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No. 157738
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No. 157739
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No. 157740
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No. 157741
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transparent :^)
No. 157745
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No. 157746
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Gawd bless u guise, i browse this shit on my smoko and it keeps me sane at work haha
>>157738Heres another pic of girlnah, she deleted this one off her tumblr :P
I think it was captioned "what hooping in 30ÂșC looks like"
fuck i love her body, shes my recent inspiration to eat clean and keep fit
No. 157748
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No. 157755
>>157754Not really
I made a choice
I can be on the chubby side of average and eat whatever I want
Or I can be skinny and eat nothing
No. 157757
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>>157755I was only being facetious but good 4 u.
No. 157759
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No. 157762
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>>157761She uses Asian leg-stretching apps. Her body is still pretty good though, unedited (as posted above).
No. 157769
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Any 90's supermodel is my 'thinspo' especially Karen Mulder and Claudia Schiffer
No. 157770
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anyone looking really small in baggy clothing is inspo to me
No. 157772
>>157770I look like this except im short AF so It makes me look 'fatter' than I really am
Also cursed with a big butt for my frame. Can anyone give me tips on how to look thinner/slimmer? just clothing tips, gonna work with what I got
measurements: 28-25-35, 5'3 100 pounds, petite
No. 157777
>>157776I mean it's not that big, it's still a small ass but for my frame it's big looking/makes me look really wide. I just have wide hips/am hispanic lol
I wish people wouldn't be annoying dicks in /g/ threads when most of the posts here are serious
No. 157780
>>157777>I wish people wouldn't be annoying dicks in /g/ threads when most of the posts here are seriousMost people on here are fat and ugly and jealous of anyone who isn't.
Black will make you butt look smaller and skirts will too.
No. 157781
>>157780Thanks. I just wanted honest advice. I appreciate it
I feel kinda of genetically gipped sometimes because of my hips/ass. It's weird looking too, I have smaller legs but suddenly my thighs get larger looking at the very top. I'll try looking for skirts/black pants. maybe jeans since jeans squish my down a bit
No. 157783
>>157782I have a few hip waisted pants but i feel like they emphasize my hips?
loose dresses work pretty well tbh you're making me kinda wanna go try to find some soon, Schools starting and I wanna get some nice stuff
No. 157787
>>157744I'm really thin 5'9, around 110 pounds and i wear sporty clothes like this daily so it makes it look like i work to keep my figure
I don't work out at all lmao
No. 157788
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>>157787You have my ideal body. If you don't mind, could you share your diet?
No. 157790
>>157788Sure! Here are some of the things I eat on the daily
- Coffee no sugar(rarely anymore though, nowadays I drink chai tea with some soy) , one piece of toast/scrambled egg whites with spinach(sometimes).
- crunchy carrots (no sauces)
- streamed asparagus (I LOVE these things)
- steamed edamame (delicious)
- some cheese
- sometimes I get some wendy's chili cheese fries as a treat. maybe not healthy but nothing wrong with indulging yourself sometimes
-Avocados are amazing! I love eating these
- I like apple slices and sometimes i'll have a little caramel on the side
- sushi/sashimi. JB rolls are awesome, sometimes I get the same roll as well but instead of cream cheese with asparagus or avocado.
- some rice, lentils with a vegtable on the side
- one slice of pizza with a salad
- occasionally a salad but usually those are more of a 'dinner' food for me. I don't like iceberg lettuce kinda stuff, I mostly go for a kale/spinach blend since I feel better eating these/like the nutrients more vs regular 'salad'. I use no dressing or some balsamic vinegar.
- in my culture our 'dinner' is very light so I usually eat my heaviest meal for lunch. I will have some toast, avocados, salads, some oatmeal, it really depends how hungry I am.
I am mostly dairy free (have
some cheese sometimes), can't eat much fried or greasy foods (IBS, feel ill), don't like heavy foods like pastas (pizza is an acception) since I feel tired. I mostly also avoid caffeine and don't smoke or drink. I don't like cakes/cookies, when I like a 'dessert' I will have a frappuchino from Starbucks. I think some of these things help in maintaining my weight (no cakes, low fried foods, almost no dairy, etc) which maybe can help you diet wise. Also I like to snack throughout the day
whenever I am hungry (don't eat unless you are hungry! sometimes I eat when i'm bored but I don't recommend this)and drink a lot of water!
No. 157792
>>157757god damn it she looks like my body but with boobs
why cant i have boobs like that
No. 157801
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No. 157802
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No. 157803
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The things I'd do for a body like Iiniku Ushijima's. I hope I get there someday.
No. 157804
>>157803I have a body like this. if you want my diet lemme know
>>157802 what i want is more like hers. she is thinner/flatter tummy
No. 157805
>>157804Would love to know your diet.
I want to get to 110-105 lbs in a month or two. I'm vegetarian but fucking addicted to cheese (frenchfag here).
No. 157806
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Is it weird I tend to look at old pictures of myself for thinspo?
No. 157807
>>157805take it with a grain of salt because i'm pear shaped/so super low body fat tummy/top/more fat in butt/upper thighs
5'3 95 pounds copy pasting it here with a few more things added
- Coffee no sugar(rarely anymore though, nowadays I drink chai tea with some soy) , one piece of toast/scrambled egg whites with spinach(sometimes).
- sometimes I actually make 'fries' for breakfast lmao. This is the only time I really eat fries but it is not daily. I cut up one potato and fry in virgin olive oil.
- crunchy carrots (no sauces)
- streamed asparagus (I LOVE these things)
- steamed edamame (delicious)
- some cheese (rarely. maybe once a month. I can't really eat cheese)
-2 little bites brownies (like half a bag of them which is 4)
- 2 jolly ranchers if I want sweets
- sometimes I get some wendy's chili cheese fries as a treat. maybe not healthy but nothing wrong with indulging yourself sometimes
-Avocados are amazing! I love eating these
- I like apple slices and sometimes i'll have a little caramel on the side
- sushi/sashimi. JB rolls are awesome, sometimes I get the same roll as well but instead of cream cheese with asparagus or avocado.Sushi is my fave lunch, filling, low calorie. If im really hungry ill have sushi and steamed edamame.
- some rice, lentils with a vegtable on the side
- one slice of pizza with a salad (only fridays really.)
- occasionally a salad but usually those are more of a 'dinner' food for me. I don't like iceberg lettuce kinda stuff, I mostly go for a kale/spinach blend since I feel better eating these/like the nutrients more vs regular 'salad'. I use no dressing or some balsamic vinegar.
- in my culture our 'dinner' is very light so I usually eat my heaviest meal for lunch. I will have some toast, avocados, salads, some oatmeal, it really depends how hungry I am.
I am mostly dairy free (have some cheese sometimes), can't eat much fried or greasy foods (IBS, feel ill), don't like heavy foods like pastas (pizza is an acception) since I feel tired. I mostly also avoid caffeine and don't smoke or drink. I don't like cakes/cookies, when I like a 'dessert' I will have a frappuchino from Starbucks. I think some of these things help in maintaining my weight (no cakes, low fried foods, almost no dairy, etc) which maybe can help you diet wise. Also I like to snack throughout the day whenever I am hungry (don't eat unless you are hungry! sometimes I eat when i'm bored but I don't recommend this)and drink a lot of water!
No. 157808
>>157805>>157807overall I have around 1200 cal max a day. somedays I have less but not on purpose (lazy/so busy I don't notice it). Back when I used to actually 'diet' I would have the same diet as I posted EXCEPT for 2-3 days of the week I would eat only toast/coffee/green tea breakfast, meal bar for lunch or salad, and then meal bar or salad for dinner. Some fruit during the day. Doing this only two days a week made me lose quite a bit of weight. I did it on busy days and it wasn't like I was dying or anything but prob not recommended for most days and this is too low cal IMO at least. I would eat around 1200 most days and 900/less those 'special days'. I should also say I eat vitamins/supplements as well which I recommend.
Also forgot to say this earlier. I recomend baby food for snacks/parts of meals (i personally love applesauce so I love the baby food texture) since you can get good veggies/desserts (fruit apple sauces) for good prices and good nutritional value/low cal!
No. 157809
>>157807I have very similar breakfast.
yeah, you have a great diet, I used to eat quite like that when I was studying and I lived alone, it made me loose a lot of weight. now it's summer and I'am always with my family or my boyfriend's family, it's difficult to eat how you want when you are always with a lot of people.
I still eat little, thought.
Babyfood for snack/part meal is a great concept!
I just wanted to ask ; do you ever feel tired or like you are missing some nutrient? Do you feel like your diet give you the right fuel to do everything that you wanna do?
No. 157812
>>157809I'm fine in terms of energy. I'm not like super mobile (walk around quite a bit though) but if I exerize and i'm hungry I'll eat some more. This has not made me gain weight though.
When I was in my 'super low cal' days diet I was bruising easier/tired until I started to take supplements and eat healthier ( for example I used to eat shitty salads, instead I switched to pure spinach/kale etc). I now can do low cal days if I want and feel fine (keep in mind this is only 2-3 days a week max for me, any more I don't think would be ok).
And I totally understand! right now I've gained weight during summer (me and boyfriend together everyday/junkin out on pizza/tacos) but when school year starts i'll be back on track
baby food is awesome! I used to eat it all the time (i love the fruit medley as a dessert/fruit snack). The veggie ones aren't bad at all, and sometimes i'll have some potato ones. It's cool little servings too. this is my favorite fruit one>>157810I got down to 85 by doing that diet. "normal diet" most days and a few low cal days. very sustainable if you aren't exercising those low cal days.
also I recommend these 'thin thin' brand bars
I LOVE this one's covered in chocolate and tastes like a heavy browny/filling and has ZERO sugar and tastes good to me ( I'm biased bc i love that typical protein bar flavor though).
>>157811II take multi vitamins, fish oil, biotin, calcium, and vitamin D (prescription). but these i'm sure vary depending on your needs/lifestyle
No. 157815
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Today's lunch, lentil soup! So good and low cal/good for you
No. 157819
>>157817you heard it here everyone, dieting = ana
sure is fat in here
No. 157820
>>157817 good…
One less dumb bitch the better
No. 157822
>>157817Yeah eating healthy / dieting is a mental disorder C:
>>157819 I agree lmao
No. 157825
>>157823Do you know what anorexia is?
Did you see a single message here saying that they don't eat / don't wanna eat? STFU please and GTFO.
Eating little whole healthy and complete food is the best thing you can do to your body.
No. 157830
>>157827I'd rather kill myself than be ana
5'3 and 110lb, I think I'll be alright lmao
No. 157831
>>157829Who cares anyway? Not everyone wants that sort of body. Most people I see in the streets hardly look like that anyway.
Girls and being thin obsessed grate my tits
No. 157837
>>157836I'm not butthurt I'm just being honest. If you're thinking you're going to get that thin living a healthy life style you're either going to become Ana or give up and stay fat.
It just the truth fatty chan,sorry.
No. 157839
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>>157827god damn you fatasses know so little about food and weight, it's fucking hilarious. weight loss is simply calories in < calories out. if you maintain a deficit – even a small one – for however long, you WILL keep losing weight. for example, if you eat just 300 calories below your maintenance level – that's like skipping a muffin or 2 glasses of juice – you'll lose just under a pound a week. the amount of calories you burn per day goes down as you get skinnier, but it never approaches anorexia levels. let's say i go from 5'7, 130 lbs to a super skinny 90 lbs. my TDEE changes from about 1700 cal/day to 1500. wow 1500 calories, much anorexia, such starvation.
keep qq'ing about how it's impossible to get skinny, though. just because you don't have the willpower to stop stuffing your face with mcdonalds doesn't mean that anyone who does is anorexic.
No. 157840
>>157839She looks athletic/healthy. Not fragile,heroine chic like a lot of the models posted here.
Realistically none of you will ever even get this small. But it's nice to have dreams.
No. 157843
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>>157842Nope I'm under 120.
No. 157848
>>157846All I'm saying is I don't think normal girls could ever be this thin in a healthy way. You'll most likely never be that frail model skinny.
The only really thin girls I met are just like that naturally or they're Ana, on drugs etc
I'm naturally thin and I lose weight pretty easily which is shocking because I'm 24 but I think for normies it wouldn't be easy.
No. 157850
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>>157849But anyway. I'm just saying I'm not some fatty who is jealous of you lol
I'm just being real, most of you will never be that skinny. You're going to give up or become Ana. You guys seem to want that frail tumblr nymphet body type rather than an athletic thin.
No. 157853
>>157852jesus christ, are you capable of getting this through your thick head:
you can be skinny without being ana
you can be ana without being skinny
you can get to a really low bmi with normal dieting, see
>>157840 , and be healthy
you can starve yourself from like 200 lbs to 150 and be ridiculously unhealthy
so you don't like the look of the models posted here, that's fine but who gives a shit? i don't like muscular girls but i wouldn't go into a thread for them and shit all over it
No. 157855
>>157853Are you one of these people who got to a low bmi being healthy? I doubt it, plus you don't know these people personally so you have no idea if they're lying about how they got thin.
But it's good to have goals and dreams. You should keep at it anyway.
No. 157859
>>157858i didnt say all the girls in this thread were too skinny though. I didnt even say that girl was too thin. I said that if someone wants to look like that theyre not going to get that way healthy, I didnt say it was bad or good.
if that body type isnt what youre going for then the comment was not directed at you… chill :)
No. 157860
>>157859The problem ils that you are giving us bullhit.
Stop acting like you are the smart bitch who is going to illuminate us. You sound salty as hell.
No. 157861
>>157860im not trying to do anything. just bored and saying whats on my mind.
if someone wants to look like that, that is fine idc.
just saying if they want to look like that its going to take more than eating healthy and working out.
i didnt say she was too skinny or that wanting to look like her was bad.
No. 157863
>>157832>>157837>>157861I don't get this fatty mentally. I'm very thin, and I eat very well. I'm in perfect health. You can be thin in a healthy way. And no it's not muh genetics. And yes, some models may have smaller frames so it's important to keep that in mind but thin wise you
can do it. It's just effort. Work out 1-2 hours a day, eat very clean. It's hard. But for some of use who like that esthetic it's worth it. I certainly don't starve myself or restrict my eating when I'm hungry. I have my meals planned carefully to get all the proper nutrition I need. Losing weight is easy if you have any form of willpower as others have said, it's a calorie deficit. Once I reach the weight I like I just maintain it. I've always eaten healthy all my life so it's not much of a lifestyle change. If anyone needs help with losing weight or changing into a healthy lifestyle I can help.
No. 157864
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>>157863When did I say you couldn't be thin in a healthy way?i was specifically talking about body types like girl nah and those heroine chic types/high fashion model Types.
No. 157865
>>157864So what? Why do you care if anyone else than you is unhealthy?
Even if it was unhealthy, I don't understand why it would be so important for you?
No. 157866
>>157829 you linked to 3 pics of girlnah but the rest look fine… the tattoo chick looks too skinny at first glance but she's just standing with her legs really far apart to make them appear thinner
just admit that you're salty about not looking like them
No. 157867
>>157865I didn't say I cared if they're unhealthy or not. I said they most likely won't get the body by simply working out and eating right. I didn't say it was wrong or right, I didn't say anything was wrong with it,
The reading comprehension is so bad in Here.
No. 157868
>>157867>I said they most likely won't get the body by simply working out and eating rightyou're wrong though
you don't have to starve yourself to get to a low weight, you just need to maintain a modest deficit over a period of time
stfu god
No. 157870
>>157867Yeah but it seem to be really reeeaaally important for you since you keep repeating yourself over and over.
>>157829>>157832>>157837>>157848>>157855>>157859>>157861 So yeah, I wanted to know why and my guess is that you are trying to convince youself that nobody can really be that thin, while trying to pass for an all natural skinny girl, that you will actualy never be…
No. 157872
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>>157868That's true. A lot of runners and swimmers are low weights but they don't look like flab clinging on to bone, that is the difference.
No. 157881
>>157879does it hurt you that im more small and delicate than you even though im a boy?hehe
but ya know i never said you couldnt be thin and healthy. but if you wanna keep arguing, im down for it. im entertained.
No. 157885
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>>157881i'm thinner than you actually, but you don't seem to realize that being super skinny is not a good thing for a man lol. imagine if someone was bragging about how huge and ripped they were to a forum full of men… then revealed that they were a woman. pic related… wait you're saying i look gross? uhh… uhhhhh….you guys are just jealous of my sexy buff body!!!
of course it's not a perfect comparison because getting buff actually takes effort, whereas you just sit around on your skinnyfat ass and spend so much time qq'ing on imageboards that you forget to eat
No. 157887
I love 5:2 dieiting. I eat 1200 calories for 5 days a week, and 500-600 for 2 days
I also don't eat after 6 PM any day, I make it a hard and fast rule.
On regular days, I try to eat breakfast first thing in the morning and I try to make it my heaviest meal of the day. (Usually egg whites and a slice of turkey deli meat over an english muffin)
I'll usually skip lunch and just have 2 small snacks instead. I like to have a green pepper with a tbsp of hummus, or one of those mini cans of tuna w/ a handful of spinach and like a teaspoon of 0% lactose-free greek yoghurt (it sounds weird but i really like this combo).
for dinner i just have a big filling salad. i've been eating these on and off since i was 13 and honestly they will me up like crazy.
>one large tomato >salt and pepper the tomatoes until they get juicy>one large cucumber>one green bell pepper>one red bell pepper>a stalk of celery>tablespoon of crumbled feta (sometimes i leave this out)>squeeze some lime over iti weigh it out and it ends up being a huge bowl, and usually only ends up being around 200 calories. it's light and it gets SO. sometimes i will have a baked sweet potato or spinach/carrot salad instead.
if i'm under my calorie limit i will usually have something sweet to boost it because i try not to eat below!! i have either a square of dark chocolate and/or fruit that i weigh out and it does the job.
for my restricting days, in the morning i will have a big pineapple/mango/chia seed/protein smoothie and a salad in the evening. its really easy.
i don't plan cheat days because if i'm out with people i usually will get a treat like ice cream/a latte/etc. but i don't go out that often. honestly at this point i love raw salads that are loaded with veggies more than shitty food like pizza. i take my own snacks to the movie theatre at this point lol
No. 157890
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>>157889at this point im just replying out of boredom and making poking fun at you.
i really cant even understand why youre so mad. i didnt even say anything bad.
have a 0 calorie low fat frozen yogurt and relaxxxxxxx
also, im cute as hell. you are just mad because i am smaller and cuter than you despite being a male ha
No. 157892
>>157887I do 5/2 as well, very similar to you, but I spread out my meals on restricting days. Example:
Breakfast - coffee with milk and sugar, a cucumber
Lunch - 2x 30 calorie yogurts
Dinner - Wax beans with salsa, small piece of cheese
Snack - 1 square of chocolate
Comes out to 400 calories or so, and I'm never hungry. There's not a lot of protein compared to yours but I make up for it by eating huge amounts of protein on normal days.
No. 157893
>>157891i didnt say anything bad. it was one comment and the comment was also true.
You claim to be skinny but you are too scared to prove it because the truth is youre fat.
No. 157894
>>157887>>157892omg more like this. love seeing people's eating habits.
>>157888TRUE!!! people don't understand this. big heavy tall people are like :-( ur petite it comes easy to you and i'm just like……..
No. 157895
>>157893I'm not the person who said she was skinnier than you. I'm actually 5ft7 and 120 pounds.
You didn't realise it but there are multiple people talking to you because you are just this annoying.
No. 157896
>>157894Same, I'm loving the food diary dumping.
I think I'm going to write them down.
No. 157899
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Lunch today in case anyone wanted to see
No. 157900
>>157896Glad you like it. Here's an example of a normal day:
Breakfast: Coffee with milk and sugar - 160 cal
4 slices of peameal bacon - 200 cal
Lunch: Hard boiled egg - 80 cal
Yogurt - 30 cal
Dinner: Carrots, apples, onion, sweet pepper and pork tenderloin cooked in apple cider. (1kg of pork, 4 apples, 3 large carrots, and 1 cup of cider makes 8 servings) 390 cal
50 blueberries - 40 cal
1 slice of Laughing Cow cheese (I like to dip fruit in this…) - 25 cal
Two timbits (lol) - 120 cal
1045 cal, 80g protein.
Check out /r/1200isplenty for more food diaries and recipe ideas. They flip their shit if you mention eating <1000/day or have a low goal weight, though.
No. 157901
>>157900I never count my calories… I'm just lazy but everything I eat in a normal day is not much.
Breakfast: strawberries/banana/blueberry/water >> smoothie
lunch: quinoa/tomato/cucumber or lettuce/tomato/cucumber/avocado
Dinner: sometimes chicken breast/ sometimes jacket potato with cottage cheese or maybe just plain with salad on the side (no dressing)
Snacks: I try not to but maybe a piece of fruit like an apple/banana
I mostly drink throughout the day, I try to: water/lemon or lime in water/ coffee no sugar just milk or if im cheeky on a cheat day then a latte eheheh <3
I've cut my portions down smaller too…
I was really fat growing up but I lost five dress sizes and I'll keep losing weight. I'm not depressed as I was back then though but I'm happier now I guess.
I'm not looking for perfect I guess, just being comfortable with myself. I'm quite tall and I'd like to be slender to go with it so I'll keep trying :)
No. 157911
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I think it's cute that so many of us eat sometimes egg and very often an english muffin in the morning.
It do it because Audrey Hepburn did it too…
No. 157912
>>157911I just had to Google English muffin and I'm lol'ing because in the UK a muffin is like a small, sponge cake, typically chocolate, in a paper wrapper and I thought you were eating cake every breakfast.
In the UK an "English muffin" is a crumpet.
No. 157915
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>>157913Hm no bitch she was lacking food during the war and doing ballet heavily. She had so little to eat that she ate tulip bulb lettuce and a potatoe if she was lucky.
that's what gave her a tiny tiny frame.
Btw she refered herself as a "fake skinny" because she had a really small upper body but bigger legs, pic related.
Stop talking about something you don't know dumbass.
No. 157919
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>>157917Yeah she is so digustingly ugly and weird looking, right?
Shut up.
No. 157922
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No. 157923
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>>157803I can't relate to the model pics because I'm short, but I love pics like this.
No. 157925
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>>157923i have the same stomach as this girl. i hate it. i wish i had a flat stomach with no muscle showing through like pic related
No. 157926
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Am I the only one that actually prefers when I have a little belly?
I think they're very soft and sexy, and they make a great pillow for your partner.
No. 157934
>>157932Yeah, no. Curv is IN right now, everybody want to have a booty. Skinny is not as hype as in the 90's / 00's.
Stop crying like a little baby?
No. 157935
>>157932are you
triggered? this is a
THINSPO thread. go make a muh curves thread if you want to retard
No. 157936
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Can the fat autists and literal fags leave already, lmao.
No. 157938
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No. 157939
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No. 157943
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>>157941What? She's really not thinspo material.
No. 157945
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>>157944>>157943Uh, she's pretty thin. She's short so it all rounds out and she looks soft, especially in comparison to a what - 5'9(?)- VS model? Obviously the model will look more bony because of her height and build, but that doesn't make Ariana not skinny.
No. 157946
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>>157940Nicole Richie was a short skinny girl.
No. 157947
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>>157945One more to drive the point home
No. 157949
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>>157947Of course she is going to look small on her selfie, she ain"t dumb.
No. 157959
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>>157944Those outfits look like shit and are so unflattering. She is really thin. Not anorexic but a nice slim figure.
No. 157964
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>>157962Are you literally 5 years old?
"Waaaaah lentils are gross mommy, I want McDonalds, waaaaahhhhhhhh."
Do you gag when you eat vegetables, too?
No. 157965
>>157964No retard, I just don't like lentils. Not everyone does.
Move on moron
No. 157968
>>157966I'm fat because I don't like lentils?
Logic lol
No. 157971
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>>157970but lentils are srs business
No. 157972
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No. 157977
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>>157974Ari is slim for sure. I do enjoy her voice; it's not super amazing, but she's no Katy Perry or Brit-Brit.
No. 157979
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gonna dump some pics of one of my favorite models, vlada roslyakova
No. 157981
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No. 157982
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No. 157983
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also love snejana onopka
No. 157984
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Devon Aoki is so delicate. Body wise, face wise. Her arm is quite big here, but it's because she's squishing it against her body.
No. 157986
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>>157985Gosh she is perfect… I want to be her, I want to be small
I really want skinny legs and a thigh small round ass.
No. 157987
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>>157984She's pretty but sometimes looks a bit on 'big' side of models (maybe this is her build, she seems to have larger arms for her body/a bit larger thighs). She does look very healthy which is a nice look though. Beautiful face.
No. 157988
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>>157986Vlada is so pretty, I love her!
She inspires me to eat better and cut junk food out more. She is just so delicate looking, like a porcelain doll.
i love her walk as well.
No. 157989
File: 1439473606042.gif (1.86 MB, 400x360, Thighvlada.gif)

