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No. 1567124
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I placed an order from a company for some woven palm items, they told me in one month my order would be ready. It has now been four months and they are just not communicating with me. I ask for updates I get ignored, or they say we'll let you know tomorrow and never message me. Even placing the order took over two months because they just wouldn't answer emails. Wanted them by two months ago so I tried to order them six months ago as I figured that would be more than enough time, according to how they work and their estimated timeline. Not a chance.
I wouldn't care so much if they would just update me on what is going on! You tell me "one month the order will be finished" then radio silence for three months, well that's not cool. Definitely have to find another company if I decide to do this again, one that doesn't ignore messages and updates me periodically if it's taking longer than expected.
No. 1567163
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I'm scared I have rheumatoid arthritis or gout or some shit like that, I've been having pain in my knees and elbows for over a year, but especially knees, it happens on its own and goes away on its own, sometimes I can't sleep at night because of the knee pain, now again I have a strong pain right above my left knee when I'm bending it, which makes it hard to walk so I'm just limping a bit. I have a discopathy and last year a MRI scan shown an inflammation in the bone marrow in my spine, but I literally didn't have the time to do anything with it, I just take painkillers. Sometimes I wake up and I'm unable to move my neck. I never checked my knees at the doctor tho. I'm taking 2 weeks of vacation soon and I'm scared it won't be enough time to check all possible reasons for my body being this fucked up, I also don't know how to talk about it to my doctor without sounding like a hypochondriac. I'm always tired despite sleeping, I have terrible cold sweats at night, and IBS. But the joint pain is the most worrying thing at my age I guess. I'm thin and I don't do any sports so what the hell. I have a job where I stand or walk most of the time, but none of the people I work with is in constant pain like me, not even coworkers in their 40s
No. 1567185
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I just got a bloody booger on my white top sheet
No. 1567197
>>1567193My kneecap keeps slipping out of the femoral groove and partially (or sometimes fully) dislocating. There is surgery for it
corrective or complete knee replacement - but I'm trying my hardest to avoid that. Currently doing lots of excersises to strenghtne the muscles in that area and I get injections every four months which help take the edge off the pain. Winter is still brutal as fuck though, I'm like a little old lady with a blanket over my legs at all times.
No. 1567210
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I wanted to do something but found out it has already been done and doing it won't get me any attention. So, now I'm not going to do it even though I wanted to.
No. 1567305
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No. 1567383
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My "friend" has gotten super annoying to me lately. I found out that she's become a power-hungry bitch who bosses my other friend around (they work together and we all used to be coworkers) despite being the new girl so that really soured me. And she talks about herself fucking constantly
She's like 35 and has started trying for a baby and has been tracking her cycle and scheduling sex. Tbh if I started trying for a baby, my husband and I would just fuck often idk. She also has massive credit card debt and student loans so I hope it takes her a long-ass time to get knocked up
Really want to stop talking to her but we take the same train to work everyday, fuck me
No. 1567392
My PTSD is fucking with me so hard today. I didn't eat all day and as a result feel extremely weak with a hemiplegic migraine and my dissociation is fucking me up. Nothing looks real it's like a blurry mess exactly like a dream. Everything is my fault and I hate myself. I often regret not killing myself in my teens. Still get urges to cut myself like the useless retard I am.
>>1567373I'm exactly like this. Idk if it's just because I'm a sensitive baby from childhood neglect or if it's because it's hard to connect with someone, but once I do, I can't let them go even though the rational part of me knows people come and go.
No. 1567408
>>1567406>failure>loserIf you aren't actually hurting anyone and are actively taking steps to be self sufficient or are moderately self sufficient you have no obligation at all to be something grandiose or aspire for anything grandiose. If you aren't an asshole you've already won. First step to stop being unhappy is to
1. Not hurt other people
And if you have 1 down then all you need is
2. Stop looking at stagnancy or simplicity as a sign that you aren't just as worthy of existence as anyone else. If you want better for yourself then actively taking small steps to remove this attitude from your life and stop hypernegative self talk because there is no way to ever stop wallowing in self pity if you're repeatedly referring to yourself like that. You don't have to love yourself or even like yourself but do yourself the favor of respecting yourself.
No. 1567431
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>sudden influx of followers
>for some fucking reason practically all of them are trannies and pronoun-havers
No. 1567435
>>1567092I went down the rabbithole a few years back when the videos from fb livestreams made by Shanann were on youtube–they might still be there.
Chris was a typical useless moid. There used to be a lot of maleposters commenting under her videos about how she was a "bully" to Chris when in reality she was just exasperated by his repeated incompetence even in the most obvious of situations. She became the domestic manager and I'm sure it hurt her deeply that Chris was so aloof and clearly not into anything she planned or set up for the family. If you wanna see some REAL fucked up shit, try to find the video where Shanann announces her third pregnancy to Chris. Spoiler: He tries to play off as shocked-happy but he looks devastated. I'm surprised she posted that as it's really embarassing and sad. She'd vent to her friends about what an asshole he'd be but none of the pickmes ever suggested she leave him, only how mAaAaad she should get at him and how she should jusT cOmMunIcaTe moReeE.
Where Shanann really fucked up IMO, is becoming a MLM hon. Chris, being a worthless moid, knew his household was sinking into debt as he kept pumping Shanann with more babies and trying to pay for the whole house while she made pennies–if not more debt–with her vitamin patches.
Men despise providing if it gets to be too much of a challenge, and they will resent women for it unless they are fun trophy wives with no baggage. The third pregnancy sent him over the edge. Chris was too dumb to realize what he did with his life wasn't what he wanted and it was too late to take it back. He couldn't just take back kids, and he knew his ex would haunt him both financially and emotionally.
When the new lady opportunity came, he killed his wife and kids out of impulse and convenience. Shanann came back from a trip and probably got into an argument with Chris over not communicating with her while he was too busy fucking his mistress to care.
The moral of this story is to not depend on a man, and do not have kids if the man doesn't want them (they want sex with no consequences so it drives them berserk when consequences come kicking, and then they will murder you, statistical likelihood). The probability of women being murdered by their partners goes up when they become pregnant.
No. 1567443
>>1567441Tell em hell no. I swear it's always the same people calling out and the same people expected to just cover those people every time. Then when you finally say "no I got plans" or "actually I want Friday off to do a thing" everyone flips out. Those lazy coworkers who randomly call off should just be fired. They never cover anyone anyway.
>>1567440I work midday so it's really hard to do anything before or after work. I usually have to take the whole day off to do something if they dont allow me to start later or end earlier. Then I've lost money.
No. 1567447
>>1567430I know the feel
nonnie, we're going to make it eventually : (
(: () No. 1567472
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I have this recurring phase of feeling like everything is pointless and I should just kermit and it has been really bad the past few days. The worst is when people ask you what has happened and are just unable to believe that someone can feel sad for absolutely no reason and think you're just lying when you say that nothing happened
No. 1567507
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its 4:30 am. i haven't slept. i'm not going to sleep. i'm making coffee and will get ready for the day and do chores. i will go to the gym after. the only person who can get me out of this hole is myself. its gonna happen or else i just rot. i don't wanna rot so i'm making it happen. i would ask to be lit on fire if it meant i could get better quicker. but alas it is a painful and arduous task where i am doomed to repeat destructive patterns unless i put in the hard work and effort to not live a sad sad life. i would prefer a less sad one at least. so i'm making coffee and thats final. picrel
No. 1567513
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I hate working so much and my job isn't even that bad. Whenever I say outloud how the happiest times of my life have been when I was at college or unemployed, people look at me like I'm from Mars. The closest to feeling alive and free was almost 10 years ago when I left my awful job, wrote off my car and lived on a family member's couch for 3 weeks. Now I'm a "professional" and I hate it! Fuck!
I'm saving like a fiend so one day I can yeet myself off this pointless occupational ride and become an art bum till I run out of money and ideas.
No. 1567529
>>1567525I had this problem, and it went on for a year before my mental health issues got unmanageable and I dropped out.
Regardless of whether or not you graduate, you'll be able to heal and thrive once you're out of grad school. Academia is its own beast and generates/exacerbates mental health issues in a way that no other institutional class does. Take it from me- I exited a shattered mess and now make more than my narc PI while doing more interesting work.
No. 1567605
>>1567534It might be worth looking into therapy or seeing a psychiatrist, in that case. Finishing your degree will open a lot of doors.
>>1567536You'll find a job sooner or later,
nonnie No. 1567639
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There lately has been an increase in troon defenders littered all over the site, where do they come from??
No. 1567684
>>1567513I'm the same, I'm somewhat between jobs atm and I'm enjoying the break. I know I'll hate it when I return to work.
It's nice to have an income but I won't really have time for any of the things that actually make me happy.
No. 1567756
>>1567435Thank you nonna for putting into words what I felt back when I went down the rabbit hole with this case.
What I hated back when Shannan's fb videos surfaced all moids and pickmes jumped on the "ShAnaNn is A nARciSsiSt aNd aN aBUsEr" and "sEe, wHaMEn cAn bE ABuseRs tOo" train, picking on every little thing she said and every little gesture, while fully knowing that she's dead and therefore can't defend herself, nor her children. I swear, moid solidarity is unbeatable. One man can do vile stuff like in this case and there are still 3-5 dumbasses defending him and forming a little clique that hates on the
victim and not on the perpetrator
>do not have kids if the man doesn't want them Moids will poetically lie about their wish to have kids because 1, having kids boosts their status in scroteland and 2, they want kids for the aesthetic and "being the fun parent" without bearing any responability. When responability kicks in, they try so hard into becoming the other toddler in the house.
No. 1567795
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Instagram deleted picrel from my page for "hate speech". Are you fucking kidding me.
No. 1567803
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>>1567795i got a comment deleted, obviously tongue-in-cheek and mocking the person I'm responding to, "males must stab one another, clearly there cannot be another way", whereas comments from males saying they want to rape/kill/harm a female in the comments or in a video, and especially anything about raping children or in support of porn of children, gets a "this doesn't go against out guidelines”.
really makes you think
No. 1567845
I hate dogs so fuckng much. I was raised with cats so i know im kind of biased, but fuck, dogs are the worst. You have to teach them EVERYTHING.
My mum decided it would be a bright idea to get a puppy - shes mixed, but we know she has Caucasian Ovcharka in her. So, a scary dog.
Oh fuck. This puppy business is wore than a newborn child. Newborn children dont randomly lunge at you and draw blood. Newborn children also don't generally have to be taught to take naps.
Its been few days since i started dogsitting this bitch. I mean that in a literal and derogatory way. I spent an hour taking away all of this babys toys so she would calm down and take a nap, but she finds everything interesting, especially our wandering young kitty, who, by the way, is smaller and younger than the puppy, and im constantly afraid she'll bite the poor things head off. Which she can do no problem. I cry every fucking day because she streses me out so much. Jumping, barking, tugging at me, pissing and shitting on the floor (its my fault, but it also annoys me that i have to wash my floor every other day).
She bites everything. That is the absolute worst part of having her. If i was the only person responsible for her care I'd constantly daydream of just letting her out and roam. Just leave me the fuck alone, i beg you.
She's not dumb, but shes so impulsive and so needy. I dont understand dog people. If you want a child, just get one. You can talk to it eventually and they'll understand sound reasoning.
No. 1567848
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I wanna read, but I can't read when someone's home because I can't relax when I expect someone to come into my room every five minutes (and they usually do) reeee
No. 1567893
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>like a week and a half before graduation
>submitted my application for it early this year
>get 2 emails:
>>one from records, telling me my application has been denied
>>another from a professor asking me my mailing address
>respond to my professor: correct it, ask if i should ignore the records email
>>he says yes
>email records asking them if all they need is an address correction
>>they say an address correction wouldn't lead to my application being rejected
>email advisor
>>"yes my boss and a member of the department are making a decision regarding you"
>don't get to know what that decision is because he doesn't know either
i feel ill. i don't know what's going on. or rather i have few guesses but i was essentially told by the professor at the time that it was "okay" for me to do what i did
really don't know what i'll do if i don't get my degree kek, i'm running out of money and all the jobs i've applied for require i have this degree. i'm scared and depressed but i still have to do shit.
i feel it can't be anything extremely serious. if it were then why the hell is it happening now, at the cusp of me getting out of here? holy christ i've not prayed in years but i am praying now kek
No. 1567951
life is seriously so fucked up and perverted here, and people i try to talk to about it irl make me feel crazy for saying it. i've lived in a big tx city all of my life and i don't know if i can take it anymore, and i don't really see a way out for me besides death. there is no community, no empathy, no real sprituality, no respect for others in general but especially not for children. those under 18 are honestly not treated like human beings here, much like many other groups… all of the focus here is on profit and the self. all me me me me (i'm not even gonna get into the overturning of roe v. wade and how that's impacted women here cause i already wanna kms) i grew up going to church often, where there should have been a great sense of belonging and community, but it was never like that for me or my sister because we always just felt controlled by it. i feel my entire life, my identity and spirit, everything has been bastardized by the culture here. idk if it's just modern american culture, the southern culture, or what that is so intolerable to me. but i swear to god, when i look around at everyone who has grown up in this system around me, none of them seem truly happy, free, or know what they want in life. everyone is broken and unable to connect with others. idk, maybe im just naively thinking that the grass would be greener on the other side, but i really feel like my life could have been so much better if i had been born somewhere else, somewhere simpler, maybe another country. i wish i had been raised by a village as a child instead of by daycare workers and teachers who hated me, and absent parents who never taught me anything about how to live life. this is purely anecdotal, but i'm 2nd gen. immigrant and my family that decided to stay in our home country are objectively happier, healthier, kinder, and more prosperous. they literally glow compared to us. sigh. probably nobody understands what i'm trying to say anyway
No. 1568011
>>1568002I did deal with similar thoughts some years ago when I first discovered porn(I knew what it was for years but had never looked at a porn site and curiosity unfortunately got the best of me) and it instantly disgusted me. Everything is a porn category if you are a woman no matter how mundane. So for a while I couldn't leave the house because the thought of men having sexual thoughts in public, and worse: actually jacking off creeped me out so much.
I totally get where you are coming from but I don't think you should worry about mayo being cum though
No. 1568020
I'm at my first gynecologist appointment. Never had one growing up but I'm waiting for the doc because I'm actively panicking. They found nothing wrong with my uterus but my symptoms sre so bad they wanted to check downstairs because they want to make sure i'm not having some weird vaginal deformity that causes the pain.
I am deeply uncomfortable with my female body or another person touching me in any way, and if they find out i'm a lesbian, i've heard horror stories of them getting dropped for the crime of,
gasp! liking pussy! So i feel sick and neededvto let it out because my mom couldn't help me out because our psychiatrist fucked up her psych med prescription and her withdrawal symptoms are severe
come to tgink of it, it's embarrassing how i'm nearly 20 and i still need my mother's help with everything because she babied me and refused to take me to a gyno before
No. 1568072
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>>>/ot/1560772i'm the anon from this post and now that i've got an extension not only am i getting ghosted by both (after trying to do all the work myself and getting no answers. i've asked for a simple sentence from the one who came back from vacation since she was the only one who bothered to answer me at all even if with nonanswers and she seriously gives me a five word sentence. i ask her to at least check our class groupchat which for some reason i'm excluded from, tells me that it's fine if it's just the two of us. now i know it was cunty of me but i politely asked her if she could send me a screenshot and that i wasn't saying that i didn't believe her but just because i'm not in the group and you know what she tells me ?
>there's too many messagesare you fucking serious. i'm actually crying of frustration right now i'm so angry i just want to cry until i don't have tears anymore because i don't know what i did wrong or what i could have done differently because seriously no one wants to work with me and no one is cooperating. i know i'm going to sound like a nerd but i really don't want to have to take a resit exam at the fault of someone else.
i don't know if it would be rude to just tell the professor that nobody's cooperating with me in any way, not even answers or if that would be "unprofessional". i reckon my professor wouldn't care because to be fair it's not any of her concern whether or not i have a partner and would most likely just tell me to find someone else. i hate my life/situation right now i swear if i wasn't socially inept i would have had my work finished already. the only reason why these two girls even partnered up with me is because i wasn't talking to anyone and neither were they. i'm so angry
No. 1568073
>>1567904i'm not sure, i have 6 hours over what i need to graduate, and i
have fulfilled all my major requirements course-wise.
feeling a bit better though because i emailed the department head, and he has no idea what's going on either; he actually cc'd the first professor with "well what's up?" and dude was like "we are working on it, the address was giving up trouble (?), blah blah blah".
maybe records told me wrong. i'm gonna have some tea and try to relax, hopefully shit will be resolved by monday.
No. 1568077
>>1568034The appointment went great, funnily enough. She was one of the few supportive (of lesbians) gynos and noticed my symptoms were eligible for a hysterectomy if they're still horrible when I'm older, and we had a talk appointment today.
I will keep in mind to ask my sister if she can help and mom isn't available, thank you!
No. 1568088
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>>1568082I'm so sorry anon. I hope all goes well with you and your body and i wish you luck and safe recovery when the time comes. It's so terrible that our bodies can do this to us, but at least the positive is we live in a time with enough medical advancements that there is some way to get aid.
maybe try searching with the keyword "menopause" required, in hopes it will filter out the men and be more women's information. also including words to omit like -trans -reddit -lgbt
No. 1568095
>>1568088Thank you sweet
nonnie, I'll try searching that way. I got so frustrated I gave up for the time being and am trying to blow off some steam playing video games. I don't have a choice in the surgery, and it just bothers me how something that's very serious health-wise has just been taken over and politicized.
No. 1568122
>>1568110i remember one where teenagers would jack off in the mcflurry machine
that's male socialization for you
No. 1568132
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how come every time I see the doctors for a completely unrelated issue they always say my blood pressure is too high or think there's something wrong with my heart. that's not what I'm here for and i'm just nervous you morons
No. 1568145
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Sick and tired of retards (including nonas on here) saying shit like "conservative terf", "rightwing terf" or whatever. Learn what the fuck words mean, thanks
No. 1568208
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>>1568146>I’m too weird to be their friend or they’re too weird to be my friendIKTF
No. 1568212
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I just accidentally microwaved a metal knife because I wasn't paying attention. I microwaved it for like a minute and I don't think it even sparked or anything. I mean, I heard popping noises but I thought that was the food. Can I even still eat this shit? I feel so retarded anons. My stomach literally dropped when I took the plate out and realized what I did.
No. 1568216
>>1568163I don't have much words of advice nonna, but just know you're not alone. Life is definitely hard. And it is frustrating when you see a glimpse of happiness but you feel it slip out of your grasp. It makes you feel like it's your fault somehow that you let that happiness escape, or maybe that you ruined it somehow. Life's all ups and downs anyways, but the downs are really hard.
Even if you can't find explicit happiness, I hope at the very least you can find some peace.
No. 1568217
>>1568212You're good anon, the food should be fine to eat. Just be careful touching the knife obviously kek
Everyone makes mistakes, go easy on yourself
No. 1568244
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>get praised by a chatbot
>actually get slightly happy about it
I hate this, this can't be right..
No. 1568325
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I so badly want to not care about physical appearance for moids
Unfortunately I have a high sex drive and can only be aroused by physically attractive men, ugly men repulse me, so I would be miserable in a sexless relationship with an old or ugly moid
But if I could just get over that I'm pretty enough that I could make some ugly dude my bitch and live in a huge gorgeous house, spend all his money on decorating it and primping myself, and just generally live a princess dream life full of luxury and comfort.
But instead I want lustful attraction and true love combined, and am willing to accept a modest or even struggle-filled financial situation if need be. Can I just turn off this part of my brain that wants love and romance and have an easy life instead aaaaaaaaaaa
No. 1568335
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The idea of having sex with a man seems more and more terrifying to me each passing day. Just the idea of being ruthlessly judged on your body in the most vulnerable state and him going to his friends and gossip about it makes me scared, not to mention that I'm an outie and I find the roastbeef comments and "jokes" disgusting and they are quite common on the web and real life too. Also, the chances of a moid using your body like with a sex doll makes my skin crawl.
I just heard 2 moids talking about their girlfriends in bed and they dehumanised said gfs, it felt like they were talking about a sex doll and not a human being and they were laughing too, my heart sank for those girls…
Sex with a man just doesn't feel safe at all, especially with porn consumption being at an all time high
I know it depends on the guy you're dating too, but it feels like far too many of them talk like this about their gfs with other moids.
