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No. 1586618
>>1586602This, men always get mad when women swoon over guys that aren’t them, or at least guys that don’t look like them, but when it comes to more effete dudes like kpop stars and celebrities like young Leo and Timothee Chalamet, they really dislike it and start coping hard.
They’ll pull ridiculous shit out of their ass like the classic “birth pills” excuse, or claim that it’s dysgenic and that you’re mentally ill for liking them or whatever. I’m not a fan of the examples I listed above, but I can obviously see the appeal in them.
No. 1586688
>>1585945It's really funny how many men troon out because of faceapp kek. They should realise the filter makes them a pretty woman, not a female version of themselves. It literally merges their face with female face assets it has in the database. They can't ever achieve that. But good on incels for sterilising themselves.
Weird how I've never seen an attractive TIM, the most good looking ones have plastic bimbo kind of look and act like fags. But I've never seen an elegant or a girl-next-door pretty troon. On the other hand, TIFs sometimes make quite handsome guys, even if they're tiny and still have feminine figure. Common male L, I bet they're jealous as hell of that too.
No. 1590828
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>>1586602>>1586618I've had moids tell me I'm a closeted lesbian for not liking hairy roided scrotes kek
No. 1600215
File: 1686179324052.jpeg (116.94 KB, 828x1184, IMG_3075.jpeg) account is most likely a troll but I’ve seen men online that actually believe this, the amount of copium they’re inhaling is insane. I don’t know much about Isabella but she managed to secure a qt husband and nlogs and men with terrible hairlines are malding over it. Also see people calling her a pedophile but that’s just typical projection/coping.
No. 1600255
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>>1590828based twink appreciator
No. 1600469
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>>1600215This is the "tard" wife, who groomed a teenage boy into being her ideal male partner and married him as soon he became legal. She also convinced him to scrub his entire Twitter profile filled with Zoomer memes, and he hasn't posted on his Instagram and TikTok for 7 months now. He also appears to be going to the gym more often and has gotten a shorter haircut. And I'm While some of these lifestyle changes may be his own choices, it's more then possible that his Isabella influenced him to a significant extent.
No. 1600478
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>>1600471He is 20 and she is 24. He is not a teenager just looks a tad special ed. I don't like her but it's not right to throw that kind of statement around.
No. 1600485
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>>1600478He also seems to be going to the gym more often after meeting her as well. If this young man wants to better himself to be a good husband and father, then I see no issue.
No. 1600564
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>>1600560Just find a 16-17 year old, tell him that you'll teach him to be an "Alpha" by first getting in shape, grooming himself, respecting the women in his life, not spending to much time on social media and learning to truly pleasure a woman.
No. 1600631
>>1590836thats always been in human history, men are not straight and lust for beautiful men as much as women do.
>>1591613she's looking at porn made by gay men
No. 1600882
>>1600215>>1600224>>1600230A full head of hair isn’t even related to being low T, he’s coping out the wazoo. Hair follicles aren’t receptive to testosterone the way muscles are, they specifically react to DHT. Enzymes convert T into DHT and the hair follicles’ genetic sensitivity to DHT
triggers MPB. You could easily be low T and completely bald, like the usual ageing moid. Testosterone declines from 20, so they’re all low T compared to her husband anyway.
No. 1601964
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Stolen from ovarit.
"I'm Not Like Other Guys!" The Fanfiction
No. 1603300
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I hadn't visited a fag-gen board in a long long time, and last night I decided to go on the quadruple t out of boredom and holy shit. The amount of terminally online gay men that are just as pathetic if not moreso than their straight counterparts is wild. Crying about cis women, oh wah wah cis women this cis women that cis women are disgusting. It's so funny to me that they're only cool with Trans women while absolutely assblasted triggered when their pwecious porn stars fuck tifs, they're basically announcing that they view Trans women as men and thats the only reason they tolerate them. Crying about how cis women are disgusting, calling them incubators and wastes for not having nuclear families like they dont get their literal shit stirred in their asshole until the dick that fucks then spits out a noodle of shit from the urethra. Absolute insanity. Their jokes aren't funny either so it makes the experience that much more disappointing.
No. 1603329
>>1603300Kek have you been on datalounge? I admit I find gay scrotes whining about pornstars fucking tifs funny, they also do consider Tim's men but not full men, so they hate when they fuck Tim's as well. I've even seem them say that straight pornstars who do gay porn, but ID as straight irl, aren't gay/bi even though a lot of these "straight " scrotes just so happen to be dating Tim's with dicks. I assume it's them being bisexual in the first place, realizing that it's hard for a "straight" claiming scrote to be fucking men/tims exclusively on camera to be seen as straight by women, so they date TIMs because they don't mind/like dicks and the women they date are almost always sex workers, they are literally stuck with TIms and female sex workers. So an exclusively mentally ill dating pool.
