File: 1431383724490.png (358.08 KB, 540x300, Sugar-Daddy-and-Sugar-Baby-540…)

No. 156377
>>156376girls whoring themselves to old men for designer stuff and money
that's it
No. 156378
>>156376well lol in the 'relationship' it's not like you are 'dating' the men. its more like being the perfect 'fantasy' girl friend, where you go out to eat, do fun things (beach/travel) and spoil you (money gifts)
sex is not needed and you can avoid it but if you do have it im sure you can make much more money.
No. 156381
>>156378>>156379>>156380Well I don't think you could have both a boyfriend and a sugar daddy, I doubt any boyfriend would be comfortable with that. That's what I meant by forgoing a real relationship.
Instead of having a boyfriend you just have some guy you pretend to be nice to and he gives you money, and you just do this every day for months or years? If it was just for a few days I could understand, but since it seems like a long term thing, you're substituting an actual serious relationship you could be in right now with a fake one, for the money.
Seems very hollow and weird to me. I still don't understand why anyone would do it, unless they're totally aromantic or are in poverty and really need the money badly.
No. 156382
>>156381I have had bfs while i sugared. They knew as well, i would tell them where we went etc so i could keep safe
I never had sexual contact with my daddy(s), ofc bc of this i may not have made as much money as i could have but was still good
I would meet with them like 2 times a week for a few hours. It's like a part time job where you get an allowance ( i got 2k cash a month) clothes and necessities for free, fun things (fancy restaurants) and car (rent etc). its not a full time thing for most girls that i met
No. 156384
>>156382I'm a guy and I really couldn't see myself being fine with that even if there was no sexual contact. But if your boyfriend is fine with it then sure, I can definitely see why it makes sense. That's pretty much the best of both worlds.
>>156383I mean it definitely sounds lucrative. I guess it depends on what the guys think of it. Are the guys usually understanding of the terms of the "contract", or are some of them actually under the illusion that it's a serious relationship and want the girl to be in love with them? I don't think there's anything wrong with it if both people understand and agree what they're getting out of it, but I feel like there's a lot of potential for false expectations and deception.
No. 156385
>>156384I suppose it would depend on the guy and the girl and how transparent they are about the whole thing. I myself have never been in this sort of situation, nor do I want to, but to me it seems like the "contracts" that work out the best are when the terms are laid out in the open.
And whether a boyfriend would be okay with it is entirely dependent on the boyfriend and situation.
>>156382Did your "daddies" know about your bf? Just curious.
No. 156386
>>156376I have some friends in the sugar life. Some girls do just date and get allowances but they have to have sex and go to parties and make the guy look good. One girl I know, had one sugar dad who paid her to be his beard and another girl is from a well off family is a mistress to some 80 year old, he help her fund her start up business but she has to sleep with a 80 year old guy barf. Some girls do fall in love with their sugar daddy and they end up having real relationships.
Most of these sugar dads are pretty awkward as fuck, loner losers who love to feel needed. Like a lot of the guys are just boring ass guys who have nothing in life other then having money, they only way they know how to communicate any kind of affection is with money.
No. 156391
>>156389you aren't being used. like at all
both parties 'use' each other in 100% open terms
more like 'exchanging equal value services'
No. 156393
>>156392These guys don't mind it, like I said be for in
>>156386 most of them are awkward sperg lords who just have lots of money most of them don't know how to act around women unless it is in a 'business' context or some guys like to feel they have control over another human.
No. 156395
>>156394There are a few of them but they aren't well known. Or the more "shy" types usually work on fetishes websites or as cam girls. I know some sugar babies say you just have to be up front with marketing yourself. So if you're shy and cutesy, play up that innocent shy image. But you have to act like you're the shit even if you are shy or you will get eaten alive or low balled By some assholes salt daddies who are looking for weak sugar babies.
Have to followed the Tumblr sugar bowl tag for tips?
No. 156397
>>156394I've been sugaring for about a year now, recently got to move into a much nicer apartment/neighborhood because of my patron. Literally got ne out of gunshot ghetto territory. I wouldn't say being a 'trophy' is necessary, oftentimes the men I've met just want a 'girl next door' type that they're able to carry on a conversation with. My roommate sugars as well and she's pushing 250lb, so looks aren't a dealbreaker imo as long as you have a niche and, y'know, put some effort in. Of the other sbs that I know, one is an ex-stripper with a wrecked bod (but still gets clients, good personality even if she seems to do way too much coke) and one is an 'artsy hippie indie kid' type who claims that she's 'no-intimacy' but my SD had prior interactions with her and she's definitely dtf.