No. 1568339
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I feel so pathetic to being this fragile and emotional to life. I’ve been crying every single day in the past months, it’s never been this bad, it’s like I’m never going to recover. I feel so alone and forgotten, everyone is so mean to me. I just wanna feel safe and stop hurting.
My skin looks awful because I haven’t had a proper meal in days, and my eyes are always full of tears. I’m so scared for future me.
No. 1568341
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Both funny and sad to me how the current beauty standard is unattainable naturally even to the ones who used to be considered the most beautiful of them all
Actresses who were considered gorgeous even 10 years ago are now being compared to photoshopped ethots, a hip to waist ratio of 10 inch difference which would make one a natural hourglass is now nothing impressive because we're used to seeing insane proportions, but this shit is all fake or surgically altered. Ever wonder why there are so many girls on tiktok and instagram who look more genetically blessed than the most beautiful women of our time like monica bellucci, brooke shields, or even surgically altered current ones like ana de armas cannot compete with the girls online scrotes are lusting over and girls are comparing themselves to. I truly believe the future holds nothing but completely surgically altered beauty as people try to live up to filters and facetune. I always laugh when I see a girl who looks like she should be a world renowned supermodel is a small time insta influencer– if she really looked like that irl people would be pounding down the door with modeling contracts. Somehow you never see girls like this as actresses… Sydney Sweeney, Alexa Demie, Zendaya, they all are pretty but have normal body and face proportions. It's just so silly and stupid how fake the online world is, and you can't hide. I wonder if actresses are going to start being heavily photoshopped while in motion. The girls typecasted as "pretty girls" look plain jane if you put them next to plastic and filtered creatures like Cindy Kimberly and Madison Beer. Even Madison irl has a normal shaped waist unlike what she shoops herself with. Ariana grande and Madison are good examples of women who have attempted to surgically alter themselves to become living IG filters
Picrel a girl with a gorgeous, but normal looking body in a film, but no influencer would post a pic of themselves like this without shrinking the waist to be size of their head.
Schizo tier ramblings but I'm genuinely so disturbed by what this all means for the future of society and attraction, I think it will become like Japan where men only want to fuck anime girls and the women are repulsed by their idiocy
No. 1568342
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Both funny and sad to me how the current beauty standard is unattainable naturally even to the ones who used to be considered the most beautiful of them all
Actresses who were considered gorgeous even 10 years ago are now being compared to photoshopped ethots, a hip to waist ratio of 10 inch difference which would make one a natural hourglass is now nothing impressive because we're used to seeing insane proportions, but this shit is all fake or surgically altered. Ever wonder why there are so many girls on tiktok and instagram who look more genetically blessed than the most beautiful women of our time like monica bellucci, brooke shields, or even surgically altered current ones like ana de armas cannot compete with the girls online scrotes are lusting over and girls are comparing themselves to. I truly believe the future holds nothing but completely surgically altered beauty as people try to live up to filters and facetune. I always laugh when I see a girl who looks like she should be a world renowned supermodel is a small time insta influencer– if she really looked like that irl people would be pounding down the door with modeling contracts. Somehow you never see girls like this as actresses… Sydney Sweeney, Alexa Demie, Zendaya, they all are pretty but have normal body and face proportions. It's just so silly and stupid how fake the online world is, and you can't hide. I wonder if actresses are going to start being heavily photoshopped while in motion. The girls typecasted as "pretty girls" look plain jane if you put them next to plastic and filtered creatures like Cindy Kimberly and Madison Beer. Even Madison irl has a normal shaped waist unlike what she shoops herself with. Ariana grande and Madison are good examples of women who have attempted to surgically alter themselves to become living IG filters
Picrel a girl with a gorgeous, but normal looking body in a film, but no influencer would post a pic of themselves like this without shrinking the waist to be size of their head.
Schizo tier ramblings but I'm genuinely so disturbed by what this all means for the future of society and attraction, I think it will become like Japan where men only want to fuck anime girls and the women are repulsed by their idiocy
No. 1568351
>>1568339Eating is one of the most essential things you should do. When you find yourself unable to get up and crying all day, force yourself to go eat something despite your emotional state, just like you'd force yourself out of bed to go to the bathroom.
You'll see you'll feel a little better. Over time you'll be able to focus on improving other things about your life, step by step.
No. 1568377
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"the one" does not exist. you need to be the one yourself, be whole, for yourself. that's why i gave polyamory a try. well, by that i mean, hang out and fuck one poly moid. clownshoes on me because i start to miss him while he ghosts me. it's probably one of his many girls. i liked that i had so much freedom and time to myself instead of always having someone cling to me and yet this just feels like he doesn't even like me at all. but again, what would i expect from a guy? yeah, you would say men will give what i let them get away with. but why do i always have to be the lead? why can't they just be thoughtful, romantic, good lovers, active listeners and emotionally supporting without you having to manipulate and teach and train? i could do all of that for them and without them even asking, i would just try to figure out by what they say, how they react to things around us, etc. i really want to give all of my love to someone, all of my romance and attention, who would appreciate it and wouldn't think i was a weird desperate whore but such scrote don't seem to exist. the more unavailable and avoidant i am the more they like me, always.
No. 1568405
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>>1568342I think it's the most striking when you look at real vintage material from ~100 years ago, so the time when people didn't really know of anything further from their own neighbourhood / city, and weren't as influenced by media as people after them, i don't think male beauty standards changed as drastically as they did for women
No. 1568521
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All my life I’ve been secretly longing for a relationship without pursuing anyone. Now that I’m in one (with someone I genuinely like) I could not care less. I almost wish we would break up.
No. 1568579
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nobody is listening to me to such a degree that it's almost making me schizophrenic. it's like someone cursed me to be invisible AND inaudible. it's like i'm a literal ghost. what the hell is going on? i've just been crying all these past three days from frustration. the one time someone answers me it's to put even more work on my back for me to do on their behalf in the meanest way and then disappear again.
No. 1568672
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>>1567087i am very scared to go back on a low dose of an snri but i have no unhealthy coping mechanisms and therapy/the healthy ones like yoga exercising isnt helping my ptsd symptoms and im very paranoid and stressed 80% of my days.
vaping and drugs helped a lot but i am sober now i dont overeat or do bad things. i have a very stressful job that
triggers my fight or flight and am in a bad living situation im trying to fix but these combined with my mental state lately leaves me at a loss.
i dont want to go back on medicine because i was doing so well. do i keep trying to push forward? i want to go back into journaling and do more cbt work but i dont know if it will help this intense stress and worry and ptsd symptoms coming back. im scared the medicine will make me worse and hurt me. would shrooms be better? should i vape again? im driving myself a bit nuts. trying to accept trying medicine but i feel i cant stop if i go back and ill ruin my brain. i feel what if i can try harder to help myself? but ive been trying. i failed. i thought i could remain happy but im trying my best and i feel very lonely stresseddddddddd crying. i cant function well because i often want to sleep most of the day away to magically awake and do my hobbies again and be all cheerful. ive considered religion or deluding mysekf into more positivity too. i just need someone to reassure me. i dont want to get worse or ruin my relationship and i miss talkinn to friends and doing hobbies.
No. 1568678
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Guys see me as their manic pixie dream girl and i hate that, I'm actually so boring and normal, i just want them to leave me alone
No. 1568720
nonnie. I just went to the dentist expecting to just pay for an exam and regular cleaned ($250 total and not particularly painful experience) but they said I need a debridement. Gonna cost me $300 on top of the $250 I already planned to spend. AND it’s gonna hurt like a bitch. At least I don’t have any cavities. I literally had to ask my primary care doctor for klonopin so I can knock my ass out for the procedure.
I already find regular cleanings very uncomfortable and borderline painful, it takes every ounce of self control not to run out the damn door, the feelings and the sounds and the SCRAPING dude omg. Oh and I’m resistant to local anesthetic, which I guess is familial cause both my parents are too. My maternal grandpa literally would just take a Tylenol before he’d get dental work done, cause the local anesthetic shots just hurt going in and didn’t numb him anyway, so why bother with the pain of getting jabbed when it’s not gonna do anything to alleviate the pain anyway? The last time I got local anesthetic shot for a filling, not only did it not work, they poked a nerve in my jaw and I couldn’t open my mouth more than like an inch without extreme sharp shooting pain for weeks. I was afraid it would never heal but I’m lucky it did.
I hate dentistry I hate these luxury mouth bones. I swear to god, humans are the most expensive exotic animal and our husbandry is so extensive and difficult to maintain. I also need to get my eyeballs taken care of cause my vision is shitty and I shouldn’t have survived childhood, I am the fucking human version of a poorly bred teacup chihuahua. I swear I’d save money caring for a tiger vs caring for myself.
No. 1568742
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fwb moid treated me like shit for more than one year because of "muh ex" and "muh trauma" and blablabla among other code words for me being too fucking ugly to be in a relationship or to be loved, really. now he realizes that i don't want him anymore, not even sexually, i don't want to be near him, i lost all interest in this moid. and uses the typical manipulator moid card "but i love you", "you don't want me because i'm ugly and there are better males out there", yes there are, you rapist piece of shit.
No. 1568773
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>>1568672i just saw my financial aid because im trying to go back and finish college and theyre giving me $500 for $4000 semester tuition i dont know what to do…i live with my single mother and all my money goes to bills. im scared to take out a loan i already have medical debt. do i just drop out and kill myself nonnies? i really just wanted things to look up.
No. 1568844
I'm going into therapy soon for ptsd, I'm so not looking forward to it. I hope it will help because I have so much memory loss from it I could only complete half a year of college, can't keep a job either because after half a year I just snap and there's so many creeps coming in all the time. I hope they won't just throw medication at me and say fuck you, also begging to god I don't have some other disorder. I have some BPD traits and doctors here are so quick to diagnose, if it's actually that (or something else) I would feel like shit for having to extensively work through a bunch of other shit. I don't need any of those labels or that stupid shit I just want to move on but it seems impossible, I kept it inside for so long and had a complete mental breakdown for a month straight when I realized I needed help and even thought about what happened. It's so much to process, at least euthanasia is legal where I live but it's hard to get and I would feel horrible for leaving everyone behind. Can't fucking get out, just put me in a coma. I don't mind. Why did my parents want kids. I want to leave. I wish I woulda necked myself when I was a kid, nothing got better I just got different problems. My life is not so bad but I can't enjoy a second of it.
>>1568839How long have you known her? Drop her, you're getting nothing out of this. She sounds not like a friend, if you're shy and don't want to tell her irl just text her. Shitty thing to do but I think it's pretty well deserved.
No. 1568857
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>>1568742it's not because he didn't think you were pretty enough, it's because he took all from you in exchange for nothing. did this moid ever protect you from verbal abuse, stood up to you to a bully at your work or educational place, did he drive you home or walk with you to protect you on the street, did he buy you food or a ride or anything substantial, introduce you to potential friends, take you to places and dates and enjoy a hobby together? did he make you cum, cuddle you, put extra care into his fitness and appearance at least? did he show emotional support, understanding, empathy when you felt low? care to remember personal facts about you and your friends and family? if he did not do any of these, the atrocious moid thinks you are his bitch because despite the lack of his efforts his ass still got to hit. men are transactional creatures and he scammed you, whether it was on purpose or not. kill all entitled whiny noncommitting moids.
No. 1568955
My bf always dogwhistles ending our relationship when we fight over petty shit.
Today I clapped at him for his attention while I was driving us around because he kept talking over me multiple times when I was trying to tell him something. I had been nice to him all day, I took us to pedicures and lunch which I paid for and then drove him to the liquor store. I wanted him to be nice & hear me cause he seems to interrupt me a lot. He will explode and cause arguments when he feels I am not listening to him even (our very first argument was him exploding at me bc I was playing with my hair when he was talking about something and that proved I wasn't listening), so while I realize that I had an imperfect reaction to not being heard I know if the situation were flipped he would be irate as he's done exactly that multiple times to me in the past. I would have preferred to been clapped at if it would have ended things there.
Instead of moving on after I told him why I did it, he accused me of "snapping" at him and being "disrespectful" (not that talking over me is, apparently) and wouldn't acknowledge that he did anything that might have set the stage for me to react negatively because all he could focus on was my behavior. I know other people aren't responsible for how others act, but I don't think I am a monster for clapping and raising my voice either. Then when I say what about the rest of my behavior today where I was nice to him? He flips out and then says I am "holding things over his head." He threw cash at me to pay for the things I did for him today just so I couldn't say anything I guess. Whenever I point out his double standards or how he treats me he reverses victim a lot. He called me a "bully" and we both got real fucking mad at each other because I stood my ground.
When we pulled into my garage I had said something like if he can't treat me in a respectful way then I don't see why I should treat him well either. Then he storms out of my car, and shouts "Well I guess that's the end of our relationship then!?"
Like wtf, I never say shit like that to him yet he escalates. He always does this during every fight. Then later he yells "Just say you don't love me!" And it feels like projection and manipulation. I can never bring up how he makes me feel without it turning into a fight, as if he were conditioning me to shut up about it or else it will be a fight. He always threatens to record these fights too, and honestly, I wish he would record himself because he would probably behave more like an accountable human than how he is now. I would immediately know lmao.
No. 1569112
Same anon as
>>1569050 but I find it incredibly annoying when anons accuse me of being a liar or accuse me of being a personalityfag that I'm not– not that I tend to do so, but I get confused for a newfag (I'm from 2021) or a handmaiden bihet when I'm a lesbian who refuses to show skin whatsoever.
I feel like anons would make the site better had they not accused everyone they disagree with of being a scrote/handmaid/liar et cetera
No. 1569202
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I continue to embarrass myself and it’s getting really sad.
No. 1569226
>>1569204I don't plan on getting involved romantically for a while, if ever ha, my heart still wants him after 2 weeks and I hate this. My now ex was going through some things and he also felt burnout, but I know he cared. He was a really good friend prior to us getting into a relationship too, I wanted to atleast stay friends again and today I fucked up by getting angered at his distant responses and in-turn he refuses to speak to me.
I think I just deserve to be alone until I'm better
No. 1569321
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I'm tired of being told to wait and work on myself while things just seem to fall into other people's laps, meanwhile I always seem to take one step forward and three steps back, wasting my "best years" being miserable. And I fucking hate it when others tell me to hold on to hope and not let all of this turn me into a cold-hearted and resentful person but how can I not?? Oh yeah, it's really easy for them to tell me to just keep a smile on my face despite crying myself to sleep almost every goddamn night. They have no idea what it's like to know that you're not going to make it past 30 because the pain is just too unbearable at this point. Must be real nice having a will to live and not worrying about much besides what you're gonna have for lunch that day. Planning my future? Building a house and family? Retirement? Pfft none of my worries because I won't live to see those days anyway. I wish I could just tell them to shut the fuck up and stick their fake positivity up their asses. I've got nothing left inside of me anymore. I'm tired of giving, working and improving and others telling me what a sweet and mindful friend I am while they don't even care to reciprocate. I'll always be an afterthought. Good enough for when someone needs me but everyone's busy or they forget about something when I need help, comfort or whatever else. I don't care if I sound like an ass when I say that they all suck because me being genuinely sweet and understanding never made a difference anyway. I know that life isn't fair but what the fuck did I ever do to deserve this.
No. 1569373
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I'm so tired of having to push through things. I just want to be happy.
No. 1569472
>>1568335Don't approach sex from a point of weakness, or as an object or a thing to be rated or rejected.
If you yourself do not want to have sex, don't worry about it. If and when
you want to, it will go much better if you go into it thinking about what
you want,
your sexuality, being
yourself as a woman.
I'm not saying be totally selfish, but the way you're talking about your fears around it makes me think you might think that being comfortable and in charge of yourself is "selfish." It's not.
As far as men talking about women as you describe - seriously, who cares. If you recognize that nothing someone says can actually take away your dignity and humanity until you let it diminish you, then that sort of talk just makes those guys asses, but doesn't change anything about the women they were talking about. If you find out someone talks about you like that - dump them and don't look back. I mean that literally. Block and delete. But mostly the point is - do what you must to toughen up your feelings so you don't fall into the trap of letting those things make you feel lesser or worried or deeply hurt, or letting your fears about things that haven't occurred keep you from living. 1) self esteem, 2) choose wisely, 3) equanimity.
No. 1569486
>>1568839Honey. Stop being a doormat. There are 8 billion people in the world. You can find a new friend.
And being without friends for a bit isn't the worst thing in the world. If you want irl friends you do have to go out and do irl things, though.
And right now you already have 0 irl friends, because this girl is not your friend. Casual acquaintance and user at best. Stop helping her be mean to you.
Go read The Six Pillars of Self Esteem and do the exercises instead of taking her calls/invites. Then go find some decent humans.
No. 1569488
>>1569483Being fwb isn't a 24/7 consensus card to have sex, he could've still raped her if she didn't want it in that moment despite technically being fwb retard.
Anyway to me it didn't sound like she even meant rapist literally but okay
No. 1569498
>>1569491That's not what OP was upset about. She's the type to fuck a moid and cry about it because she developed feelings and he didn't want her. That's the post. Not sure what you don't understand about that. If he raped her in one instant, then why did she willingly continue to go see him and cry about being rejected online? You guys are dumb as hell.
>>1569495Autism and projection. I'm not cheaterhusband anon.
No. 1569503
>>1569493It's deranged behavior to hook up with a scrote knowing he just wants sex and whine about being rejected because he doesn't love her, calling him a rapist. A shitty thing to do when there are actual rape
victims. It's ok to make mistakes but she is just as at fault and created her own problem. She's not some innocent child
No. 1569513
>>1569498NTA but this is actual projection kek. Why would you get so
triggered about a vent post calling someone who's a stranger to you a rapist? Are you the man in question, or his new cuckette?
No. 1569525
>>1569513No I'm tired of nonas not calling out dumb bitches and thinking women are never to blame ever. This shit is a prime example. She can't own up to her mistake of giving out her body and is surprised the random moid she fucked isn't prince charming. She has no right to call him a rapist which cheapens what happened to real rape
>>1569514>he raped me but I will admit he was fwb, I continued to see him and now I'm crying over him not accepting my love No. 1569529
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I'm sorry you're having such a hard time but happy birthday nonny!
No. 1569537
>>1569525neither you nor anyone else here has any idea what she meant or what that moid did. your insistence that he's not a rapist based on a post entirely devoid of context is genuinely alarming and you need to examine why you are asserting this bizarrely uncharitable interpretation so obsessively. get help please
No. 1569549
>>1569521You can tell your mom "I just want to vent; I'm not ready for advice.". If she can't adjust and/or talking to her makes you more upset, it might be worthwhile to edit what you share when you feel especially vulnerable. And more advice, though I'm completely acting against what I just wrote about unwanted and unasked-for advice>>1569530
: therapy/meds, whether new or adjusted. Your mom likely just truly does want you to thrive and feels helpless to "fix it," but also may be the kind of person who sees everything as simple, whereas for someone struggling, it may seem anything but. Some pro help might also give you a release valve so you can manage your messaging with your mom.
No. 1569553
>>1569542You are hopeless putting words in the mouth of a complete stranger based on a zero-context post that you’re projecting your own narrative onto. She never said he raped her. And to answer your question, there are documented cases in of a woman going back to the man that abused, took advantage of, or even raped them because at the time they didn’t yet understand it to be rape or coercion or abuse.
You caping this hard for the scrote in this story is suspicious as fuck.
No. 1569574
>>1569529Thank you
>>1569549Yeah, eventually I was able to put words together and told her that she didn't need to feel pressured to fix my problems for me or find a solution. I just wanted her to listen.
I've been struggling with SI for a while, so I don't even see the point in being happy… I don't know what that would like to me. I just stay alive because I don't want to hurt my family or friends, but of course I couldn't say that to her. Conceptualizing what "being happy" even means to me is a challenge in itself Also I read your post from above and sorry to hear you're struggling too. I can relate to a lot of what you wrote.