>>157988She has a fantastic thigh gap <3
Her body is quite unatainable tbh, she has gained a bit of weight since her golden age.
No. 157990
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>>157989I don't think she has gained much weight TBH. She maybe has gained
some. These pics are from this year
No. 157991
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>>157990keep in mind she is sitting down in that one.
No. 157993
>>157992Oh yeah, definitely. I'd love to know her official weight stats to see her bmi and whatnot. I also wish she would share her
total diet. I'm always super interested in what models normally eat.
No. 157994
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>>157993I read on Skinny Gossip that she was bit under 100 (47 kg) pounds being 5'10 ft (178 cm) tall at her smallest Aka in 2005.
I don't have her measurement tho…
No. 157995
>>157994ahh I love skinny gossip! I applied once like a year ago but never got a response (site stopped being active/updated too, no idea why)
and wow, she was/is so thin. I'm 5'3 and to think that i've been 100 pounds at that height it's crazy compared to her. My lowest was around 85 but it was more sustainable/healthy for me to be around 89/90. I'd love to find a healthier/cut shit out of my diet to get back down to lower weight but it's hard being a student and living in a door with no kitchen or anything. Right now i'm 95.
I think her measurements were are 31 bust, 23 waist, and 33 hips.
Right now I'm 31 bust (no boobs fml), 24/25 waist, 35 hips (retarded butt). Would love to lose some off waist/hips. Was cursed with pear shape but at least my top torso and arms are thin.
No. 157997
>>157995I believe Skinny Gurl only accepts applications if your BMI is under 19 now, and you must send proof pictures with face. Maybe try again, it might have gotten lost in the inbox and it's been a long time? She probably lost the motivation to update the site as much after the Kate Upton article backlash, and she closed many sections of the site to the public.
And yeah, Vlada is crazy thin. I just want to be slightly thin, lol. And I have a small frame, my shoe size is 38 at 174cm so I think I can get to probably 16 healthily with minimal boniness.
No. 157998
>>157997I'm jealous of your hips! I would be fine with my hips but I feel like most of my hip measurement come from my ass if that maskes sense. Like my hips are '35' but when i wear a size 35/34 hip pants it fits my ass part but the width of the hips themselves like fall off/way bigger. does this make sense? can someone actually explain this to me, i'm still confused about it. causes problems when trying to buy clothes based on measurements ):
And I know what you mean…i was my hottest at 85-89. I was around that weight when I got out of having strep at the hospital and came out super awesome looking. id like to post a censored pic of here maybe later (cropped to only stomach then vs now).
>>157996my BMI are around 17/16 back then so I don't think that was the problem. I might reapply now, thanks btw. I just kinda got sad and thought she rejected me. I just want to apply to be able to see the forums ):
The bmi thing is so weird to me, i'm 5'3 right now and 95 pounds, bmi calculator says i'm at 16.8. Which is weird to me since I don't look crazy thin/look even a little plump in the thighs/ass area. I certainly eat whatever I want/but not pig out. I thought my BMI would be around high 17s. Weird. I'm not really bony besides like obvious places like elbows.
No. 158000
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>>157881>>157890>asian male bragging about being skinny and short HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
No. 158001
>>157890I am and making poking fun at you. you are just mad because my clit is smaller then youre dick ha.
im entertained at this point. i don't understand why you are mad that im breasts are bigger than you despite being female ha.
No. 158005
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>>158004Anorexia isn't a weight, it's a mental illness. Unless they are a seriously spoopy skeleton, you can't tell if someone is ana or not by their weight. People just call anyone who's too skinny for their tastes ana. It's meaningless.
No. 158006
>>158004A certain bmi is one of the criteria to be diagnosed with anorexia. Just because someone may meet the weight criteria doesn't mean they are anorexic of course but they would have to be underweight in order be diagnosed.
And last time I checked the bmi for anorexia is around 15.5
No. 158008
>>158003BMI is weird. Like I said above, it says mine is around 16.8 and I do not look very thin. I have a pear shaped body with a good amount of thigh meat/ass. I am also petite. I just carry no weight in my top area.
Ana is a mental condition not being underweight. Also you can be ANY weight and be ana like
>>158007 said.
I love how some people like to call being 'too thin' as a mental condition or disorder. Which by the way is retarded, since ana is horrible and it sucks to have it, it's not some retarded weight criteria it's a debilitating illness.
No. 158009
>>157998>>157996>>157995NOBODY GIVES A FUCK
take your measurements to your pro-ana websites and stop shitting up the thread
>>158003apparently not
>>158004you and the board of health clearly disagree
No. 158010
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No. 158012
>>158009are you retarded? i'm talking about thin ness in the THINSPO thread. JESUS. I like to share/know measurements. At least i'm not shitting up the other boards with unrelated content.
>>158009boards of health??? no idea what the fuck that's supposed to be retard but there is no BMI criteria for anorexia. PLUS you don't necessarily have a mental disorder if you are underweight? can you understand that?
>>158010lmao ily anon
No. 158013
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No. 158016
>>158015maybe reverse image search? I
love knits like this :) My grandma knits and has made me a few tops, but I want to learn too…I'm saving this, thanks!
No. 158017
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No. 158018
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No. 158019
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No. 158020
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No. 158021
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sharp knees
No. 158022
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No. 158023
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No. 158024
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No. 158026
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>>158023Why does she hold her purses like a retarded grandma?
The cat stole the photo, ttbh..
No. 158028
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No. 158030
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No. 158032
I want a Shmegeh comeback so much!
No. 158036
>>158034My Fitness Pal.
it made me loose a ton of weight.
No. 158037
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No. 158038
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No. 158039
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Idk if i prefer the no muscle look or a still a bit fit skinnie…
I love small six pack I think they can be cute.
No. 158040
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No. 158041
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No. 158042
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No. 158043
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that's a completely average looking girl
No. 158049
>>158042My body shape is exactly like this and I'm so salty about girls that have nice, small ribs.
It's my excuse to remain tubby (5'3" 115lbs) since my body will be shit no matter what.
No. 158051
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I am a pear shape so I mainly focus on my upper body and I really want super small arms.
No. 158053
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No. 158054
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No. 158055
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No. 158056
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No. 158057
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No. 158058
How do you girls make shirataki noodles satisfying?
I follow the instructions on the package and then rinse mine for an additional 15 minutes, let them dry completely and then I simmer them in a chicken broth with garlic for about 30 minutes. Then I drain and pan fry them vegetables/soy sauce for 20 minutes until they seem almost almost dried and shrively. Sometimes if I add a little bit of pineapple to my vegetable mix they soften up more.
:( However all of this takes so long until they are edible. Does anyone have any other tips on how to make them edible? I have 6 packs left I'm trying to use up, hoenstly I prefer eating regular food (salads) to them but I wanna use them up because they bloat me and when I'm bloated I avoid eating and end up losing weight.
No. 158063
>>158049what? That girl has small upper body
and I'm 5'3 and 90 pounds jesus christ you must be big D: Please anon, you can look nice too…My mom is like 115 lol
No. 158064
>>158063Anon, I would selfpost and prove you wrong but I'm not Spoony.
There's a difference between being fat and solid.
I have those anons measurements and I'm not big at all. My stomach is almost flat, even. I've been told I'm a wonderful size.
Spooky skeletons everywhere. Go eat a sandwich.
No. 158065
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No. 158067
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that stomach
No. 158068
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>>158066>>158063Not the same anon, but your humble bragging is a little annoying. Congrats on being close to anons ideal tho.
>inb4 ur jus jealous of muh bones fatty>>158067I would love to have a longer torso like that– Or just to be lanky in general. It's hard to stay really thin looking when you're short as shit.
No. 158070
>>158068so mentioning my weight is humble bragging? can I only mention my weight like the other anon if I say i'm fat/say i'm gross?
I like how I get told I should go eat a sandwich and if I say oh hey im not bony it's a brag lel
I just want to talk being thinspo/being thin/thin ness in peace fuck
No. 158071
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No. 158072
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perf hips
No. 158073
>>158063Her ribcage is the same width as her shoulders and hips. Look at 90% of the other girls ITT they have a nice curve from their hips to their ribs. She has a shitty body and nothing she can do with it.
Also u sound like a moron in general kek
No. 158074
>>158063Also forgot to say if you're Asian you're probably the same size as a white or black girl at 110lbs because Asians have really low muscle mass that's why they have different bmi scales.
If you are white you are actually skinny af tho and kinda jelly tbh even if you are an idiot that likes to brag on an anon board.
No. 158075
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>>158070>I'm 5'3 and 90 pounds jesus christ you must be bigYeahhh. Maybe you should just word things a little better if you intend to "talk thinspo in peace" and be taken seriously.
That's what we're here for anyway.
No. 158076
>>158074bmi is bullshit
two people (from the same ethnic background) can have the same bmi, same height and weight and look completely different
measurements is what count
No. 158077
>>158076Yeah it doesn't work completely that was kind of what I was saying… But my point was Asians have really low muscle mass compared to the average white or black person.
"In particular, in some Asian populations a specific BMI reflects a higher percentage of body fat than in white or European populations" No. 158078
>>158073I didn't say she had a good/bad body. I just said I didn't think she looked big. is that a problem?
>>158074I'm not asian I'm white. And no, I'm not skinny as fuck. That's the point. That yeah I'm thin but not fucking super bony at 90 pounds and 5'3.
>>158075Why do you people get so salty if I say that it's big to be 115 at 5'3? even that anon said she was big…what I meant to say was that
I at 90 pounds am not super omg thin bony skeletor so being fucking 115 looks big on a 5'3 girl unless you are muscular/work out/etc.
>>158076also this. My BMI seems low but measurement wise I'm normal/average (besides upper body, just un-proportionately smaller than hips)
No. 158080
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stop talking already. your discussion is going nowhere.
No. 158083
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>>158082This tbh
Wasn't vlada 100 lbs at like 5'10" And this bitch is bragging about being 90lbs at hobbit height.
Also this thread is about thinspo pics not a bunch of stumpy womanlets arguing about height. At least post some thinspo.
No. 158084
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But as for weight - my friend is 170cm/54kg which are not impressive stats at all but she's tiny, she has almost the same measurement as Sasha Pivovarova had (pictured), thin legs, zero muscles etc I have no idea where does that weight come from, maybe it's heavy bones?
No. 158085
>>158083Im a 28-24-34 lmao yah I'm a fatty hobbit
I'm flat chested af tho so that's my main issue I just want some fuller tibbies
No. 158087
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>>158085Why do you feel the need to put down bigger girls? Are you insecure?
Sharing height weight and measurment is cool but don't be a bitch about it please. let's keep this thread a sweet place for skinnies and aspiring skinnies.
No. 158089
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>>158085>same waist and hip measurement as the average fashion model that's 7" taller than youNiiiiiice. Fuck I am so salty. I wish I was a stocky wide short girl like you. Short girls always have short as fuck legs compared to their body too kek
No. 158094
>>158066I do work out, my legs are rather thick and muscled, although my stomach is just normal and untoned.
You can't just say anyone who's 115 is fat. People tend to think I weigh significantly less because of muscle tone/thick limbs. I have bigger arms and legs although they both have no fat on them. Only my stomach has fat.
I also don't have short legs, thanks. They're proportionate, to that other Anon.
No. 158095
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>>158094>>158089stfu and get back on topic
No. 158096
>>158066I do work out, my legs are rather thick and muscled, although my stomach is just normal and untoned.
You can't just say anyone who's 115 is fat. People tend to think I weigh significantly less because of muscle tone/thick limbs. I have bigger arms and legs although they both have no fat on them. Only my stomach has fat.
I also don't have short legs, thanks. They're proportionate, to that other Anon.
No. 158097
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No. 158098
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dat hip/waist ratio
No. 158099
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No. 158100
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No. 158101
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No. 158102
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No. 158103
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No. 158104
>>158087sorry if I was mean to the other anon!
>>158089LOL stocky and wide. You are delusional. I am tiny.
>>158090I suggest doing 1200 cal most days and under those 2-3 days (like 600 ish or less idk). This worked for me to get down to 85
>>158094I said people who don't work out and are 115 and 5'3 are probably fat. If you do not have muscle tone and are 115 you will prob look like my mom (she is 5'3 and 115 pounds) and she doesn't look "OMG OBESE" but not thin/skinny either.
No. 158109
>>158107I don't think it's fat to have a 24 inch waist. I guess it depends where you store your fat but I have a very small upper body
i will post a censored picture of myself in a second and I want you to honestly tell me if you think I'm looking fat (if you think so then I guess I want the input!)
>>158108I think it depends on what your starting weight is. When i'm at 90/95 and want to get to 85 it takes me like a week to lose 2-5 pounds. What is your regular diet anon?
No. 158110
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>>158106don't criticize Vlada!
No. 158111
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>>158104>>158107>>158109shuuuuuut the fuck up you retards. christ. no one cares
No. 158113
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>>158109currently i eat 1200 cals a day. i only lose 1 lb per week and its really hurting my feelings. (im 125, 5'5")
No. 158114
File: 1439914956170.jpg (356.64 KB, 1730x1795, image2.JPG)

