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No. 157625
stupid shit that only misled, easily manipulated teenage girls would be into bc its the "trendy" thing now.
how can anyone even remotely insinuate that they are having sexual relations with a father figure? must suck to have a bad relationship with your real father i guess
No. 157627
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No, because pedophilia and incest are fucking disgusting. What the fuck is wrong with you people.
No. 157634
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Not only is that shit disgusting, it's a pretty good front for teenage girls who are only following it to be part of the cool kids club (this shit even snuck its way into pop music ffs) to be taken advantage of by nasty, old neckbearded fucks. Plus, some CSA victims most likely don't appreciate scrolling down seemingly innocous imagery and then suddenly seeing/reading that shit.
You can still like cute, pretty things without wanting to fuck the same person you call your father. This trend needs to stop. It needs to stop. Your kink is nasty, and you should feel bad. Don't be proud of it. You're a fucking creep. You don't see scat fetishists walking around in shirts that read "Free Human Toilet", do you? No, because it's fucking distasteful and even they have the common sense to realize it.
>mfw my dash is full of the word "daddy"
>mfw some of my favorite mutuals are guilty of this shit but I actually like them/their blogs otherwise so I can't even do anything about it
>mfw I see someone put some "Buy me please, daddy?" bullshit under a completely unrelated photo (like a picture of a fucking candy aisle in a supermarket)
>mfw I watch/listen to porn and then suddenly "Oh yeah daddy"/"You like it when daddy does that?"
It just triggers me so much. I'm slowly becoming desensitized, but even the OP picture sickened me a little bit.
No. 157635
>>157630No? I've admitted that I regret what I wrote when I read it over….Is that so bad? And even if that comment would have me being banned, why would I want to be banned ffs? Might as well stop it before it happens and be low key with the rest of my comments.
Also, this isn't the only thread I go on, so why would I gtfo for one anon in one thread? And I'm pretty sure I'm not a 'child'.
No. 157642
>>157641Do you expect every relationship to be pushed in your face? Tumblr is annoying. Period.
Honestly In into ageplay/dd-lg and if I ever find a guy whole likes it also then Ill make sure we'll we take normal pictures and keep everything off the net.
Unless it's specifically a porn blog.
But with Tumblr, you can blacklist the tags, block the user or, put up the nsfw blocker.
No. 157643
>>157640Oh sorry, I just reread your posts. Yeah I guess it is sickening when you're looking for seemingly innocent shit like pastels. And then some don't even tag it nsfw.
The only thing you can do is block the other tags they use and see if that helps a bit.
Again, sorry anon, but don't let Tumblr (or any other god forsaken) ruin your image of these people okay? Most of their users have made everything that they touched bad(FA, lolita(he), starseeds, furries, fetishes, gay rights, feminism, act)
No. 157644
>>157642You'd be surprised how many people post porn and don't tag it as nsfw.
Since ur into it may I ask why do you enjoy calling someone you fuck daddy? Don't you have a real father?…
No. 157645
>>157644How stupid are some people to think that when you say daddy in role play you mean father? I get maybe thinking that the
first time but time and time again people tell you otherwise
It has nothing to do with incest. I don't pretend that he is my real father. That's gross af. It's
power play. It's like "master" but with a more gentle connotation.
No. 157646
>>157644I may have a different reasoning than most, but I specifically have a problem growing up. Everytime my birthday would roll around, I would cry in the morning around the time I was born, and then cry at midnight. The rest of the year would be spent crying silently thinking about dying, because while it was an interesting topic for me, it led me think king about it more that I should have. I despise getting older.
I really don't want to let go being a young girl (not a baby girl, young). My dad and I have(not dead yet) an excellent relationship despite its .
I just think (And know) I won't be able to cope when it happens so I would like someone to fill that void when it does. That person will never be my real parent, but, hey, it's someone I can love.
I don't get off on seeing people in other relationships do it either. I don't sexualize little girls either (and I hope who ever I end up with doesn't either).
I just want a relationship where I can fill a certain void, roleplay, and have sex without it being weird. Nor do I want to do that diaper shit I see some age players do. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Yeah, I guess I will dress up in cute and youthful clothes. (no, not like wearing suspenders when I'm 50. Or putting bubbles in my hair when I 44.)
That's all I can write about for now though.
No. 157647
>>157645Or that,maybe I'm thinking about ageplaying. I'm the anon above.
But then again, I wouldn't deny I want dominance too.
No. 157649
>>157648it's not incest related at all. if it was incest then he would call me 'daughter' or something related to a father/daughter relationship
same thing with sis/brother. that would be an incest fetish
I don't think my bf looks like a father/old man/is actually my father. I don't like master. I like dominance but I don't like intense things like that (master/slave sounds too intense for me).
and anyways in my culture using the word dad or daddy is to refer to a man you care about/date. So to me it's not incestuous anyways in my daily life.
No. 157651
Daddy/father/dad is bad.
But I find other incest relationships which are getting popular on tumblr just as bad. Little sister/big brother? Big sis/little bro? Uncle? Grandpa? Urgh.
Ppl are such pedos like lmao y'all should have your genitals sewn shut damn
No. 157657
>>157648Daddy used to mean boyfriend before tho
It's a common misconception that people think they have daddy issues. I could say that sweet lolita is ageplay and think sweet lolitas have daddy issues lol
No. 157658
>>157651How is an incest fetish harmful though?
These girls just want to be protected by a big brother lol
No. 157662
>>157661Except I'm not. I'm talking about role play. And if both little sister and big brother are consent and adults, who gives a shit. as long as the girl dont get pregnant, why would anyone care?
i mean isnt fapping to ponies much worse?