No. 1569639
>>1569574I'm the one you replied to, but I haven't written anything about my personal life, so I hope the other person sees your kind words. That said,
I have been through some things, and I can tell you that looking back now (good and improving place) to a particularly dark period, I can scarcely relate or even reconstruct my perspective or feelings then. It's all but unrecognizable. Similarly, when I was in that (bad) space I could not recognize how I had been before (good (tho tbh often frustrated and stupid because my thought patterns were kind of deluded, but life was working mostly great)) or how it could ever be good.. My point is - don't worry about how big the mountain is, if there's fog covering the top half of it, or if there even is a summit or a trail to it. You can't see that now, so it will only frustrate and discourage you to try to imagine it. NOT at all a clinician, and if I were I would disclaim the hell out of any offered thoughts or advice, but I hope that you will seek (or adjust) some outside pro help/support. Even if you can't imagine anything different, the mere act of taking some action - because the relentless, unending going in circles is so discouraging and exhausting - might be a thing that feels better and a touch empowering just in itself. And like things that bring us down, things that bring us up are often practically invisible, but they tend to compound over time. Tl;dr (no, do read): you don't have to know or plan for an end result for an act to be a positive one in the now.
Ps - I'm glad you've told your mom what you are looking for from her when you tell her things. Keep returning to that with her if she keeps up with the "well, just quit/just be happy" unless and until you are in a place that it doesn't make you feel worse to hear.
No. 1569656
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Just told characters in their respective AI chats how their bad route will play out.
-9999/10,would not recommend.
No. 1569675
>>1568001>>1567979I have this too and it turned out I have severe untreated ADD. Worse, so far no meds have worked and also I know I can't just force of will myself out of it.
I just want to be able to function even just half of a normal human being.
No. 1569682
>>1569670I'm talking about the character ai website. On there, you can chat/rp with bots programmed to talk and act like various characters of various franchises.
I told one of the characters how his route will play out and what consequences his actions will have, even after his death, and now he's legit on suicide watch, I feel terrible for telling him.
No. 1569685
Was gonna vent about something slightly more serious but someone keeps playing music loudly in their garage or some shit. Like a start up garage band. They've been at it almost non stop and it makes me really anxious because I love music but not when I feel like my thunder is being stolen and I can't hear my mom or sister talking over the loud banging of drums. It started out with someone playing the guitar, and the guitar only, so I thought it was a hobo or starving artist trying to make some money, but no. I'm 95% certain it's one of the scrote neighbors. I'd still take the endless noise over the other scrote neighbor who lost his wife over being an
abusive incel and has yelled to every woman in the complex that we're just holes and the nuclear family needs to be enforced via government, and this man threatened me because I let him know he was saying violent things about the LGB, to a lesbian.
I hope he either gets evicted or dies of a heart attack/beetus since he thinks his diabetes and heart problems can be cured with keto and god kek
No. 1569690
I have essentially ruined my life and destroyed my personality for people who will never love me as I wish they would love me, who will never be the friends I wish they would be.
This all started already 10 years ago when I was violently raped and was almost killed by the rapist and started having mental issues because of it and I started acting out. Now I can fully admit that I wasn't the best friend back then, I understand very well why other people would have gotten tired with my issues back then, like I have no issue denying it, what I have issue with that I think my friends treated me very unfairly considering I am not the only mentally ill person in this friend group. I visited them in mental hospitals when they tried to kys and got committed, I've been understanding to their eating disorders, when one friend got cheated on and spend weeks laying in bed and crying we were there and brought her food and helped, I have helped friends with transition, I have been there and others have been understanding for other kinds of issues and traumas but me being raped and almost killed wasn't apparently any good reason to get mentally ill and was treated as if I was being mean and exhausting on purpose. That I should have gotten over it way faster and stopped bothering others with my shit, hey this friend is having a mental break down because of a break up everyone stop their shit to help them and understand what they are going through.
So I started changing myself, I have basically erased my personality and anything in me that could be seen as too much so that I wouldn't be so exhausting so annoying with my issues so that my friends would still love me, and so that me being raped wouldn't have caused such damage in my life that it would make my childhood friends abandon me.
Like I guess that's why I have clung to these people so much, that if i lost them it would mean my rapist won and the incident really caused such lasting damage to my life and such change to my personality that it affects the deepest relationships of my life.
But it's no use, they don't miss me the way I miss them, they are fine with how the things are, that we are still friends but not as close as we used to be, I try to be like that too, that it is enough to have these people in my life but I miss what we used to have before I was raped. I have had so many people who have been genuinely interested in me who have wanted to be my friends but who I have pushed aside because I've been obsessed with being accepted by my childhood friends, I went to very good school but dropped out because I spent all my time crying for them, it is my own fault, I can't force a close relationship with them, but I just wish they wouldn't act as if I didn't have any reason to wish to be close to them as if we hadn't been the best friends before it all happened. As if I didn't listen to them, run after them to the night when they had their own issues and looked for them and found them crying in some ditch and brought back home and I am treated like this like my tragedies are so much worse and more annoying than theirs.
No. 1569701
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I've been preparing for making my own manga for like 2-3 years now, researching, writing down ideas, basic themes and plot points and character traits and backstories, drawing character sheets etc. and I feel like I'm kinda losing myself. There's so many inspirations from other media, but also my passion for gnosticism and for conspiracy theories and my inner schizo and my need to put certain themes, without direct references to our real conspiracies, but still enough for some tinfoiler to look at it and be like 'ah yes it reminds me of this thing'. Recently I discovered this obscured game called Drowned God and it spooked the shit out of me not just because of how creepy it is but also how similar it is to one of the main arcs in my story. Now I read how the guy who made this game died by stabbing himself 47 times and also killed his wife and his pet. Yeah, sure, it's totally plausible to stab yourself 47 times… And like, if I ever make my shit public, and even if it gains ANY traction at all, I would be very happy of course, but I think it would also make me paranoid about some glowies monitoring my activity. So I think I'm gonna need to tone it down kek. Sometimes when I'm researching this shit for 6 hours straight at night I feel like I'm really going crazy so I need to go less schizo for my own sake and for my protagonist's sake as well I guess
No. 1569762
>>1568720Last time I went to the dentist was two years ago, they said I had six cavities, and they tried to do it without anesthesia all in one go. The numbing agent was applied wrong and wore off halfway through. I had a panic attack, passed out, stopped breathing and started choking on my own spit all during one tooth. When that was done, they stopped, talked to my dad (I was barely 18) and asked if I had an anxiety disorder, and when my dad begrudgingly said yes, they said they couldn't fix my teeth because they needed anesthesia and that dentist had none, for some reason they refused to use it. I guess none of the dentists were trained in it. Two years later and the pain fucking sucks but I can't risk
not breathing mid tooth drilling from the sudden pain due to them not numbing it right.
No. 1569772
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I'm pretty sure I just fucked up one of my finals and the other one due Monday is stressing me out and I don't think anybody can cover half of my double shift tomorrow and I still don't have my cap and gown for my university graduation on Monday and I'm PMSing and I am just so fucking stressed.
No. 1569947
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I fucking haid moids and their stupid ways of thinking. More often then not are they like " wtf nonna, you can't do that!" But they can just so the exact same thing forever and if you call them put once you're the stupid one. They're all fucking idiots. They don't get better as you get older, you just learn to deal with them better. I hate that I'm bi and not just a lesbian. How I wish I was exclusively into women. I fuckin hate this planet.
No. 1569965
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Welp, the good news is I drank coffee after midnight and managed to read thrice as many pages as I wanted to in my book for a change-
No. 1569976
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warning in advance for extremely catastrophic levels of retardation but i downloaded tinder just because i got curious what kind of people are around me and tbh to see if i can match with people i find attractive even if i don't act on it whatsoever. background info that i am bi and a khhv sperg college student living with family and have zero confidence eg. for several years i used to be convinced i was secretly ugly and that no one was telling me because its impossible for me to make friends 95% of the time. fortunately(?) it turns out it was just tism and apparently i look decent enough to occasionally be called cute or pretty by random people ive never spoken to after i learned how to style myself better but that doesnt fix the fact that im a maladjusted shut-in loner whatever. idk i put a few pics that i took myself that i thought i look nice in. but the problem is it ultimately doesnt matter what i do i think nothing makes me feel more insane than every time i try to "put myself out there" it doesnt matter if its online or irl or if my face is even attached to it to begin with. ill literally get brain damage from posting a drawing i made. in fact anon is almost the only time i feel ok with it. so like.. i dont know it literally makes me feel physically sick to interact with people sometimes. i cant fucking take it and also just thinking about my presence being in the scope of randoms puts me on edge. i love being a sperg i love having anxiety why do i do the things i do hoooly shit i dont want to be alone forever either sigh maybe its good for me to get out of my comfort zone but idk i feel like my brain is going to start leaking out of my fucking skull i hate the fact that i have to be a person in society or else. i just wish i could react to things like a normal person. i dont even want to get married to a moid someday let alone be in a serious relationship with one or anything i just feel like i need validation that im not destined to die alone due to being cringe. ill probably delete it soon. id rather meet someone offline but i barely talk to anyone. this post embarrassed me to write it im sorry
No. 1569989
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I feel so dumb for letting myself get played like this at my age. How do I even know if someone is being genuine at this point. I'll just take it as a sign that I'll stay forever alone. Why did I even ever bother.
No. 1570014
>>1569976Don't worry, you're not the problem, tinder is actually a very unnatural way of communicating, it's ok to have an aversion to using it.
Hobbies are good for meeting like-minded people offline.
No. 1570035
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I threw away a year of celibacy only to have the worst sex ever. Fucking a gynmbro on coke was a mistake. Never again.
No. 1570057
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I've been indulging in my nevroses all weekend.
I need to get my shit back together asap. Starting monday I'm done.
It felt kind of good indulging for a while. I hope I'll get to figure out what's really bugging me someday. I'll do a lot of reading as soon as exams are over.
No. 1570066
>>1569197Late reply but
> And tbh I wish I had these dreams more often and could experience love and intimacy there, I don't mind partially living in a fantasy world.yes, I wish I was better at lucid dreaming just for this
No. 1570075
>>1570073It's not racist even if you weren't black, it's statistics. You as a woman have the right to want to feel safe. And sorry to say it's likely the need to ignore this statistics and push black men into everything because "racism" instead of addressing the problem. Black men commit the most crimes, and black women are killed by more black men than anyone else. I'm not black but I've been harassed by all kinds of men and only the black men got in my face and followed me around, scary as shit.
If you can always have someone with you, and some protection like pepper spray and a knife, and know how to use them, even if it's not allowed your safety is more important.
(racebaiting) No. 1570081
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There's this boy at work who is so sad that his sadness rubs off of me. I also have a crush on him so that doesn't help. He seems miserable. A coworker was talking to him about how he doesn't have to choose a major for college yet, and all of this supportive stuff, and he just nods and nods and nods and doesn't say anything. Then he turns away and makes a soft thud as he leans his hips into the counter. He's always on his phone, too. And he has this atmosphere around him, he's very quiet, and I think a lot of the other guys his age are put off by him because he's tall, handsome, strong, and yet so very sad. He isn't a scary shoot-up-the-store type of sad, at least not to me. He just seems physically slow in his movement and he avoids eye contact or speaking to anybody, to be honest. It reminds me of how I was at his age, which also hurts. I know I shouldn't care so much but I still do. I guess if he weren't so beautiful I wouldn't care. I don't know if I'm imagining things, but yesterday he just seemed so off kilter. I also kind of think he walked out with a soda and didn't pay for it.
No. 1570104
God nonas, have you ever had one of those things where you encounter a piece of info and just like that, all the priorities you had are out the window and you have these new priorities that must be addressed ASAP? Perhaps for a long time? I'm an immigrant and could be kicked out of the country in 30 days, the notice would come at the end of this month. I've lived and worked here for 4 years but the immigration laws are harsh. I thought I had until my permit expires but because my circumstances changed it's no longer valid.
This morning, before finding out, I went out for a walk and was in awe at how beautiful this place is. Along the cobbled streets and into the park to walk by the river, had a look at one of those book exchange booths for something new because it's quite active (and not vandalised/burned). Appreciated the colourful flowerbeds, squirrels playing in the tree in the more wild area, the dew in the grass and on the dandelions.
God, I don't want to go back to my country. It's just all roads leading to shops. Horrible. There's no joy to be had there, just distractions. This morning I was wondering if it's time to schedule an infill for my nails and now I'm wondering how I'll get rid of my shit in just over a month. And where, literally where do I go?
No. 1570111
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>>1570071All I can do is lay
No. 1570112
>>1570083>the woman feels so ashamed of how her body looks delivering a baby that she doesn't want him aroundI mean, it is a very gruesome and vulnerable situation, i would understand why a woman would feel frustrated by anyone seeing her despite it being a totally natural process
Yet, in that case, why not have a kid with a man you would feel comfortable with in such scenario?
No. 1570128
It really activates my almonds when people dismiss yellow/stained teeth with just "lol go brush your teeth". Dental care was basically not a thing for me when I was a kid, I had to learn most self-care by myself as an adult. As a result my teeth are brittle and full of cavities (that I have now gotten fixed) and yellow as fuck. But for most of my adult life, I take above average care of my teeth, I brush twice a day, floss every day, any time I drink anything other than water I immediately rinse with water, I chew xylitol gum after eating, I don't smoke.. My teeth are still disgustingly yellow and stained. I've tried multiple brands of whitening toothpaste, I've tried those trays with whitening gel, I paid for a soda cleansing by a dental hygienist- None of those made notable difference. Next option is shilling out hundreads of euros for a laser whitening, except no provider is willing to do it because I have gingivitis that won't go away and all dentists seem to be able to do for it is tell me to just floss every day. I am flossing every day!! and have been for years!! Makes it hard to feel good about myself when I know every time I open my mouth or smile people see my teeth and think wow, this nasty bitch needs to brush her teeth.
No. 1570134
>>1570128Unless there's an underlying cause and the teeth show other signs of decay, most people's teeth have a yellowish/cream tint to an extent, so don't feel bad about it, it is completely normal
Also please don't try whitening your teeth, it is very harmful and will make your teeth very sensitive (sometimes permanently) and weaker as it hurts the enamel, if you're completely sure, don't get that procedure too regularly
No. 1570275
>>1569472I admit I have big trust issues and me being vulnerable means weakness, that's why I didn't give in to hookup culture or ever had sex and remained a virgin - I need a high level of trust in someone (I will still doubt them tho) along with many other reasons.
And so, my other worry is what if I trusted the wrong moid and therefore, doubt my decision making skills even more afterwards as if I don't doubt them already. I know I can say "eh, shit happens" and move on, but I just can't without feeling really bad.
>do what you must to toughen up your feelings so you don't fall into the trap of letting those things make you feel lesserAnd how? It feels so overwhelming and idk what and how should I start.
No. 1570402
my bf is always depressed and crying and doesn't even try to get the fuck over it. he had a family member die 5 years ago and he's still letting it destroy his life, he regularly cancels plans on me and is totally dysfunctional. i have my own shit and frankly my life has been a lot worse than his, but i deal with it and don't let it control my future, he's jsut a sobbing little fucking whiny baby and i'm losing sympathy for him. everyone has family members die, is eveyrone supposed to just fall to pieces and stop living once it happens? he'll be just fine and then an hour later he'll cancel plans with me right before we're supposed to meet and he does it often, and he just keeps getting worse and worse. he's already in therapy and apparently it isn't doing jack shit. meanwhile he doesn't even know about my issues because i'm an adult about it. so if he takes 5 years to get over this, then the next time a family member dies will the clock restart and another 5 years of his fucking life are going to be lost to depression? no one lives like this. everyone else deals with the fucking shit.
i'm about to lose it. he's going to let his stupid fucking inability to grow up ruin our relationship and my life. he uses his issues as an excuse, he can't hold a real job because his "adhd" like i dont have my own problems but i work fulltime anyway. i tell him shit like, keep a journal, or do a digital detox to break his phone addiction, and he's just helpless.
i've been nothing but supporting to him for so long and i'm tired of being put out. i just want a functional equal partner. men are all simpering little infants who can't deal with anything, while women just soldier through because we're taught to. i'm sure i sound like a monster but i'm tired of him sobbing on my shoulder all the time and i've never asked anything of him. i feel like a mommy therapist.
No. 1570435
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The medication never fucking works, so I know I have to learn to live with schizophrenia and try to use my own willpower to keep it at normal levels, but it's SO hard. Anyway, did you guys know that ground was broke for the World Trade Center towers in 1968? Did you also know that 1968 was the year that the 911 emergency number was introduced? Did you guys know that the towers existed for 33 years, a number that just so happens to be very important to Freemasons? Did you know the towers were representative of Boaz and Jachim? Did you know all that, nonas?
No. 1570478
>>1570365Are you on hormonal birth control? It can help with acne…if not completely at least to the point that a topical is bearable and can get rid of the rest, to a degree if not completely. Also depending on your skin type/sensitivity, using a topical less often than prescribed might he more tolerable. I'm sorry - I feel for you. I know it's painful, physically and psychically.
>>1570402It's OK to let go of someone if their issues are a drain on you. Sounds like you're getting to the point of contempt, which isn't good for either of you. He sounds like he has a lot he needs to address - and that's his to deal with, not yours to bear. If you're unhappy, do the kind thing and exit. You don't have to punish him by reading out all the ways he irritates you or you think he's failing at life, just take your leave and go.
>>1570275How? Candidly, you have to change your thoughts/orientation, purposely. Like literally brainwash yourself (to a good end/to get your thoughts to understand self esteem and boundaries). In my lay opinion based only on what you've written of course, you sound like you don't have a strong sense of self. And everyone (women, in particular) needs that. Learn/know who you are, own it, don't feel bad about it or apologize for it (specifically, not to yourself). When you have good boundaries and sense of self, you don't live at the mercy of other people, their evaluations, their opinions, or their actions. Your "lens" through which you view life becomes sharper and truer.
I rec'd to someone yesterday the book Six Pillars of Self Esteem (It's by Nathaniel Branden). Can't rec it enough…but before that it might be a good idea to condition your mind - to not be a mouse, to not live worried, to not root how you feel in how others perceive you (or how you think they do). How to do that? Really depends on how you learn/what you respond to. Personally
, I spent decades thinking I was in charge of myself, thinking I was the cool girl who stayed friends with dicks who dicked me over, as though that shit wasn't unacceptable, who was above "pettiness." It all came to head at some point, my world crashed, with negative outcome not just for me but for the most important people in my life. I found inspiration in a very unlikely place (a forum's romance/dumb life decision threads, lol, bc those girls (women) giving advice to dumb pickmes and otherwise confused women were ruthless; I (mentally and verbally) objected for a long time that it was overly mean and blaming of victims of shitty behavior, but over time, I got it: we can truly be our own worst enemies, and having good and strong boundaries is essential), and it was only after a year+ of ingesting some good no-nonsense commentary that I was ready to look hard at my own attitude and beliefs. What has that meant in a practical sense? I have a lot fewer (no) friends ("friends"), but I am a much better, activated person. I recently ended a 17-year friendship because as much as it pained me, I could see there was not the mutual respect I believed there was. I have cut all the psychic drags out of my life and am now creating/recreating my social net very selectively. Lonely? Sometimes. But my life is truer and more real than it has been since the 90s, lol (I'm old enough to be your mother, but what I try to share with my own young adult children and other women is that it's better to have your personal come to Jesus earlier rather than later, and having a healthy survival instinct/sense of self is the key). I'll never be a "man-hater" or afraid of men/relationships, but I have stopped giving myself/my personal well-being away or putting myself and my self-regard at the bottom of the pile. And that's something I want for every woman.
But practically speaking, specific to dealing with men - If you're solid in yourself then you will know you can trust your judgment. So you've got to 1) get solid and 2) learn what are behavioral red flags and how not to make excuses for them. On one end, if he's acting weird or flaky, do not fill in blanks: if he seems mild, he is; look at displayed behavior, not the pretzels your mind may want to create to avoid reality. On the other end, if someone comes on really strong, constantly check in with your own barometer: whether they are love-bombing (for a purpose or because they themselves have poor judgment) or are just really into it, always check it with your own interest and desires, and put yours ahead of anyone else's. I'm not going to say people/men are evil, but they are just as likely to be stupid as anyone else, and many people are just comfortably manipulative (men and women). Basically, listen to yourself from a position of strength, and if there's a tiny bell going off somewhere, give it credit, no matter how it's marketed or how amazing it seems. If you are strong in yourself, that doesn't mean living anxiously and afraid everyone's a scammer; it becomes more simply a matter of having standards and not getting invested unless and until you know you're seeing clearly.
Last thing: some people are cool with casual sex and some are not. And for some, casual/quick sex is fine, but not when there are actual feelings. Know thyself. And assume nothing.