>>158107I let my arm hang so you could see my waist/stomach area better. I have a spinal curvature unfortunately which makes my ribs stick out weird at the top/makes me arched forward/a bit tilted.
I want to work on my lower body if any anons have tips
>>158113how active are you anon? do you exercise? maybe it's the foods you eat to "make up" the 1200 that make it harder to lose?
No. 158115
>>158114sry for double post
this is gonna sound lame but listening to other people here made me realize i really can cut a lot more in my diet. I really do look my best around 10 pounds lighter which is something i'm gonna try hard to maintain. I look retarded/curved which is lame but at least I can look with a nice tummy/legs (legs are problem area for me imo)
No. 158116
>>1581124,5kg/4weeks - that's a standard weightloss for a person that has cut off sweets and junk food, eats normally and exercise 15minutes everyday
you acheived very little for the amount of work you've put in, your metbolism must be fucked
No. 158120
>>158117we have a similar diet anon. Lately i've cut eggs out of feeling grossed out by them :c (ate too many for a few weeks)
I would try to count the calories more strictly and make sure to not overestimate how many are burned during activities. I have this problem sometimes so I 'underestimate' how many i lost during work outs which prevents me from eating them all up again.
>>158118I want to agree that metabolism doesn't get 'fucked' unless you have an extreme condition, even people with thyroid issues only gain 10 pounds MAX and that is without treatment. my textbooks talk about this quite a few times and I was honestly surprised when I found out the truth since so many people do they muh thyroid (I have family thyroid issues but non are fat)
>>158119and this. I lose more quickly when im larger but it gets really hard past a certain point.
No. 158121
>>158116it depend on your starting weight.
I've personally lost 1kg / week going from 60 kg to 55 kg and now I loose a lot more slowly. (I'm 1,70 cm btw)
Gained a bit back btw.
No. 158123
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No. 158125
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Face inspo <3
No. 158126
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No. 158127
>>158122for me, it's partially if they are a bit cold they 'feel weird'/gross me out and also thinking about what they are (like where they come from/what they are used in nature for etc) plus the temperature being not right was a combo that scarred me haha….Drinking water after them also made me nauseous a few times so I also associate them with nausea/vomit
I can handle a fried egg sometimes but I rarely eat them now.
>>158124I used to do this, I was always small (family eats pretty well) in comparison to my generic american classmates and I would do the "i eat tons!!" when I grew up I realized that when I ate junk I would eat a small portion but they would have 3-4x the amount.
No. 158128
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No. 158129
>>158119I'm talking about normal, healthy people with bmi below 21 (so like starting weight 62kg or less with 170cm height) and below 35 years old.
I bet you probably drink soda or eat some trash like fries and call it a diet just because it's low cal.
No. 158130
>>158129Where do you get that weird reasoning?
When you are at a lower BMI it becomes hard to lose.
When I was at 18 BMI it was very easy to lose weight. Now at 16, very hard (for me at least).
No. 158131
File: 1439917080754.jpg (255.63 KB, 1280x1601, D6aBv2U.jpg)

