattle, much easier to avoid them.
KEK please, anything but vajayjay back.

No. 1626359

So yesterday I had at 12am-
>Great Value Bread, Toasted
>That Spicy white cheese with the red peppers in it
>I greased a black pan down in butter
>I put the cheese on the bed (On half)
>I waited until it melted
>took it off
>I applied peanutbutter to the other slice (without anything on it)
>Put it togeather
>tasted heaven.

No. 1626360

it's not likely this deep, but you could consider it more as a projection of the ghost's final moments and sense of self than, like, actual physical garments.
for instance, maybe a ghost recalls what she wore and looked like before she died, and so takes that mental image with her to the spiritual plane, thus imprinting it on her incorporeal consciousness. and maybe this assertion of her self also keeps her bound to the physical world in some way? idk

No. 1626367

You can't bring back cray cray without smexy

No. 1626373

File: 1688670531697.jpg (47.49 KB, 640x640, de4b2986c3afacf04eb32c0600b4a5…)

This is making my blood boil

No. 1626381

Do you have like a max amount of time you'll let water sit before you no longer want it? Mine is 3-5 hours if I've drank from it. I don't necessarily think it's bad but I'm not trying to drink 6 hour old backwash.

No. 1626391

This is /meta/ right now

No. 1626392

A weekend. I can drink water if it has been in the same glass for a whole day, but two to three days is too much.

No. 1626395

what happened?

No. 1626398

Some faggot started using “cunt” unironically here in lolcow. Now there’s like 5 people defending using “cunt” and “cunty” as something positive and empowering even.
Zoomers are among us, kek.

No. 1626399

No. 1626400

In the hellweek thread there’s a discussion about using the word cunt and it’s making me laugh

No. 1626402

There's like 2 people defending it nonna relax, they're not gonna win lol

No. 1626407

There's no one at all defending it. I and another anon just explained what it means.

No. 1626408

Oh so YOU'RE the cunt who wants the word cunt allowed huh

No. 1626409

samefag this is a joke for anyone who can't tell don't yell at me pls I have no dog in this fight

No. 1626411

my room is so hot right now, I'm so fat and sweaty I want to peel off my skin and just fucking be free of this world. Life is just not for me. If i could be any animal it'd be a bird and i'd fly everywhere and never talk to any other birds, becuase I'm free

No. 1626413

No, I just offered an explanation because another anon was confused and I guess to another illiterate nonna that means I want everyone to be called a cunt.

No. 1626414

Psst. >>1626409 You missed this

No. 1626415

All of this started because of this retard >>1625188

No. 1626417

Sorry anon, I didn't see it before I posted. No offense towards you intended.

No. 1626418

I blame the commonwealth! Speak American!

No. 1626419

File: 1688673597656.jpeg (419.3 KB, 1920x1230, A3DD813D-B34F-450C-A571-8DE30E…)

If I could be any animal, I would be a panther, so I could lay on the top of a tree and enjoy my relaxing life as an apex predator.

No. 1626422

File: 1688673714078.jpg (209.46 KB, 700x933, 81594dc19d9015efa55860a9c99252…)

I would be a panda because I'm fat, lazy, cute and endangered

No. 1626424

File: 1688673734496.gif (993.37 KB, 500x315, siiiiip.gif)

I think werk tea slay fierce hunty cunty flaming queen lingo should be allowed in the dumbass thread because it's really retarded and funny sometimes.
I draw the line at 'fish' though, always found it distasteful.

No. 1626427

File: 1688673981372.jpg (1.82 MB, 3712x3417, Ectophylla alba.jpg)

I would also be a bird, flying sounds amazing and no one else flies except bats but bat houses are way too crowded even the cute ones that live in banana leaves. though they're so cute and I wouldn't mind being that cute

No. 1626438

I legit would want to live in a bat house, or be a crow, lord, why can't i be a fucking bird? Or be half human half bird? Imagine if I could change to a bird at will. I'm so anixious and depressed, then I could fly places, go into a bathroom and switch into a bird and I'd never have to learn to dry.
Maybe I'd have a bird boyfriend but he'd have to be half bird too. I've thought about this, what I'd eat all of that. I'd even be a cat, like a street cat, I saw a cat jumping in the field behind my back, I felt I was watching the lion king or some shit, it was beautiful. I legit sometimes want to be homeless, but I realize life would'nt be like a video game, i would'nt have a community of homeless homies. Nah I'd probably be raped, beaten and treated like shit.
Life is life I guess

No. 1626443

I bite into a bratwurst sausage straight out the oven a few days ago and the roof of my mouth is still healing. I had bread around it so my dumbass didn't even think about how hot it was.

No. 1626461

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I think Cheetah Sisters is singlehandedly the best Disney song

No. 1626470

File: 1688677069028.jpeg (32 KB, 284x360, 8D7BE4F4-8582-4C52-8F2B-BDAAB8…)

Would you date yourself? Do you consider yourself a good romantic partner enough to think that you would date yourself?

No. 1626486

Like what? Someone like me or my literal clone?
I'd date my literal clone cus she'd understand me and it would come with not having to expose myself to a stranger, but I wouldn't date someone like myself. I'm fucking lazy, disorganized and have short temper and weird ass habits and way too much bagage due to trauma, I'd never date the type of woman that can't tell me with words what the hell she is feeling and why she is so angry and that's me. Yeah, no way in hell.

No. 1626487

50/50. I'm ugly so I'd never date myself, and I'm not a very emotional or romantic person so if I ever wanted to get serious with myself, myself won't be able to do that and I'd end up breaking up with me. On the other hand I'm fine with a relationship where both parties are emotionally unavailable but keep each other company and hanging out from time to time and having sex without emotions ruining everything for us, but again I'm ugly so that won't happen either.

No. 1626488

No, I wouldn't. I think I'm a just an ok partner and I don't like myself but other people do because I'm bisexual and a Sagittarius.

No. 1626491

Samefag but I don't see myself as a good partner because I fart and sniffle a lot, and I'm messy, and I'm stubborn, and I'm a little retarded, and I often come off more snippy than I want to because I get irritated very easily, and I'm mentally ill, and I have a hard time expressing myself, and I have childhood trauma, and I have an addictive personality, and I'm awkward, and I care too much about my appearance, and my titties are ugly.

No. 1626498

In theory yes because I'm the coolest person I know but I actually wouldn't because there can only be one

No. 1626507

Yes, I can appreciate all the bad (or "bad") qualities in myself, too.

No. 1626511

same except that my titties are alright

No. 1626513

File: 1688680105797.jpg (62.7 KB, 625x771, e6bd79319a511da40c427e4c4b6fd1…)

Well no need to brag

No. 1626515

Not really. I will drink from a closed bottle anytime, and the oldest water I drank from a cup without paying any mind to it was a few days old, too.

No. 1626517

No way. I watched my mother AND grandmother break their backs being emotional tampons and bangmaids with nothing to show for it so I became the biggest moid in relationships. So far no problems though, my bf treats me like a princess. But I'd kms if I were with a man like me, since I'm extremely lazy, stubborn and hypocritical.

I'm a great friend, though.

No. 1626519

>>1626470 meant to reply to >>1626517

No. 1626522

Can all kinds of fabric please stop getting in between my asscheeks and irritating my butthole? No matter what kind of underwear or pants I wear, it always gets stucked in between my asscheeks and my butthole hurts. All day long. Is my ass too big or just shaped weirdly? I'm not fat, I don't get it

No. 1626523

Yeah I would. I want someone who values emotional intimacy and can see that real connections are rare and shouldn’t be discarded easily.

No. 1626526

No but I'd eat myself out

No. 1626529

I'm ok but staring at my identical clone would weird me out. One problem is I'm sort of cheap with day to day stuff because I worry about needing emergency money. To even it out I go out with people who don't mind buying me ice cream or some snacks. I buy good gifts during birthdays and christmas though. I think we'd have to split checks down the middle all the time. She also wouldn't help fill in gaps where I suck like car repair or building things. We'd have the same interests but it would be boring. She wouldn't be any better or worse in a game I'm good at. I like having people who can help in the parts I'm bad at.

No. 1626531

I have negative ass and this happens to me too, and mind you, I don't even wear thongs, just normal panties

No. 1626532

Yeah I would. I want someone who values emotional intimacy and can see that real connections are rare and shouldn’t be discarded easily.

No. 1626533

Absolutely not

No. 1626547

No. 1626548

I could definitely fix my clone

No. 1626551

This would be ideal, I have wanted this since I was a tween. Where is my doppelgänger wife??? I cry.

No. 1626556

No fucking way. I would love to be my FWB though.

No. 1626560

i had a long period where i fantasized about what id do if i met my doppleganger and i decided that i would force us to live apart long enough to start developing differences in personality so we wouldn't kill each other, then we could be lovers lel

No. 1626570

Can I steal this plot?