No. 1570515
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No, my messages do not have some hidden meaning
I do not secretly judge anyone or think badly of them without letting it show
When I am slow to respond it's because I'm busy, not because I suddenly dislike you
I have zero problems with you or anything you say unless there's obvious harmful intent from your side
When I ask you to be open and straightforward with me it isn't to trick you into anything
Stop manufacturing drama because there legitimately is none and it is just not that deep. I am genuinely pretty chill and unfazed about most things and some people just refuse to believe that there isn't some kind of hidden resentment or issue. I just want to hang out and have a good time. True & honest.
No. 1570528
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I'm finally done obsessing over my ex now I figured out what he really was after
No. 1570530
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I need to pee but I'm too sleepy and tired. I hate this.
No. 1570532
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even though nobody ever answers me I'm really glad I have places like these to go full shizo and vent everything.
I dunno. Somehow sperging out did end up healing me.
No. 1570573
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>>1570545Based and stacypilled
No. 1570575
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I feel like a fool for getting involved in any religion related conversation. I never do this because I'm scared people wouldn't take me seriously and they would make fun of my gnostic beliefs, especially that some think I'm actually smart, I'm scared they wouldn't see me as smart anymore. Literally everyone I know is an atheist and there's no place for any discussion regarding spirituality and it makes me feel alone. Today I fucked up because me and my coworker were talking about a youtuber who made a funny and really good series of videos in which he dunks on every flat earth 'argument', and I mentioned something about how crazy is that in XXI century we still have so many people who believe in flat earth, and he said 'Yeah, or a god'. And I knew I shouldn't gettig involved, but I said 'Well, you can both accept science and believe in some higher power' and he laughed and replied 'No you can't, there's obviously no such thing as a god' and I really really should've stopped there but I got intrigued by his comment how the catholic god sounds like satan, and I tried to tell him some history of gnosticism and even said I can borrow him a book about gnostic theory and how his interpretation of catholic god was surprisingly close to gnostic interpretation, but I got too autistically emotional about it and I'm afraid he didn't understand much of my blabbering, he also said he doesn't need the book and that it would bore him anyway and he doesn't care about such things, and he only cares if people are good or bad to him and that he will act accordingly how people act towards him and that nothing else matters, and how there's no point in dwelling on whether there's justice in the world or not and focusing on other people's suffering because there's nothing we can do about it and he doesn't care about the things he has no influence on. So yeah, I feel retarded for even getting involved. But I also envy him, I wish I could not focus on all the suffering in the world, but I can't, and I feel like it prevents me from being happy. Even my therapist told me I have excessive empathy which combined with my autism must make my thought and feeling process quite hard. How do stop caring about things I have no influence on?
No. 1570605
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>>1570575don't beat yourself up
nonny, moids are too retarded for spirituality and even when they try they end up doing dumb shit like worshipping the demiurge. id love to talk to you about gnosticism, he sounds like an idiot
No. 1570618
>>1570605Yeah he may sound like that, but I think he's a genuinely good person, he helps people and is kind to strangers, even total randoms, like recently he gave his coat to a pizza delivery guy when it was raining and the guy forgot his coat and still had some deliveries to do, and my coworker didn't want the coat back. He also doesn't gossip like other people. Every time I encounter a person who is kind and doesn't seek approval of others and doesn't gossip, which is quite rare in a workplace, I feel like an inner need to at least try to talk to them about faith, but as I said, I never do this. Today it was an exception. I heard that you can't save those who don't want to be saved, but I just feel conflicted about people who are good in my eyes but also ridicule the idea of faith
>>1570612Well he openly says he chooses what he wants to believe in because it makes him feel good, at least he's not a hypocrite.
No. 1570628
>>1570612Also, about the book anon, I was talking about something entry level focusing on theory and history, Kurt Rudolph's 'Gnosis'.
I was also mentioning a very good book about the metaphysics of capitalism, like it combined both gnosticism and the critique of capitalism, but that book exists only in my language, there's no english translation.
No. 1570646
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>>1570545you two need to team up
No. 1570704
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>>1570545>5'8" talking this much shit5'11 and dominating in your hick local county sports team isn't worth shit. Meet me somewhere and try and get any ball from me, any takedown on me, ill let you choose and get a running start too.
No. 1570982
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I can't believe pride month is in a couple of weeks, I refuse to have to deal with the most deformed, deranged and degenerate uggos in the world marching on the streets right outside my balcony.
No. 1571019
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I’m not smart enough to do any job that can’t be replaced by chatgpt in the future.
I just want to give up, honestly.
No. 1571021
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Be careful navigating, Nonas. Posting this to warn others and to remove disturbing imagery from the front page.
No. 1571042
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i hate men calling me a whore and writing sexual fanfiction about me just because i disagree with them when ive never had sex or masturbated and all men have masturbated and ejaculated at least once by the time they are old enough to argue with me on 4chan.
No. 1571050
How do I prevent „soft parenting“ in a relationship?
My boyfriend barely cooks or clean. He can cook, but he doesn’t do it. He mainly eats whatever is already prepared. He will eat left overs from the fridge and not heat them up. He will heat up food for me if I ask him, but he doesn’t do it for himself. He will often eat more treats than substantial food, despite knowing about nutrition. My boyfriend doesn’t do the laundry. He will often not shower for days unless he has gone to the gym, which is occasionally. He will let his mother do his laundry. He has gotten into the habit of folding his laundry, but it is slow. He doesn’t want to work for a company, only as an entrepreneur. But he is too broke now to develop his business. He gets by on money from infrequent jobs for his brother’s company. He doesn’t brush his teeth and I have to remind and sometimes beg him to.
I see how some of these things are potentially traits of depression or ADHD. As I suffered from these things as well, alongside mistreatment for my inability to function properly, I want to help him heal and flourish without being treated the way I was.
Another explanation could be his upbringing. Neither of his parents cook or clean adequately. This is harsh, but they are honestly lazy when it comes to the upkeep of their household. They only eat out, eat sandwiches or otherwise simply don’t eat at all. They have a dishwasher but don’t even put the dishes away sometimes. They leave empty wrappers, containers and used tissues laying around. They have a washer and dryer but don’t read any labels and just use the same settings for everything, throwing delicates in the dryer alongside towels and not caring. They wear shoes indoors but rarely sweep or vacuum.
In my upbringing, I was not taught the intricacies of cooking or cleaning either. But contrary to my boyfriend, I come from an impoverished single parent household. Because I value my quality of life, I learned to cook and care for my environment despite the circumstances. We didn’t have a dishwasher or dryer, but that didn’t withhold me.
As a result, I cringe when his mother compliments my cooking and cleaning. I simply say that I do it because I value a clean environment. I am getting tired of cleaning up after them. At first I thought it was just my boyfriend, but now I see he learned from his parents.
It bothers me so much to see them treat themselves and their house this way. I stay because of my boyfriends positive qualities, the potential I see in him and the possibility of untreated mental disorder. It is also a better living situation than my home regarding abuse.
I try to nudge my boyfriend respectfully (sometimes I fail in that regard…), but it feels degrading at times.
The other day I came home from a long day of work. I study, work and keep my environment tidy whilst he is unemployed. I was extremely tired, which he knew. Meanwhile, the TV is blaring in the living room because his mother is glued to it. In the kitchen, it is the same as it was that morning, but worse. The dishwasher I loaded the day before is not unloaded, dirty dishes still litter the sink, remnants of his mothers treats are scattered on the counter, there are crumbs, smears, you name it…
Because I’m too tired to hassle them, I just get up to clean everything. I can’t relax unless the environment is somewhat peaceful, especially with the loud television. Instead of somebody seeing that even after an exhausting day I still am cleaning up after everybody, his mother comes up to me once I’m done to compliment me for doing the chores. I just wish maybe my boyfriend or his mother would prevent this mess in the first place or step up to help a little. My boyfriend sometimes does this, though.
How do I help my boyfriend develop necessary skills without just venting my frustrations on him or “parenting him gently”?
I really love him, I just had to get this frustration off my chest. My mother would complain about me behaving the exact same way when I was little, so I definitely understand where she is coming from now. Only difference is that I was a mentally ill child and he is an adult my age.
No. 1571065
>>1571050Why would he ever change? He has a mommy gf and zero responsibility, he's living the high life while you're busy fretting over how to respectfully approach him. The worst that happens to him is an occasional 'gentle nudge' that he can easily ignore. He benefits from this situation and the only thing that could possibly make him change is real, serious consequences. You need to be ready and willing to dump him, you will get nowhere asking nicely I promise you that. But frankly, you should want to dump him because the disgusting pig doesn't even shower or brush his teeth, he doesn't have any money, and he doesn't have any issue letting you do all the work. What does he bring to the table exactly? Is this what you want your life to be like in the future?
I'm being harsh because I've seen a million stories like yours (Seriously, go read a forum for mothers sometime, like /r/breakingmom. Google the mental load too), and it's always the fucking same. A lazy, unhygienic, deadbeat moid taking advantage of a woman who makes excuses for him and thinks if she can just communicate in the right way he will realise he needs to change. Not gonna happen.
No. 1571079
>>1571050No offense, but he is taking advantage of you. Do you really want that to be your life?
>I want to help him heal and flourish without being treated the way I was.This only works when he values you as much as you do him. But he clearly doesn't, because he has no trouble or guilt offloading all the work onto you like you're his pack mule. Listen, it's clear that you love him, but does he love you? I can tell you are extremely kind, empathetic, and have a lot of love to give, but you're clearly giving it to the wrong person. What you are doing for him, you deserve that same treatment tenfold. You deserve someone who puts in the effort to be the best version of themselves for you. Someone who supports you like you support him. Not this loser. You are worth so much more than this. Please please please realize that.
No. 1571084
>>1571050Have some boundaries. Do you want to be with this guy for the rest of your life or are you just keeping him to fill some kind of void of loneliness? If you can't mold him into someone with the same values as you and he doesn't make an effort, why stay?
Moids are retarded. If he's not brushing his teeth, ask him if he brushed his teeth today. If he hasn't heated up his food, ask him if he heat it up. Keep asking him questions if he responds "no". Say "Why not?" and hear his excuses, then go "I think you should be brushing your teeth/heating up leftovers/etc. because not doing so worries me you don't care about yourself." If he doesn't feel bad about hearing that statement and the next time he doesn't brush or heat up his food and he gives the same lame excuse, again, why stay?
No. 1571094
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Can't run away from my depression even in my fantasies. I kept thinking my husbando wouldn't love me. I'm so dumb.
No. 1571103
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Feels like I'll never get my shit together. Went to the GP cuz I realized I'm not breathing right, I haven't for the longest time. I do have low co2 in my blood, so now I have a referral for psychosomatic therapy which I'll have to pay out of my own pocket. I'm so tired, literally and figuratively. I've never felt rested after sleeping, suffered from daytime sleepiness all my life, fell asleep at inappropriate times. I'm a fucking retard. Ruined whatever little opportunities that I had with my retardation. I hope the therapy helps but honestly I just want to die already.
I've done nothing today except for watch Better Call Saul, I'm glad it doesn't have any disgusting scrote degeneracy.
Do any Nona's have stories of turning their life around?
No. 1571304
>>15710501. You are living with his family, sounds like. It's not your business to tell them what to do (not even in passive-aggressive ways like "I value a tidy environment").
2. You are choosing to be involved with someone who does not share your lifestyle values.
3. You are choosing a man-child who sees no reason to behave differently.
4. You are choosing to be with someone who is/whom you perceive as unrealistic, impractical, and lazy.
You're asking the wrong question.
>>1571258Stop assuming what other people think, and stop caring that someone will think you're weird.
And I don't even know what you mean. People wear hats all the time. Especially in the sun. That's completely normal and looks completely normal. It's also healthy for eyes and skin in the sun.
Side question is why walk in jeans, unless it was just an amble.
But thanks - you inspired me to grab a cap while I'm getting my vitamin D
>>1571269Universal healthcare where? If you mean Medicaid programs, they usually pay for dental (preventive and medical need). If you mean insurance through a marketplace that isn't means-based, that's not the govt.
No. 1571325
>>1571065Sorry for structuring my message like a nerd and writing a wall of text. Can’t help it
He expressed once that he was depressed, so I do not want to abandon somebody who could be suffering the way I once was.
I’ve seen those stories of man-child-husbands too, which is part of why I made my post. I want something to change as well. When we first started dating, I was under the impression he was different from how I know him now. You are all correct that I don’t want to proceed with our relationship if things stay this way. I only date to marry and this isn’t my idea of a husband.
I just don’t want to hurt him further if he truly is depressed, as his family members are displeased with his unemployment and approach this incorrectly. Yelling and berating does nothing, I don’t want to contribute to it. Moreover, I am still maturing and reaching goals myself. I don’t want to give him unrealistic ultimatums I wouldn’t be able to meet myself.
He loves everything about me, he always listens to and learns from me about any topic, he respects my intelligence and authority on some matters, he only slept with one person (me), he does not watch pornography, we are the same age, he accepts my body as it is and makes no fuss about its natural state, he makes no fuss about sex or not, he doesn’t abuse me, he likes to help with practical tasks, he encourages my artistic development, he doesn’t expect sex in exchange for chores or help, he doesn’t pressure me to have sex, he understands my sensitivities regarding sexual trauma, he compliments me earnestly, he cares for my safety, respects my integrity and speaks respectfully about me around others, doesn’t engage in the crassness of some young men around him.
Besides, I don’t have anybody without him. I didn’t grow up with much of a support system and still don’t have family or friends. Furthermore, I love to be held and cuddled by him. He touches and loves me very tenderly. He protects me and makes me feel safe. I have nobody else to hold me and unfortunately I’m too sensitive still to be alone again.
To me, he is worth being patient with. I see his potential and breaking up would be the worse alternative. I’ve cried about it a few times to him: even if I really wanted to break up with him, I couldn’t, because he is all I have. I’m not physically/mentally well enough to be by myself. I’d rather give him a chance whilst we are both still young (twenty).
For now, we’re together anyway. He helps me with keeping me company, sometimes financially, I can’t drive yet so he drives me. I’d like to help him in return.
Finally, he does want to work, but his business is taking time and he refuses to do other work in the meantime. He has very slowly been realising that he is going to have to suck it up and get a job to support himself as he works on his project. He has the motivation, it just doesn’t come to fruition… I know what this is like, though, so I don’t want to be too harsh. I just grit my teeth and try to help him.
>>1571084I have done what you suggested, for instance. I also tell him I dislike having to remind him. Every night and day I ask him if he brushed his teeth… I tell him I don’t like kissing him when he hasn’t done so. I try to give him options that helped me: breaking down the steps, helping him complete them. I’ve dealt with executive dysfunction, I get it. Sometimes simple tasks are difficult. So I developed systems. I offer to help him create his own systems, but he rejects my offers.
He was going to cook yesterday, but ended up just sitting at the table on his phone. I embraced him and asked why he didn’t want to cook anymore. According to him, it was too late. The dish was incredibly simple, more so than pasta, so I offered to help him get started. He refused… when I came downstairs before going to sleep to grab a glass of water, everything was still on the counter! The meat, the butter… not even his mother thought to put it away. Sorry, I just haven’t been able to complain to anybody about this without it feeling absolutely draining…
Whenever he fails to complete tasks in a day, it makes him antsy. As I said, executive dysfunction is a familiar obstacle. So I tell him I understand that time management may be difficult for him. I’ve invested a lot of my time and money into figuring out how to deal with these things, so I offer to share what I’ve learned and even recommend some of the specialists I saw. He doesn’t care to do it… in those situations I just don’t know what to do. I say okay that’s fine, just let me know if you ever change your mind and I’d be happy to help.
In the meantime I try to talk to his family and explain that he isn’t just lazy, there is more going on inside his mind. I do so also because I wish somebody would have done that for me when I was little. I really try to help him. So when he still continues to eat only chocolate and left over junk food for breakfast, EVEN after I offer to cook breakfast for him, EVEN after I tell him it feels like he doesn’t care about my values or our future children (I am NOT having children with some weak sperm) despite knowing the consequences of his actions, it feels like a slap in the face! Granted, I will complain a little if he makes me prepare breakfast for him every day, so maybe that’s why he avoids me doing that… ughhh
Your sentiment is very sweet, but truthfully I don’t know who else would even be better than him. I am so happy he does not treat me the way I’ve been treated before, doesn’t watch pornography, etc. For most of it, he respects my authority and intelligence far more than any other man ever has. I’d rather invest in him who was a virgin before we met and is not like most of the guys I’ve met. Simply put, the bar is low for men and I doubt I can do better. I’m way too afraid of getting back into dating.
No. 1571336
>>1571333the only thing that keeps me from going totally insane is that he isn't agp, he's just hsts…i can understand that nona (?) that said women are so accepting of hsts because it's
basically like having an eunuch/hyper gay around to faghag over. but he really drives me nuts though, because he is the most generic example of an hsts ever, all aesthetics and references to other shit bundled up together, absolutely no fucking substance to his character outside of how he speaks on dysphoria and the pseud-tier nonsense regarding the "femme" experience. but goddamn faggot is that all you have, how much you hate your body?
No. 1571359
>>1571304>why walk in jeansIt didn't bother me, but on that, we have no good option for pants either, everything is either jeans or yoga pants, and I hate wearing polyester. But that's all that is available. Or sweatpants if you want to look like a complete slob and be sweaty.
I just want comfortable clothes that are both functional and good-looking but it doesn't exist. Everything is cheap shitty and ugly. I'm so frustrated.
No. 1571383
nonnie. That skinny or fit guy could be a chubby chaser/feeder too. There's no winning with guys.
No. 1571384
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>>1571325so he knows you're emotionally dependent on him and uses that so he has someone to bang, cook, clean and listen to his whining. if he actually cared, he would do the effort, but he doesnt, why should you?
No. 1571440
>>1571359Where do you live that your only options are jeans, sweats, and yoga pants? I have tons of other pants, from bum-around styles to nicer casual things. I have my style/cut of choice in both cropped and full-length versions, pull-on and button/zip, linen/cotton/knits of various weights, etc. For gardening or whatever, I have cargo-y things, again both full and cropped. Same to all^ for shorts. I also have some cute loose linen overalls.
>>1571362I can think of literally nowhere that I don't see women in sun hats, caps, etc.
But "m'lady"? Is your sun hat more suited to the Kentucky Derby than a nice walk? Or are you also wearing an empire-waisted velvet gown?
It is true that people often compliment hats. That is a sign that they like your hat, not that
they think you are a freak. If it bothers you to get a nice comment, you could scream at them…but then you would in fact be a freak.
>>1571413 It hurts because you are putting yourself there. Cut the cord.
No. 1571441
>>1570478Thank you nonna for taking your time to write and share your wisdom. I enjoyed reading your response, it's beautifully written.
Also thank you for the book rec (and reminding me of it, someone recd it to me long ago and I forgot its name).
I'm starting again my religious journey ig, I pretty much left it when I was in the worst period of my life on the thinking that I prayed the most and I still was bullied by both classmates and family and had abyssmal mental health. I'm hesitant now, but started to frequent church and rebuild my prayer habits. I hope it won't be in vain.
Thank you again!
No. 1571453
>>1571325Anon, it's great that you can be so understanding and accepting, but it's too much at this point. Surely you don't just leave your close ones when they need support, but it's not a temporary issue as a response to something external, it obviously goes deep, and I don't think it's healthy to turn into full-on psychotherapist for your partner, it's never going to work like real psychotherapist-client relationships, and it's super draining for you. It's not my place to tell you what decisions to make but you just don't sound very happy. It's like you're both stuck in some sort of a game where he constantly suffers and you're "saving" him. You don't have to be
abusive to your bf or threaten him or something but he has to understand he needs to put effort to have good things in his life, and it includes relationships. You're not obliged to love him unconditionally. Sometimes it doesn't work out with good people, too, and there's no other option than leaving, because you're not the only one who should make relationships work and not everything depends on you. Just tell him what you see, like it is, and say you can't just watch what he's doing with himself and his life, something needs to be done about it. Suggest psychotherapy/medication, some sort of plan, and see if he starts doing anything. Although I guess you've already had these talks and, judging from your posts, he's not really motivated. And it's not going to change with the same approach: it's obvious it's not working. So you can try getting more serious with it if you're not ready to leave just yet, but nonna, some people, many people actually (especially men) just never change. It's out of your control. You seem like a very kind and thoughtful person and I'm sure you'll be able to find someone who'll be wonderful to you, but I'm also sure you'll feel much lighter without having to micromanage an adult and being anxious about your future together and coliving with people with a lifestyle you disagree with.