when a skinny person says "i can eat as much pizza as i want and never gain weight!", they're telling the truth, but they only WANT 2 slices of pizza
when a fat person says "i'm eating way less than i used to but i still keep gaining weight", they're telling the truth, but they mean that they're eating half an extra large pizza every night instead of a whole one
people are really bad at estimating their calorie intake
No. 158132
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>>158129aww the fatty is so salty
you should cut down on the potato chips, they're high in sodium
No. 158134
File: 1439917365335.jpg (72.11 KB, 400x600, adorable.jpg)

I really want to radiate Vegan-skinny-healthy-bombshell girl with natural hairs and baggy clothing.
kek at all the fatty contradicting themselves.
No. 158135
>>158132why salty? you're the fat one with no hope for better body. I don't need to diet anymore.
But good luck anyway looser.
No. 158136
>>158134I want this too! I stopped wearing heavy makeup and go for a fuller/straighter brow/light makeup
I just wish I could apply makeup better siggn
No. 158137
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>>158134i really like her arms
No. 158139
>>158136Same, but I need to learn to do makeup. I think the natural look need to be a bit worked on to look really good :)
>>158137Gosh her lips are hideous. This big short look so so cute on her.
No. 158141
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>>158138i personally cant stand those shoes with that outfit, wtf was she thinking? but her body is great
No. 158144
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No. 158149
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>>158148I want to know what her diet is so i can emulate it :c
>>158146GTFO robot
also are markinas boobs fake? I know she has a fake nose/lips
No. 158151
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>>158145Hm Zahia is okay small… She just has disgusting implant.
No. 158152
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>>158147You're projecting, but okay.
No. 158156
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>>158152lol who let that awful daddy cummies shit on the runway
No. 158159
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I think kinky underwear only look good on skinnies… Just like nipple piercing :)
No. 158160
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No. 158162
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No. 158163
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>>158151Yeah not a fan of her implants they look like they're bursting out of her chest eergh. Other than that I'm mesmerized by how small her limbs are. I watched a docu about her & her lingerie line and she just had the tiniest bone structure, it was unreal.
>>158156But daddy, I'm squishy…
No. 158164
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No. 158167
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>>158164ugh I love her. even more after I found out she used to be fat
No. 158168
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No. 158169
>>158166My chest bone pop out like crazy even when I'm bigger. I just have enourmous bones.
>>158167>>158168Didn't know this girl had other photosets… her face look very weird, like photoshoped in theeses pictures…
No. 158170
>>158166anon you should know
these girls dont give a fuck if shes on the edge of starvation/sick/dying as long as she looks ugu and delicate in a lace bra
thats all that matters
you should know by now
No. 158171
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>>158169this is her real face (taken by a photographer, not her)
she looks weird because she has big eyes with prominent eyelids
No. 158172
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>>158168she has a great body
No. 158175
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No. 158177
>>158176she has instagram doesn't seem to go for the delicate thing, she seems to like more sexy/harsh image, though I agree with you - baby lamb is the thing to go
No. 158178
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>>158177She posted pictures of her parents and they have very dolly delicate face. Fucking genetics!
I want get married in a big dentelly dress while looking super small. I will never organize a wedding without looking hot and skinny.
No. 158180
>>158179I know, I think it's because she sucking in her cheeks and pouting at the same time? on professional pics she looks normal
>>158178I've seen it! her dad is so hot
>>158178 No. 158181
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>>158178>I will never organize a wedding without looking hot and skinny.this
No. 158184
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>>158182I think it's better if you eat something that you know is healthy and nurturing.
Don't fall in the binging-restricting cycle.
If you have a bad day, don't give up and don't be to hard on you (and your body) either!
No. 158185
>>158110yeah i just dont get the vlada stans. shes not hot, shes not cute, shes not sexy. she doesnt even look like a little girl. she just looks like a spoopy, boney, post-op tranny who has injected too much heroin and is slightly downsy. her entire shtick is that she is skinny, if she gained 5 more pounds she would look atrocious.
inb4 jelly fat etc. im not. her body actually reminds me of mine and i hate it. it looks matronly as oppose to sexy.
No. 158188
>>158185Right, your body look naturally like Vlada's … Hm.
>>158187Her arms are gorgeous.
I'm feeling there is a few fatties who can't stop posting here inventing themselves amazing bodies and lifes!
No. 158189
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>>158177I really hope you're not trying to say you find this attractive, anon.
>Russians trying to be Instagram sexy and get away with horrendous shoopThis country needs to be stopped
No. 158190
File: 1439929877137.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.77 KB, 685x1024, 1433290685647.jpg)