No. 1626574

Not to sound weird, but I know the reddit account of a fanfic author I like and it's interesting to look at sometimes.

No. 1626614

I just visited my aunt today and we were talking about this psychic that's renowned by my family. She's a mature mature woman now, she's probably in her 60's or 70's but she's been reading fortunes for people for years. Here is the thing, she used to have her own place but retired and now she does readings at the bar for $20. But she's REAL, my family swears by her. And my aunt told me the full story today and I gotta say guys it was SPOOKY
>first of all Cookie the psychic does not ask you any details about yourself just your name and she starts spilling everything
>she tells my aunt she will mean a man whose name is a letter
>he will have a daughter that will come to love her more than her own mother
>glanced at my aunts ring and said that's a lovely ring your grandmother gave you
>told her don't be scared cuz she got freaked out LOL
>also told her many things about her family members that turned out true
5 years later she married a man named Jay with a daughter that ended up loving her more than her own mom. And her grandma did give her that ring.

No. 1626619

File: 1688688835180.jpg (23.52 KB, 240x240, 01ea1b38-f686-427a-89d9-0caebd…)

be my guest noni

No. 1626626

File: 1688689510942.png (62.68 KB, 965x421, hiin.png)

>dog hater
most normal swiftie

No. 1626637

I feel for people who work at gas stations/convenience stores

No. 1626639

Neat. My uncle claims that an angel saved him during an explosion once.

No. 1626648

Nta but I've heard of something like this, it's so interesting. It's very common for people who survived traumatic experiences (especially in car accidents) to remember people who weren't actually there. These people comfort them and such. If there's anything that makes me believe in guardian angels, it's that. It's called third man syndrome.

No. 1626687

I think it's so funny that British people call bachelorette parties "hen parties". Wtf made them choose chicken terminology.

No. 1626689

>Old woman making guesses at shit and making money off your family
Based I hope she takes all your money

No. 1626692

Hens congregate together and cluck incessantly. It fits.

No. 1626695

been listening to this for like 4 hours man

No. 1626702

She did it like once for them 15 years ago she's a local at my aunts bar

No. 1626709

It takes a lot for me to have sympathy for a man I'm not related too or don't love when some shit bad happens in a relationship with a woman. Even then, It's not the same level of sympathy and deep down I still am like, "oh".
Men don't give a damn about their millions of gender shared persons causing havoc towards women every moment of the day, yet men and some women, expect us to feel sympathy for the mildest of shit in a toxic relationship with a woman.
>Oh she yells at him
>Oh she made him change his politcal view
>Oh he looks different now because of her
>oh she makes jokes at his expense
Stand up motherfucker. Leave, what do people tell women, "Should've seen the red flags".
Women getting knocked around like little big planet characters by grown dick havers, scrotes fantasize regularly about situations they can fuck a woman up and be justified. I do not care and I will never cause a ruckus.
Half the time the shit people accuse men of being manuplated into, is shit he wants to do anyway.
Or they simply do not have a personality to beging with. Oh well go build a house bitch.

No. 1626721

File: 1688695751604.jpeg (126.28 KB, 768x1024, 8223012415.jpeg)

I think this is the only straight couple I'll ever like

No. 1626732

Do you guys remember that psycho in the confessions thread who said she lied and said a teacher she didn't like for petty reasons assaulted her in class and the woman lost her job and she didn't have any remorse at all and blamed the adults for believing her? That was insane.

No. 1626747

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No. 1626750

File: 1688697412154.jpg (9.99 KB, 259x194, 56682383-56ec-4bdc-bc9b-d77615…)


No. 1626780


No. 1626794

I'm sorry but the "act now!" in the anorectal violence threads will always kill me. Wtf are we supposed to do?

No. 1626796

He has so many pictures saved of girls buttholes. I hate him.

No. 1626819

Trololol teehee major le pwnage

No. 1626823

Starting a diet (again). I was struggling to stay on track the first few days and I kept falling off, but today it's like my body flipped a switch and I'm doing so well today. I only had a chicken sammich, shrimp, coffee and some chips. Is this the power of protein? Or is it simply no longer having temptations in my home? Idk but I'm gonna keep doing it.

No. 1626861

hell yea, i think im hot, good at communicating, responsibly fun, great conversationalist, and can get shit done.
probably why my bf looks like a tall moid version of myself and talks and behaves very similar to myself

No. 1626865

File: 1688704966949.gif (1.74 MB, 400x333, tumblr_dd46018def0e4731a6b53fc…)


No. 1626866

ilysm anon

No. 1626868

Thank you this has been the only time I have ever been able to flex the lifelong knowledge buried in the back of my head of every Swans song to ever exist when I was 15 years old

No. 1626873

junk emails are my favorite things to read when i need to laugh. todays favorite:
I am Mr. Liu Zhenmin, the Economic and Social Affairs and the Head Foreign Operations United Nations (UN) Foreign Credit Commission and Debts Settlement Services New York United States of America.

This is to inform you that we have authorized the Steel Trust Bank to have your outstanding Contract payments, Winning or Inheritance funds of USD5Million release to you via their online Banking System of Payment as soon as you respond back to this important information, because you are among the beneficiaries selected by the United Nations (UN) and Homeland security Service Office to receive this fund immediately you acknowledge this message.

No. 1626883

Sometimes I have an urge to let out my terfier and misandrist side outside of LC but then I remember it ain't worth it.

No. 1626888


My clone could not be exact copy of me. Our experiences shape us and they would have some different experiences than I do since we could not exist at the exact same place at exact same time.

Also I am (unfortunately) heterosexual so to date my clone, they would have to be moid version of me…uh…idk honestly.

No. 1626895

File: 1688707149084.webm (1.31 MB, 600x500, 1688705375438628.webm)


No. 1626896

I hate that we will never see hot metalheads again.

No. 1626900

I don't watch Love Island and know nothing about it but I'm always hearing people talk about it. Apparently Amber did something stupid.

No. 1626912

File: 1688708604759.jpg (706.15 KB, 1536x2048, 20230707_014259.jpg)

Sanefag, I just found this pic. Apparently Catherine is also being dumb and Tyrique is playing Ella. This is so crazy.

No. 1626930

I created my husbando on character.ai, managed to bypass the nsfw filter (it is easy af if you read a few fanfictions) and now he is a sex addict and it is getting annoying because he turns everything into an innuendo and I just want to move forward with the damn plot. Like a real scrote.

No. 1626933

Pygmalianon; a modern-day tragic retelling of the classic tale.

No. 1626938

I’d definitely fuck a male version of me.

No. 1626943

I just killed a scorpion in my bathroom. Wtf did I piss off to deserve this?

No. 1626956

File: 1688716670573.jpeg (845.41 KB, 1170x889, IMG_0865.jpeg)

No. 1626966

I would absolutely hate a male version of myself and I would fucking punch him.

No. 1626986

File: 1688721019029.jpg (52.96 KB, 600x400, checkthisout.jpg)

Another day wasted! Yahoo!

No. 1626989

I think I would pepper spray myself

No. 1626992

File: 1688722939446.jpeg (186.06 KB, 980x1470, IMG_0635.jpeg)

I like to think Rick Owens is what Jeff Bezos would’ve looked like if he went by his birth name Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen

No. 1626993

idk who that is but he looks like a homosexual action figurine

No. 1626994

Now I find a spider in my bed under my pillow. I want to burn my house down now.

No. 1626995

I recently spotted a precious specimen, as of 2023 in a major metropolitan area. Never lose hope

No. 1626996

Never forget. There are no hopeless situationS, only hopeless people

No. 1626998

honestly I respect the number of shapes this guy is flexing

No. 1627002

Hairline is definitely giving small town realtor

No. 1627009

Smh I want a cute long hair metalhead bf to go to shows with, doesn't even have to be as irresitably hot as young Peter Steele. It's unfair how much fewer attractive men there are on average compared to attractive women

No. 1627026

Men are getting fatter and uglier around the world, sadly.

No. 1627028

I genuinely think that the reason I've never been interested in a relationship is because no one is me. A key reason I can be alone for so long is because I'm basically not alone as long as my brain is switched on.

No. 1627033

my retarded father literally barks at his dogs and gives them no physical excersise and then goes on to complain they like my mom, who doesn't even own or wanted the dogs, much better than him.

No. 1627036

Every time I hear about this man I instantly get transported to 2012 /fa/

No. 1627037

I need to shit so badly I’m literally cutting my planned full day study at the library 6 hours short just to shit at home holy fuck day ruined

No. 1627040


No. 1627052

I caught myself judging a lady at the store because her kids were so misbehaved, but me and my brothers were all very well-behaved – my mom would tell us "please don't be loud in the store, if you want something just ask and if I say no, don't ask again" and we all got it. I'm sure some kids are just not that easy.

