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No. 16007
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>>15988>provided that you're already attractive1/2
No. 16008
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>>15988>provided that you're already attractive2/2
Am I?
Not fishing for compliments here.
Go brutal.
No. 16011
>>15985I used to be morbidly affraid of aging, i felt ugly even then but was so affraid of being even uglier and not being able to be young and have a baby face,… that was the only thing i could even find positive about myself, looking young face wise and my kawaii pastel clothes made me even younger.
But one day my mother told me before dying, when i confessed my fear, that she used to be exactly like me at my age at some point, she was a self control freak and self-care freak,wouldn't go out without a pound of skincare+makeup,…but as she aged, it just went away slowly,as she aged she realized that she didn't care,that she had her youth and that aging doesn't especially mean being ugly or less pretty, i asked her if she was sometimes bitter when she saw pretty girls that were still young,she laughed and she said "Anon no, they will age too, everyone get a turn to be young, instead of focusing on "other girls" focus on yourself" society is pushing "looking young" way too far actually i think. But seriously you guys do not need to worry, now i'm in my twenties and i'm totally fine,i have a fine line/dark circles under my eyes (because of the stress i used to put on myself,my skin,…and be obsessed by them) and i'm totally fine with it now, it even got lighter since i'm more stress free. If you chill out,take care of yourself and be happy i can sure as hell tell you that only that can make a world of differences and be even prettier than another girl whose face is eaten away by stress and sadness
No. 16014
>>16013Well I'm actually glad you asked because I'm proud of the fact I'm pretty androgynous.
But to answer the question, I do have a dick.
No. 16015
>>16013I was gonna ask this very same question.
I saw the stubble but I couldn't be sure.
You're not unattractive, but I think you could benefit from some facial hair + a different cut + some weight loss/muscle gain.
As a male you already have the benefit of superior ageing to women. I think men have like, what, double the elasticity and collagen in their skin to women?
Keep hydrated, run, workout, feed your body right, feed your mind right, socialise, you'll be fine.
No. 16017
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>>16010>>16008>>16007You look like Nathan's mom tbh
No. 16034
>>16008My suggestions:
Smile with your mouth closed.
Grow facial hair.
Get a shorter haircut.
If you're dyeing your hair darker, stop.
No. 17117

>>15985You hair colour is fine but I might experiment with a different style or something. You shouldn't feel like you have to cover your face, you have good skin and nice features. If you want any advice, I'd suggest working on diet and exercise to give you more confidence and shit and also because it might make you feel more secure in your appearance as you age. People have already pointed out you're a dude so you'll age well compared to women if you take care of yourself anyway.
Mostly I'd just suggest therapy. I think you could benefit in a lot of ways from it.
No. 17782
>>16010You have a nice face imo. you look ~16-20. It's bc of your chubby face i think… You have REALLY nice facial features so maybe chicks would dig u more if u lost babyfats.
but personally i find you and your insanely kind smile/eyes attractive.
i am also scared of aging .I'm 20 btw
when I was 15 I thought I was gonna kill myself the day I turn 18. Hahaha
sorry shitty english (:
>>16034>smile with your mouth closedwtf anon..?
His smile is awesome
No. 18292
>>16037>>16034>>17117>>17785Do you guys have any reference images of how I should try my hair?
>>17782>when I was 15 I thought I was gonna kill myself the day I turn 18. HahahaI'm 22 now, I'm planning on killing myself the day before my 30th birthday. Or maybe the Halloween before my 30th.