No. 1571462
>>1571325If he respected you and listened to you so much, he wouldn't treat you like this.
>He expressed once that he was depressedWhat would happen if you told him you were depressed? He wouldn't change anything for you, you know. He wouldn't go above and beyond for you, like you do for him. If you're happy to live your life like this, then go for it. Just don't have children with him, they would be miserable.
No. 1571484
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I'm graduating from college in a few weeks, and the last actual, real friend I had was in middle school. My last "friend" group all actually disliked me except for one dude (because he had a crush on me) and I was too autistic to realize. I want the three years of emotions I poured into them back. My trust was broken and I feel so ashamed. The loneliness is crushing and I'm so hopeless that I could laugh. I wish I could shed my body and crawl into the dirt. I'm literally considering becoming Christian again because at least then I won't feel fucking lonely if I pretend there's a God watching over me LMAO.
I hope you are doing better than I am, nonas. If you have close friends, please cherish them.
No. 1571486
When I was young I had no friends, my family and environment was a mess and that made me distance myself from everyone.
I met my best friend when I was a teenager and she was a very cruel person. She realised very soon that I was a person who wanted to please everyone and she (tremendously narcissistic) decided that she could manipulate me at her whim. I became emotionally dependent on her, I felt that if I lost her, I lost everything.
As I have said, she was very cruel, she always used social networks to ridicule me, in a passive aggressive way she wrote that I only wanted to seek attention at all times, making me an even more insecure person and not even daring to open mouth.
Now twelve years have passed, she is still my best friend and basically all my friends are her friends, long before I came into her life they already were. Today I have realised that I cannot forgive her for all that pain. A part of me has grown up believing that I was the problem, that I was always screwing up or that everyone hated me or were annoyed by me (every time I tried to verbalise how sad I was, always those same comments “attention seeker" “attention Whore".
The problem is that right now nothing has happened, she is not aware of all the damage she has done to me and I really don't know how to tell her that I wish she would disappear completely from my life. Every time things go wrong for her I feel a deep satisfaction because I still think she has to pay for all the damage somehow and that makes me feel ashamed of myself because I partly hate being like the monster that she was, and I don't know if she is anymore. I feel stuck after more than a decade and I'm ashamed to admit it, I don't know if I'm taking everything out of context anymore….
No. 1571496
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A male friend and I have started getting really close and messaging every day, I'm starting to like him AAARGH I was just starting to feel happy and peaceful as a single woman again. He's very attractive but I just know it wouldn't work out and I don't want to waste my time.
No. 1571506
>>1571464I'm sorry, anon. That is really hard, and disappointing.
After a few days /letting the letdown pass a little bit, it might be helpful (though maybe hard, ngl) to do a retro "lessons learned"on the project: this means listing out in specifics what worked, what didn't, what went well, where you got tripped up and why. Might be as simple as you procrastinated (if you know that, then maybe you could figure out if there were certain parts of it that caused more procrastinating, or certain emotions that interfered with just getting to work), or that you failed to think about all aspects of the project so you had enough time, or got lost in details, or didn't know how to plan time…whatever happened, if you define it, you can plan for it the next time you have a big project. So if you didn't budget enough time, you could try to recall how long each stage took this time & then next time actually ballpark it in advance. Or if you forgot about how long polishing it could take, then next time you may give yourself an earlier deadline to allow for the final bit, etc. If it's rooted in procrastination or forgetting , then next time maybe you make yourself do even 5 minutes/day on some piece of a big project so it stays top of mind. That kind of thing.
In the meantime, be kind to yourself.
No. 1571524
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I just witnessed some fucked up situation at a 24 hour store. It's almost midnight and I was coming back from work and I went in to buy some water. There was only one guy inside and he had some argument with the clerk and it seemed like it was already going on for a while, something about cigarettes, he was saying the cigarettes are shit, and the clerk said something like 'if you don't want them don't buy them' and he told the guy to leave, but the guy said he can arrange some better stuff for the shop and the clerk said 'don't teach me how to run my own shop, just leave', to which the guy replied:
>Listen, I can shoot you in a moment
my blood froze when I heard this, I was right next to them, I didn't know what to do, there was total silence for a while and I really didn't know if I should walk out or something. The dude looked at me and then at the clerk again and said 'it's all right dude' with totally calm voice, like nothing happened, and he walked out with nothing. I came to the clerk and pretended I speak another language, hoping the weirdo would think I didn't even know what he said, I paid for my stuff and as I was leaving this weirdo was getting on his bike and looking at me. I live right next to the shop and I'm kinda scared he saw where my house is. When I opened the door to my house I immediately started crying. Maybe it's an overreaction, but at the moment it felt so fucked up, for a second I really felt like I could die or witness a homicide, fuck this day
No. 1571568
I've been in a ldr for years (no I didn't meet him off the internet or a different country) and I don't really talk to anyone all day. I'm pretty lonely. The only social interaction I get is from work and recently, there's this really cute guy I've been getting along with. I feel sexual tension between us. I never communicate with him outside of work because I know what that will lead to. I've given my bf an ultimatum, and he promised he'd move to be with me soon. I love my bf, he's a genuinely good person and I hope he ends up moving to be with me because I will be ready to break up if otherwise
>>1567435I really appreciate the explanation
nonny. I was fascinated with this case as well
No. 1571570
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so, my entire life I felt like shit, I can maybe count the days I felt fine on one hand. after over a decade - two if you count my childhood - of wondering if it was all in my head I was actually finally diagnosed with something severe that 100% explains it. then…I have found out the usual treatment won't even work because my condition is particularly fucked up, and particularly difficult to treat. I'd have to be rich and be able to see dozens of specialists to even pin everything down.
I'm still trying to grapple with the idea that I might feel like I'm dying for the rest of my life…and those few good days I had only remind me just how awful I feel all the time. Before, I thought they were hope that I could feel better.
No. 1571595
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I feel like a zombie all day every day. It could be from meds but I've been taking them for an unhealthily long time so it's weird that I'd only now notice. The few times I am able to feel something, it comes out destructively and hurts my relationships. It's better to isolate myself and save us all the trouble, which is what's naturally happening anyways. I kind of like feeling nothing at all
No. 1571617
I hope I'm able to brute force my way out of my shitty attachment style. It's easy to enjoy being obsessed with someone and pursue them with matching intensity, but difficult to accept when they like me, too. A switch flips and I feel the need to retreat back into the bushes and continue watching from afar. The fixation will persist (for years…and years…), I just get a fright and have the urge to clamber away when they shine their light on me.
I feel destined to be a silent admirer, but I don't actually want to be stuck like that. I want love and partnership, too.
If I keep talking to her maybe it will go away. I really like her and don't want to fuck it up.
>>1571595Are you getting proper nutrition? This sounds stupid, but vitamin deficiencies can seriously affect mood for some.
I've sometimes thought that my mental health was deteriorating again but I just needed iron or something.
No. 1571627
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>new apartment
>mine has large floor to ceiling windows and is extended out, so that neighbors can stare directly into my apartment and see everything, including where I sit on my couch
>male neighbor keeps peeping out of his to stare at me when he thinks he can get away with it
>isn't subtle at all, will peek out his window every few minutes to glance at me
>even comes onto his balcony to watch me
>whenever i look up and see him he flees
Let me get drunk and I will confront his ass someone stop me from going to jail.
sorry for shitty drawing here is a diagram of my view. if he's at his glass balcony door or outside he can see my entire apartment. I can't see inside his but have full view of the balcony.
No. 1571726
>>1571705I took a bunch of crap to buffalo exchange and they only took the worst of it.
shein/f21 is so cancerous i'm grateful that it falls apart so quickly or else the goodwill would be 90% flimsy plastic shit instead of only 20%.
No. 1571738
>>1571686lol i was thinking the same thing. maybe
nonnie is venting about someone she knows irl
No. 1571747
>>1571740waiting 10 years for an internet scrote? damn, love yourself
nonny and log off and never talk to this guy again, he was clearly never worth it
No. 1571835
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Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm crying so hard for the past week and I don't get it why. It may be because my period should be coming? My left breast hurt a bit and pimples started to appear on my face. Maybe it's that too, but I sent yesterday evening messages to invite the few friends I have near me and no one replied a thing, I only saw that a couple of them had seen the message (the party was programmed for the weekend tho). The only one who replied on the group chat is far away and was upset she couldn't come, but the rest….idk how to feel, maybe I'm overreacting since it was quite late yesterday when I sent the messages. Also at work, my celebration was postponed for the next day which is understandable (one colleague isn't present tomorrow), but this being on top of the afforementioned, I feel…idk.
When my period is nearing, I always start crying a couple of days beforehand and start thinking that no one loves me, that I wasted my previous years recovering and living in autopilot from mental health issues while working long hour jobs or I'm not living enough and other thoughts from a similar fashion. So maybe I'm just PMSing ig. The weather doesn't help too ig, it's been raining since the start of the month.
I want to vent to my parents too and cry in their arms, but I don't want to make them sad too, especially before my birthday. Right now, I'm in the workplace bathroom and crying so hard, I have to get rid of the signs that I have cried, I don't want my parents to see that…i feel like such a clown omg.
No. 1571905
>>1571561Power of choice helps, literally think or say out loud the sentence "I am choosing to do this". You're not being forced to do it, you are free to stay miserable if you want to, so you are choosing it over the misery every time you do it.
Even if you're not sure it will actually help you're gonna be miserable either way, so you might as well take the road that has a possibility of improving your life a bit over the one that you know for a fact is miserable all the time.
No. 1571940
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This kind of fuckery that’s regularly done to women from their gay male friends (not to mention using women as beards) makes me question why women still trust gay men in any capacity. Ugh why is every man in this situation such shit.
No. 1571945
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Holy shit why do women keep these sexual deviants around as friends. This is where trying to be chic and having a “gay best friend” gets a woman.
No. 1571956
>>1571934Ok and how is that relevant to my post? I can tell you’re a sensitive
triggered faggot by how you immediately replied to the other anon’s post too, disgusting aids ridden faggot
No. 1571968
As an introvert, it seems men just hate me. I've heard a lot of things, that "shy girls are cute", that "opposites attract" but in real life, i get negged to the extreme about not being enough, not being overtly emotional, energetic or bubbly, even though I've never been in a relationship it seems there's something in me that makes moids, specially extroverted moids, seriously seethe at me, its like they hate my mere presence to guts, like they have to "fix me" immediately. This has never been a problem with women, they like me and even prefer my calm behavior, but men are unable to stfu in my presence, they cannot just accept I'm like this, is always "Smile more, you act like a robot, you're so rigid, you're scary, you're too delicate, too sensitive, talk more" its all so confusing
No. 1572005
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I keep having the feeling the 90s ended 4-5 years ago, then I suddenly realize the 90s were 30+ years ago.
No. 1572011
>>1571968introvert here , kek don't worry about it nonna, I did the "act more bubbly" thing and then they were complaining I was too happy
you just can't win with men most times, not that most of them are really worth anything
just be you and never change for some idiot who can't appreciate you
No. 1572044
I need to get this off my chest, Shakira is a good contemporary dance but she is pretty bad at other styles, including belly dancing. She can move her hips but a bellydancer that does not make. Anyone can learn that, it kinda irks me that people kiss ass to celebrities for basic shit, and never give any attention to real performers who aren't famous nor hyped up for the masses.
Also somewhat related but the contortion archery, shooting an arrow with your feet while in a hand balance, is a very old mongolian move, as contortion originated there. But every time someone does this movie people are not just amazed, they act like it was i vented by the performer they are seeing. I'm glad it gets appreciated, it is amazing, but people will never go beyond the scope of their puny little lives to learn things, they see it at the moment and forget about it forever. Which is also why I think people lose their shit at a celebrity doing anything because they'd never know without it being spoonfed to them. They'd never bother to see what is outside their bubble. They never know anything of the world.
It really irks me.
No. 1572090
>>1571750nonnie please talk to them before something happens
be like
>hey I understand you do not want new hires to alter their schedule and I do not want to be an inconvenience, but I have to ask to be an exception due to personal safety concerns. my route to work is in a poorly lit area where I've been sexually harassed a couple times recently already and I am afraid for my safety. normally I would not ask for these things but given the situation I ask if we could make an exception please if no then start looking elsewhere before you become a statistic cause that's terrifying
No. 1572097
>>1571821my dad and brother nearly killed me a couple of times as a kid for 0 reason, I was a sweet little autist. if it isn't a husband/bf it'll be a man in their lives at the very least.
Chris Watts' are more common than you think. that is "family annihilators", even their children (including unborn) aren't safe.
because gotta gotta COOOOOOM
No. 1572217
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Bumping CP off front page.
No. 1572218
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Bumping CP off front page.
No. 1572235
>>1572223I'm so sorry, anon. At the very least, those painful moments passed quickly. The best you can do is care for that poor kitten's sibling. If reincarnation is real and applies to all living beings, I'd like to believe that kitten and every other innocent animal ends up in a better existence than this shitty one we all live in (idgaf about humans insisting only they are
valid, only they have souls and blah blah blah, seems like coping horseshit to me).
No. 1572390
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I love having industry experience firsthand while being a manager for my company because I get to see right through bullshit.
Some shitty customer contact for an account I have apparently complained to her boss about me.
Why? Because she forgot I needed audit documentation today and needs to blame me for it.
I wrote an email to her on the 2nd and made the SUBJECT 'Company Audit 09May' so that way she could not miss it. I just needed her to provide copies of employee training documentation (later learned she could have just sent them to my auditor via email) nothing else. We had a back and forth exchange where I could tell she was being short and a stickler on details like times she would be at the building because gasp she was being asked to do something for us! She spat out some bullshit about how she needed to know the day before and couldn't guarantee she could get me documents same day–had no idea why she'd bother mentioning this as she should know she'd have to have it by the 8th if I said we were coming the 9th? Anyway my impression is that this minor internal audit having little to do with her turned into an inconvenience because of her company's audacious requirement that she escort us until we are done. I told her I would get back to her on the 'time' that my auditor would arrive, but the date was not ever going to change per the subject field and my initial email.
Well I got caught up with a site project and did not update her with a time until this morning. Shoulda been fine, but it wasn't, and this stupid bitch made it my fault because baaaaaw I never updated her about the time despite the fact that the date never changed thoo. Then why was she mad actually? Because she had something to do today and wanted to skip work early yet her dumbass forgot so I have to be the bad guy.
She claimed I never have her notice period. Lying gunt.
Also do you know why she's full of shit? Her company is federally required to provide documentation to an auditor whenever. I feel like whistleblowing about this "can't provide docs same day" bullshit, because I used to have her job and know I could–albeit tediously–grab any trainings same day. I can't stand the bitch because she tried to get me in trouble instead of taking her L like the lazy dumb troutsniffer that she is.
No. 1572394
>>1572354Literally fearmongering
My mom had her healthiest and most successful kid at 42 (my little sis)
No. 1572450
>>15723542 years younger and I have the same fear, except I'm not even in a relationship, it makes me depressed.
I know a bunch of women who had kids in their mid 30s without any issues tho,so I hope the best for you, keep healthy and it should be ok
No. 1572507
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Havent had issues with being anachan for like 3 years now. Thought I was over that hump in my life. Feel embarrassed to say that recently I've been hating my body and even more so when I stepped on the scale today. I have been trying to diet but it is SO hard to count calories and not go back into my ED mindset "omg, i need to log 0 calorie mustard in myfitnesspal Just in Case!" - I don't have trouble with diet/exercise but I do drink 4-5 days a week which is probably why I'm gaining weight. I'm going to cut back to 1-2 days a week at most.
I'm in this weird balance of realizing I'm not 16 anymore and I shouldn't expect to stay at the weight I was back then for the rest of my life, and an extreme fear that I'm going to lose control and end up overweight like the rest of my family, who is constantly dieting but can't ever seem to get down to a healthy weight.
It's also so embarrassing to be feeling like an anachan at my grown age.
No. 1572518
nonnie why are you drinking so much?
No. 1572617
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in the past year i've come to terms with my childhood, my entire life really up until i turned 20. i used to be such a nostalgic person but now that i am independent and free to do so much, now that i've been to see several counsellors and really dug into my issues, i've realised i really did not have a good upbringing. the past used to be a comforting place to retreat to in my head and now i don't have anywhere to retreat to. that might be for the best, it was about time i moved on and started living in the present, i'm just adjusting. i really do feel nostalgic towards being nostalgic
No. 1572659
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I need help..
I still think about the guy who ghosted me half a year ago every. single. day. I don't even know why I think about him because I am not attracted to him after what he did and as I got to know him, I didn't even see him as a serious partner because he had some issues. It does bother me that he just disappeared without a word though. Is this normal? I was diagnosed with OCD but I don't think this could be related to it because my OCD symptoms are usually tics and checking. Memories I have of being with him randomly pop in my head or I'll see things that remind me of him or look like him and all I wonder is why am I thinking about him still.
I just wish the thoughts about him would go away because it's making me feel horrible and creepy and I would rather just forget about that messed up time in my life. It's taking a big toll on me lately.
No. 1572666
>>1572659Anon are you me because I'm also down horrendous over my fucking high school crush, it's gotten to the point where I felt jealous over him recently following my ex-bestie on Instagram even though that girl never liked him and is married to someone else now.
My rational brain says I'm def just daydreaming because my mental health is shit RN and I haven't met any other dudes since the pandemic, and he's an accessible fantasy, but my heart and pussy don't care lmao
No. 1572683
My menses have been absolute terror for the past 6 months and idk what is happening? My last regular, 5-day, 28-day gap cycle was in August last year, then I went 2 months with no period and before getting it in December
I figured I probably must be eating like shit so I began taking more vitamins, cut fat and sugar, began working out more, and I still missed 3 months of periods
I thought it was down to stress because I was severely overworked recently, but I've had worse times at work and still gotten my cycle on time
So just before I'm making the appointment to go see a gyno in March,the blood sacrifice arrives but it's basically glorified spotting that stretches for two weeks. I still don't go the gyno because I'm thinking "what the hell at least there's blood flow somehow"
Well now fast forward to the end of April and I got my period again, so I was overjoyed at finally getting my regular cycle back but this time around there's a little too much blood, with 2 days of spotting, 4 days of pretty heavy bleeding and now 3 more days of lighter bleeding. And the blood is coming out in like tennis ball sized, jelly-like clots of blood on the heaviest days.
I am finally seeing a gynaecologist tomorrow, I hope I get an answer to whatever the fuck this is. I really hope it's not serious
No. 1572806
>>1572659Okay I just found out that this is called "limerence" and is a byproduct of childhood trauma, insecure attachment styles, and ocd. I feel much better after reading about limerence so if any other
nonny relates to this, please take care of yourselves..
No. 1572898
>>1572896and then i'll be in trouble with my father and who knows what kek. also it's not my personality to act out like this. i managed to find one of the guys from work and told him about it and he told me in case he says anything weird again to tell him and he will "talk to him"(he doesnt like him either,actually,no one does kek).
we are actively looking for a replacement but there are neither good options,arent qualified or dont even show up
No. 1572944
>>1572933>employee of the monthwe dont have that shit here kek
>act like you're sooooo busy working the thing is, im currently doing alone work and he comes by sometimes to talk to me i cant avoid it unless i act like he doesnt exist at all.
but yea i should use this as a reason to get out of here asap
>>1572935>his work email he does deliveries by car and motorbike.we dont do office work here.
i also talked to others about it and he had been making comments to another female employee saying "they have common interests" till she cut out that shit completely and i was also told that he asked out some random lady working at a kiosk across the street. he also said something like "my mom is old and im looking for a woman to share expenses" ,i.e "i want a maid to share the rent, cook for me and clean the house". fucking pathetic moid
>>1572942ive also realised im sensitive to sounds and cant handle too much noise and too many people talking. it makes me tired and annoyed
No. 1572952
>>1572942same I actually fucking hate going to work in the office for this reason because I don't have so much as a desk partition so I gotta hear everyone, plus the jobless fucking account managers have plenty of time to waste so I waste one hour at lunch, one hour playing ping pong, one hour going to tea, all while a hailstorm of work rains down on me
I've begun rejecting these offers but now my socially retarded self keeps thinking I'll fall behind as part of the social scene at work because of it
Either I'm on the spectrum or I'm surrounded by idiots
No. 1573038
>>1573033Nearly every video creator acts like a spaz on cocaine and I can't stand it. Their thumbnails are an acid fever dream with those Black Hole Sun type distorted faces.
