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File: 1434238244942.jpg (18.79 KB, 225x225, mzrCAgcAWXga2pdErDP5cog.jpg)

No. 155084

I figure there's a good percentage of us out there with storage problems. Maybe it's makeup, collectables, or piss bottles.

Let's have a DIY storage thread, or any DIY thread.

No. 155085


I love watching diy videos or reading them. It helps jog my creativity.

No. 155086


Have you ever tried any of them?

No. 155087

This chick has sick skills, and I just like watching her videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/SugarCharmShop

For OP's storage problems, these two channels saved my room from going to shit, hope they help.



No. 155088

File: 1436741981172.jpg (37.26 KB, 550x436, JeansBA.jpg)

No. 155089

Much interested

No. 155090

File: 1436747047998.jpg (209.25 KB, 500x500, 21380-Cute-Diy-Keyboard-Keys.j…)

The letters are slightly visible through the tape in this pic, but you could just write the letters with a pen or marker if you really needed to

No. 155091

this is so youtube beauty guru DIY haha

No. 155092

is this witchcraft

No. 155093

File: 1436748851151.png (129.68 KB, 500x295, bleach.png)

Not quite

No. 155094

ikr looks like something from a bethany mota vid

No. 155095

For y'all. It looks like fun, I'd try it if I wasn't a busy body/lazy motherfucker. Like you could try other shapes with this if you wanted.

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