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File (hide): 1442146018698.jpg (8.89 KB, 430x430, 7FD95538.jpg)

No. 162119

ITT: Lolita/otome kei jewelery.
Starting off with some Q Pot

No. 162120>>162121

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No. 162121>>162122

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No. 162122>>162123

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No. 162123>>162124

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No. 162124

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No. 162125>>162126

the OP pic looks crappy

No. 162126>>162130

All of this looks awful and tacky. Do you weebs actually wear this stuff irl?

No. 162127>>162130

I'd say the keychains are cute but I wouldn't wear the jewellery. Too tacky.

No. 162128>>162130

The jewellery seems way tacky, I have strawberry earrings and I wear them less than once a year. I can't imagine how I'd wear a waffle necklace as normie-wear.

It can work if you match the colours or patterns right, but it's so easy to go overboard and look like a weirdo weeb that it's not worth the effort

it's like trying to make a fedora work

No. 162129>>162130

I never understood the cute food thing

No. 162130>>162132

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You guys are cray cray, Q-pot imo is one of the more elegant food jewelries you can find. Also in Japan they are really aimed at rich families since there stuff is really damn expensive. I dont have any jewelry of theirs but I do have the cute summer tote they put out.

No. 162131

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>yfw you absolutely adore this necklace but its the same cost as a new brand dress

No. 162132>>162133>>162134


That tote is nice, but wearing food jewelry is tacky no matter what price tag gouks put on it

No. 162133

If you're going to be racist at least spell it right

No. 162134

the fucks a gouk

No. 162135

Sweet Jesus I want me some Q-Pot jewelry. One day I'll have a job where I can afford to throw down $200 on a necklace and not even blink…

No. 162136

File (hide): 1442459790173.jpg (148.52 KB, 500x600, ap_drainedcherrynecklace2014 (…)

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