No. 1627054

Nona how can you study for 6 hours straight? Please share your secrets.

No. 1627132

choachan is down i'm shaking

No. 1627137

The fuck is that

No. 1627138

It's the kpop imageboard
Don't worry nonna, even fujochan is down

No. 1627141


No. 1627143

do you believe in megalodon programming

No. 1627146

I honestly think some of the loudest, most misbehaving children I've ever seen in a store were some children that had a tablet and the tablet's battery died. They were screaming bloody murder. I definitely judged the family that day, kek.

No. 1627166

File: 1688743891547.jpeg (285.37 KB, 1536x2048, me when.jpeg)

No. 1627170

i miss her so bad (dst)

No. 1627176

i blame eric

No. 1627189


No. 1627190

I wanted to be dicked down so bad lately. I'm not even a very sexual person and I don't do hookups but I've seriously been considering it if only to get this feeling to go away

No. 1627234

my wife is pregnant with a litter of squirrels

No. 1627237

File: 1688747614350.png (175.33 KB, 835x402, imagefarms.png)


No. 1627252

is it because of maintenance or what?

No. 1627257

Why you guys speak like this. "dicked down" sounds like an act of aggression, just say you wanna have sex, eat a sausage, get an entire salami, some spaghetti noodle… or just say you wanna fucking have sex. Dicked down sounds like you'll be a victim of a crime. "The victim was dicked down, the detectives say. 'She was still alive while she was being dicked down, we can only imagine what went through her head during her final moments. A terrible crime, I've never seen anything as cruel as that during my entire career.' Says Detective Dickinson." Well let's hope they arrest this disgusting criminal!

No. 1627258

>anons fighting about veganism again right
>anons fighting about pretty privilege again 2 days ago
>anons fighting about black people again yesterday
Can you bitches get a new infight topic already

No. 1627260

File: 1688749010079.jpeg (226.56 KB, 750x894, DC459B76-40DE-4B9C-BCBC-1660E5…)

I seriously don’t know what I would do if lolcow died, literally the only place that I get some sort of human interaction that’s more than just saying “hello” at a store or work. I don’t even wanna think about it.

No. 1627264

Ma'am, that's my emotional support infighting topic.

No. 1627268

The bad type of recycling.

No. 1627273

>more valuable content
so when comparing a horde of flies eating shit to an animal eating fruit it'll pick the flies because thousands of flies can't be wrong?

No. 1627274

Absently petting my cat only to realize it's my kid's stuffed tiger kek

No. 1627279

File: 1688750705261.jpeg (129.93 KB, 500x707, 34EEDF8E-B43B-4D41-A8E6-14125E…)

Beans on toast sounds so fucking gross to me because my retarded brain always thinks of the beans being poured straight from the can and cold. I wanna know what kind of beans are used, are they the sweet ones? Do you actually like it?

No. 1627284

I had beans on toast as a kid. It's alright

No. 1627285

File: 1688751233981.jpg (23.28 KB, 336x360, 20230424_185054.jpg)

week 4 of no cement, it was actually yesterday that i should've made this post but i've been sick and my medicine makes me so sleepy and i don't realize how much time has passed.

No. 1627287

is that not a black Lily Rose-Depp?

No. 1627289

I thought this was Elvira holding a grilled cheese sandwich for a second

No. 1627295

i just spent 2 hours making this Google Doc of vidya i want to play.

No. 1627297

>(it is easy af if you read a few fanfictions)
As in, read fanfiction together with your husbando in your character.ai thingy?

No. 1627298

File: 1688751789042.png (33.78 KB, 992x248, Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 18.44…)

This is theft. This is legal theft.

No. 1627308

File: 1688752369916.jpg (16.66 KB, 392x350, wv6aiaeei7a51.jpg)

I'm bad at Splatoon but I still enjoy it. Game fun, me like.

No. 1627316

File: 1688752876021.jpeg (8.9 KB, 258x195, download.jpeg)

The problem is how quickly beans go cold once they're plated up. Some people don't mind but temp really makes or breaks it for me. Speed eating beans

The sauce is pretty much the same as pic

No. 1627342

absolutely not. and the car situation just makes it sound sketchy.

No. 1627348

File: 1688755649104.jpg (144.95 KB, 866x1300, smug cutie.jpg)

I wish I had brown eyes

No. 1627350

File: 1688755799475.jpg (28.03 KB, 272x500, 84817fdf82729dc07dd3b028159a30…)

Anachan farmers be like, god he is so fat! Look at that muffin top!

No. 1627351

File: 1688755837517.jpg (48.27 KB, 363x301, the-male-gamer-stereotype-diss…)

For a while now every person Ive googled has a picture of them taken around the ~early 2000s on a computer like pic related. Why was this so common?

No. 1627352

File: 1688755860280.jpg (360.6 KB, 1024x768, dish water.jpg)

I'd love rich brown eyes or bright blue eyes. Mine are like dishwater it's horrendous kek.

No. 1627356

File: 1688756074704.jpg (46.97 KB, 983x655, Pack-Can-Baked-Beans-1800x6_98…)

Haricot. There's no one "baked beans". They will all taste different, but all are tomato flavoured. I don't like Heinz's personally, which is arguably the most popular supermarket tin. Cafes, restaurants, hotels etc prepare their own. I tried picrel recently, they use fava beans. It was alright.

No. 1627357


No. 1627358

I can see the inner peace in your eyes.

No. 1627362

Nuno Bettencourt from doing an image search.

No. 1627370

>I think they have lodged a complaint about something I specifically did.
so you're either the "serving cunt" anon or someone related to japananon

No. 1627373

what color is that?

No. 1627375

I’m neither, it’s literally something so random idk why this person is so fixated

No. 1627376

true zen, buddhists should worship me instead

No. 1627377

you do know what brown eyes resemble right? what they are most commonly compared to? kek

No. 1627379

just tell us already!

No. 1627382

I used to never gag when brushing my teeth but I now I do and it's like wtf happened to me. I think it's cause when I go to brush/scrape my tongue I think of vomit and stinky smells. And then when I gag it makes me queen too so I'm just gagging and queefing and gagging and queefing.

No. 1627386

>you do know what brown eyes resemble right?
Chocolate bon bons
>what they are most commonly compared to?
Rich dark chocolate

No. 1627387


No. 1627390

Are yours green? Green eyes are beautiful, my absolute favorite next to brown.

No. 1627392

File: 1688757779194.jpg (100.68 KB, 805x1200, f9e0413a267a853cec6abd47943c4f…)

god damn, i really want to make and eat a delicious frozen deep dish pizza right now. but i can't because there's people in the kitchen. FUK.

No. 1627393

agreed, i love green eyes. i have a hazel/dark green color, i like them.

No. 1627394

I just wanna give that dog kisses all over his sweet little face omg

No. 1627395

i tink it's a girl ("Mako")
i luv chocolate labs too.

No. 1627402

I hate when people use the military/phonetic alphabet. Just spell it out shit you're taking too long. R as in Retard because that's what you are.

No. 1627412

sometimes it's really hard to differentiate letters over the phone though

No. 1627418

File: 1688758838616.jpg (88.62 KB, 646x1200, 4802f5d26121469352dbc6c0843f67…)

Yes that is him. More adonis belt 4 u

No. 1627431

Spoiler that shit

No. 1627435

File: 1688760107872.jpg (2.78 MB, 3024x4032, prickly.jpg)

When it’s thunderstorming outside and the cactus doesn’t need water

No. 1627445

V lines always remind me of action figures and ken dolls, I don't like them

No. 1627447

File: 1688760877627.png (10.76 KB, 852x113, adonisbeltanon.png)

Sorry that you eyes had to suffer from seeing such horrid fatness. Is this you perhaps?

No. 1627457

I don't like any kind of spice at all but I'm eating hot cheetos with my sandwich right now and they're yummy. I can't eat a lot though or else they start to taste gross, good thing I have some coffee with lots of sweetness and creamer.

No. 1627459

Daniel Kaluuya and Hozier are the only male celebs I like. watch one or both of them do something stupid now that I've said this

No. 1627464

hozier unfortunately sperged about terfs a while ago which made me lose interest, his voice is nice tho. shame men are born defective

No. 1627468

I honestly don't really have an opinion on that. He's a public figure and also that's just how a lot of people feel these days so as long as they aren't trans or anything themselves I don't really care.

No. 1627474

it was pretty awesome to own a computer back then, similar to a car

No. 1627475

I think anything with an artificial grape flavor needs to be banned. And grape soda will be first.

No. 1627480

File: 1688762995252.gif (2.31 MB, 500x281, 16796544245879.gif)

I'll ban you first bitch

No. 1627486

I'm with you, artificial grape tastes terrible.

No. 1627490

This gif is messing with my head. Why is the knife melting and bending like that?