There are a lOt of girls who claim they don't do sex work, but honestly I don't believe them. Every man I've interacted with in this capacity really just wants a pretty young thing to fuck or to be his domme.
No. 156399
>>156398i always background check, find out where they live, etc
also when you go out with them, make them pay for a cab for you, and tell a friend where you will be and the guys full name and address
No. 156402
>>156395No, I don't have a Tumblr anymore, I made one to follow some sugar blogs right around the time all the Ferguson stuff exploded so all I ever saw was that kind of stuff, so I just deleted it. Also I followed one girl from NY who said she was a SB but all her posts about her sugaring was just prostitution that she called sugaring.
I can definitely act confident, but I'm not great at small talk, though I am a good listener.
>>156397If you don't mind me asking, what websites did/do you/they use? I live in my friend's spare room atm because I'm still trying to pay off a surgery I had last August… I just feel like my debt is swallowing me alive and I'll never get out from under it and go back to school like I want to.
No. 156403
>>156402Everyone I knew used SeekingArrangement. I think it's the most popular because it's been featured on shows like Dr. Phil before, so it's definitely had more than a fair share of exposure…
That being said, my warning would be: don't trust a member just because they have a 'verified' or 'diamond membership' or whatever on their profile.
One of the second men I ever met up with was recently arrested for drugging and violently raping women on his huge estate, which he would encourage them to visit after the first meet-up in a public restaurant or some such. I was one of these women, but never was bold enough to go to the police with the whole story. If one of his most recent escorts hadn't told the authorities (pretending she had gone to his estate under the guise of a 'housekeeping interview') then he never would have been caught.
Googling his name a couple of moments ago, it also turns out that he's been accused of raping a 19-year-old at gunpoint a decade ago. The girl only felt comfortable coming forth now that his recent exploits have been publicized…
Dude seriously had a room in his mansion dedicated to collecting underwear from his 'girls'.
The sickest part is that he's probably going to get away with it. He has a killer team of lawyers. Money is everything in this world.
ALWAYS cut and run the moment you feel uncomfortable with a situation. NEVER accept drinks or drugs unless you absolutely trust the man you're with. If you're getting into this career, definitely confide in a close friend and make sure you have someone to call in an emergency (or someone to call the police if you stay out/away for too long)
But if you find someone who's easily manipulated & has the cash to support you, twist his heart around your little finger and milk him for all he's worth. Just be wary on initial contact in ALL situations.
No. 156405
The guides I've read online about appearing expensive are SO BAD. It's like the people who wrote it obviously don't know how rich girls behave and got their knowledge through watching Gossip Girl or Real Housewives or some shit omg. If anyone actually behaves like that we can probably spot the phoniness from a mile away.
Pro tip: don't do anything written here unless you want to be a joke No. 156406
>>156405The only thing in that list that struck me as odd was the emphasis on sparkling water and Voss.
Otherwise, it's all pretty spot on. The kids I know from new money dress flashy–the older families are much more conservative/minimalist…but everything is extremely high-quality. They might be wearing a plain grey t-shirt, but it'll be a $76 t-shirt from Jungmaven, made from organic hemp, manufactured in the U.S.A.
I trawl thrift stores all the time, though, and it's easy to find good pieces if you know what you're looking for and recognize labels.
Personally, I never try to 'dress up' for my SD, I have my own style & he likes it, says it reminds him of his 'hippie days' back on a commune in Nevada or something haha. I'd say the best advice is to just be yourself; be a polished, well-maintained version of yourself (I never see my SD without taking a shower & doing my makeup beforehand) but don't try to pretend you just stepped off the pages of Vogue if that's not your personal style, y'know?
No. 156407
>>156406Oh absolutely. Our shabby outdoor jackets are about $400 each but it looks it costs $5 from the thrift store.
I am just lolling at the whole "speak french and watch audrey hepburn and wear pearls~~~~" trope. Yeah sure if you are trying to seduce a middle-class mormon husband?
It's just a badly written guide from someone who obviously have never moved around high society. Don't try to show off broken french to seem sophisticated. Most ~high society kids (at least here in Europe) would have attended private/foreign boarding schools and be tutored in french. Don't pretend to be a snob about sparkling water/anything because snobbishness reeks of being common.
Do just be the best version of yourself if you want to fit in. Instead of listening to what some people imagine rich people to be like, just upgrade your current style. That F21 'silk' blouse? Buy an Equipment. $10 flats from Target? Buy frenchsoles.