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No. 160582
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>>160573>How do you get a guy that seemingly does not want to fug, to fug you? Unless he's gay or you're hideous, you should be able to fug him by showing the slightest interest. Just stop being so fat/ugly I guess?
No. 160583
>>160582No u
And I'm honestly neither ugly or fat and I have scored with guys before so this can't be the reason.
No. 160584
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>>160583Well he's gay then, or one of those asexuals, or one of those guys with an extremely strong fetish. Maybe he can't and won't fuck anyone that isn't asian, morbidly obese, paraplegic or maybe a MILF
sit on his lap, do the usual sloot stuff, if it doesn't work you can't rape him so move on
No. 160594
>>160582>>160584>>160591Frat boy detected. Ignore.
>>160586Don't listen to him. He's just a horn dog who projects his bullshit onto all of us. I've had a few female friends that I've rejected sex with when I was single. Tell him you like him and if he says yes, take things slowly. It'll be cuter that way.
>>160592I doubt he's dense. Probably just shy.
>>160593It depends on the person, really. Try kissing him and move on from there.
No. 160595
>>160594I'm not a frat boy, just someone who isn't absolutely hideous and fat like you and can thus get most guys to shag me. Not that I want to, but I could.
There's something wrong with op or the guy if he's not willing to get it on.
No. 160596
>>160591I won't, I don't want to just fuck anyone. I mean, sure there are plenty of guys who would do that, but not everyone. People shouldn't project so much, some people really value monogamy.
>>160592Not really dense, but if he likes her and jumps her, he might be scared that she will think that he just wants her for the sex or maybe doesn't want to ruin their friendship, or just generally scare her away. There are a ton of reasons.
No. 160597
>>160595>I'm not a frat boy, just someone who isn't absolutely hideous and fat like youConjuring up a fictional image of someone you've never seen as fat and ugly in order to try and discredit their opinion is pretty pathetic.
>Not that I want to, but I could. Good thing you reinforced the idea that you're not promiscuous. It was very relevant after mentioning how attractive you.
>There's something wrong with op or the guy if he's not willing to get it on.Yes, everyone has to conform to your 20-something year old wisdom of sexual desire or else they're defective. As if human behavior isn't one of the most diverse things in the world. Grow up.