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No. 161130
>>161127You literally had sex or was it just a kiss?
Please tell him, your relationship is doomed if you think its OK to cheat anyway.
No. 161131
>>161130It was the later one. We did everything. I'm so terrible.
And for the other advices: how should I tell him? What would be the least hurtful way possible?
No. 161137
Unpopular opinion here, but like, I wouldn't tell him personally.
I've been in a 9 year relationship now, both since we were 15 years old.
I've never cheated on my boyfriend and I doubt I ever would because he fulfils everything for me emotionally, physically, socially, mentally, sexually, aesthetically etc. and literally every other man pales in comparison.
We are each other's best friends, we hang out almost every day, share the same hobbies, finish each others sentences and are moving in together next year once he completes his dissertation and graduates.
Sounds like a pretty strong relationship right? The kind of relationship that could end up lasting until death?
Now imagine, by some tragic, drunken, horrible, horrible mistake I slept with another guy and me confessing led to our breakup. It's all gone, forever, because of something completely retarded I did whilst out of my mind drunk and impaired.
Your relationship is only 2 years old granted, but compared to most Western relationships that's actually p. long.
Your could be me in like, 7 years.
What he doesn't know won't hurt him etc. etc., but it will continue to hurt you so lock it up, toss it away and forget it ever happened.
tbh I think that even if I did cheat my boyfriend would eventually forgive me, but he'd never, ever trust me completely again and every time I went out he would be up all night constantly worrying about where I was and what I was doing. I don't think I'd want that; would you? If you tell him even if he doesn't break up with you then he probably will eventually. The stress will be too much, not to mention the destruction it'll wreak on his security.
If you truly believe that you will never, ever, ever do this again, don't tell him, don't throw the relationship away over a dumb, drunken misjudgement you will never repeat.
If you believe there's ever the potential within you to cheat again, tell him, for his sake, and if he decides to breakup with you then fair game because I wouldn't stick around with somebody I'd be constantly worrying about cheating again.
No. 161138
>>161137Sort of agree with this post. If you tell him your relationship will be ruined even if he "forgives" you.
But OP wasn't even drunk at all. Jesus christ, OP, was your roommate way hotter than your boyfriend at least? I can not imagine being stone cold sober and sitting on another guys dick if I cared about the relationship at all.
No. 161140
>>161139Must add how I HATE cheaters.
It was almost like an out of this world feeling, segregated from the rest of my life (My ex is in the army overseas, so his relationship with me is kind of a 'life of it's own' since he isn't part of our daily life anymore.) Anyways, I still don't feel bad, I just feel more untrusting, since even me who hated cheating so much, did it when the circumstances allowed me to not feel bad.
I even deeply loved my former bf, so that didn't even stop me.
No. 161142
>>161138Wait, she wasn't drunk?
I don't know how I got it it my head that OP was but if she was sober this changes a lot.
OP gurl, I ain't gonna lecture you on how you dun goofed but, you should break up with him for his sake tbh.
If he still wants to stay with you after you tell him why, well, good luck.
No. 161143
>>161127>didn't really want itThen why didn't you stop it? Fact is, you knowingly cheated on him and now you feel guilty, which you should. You're a piece of shit.
Tell him, and then break up. He doesn't deserve someone who pulls that sort of shit.
No. 161145
>>161144Stop. He's not your boyfriend and you didn't make any vows. All you did was cyber or sext or trade nudes or whatever. It's his fault that he got attached to you when he knew nothing would come of it.
It's unfair to your actual boyfriend.
No. 161147
>>161143I agree with this person. Except not about the telling him thing, because I myself am too much of a cowardly piece of shit two faced cunt to do that. I'm too selfish to be honest with him and let him go to find another girl who isn't hurtful and disgusting.
I'm not the OP, but I've done what you did. I don't know how to deal with it. I feel incredibly guilty. I will never do it again. (inb4 once a whore, always a whore.) I'm scared of my boyfriend finding out because I don't want him to experience that pain. I just want to lock it away and remember that I'm a disgusting individual who deserves no love and no peace, and to try to provide kindness, loyalty and love to my bf while I am still his girlfriend. I don't know what else to do. I haven't slept in weeks. I have considered killing myself many times because am so disgusted by my very existence (easy way out, I know.) I deserve every ounce of pain I get from my stupid fucking disgusting decision.
I will say this, anon: Always, the truth eventually comes out.
No. 161150
>>161135Listen to this anon. If you tell him yourself and show remorse ASAP as opposed to him possibly finding out down the line (which is very likely one way or another), the relationship will have a much stronger chance of surviving this.
Your relationship will probably take a 3-6 month long hit while trust is built back up, but just think of it as a chore/task and that he'll get over it eventually. It's usually the cheater who calls it off in these cases because they just don't have the patience. And be ready for annoying displays of distrust and accusations months down the line (shit like asking to check your phone/email, etc). A lot of people don't have the patience for that, but if you survive, your relationship will be stronger than ever.
No. 161151
>>161150One more thing, if you do tell him, make sure your delivery is tactful and sensitive. Sit him down in person and tell him when you have a lot of time for his inevitable followup questions, even if it has to wait until you guys see each other again.
Don't do what I did and let it build up for so long to the point where you have a break down and just belch out a confession over text at 8AM.
No. 161152
>>1611379 year relationship..and you've never lived with him. Had me going at first anon but you don't have a strong relationship at all if 1. That is your mentality 2. You two have never even lived together.
This advice is so bad.
OP just tell your boyfriend. He will either break up with you or he won't. You need to take responsibility for your actions. You can't possibly lead a great relationship when you have a huge lie like that under your belt.