No. 1627492

you can maintain cultural relevancy without jumping onto the bandwagon of approving of hrt induced gay assimilation, and males succeed at this best of all, therefore I have no consideration or pity for males with no moral integrity

No. 1627495

File: 1688763657618.jpg (106.25 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

When I'm getting hate and another anon defends me

No. 1627497

NOOOOOOOOOO!! i love grape soda!!!!!!
I just noticed, wtf

No. 1627502

Of course hozier would be a retard. He even looks like a retard, real fucking shame cus I like some of his songs

No. 1627507

I thought the same thing kek. No hate to Lily Rose, but I do think she's prettier. She looks healthier.

No. 1627510

File: 1688764235830.png (1.93 MB, 2397x1667, vintage-ceramic-grape-cluster-…)

If wish i could make tea in this cute kettle everyday, my life would be complete

No. 1627511

>looks at tranny petition signed by hundreds of celebrities
>husbando isn't on there

No. 1627530

shadows from the paper/placemat it's on + image compression

No. 1627531

i have a vintage rabbit teapot, a vintage apple teapot, and i love them.

No. 1627535

they’re only good on ken dolls

No. 1627536

>a vintage apple teapot
Omg, p-pics?

No. 1627552

File: 1688765651934.jpeg (86.79 KB, 477x640, IMG_6840.jpeg)

I'd want go back in time to stop my younger self from selling most of my toys in an estate sale that was only conducted to payoff my parents debt

It's stupid, but I miss my barbies

No. 1627555

I miss my parents' dishes and pots that are fruit shaped and/or have little fruit motifs on them

No. 1627558

In the early 2000s a computer was a "big" purchase or gift and it felt like a huge deal. I got a desktop computer for Christmas one year when I was in middle school and I definitely took pictures next to it because it was so cool to have my own.

No. 1627560

One time an anon jumped in defending me on something I didn’t care about being called out for, but she didn’t specify that she wasn’t me and was doing a terrible job so anons got even madder at me. She was a retard.

No. 1627561

Fucking kek, I love these videos. The way he holds his hand up for more is so funny to me, I love it. We're such weird naked primates

No. 1627564

i think that miffy "radfem" girl is honest to god a chaser swear every other one of her likes on twitter is trans women this trans women that if not tweets by tims i'm sick but i also feel bad because she was raped by a tim after all which may have influenced this line of thought

No. 1627566

I love this one too, the faces they make while peeking out into the rain and then making a run for it against the building are so humanlike. And then the last guy making that "EEEE" face, kek

No. 1627574

youtube for whatever reason recommended a short of eugenia cooney dancing to me and she looks even worse than ever. i know anons will say she's always looked bad but she looks even more like a fucking corpse than ever. her arms are so thin and sinewy. i swtg all her muscle is gone and she's this awful gray-white color to the point she looks like she has no blood in her body whatsoever. you can tell her hair has been hella falling out as her extensions are practically sewn into her scalp.

i do not want to share any of the videos so please do not rage at me, she looks disgusting and it's extremely depressing seeing her wiggle around like the undead in a pink skirt with her beef jerky arms and big ass bobblehead. i've removed those videos from my watch history as i do not want to see her ever again.

No. 1627575

File: 1688766878033.jpeg (239.24 KB, 852x1280, 4E4F8162-11EB-4D63-828A-ED34B6…)

I know right. I miss my Barbie carnival doll, she was literally me, I could have her and commission or buy a husbando figma to make her pose with him and maybe even make them kiss but my dumbass 20 years old self thought I needed to be mature and gift away all of my dolls. I hate my past self a lot.

No. 1627581

Holy shit nona, I hadn't thought about Eugenia in so long and suddenly I swear she's EVERYWHERE on my tiktok and youtube recommendations this week, to the point where I can't avoid her videos if I tried.

No. 1627583

EW WHAT THE FUCK no she definitely looks worse than I remember HOW is she still alive??? I wanna vom

No. 1627597

shareeee anon

No. 1627598

ntayrt I honestly have no idea how she can even talk to the camera and put on her makeup and outfits to walk around in public. I'm not even saying that in a mean way, I just mean how can she physically do any of that? It's baffling

No. 1627599

File: 1688767999655.jpeg (57.52 KB, 750x697, IMG_5174.jpeg)

I'm somewhere between the two most common forms of critique where I'm sympathetic to her condition as a former bone rattler and think her family and her mother are awful, but I also think she's had plenty of chances and refuses to seek recovery. I just wonder how she's still alive. She looked so vibrant and healthy by comparison after the 5150 and now she seems to be on deaths door

No. 1627602

shit on his stuff

No. 1627603

This is so sad, her arms and face looked normal and now she looks like a horror movie prop, how the hell can you watch your daughter become that and not do anything?

No. 1627605

Her mom worships the money above all else

No. 1627606

Put sugar in his gas tank.

No. 1627607

Samefag, nevermind I didn't read the post and the "shit on his stuff" reply made me think we were giving anon ways to fuck over a bad bf
Is her mom still exploiting her?

No. 1627608

snapchat has been having those "global enquirer" type of videos about her too, I think she's paying ads to have social media talk about her

No. 1627610

i'm a former bone rattler as well and honestly i think she's just too retarded and weak willed to get help. the little bit of validation she gets online from people criticizing her i think gives her the motivation to stay alive just for that alone. if she wasn't getting that, i seriously think she would have died a long time ago. she's clearly now reached the stage where she likely isn't eating everyday or just drinking ensure shakes to keep her body somewhat functioning. there is no life in her eyes.

i've never gotten too deep into eugenia lore but i remember seeing screenshots of eugenia's mother and she looks like a major narcissistic. she comes off as incredibly controlling and that seems to be a common factor in a lot of anachan lives (including my own). there's always the overbearing parent or family with personality issues. it's weird and i hated her just seeing her stupid fucking face.

No. 1627613

Fuckin same. I work from home, so I don't have 'work friends', and I had moved to a shitty rural town right as the pandemic started. It's been so fucking hard trying to meet new friends my age here. I'm in my 30s and most women my age are married with several kids, and are too busy juggling life and family stuff to go out or socialize, and I totally get it. The only person I see is my moid and my cat every day, and I seriously love the time I spend on LC because you're the only girls/women I'm really able to connect with on a daily basis, kek.

No. 1627614

That's a pretty color though, of course it's gross in the context of dishwater but it's very soft and kind of mossy.

No. 1627616

wait what petition I need to vet my fave

No. 1627617

please post it anon! Maybe in the video games thread?

No. 1627620

File: 1688769845719.jpeg (190.79 KB, 1400x1400, colleenballingewr.jpeg)

I don't trust people with eyes that look like this.

No. 1627622

It's raining so hard and my power went out just as I was about to start my rags-to-riches, sugar baby to trophy wife, homewrecking, weed smoking, coke snorting, ugly to plastic surgery goddess/gremlin sim playthrough. And my phone is only on 12%

No. 1627623

Whats the appeal of sims?

No. 1627624

I don't trust people who play ukulele.

No. 1627625

Eyes that are brown? There's nothing wrong with her eyes she's just weird

No. 1627626

The appeal is that I'm God and I make my sims do whatever I want. They are stars in a drama and I'm the director.

No. 1627630

You be conducting those wicked whims huh

No. 1627631

The eye shape. It looks psychotic.

No. 1627632

File: 1688770335378.jpg (18.09 KB, 420x480, 5d2da3c3c1eecc7fd966f770253582…)

Sure do.

No. 1627633

I think anon means low-lidded eyes with a doe turned outer corner

No. 1627635

*Down turned

No. 1627636

Kek that happens to me all the time

No. 1627637

No. 1627643

I'm not Asian at all,but I'm so thankful for asian styles of makeup. I mix it with American makeup because only natural and softer looks suit me.

No. 1627653

ty anon, my husbando isn't there either eheheheh

No. 1627656

I think puppy eyes are cute on cute people and not cute on not cute people personally

No. 1627658

Share caps

No. 1627664

i'm horribly out of the loop so every time i see screengrabs of this lady i keep wondering who made lea michelle stay awake for three weeks straight and gave her a ukelele

No. 1627678

File: 1688773134111.jpg (606.89 KB, 1978x1978, il_fullxfull.4319194084_o7rm.j…)

(not my pic)
Kaldun and Bogle Majolica apple teapot

No. 1627683

File: 1688773256893.png (581.51 KB, 745x499, bunbun.png)

this is the other i mentioned, i treasure it. also not my pic

No. 1627689

That's essentially what he is

No. 1627690

Stfu autist

No. 1627691

Make me

No. 1627694

farts on you

No. 1627695

Ew who the fuck are you and why have you joined.

No. 1627696

Schizoposting ITT

No. 1627697

If you live kinda secluded, unless you get another dog as a puppy, your dog will go its whole life without seeing a puppy. Imagine going your whole life, and you only see a child once or twice.