>>158188No, I prefer thin bodies. Her arms just remind me of an old woman's. She looks like shit and if you disagree you may either be on the opposing end of obesity fetishists and find literal bones attractive, or you're ana. Sorry.
No. 158193
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>>158191>I-It's just because her arm is contracted!Nah, most normal human beings don't have to worry about their fucking arm bones sticking out. Sorry.
No. 158195
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>>158192I doubt it's to the extent in that picture, if at all.
Look, a thin girl using her arm muscle without any spoop.
No. 158196
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>>158189I admit that some of her own photos are ugly, but she looks nice on normal ones, when she's not trying to look sexy
No. 158197
>>158190i love the bodies like this. it looks youthful and with a round face. and looks natural.
the body of vlada and the other spoopy skeleton this ana bitch keeps posting are lolworthy. the other girl she posted is petra. she looks old and aged beyond her years. they all look fucking exhausted, not effortless at all
No. 158200
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>>158194Biceps are a lot thicker and more defined than the thing in
No. 158201
File: 1439930416334.jpg (115.73 KB, 500x1021, not spoop.jpg)

look, another thin girl not looking like an old hag.
No. 158202
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>>158200Depend on the way you develop them.
>>158201Candice is more fitspo to me …
Why so salty? The girls you are posting are not even bigger than the one posted before, get that sand out of your vagina already.
No. 158203
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>>158197Fucking thank you. I've been avoiding this thread like the plague because half of these girls look like shit or are obviously sick and it's convinced me that the Ashley threads brought in a slew of ana posters/MPA crossboarders.
No. 158204
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>>158200You are so dumb. Anja Rubik has great arms, not spoopy at all, do you now anything about anatomy?
No. 158207
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>>158195here's my arm looking bony. i'm 5'2 95 lbs, certainly not thinspo thin. amazingly, parts of your body can look different in different positions, using different muscles, with different lighting
No. 158209
>>158207you have fat deposits jutting out on the side
not even remotely the same thing lmao
No. 158214
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>>158212Go back to tumblr if you're so offended. We ana chan thread now.
No. 158215
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No. 158216
>>158207What you have going on in your arm reminds me of my mom's arms. For reference, my mom is obese. Those lines between muscle and skin/fat deposits are something pretty common for women with bigger arms in general.
It's not the same as the chick with twigs from arms in the wedding dress at all. Stop seeing random lines on your body and going "Wow, I must just be super thin!".
Please don't selfpost ITT again, your input is not valued.
No. 158217
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No. 158218
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No. 158219
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No. 158220
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No. 158221
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>>158196She looks like she told her plastic surgeon "Just fuck my whole life up fam" IMO, but different strokes I guess.
No. 158222
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No. 158223
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>>158221she probably some stuff injected in her lips, rest of her face is natural, so don't hate because someone is prettier than you
No. 158224
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No. 158225
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>>158223"Prettier than me"? You haven't even seen my face lmao. And I don't really care enough to hate, she just looks clownish to me. The fact that I can't even place for sure which of those kids is supposed to be her is pretty telling.
I'm sorry I insulted your plastic photoshop lip-filler waifu. :^)
No. 158226
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No. 158229
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>>158223>rest of her face is naturalI am truly sorry for her loss
No. 158230
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>>158226First weight loss picture I've ever seen where the chick literally looked just fine before.
It's really underwhelming, but progress, I guess.
No. 158231
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No. 158232
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No. 158233
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No. 158234
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>>158229She looks like another example of the aftermath of the Kylie Jenner lip challenge now, but hilariously it's still an improvement from her past.
No. 158235
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No. 158236
>>157751big butts are hot.
small butts are cute.
flat asses are gross.
it makes you look like a dude
No. 158237
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No. 158238
No. 158243
>>158114Wow this is actually really not a good body at all. No tits or ass or curves at all and a bulky midsection.
I would recommend losing more weight as you have fat on your stomach preferably work out because you have such a low weight but look quite fatty.
I've seen trannies with a better body shape than this. But it's no excuse to be a bitch and call other girls fat. I just hope you have a nice face just because no one deserves to have such a crappy body genetics without getting a pretty face at least.
No. 158245
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No. 158248
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No. 158249
>>158244I'm 5'10" but I'm still fat (150lbs) so…
luckily I'm a pear so it doesn't show as much
No. 158253
>>158252why? So you can call me fat and tell me something I already know?
If you really want to feel better than all those fatties, you can find the HAES thread in /pt/
No. 158255
>>1582505'7 and 110 lbs, I want to get down to 100 lbs before xmas :p
How satisfied with your body where you at that weight?
No. 158257
>>158255I liked how skinny my legs were but since i have big feet i looked pretty comical
and of course dem hip bones looked nice too
No. 158259
>>158257I have huge feet too, but i'm a pear shape so I feel I'm going to loose my tits, have even more impressive shoulders, and keep a big butt / big thighs :(
Perfection is so far away from me.
No. 158261
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>>158260Yeah my body is so shitty /s
it's average but I have a spinal curve and it curves forward so it makes my rib age stick out from the side. I have no idea where you get that I have a fat stomach
No. 158262
>>158261you're skinnyfat kek
get your attention whoring ass to the gym, or stay mediocre
No. 158264
>>158262Yeah I need to work out really badly…Got lazy this summer and ate a bunch of crap food.I agree I am skinny fat right now sigh…
>>158263because I'm retarded sorry. I just got butt hurt over everyone saying I have a 'heavy mid section' when I have a spinal deformity.
sorry it's my BPD acting up :^)
No. 158271
short skinny ftw
No. 158274
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No. 158275
>>158273hey anon! mine is similar!
I have a 30 something on top and 28 ish on bottom. One of my hips is 2 inches taller than the other one and one of my legs is shorter haha…It's funny because I stand 'curved' in order to look 'normal' as a habit now.
No. 158276
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No. 158277
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No. 158278
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No. 158281
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I like Miranda! She's slim, but not strikingly thin. Very healthy-looking.
No. 158284
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if you are an average sized or fat girl you will have to suffer a bit to become thin, its the same for all of us.
don't eat when you are bored
don't eat when you are sad
ignore your cravings. you can have junk food or sweets any other time, its not like they'll disappear from this earth.
No. 158285
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and its unfortunate, but we live in a world that values looks before anything. if your face isnt that great, a thin body can boost your overall appearance. you may not be happy and you may not love yourself even after becoming thin, but other people will admire you. it sounds like a bunch of shallow and vain bullshit but yet its completely true if you think about it.
No. 158286
>>158284k ana-chan
go starve yourself a bit more and hopefully drop dead
no one cur
No. 158288
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>>158286>"Don't eat when you are not really hungry">"Urrr DUURRR thanks ana chan, keep killing yurself slowly will I enjoy MUH CURVES"People are so dumb. DO you eat whenever you feel a stupid craving? If yes that's the reason why you are a fat hot mess.
No. 158289
>>158288i know this might be hard to believe, but generally speaking, if you feel hungry, thats your body telling you that you need food or water.
ignoring those hunger pains results in you binging later anyway :)
No. 158290
>>158289Did you even read the posts?
craving =/= hungry, you get hunger in your stomach and craving in your mouth/mind
No. 158293
>>158286ignoring cravings is not the same as starving yourself, do you even know the meaning of these words?
Anon never said not to eat at all.
No. 158294
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>>158292>>158290>>158291most people suggest eating when you arent feeling hunger pains, because then you are most likely to not overeat.
No. 158295
>>158294Idk about your study. ( made in tumblr imo)
but I've never seen a study saying ''y ou should Ă©tait every time you want anything''
No. 158297
>>158292I agree, eat when you're hungry, snack on fruit and try to drink more? I usually pop lime into a water bottle and just guzzle it throughout the day when I feel peckish.
No. 158300
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No. 158302
File: 1440501396782.jpg (742.43 KB, 1632x1224, pear.jpg)

I'm a pear chan and my thigh feel so huge… Bodies like pic related motivate me and make me wanna work extra hard cuz they look so cute and delicate.
No. 158303
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>>158302And at the same time sexy and softs… She has zero muscle definition…
No. 158304
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>>158302>>158303fellow pear-chan, will we ever have those nice thin, non-touching legs without being drastically underweight?
No. 158305
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>>158304Eugenia Cooney is super skinny and a pear. I think she is really really weird looking…
No. 158311
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No. 158312
>>158236Ok that's nice I guess but
It's not flat tho, she's obviously thin and wearing tight shorts makes it look even smaller.
No. 158314
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I really like Alexa Chung because I'm almost the same age as her. An anon on cow once adviced her to me because I felt old using Cara as thinspo. (thank you, anon)
No. 158315
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>>158314she's so pretty <3
No. 158317
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No. 158318
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BEHATI! I used to dislike her because she seemed so plain compared to Miranda, Ale, and Adriana, but I saw her on TV and she seemed so sweet and fun. Plus, she has a nice tan.
No. 158321
>>158320'Nah, most of the fat goes to the ass and thighs.
>>158304 You could probably get a thigh gap from… working out.
No. 158322
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>>158320>>158321But I wasn't asking about a tight gap, I really like thin legs.
Since losing weight, I have a bit of a tight gap but my legs are still fat, expecially my upper legs.
But you're right, less eating and more squads.
No. 158323
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No. 158325
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No. 158327
>>158326Quickly? By starving/dying.
Slowly? Moderating a slightly restricted healthy intake and exercising in moderation daily.
No. 158328
Find out your TDEE. Track your calories. Eat below your daily calorie requirements. And work out to tone your body.
But I have a feeling that you're looking for ~one weird trick~ or some fad diet that will allow you to get skinny with no effort.
No. 158329
>>158328Nah, fad diets are useless. I used to be bigger, I started off with a fad diet actually and then dropped it. Started eating healthily during high school but I stopped and put some weight on during college because of exams and comfort. Yeah, I'm one of those btw.
I think I'm gonna start going jogging actually, simply not only because I want to loose weight but my mother is doing those charity runs and she's tired of doing them alone. So I might join in but I want to be fitter aswell as that.
Like what do you guys mostly eat during your day? Just curious
No. 158330
>>158329Well I'm a veg so like, take that as you will.
Today I've had two small slices of sea-salted bread with roasted stuffed peppers.
Later I had one of those medium sized fruit snack boxes filled with strawberry, melon and kiwi.
I've also had two homemade mochas.
I am still hungry though so I think I might go make something else soon then call it a day. Probably a cheese sandwich.
No. 158332
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No. 158337
>>158332Ugh, I don't like her stomach
think, soft looking stomachs look best
No. 158338
>>158334running, steady state cardio (lightly jogging for at least 30-45 minutes etc)
Yoga helps build some strength, but it's good for flexibility
I would also suggest ballet-inspired calisthenics to get the lean, toned look(at least, it seems to work for me and I enjoy it). Check out mary helen bowers on youtube if you're interested.
No. 158348
>>158347You know that most people that induce keto are bodybuilders right? Like, by a pretty enormous margin.
I don't know anybody that does it that doesn't bodybuild aside from me and that's just because I'm a Human Phys. student.
No. 158350
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>>158349c'mon guys post skinnies
No. 158354
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I wonder what her measurements are.
No. 158355
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No. 158356
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Which one do you want to be?
No. 158362
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>>158361How about just stop posting uglies.
No. 158363
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>>158362That's an average looking skinnyfat girl, not thinspo.
No. 158367
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Ana-chans, out.
No. 158371
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>>158369Doutzen Kroes is the same. Gorgeous face but unfortunately no waist to speak of.
If I had her life I probably wouldn't care, though.
No. 158374
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No. 158375
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No. 158376
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No. 158377
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No. 158390
>>158387nobody is jelly.
Skinny bodies are qt but if you dont have a waist no matter body shape, it's very ugly.
No. 158395
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>>158394So you saying that girl with small waist have no organs?
It's simply genetic and it's completly unfair, but it's ugly anyway.
Kate upton may be hot as fuck, her waist maker her body look disgusting. Why do you think they only show her up to her breast on every editorials?
No. 158397
>>158395she's a bit chubby though
>>158390I don't see everyone's problem, I think they look nice.
No. 158398
>>158395Or maybe our constrictive beauty standards make her body look disgusting? Just a thought :^)
>inb4 anyone thinks I'm trying to subtly imply Rubenism or whatever was a superior era where fat women were considered beautifulFriendly reminder that balding bitches with no eyebrows were considered top qts in 18th century Europe. There's no logical reason for what we find attractive, so there's no reason to attack people or call them "disgusting" for the way their bodies are naturally formed, especially when it's obvious they already keep in shape, like Upton does.
If it was a fertility/evolutionary thing, thick girls (thick like maybe Raven Symone, not morbidly obese like Tess) would always be the height of attractive.
No. 158400
>>158399Why? Literally who cares? Within a decade, smearing dog shit on your face may be the new standard of beauty.
>fitOnly if they're a certain "kind" of fit lmao
No. 158411
File: 1441996560989.jpg (Spoiler Image,127.74 KB, 500x313, thin.jpg)