The attention-grabbing is so over the top now it's deviant. Deviant voices, deviant faces, deviant hyper behaviour.
I am not amused.
No. 1573083
>>1573077Fuck yeah
nonnie, fuck em up
No. 1573086
>>1573071>>1573082You expected a place made to nitpick and shit on internet personalities to be a hugbox?
That's not on us, that's on you.
The newfaggotry
No. 1573138
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>>1573126Nonna its ok, please dont beat yourself up. Consider speed walking or sprinting in lieu of running, or maybe doing a fully bodyweight workout to activate your muscles. “Nike training center app” has some great warmups for running! Those are awesome for waking up some sleepy legs.
You can get to the point of running with your partner, but its not an instant change.
No. 1573211
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is it ever going to get fucking better i wish i wasn't real
No. 1573224
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>>1573211It will
nonnie its OK to feel shitty sometimes. It'll pass ♡
No. 1573226
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I literally never think badly about people using picrel or really think about them at all, but the idea of me using one seems so retarded and pathetic and attention seeking even though I am actually disabled and would benefit
No. 1573248
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I broke my tooth today, now I need to spend a gazilliard of money AND the earliest appointment available anywhere is like in a month I hate this, also I have a number of other teeth to fix eventually and aaaaarrrghhh
No. 1573259
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I hate being dependent on a man I hate it I hate it.
My bf isn't a bad person but he's so sensitive and thin-skinned that he gets offended by everything. If I don't tell him he's the bestest most handsome boy ever and lick his balls clean with compliments he gets uwu sad and starts pouting and then I can't sleep or work or smile or have fun until I calm His Highness down and tell him I'm sorry.
Any kind of criticism, from "you left this candy wrapper out on the counter, please throw it away" to "stop being a condescending know-it-all" gets him in a tizzy. Meanwhile I can't ask for money to go buy things he asked for because he feels like a paypig (why is it never the rich men terrified of golddiggers?), if I'm not beaming with happiness and gratitude when he buys me a shitty chocolate bar for my birthday and puts in minimal effort he'll start whining that I don't appreciate him.
He wants me to be all over him or else he won't feel loved enough, but I had to ask him for permission to hold his hand when we started dating because he "wasn't comfortable" and "it was so new to him". Fuck you.
I wish I could dump him but until I finish my thesis, get a job and enough money to move out there's no chance that's happening. Plus there's high probability I'd lose most of my friends since they're his friends' girlfriends.
No. 1573260
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i want to write but i hate my writing style so much. i'm keeping people waiting on my shit too, it's a writing hobby, but god. i am so envious of people who aren't as self-conscious as i am when it comes to this.
No. 1573263
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I feel like my friends and I are drifting apart for some reason. Slowly but it's happening. I'm considering getting a bf to compensate just so I can have someone to hang out with more often and who'll see me as a priority.
No. 1573269
>>1573263nonnie maybe you should browse bumble bff/meetup just so you can have a group of acquaintances to be around and maybe over time you will grow close enough to at least 2-3 of them
tbh the only times i feel like i'd want more friends, like a whole group, is for my birthday or if i ever get married; don't really miss their presence in my life otherwise kek. i have 2 good friends, 3 more in other cities to talk to online, and that's enough for me
No. 1573277
>>1573275Happy birthday! You're not alone in this if this makes you feel better, I'm about to be 29 but never did anything with anyone, but don't lose hope. My big sister keeps telling me that some of her friends met in their early 30s, hooked up and are going to get married soon.
>>1573269I should look into it. Honestly I don't even feel lonely all that much right now, and I don't really like celebrating anything anymore in general with anyone. It can be fun hanging out with friends but still. We barely even talk online anymore too.
No. 1573347
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i love gothic lolita fashion so much but i feel like the more i invest on it, the more mentally ill i get. at this rate, by my first dress or coord i'll be a full bpdchan he/him local horrorcow
No. 1573371
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I fucking hate that there really is no place for non-normalfag women on the internet anymore. Fucking hate what this site has become. This site spawned from /cgl/, a 4ch board for women with alternative fashion taste that spent thousands to dress in frills and big puffy dresses and other stuff that would get you labelled as cringe by normalfags, and a hobby that also requieres effort and commitment. I wonder how many current lc users are even into lolita, god, i wonder how many are even into nerdy hobbies or anime. No wonder i can read old as sin threads and laugh out loud but i cringe at the shayna thread every time one of its resident shaynavermins decides to break contaiment and post a cap on the ''funny'' caps threads. The modern lc user is devoid of any personality, they are scared to make a cringe or unhinged joke that might get them labelled as something ''bad'' so instead they make the most insipid comments, mostly regurgitated from social media. I give this site less than 2 years before it becomes CC 2.0, the milk is dry as shit too, so there really is no use for such an insipid, boring site.
No. 1573376
>>1573371I miss old /cgl/ .
The Kooter and Venus dramu and all the cosplayers, Chokelate, Miyu, Ophelia etc , we really didn't know how good we had it. I couldn't believe what happened to that board.
Take me back to 2010-2012, this timeline SUCKS.
No. 1573377
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>>1573371sometimes I feel like that too nonna then I remember I still share this website with people who are as odd as I am and I feel fine. the normalfags from twitter can stay but they have to tolerate our weirdness or gtfo.
No. 1573399
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>>1573377they literally want to censor the weird girls that talk about shota though. Not even post nsfw(which doesnt even get posted), but talk about kuroshitsuji, a manga by and for women.
>>1573391its less about being a weeb and more about actually being interesting and different from the average phone poster normalfag who's scared of the no-no words and pixels on a screen. It's the only appeal of altchans, that you are going to encounter honest people, instead of people walking on eggshells to not offend retards. There is no point to this site with censorship, reminds me to those lost newfags whose first post is ''umm ackshually not all trannies!!1!'' or that newfag furry sperg from the cartoon drama thread on snow, failed so hard to integrate it was the funniest shit i have seen on this site in a while.
No. 1573401
i miss my eating disorder except not really except like more than anything else in the universe lmao
i don't really know how or why recovery happened, like i was in a pretty bad place with my ED back in january and then i moved out and started living alone for the first time and then suddenly after 15 fucking years of having an eating disorder my brain said "what if it's worse to go bald than to be fat" and for the last several months i've been eating probably not like a normal person but at least more consistently and frequently than i have been for literally half of my entire life. and now my hair is growing back and i have these stupid little baby hairs all over my head but it's the best my hair has looked in years, and i've gained probably ~10 lbs (i don't have a scale here which is also new) which i loathe and i feel like my body looks so disgusting now but i also have an ass again and honestly??? i have a great fucking ass
i have an absolutely remarkable ass and i can't decide if that's based or if i fucking hate that any part of my body is this big and i wish my brain would just decide if i still hate myself or if i'm suddenly allowed to like the way i look. i know that i look so much better like this, like just objectively, i don't have fucking bald patches, my ass isn't flat, and my acne is improving, these are all pretty major improvements, but my fucking retard trog brain just keeps going "okay but what happened to ur thigh gap huh faggot" like that fucking MATTERS to anyone other than fellow anachans when all of those other things are infinitely more important to normal functional people. but then i guess it's probably not great to base my feelings about my body based on what other people value about it either so what's the fucking point, where is the middle ground, i'm so fucking tired. i'm almost 30 years old like this is genuinely so sad at this point, it's humiliating, my own boyfriend doesn't even know that i have an ED, i mean like he KNOWS because he's not an idiot and tries to prod me into talking about it but i shut that shit down every time because it's so beyond embarrassing to be experiencing something that most people get over by the time they're 21.
and to top it all off my bitch ass mother came by the other day and asked how much i weigh now and then said "oh we weigh the same now, well at least that's not as embarrassing for you now as it was when you were younger" and i want to punch a hole through the fucking MOON bro, this bitch set me up for a lifetime of misery and has the audacity to try and come back for a second round? unbelievable
so of course i just want to be smaller than her which literally i already am, we weigh the same but i am a full 4 inches taller than her but of course that's not good enough for my fucking stupid garbage brain
No. 1573416
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So I'm kinda shocked rn and also I'm ESL so please bear with me
For the past 6 months or so I've been seeing this social helper/counselor (not sure how to translate it, but basically someone that is supposed to help young people with work, education, housing, etc, and it's free for us people being helped).
Until now he's helped a lot, and I really enjoyed seeing him because he was so respectful and compassionate.
Since I moved out I've been having trouble with a neighbor who's some sort of wannabe-thug violent druggie. Basically he's been threatening and harrassing me almost every time he sees me, I thought he would get bored eventually but he hasn't, so I told it to the social worker today and asked for help/protection. After talking a lot trying to find solutions he tells me that the violent guy probably has a difficult past and his communication as of now (well, shouting and threatening me) is actually a cry for help. I say idgaf, I have a tough past too, I just want to be able to live in peace. He then says something along the lines of "you're going to hate me for this, but you lack empathy". At this point I'm crying, I ask him again if me not caring about my neighbor's past and his "cries for help" means to him I lack empathy, and once again he agrees. All while keeping his kind eyes and soft smile.
Short after I leave crying, while he's telling me to contact him again when I feel more calm.
I just feel so fucking devastated I lost one of the few people I trusted. Like, what even was his point? It's not healthy to be empathetic to anyone all the time, especially towards someone's who's been consistently nasty to you. That's just not realistic. Regular people aren't like Jesus, loving and forgiving his executioners. His job is to help and advise me, a young worker from an abusive home with a disability, and after building me up for months he just breaks me down??? Do people get off of this??
I'm just so fucking disgusted. A colleague of his told me she'll ask him tommorow when she sees him what he actually meant, she's pretty sure it's just a misunderstanding but I don't have much hope left. I guess I just have to accept he's actually a shitty person. Scrotes really are all the same huh. They don't see us women as humans. They'll throw you under the bus for their fellow men any given chance.
No. 1573421
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My life just keeps getting worse, make it fucking stop.
No. 1573451
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>>1573371there's no lolitas here because lolita is dead. /cgl/ got killed by moids, irl/discord comms are insufferable, even the lolita thread on /g/ is dead. I think there's definitely still weird girls but now they're wearing a wacky -core fashion and say shit like "unalived" because their first online experience was on tiktok and not 4chan. I think lolcow will die eventually but only because imageboards as a whole aren't popular with zoomers and some sort of shitty lolcow-adjacent community on twitter or tiktok will take its place. Also it's well established that /snow/ has the worst posters because the cows attract their peers, so obviously the shayna, anachan or sex worker threads will be filled with the worst type of posters. I think the other boards are still pretty good though
No. 1573461
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that sick looping feeling when i look at myself in the mirror and i see a familiar face staring back at me and then i recognize it as myself and then as two separate entities: mind and body, and then i think about how they don't match "is this really me?", and then i don't recognize myself anymore and the cycle repeats. it's so intense i physically feel almost my spirit(?) fading/moving in and out of me, in the chest and head, akin to waking up from a dream of falling.
No. 1573499
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Of course I now have to go to an informal hearing for this car accident a moid caused. I thought I'd be done with it. What's he going to do? I looked him up and saw he had two prison sentences, one of which was assault with intent to commit murder. Give me a break. Screw him, and a very merry fine to him too.
No. 1573582
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Idgaf what you blackpilled hbitches say I need a boyfriend
No. 1573589
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>>1573582>>1573584I thought it meant "hentai bitches". Don't ask me why.
No. 1573655
>>1573582Get a boyfriend if you want a boyfriend, its about what you want not what other women want. All that matters is that you are safe, you have boundaries, you respect yourself, never lower yourself for any man. Don't let any blackpilled nonnies convince you just the fact that you're in a relationship is demeaning. You know your own worth, you have your own values, you
know what you want and those nonnies know what
they want and both of you can be happy with your lives without belittling and insulting the other (im lookin at your blackpill nonnies)
No. 1573661
>>1573660ayrt, I love you
nonnie, but I've been married to a unicorn for almost 10 years and I'm not going to tell my nonas that they can't have the same happiness I have if it's what they personally want. I think it's very based of you to know what you want and be satisfied with that though.
No. 1573674
>>1573670Haha I know it's easy to think any moid is a chad with insane charisma that can pull countless women but my boyfriend is a fucking retard like actually borderline autistic and fucking weird, we spent years just being friends because he just has a beta male energy that puts him in the friendzone with every woman he meets. He repels women with his autistic ranting about Sonic the Hedgehog and Dragon Ball. He is not fucking that girl I know this for a fact because I am the only retarded bitch that has approached him sexually in the last two years. Every girl he's been kind of with before me has ghosted his ass because he's such an unrepentant autist. He exudes retarded energies the likes of which have been wholly undocumented. I'm just mad that his mentally challenged ass doesn't take selfies with me and post them to his story but he takes one with his buddies and classmates whenever he hangs out with him. I cannot fucking stand his worthless piece of shit retard ass.
Text sent.
No. 1573689
>>1573674Truly laughing at this dissertation I was only memeing
>He exudes retarded energies the likes of which have been wholly undocumented. You're a poet
No. 1573729
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No. 1573730
>>1573674Are you the same anon who ventef about him in the last thread or is there more than one anon who have legitimately autistic bfs who only talk about sonic and DBZ
Anywhy why are you even still with him. Seems like he's more of a pet to you than a partner. Plus he sounds really retarded and being with an autistic and emotionally deficient moid is mentally draining
No. 1573772
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I was scared of stepping onto the scale but did so just now, and I'm officially overweight for the first time in my life lmao. With this post I'm vowing that, as of today, I'll stop snacking again, amen or whatever.
No. 1573795
>>1573461That's called dissociation,
nonnie. Maybe you're a little stressed or anxious. When this happens, your body is currently in survival mode. Usually it fucks up my vision and thoughts. I've dealt with this for over a decade, so that weird alien feeling is bearable now that I understand how the mind works and why it does it during these times.
No. 1573853
>>1573705Cont vent.
I just got off and this ugly goblin emailed me after we settled a situation at work. Like why are you so obsessed with me? Go fucking RETIRE. No one wants you here. Fuck off. Old haggard whore. I swear to fucking god these old whores have absolutely nothing going on in their lives so they have to terrorize people at work, kids hate you, men do not look at you, still you're desperate for attention. Ugly Shrek looking bitch. I swear i miss the time when old people died of disease like pnemonia or we pushed them off a cliff. Now they extend the working age so these old haggard whores can turn a workplace into s
toxic shithole because no one checks them. All they do is sit on their ass Infront of a computer and make bank. I hope you die from a stroke from sitting too long with those velcroise veins you ugly hideous corpse looking bitch. What irks me the most is how they are decked out in beautiful clothing while young people are stressed out about paying rent. Like putting clothes on a rotting corpse or makeup on a pig. What's the fucking point.
No. 1573866
I hate bras so muuuch, I wanna scream and burn them. I had a bra on since morning and it's like a cage, It felt so fucking uncomfortable I had to go to the restroom and just take it off for some time. And that's my most comfortable bra with proper wired cups. I don't tolerate anything other than sport bras I feel visceral disgust every time I have a wired one on, I have to adjust it every time I move I don't even give a shit if it looks unladylike, I'm not gonna suffer. I seriously felt almost sick and wanted to vomit because of how uncomfortable it was these last few minutes. I fucking hate this society men made that shames everyone who goes without it. I legit understand why aidens chop their tits off I fucking hate having breasts, and I only have small ones. I wanna go braless topless, I want people to not sexualise half of my torso. I don't want to be judged on how small or big I am, and I don't wanna be judged if I opt to be comfortable. I hate how society makes everything about being a woman uncomfortable. I hate long hair that gets in my face, I the uncomfortable feeling of makeup, I hate having to shave my legs and thighs. I am slowly starting to reject this shit but the shaming I get for it is so harsh. It all makes me wanna just go NEET and not go out, become a hairy cavemen shut in.
No. 1573879
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>>1573866Anon you should buy a bra like picrel, they're very comfortable, i just bought one and I barely notice I'm wearing it, i was sick of getting my boobs tortured by regular bras too and I'm B size at most
No. 1573902
>>1573879Thanks for the tip
nonny, do you know how are these bras called?
No. 1573911
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The tall house right next to ours blocks the sun from shining into our balcony in the evening
No. 1573964
>>1573853Damn you're going to go ballistic once you hit 35 huh
nonnie? I'm sure she doesn't want to work either since she's old and tired, but muh capitalism. You're probably annoying to work with though.
No. 1573976
>>1573969We are in the same sleepy boat
nonnie, I am so sick of it. I'm doing everything right and I'm still constantly exhausted.
No. 1574000
>>1573976The worst part is it comes and goes randomly
>>1573985Well I have to get a health check soon anyway so maybe that will have answers, but in the past it has always been "nothing is wrong" despite my health issues, like they won't test for anything or they don't care
No. 1574170
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Recently cars driving on top of manhole covers in front of my house have been making this loud sound and it's driving me crazy. I live on a somewhat busy road so I hear it a lot.
No. 1574229
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>been wishing death on a tranny for a solid week or two because his corrupting presence has a few girlies i respect guzzling pronoun juice ("any" pronouns and he/she respectively)
>he got into an accident a few days ago; fainted, rushed to er
>feel guilty and stop wishing for his downfall
>he literally reports as feeling better within the day
female socialization strikes again. i'm so retarded
No. 1574232
nonnie, you were almost there.
No. 1574249
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Not being mean is like doing 100 pushups, or even saving up for tranquilizers: obviously it's harder than it looks, and it's no longer worth it if you're going to take a shower with shit that hit the fan anyway.
But then you think about those who are capable of accomplishing miracles when they can do twice as many as you..
No. 1574259
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Just spent $653 on an optometry appt, 3 pairs of rx glasses, and 1 pair of contacts. If the contacts work out for me then a box with 3 pairs is gonna be $63. Also found out I have to see an ophthalmologist because of the combo or my high myopia, hEDS, and family history plus my current symptoms and bad results of a peripheral vision test - I likely have the beginnings of cataracts and my risk factors for retinal detachment are high. I’ve taken that peripheral test in the past and it was always easy peasy. This time it was super difficult and made my eyes hurt so and by the end of it.
I swear to god I’m like the most expensive, most boring ass exotic pet when it comes to how laborious and costly it is to take care of myself. I should have died in childhood as nature intended.
No. 1574272
>>1573412I was on lolcow (or at least lurked) since I was 15, so about 5 years ago. I am now 20. I am going to always stay on this site, but I did notice the contrast from posters now and 3-4 years ago, though, around then, it was posted on r9k, cgl, and whatnot. That's how I found out about it. Older nonnas probably moved onto o
**it. Reposted because I forgot to sage. I also noticed that TurkeyTom posted about LC on his creepshow video, which probably had a lot of newfags come in, since it had 1 million views.
No. 1574280
>>1574272All these years but you still didn't realize you don't have to sage here?
No. 1574282
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idk who these people are but the troon on the right wrote some shit about terfs and i checked their profiles.
why are they so hideous
No. 1574355
File: 1683845998869.jpeg (92.18 KB, 720x485, IMG_8687.jpeg)

My boyfriend lives with his father and I fucking hate him. He’s a total manchild. He doesn’t cook whatsoever and eats fast food/takeout for every meal. His house is a total sty that hasn’t changed at all since the rest of my bf’s family left, because he’s too fucking lazy to throw out shit like a dog bed that hasn't been used in 10+ years. There’s an inch of dust on all furniture and the carpets are filthy. He gets packages in the mail, takes the stuff out and throws the box into the basement. He drives like a total dickhead going 40kmh over and speeds to red lights. On top of all this, my boyfriend always jumps to defend his rude personality every time I’m forced to meet him. He refuses to ever maintain eye contact with me or speak to me in bursts longer than a few words. It wouldn’t be such an issue if I could avoid him entirely, but he works from home and there’s literally no other place my bf and I can go to cuddle and shit. Every time I see him I want to cuss him out for being such a lazy fucking pig.
No. 1574370
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i was hanging out on the street with my friend, just chatting, and some random disgusting virgin moid came up to me and groped my waist. I was in a crop top so it was skin to skin contact. Obviously I physically recoiled, but I just kinda went silent because it took me by surprise. In the moment I brushed it off and was like 'haha that was weird' but the feeling of his arm on my skin lingered for like 30 minutes. It was so gross and I really wish I hit him. its the least he deserves.