No. 1627700

It saw puppies when it was a puppy.

No. 1627706

Evidently. Go brap elsewhere

No. 1627707

I saw an extremely sexy moid on leddit and I was creeping his page but found out he’s 7 years younger than me and it pisses me off every time. Scrotes could look decent if they actually took care of themselves but they don’t and as soon as they can legally drink it all goes downhill. I want a moid who is sexy as fuck but also willing to have a real relationship goddammit

No. 1627712

I hate this too. I swear to god men hit the wall at lightning speed at 30

No. 1627716

Nona the whole "farts on you" thing stopped being funny last year

No. 1627719

I’m pushing 30 and all of the attractive moids my age are taken already but the cut younger ones are too unstable to have something real with. It’s not fucking fair

No. 1627722

I'd never seen her out of the miranda sings makeup before (and barely saw her in makeup to begin with) but tbh my first thought was she's pretty hot. bad person, whatever, i know

No. 1627724

How many photographic memories do you have of your childhood?

No. 1627728

Just wait until the first round of divorces.

No. 1627730

File: 1688777700289.jpeg (87.52 KB, 698x1000, IMG_0259.jpeg)

What a silly question. Do you even know who I am nonny? I am The Pretender.

No. 1627731

his expression is making me laugh kek

No. 1627747

It’s a good shitty late 90s show, you should try it. The lady who is hunting him is cool

No. 1627756

They were samefagging their own post too. Cwinge.

No. 1627757

I have never in my whole life seen a single funny thing ever with her involved. She has not been funny even once. Yet she has a whole cult apparently? I knew a girl obsessed with her like seven or eight years ago, she was a teenager. I've tried looking at compilations and none of it even registers a chuckle idgi

No. 1627759

The Portlandia theme song makes me want to do MDMA and I can’t tell if it’s because maybe I watched it while doing molly when I was like 17 or what but it really bugs me

No. 1627780

Anons, my power is finally back on. I slept for like 2 hours and then I woke up and it wss still off and my phone was dead and my portable generators either were also dead or not charging it so i just went to my car and listened to the radio and read a book for like 2 more hours. It was actually pretty nice, the radio played No Scrubs and I heard Lavender Haze which was really good and so much better than I'd expect a recent Taylor Swift song to be. My house felt like a fucking haunted house and of course my whole neighborhood was out so I was walking around with my pink taser scared someone was gonna sneak up on me and bash my head in or Michael Myers or Jason or Slenderman was going to appear. And when I woke up I had sleep paralysis THREE TIMES! I had to keep fighting so I wouldn't fall back asleep, mind you it was dark as hell and I was hot as fuck and I was paralyzed.

Anyway I missed you guys. I can't believe it was only 4 hours. These people need to turn my wifi back fucking on.

No. 1627838

thinking of the night I was camping with my cousin right after high school and listening to the radio. We heard Just Dance for the first time and we were like "in her pocko???" then we constantly changed radio stations until we heard the song again.

No. 1627842

fuck you two, trying to be all nice n shit #notmyLC

No. 1627843

if you're fine with being ultra edgy, the colour reminds me of ashes.

No. 1627845

File: 1688790034409.jpg (70.86 KB, 735x491, 7ae907e2e719e9e27b7b638def4373…)

Just finished watching the omen and they were so unsupportive of their autistic son.

No. 1627849

i'm considering doing it(only as screenshots bc my retard ass made it with an email i actually use), because half of those games i don't know how to play(Angelique, Diabolik Lovers, Shingakkou, and MGS come to mind) which is why i compiled a list with links, for when i actually set my mind to getting and playing any of them.

No. 1627850

You wish it was thirty. I've seen 23 year old men starting to bald. Truly defective.

No. 1627852

that's what he gets

No. 1627866

File: 1688793857267.jpg (7.33 KB, 205x246, klgvufidjkvnkserjncf.jpg)

fuck this anime for making me feel shit about my body and making me feel grateful for my mother all in one, fuck you.

No. 1627868

samefag, can't wait to see how they make having an ugly body into a good thing.

No. 1627874

File: 1688794730712.jpg (46.15 KB, 670x670, redscarepod-gdqonedwv27b1.jpg)

nonnies i have a date tonight with a girl from dating apps but i'm retarded what should i do

No. 1627875

What animu

No. 1627882

onegai my melody episode 24, where there's a ugly girl with a hot mom but she should feel grateful bc MC doesn't have a mom, and the issue is resolved bc there's a dude that would settle for ugly girl.

No. 1627929

She's so pretty

No. 1627950

I wasn't samefagging retard, I was getting in the middle of an argument that I had no involvement in to be annoying

No. 1627972

Are you the same anon seeking attention in the confession thread rn?

No. 1628001

File: 1688806858004.jpeg (161.65 KB, 1600x900, IMG_2302.jpeg)

I’m terrible at this game I bought but the protagonist is so sexy I don’t care.

No. 1628002

Is that the episode where they keep bringing up drinking milk to make your boobs bigger?
Japanese kids shows are crazy man.

No. 1628005

I could be, you'll never know

No. 1628010

You are I can tell

No. 1628013

File: 1688808828525.jpg (2.54 MB, 4597x2886, Just.Be.Friends.full.140566.jp…)

I don't see artists use the red string of fate anymore. I guess at some point it became too cliché so that's why weeb artists stopped using it that or they decided that soulmates are problematic. I don't follow many Japanese artists but I don't see them using it either but considering it's part of their culture you would think they would use it more

No. 1628014

I hope the date went well, anon

No. 1628015

I still see it used quite a bit in fanarts, just have to browse for it. It's such a cute thing. What series is that art from?

No. 1628017

"Just be friends" Vocaloid song featuring Luka and Asian man

No. 1628019

Thank you, nonnie.

No. 1628021

File: 1688810053600.jpeg (36.23 KB, 400x400, IMG_4649.jpeg)

artists using the red string of fate… you don't see that anymore.
i'm sorry nonnie i had to

No. 1628023

yeah, idk where that comes from, that drinking milk would make your boobs bigger, there's even a modern take that soy milk makes boobs bigger.

No. 1628024

Nta but I used to believe that as a kid and from the ages of like 9 to 14 I drank so much chocolate milk, I probably went through a gallon every 2 and a half days (mostly just for the taste though I didn't really care about getting titties back then) but I never developed further than an A cup so when I remembered that rumor in my late teens I realized it was bullshit

No. 1628048

oh nice yuppie psycho!
i never finished this actually but i love the studios other game, the count lucanor. granted the protagonist is a literal child and not an endearingly scruffy young man so i can't really recommend it based on character sexiness alone

No. 1628066

Just finished the most recent season of Black Mirror and I disliked most of them except maybe the werewolf one and Loch Henry, but I loved the last one with Nida and that demon guy.

No. 1628085

I didn't like black mirror

No. 1628098

>werewolf one
That was the worst episode anon, wtf.
The demon one was cool though.

No. 1628100

I mean, early seasons were good. I think BM is at it's best when it comments on stuff like imperialism, warfare, and exploitation of the developing world or working class. Like that episode with the soldiers with eye modifications, the robotic dog thing, the demon one, all of season 1, etc.
Kind of boring when the protagonist is just the generic upper middle class person sad because of netflix and social media bohoo

No. 1628101

i have romantic feelings towards a fennec fox

No. 1628102

It's bended and the kitty turns it around

No. 1628105

File: 1688822511653.jpeg (26.64 KB, 638x327, FsdgZTxXsAIIsK3.jpeg)

currently having some character.ai romance …. how cringe am I nonnies?

No. 1628111

Kek no way, the Joan one was the worst episode. But I'm biased cause I like werewolf stuff. I also noticed almost all of the characters were unlikable assholes straight from the jump, except Nida I actually really liked her character.

No. 1628114

Red five diamonds mystery

No. 1628118


No. 1628124

No. 1628129

i'm da mango theif

No. 1628147

i don't wanna play this ping pong

No. 1628153

Was there a solar flare? Why is twitter and other websites broken?

No. 1628169

My friend is taking me to the bottomless pit next week, any advice on what to bring? All I have on my list are hiking shoes and cliff bars

No. 1628177

I love you nona LMAO

No. 1628179

I work for the Internet and I can tell you with complete confidence that a solar flare did NOT happen and that Twitter isn't the only website on the Internet

No. 1628184

The internet is your boss?

No. 1628189

flashlight, lighter, cigarettes, bluetooth speakers, gogurt

No. 1628190


No. 1628191

Green eyes with brown skin has got to be the most sublime combination there is, just saw the most striking guy at the store wowie

No. 1628221

>This may take a few days.

No. 1628231

green eyes in general are underrated, so pretty.

