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File: 1437060026992.jpg (31.37 KB, 300x200, black-eyeliner-on-almond-eyes.…)

No. 157094

My eyes kind of look like the ones in this picture but smaller with larger eye lids. My grandmother is korean and although my mom looks korean I ended up looking very white (everyone else in the family is white hispanics)

I still have more 'almondy' eyes but my eyelid itself looks a bit rounder than most almond eyes, my nose is a higher profile/big, face is still round though.

Recently i've gotten into korean things even though i never payed attention to this before since it's not a big part of my family/my family is not traditional

How can I make my eyes look more almond/elongated? i want to also define my inner eye (its pointy ish? cant explain it,) since it has a bit of a fold which makes it more 'asian' looking.

tldr; want eyes to look more asian. thanks

No. 157095

Get some tape and pull youre eyes back with it and then cover the tape up with foundation

No. 157096

Are you that desperate for weebs to flock here? Please stoppit.

No. 157097

no I just really want makeup advice. I want to start wearing it to accentuate my eye shape

No. 157098

You can't cover the tape with foundation it will fall right off. Some girl I used to know did this and covered the tape with her hair. It fucked up her eyes after a long period of time so I wouldn't recommend this. It doesn't look natural either and you could see inside of her eye.

No. 157099

You cant turn a round eye into a slant eye. Asian eye shapes are unfortunate, be happy you didn't inherit it.

No. 157100

They have beautiful eyes

No. 157101

U can't see them tho

No. 157102

Wow that's kinda sad
I guess you could get surgery for you to be a master weeb, like that brazillian guy who had surgery to look azn.

I guess you could accentuate your epicanthal fold if u have one by putting white colours on it and elongating your eyes with eyeliner and eyeshadow, but any differences will be slight. You should really stick to loving yourself and how you look. Nothing looks as bad as someone trying to be something they're not. Have a look at the asha thread some day, or pixyteri.

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