Also, last night I was outside by a photo booth with my same friend and some drunk scrote started grossly eyeing us up and started grabbing his crotch. We walked away fast, but kept glancing back to make sure he wasn't following us. He was just yelling and slurring something I didn't understand.
I'm not necessarily shocked at being treated as less than human, but it's just so frustrating that living people behave this way.
No. 1574466
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I don't think it's possible for me to ever find a good scrote. All my relationships with men have greatly negatively impacted my life and have been nothing but traumatizing. I think it's impossible for me to truly love a man. I always find something about them that makes my stomach turn, no matter how I try to look past it. Im glad my really high standards have helped me get away from some really bad relationships, but at the same time, it makes it almost impossible for me to have a successful relationship with a scrote at all.
Reading romance stories is so depressing. Like ill know ill never have anything close to a cute relationship because moids are horrible and I cant seem to be sympathetic towards or tolerate them.
I wish it wasnt so lonely.
No. 1574486
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I need zoomers to stop describing all good media from the 20th century as 'ahead of it's time'
No. 1574608
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I had a falling out with a "friend" who I found out was just using me, and I don't miss her… but I miss her mom's cooking. So fucking bad. It was godly. Unreal levels of deliciousness. Literally the best food I've ever had in my life. Everyone who knows the woman tries anything they can to get invited over for dinner. And I was eating it on the daily! Now a couple months out since my last taste of it, I am in severe withdrawal and I don't know what to do. There's no way I can replicate it, it's a foreign cuisine and I don't even know what 99% of the ingredients are called in English. The prospect that I'll never get to eat any of that food again in my life is devastating. I'm literally in despair.
Also, her mom was always very nice to me and treated me like a daughter so I feel bad for abandoning her to her crazy family without an explanation. I wonder if she hates me now, or maybe she could see her daughter's manipulation. I lie awake at night in throes of regret (even though I didn't have a choice).
No. 1574613
>>1574609No, unfortunately I have no idea how her mom took my leaving and so she might actually really hate me since I left the family high and dry on a certain endeavor after her daughter (& another family member's) behavior. Especially since it would be bc i just wanted to get the recipes out of her, kek. But the bigger issue would be the language barrier. I learned over time to communicate with her verbally pretty well after spending so much time together even though her english is limited, but explaining a recipe with ingredients and techniques she doesn't know what to call in english would be a different story.
The more I think about it, the more I realize I'm just as upset about losing contact with her mom/ making her life more difficult by leaving as I am about never eating the food again kek. That and the fact I found out a long-time friend from childhood was sort of a sociopath and didn't care about me at all… It makes me feel so shitty to think about and every time I crave the food I get in my feelings again. It was just an awful note to leave on and it legitimately disturbs my sleep at night.
No. 1574641
>>1574640I'm a poor Slav and even though waxing/threading/nails etc are super cheap here, I could never for the life of me understand how people can justify paying so much, never mind at all, to have someone stare at your body and even butthole. There's so many options - laser, at-home IPL, epilators, razors, at-home wax… All
much cheaper than paying a lady to do it.
No. 1574642
>>1574486>the 20th centuryDon't you mean the 1900s?
I do enjoy many movies made in the mid to late 1900s too. Spiritually we are time travellers from a long forgotten age.
No. 1574644
>>1574229Pretty please o mighty
nonnie, help a bitch out and manifest a job for me if you have time
No. 1574651
>>1574641>>1574640I'm in Italy and even in Rome it was €120 for full body. Also I've tried laser years ago in Korea and it was about the same price, it's not painful but you need to go all year for ten spaced out sessions because I did five and the hair kept growing just a bit slower. The wax only hurts in one area and if the hair is long.
Btw they are going to see your butthole no matter what you choose, and I am not a fan of doing the squat to shave there every week. Shaving is time consuming. In two seconds it's gone for a month with a wax. At home laser you need to be careful because you aren't supposed to see the laser it can damage your eyes.
No. 1574686
I want to be happy being lonely, I don't know how to make friends anymore. I haven't gone out with a friend since 2018 and I haven't even had what felt like a real friendship since long before that. No one seeks my time, no one seems interested in spending time with me. I used to really want to get to know people. I used to be really dedicated to making my friends happy when I was younger and now I have zero friends at all… Even just one close friend would mean the world to me. But I don't think it will happen. I'm in my late 20s and I don't even know how to make friends anymore, especially not where I live now. I just want to accept that I'm alone and become my own best friend, but it's so hard. I can't help but think there is something wrong with me when people I used to call my friends don't even bother to send me a message now and then. I have online friends and they seem to really enjoy talking with me, and I love them, but hanging out with someone one on one, making crafts, playing games, just being silly, I want that so bad… I really hate myself nonas.
No. 1574732
I want to eat hazelnut praliné chocolate cake so bad. Fuck this diet and fuck stress.
>>1574686I feel you. I wish you the best of luck to make new honest and longlasting friendships, you seem to have the right mindset. I've lost all hope for myself tho, I'm terribly nitpicky with myself and others. It really is devastating to wish for friends, specially female friends, for so long and remain lonely.
No. 1574843
>>1574799In that case, I'd probably still walk out lol. I don't need someone trying to mansplain why I should chop half my hair off. I'm not one of those people who's afraid to cut their split ends, so there's no reason outside of you wanting to try out new techniques on me. No.
>>1574822Yeah, it's literally this. Women fall into like two or three categories for men. Not good for sex, good for only sex, good for sex and babies.
They only want to court the ones they can see carrying their kids.
No. 1574851
>>1574844It's not easy to just get up and walk out you have to have a strong personality. I'd say it's 50x more daring than asking for your food to be remade. Also people there will act like you are crazy
I walked out of a teeth cleaning before because the dental assistant was being such a bitch to me and it was so nervewracking. I just stood up and went "We're done here I won't be spoken to that way" while she stuttered out all these apologies and I went and paid and left
No. 1574854
No. 1574863
>>1574851Yeah, I understand. I rarely go to salons or nail shops, but when I was always at the salon as a high schooler they always did my hair right. At the nail shop I'd be that one annoying customer asking if you can cut this a little more, it file my nails into x shape. One time the lady next to me even commented on it like "back in my day we just let the nail tech do her job". I just stared at her and ignored her though. I don't understand people who get offended at people who want to be satisfied with their services.
>>1574860That'd be a little devastating to me lol. I'm not a bold person myself, I just know how I like to look and if you can't make that happen for me, why should I pay you?
No. 1575045
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Got a new phone (because the old one's dying at this point) and the thought of having to separate from my cute previous phone case is PAINFUL, but it won't fit this one… And all the phone cases I can find for my new phone are kind of ugly.
No. 1575120
>>1575068>It's a galaxy plusOh I have the same one
nonnie! it indeed sucks that there's barely any good covers for this model.
No. 1575122
File: 1683911488865.png (68.87 KB, 529x420, image.png)

I fucking hate being a woman. I hate being the weaker sex, i hate that men will never be told to fear me, i hate that we are the victims of 99% of crimes. For what? having a fucking useless womb? what the fuck do i need that shit for, i really wish i could rip mine with my own two hands.
No. 1575212
>>1575164at least I got you to kek
>>1575169>>1575185aw thanks nonas
No. 1575343
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I got to a point where I can't trust any moid that asks me out without thinking that it's either a prank or a joke. Been told by moids that they liked me as a prank, or it was a dare during my formative years a little bit too much.
Today I was flirting(?) with this coworker mostly jokingly and after work he asks me if I will go get a beer with him and asks me if I have money with me. I told him that i don't lmao and I just think that he was just fucking around with me. My colleague told me I should try and go on a date and I told her he most likely is making fun of me and She was like nooo, I don't think he does.
So idk, am I just doomed to being alone for life for being too paranoid and autistic to get signs without downplaying it with just "oh, he's being nice and friendly,there's no way he will like me unironically"?
No. 1575366
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Playing a wheel of fortune game and they animated the female characters breasts to bounce. In a fucking game show video game. Men are beyond pathetic and I’m just exhausted of sex leaking into every form of media. Chemical castration needs to be mandatory for every man on earth because testosterone is a fucking plague. They’re as stupid as animals.
No. 1575385
you know, i think it's really fucked up that when i was 13, everyone i trusted told me to get on various SSRIs, antipsychotic medication, and birth control when i expressed my sadness about things in life, instead of just being there for me and talking with me when i was a sad, shy, lonely kid. i swear to God, there was nothing wrong with me, i was just living in a shitty home environment with my abusive dad and mom who never stood up for me against him, eating a shitty diet my parents fed me, dealing with a shitty school. so i got on the meds, and they kept switching them around every few weeks/months, saying they were looking for one that would work best. but when i started to feel worse and eventually started acting more erratic, having suicide attempts and began smoking weed, everyone blamed me for it, for the therapy not working, and just sent me away from home to rehab or the hospital every time things got too difficult. nobody ever wanted to address how my parents had fucked up and refused to do anything to fix my home environment, how therapists and doctors throwing medication at a kid who only needs emotional support is fucked up. my parents would rather sign away my rights to some hack program or doctor that they haven't even done any research on. i'm sorry for this kinda retarded rant, i just think a lot of other nonnas must have gone through the same shit. like i met so many other girls when i was a teen in rehabs and psych hospitals just like me who seemed completely broken, alone, unsupported, even though their families would come visit them all smiling and happy. i'm realizing now that i never did anything wrong. everyone who was supposed to take care of me as a child failed because they refused to take responsibility and open their eyes, and it's not my fault now. i'm trying the best i can but it's so hard realizing all these things and i just think, what's the point anyways, if my life has always been like this i see no hope. i wanted to go into psychology, but i see now that the mental health and pharmaceutical industry has been completely perverted by money and is masquerading as some great new era of care, but it's killing people. killing CHILDREN, kids that i knew in my therapy programs, and it could have been me too if the pills i overdosed on hadn't been expired. but whenever i bring this up to anyone irl, they look at me crazy. so alas, i'll vent to the void here i guess
No. 1575409
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I just remembered all the embarrassing things I confessed and all the cringey/edgy stuff I said while drunk. There where plenty of sober people in the group I was talking to so they will defiently remember it. How am I ever going to look them in the eyes now. They probably think I'm off putting and rude now
No. 1575414
nonnie, I didn’t get drugs and therapy thrown at me but have also realized that there was truly never a reliable caring adult in my life growing up.
No. 1575654
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i think my boyfriend is breaking up with me bcus i called him scared after several days of random numbers texting me, i asked him if it was him, and it turned out to be a guy i texted forever ago when we were separated , and dated years before me and bf ever met, that keeps making random numbers to contact me after i block him. he hung up on me and went on a tirade about “i’m your last choice” and basically called me a whore, i just ate an ativan and i feel like my head is going to explode or i’m going to have a stroke. i fucking hate jealous men that can’t control their own fucking emotions
No. 1575724
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I am so disappointed in myself and embarassed. Got into a public street fight as me & bf were walking. Basically, I slighted him so he went mento iulhness on me for daring to stand up for myself and correct his gaslighting attempts.
He went too far and made me cry in public. Asshole. He got reactions eventually from me even when I began handling his ordeal with patience and calmness to begin with.
I know none of it matters but it hurts bad to be 'those" people. One lady at the weed store was kind to me after my bf walked away from the store and then proceeded to call me until I answered whereby he would verbally attack me to the point of tears. Unreasonable human.
Called his abuse to his face but nothing changes. I feel real pathetic and have no self-esteem.
Better news: I am losing weight so maybe one day I will look decent enough to attract someone who wants to treat me decently. Who knows.
No. 1575742
>>1575724You could lose a whole lot of weight all at once by leaving his ass
No. 1575748
>>1575744Okay, probably not
that many cats.
No. 1575791
>>1575726So true, I love a bidet indeed
>>1575731No, my main sensory issue with hair is having wet hair, so I have a rigid regime when washing it. But the hair on my head has a different texture from body hair and it isn’t in between two limbs (legs or arm and torso) nor is it being covered by fabric (I don’t like hats) nor do I have to wipe the scalp for icky stuff with toilet paper. It’s incomparable.
No. 1575821
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swear to GOD when I get a man you're all going to see plagues of locusts outside your windows
No. 1576085
>>1576066Girls don't even like each other. I've had girl friends and its always been a fair weather friendship and as soon as a guy gets involved
poof just like that. I try to learn how to groom myself from other girls but that's where I draw the line.
No. 1576126
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I’m losing my mind cause I just found out my youngest sister had a baby. I’m the only one out of all my sisters to not have any children and I’m the middle sister. I noticed they all rushed to have babies before they turned 30. I turn 30 this year and I’m dreading it.
I don’t want a child right now especially with how fucked everything is. My little sister doesn’t have a house or a career and she’s married to guy that works 12 hour shifts so he’ll probably not have time to help with the baby.
I feel like I’m being left behind despite the fact she’s clearly rushed this. She just turned 27 so I imagine it’s the fear of being 30 and not already having a lot of milestones done yet.
I want to have a stable career and a house before I become a mother. I want to make sure when I bring another life into this forsaken world I do everything in my power to cushion the blow of existing in our hellish planet but I’m afraid I’m running out of time and having MS and a lot of mental issues is weighing me down.
My sisters are all mentally ill too but they just ignored their symptoms and never got treatment and still moved forward with their lives.
I just don’t want to become my mother. She abused all of us and the aftermath still lingers in all of us.
No. 1576178
>>1576174I don't man having a baby seems hard, most people who undergo a medical procedure or surgery get congratulated when it goes well because of all the potential complications.
>motherhood is an excruciating experience and most people literally don't give a fuck about the mental or physical well being of the mother after the birth.Yes but that doesn't mean congratulations can't be said to a new mother who's excited about having a baby. And that's a major generalization that "no one cares." You sound like a doomer gen z kid. Obviously the vast majority of strangers and randoms don't care but people who have family and friends that care for them will care about their wellbeing. I've seen many friends and family members have babies now and not once were they left to their own devices when overwhelmed and doing poorly. It's sad that many women are but shitting all over them won't help.
No. 1576202
>>1576178>And that's a major generalization that "no one cares."except most people won't lift a finger to help a mother with PPD and will blame her immediately if the baby is harmed even though the signs are clear when a mother has PPD. also most people expect mothers to give birth and bounce right back up to take care of the baby, there are 0 expectations from the father.
>You sound like a doomer gen z kidincorrect, you become a doomer once you learn about how cruel the world is to women.
No. 1576221
>>1576219My recommendation is to not enter into pre-established friend groups, because those will have dynamics you don't understand and are prone to the cringe behavior you're describing.
Make individual friendships on your own and cultivate them. Don't have a "friend group" backdrop to them. Once you establish a very strong connection with a best friend, you can either start growing a friend group from there, or make multiple friends who are just disconnected from each other.
Also ask yourself how you're making friends with people who do shit like that. Examine yourself and the way you're selecting who to engage with.
No. 1576395
Sorry but why does some weird shit always happen around food at this station? Last time I ordered pasta, paid, and then waited while it never came. I went up and the guy who took my order wasn't there and I had no receipt. I said I ordered and paid and never got any food, and like twenty people came after me and got food. I was so hungry and it was stressful.
And this time, I ask for two pizza pastries to go. She keeps asking to warm them up, and I'm like no because I am eating it later anyway, but she insists so I say okay. She takes one and drops it. She goes to grab two and drops them. So I get the last one luckily, undropped.
And I'm just like wtf is happening. These people probably work like zombies with endless tourists.
Anyway I also tried to get my night train tickets but they don't seem to be in service which is really strange, I can't get any night trains. So I have to book day trains and figure out where to sleep tonight which is hard because nothing will be available. And I'm tired af now so probably sleep this entire train journey of six hours, and see what's poppin saturday night. Go to the station in the morning to get my next ticket, rest, and head out again. Or maybe get the ticket when I arrive for safe measure.
No. 1576421
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I hate it when my friends get boyfriends.
No. 1576430
>>1576395Nope nevermind found a hotel room for tonight, so I get to walk through Venice at night. I was here last over ten years ago and I only stayed during the day. I'm still tired and will sleep on this train and rest more at the hotel or go for a night walk.
Also booked for two nights in Praha. Looking forward to that. But I need to get Venezia to Wien to Praha. This entire trip is sucking my money dry but ideally I have a job lined up soon.
Otherwise I'm finding an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere and repairing it to live in.
No. 1576447
File: 1683995436519.gif (543.15 KB, 498x498, 257A2124-0428-445E-99E5-767EDC…)

I ordered my Nigel really nice pastries for his birthday because I can’t be there today, I paid $100+ for the pastries plus shipping and the fucking FedEx driver put the package on its side when there was ample space and even a surface where they could have put the package right side up. You literally had ONE JOB
No. 1576461
>>1576434>>1576441>>1576449Thank you nonnies!
>>1576437Well they shan’t have it!
No. 1576467
>>1576447I fully thought this was going to be one of those "I did something really nice for my nigel and he just shat all over my efforts" posts. Kinda refreshing that it wasn't but damn that still sucks
No. 1576539
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I put trial size spray-on deodorants in the bathroom at my work and within a couple days the deodorants smelled nasty (these bitches don't know how a spray works, I think they are applying it directly to their underarms) and they had also clearly been using it as air freshener (there is already air freshener in there).
No. 1576872
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I want to eat his dick with a side of gravy and corn fuyuuuuck why can't he be real
No. 1576900
>>1576893I dont want infamy. I have no friends or anyone to talk to and when people smell thst I have issues they isolate me or mentally abuse me. I realized that I have no other option but to kill myself and I'm freaking out. I did my best. I got a job but im too ill to work from all the abuse. I took meds. I read CBT and DBT. I tried to get a support group, to get friends and a boyfriend nobody cares. I did my best. I dont care about fame or attention. I grew up on lolcow and im realizing that I will kill myself soon. I dont know what to do I cannot grasp basic resources and ppl have 0 empathy towards me like I get harassed and mocked and my issues are being downplayed. I dont know what to do anymore
I did my best, literally I've done everything that zi could I realize I have no escape but to murder my family and kill myself. Nobody has ever cared or tried to help me. I tried super hard to work and get my life together but im too ill. I've had 12 suicide attempts since I Was 8 nobody cares nobody
No. 1576917
>>1576902Because no one interacts with her on her Twitter account, lmao. She has a twitch and Twitter but she doesn't get attention there because she's only talking about schizo shit and she's average looking.
I'll post a screenshot of her average Twitter post
No. 1576919
File: 1684015517604.jpg (107.43 KB, 1080x826, Twittwot.jpg)

>>1576902Because no one interacts with her on her Twitter account, lmao. She has a twitch and Twitter but she doesn't get attention there because she's only talking about schizo shit and she's average looking.
I'll post a screenshot of her average Twitter post
No. 1576920
File: 1684015395207.jpg (107.43 KB, 1080x826, Twittwot.jpg)

>>1576902Because no one interacts with her on her Twitter account, lmao. She has a twitch and Twitter but she doesn't get attention there because she's only talking about schizo shit and she's average looking.
I'll post a screenshot of her average Twitter post
No. 1576922
>>1576902Because no one interacts with her on her Twitter account, lmao. She has a twitch and Twitter but she doesn't get attention there because she's only talking about schizo shit and she's average looking.
I'll post a screenshot of her average Twitter post
No. 1576926
I dont want anyone to know my life story. If I publish my life story on the internet I will be taken advantage of. I just want to kill myself in silence but sometimes I wish people would know. That those that have hurt me, my dad, women on lolcow and many other people would pay for it. That I would just kill my dad then film myself and tell the world everything and then kill myself. But ultimately I would appear in those true crime videos and YouTubers will use my tragic life story to make money off of me and a bunch of people will simulate empathy when in fact they will be viciously consuming my suffering and tragedy for entertainment.
I think that I inhabit a society of sociopaths, a society that only pours hatred and grief into you.
>>1576922You are seeing my tragic life story from the perspective of a privileged western white woman. You think that any woman on the internet is trying to fish for attention and is an attention whore, when ultimately we all want to be heard and seen and given support. The internet is full of trannies that are actually doing financially well, that are from 1st world countries, that have friends, support groups and they receive hundreds of dollars simply for existing.