dumping a bit of nsfw thinspo
No. 158413
File: 1441996617302.jpg (Spoiler Image,45.33 KB, 500x333, jane.jpg)

No. 158414
File: 1441996670218.png (Spoiler Image,281.78 KB, 500x333, naked.png)

No. 158415
File: 1441996764222.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.44 KB, 500x709, dita.jpg)

No. 158416
File: 1441996864202.jpg (106.34 KB, 500x750, legs.jpg)

No. 158417
File: 1441996913784.jpg (114.75 KB, 478x718, softskinny.jpg)

soft but still cute. Maybe this would fit more in the skinny fat thread…?
No. 158418
File: 1441997010010.jpg (Spoiler Image,100 KB, 395x592, underfashion.jpg)

No. 158420
File: 1442035009745.jpg (91.33 KB, 460x750, dita.jpg)

>>158419Hmm, I don't think you can really say that she is "large". But yeah she is softer, to me she is a mix of thinspo and fistpo, but I can understand that she doesn't inspire other :)
No. 158424
File: 1442254740948.png (455.96 KB, 608x511, ddd.png)

i follow a girl on instagram that looks average/short and has a nice body (not spoopy, nice). I like her hips / legs tbh
No. 158425
File: 1442254783577.png (542.87 KB, 566x577, gegt.png)

No. 158426
File: 1442254846058.png (743.44 KB, 608x553, dhdhethg.png)

No. 158427
She looks really average sized in these pics tbh.
No. 158428
File: 1442254925263.png (645.27 KB, 636x549, tyttt.png)

this photo is shitty but i think she deleted the ones where her tummy was shown. It looks toned but not a lot.
No. 158429
>>158427 yeah she's average but i'm very overweight so it's like my goal (i guess we're the same height) and find her thin? idk
her instagram is No. 158436
File: 1442421557388.jpg (55.86 KB, 444x638, thinspo.jpg)

average to skinny weightloss pic inspire me.
I'm the same size, but at the moment my GW is 110 lbs. Even at 100 lbs she look great and not emaciated at all!
No. 158437
File: 1442422730977.jpg (153.64 KB, 1280x540, skinnypear.jpg)

>>158436This one inspire me also even tho the last one may be a bit too skinny . It gives hope to a pear like me.
No. 158438
File: 1442422816730.jpg (232.33 KB, 987x651, tallskinny.jpg)

>>158437This is for all the tall skinnies
No. 158447
File: 1442797684920.gif (1.76 MB, 245x277, giphy (1).gif)

Nicole Kidman in Eyes Wide Shut. She looked absolutely amazing. I wish I had that bod.
No. 158449
File: 1442844893182.jpg (96.71 KB, 600x1270, 219cj75.jpg)

I quite like Kelly Lebrock's body from the 80s (Weird science) idk i just love it
No. 158457
T-that's not really overweight, right?
No. 158462
>>158458>>158459no it's not, you might think it is fat but if we go pure math on this and calculate bmi, that's a healthy bmi.
The defenition of overweight is a bmi over 25, this bmi is not over 25 so it's not overweight.
No. 158463
File: 1442913524975.png (229.51 KB, 518x384, Capture dâĂ©cran 2015-09-22 Ă 1…)

>>158462You can look like shit even with an "healthy" BMI
No. 158464
>>158463I never said it looks good, I just said what the defenition of overweight is.
Also, that's an apple, the most unfortunate shape to have.
No. 158467
>>158466If you wanna stay only on the medical term then okay it's not overweight.
But it is still fat.
No. 158471
>>158470And it's pretty clear that they are fit so they have a lot more muscle. And I doubt that any of you farmers are this fit./
They are not skinny, they are thin-muscular girls if you like being fit it's great fitspo.
No. 158472
>>158470110 lbs
113 lbs
+ they are fit
No. 158474
>>158471well great, but then it's not a matter of weight only.
This girl has an hourglass figure and looks slim: don't think it's that hard to be that fit. They are not even WOW SUCH FITNESS MUCH MUSCLE. I don't think farmers are not likely fit. You can be 90lbs and still look like crap if you lack muscle definition
No. 158475
File: 1442928312949.jpg (146.98 KB, 500x750, thinspo.jpg)

>>158474She is ultra soft, but you know… Each his own taste I guess.
Dumping some real thinspo btw
No. 158477
>>158474That's what you consider slim!?
Why are you in the thinspo thread?
No. 158480
File: 1442928947244.jpg (70.74 KB, 400x400, cuteskinny.jpg)

>>158478Yeah right, there is nothing between spoopy skelleton and average soft girl.
No. 158483
File: 1442936704152.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.34 KB, 261x596, starving woman.jpg)

>>158482Why do you care what other people think of themselves? Do you want them to be as miserable as you? There are worse things in life than not being thin; like being petty, shallow and malicious.
No. 158484
File: 1442937002155.jpg (Spoiler Image,83.6 KB, 463x600, you.jpg)

>>158483I don't care what THEY think about themselves, good for you if you think you are hot at 5ft3 and 115 lbs. Don't try to make people who are / aspire to be skinny tell you that you are small or skinny or even thin, you are average to fat, that's all.
No. 158487
File: 1442937807960.jpg (93.66 KB, 590x580, 131461186_201n.jpg)

>>158484Wow, you're really a hero. Sorry for
triggering you with average/fat bodies.
Shouldn't you be trolling your own thread, Ash?
No. 158492
File: 1442962944161.jpg (213.23 KB, 1200x1200, Stefania Ferrario.jpg)

idk what has happened to me.
When I was in my teens I was anorexic and legit wanted to look like Mr. skeletal.
I used to keep a folder filled with some of the worst thinspo you could imagine, like Aly-tier emaciated.
Then I recovered, and now that I'm an adult I just want to look like…. a woman? A sexy, curvy, thick, healthy woman.
Picture related is my ideal
Can anybody else relate to this?
No. 158494
File: 1442964001435.jpg (58.84 KB, 720x576, 12006080_975775019127672_61726…)

>>158493What country do you live in where the men look like that because I want to emigrate immediately.
No. 158496
File: 1442972720941.jpg (40.55 KB, 875x960, 10006567_883184091720099_57265…)

>>158495Anon, do you have an ED or something because she's not big at all.
I'm not trying to be critical, because when I had my ED I'd have though exactly the same thing, but she really is an entirely normal, healthy woman.
No. 158499
>>158498Her breasts look like a large D/small E so I think saying stuff like
>seems uncomfortable to be that big>it would be hard to do even simple tasks>I can't picture someone like that doing anything but sitting thereLike, you're either crazy small or super anorexic because your perception of what is a big woman is way, way, way off to the point where it's actually kind of disturbing.
No. 158503
>>158502Anon I am a recovered anorexic, I've already stated that in my post if you actually bothered to read anything.
The fact you believe that
>>158496 is obese to the point where they struggle physically moving about and completing simple tasks and that anybody that disagrees with you is fat just shows how deluded you are.
Seek therapy because even when I was at my absolute worst and was collecting the most horrific kind of thinspo, wearing gloves to touch food and sitting in rubbish bags in my mother's car on hot days to create a sauna effect, even at that stage did I ever believe girl's like
>>158496 were obese.
Damn, is it just me or has the volume of psychotic proanas on this site increased exponentially as of recent? They're actually starting to get as bad as the rabid race posters, where anybody that disagrees with them is black, or in this case fat.
No. 158504
>>158502Actually I take it back, I used to encounter your types all the time on LJ back in its glory days, superfats who'd like to believe they had an ED so they raged at everybody else around them.
Anon if you need to lose weight self loathing is not the way forward, try slow restriction and increasing your physical activity.
Remember, it's just a case of eating less and moving more :)
No. 158505
>>158503>>158504"RAAAAAAGH IM
please calm down honey
you can make a thread for posting pictures of average sized middle aged women if you don't like this one
No. 158506
>middle-aged She's 22 lol
So not only are you a raging tub of lard you're also underageb&.
So, when did you come in from PULL exactly?
No. 158508
File: 1442988955244.jpg (50.51 KB, 494x612, candice.jpg)

Oh my god why do insecure fatty and ex ana girls try to derail the thinspo thread?
Why are you not creating your own "averagespo" and "normalspo" thread since this is what you wanna look like? Nobody care if you want to look like .
>sexy, curvy, thick, healthy woman
Get the thick out of here and you have pic related. Thick is maybe the most disgusting word there is out there.
God since when to be curvy you have to have fat hanging everywhere in your body? If you have a cut small waist decent boobs and a bit of hips your body have a gorgeous curve just like oldschools drawings of pin ups.
No. 158509
File: 1442989126194.png (483.15 KB, 612x529, ambersr.png)

>>158492>>158494>>158496Next thing you're gonna tell us that amber rose is your ideal body? And that she is thick and muscular and is not roaden with cellulite?
No. 158511
>>158507Obviously still has problems reading because I've already said that I'm a recovered anorexic; what do you think my body looks like?
I'm still Mr. Skeletal and I hate it. I'm undoubtedly thinner than anybody in this thread and I want to look like the blonde lady. I don't like sallow, boney being sexless, and neither should you.
And get your eyes tested Anon if you're struggling to read that badly.
No. 158512
File: 1443006202771.jpg (116.34 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mmqfik5MOF1rx5m4fo3_r1_…)

>>158511>I don't like sallow, boney being sexless, and neither should you.First of all we should like whatever the fuck we want, second, skinny sexless? Kek
No. 158513
File: 1443009740248.jpg (34.83 KB, 306x558, article-2536119-1A815C11000005…)