Gay scrotes are just like men in how mad they get about porn, except the ones on datalounge are anti trans but also buy the myth that 100% straight men can fuck/suck mem for a living and not be attracted to men/Tim's at all in real life.
They still have this hope they'll one day get straight dick or it's possible to sleep with men and be straight in any context. Yet they whine about tifs changing what it means to be gay, but they also erase bisexuality when it's their fetish for straight men or fantasies about stealing some woman's husband/bf.
I often wonder if scrotes get mad at "straight" male pornstars fucking Tim's?
No. 1631864
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This deranged retard plans on sabotaging his brother’s relationship with his wife solely bc of the fact that they are both short and doesn’t want them bringing another manlet into the world. Notice how he mentions that his brother is cheerful and confident, he is so obviously envious of the fact that his brother is more successful than him and managed to get married, why would you even want to tear someone down like this.
No. 1631934
>>1631864Kek this entire post is just filled with incomprehensible incel babble. How does he unite his belief that manlets are doomed without a doubt with the fact that his brother is happy despite being short? Does he really think it's those two measly inches making the difference?
It's so typical that he's just bitter about it instead of seeing his brothers success as a sign that there's hope for manlets like himself after all.
No. 1674573
File: 1692806485786.jpeg (533.08 KB, 828x1078, IMG_3646.jpeg) shit someone actually said it kek. Definitely not the first time obviously but this discourse is so tiring, why do these men act like they’re the arbiter on what women should be attracted to? Once again there are scrotes claiming that being attracted to him is pedophilia because finding a youthful man hot is definitely worse than a child being raped. Good riddance.
No. 1695275
>>1674573>>1674608As a more masculine man enjoyer, fucking loathe scrotes who unironically think we're on the same page when we're more different than not. I know plenty of women with similar taste who still want their men to have some androgynous taste or fashion sense. But I guess even that's "gay' by their standards.
Like, am I going insane? There's nothing more heterosexual than liking a opposite sex partner with relatable traits. It's why I stand by the fact liking masculine women as a man isn't gay.
I rather take several kpop boys than one Arnold looking motherfucker any day of the week. I'm not even into kpop boys anyway. I just find unearned or overworked muscle physiques fucking gross.
No. 1695912
I'm attracted to barrel chested, hairy musclepigs (calling out to you, copypasta musclepig destroyer stacies) who look like they can break a solid oak bench with their bare hands. I don't fear them, I wield them like a weapon. If they're dumb, even better. "Be a good, obedient man and know that I'll keep your tender heart safe. Carry me on your shoulders and we'll conquer the northern wilds, we'll bow to no other. You'll only need to worship my soles and kiss the palms of my hands, in which I will hold all that you need to be truly fulfilled. You'll never know loneliness again." That's the kinda shit you gotta spout if there are any other nonnas who want their very own obedient, hulking yet lusty manservant. Eager to please like a loyal dog. The male cope and seething I receive on a frequent basis parading my man around is delicious. They know they could NEVER be him, and they could NEVER appeal to a woman who is confident, who knows her worth. Women will glance, look on in awe, but rarely I see any jealousy. That's all in the eyes of the moids. They want to think women are the catty, bitter and resentful ones. No, moids are the bitter ones. Jealous, inferior and pathetic. Using an exquisite male specimen to create mass moid seething is one of the most satisfying feelings in the entire world. Highly recommend.
No. 1696017
>>1695927Kek I’m sure
you tell yourself it motivates you Terrence, that doesn’t mean most moids will do anything but seethe impotently about how girls only like chads.
No. 1829304
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does this count? /biz/ apparently has "work threads" where they seethe hardcore at those tiktok videos of women in corporate positions posting their meals and offices. poster Ghzv+ta3 also goes on to say:
>As a pretty woman you're the idealization of beauty, but as a good looking man you're the idealization of a human.
I don't understand why they think being seen as a doll to be married off is a good thing.
No. 1829323
>>1829304Love how they don't even bother to compare themselves to attractive men who get treated in a similar way(remember that one moid who got bailed out of jail just because of his facial features?) because god forbid they might get the idea to improve themselves. No, instead they compare themselves to something they physically can't archive just to whine and seethe about women for the 999th time.
Also the second moid definitely doesn't have a daughter and is talking this way about someone else's kid.
No. 1829346
>>1695381I like "pretty boys" but I feel like this has become code for Korean men, and I'm not into Asian men.
I just like cute guys.