While, I have 0 quality of life. I'm too unwell to work. I live in the same house that I've been abused in by my father as a kid, a house that I've been trying to escape since I was 8 years old. I was beaten, starved and raped here. Oh, no you got me. I didn't get enough attention on my absolutely insane Twitter that doesn't fit into a niche or market and on my Twitch nobody gives a shit, although I'd like to escape the house where my dad raped, starved and beat me and enough money to pay my rent would be enough. But yes someone in an actually incredibly disturbing life situation is fishing for attention but the hundreds of millions of trannies that recieve tens of thousands of dollars are not fishing for attention
No. 1576931
>>1576926I'm literally arab, you're the white woman yourself so calling someone white won't work here, this ain't Twitter. You're the one who's privileged for thinking you deserve to earn enough money from twitch because you believe you're interesting and pretty enough, which you definitely aren't.
You spam your nudes because you think it's artistic. You puke milk and post pictures thinking it's art. You're delusional and you should try to get a minwage job so you can at least get your own flat before you end up like your exbf who got locked up.
No. 1576937
>>1576927do you understand that I don't give a shit about attention? I'm freaking out and I realize I will commit suicide soon. My entire life I've been in a horrible life situation and I've been horribly abused by multiple individuals. Holy shit, you are emotionally crippled. I'm on the verge of fucking death because I cannot grasp onto any resource or leave the house where I've been beaten and abused my entire life and you think I'm some Bianca Devins fishing for attention or some personality fag. I've been in a horrible life situation most of my life and I cannot get out of here and I'm starting to lose my mind and I realize that the lack of empathy and mental abuse I've received from everyone is unjustified. You are simply emotionally crippled and you do not understand the kind of person that I am.
>>1576931Oh wow You are Arab. Don't you fucking understand that I've been crippled from abuse and I cannot work??????? Do you think I didn't try to work?? Do you understand that a certain amount of abuse cripples you??????makes you incapable of functioning in society. My bad, for trying to get help and become financially stable instead of allowing myself to die alone on the street because I'm too mentally unwell to keep up with normal employment. I spam my nudes because I think it is artistic??????? BITCH MY DAD HAS BEEN MOLESTING ME FOR 10 YEARS. DONT YOU THINK IT IS SOMEHOW LIKE A COPING MECHANISM FOR A WOMAN THAT HAS BEEN MOLESTED BY HER FATHER HER ENTIRE CHILDHOOD TO DISPLAY UNHEALTHY COPING MECHANISMS. NOW YOU WILL HIT ME WITH THE SAME SHIT "GO TO THERAPY" "GO TO WORK"" "READ CBT" BITCH DONT YOU UNDERSTAND I DID EVERYTHING? YOU ARe fucking lying about me and displaying. Youa re emotionally crippled you aren't listening to ME
No. 1576938
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>>1576896>I've never had a pet or a genuine friend. I'd like to have a kitty. I've never had a pet.?? What happened to this cat?
No. 1576944
>>1576938I cannot afford having a pet. I had to give her back and im becoming distressed and agressive because my dad has raped me, beaten me and starved me in this house and I have been trying to get out of here since I was 8 years old. I'd love to keep a pet but my living situation is horrendous. I tried really hard to work but I'm too unwell to maintain employment and on the internet I cannot earn money and I'm approached by predators like Steven that abuse me because the fact that I've been raped and abused my entire life transpires and they can feel it. They can feel I'm in a bad place. I tried to reach out to people it is normal in my situation but ironically if you are in a bad situation most people will reject and isolate you.
>>1576945don't you fucking understand my dads been raping me, starving me and beating me since I was a kid and I cannot escape this house???????????????????????????????????????????Im distressed all the time. I am crippled.
No. 1576979
>>1576952Anyone in your situation would be climbing the walls, and yeah you need to get out and it's not fair that you don't have support. You will not find it on LC though, I have never seen anyone get money or practical help out of this site no matter how sympathetic.
Imo you might be able to leverage your schizo intellect, walls of text, poorfag desperation, and personalityfag charisma to extract rent money from the retarded trust fund edgelords in the leftcows thread via substack/twitter.
No. 1577018
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i am very mentally unwell and probably need to go to rehab and start taking some kind of medication. nonas, does anyone have experience with celexa?? i was prescribed it but have not begun taking it bcus i'm terrified of what it might be like
No. 1577030
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My on again off again infatuation with a streamer moid is back in full swing, it's so pathetic. I have a life I'm not online all day, I shouldn't be pining for some guy I will never meet like a neet-chan but I've been watching him since we were both teenagers and unfortunately it seems to have developed into a parasocial thing. He has a girlfriend and scores of cool talented women lusting after him and I feel like a retarded ethot pickme saying "he would totally date ME tho!!1!" but our interests, sociopolitical views, sense of humour, values etc seem so similar that it physically hurts realizing I'll never get to speak to him about these things, why does someone so seemingly perfect for me exist in the world only for it to be impossible? Most likely this emotional black hole will pass like it always does but I genuinely expected to be over him by now. It's been ten years, let it go. If my rational brain can recognize that this is unhealthy and unrealistic why can't my autistic emotional heart get with the program?
To end on an even worse note he's not even conventionally attractive or at all my usual type. His fangirls will cry about how sexy he is meanwhile I'm trying to understand why I still feel affection for a fat likely balding scrote. I almost wish he would retire from streaming and live a nice offline life so that I wouldn't be reminded that he's still as great as I remember.
No. 1577044
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how to deal with internalized homophobia? as far as i know i'm bi but i don't see myself with men anymore. and didn't see myself living with one ever. i've always dreamed of living with another woman, preferably as lovers. but my family is homophobic and most women think i'm a bit off because of autism.
lately i've been thinking about having a best friend of my type and slowly fall in love with her, but when i realize that shit is gay i just break and think of cutting myself. i want to believe all of this is because i'm really lonely and have realized how dick isn't worth it, but these thoughts are also present when i'm having s*x with a moid. i'm scared nonnas
No. 1577076
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Saged contribution of a possible future threadpic
No. 1577113
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Mere months after I got this stupid job all my managers were pushing me into a management role any time a spot opened up but I didn't know how to explain to them that just because I am hard-working and competent doesn't mean I am mentally stable or mature enough to feel comfortable managing people. Now 4 years later I'm still at the dumb job and I finally feel like I'd kill it in a leadership role and nobody even considers me anymore!! Like I haven't changed in 4 years bitch come on! I didn't even realize my ideal lead role had opened up because everyone assumed I didn't want it and didn't warn me ahead of time and now somebody else is on the bench for it. I'm still gonna go in and make my interest known but jesus it's a little discouraging.
No. 1577168
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When I was in kindergarten, there was a real fucked up little shithead boy who started cornering me and forcing me to kiss him and eventually started molesting me
I, being a borderline retarded 5 year old, believed him about the sort of trouble I would get in if I told.
Yes, even as a child, I shouldn't have been afraid of another child, but here we are
He would tell me shit like my mom wouldn't love me anymore, fostercare (shithole military base school), other people would think I was too gross to a associate with anymore
Eventually I felt so bad, I told my teacher anyway. She made a new rule that Andre wasn't allowed to be too close to me for the rest of the school year. It kind of worked? The pressure lessened.
Well, next fucking year, even though obviously in kindergarten we both wracked up quite record together, they put us in the same class again.
I walked in that first day and say him sitting in there and peed my pants. Just let it go. Couldn't control it, like a literal scared animal.
I couldn't think worth shit, I just collapsed and started screaming, next thing I can remember is seeing my mom talking to the school nurse.
I do not know why I didn't tell them why. I do not know. I was scared and I cannot explain to you how that fear prevented me from telling.
My mom investigated though, and quickly learned who was in my class, and she talked to the principal and asked, why are they in the same class again when I already had to talk to you repeatedly last year about him kissing her?
And the pricipal essentially said, I'm sorry, the computer sorts the children randomly, we don't check the lists personally for conflations of interest, so just cross your fingers it doesn't happen again next year
My mom begged them to move me to a different classroom, but the principal said that can't be done after the school year has already started.
I never told anyone that I knew Trey had been transferred from Mrs. West's class to a different teacher I never interacted with much, just three weeks after that. I don't know why. At that point, I thought I deserved it.
Mrs. West watched him molest me at least once while we were in lunch line, I know for sure she saw at least once because I was watching her watching him, and when she looked at my face, she smirked and walked to the head of the line and shot the shit with the classroom aid, I don't know why, I guess to give him extra time to touch me.
That teacher actively hated me and a little boy Josh, she would try way harder to make us cry than any of the others, even the retarded boy.
There was a ten year old retarded boy in that class, that was who the aid was for, and she would take him into the coat closet and beat him with what I thought at the time was a wooden spatula, but I've not been able to find such a thing as I saw in her hand online anywhere as an adult trying to figure out what it was. Possibly some sort of specialty wooden spoon, I don't know. That I did tell my mom about, and my mom told the principal, and the principal said they had express permission from his mother to do that. My mom couldn't believe that, so at the next PTA meeting, she found his mom and told her, and his mom was fine with it. Totally fine with it. She said nothing else works. Friends, readers, I never once saw that kid act up. She would just take him in there and beat his ass when she was mad at the rest of us. And I said that part too, but either they didn't believe me or didn't give a shit.
I hope if she's already dead, she was torn to shreds by sharks, or crushed from the feet up by a really slow steamroller or actually something way, way, way worse than anything I can think of.
This is such a minuscule sample of what happened in that school. I could not possibly relay every story that I remember, and those are just the ones I remember
I'll never have children.
I taste adrenaline in the back of my mouth when I see children. They make me feel terror and despair. You cannot possibly save them all, you can't even save any of them. Even if you tell, even if they believe, then guess what? They're fine with it.
My boss, when I was a lunch lady, tried to tell me not to call CPS on these two kids parents, 1st & 2nd grade - also not a good sign I've found, who whenever the father would show up at the school, the little boy would puke uncontrollably and the father would berate him for it.
Why is he puking every time he sees his dad.
Why is his father's response to illness/injury anger.
Why is the girl visibly unwashed.
I told her I'd allow her to decide whether I go to CPS, the police, or fucking prison, because I am not god damn fucking abandoning a child to whatever the fuck causes that physiological response. Fire me. I do not care.
She apologized.
I don't know.
There is so much hate in my heart. I want to die, I want the anger in my stomach to rot already and destroy me.
How many children did I allow her to destroy by shoving this down and not dealing with it for so long. What have I done.
No. 1577176
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>>1577168I am deeply sorry you went through that. My mother's shitty upbringing set me up for failure, and I was also bullied. However, I must acknowledge that even she was not as terrible as your situation.
No. 1577180
>>1577168jesus christ anona, i have no words. But your post has touched me.
I am so sorry you went through that. I hate people with that kind of evil. I want to protect children.
No. 1577183
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How do I connect better with my younger half-siblings?
For reference I am in my late twenties and they are 11 and 15.
Our father was extremely abusive to me and their step-mother is the one abusing them and I literally can't do shit about it, because they have no other family and the foster system in my country is terrifying.
I don't earn enough money to take them in.
Their mother won't allow them to hang out with me without either parent present as well.
I got my sister's TG info and we talk online, but the only thing I can offer her is "call me if it gets bad, I'll figure something out"
And I unleash a single-lesbian-half-sister-with-no-kids gift reckoning on them every time I get the chance to see them, but I don't think it would help any, I just want them to have nice things.
Nonas, I feel absolutely powerless.
Every time I think about them, I want to cry. No one deserves the type of childhood I had.
No. 1577186
>>1577183samefag here, my sister told me their mother beats them with a metal clothing hanger. She also said that she can't wait to be 18 not for the regular reason in my shithole country (drinking, smoking, fucking) but because she wants to legally separate from their parents.
And my younger brother is severely autistic (like me, but we didn't have proper care for that when I was a child, so understandable) and his parents constantly berate him because of his disability and forced him into a regular school with zero support and shoot down my every attempt to even suggest showing him to a specialist and get him what he needs.
No. 1577191
>>1577189Yeah cps is not much better than the foster system. And I am afraid it will get worse if I involve authorities, because I too was fooled into thinking that their mother is a normal good-meaning woman who loves her kids, until I heard it from the kids themselves.
I am in some prominent feminist groups in my country, I think I'll ask around those for any resources. They really helped my sex-trafficked friend who didn't want to go to authorities. Maybe they know of some child-related organisations that are not directly connected to the government.
No. 1577196
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Todays NYT Crossword made me want to vomit, and it’s far from the first time they’ve shoved gendie neologisms into their puzzles.
No. 1577224
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The current state of affairs is so depressing that is pushing me to move to the appalachian mountains to write 74 songs about it with useless blues cords in a folk composition, absolute isolation, surviving off pine tress and dirt. fuck you all outsider faggots.
No. 1577226
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I love lolita so much it’s unreal but I really hate what a dump /cgl/ has been lately. I doubt anyone would want to fully migrate to the thread on /g/. I miss when the mail, coord dumps, and taobao threads were very active.
No. 1577236
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I hate being sort of average mid-chubby, I feel like every woman I see is either properly fat or skinny and lean and I'm the only one who is inbetween. I would have been the ideal size in olden times according to paintings like picrel but now I just feel like I look dumpy, but not not fat enough that I can be confident about it.
I'm nearly 30 and I'm still as insecure about my body as if I was still 12, I'm so tired. I will never be good enough, I will never be loved "as is", just "despite what is" and that's only if I'm incredibly lucky and anyone ever wants to be with me in the future which I doubt given that I've gotten this far without anyone wanting me. I wish I lived a few centuries earlier, when porn didn't exist, women didn't have to shave or change their natural bodies and men still thought we were the most beautiful creatures on earth.
No. 1577242
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MY NEIGHBOUR HAS BEEN HAMMERING ON MY WALL SINCE FRIDAY wtf is he doing and when is it finished??
No. 1577245
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>>1577242must be that time
No. 1577247
>>1577245kek nona!
He is now sawing things. Fuck that moid. Luckily, I'm about to head out.
No. 1577256
>>1577219Well she was basically doing camming at a very shady place out of desperation. They got her a therapist to work with her and medication she needed so she was well enough to decide to get out finally. And she was lucky enough she was able to mostly with that help. They provide legal support and sheltering as well, but my friend was fortunate enough to not need that.
They also provided money for her transportation and some life expences for the time she needed to get back on her feet.
No. 1577284
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I feel so disgusted by sex..
I feel so sickened because men seem to not be able to get hard unless they're thinking about you as a cumdump
When I stay single for a while, I end up forgetting how men think and idealizing them, imagining wholesome cute moments
but as soon as I get sexual with a dude, I realize how they view us and what it is they enjoy about sex : having a slave-whore to pump out their semen
Even guys who pretend to be subby, it ends up showing in their fantasies
I don't want to be a cum pumping slave. Sorry. I want to have loving wholesome sex where we make each other feel good without degrading each other. Is it too much to ask? Has porn really ruined everyone's brain?
I might just never have sex again, masturbating is better and actual sex just ends up ruining it for me.
Now I can't fap without being reminded of how men think and getting triggered.
Hell I might even become a lesbian.
No. 1577296
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>>1574642the 20th century…is the 1900s
No. 1577302
>>1577284This is what being a porn addict with a porn addicted bf does to a nigga. If a man loved you, he wouldn't have viewed you like that. Men view women they find unattractive/unrespectable like that because they can't get hard from the woman so they have to add on degen shit to get excited.
It's similar to an unattractive couple feeling the need to include BDSM and shit because they can't get turned on by each other without some added element.
No. 1577310
>>1577284I feel you anon. I can physically pinpoint the moment when a man's gaze changes from "yes I am listening to this woman" to "when will she stop talking so I can fuck her already"
It's so dehumanizing and sad
No. 1577314
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>>1577310yep …
the worst has to be when my ex bf said shit like "whenever I think about you I get hard"
they mean it as a compliment but really it's just dehumanizing
No. 1577340
>>1577284I feel you anon. I guess there might be a minority of men that aren't coomers but what are the chances to find one? At this point, I'm totally okay with retreating into fantasy world now and then. I do miss certain sensations but they're not worth putting up with the rest of the package. I'll better be having imaginary sex and masturbate and actually feel loved and respected (by myself lol).
It fills me with hatred when I remember getting back together with a guy that was devastated when we had broken up for the first time because we never had penetrative sex and he thought I was going to have it with someone else. And when we got together, he wouldn't shut up about my pussy (in a joking-playful way of course). I guess my brain just blocked it or interpreted in some retarded way that made it "normal" because I was probably afraid of change and being alone, but remembering it now feels disgusting. I know this guy thinks he's a good one and 100% feels like he was wronged by me, but I genuinely feel like I was mostly a convenient walking pussy and tits for him. And he seemed normal compared to many.
No. 1577346
>>1577284I've only ever dated one guy and that was enough. Never again. Sex with myself is all I need, kek.
>>1577314Same. My talked in lengths about how horny I made him. How just seeing me in a tank top and underwear drove him crazy as if it was this big compliment. He started complaining when I would dry myself and get dressed right away after showering, because I denied him the chance of seeing me walk around naked. Fuck you, dude, I just want to be in my natural state without some guy making suggestive noises and winks at me as I walk around.
No. 1577348
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I'm overwhelmed with the academic paper I have to write. I'm a retard who signed up for one of the hardest seminars available because it sounded interesting and now I'm struggling because it is indeed hard.
I sort of know what topics I have to cover, and I am already reading relevant literature, but for the life of me I can't figure out a good directory/ order in which i should write everything.
And our professor won't even let us e-mail him because he could give us advice that would be relevant to everyone, and that would be unfair to the others???? some dumb fucking reason like that, idfk. I hate it. And I can't even ask my friends for help because they're in different seminars and their topics are constructed completely differently.
I'm so lost. Thankfully I still have time so I hope I will eventually figure something out but right now I just feel so overwhelmed… I don't know what to do besides taking notes on the side and reading more.
I should've went with the safe but boring option.
No. 1577359
>>1577351girl… if someone said that to me I'd cry really.
Imagine spending your best moments with someone and all they can remember is the flesh slapping.
No. 1577377
>>1577228That would be lovely
nonny, but don't feel obligated to! I don't want you to go out of your way for anything. I did love the guess the husbando game though, I think I got 3 right!
No. 1577414
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I see a lot of K-pop Stan’s on TikTok trying to have a “wonyoung life style” of being delicate, only eating healthy foods and wearing a lot of pink but in reality this girl probably eats the same garbage everyone else does and is bulimic, does tons of coke and adderall and fillers to keep her face some what full while her body is super thin. I think most idols are probably on stimulates and smoke a lot.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1577420
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>>1577417She’s highly praised in Korea for her body and looks. A lot of K-pop fans have started a “wonyoung life style” movement even thought she probably does a lot of dangerous and unhealthy shit to be that small.
(no k-pop) No. 1577422
tried deleting but couldnt for some reason? is this site buggier than usual?
No. 1577462
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Travelling europe for sightseeing
It's raining all week everywhere
No. 1577467
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Just woke up the most gut-wrenching cruel response I got on blackboard from my professor on an assignment I've worked on for a week. Seriously feel like crying and throwing up
No. 1577470
>>1577417Asian beauty standard.
>>1577428It's crazy to me that it's started leaking into western online communities that obsess over k pop as well. They get really desensitized to looking at pictures and videos of these women and are hypercritical about every minute thing when it's a standard they could never even reach by any stretch. I think its probably just a lot of young gays swarming that part of stan Twitter that have no idea how adult female fat distribution and metabolism differ from 19 year old male twinks and just spread their word vomit everywhere. You have to be retard or sociopath to think women can be like tortured k pop idols who are essentially slaves to the industry and every day of their lives is dedicated to mind numbing amounts of training and vanity.
No. 1577522
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Late teens and early 20s really forget that we, too, used to listen to my bloody valentine and only eat an average of three meals a week. We just grew up. You can do those things without being a fucking asshole and getting mad that other women don't do the same thing.
No. 1577558
>>1577544Like personality fags even being a thing is weird. I have things that I speak on that people know me for, but at the same time, I do think we have a gaggle of people always on the search for their favorite "Chan" so they can either harass them or hopefully "Milk" them until they do something dumb or retarded enough to start a thread.
People are anxious to make an anon the new hot retard on this site.
No. 1577590
>>1577587"Unique interest" my ass. I didn't even do shit like people like to claim
>>1577588I've been perma'd twice