>second, skinny sexless? KekEr, yeah?
I'm not talking about thin people in general, I'm saying that MY body is like that from years of starvation and malnutrition.
Also as I've grown it's also become horrendously apparently to me just how bad "skinny" looks on the vast majority of women who are no longer in their teens or their 20's where they're soft enough and have enough fat distribution to level it out and make it look youthful, not to mention the fact that most of them equate the weight of muscle with fat so they avoid exercise that leads them to looking more flabby than ever.
It's like these celebrbities all want to be thin, but they hate the way it actually makes them look in their late 30's/40's, so they get fillers to combat this but just end up looking weird.
I know people will try to reject this but it isn't really helped by the fact that all of the pictures in this thread are of young women…
Show me some older women that is Alexa Chung's size and still looks good.
No. 158515
>>158514One minute I'm being called obese, now this.
Make up your mind, friend.
No. 158517
>>158509I was gonna say "oh but she's like 40 or something" then looked it up and saw she's only 30…
>>158513You do know that Alexa Chung actually is 31, right?
>>158511>>158513>>158515Why are you even in here? You're against thinspo so you have nothing to look for here. Or do you just want to argue with people?
And worst of all, seeing these pics and reading these entries could ruin your recovery….
No. 158519
>>158518Where was I talking about my problems?
learn to read you stupid bitch
No. 158520
File: 1443024204538.jpg (94.13 KB, 634x911, article-2218054-156E1686000005…)

>you do know that Alexa Chung actually is 31, right?Yep and it's really starting to show tbh.
Being this thin is only appealing when you're a bouncy teen.
When you're slinking into your 30's you just start looking sick.
No. 158522
File: 1443024867287.jpg (97.81 KB, 640x852, image.jpg)

>>158520She's 30 and looks good thin
No. 158523
File: 1443025027721.jpg (182.09 KB, 634x1063, img_0547.jpg)

>>158520Amal Alamuddin is 37 yrs old and she look great. Alexa is tired because of her drug use.
No. 158524
File: 1443025112584.jpg (291.38 KB, 1024x759, Amala.jpg)

>>158523How old and wrinkly and tired she look… Does it make you feel sad that you where a dumb ana with no control and that you ruined your body and face when you could have been looking great?
No. 158525
File: 1443025245949.jpg (78.11 KB, 634x913, article-2444132-188572DD000005…)

>>158524>>158523I'm the one that posted
>>158492 and I think this lady looks good, but she obviously has a naturally smaller frame and it looks like she works out too as opposed to just starving yourself.
No. 158526
>>158525The method doesn't matter, what matter is her size and her smallness.
You are saying that we shoudn't aspire to be "skinny, sexless, tired" when she is skinny, sexy and very energic, she is a lawyer goddamnit.
No. 158527
File: 1443025747086.jpg (389.27 KB, 1066x1600, image.jpg)

Skinny only looks bad if you were Ana or doing drugs in your youth. Aoki is over 30.
No. 158528
File: 1443025768400.jpg (452.89 KB, 750x1172, Alexa Chung Anorexic Legs Weig…)

>>158526No, I'm saying you shouldn't aspire to look like picture related.
Not all "skinny" is made equal.
>>158527This tbh.
No. 158529
File: 1443026067240.jpg (34.59 KB, 460x510, alexa.jpg)

>>158528There are plenty of recent picture where Alexa look great despite her destroying her health with cocain.
Plus it's well know that she has super skinyy legs with bigger thighs wich make her look super weird. She know how to dress herself. But keep thinking what make you feel good.
No. 158532
>>158512Sexless as in not having a sex drive?
I always had a strong sex-drive. Suffered from Anorexia in my late teens, and had no sex-drive at all. It's very common with Anorexics. Now I've been recovered for around 3 years. I'm still slightly on the low end of my ideal BMI, but I have a normal relationship with food, and ta-daaa have a sexdrive again.
No. 158539
File: 1443149306548.jpg (47.1 KB, 262x400, 1435017738593.jpg)

No. 158540
File: 1443149429944.jpg (68.82 KB, 620x372, 3500.jpg)

I really recommend Alexa's new documentary series on the fashion industry. It's nice to see her in her element as a fashion journalist, showing a more serious, behind-the-scenes aspect of the fashion industry.
Also, she looks fantastic and skinny.
No. 158541
File: 1443149566595.jpg (36.03 KB, 306x626, article-2099589-11A5B568000005…)

No. 158542
File: 1443149636581.jpg (27.64 KB, 620x413, main.original.jpg)

Baby Alexa was such a doll. I definitely prefer her current mature look, though.
No. 158560
>>158559when did anyone say it wasn't normal lmao
we just aspire to something more than mediocrity
pls go to
>>9477 if this thread
triggers you
No. 158561
>>158560>when did anyone say it wasn't normal lmaoUm, here (>>10004) at the start of this?
No. 158563
>>158562"Perfectly fine" usually means normal. Anon isn't at risk of dying of heart disease or having to waddle on a scooter, and her weight is not at a point that it negatively affects her health in any way. 120lbs and below is also considered skinny by most sane people + fits into S/XS clothing and attractiveness is purely subjective.
You sound incredibly
triggered. Sorry your ED makes you so testy m8
No. 158564
File: 1443637965949.jpg (163.5 KB, 500x565, 118lbs.jpg)

For reference, this person is around 4-5 pounds heavier than anon and is the same height.
If someone who's smaller than this is what you consider a fatty fatty boombalatti or anything except normal or "perfectly fine", you're probably not okay in the head
No. 158575
File: 1443640846927.jpg (97.45 KB, 540x810, modelnogap.jpg)

>>158572Here's a super skinny woman with no gap, her body has nothing in commun with the girl posted before.
No. 158582
>>158572if you have a body type where you store most of your weight on your legs, then surprise! you won't have a thigh gap.
Same goes for if you have a lot of leg muscle.
No. 158583
>>158582>if you have a body type where you store most of your weight on your legs, then surprise! you won't have a thigh gap.It's still possible because it mostly depends on the way your hips are built.
I'm a pear and have pretty big legs but I still have a thigh gap.
My upper legs still touch but there's a gap above that, it's kind of odd.
No. 158584
File: 1444170114618.jpg (115.83 KB, 500x486, image.jpg)

No. 158585
>>158582I have no hips, a little ass and a thigh gap.
Girl I work with is thin and has wider hips than me and has a thigh gap
Honestly haven't met many people who are bigger with other gaps, but a few skinnyfat girls with HUUUGE asses and thighs but they tend to be shorter than average so maybe that's why?
Shorter people tend to have poor fat distribution
No. 158586
File: 1444170389265.jpg (88.22 KB, 640x640, image.jpg)

No. 158588
File: 1446762121417.jpeg (136.79 KB, 400x710, profiles_n1488768689_6289_3514…)

>>158576She really isn't. She wouldn't have been able to get a job as a runway model if she were fat.
Anyway, back on topic.
No. 158594
>>158592Bitch even bodybuilders cut, and occasional intermittent fasting had actually been proven beneficial for the body.
It's also been proven scientifically that the DNA telomere split and shorten at a drastically reduced rate when a human slightly undereats throughout their lifetime resulting in a healthier body for longer and increased lifespan, hence why countries like Japan enjoy great longevity and fewer disease.
You sound fat and it's against the rules for individuals not yet 18 to use this board so if some tween comes here and ends up starving herself to death that's her own damn fault. Darwinism in action baby.
No. 158597
File: 1447882629471.jpg (45 KB, 500x500, bod.jpg)

My dream body. She's perfection
No. 158598
File: 1447899955743.webm (2.05 MB, 640x640, _umyejin00_Instagram_photos_an…)

according to my friend my sense of healthy body image is warped because I found this girl to be fine for her height (5'10 and age: 15)
No. 158600
File: 1447902352090.png (251.03 KB, 631x354, girl.png)

>>158599Exactly, I told her that
her idea of what is healthy may be skewed due to what she often sees living in the U.S..
What really freaked her out was the 0:11 mark in the vid I took a screen shot of.
The other day she saw some girl who had long thin legs and she freaked out because her calves didn't fill them out at the top and there was still space surrounding her leg.
No. 158601
>>158600you and your friend sound like 16 year old girls
but yes, you are right she looks fine. and ( to the other anon) no one is 'naturally' slim people who eat well or exercise or even just eat a certain number of calories are slim/certain weight. of course she does look 'healthy' slim as in not eating disordered or living a very unhealthy lifestyle (like using drugs for thiness)
No. 158605
>>158601>you and your friend sound like 16 year old girlsOh wow, I've never gotten that reaction about the way I express myself, but I can kind of see how from this lol.
To comment on your other comment that no one is naturally thin, there are people who can have the exact same eating habits and active lifestyle as someone else, and either not gain any weight or lose it, whereas the other individual gains.
In that sense, people are "naturally thin," where there body requires a higher caloric intake to gain weight than someone else, who can be predispositioned to be fat (some studies show that having obese family members, i.e. parents, grand parents can cause you to be vulnerable to obesity in terms of genetics (needing a lower amount of calories to get fat), though behavior plays the largest role).
No. 158615
File: 1449323880036.jpg (5.61 KB, 275x155, image.jpg)

No. 158616
File: 1449686318276.jpeg (84.91 KB, 333x581, image.jpeg)

No. 158618
File: 1449755016142.jpg (477.19 KB, 800x800, 1367251103067.jpg)

Anyone got advice for not looking fat with F cup boobs? I'm 5'9 and have to get size 12-14 shirts cause no top that fits my body fits my boobs.
No. 158622
>>158618I'm not skinny but I would definitely be buying a 4 dress if it weren't for my boobs. I also have to get a 12 more often than not. Number one, get a good supportive bra that keeps them up and together. My only other advice is to just buy what you can (and not look slutty) in kinda stretchy but substantial fabrics and tailor everything else. It sucks so much but it has made me more mindful of the things I buy knowing I will have to have it taken in. Also, two piece outfits are my friend. Looser tops will look much better with a tight bottom or tucked into a skirt.
I also feel much huger than I am with my boobs but oh well…at least it's because of that and not something else.
No. 158629
File: 1449770464981.jpg (70.77 KB, 1024x1024, B55u0WBCIAA5qJu.jpg)

>>158628Legit different Anon who knows about Lomeli but if this is "fucking ugly" I'm actually gagging to see how you look, you must be STUNNING.
Post a picture Anon and grace us with your otherworldly beauty and powerfully seductive physique.
No. 158631
>>158629She looks so much better in this pic.
That doen't change that she looks "fucking ugly" in
>>158621 No. 158638
>visiting mom>"anon, why are you losing so much weight, is this healthly?">not even thin yet, still have like 25lbs to go>"because I haven't reached my gw yet. When I have, I'll stop. I'm healthy.">"Do you remember Anne? She lost a lot of weight like you and she looked 90 years old!">"And there are lots of fat people who also look 90 years old, what is your point exactly?">"I'm just saying don't lose too much weightevery fucking time.
>>158634I would do this, but I've never been skinny before. Congrats on the weight loss so far!
No. 158646
File: 1451964490743.jpg (158.38 KB, 736x1162, 7bd3fbd681b60e06d224ab3d87f873…)

Gonna dump some kpop thinspo.
No. 158647
File: 1451964567380.jpg (68.4 KB, 736x585, 10a62a1d380e90b4f888ca748625cb…)