No. 157666
>>157665If the people aren't related, why can't it be acceptable? Other anon is right, if they are both legal and vonsenting, they're happy, not related, not shoving it down anyone's throats (running a blog doesn't count because you have a choice of following them), and no one is forcibly making others like their friends and family to participate even when they are uncomfortable them I don't see the problem.
Of course fucking your sibling is not accepted due to the fact that the offspring may havettroubles, but that's not going to happen unless you live literally in a small secluded place with little to no access from the outside so you literly have no one else to fuck.
Now if you want to say your own opinion that's cool, but to say the role-play will never be accepted is generalized.
No. 157672
>>157669What people do in their bedrooms is no one elses business. So what if I got a boyfriend a few years older than me tomorrow, then when we fuck I call him daddy and spanks my ass.
Srsly though how is that any of you hoes business? Its just a turn on sorta thing, it's nothing to do with kids or whatever.
piss off
No. 157676
>>157675Good thing that doesn't actually happen.
Look, this fetish is disgusting on every level, but it does not enable pedophilia in any way if it's between two consenting adults.
There are humans who sexualize horses, dress up as them and make "ponyplay" into a thing, but have you seen any new trends of horse rape as a direct result of it? No.
No. 157682
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this is my mental image of all dd/lg relationships and it is 100% accurate except it doesn't include the fat pink-haired girl with BPD who tries to squeeze her rolls into ~kawaii~ clothes from walmart
No. 157683
>>157681AGAIN bitch I have sex with people my own age and i'm not attracted to old men. jesus fuck
It's not young/old relationships thats different
No. 157692
>>157689I still don't get it though, so what if they want to treat their partners like children? Again, if they both consent to it and are of legal age, then why isn't it okay? I mean, yeah there are going to be kids that are into that shit or doing it for attention on the internet, but it doesn't mean that they were 'groomed'. They saw it, they wanted to emulate it. If they out of that stage, great for them! If they still like it after reaching adult age, then that's fine.
Pedophilia and
insert word for a person who gets off on young teens is disgusting, and both of those are NOT Dd/LG relationships.
No. 157702
>>157695this is not a new tween thing buddy
This stems from other cultures as well as gay culture too
Daddys in the gay community are notoriously older hotter men. As a black girl I watched my older relatives call their boyfriends and spouses Daddy, it was normal and it wasn't in an incest way more of in a "you are/could be the father of my children" way.
I don't have a father so maybe it does boil down to having daddy issues but if I see a hot older guy I often use the term daddy, because he's not a boy he's a grown ass man who is capable of making babies.
So no, the "daddy' shit isn't new.
On the flip side when it comes to the fetish part of it, I am slightly interested in ageplay but not in a sexual sense but in a way to relax and destress. I've heard of people who just like eating their favorite childhood foods, watching cartoons and coloring and that appeals to me because with the fast paced job that I have it'd be nice to be free of adult responsibilities. But the idea of having a daddy/mommy/older sibling dynamic in that type of thing squicks me since I was sexually abused by an older relative as a kid.
No. 157705
>>157704maybe. but its relaxing/comforting to me. In no way is it related to me wanting to be an actual child, I'm an adult with regular adult responsibilities but I like playing childish games
I can see why people would think it's weird tho
No. 157706
>>157705tell me what you do anon
im writing a daddy kink AU and i need ur help
No. 157708
>>157675that's like saying people with rape fantasies go rape others. you're stupid.
those are just harmless fantasies. calm down lmao
No. 157715
>>157655Dude i call my dom oniichan too.
It's weaboo as hell but it's pretty hot indeed and it makes me feel comfortable more than "master"
No. 157717
>>157714I agree.
who gets this mad when he can just unfollow those blogs?
No. 157722
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who buys this shit
No. 157727
>>157622i would have one, but i think the most of these relationships are just for fuckfriends right?
i want one where my daddy is my boyfriend tbh
>>157627it's not pedophilia
>>157634wearing that type of clothes it's suppose to be only with your partner not on the streets lol
>>157648yeah, and master is anothe form to call a teachor of professor, so when you say someone to be you fuck master, you want to fuck with your kindergarden teacher then?
your point is stupid
>>157651i prefer people being called sister/brother daughter/daddy than real pedophiles who make real damage to the children
>>157662yep, for these guys being in a dd/lg relationship mean you're a pedophile and if you fap to ponies you're a zoophilic lol
>>157667i see it creepy too, but if they like it, and isn't hurting anybody, well, good for them
it's cringe me but, well, is what they like
>>157675> i dont want a dd/lg because i know fucking childs is something i'm going to like and i'm going to rape some childs because i'm a stupid who can't diferenciate between role-play and real life that's what i read
>>157678you know what normalise pedophilia? guys who date and have relasionship with REAL underage
people who role-play dd/lg , most of them, think it's disgusting to have that kind of relasionship with a kid
>>157694yeah, the same effects with that book " 50 shades of gray" but everybody seems ok with that right?
also, most of the people with blogs like that put on their page that it's NSFW, so, it's not the guilt of the people in dd/lg
No. 157728
>>157727>>157727I am in a DD/LG long term relationship. When I say DD/LG I do not mean we role play 24/7 but only in the bed room. We also do occasional kitten play and 'normal' sex.
I wear mostly like cute lingerie,pigtails, pony tails,collars, etc (during sexual encounters).
most DD/LG adults ONLY role play/wear RP clothes IN THE BED ROOM. I've never seen ANYONE IRL wearing such style of clothes, only seen it on tumblr.
Also I think 50 Shades of Gray was a horrible book where some super abusive guy latches onto some shy girl who cant stand up for herself. I would be more worried about that book than about my fetish (not to you anon just in general responses)