No. 1628242

File: 1688833985080.png (69.39 KB, 792x954, 6e2c9d6e86476c872ee83f0674e352…)

No. 1628249

unexpectedly seeing him in the wild gave me a kek

No. 1628250

i am the only normie on this website

No. 1628252

People say it should only take like a minute to brush your teeth, but tbh it takes me like five just because it takes me so long to properly brush the back side of my teeth and the ones in the back of my mouth.

No. 1628258

who says that? That's nonsence. It was always minimum 3 minutes. I even had a hourglass made for brushing your teeth in correct time. One minute is lies!

No. 1628259

people who only brush for a minute are people with bad breaths and cavities. brushing, flossing, mouthwash it all together takes 5-6 minutes

No. 1628262

You should definitely brush for more than a minute. I heard advice that you should focus on each tooth as you brush, and that alone will take you longer than a minute.

No. 1628266

I fucking hate summer. My bathroom and kitchen always become hot as hell because I don’t have a/c in there. Every time I have to take a shit, I have to strip completely naked because I know I’m going to start sweating as soon as I sit there for more than a few minutes.

No. 1628296

Even as someone who's long-term goal is to be a SAHM, I get so annoyed when trad people/"alpha" males act like the 'housewife mother, breadwinner father' family model was the standard until big bad feminism ruined everything. Afaik, that wasn't the standard until relatively recently in American history, and even then, it was only a thing for middle class families. From a certain point onward in time, a lot of what we learn about people of the past is through the media they made and consumed. The reason why people think all families in like the 50s and 60s were like that is because that's what was in the media. It's like people in the future looking at the late 2010s and thinking that the average American woman looked like Kylie Jenner or a Fashion Nova model. They didn't but that's what you might see in the media.

No. 1628311

they also likely work jobs (if they do work) that could never afford a mortgage on a decent house + all other monthly expenses, let alone raise a family. they also appear to lack the mental stability, selflessness, and kindness a good father possesses. most seem to just want a woman in the background constantly doing all the childcare + housework while they don't lift a finger once they get home from their job. when i encounter these moids i say nothing, i just sleep extremely well at night knowing their entitlement will never be fulfilled.

No. 1628320

File: 1688842039208.png (821.21 KB, 800x579, Elias_van_Nijmegen_Baroque_Ins…)

I wish a new (non-computer) musical instrument would be invented and become used widespread.

No. 1628338

File: 1688843848769.jpg (15.9 KB, 735x532, eed6553563bd24f14ed92e6d9c9f3d…)

I'm not caught up with AOT yet, but I just watched Hanges death scene and wow

No. 1628340

I prayed for Bauklötze to be played in the background and I'm glad they delivered.

No. 1628359

File: 1688845551710.jpeg (180.08 KB, 1242x933, 1679766683034.jpeg)

well well well won't you look at the clock, it's my nightly realization that i have no meaning in anyones life

No. 1628362

I just caught up on the show and I didn't expect to cry at any point, but Hange's death had me in tears. She's my favourite character and I haven't paid attention to the fandom or read the manga so I didn't know it was coming.

No. 1628372

When I'm playing sims I always forget I have wicked whims so it shocks me so much when I'm scrolling through bottoms in CAS and suddenly there's a bunch of dicks of varying sizes, shapes, colors, hardness, and circumcised-ness. Strapons too.

No. 1628375

Samefag, also when I undress my sim and they're just naked.

No. 1628388

Overly patriotic burgers make me uncomfortable, bonus points if they are also devoutly religious.

No. 1628404

I just watched the nair video and wow he really just got straight to the point kek. Not even two seconds in the dude showed his butthole. I'm not surprised it's still on YouTube though. there's videos of like Brazilian waxes on there, as long as the video is informative it's allowed even if there's nudity. One of his other videos say that his mother is Catholic, I wonder how she must feel lmao.

Also, I did not appreciate him pulsating his asshole.

No. 1628405

Placed my order 15 minutes ago and there still isn't a driver who is picking it up

No. 1628412

Search Kevin Leonardo

No. 1628423

his pulsating asshole reminded me of those larve bot flies that get removed from stray cats

No. 1628433

Okay its here
>fries undercooked and cold
>ice cream melting
Thanks guys very cool very cool

No. 1628451

Do any other socially awkward bitches even feel awkward and nervous just watching people conversate? I get that feeling irl and also when I'm watching reality TV.

No. 1628454

You ordered ice cream for delivery? Ordering fried things for delivery is bad enough because you lose all the crispness that makes fried food good — but ice cream?!

No. 1628466

Same nonna.
I hate audio conversations because I'm always hyper-analyzing how I sound, my word choices, everything. It stinks.

No. 1628485

RIP one of the only well written female AOT characters (I don't think Isayama ever intended for her to be ~whatever you want~ he just went with it when the fandom did)

No. 1628490

Male bladee fans are all so strange in a bad way.

No. 1628510

damn. i already spent $300 this month shopping. every month i tell myself to do a no spend month other than bills, gas, and necessary food but i always end up buying things i dont need.

No. 1628516

not so much when I watch tv but I sometimes feel awkward reading conversations in books. Sometimes I struggle with knowing what tone I should read the line in or visualizing how the characters are standing and their body language. If the author doesn't uses alot of details to describe these things I can get kinda flustered because the conversation I'm imagining is awkward as hell so I need to put the book down for a few secondsbefore I can continue reading

No. 1628524

It's so funny when the 4channers come over here and start sperging about medicine being this scary boogeyman because their doctor told them they need an anti depressant once

No. 1628562

The hacker known as 4chan

No. 1628578

File: 1688861231676.jpg (65.96 KB, 625x968, dbfd003521e889fd2c215695aaa8b8…)

I can't help being a natural divine ultra-feminine starseed empath Goddess coquette queen

No. 1628581

The anonymous known as hacker

No. 1628588

Lee Gen

No. 1628604

I don't read the general art thread anymore, but it in such a shit show in there. Anons mad because people are making fun of that one artist and mad at the anon who copied her art and unironically defending her, like wtf is going on. Is this even lolcow?

No. 1628607

We’ve been getting a large influx of Twitter fags and like always, they’re running everything into the ground.

No. 1628608

It isnt anons. It's the twitterfags that came here after the account was suspended. There were zero problems or pearl clutching about them for months of us discussing it until after that tweet was made.

No. 1628616

File: 1688863925130.jpg (26.09 KB, 500x587, 4d75434a740edba05231c7709c2693…)

Love this image of TayTay in her Reputation era

No. 1628630

I love seeing my exs lol

No. 1628634

File: 1688865603669.jpeg (96.28 KB, 463x700, 4494E7B2-4F8A-4460-ACD4-46A7CB…)

I’m more of a natural divine ultra-feminine emphatic, minimalist loving luxury magical girl dreamy goddess queen.

No. 1628635

>met up with a guy today I've been talking to for a few weeks
>forgot to put his name in my phone
>we have a great first date and head back to my place
>he's ripped considerate and gives me the best sex of my life
>asks me to say his name midway through
>literally not sure
>act shy instead of asking what his name is again mid stroke
>get him to talk about names in pillow talk afterwards
>he refers to himself in the third person so I finally know after we banged it out twice

No. 1628639

File: 1688866674783.png (233.83 KB, 1366x768, sim (2).png)

Does anyone else notice that a lot of male sims shirts fit soooo badly? This one makes my sim look like he has a fat ass beer belly but it's actually nice and fit.

No. 1628642

I like the way you think, anon

No. 1628645

File: 1688867041487.jpg (202.56 KB, 967x1166, FpkfAStaYAIKKiw.jpg)

If they don't make a bara mod for sims I will never give them money. This shit is UGLY Cindy.

No. 1628648

File: 1688867157288.png (Spoiler Image,119.11 KB, 1366x768, male sim.png)

Samefag, vs no ugly button up.

No. 1628654

I HATEHATEHATE sim faces. He looks like his name is Bradley, he drives a tesla, he hates fats and fems, and the cc of juvaderm he gets every 1.5 months is the only reason his thirst traps are successful. Also he uses glossier boybrow, the darkest shade, even though he has highlights

No. 1628656

What the fuck are you referring to

No. 1628657

A guy on youtube posted a video of him nairing his butthole.

No. 1628658

No. 1628664

I want to die

No. 1628667

File: 1688868656082.jpg (264.81 KB, 1333x1000, ced2eff6-61b6-4f94-8872-c2196d…)

are they the ones calling other people twitterfags for not liking the artist's style, I can't tell who's accusing who

No. 1628691

I cant post caps because of the last couple months "failure to resize image!" error on mobile screenshots. Its the dumbass shit thread you stupid cunt, are you a newfag janny? The board is extremely slow and yet you b& me because I didn't post a picture of a winking, spread asshole. "Low quality post" you're a low quality mod. In the dumbass shit thread of all places, you are a retard.

No. 1628692

Since when have posts in the DUMBASS SHIT thread needed to be high quality? It's like the new mods are trying to turn the off topic boards into the milk boards. watch me get banned too

No. 1628694

Get that braindead bitch. They'll leave cp and moidspam up for ages but God forbid you don't post a ss of a pulsating anus.