No. 161153
>>161152When did I ever say that we'd never lived together?
You shouldn't just assume things Anon, because when you do you make an ass out of u and me :^)
(Also that being said there are plenty of people in strong relationships that never end up living together for financial/space reasons/they have children in their house they don't want to disrupt and you're very ignorant/young to believe otherwise).
No. 161154
>>161153So, you guys have lived with each other? You took the time to reply and yet you didn't bother to properly defend yourself. Until then I'll keep on assuming.
And honestly anon, with your logic of not telling your SO in the event that YOU decide to cheat..well your relationship is already doomed.
No. 161155
>>161140>Must add how I HATE cheaters.Funny how that goes. I was in a pretty shitty relationship that was an ordeal to get out of. First time I was cheated on was like a stab in the chest. All trust was completely lost after that. We still had to make our living arrangements work so as time went on the cheating became less and less painful until it was finally at complete indifference.
A bit different from OP's situation since my ex was an ultra douche and these girls thought they were dating him. Emotional cheating is extra shit.
Now, despite having a proper relationship and doing things right on the surface, deep down I haven't been able to care about anyone like that again. I wouldn't be bothered if my current bf slept with someone else, aside from worrying about protection. To OP, it will absolutely destroy the trust you have if you tell him. Personally, for a one night stand with no romantic feelings involved, I wouldn't tell him. When people think of cheating I think more than the sex it's the emotions that make it a big deal. Even me now as an extreme giver of no fucks, while I wouldn't care if my bf slept with someone, I'd still be very upset if he was actually dating someone on the side. So figure out if you're just high on hormones or if you're not emotionally satisfied. If it's the latter then break up for his sake.
No. 161156
>>161154Yes we have lived together until we enrolled at separate universities, and I don't need to defend myself petal, you're the one making a twat out of yourself by creating these imaginary scenarios relating to online stranger's lives in your little noggin'.
Why do you care so much about my relationship anyway? Maybe concentrate on making your own.
A good dick up your arse would help to dislodge that massive stick you've got wedged there :^)
No. 161158
>you're going to cheat!>your relationship is doomed!>if people don't live together after a long-term relationship your relationships is bad!Yeah, I'm the one giving bad advice.
Come here sweety, if you can't find a big daddy to pull that rod out your butt I'll do it for you, I'll paint the alphabet on your cunny, lolcow special deal.
No. 161160
>>161159Who's insecure, the one discussing her amazing 9 year relationship or the one that's trying to tear it down and repeats how it will never last?
You sound insecure as fuck Anon. I am starting to think your last partner cheated on you and that is why you are all up in here spreading that salt.
No. 161162
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>Should I tell my bf I cheated on him? ;__;Absolute degeneracy. He's going to know your a whore.
No. 161165
>>161137You don't 'accidentally' have sex with someone. That's not how sex works.
I have been in the exact situation you described, but I didn't cheat on my partner as I'm not a scummy piece of shit deep down.
>>161127My partner recently moved away as well and I am pretty lonely because of it. I honestly don't know how you can sleep at night knowing how your partner is feeling and knowing you fucking cheated on him anyway.
You should tell him. You're a bad person and he deserves better than you.
No. 161166
>>161161>>161162>>161165Clearly all virgins or have been cheated on.
Anon certainly is in the wrong but telling them to an hero is v edgy of all of you.
Anon, just be honest. Keeping it a secret is not option. He will find out most likely after some time. Let him know the truth and go from there.
No. 161167
>>161166Only one of those even tells her to kill herself, reading isn't that difficult.
No idea why people are trying to make the OP feel better either. She's a cunt.
No. 161169
>I have been in the exact situation you described, but I didn't cheat on my partner as I'm not a scummy piece of shit deep downConfirmed for not actually reading my post otherwise you'd have known that I didn't cheat on my partner either.
Never have, never would.
No. 161176
>>161175It's filled with perfect angels who've never made a mistake or hurt someone else in their lives. OP is obviously bothered by this seeing as how she's posting to an anon image board, and no one is doing her any favors by convincing her she's a whore and a cunt.
All that does is breed bad self-esteem. And you know what people with bad self-esteem do? Cheat on their partners.
No. 161182
>>161173Yes and I told him obviously. Also I told my best and basically only friend and she hates me, too.
Oh and said roomate is basically ignoring me and treating me like shit, so welp I hope that satisfies most of you.
But I think I can make it through it. Somehow.
I just can say that even if you have a person you like or are really horny you should NEVER EVER do it. It destroys everything and everything just gets worse.
No. 161184
>>161182I'm sorry you're having a bad time, OP. You did the right thing telling him.
All this will end sooner or later, take it as a chance to learn a be a better person. Everyone makes mistakes. And I hope your bf has support as well.
No. 161188
>>161127Love these threads.
I sometimes get sad over never having a gf then threads like this always keep reminding me that women aren't capable of loyalty or love.
No. 161190
>>161188Think most women feel that way about men.
Let's be honest, most people are shit, gender regardless.
No. 161192
>>161191Stance that women also feel this way*
Better way to put it.
No. 161193
>>161188>>9029Stop replying to this troll. /r9k/ faggots are not allowed in /g/.
/r9k/ is mostly full of ugly manlet brown guys so really this sgouldnt
trigger you. I know because if I'm really depressed I go there to feel better about myself kek.
(race comments are not allowed in /g/) No. 161194
>>161190Let's be honest, most women are shit.
No. 161195
>>161176>mistakeYeah so OP accidentally fucked another guy. Whoops sorry his dick must have slipped!
OP is fucking selfish.