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No. 1551767

I’m 19, and work at a Casino. I also clean washrooms and vacuum all day. This is my first time getting fired for making a mistake. All I did was accidentally mixed two chemicals and they caused a reaction. It didn’t kill anything, it just lingered and made people sick. Since I accidentally mixed soap and all purpose cleaning liquid and it stayed on counter and didn’t dry up. Is Canadian job market always trash? Now my parents are angry at me. I’m a skinny. 5’11 and have no friends or connections. Give me advice.(shit thread)

No. 1551995

It's ok, these jobs will always be around. Is the problem that you don't think it will be easy to find another job? Do you know what you want to do long term, or are you frustrated at your lack of connections? You can always go back to education, or take an apprenticeship. I'm going to a horticulturist's event tomorrow, I like the subject itself, but I'm excited to meet new people during the event. Just random things to make a few more connections.

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