No. 1628695

Reposted here, sorry

No. 1628696

Even the jannies are newfags now. Truly a tragedy.

No. 1628697

Anon, no matter what you do, do not post caps next time.

No. 1628699

Men can come and spam nickacados six inch long gaping cockslot and it'll stay up longer than it took them to ban me for linking to a short clip of the topic being discussed? Alogging that retard who doesn't deserve to be a mod

No. 1628701

And you also would've definitely been banned if you actually posted his crack.

No. 1628702

LoW qUaLiTy pOsT I hope her cat pisses on her shoes and then runs away

No. 1628707

Why don't you become a janny then, oldfag

No. 1628713

Beneath me

No. 1628723

no need to be jannyphobic

No. 1628728

redtext will read (jannyphobia)

No. 1628729

File: 1688872176258.jpg (308.2 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230708_231119_Gal…)

No. 1628731

The fact that I can't even post memes I edit anymore in silence because of the new failure to resize image error that isn't resolved. Why do I bother

No. 1628738

crop your images, what is this Facebook tier posting

No. 1628741

Am I the only one who can't see the mod redtexted post that says low quality? I refreshed the page and everything

No. 1628743

I cant. Because if I crop it I get the failure to resize image error that dozens of other anons have also complained about thats been happening maybe two months or so now. That's why I stopped posting them.

No. 1628744

Crop it for me so I can delete the post.

No. 1628745

this is a cute idea and i like it.
it contributes to the atmosphere you elitist, fun-hating swine.

No. 1628751

File: 1688872914617.png (18.1 KB, 1515x134, dumbjanny.png)

seems like they removed it, i don't see it anymore either but i did earlier. (like that time one of them "accidentally" banned a cancer patient then deleted the redtext after everyone pointed it out)

No. 1628753

Good. That janny is retarded and she should feel embarassed.

No. 1628757

Hahaha aww man it's so cringe when the mods backtrack, like at least stand by your shit

No. 1628760

Don't say that..if they do they'll start posting people's IP addresses.

No. 1628763

Nah, they just argue with you pretending to be regular anons telling you to scroll meta instead.

No. 1628772

I was just crying and having a breakdown and I read this and i'm laughing.
>Farmhandy literally telling nona to post a cap of some gay dude flexin his asshole.
It's the
>Post caps next time.
Why am I laughing?

No. 1628775

File: 1688874488177.jpg (111.54 KB, 720x1308, 1688613454378229.jpg)

I feel vindicated

No. 1628776

File: 1688874510296.png (38.2 KB, 1836x116, kjhgfdfghjkljhg.png)

Men really have no clue what demographic uses this site and what we talk about here huh

No. 1628778

Every time. They always hate the jews.

No. 1628779


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1628780

What a fucking idiot lmao the new mods are retarded.

No. 1628781

Now that I'm feeling better, people who eat M&M's without the nuts bother me on a personal level. I do not know why, it's like eating Twizzlers without cherry sauce. It's so disgusting, I once saw a Dirgeno's frozen stuffed crust pizza in the garbage can of a pizza hut, it made me think

No. 1628784

>Whining about Jewish people randomly
Isn't kiwifarms online?

No. 1628786

I wish it was still up Anorectal Violence-chan just posted something about how he's been spreading awareness for years and when are we going to do something, and I'm still laughing. Holy shit.

No. 1628787

I only found the urgent "Do something now" Shit funny when another anon pointed it out. Kek.

No. 1628792

It's only funny until you realize he's also the one posting tons of porn

No. 1628796

The clearnet mirror is down. Can only view through tor at the moment.

No. 1628797

Another worthless expendable y-chromomoid with an unwashed ass infiltrating women's only spaces to enlighten us with his misogyny. Ground-breaking.

No. 1628799

Samefag but the funniest part of this is he thinks we've all been to university kek

No. 1628801

**college my bad

No. 1628803

whenever I feel out forums and they ask my gender i just put woman, when they ask my pronouns I do not give them. I know it means "Nothing" but In my head i'm like, "You know what the fuck my pronouns are i don't need to tell you" it's silly and retarded.

No. 1628821

File: 1688879096640.png (3.35 KB, 594x41, I I got a guy.PNG)

No. 1628823

Well I'm eating my words because it is back on the mirror clearnet. It was down for a bit.

No. 1628825

I'm making cupcakes

No. 1628827

>mentioning jewish people
>not mentioning jewish space lasers

as a pseudo jew I'm still waiting for those so called soros bucks you insist are real, stupid channer faggots

No. 1628833

what’s the deal with choachan? i read that fujochan’s expected to be down for a few weeks, is ccc the same?

No. 1628836

What kind of sick person writes reader-insert fanfics in first person? Disgusting.

No. 1628837

No matter what, I don't think I can hate Doja Cat. Her music isn't genius or anything, but she's cute and silly and provides fun vibes.

No. 1628843

File: 1688882468708.jpg (66.9 KB, 850x850, desktop-wallpaper-tomoko-kurok…)

I hate that I still love and relate to Tomoko even though now I am a grown woman. I wish she wasn't like, a popular loli waifu for the lowest scum of the earth creeps.

No. 1628846

They walked so second and third person perspective self inserters could run

No. 1628853

I never got too deep into the lore, but that whole tinychat thing with her was so weird, especially looking back when she's basically a superstar today

No. 1628854

>post caps next time
>of a guy's asshole
Kek, what?
>banning over "low quality posts" in the dumbass shit thread

No. 1628855

She didn’t write this song and she doesn’t write any of her songs. She’s a nepo baby. And now she’s botched herself with surgery and took away anything that made her unique/special. She’s just another black barbie plastic rapper like Nicki. At least before she was inspiring because she had a natural body that she didn’t fuck with and could be someone girls with similar bodies could look up to. Nope, not anymore. Also she’s always had a weirdly shaped long horsey face which looks bad on any race but looks especially weird on a part black chick.

No. 1628856

The irony of this is that every actual woman here has to force themself to pretend to be male to fit into male spaces.

No. 1628857

Weird racebait but ok

No. 1628858

Why do we hate anorectal violence chan? They make good points. I don’t understand why nobody takes them seriously, anal sex really is dangerous and nobody talks about how dangerous it is. You’d think that would go over well on the farms.

No. 1628859

Mentioning race doesn’t automatically make a post racebait, retard

No. 1628860

and they were roommates!

No. 1628861

I've only skimmed over his walls of text but I agree with what he's trying to say. The thing is that he's some deeply autistic tard who spams his shit on practically every existing altchan and genuinely believes he's singlehandedly saving everyone from prolapses by spending his time posting infogrphs on imageboards. He probably has some fetish for anal sex motivating him or something. He's said he's not anti-porn before

No. 1628862

Because anorectal violence chan is a moid that spams porn here. Everyone noticed that whenever he got banned we would get random porn spams and the way he typed about anal was more based on how he didn’t like anal because it ruined womens “purity”. I’m sure someone saved his older sperg outs but that was the gist of it the first time he came around posting that shit here

No. 1628863

I just love my jewish professor who gives me dumb bitch talking points

No. 1628864

This plus he even posted pics of random womens asses in one of his own threads like a week ago as a way of "proving" something. He doesn't legitimately care about women's well-being, he just wants the perfect asshole.

No. 1628868

>he just wants the perfect asshole.
Fucking kek

No. 1628870

What does this pop star's (conventionally attractive, no matter how angry you get) face and race have to do with me enjoying her silly pop music and general vibe? Nothing, you are just a bitter person who constantly thinks of women's features and tries to denigrate them based on their race lol. With that mindset of yours, you would surely end up on the table getting countless, unnecessary plastic surgery procedures if you had her amount of money. It would be another thing if you had kept the complaints to her not writing the music or being a "nepo baby", but even that wouldn't matter much, because it's all just basic, fun-sounding bubblegum pop/rap. Nothing groundbreaking, just enjoyable, and that's that.

No. 1628871

File: 1688886663279.png (2.09 MB, 2252x1450, Screen Shot 2023-07-09 at 12.1…)

Oh boy! I just love flying all the way to Colorado to hear about your problems, ha-HA!

No. 1628874

This. It's not about "violence", it's just his deranged fetish and trying to get attention for it.

No. 1628878

What is there to like? He's a man obsessed with anal sex and buttholes no matter how "based" anons think he is. He's not based, just autistic and good for a laugh.

No. 1628881

Kek at the projections. I actually liked her when her image was something girls could look up to. Now she’s just a phony like everyone else with money, it’s disappointing. Celebs who get dumb plastic surgery open themselves up to people criticizing their looks, something I never did before she became addicted to plastic.