No. 158648
File: 1451964627200.jpg (738.94 KB, 1077x1600, it03FJrvLbR6z.jpg)

No. 158649
File: 1451964648807.jpg (269.55 KB, 800x1200, 2e4ixzk.jpg)

No. 158650
File: 1451964696657.jpg (82.22 KB, 520x606, 15197-hyomin-disappearing-pant…)

No. 158651
File: 1451964751282.jpg (72.47 KB, 736x956, 5f777f8d8289d6c4b4bf8bdda2910b…)

No. 158652
File: 1451964916122.jpg (85.54 KB, 500x958, mbc12_lizzy1.jpg)

No. 158653
File: 1451964973560.jpg (137.52 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mw43ki34hY1regji8o1_500…)

No. 158654
File: 1451964992630.jpeg (79.96 KB, 466x700, waist-goo-hara.jpeg)

No. 158656
File: 1452136509863.jpg (25.11 KB, 400x863, Satynenoir1petite.jpg)

>>158653something sincerely disturbs me about her figure, her hips look like a weird enaibi bjd
No. 158657
>>158653her body has shape of H letter
she desperately needs some waist
No. 158658
>>158653Tbh I'm grossed out by how so many asian pop stars/actresses/it-girls have absolutely no muscle tone. They like them skinnyfat.
>>157829Well, you could with the right genetics, differs for everyone. Ultimately though, even if you could get a low enough bodyfat percentage healthfully, no one who's under 5'8 will ever have those bodies.
No. 158660
File: 1452319611759.jpg (241.29 KB, 1500x844, Perfume.jpg)

>>158653I had a male friend that once said to me "i think the snsd girls are good role models, because theyre thin but not weird thin"
i was going to say theyre actually freaks but it would have broken him.
heres some perfume because i wish i was even half as cute as they are
No. 158665
>>158664There's nothing wrong with using anecdotal data to backup a statement.
It's only when you start bragging that it becomes a problem.
No. 158666
File: 1453061525459.png (600.22 KB, 1080x963, Screenshot_2016-01-17-21-05-54…)

No. 158668
File: 1455521626565.jpg (70.23 KB, 640x480, image.jpg)

Am I fat?
No. 158672
>>157738Her hair drives me so insane that I can't find her good looking.
That shaved hairline is an atrocity.
No. 158674
>>158673Nah she's still out there posing away, talking like a fairy who's eaten dmt for a decade.
'Oh my precious little peaches the sky is grey and ever so dreary. My soul is falling away like pieces of wet cake blah blah'
She still only has one facial expression so idk why she thinks modeling is for her.
No. 158675
File: 1455573248701.jpg (43.19 KB, 362x692, image.jpg)

She has such a great body
No. 158676
File: 1455573293321.png (240.45 KB, 292x726, xlineyoonah.png)

No. 158681
File: 1455698193301.png (158.86 KB, 412x200, oi.png)

>>158678a closeup of a mini breadstick from a chex mix bag and a hand grabbin it
No. 158682
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No. 158683
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No. 158687
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AnnaLynne McCord, 100%.
I had no idea she was the chick from Excision until I started watching 90210.
No. 158690
>>158688same height as urs
the question is
>do you have boobs?i have itty bitty tits and when i hit 110lbs i looked spoopy
you could see my bones in the chest area and ribs
would not recommend
unless you know, you have tits
then go ahead. should be fine
No. 158692
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her body is so perfect to me.
i'm the same as her so it's actually reachable for me too, only need to lose like 10~ish more.
No. 158694
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>>158693shelley mulshine! i know she used to post on lookbook a bunch, not sure if she still does, but i know she posts on instagram still No. 158695
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>>158692>>158693>>158694She put on weight and has kind of grown out of her teenage cuteness/youthfulness though.
I think she's kind of boring now but it's to be expected. I remember her birthday is like 4 days off mine so I guess she's 24, turning 25 in August.
No. 158702
>>158701So be lean and fit. Who cares if you're bullied.
fat people are idiots and want to bully thin women because their blood pressure and cholesterol are too high. Fat will never be beautiful or desired.
No. 158710
>>158708I don't come here to trade stats lol
>>158709Hey thanks so much! I'm a lesbian, but I always appreciate lolcow positivity.
No. 158711
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No. 158716
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No. 158717
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No. 158718
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No. 158719
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No. 158720
>>158719this one yes
>>158716>>158717>>158718these not so much. but god its so hard to look thin when you are so short. I wish I was at least 5'7"
No. 158721
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imho emily browning is perfect, very much on the thin/petite side but not skelly
>>158715reminds me of krystal cole/neurosoup
(not a compliment)
>>158716i find this cute
>>158695>>158694i used to want to be her so badly. will always find her cute, she seemed sweet although maybe a tad vain
No. 158723
>>158722oh boo hoo
get a fucking grip
No. 158726
>>158722>I should have starved myself more when I was developing so then maybe my hip bones would have never grown.kek. This actually happened to me. I also am literally flat and wear training bras even though I'm not even skinny.
I'm sure you're just trolling but wide hips are seriously better.
>look good at high weights not just underweight>sexy>thigh gap No. 158732
>>158730>>158731that used to be me.
now im
triggered by thin girls.
No. 158735
>>158730Fatties in buffet restaurants set me off the worst.
I'm prone to binge eating and have weak self control in a buffet environment so I avoid those places like the plague, but every so often a friend or family will plan an outing at a buffet and I'll forget why I don't go to those places and I'll end up enjoying a huge pile of food…
And then there's always suddenly a huge greasy obese person shovelling food, like the most boring food in the place like fries and chicken nuggets with gallons of ketchup, in as fast as possible. After seeing that I won't be able to eat, I'll start wanting to purge what I have eaten and I'll have to just say I'm full and leave asap.
OT but also working at a buffet must be depressing, the smell of poop'n'purge in toilets of those places is so obvious.
No. 158737
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No. 158738
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No. 158739
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No. 158740
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No. 158741
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No. 158743
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No. 158745
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No. 158746
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No. 158752
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>>158144Her ass is almost as bad as the one from Miley Cyrus.
No muscles
No. 158755
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No. 158757
>>158755id love to have yolandi's body
petite yet toned
No. 158758
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Taylor Momsen before she became a skinnyfat potato.
No. 158763
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>>158758I agree, but to be honest I prefer skinnyfat Taylor over extremly Spoopy Taylor like pic related
No. 158765
>>158754>>158752Are you sure?
Because I thought that pic related was Miley's ass before I googled and found out it was Zahias
No. 158770
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No. 158771
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razorcandi has such good genetics, god made two of her (her twin eden)
No. 158772
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No. 158775
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No. 158777
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No. 158778
>>158777Im so jelly of her.
She says she just walks everywhere and does 30min of exercise a day but idk shes preeeetttyy thin
No. 158780
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No. 158781
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>Wants to have a flat stomach and skinny thighs.
>Natural pear shaped body.
>What is this life.
I've been doing squats, runs and all that to tone up, but I've heard that it makes thighs bigger? What exactly keeps them slim? (apart from losing weight.)
Also I've been trying to eat three times a day, but I'm thinking to cutting it to two for the time being. I normally skip breakfast but I tend to eat a lot at lunch, so maybe that should go instead.
No. 158783
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Hi, I just discovered this site so I'm gonna dump my thinspo. Let me know if it's shit & I should stop.
No. 158785
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>>158784This is Wendy from Red Velvet btw. She was chubby before she got into kpop & you can see how much of a difference the weight loss has made.
No. 158791
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>>158790Last one for now. I have more if you guys want, I just don't wanna spam it up too hard in here in case we don't like the same thinspo.
No. 158792
>>158788ugh i need titty surgery to lift these deflated Cs and get this skin removed
anyone else never been fat (bmi 19 here) but have saggy loose skin? what can we do for horrible tits?
No. 158794
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>>158793Her url used to be therealbarbielifts on tumblr, but she deleted it. I have a couple more of her though. Her waist to hip ratio is so perfect. ;-;
No. 158800
>>158799Like seriously girls don't compare yourself to photoshopped impossible unnatural proportions
And shame on her for faking it to be honest
No. 158802
>>158801That actually raised my self esteem by like 3 points to know, thank you.
>>158799Do you know her new url?
No. 158807
>>158806deleted and changed to cocochampange (bitch cant even spell right)
still shooping now that she quit camming again… whats wrong with her
No. 158809
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This girl is so pretty, face and body wise. I love small upper bodies with big hips and nice legs. All her posts are always beautiful and I'm pretty jealous of her overall life.
>>158721Same anon. I'm so jealous of petite girls.
No. 158812
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No. 158818
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No. 158819
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No. 158820
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No. 158821
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No. 158823
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As a female who is interested in fitness and making strength gains, I do not find skinny little noodle legs to be attractive; rather my goal is to have a thin body with muscle definition, such as a this woman, jazzypooo aka jazmine Garcia. She is 5'1, so similar in height to me an a thinsp/fitspo I can see myself striving for.
No. 199713
Wow, being skinny is so gross. I cant believe people actually try to be this skinny. Its different from being in shape and sexy, but this is not sexy nor is it an accomplishment. Its sad. Sad pathetic hobby to make yourself so grotesque to the of some of these pictures. When i see these images, all i can imagine is the smell of vomit and oil hair as most people of this degree of skinny tend to smell like. Being overweight or obese is not great either, but if i had a choice between being skinny or fat, no way in hell i would be skinny. I would weigh 300 pounds before being this unbeatable to look at and be near (the odor). Just an empty flimsy walking corpse with hollow eyes and likely no soul. Im talking about people that choose to be skinny and have a choice. This doesnt go for people with illnesses that make them lose weight (non mental illnesses such as cancer, ulcerative colitis etc). Why would you want to appear termimally ill unless you wanted to die? Do you want attention? You aren't getting attention from being skinny, at least not any good attention. You will only cause someone to he sick to their stomach. Skinny people definitely have the worst body odor especially when they starve themselves. It's like a toxic indescribable pungent smell. Like a very very dirty house where everyone sleeps on top of each other and never bathes. You won't ever know because you are immune to it, and anyone you ask won't have the heart to tell you. I have been near so many, and thats one reason i hope to never be that thin. But its a mix of mild body odor, oil build up, scalp sweat, tangy yet sweet nauseating vomit smell and an overwhelming mustiness. Like garbage in a way. Its not even bulemia related. Its the reaction of a person who is making themself waste away and the composition of their sweat, hair and skin changes. That and the attitude of a person skinny by choice makes them impossible to be around. Even for sex. Maybe if someome is drunk but many times not even then. Why would you want to live such a sad life. I definitely am glad i am a healthy weight and fit. I feel so great and so energized every day and every hour. How many of you have the strength to run 4 miles right now? Then work out at the gym doing circuits for 45 minutes? You dont take care of your bodies or your minds, but you've convinced yourself this is the right way to live. But it's barely even existing.
No. 199715
>>199713this is so fucking funny
good read Emaline, good read.
No. 199727
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>>199710I"m the same height and around the same weight, also deal with the big head issue. I also had a big head when I was a lil heavier though, so I think it's just my head being massive, not my weight haha.
I wish I was tall because tall girls can pull off ultra skinny the best imo.
No. 199733
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No. 199734
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No. 199735
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No. 199739
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i don't expect to achieve the exact same body but i always think of sarah snyder when i need some thinspo
No. 199762
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Alexis Ren is goals