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No. 1537085

Post your personal achievements! It can be big or small, so long as it's something you've been wanting and managed to do post it here!

No. 1537091

I have stopped gossiping in my everyday life for the past year or so. It used to be a horrible habit, it even drove people away. Now that I've stopped I feel much better, I don't have to think about how stupid so and so is I can just enjoy and go on with my life. The irony of posting this on a gossip board is not lost on me btw kek, in my defense I mostly frequent /ot/ and /m/

No. 1537096

Did you get that threadpic from your cartoon footfag folder?

No. 1537102


No. 1537107

Pulled away from social media when I used to be a pretty typical attention seeker. Like I'd post every good mundane thing that would happen to me just to get the validation, ditto for bad shit too, especially relationship problems/breakups.
Now I find oversharing online cringey.
Found out that even some of my 'friends' would try to kick up and stir drama with my exes (even when I would suggest they block and not engage with them) because they so wanted me to have a reaction like old times and feel momentarily better about their boring lives.

I think if you have a great life, you'll be too busy being out there and living it to remember or care about what randos online think of it. Either way, happy to not be as addicted and embarrassing anymore.

No. 1543773

I've been logging all my food and drink for two weeks now, and under my cal limit! All without giving up food I like. (I'm a fattychan, so being at 1700 is a weightloss deficiet for me)

and I get to eat my scrambled eggs on a whole wheat bagel. Hehehe

No. 1543777

im two days sober from a really bad dab/weed addiction!! feeling great ♥

No. 1545599

What does the threadpic even have to do with the subject

No. 1546898

I'm starting to learn HTML and I also want to learn coding in general (haven't tried it before). I feel so happy when I see how it turned out in .html file, that the code I wrote is showing on screen with images, colored parts, writings. I'm starting with some small personal sites related to my interests.

No. 1559043

My channel just got monetized, i started 4 years ago. I hope it'll kick me to make more and more content

No. 1559050

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I got out of 37k of personal debt (auto loan, personal loan, credit card) and have saved 9k. It took about 2.5 years. I haven't been debt free in almost 10 years and the most I ever had saved prior to that was 8k after an inheritance. I had a serious spending problem from being so depressed about being trapped in awful jobs and the subsequent debt was keeping me trapped in awful jobs. To not owe anyone money and to have enough saved that I could fuck any job off at any moment is liberating. I wish all nonnies financial freedom and peace. I have a way to go and keep saving but I am so grateful to no longer have the debt monkey on my back.

No. 1559055

I'm proud of you nona, that's a hell of an achievement

No. 1559060

Thank you my nona. I thought I would be in debt for life.

No. 1559133

I haven’t had a drink all year. Haven’t smoked once either.

No. 1559158

I'm really proud of you.

No. 1559162

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thank u

No. 1559439

i am applying to do a phd at cambridge but i am scared the supervisor will smell my lukewarm intellect through the email and reject me

also i got one mark below the requirement but hope they overlook…

No. 1931551

I lost 25 lbs. Applause.

No. 1931659

Congrats nonnie!

No. 1931665

thank you so much nonna!!

No. 1931747

Hype af let's gooo

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