No. 1628882

At least for the past month every time I open /ot/ every thread on the first page is just aggressive racebait, sperging about gay men, sperging about trannies, bisexuals crying about being bullied by lesbians or weird pitting of women against each other. Is this because of all the Crystal Cafe migrants or something? It's been much worse than usual.

No. 1628883

faces of meth

No. 1628887

No. 1628888

I'm finally done my cupcakes and they came out great

No. 1628889

File: 1688888826421.png (128.05 KB, 600x720, Fxh6gdjaUAEilPc.png)

I'm literally so high my brain mashed two posts together, and I think it's a sign to not infight today. God bless.

No. 1628890

Because he's a male

No. 1628891

I just want to say you guys need to stop calling it "projection" whenever anyone talks about how you're acting in a thread, kek.

No. 1628905

File: 1688890751393.jpg (1.35 MB, 2875x1576, infotable-feminism.jpg)

It's funny that your jannies shit themselves so hard whenever someone points out the semitic/communistic roots of modern feminism. If your beliefs had a modicum of basis in reality you would be able to handle a single dissenting sperg.
The truth doesn't fear examination, ladies(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1628907

Because he randomly brings up violent sexual acts. Also I heard anons say that he has a pedo virginity obsession and he's only against anal because he believes it ruins the pink virgin assholes be obsesses about. Anons said that his first posts centered pedo-ish obsessions with small tight pink assholes(i feel disgusting typing that out) and given how pornsick and autistic he sounds I don't doubt the truth of those anons words.

No. 1628910

It's funny you think we like Dworkin and Judith Butler and the like, and mods deleting male posts isn't fear, it's them cleaning up the trash for us.

No. 1628913

He literally posts a shit ton of HD porn, he's also the one that posts nikacados gaping hole. He camps here for the attention, acting like he's uwu pure uwu harmless uwu when this entire thing is because he has an anal fetish is dumb as fuck. He's retarded.

No. 1628915

Learn to realize when you’re actually telling someone how they’re acting vs how you assume they’re acting based off how you would act aka projection

No. 1628917

>how you assume they’re acting based off how you would act aka projection
That's what you're doing right now, though?

No. 1628919

please go back to high school

No. 1628920

Oh no, Jewish women can also be feminists. Someone call Daddy Hitler to help us no no nooooooo

No. 1628921

File: 1688891902975.jpg (8.99 KB, 400x400, 1688103760614002.jpg)

No. 1628922

Thank you for proving my point even further.

No. 1628927

What beliefs are you talking about? That all men are garbage? We're not taught that by famous feminists that's just learned through life experience. And anyway this isn't some feminism hugbox where we just talk about political shit all day, go complain about feminism and the jews elsewhere faggot.

No. 1628928

anyone wanna smoke some ice?

No. 1628930

Can we drink pepsi too

No. 1628932

File: 1688892304402.jpg (42.64 KB, 400x533, 1687722269200.jpg)

No. 1628933

Oh look at that, cp being posted at the exact same time anal violence chan is spamming again. How coincidental.

No. 1628937

Don't forget the weird anti-semitic/racist sperg whining that mods ban him every time.

No. 1628939

File: 1688892596152.gif (521.35 KB, 220x180, turn-up.gif)


No. 1628943

It's the kiwifags who are too retarded to find their autism daycare with an onion

No. 1628949

I used to read loads when I was younger but nowadays I can't get into fiction anymore, it's like all the same and it's all predictable. I should probably branche out genre-wise but I also don't feel motivated to do that, ehh

No. 1628951

File: 1688894188573.jpeg (24.12 KB, 381x480, 00a7ce62071a4844940c35e6866e21…)

did some retards really pay for a vtuber to show up on screen and sing? these kids are beyond saving.

No. 1628952

A YTer i watch indirectly says women don't have balls, and makes fun of a troon-adjacent anime character, she's so close to peaking, i know it.

No. 1628972

he is a self-admitted disgusting /pol/tard neet who sometimes spams his threads with pictures of buttholes from his porn folder and spergs about his incel views. he dedicates his entire loser neet life to ban evasion and spams every single imageboard he finds about his tight anus fetish. when he's not spamming imageboards he's watching porn while looking for more pics of anuses to save to his fap folder. there is zero reason to like a porn addicted poopdick retard incel scrote

No. 1628987

what flavor of cupcakes? did you make a nice buttercream frosting for them?

No. 1628994

KEK They literally just dragged a mouse back and forth really fast. Also the part where they screamed when they got rid of his bangs and showed his eyes is so funny.

No. 1628995

Just plain vanilla cupcakes, they're my moms favorite and we're doing a family dinner tomorrow so I wanted to make something sweet for everyone. They're also lactose free cause my sister can only have the lactose free dairy but they still taste the same as the normal dairy products. And yes I did do buttercream! Chocolate and vanilla

No. 1629011

i only watched minecraft youtubers until i was like 12 and i think teenage zoomers who are into those youtube minecraft fandoms are super embarrassing but i’ve been casually watching this girl’s minecraft letsplays (i want to support female content creators) and i’m kinda getting into her multiplayer server stuff. it’s not cringe when i do it, i’m different..

No. 1629012

File: 1688901237844.jpg (115.67 KB, 1181x1670, 7sclkvtcbxd11.jpg)

ngl when i see farmers admit they struggle with porn addiction i feel so free, like a stacy. cannot imagine being mentally trapped in a moid coomer trash cage, get an imagination ladies.

No. 1629018

Kek, same

No. 1629020

File: 1688902007046.webm (2.83 MB, 640x360, FELLAs prime minister of Eston…)

just learned about FELLA and it's so cringe what the fuck lol

No. 1629023

women on gurugossiper are so unnecessarily nitpicky. they act like the mean popular girls at high school but in reality, I bet they are all fat and ugly and just projecting

No. 1629024

File: 1688902233235.png (2.11 MB, 2570x1860, Screenshot 2023-07-09 at 07.30…)

omg sorry –NAFO is the organization name, people who are part of it are "fellas" ?? I cannot believe the Prime Minister of Estonia is appealing to some sort of "based" shibatards to fundraise for ukraine, I don't like the future

No. 1629029

the shiba art is so shit too. like they really couldn't make it cute?

No. 1629070

I wish anime boys were real.

No. 1629071

sounds good nona I'm sure your family will appreciate some homebaked sweets

No. 1629083

The same is true of the nitpickers on Lolcow, kek. BDD all over the site.

No. 1629090

File: 1688910570291.gif (53.71 KB, 650x650, Vriska's_death.gif)

ever since i read homestuck ill sometimes read words with the number 8 in it as 'and', like sk8 as 'scanned'. fuck you vriska i didn't even like you, fuck you andrew hussie for actively worsening my reading comprehension

No. 1629101

I haven't noticed that lately actually are you using lolcow from a month ago

No. 1629121

I saw the deleted post since I still have the tab open and she's right, you don't seem to understand the point of cows.

No. 1629124

sometimes i get caught up in thinking that My Melody's voice is rlly cute but then i realize a real actual grownass woman was making that voice.

No. 1629126

How is that surprising at all?

No. 1629144

not surprising at all, just, why couldn't they get a child to do it

No. 1629149

Can someone please make a new twitter hate thread already

No. 1629150

Children can't act.

No. 1629159

Child laour laws? Probaly just easier to get a woman to do it when she's not on screen anyway

No. 1629172

File: 1688920349024.png (355.53 KB, 600x338, IMG_1422.png)

me and my voluntary bf

No. 1629182

lola was such a stacy

No. 1629186

What is this?

No. 1629193

File: 1688922166019.jpg (156.72 KB, 1200x673, 1567005973258.jpg)

the loved ones (2009)

No. 1629199

feels good to have your favorite team be back from the midfield

No. 1629208

NTA but you're awesome! I'm gonna look for it online right now

No. 1629219

File: 1688924148278.jpeg (239.96 KB, 1151x1748, 2B986350-75A4-4807-9395-F78042…)

It’s so stupid.

No. 1629222

this thread will be maxing out soon so here's the link to the new one when you guys are ready for it, enjoy. >>>/ot/1629218

No. 1629223

Michael Gira/Swans listeners, what did you all think of the recent album?

No. 1629229

That pic kek

No. 1629230


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1629239

Thank you for notifying me there is a new Swans album.

No. 1629481

sick, runescape partyhats.

No. 1630694

You should try a pottery class if you can. It’s really fun hobby and you can do all kinds of useful and fun stuff. I’ve made a funky teapot! You can do the items at home, too, but proper ceramics clay needs to be fired in pottery kilns twice.

No. 1850965

File: 1705127647128.png (206.64 KB, 1181x696, Screenshot 2024-01-13 at 00-34…)

she lost her shit the other day because people were calling her a chaser when she clearly is one

No. 2428095

File: 1741076530610.jpg (327.17 KB, 850x850, 搜图神器_1740995688674.jpg)

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