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No. 1504977

Larries are a group of conspiracy theorists (mostly straight women, often married with kids) who believe the two ex members of one direction harry styles and louis tomlinson are dating/married, claiming they’re supporting the noble cause of freeing the gays in the entertainment industry while writing the most grotesque sexual fanfiction and harassing the singers families and gfs, yk, the usual tasks of any activist.

Synopsis (of their reality):
Harry (16) and louis (18) fell in love at first sight and they’ve been so in love they could die! so inseparable so dedicated, never cheating on each other, literally soulmates, they secretly got married by ed sheeran in 2011
All of their girlfriends and rumoured boyfriends (in harry’s case) are “stunts” or “beards” they were FORCED to do to hide their gayness and to advance their careers. Their management they hired keep forcing them to stunt to this day so they could appeal to the DISGUSTING WOMEN who are attracted to them.
Louis tomlinson’s kid is FAKE. It’s actually not his because he told the press he didn’t want a DNA. But the actual twist? HE’S NOT HIS MOTHER’S EITHER!!! He’s actually the son of his supposed “grandmother” and his “mom”s stepdad. The 7 y.o have been a trained and a paid actor since his birth. He gets paid to hang around louis from time to time and any similarities between them is due to photoshop. But fear not!! The babygate contract end is nearing as we speak. PERIODT.
Louis is a victim. He was forced by simon cowell to agree to “have a baby”, harry styles fell to his knees when he heard their cruel decision to keep the lovebirds separated but louis had to sacrifice himself so harry could live freely touching rainbow flags on stage. Truly the most loving couple to ever exist.
Harry is FORCED to perform by his greedy (jewish) EVIL manager j3ff az0ff who only cares about money.
To this day they still hint at their love through wearing the colors blue and green, wearing gucci, sunglasses, liking formula 1… etc etc they’re publicly communicating with larries through these cryptic messages and have burners to fight with solo fans, those DISGUSTING women who sexualise the men GROSS. ZERO RESPECT. (fanfic totally allowed cuz harry and louis probably read it too)
Freedom is near: kids, gf, wife, telling larries off.. they’re all distractions, keep believing the boys and have faith in the future.

Harry and louis weren’t in the same room for 7 years. They were conditioned to give fan service as kids and stopped doing it as they grew up, louis reputation is damaged almost beyond repair because larries claim he’s trafficking a child and exploiting women, and because larries’ daily cult routine includes stalking every move and harassing everyone who looks in the direction of louis. (And because he’s a dickhead too but that’s besides the point) Louis had a kid, filed for custody which requires a DNA test
Harry isn’t a victim of his manager considering it’s his wallet that’s getting fat from the dynamic pricing and whatnot. He’s just a spineless coked degenerate (and a loyal customer at the box club) who dates women publicly just to claim he didn’t when asked. And larries have a meltdown each time any of them is seen with a f- f-fem-ale.

No. 1504978

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This is my first thread alert me if there’s any mistake. I made it about larries to make it cohesive you can add any fans you want to discuss. Solo fans going bankrupt, being degenerates, misogynists etc etc

No. 1504991>>1504996>>1505045

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I feel this didn't need its own thread, like this could be included in a separate thread about "gay truthers" who are utterly convinced that a certain celebrities are gay and there's a grand conspiracy to hide their sexuality but they leave "hints" of their true selves
like this taylor swift stan saying that they (the gaylor truthers) were like Ukraine and Taylor Swift saying that rumors about her own romantic life were weird was akin to her handing Russia a nuclear bomb to end said gaylors.

No. 1504996

Yes I agree, I hope this thread could work as a general thread for crazy fans fantasizing and making up stories about their fave celebrities.

No. 1504998>>1505009>>1505045

autist newfag-chan, this could have been a post in the "psychology of fandoms" thread.

No. 1505009

I'd say this is very different compared t0 the usual Fandom autism, as this sub-type mostly cares about the actors not characters

No. 1505045>>1505127>>1505324>>1506001

Damn i posted asking about it no one told me it existed can you link
Kys if you know every thread on here

No. 1505062>>1505127

lmao they still exist??

No. 1505127

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not OP but surprisingly they do still exist
>Damn i posted asking about it no one told me it existed can you link
it doesn't exist but someone could make one, I saying we didn't need a separate thread for specifically Larry shippers

No. 1505324

>Kys if you know every thread on here
>not knowing about the lurk more rule

No. 1505434>>1505458>>1505461

Why not just make a thread for insane fans of celebrities?

No. 1505458>>1505459>>1505461>>1505462

I unironically believe that Henry Cavill is gay. I do not mean this in a derogatory manner.

Good idea!

No. 1505459>>1505498

>sleeps with underage girls
>oh he's totes a gay man and evil Hollywood is forcing him to stay in the closet
he's just a migoynistic gamerbro with muscles, he's unironically what the average redditor would be like if they had a chad body

No. 1505461

as others have stated, "gay truthers" could have its own separate thread, as they are a unique type of collective mental illness

No. 1505462>>1505498

why is it ALWAYS the men who go after barely legal women and have a history of being creeps the ones people theorize as gay?
>inb4 "being a creep is ackshually part of the larp"

No. 1505498>>1505499>>1505519

Story? People always say this, but also always without context.

No. 1505499>>1505514>>1505519

Regarding the whole young girls thing.

No. 1505514>>1505977

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people theorize known creep Leonardo DiCaprio and Henry Cavill being secretly gay despite both having histories of dating significantly younger women

No. 1505519

There's videos of him openly flirting with teenage actresses in one of the old celebricows threads.

No. 1505611

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Whenever I think of larries my mind first goes to this

No. 1505977

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Tinhatters are so interesting to me the larries, gaylors, even the het ones that believe their faves are being kept apart because of "reasons" it's all so dumb but kinda interesting. It's like Qanon for the fandom types. I went back to look at the old domlijah truthers and it's funny how the theories haven't really changed that much. Even back then there were a bunch of them trying to free their precious gay babies from their oppressive/homophobic management by being as crazy and misogynistic as possible. At this point I think it's just a fandom thing that will only get worse as the years go on. I've seen similar theories pop up from stans of Chris Evans or Tom Holland who think they're being forced in a PR relationship with "evil clout chasing bitches".
I saw people saying that on reddit. The idea that he couldn't find some reasonably aged woman that doesn't mind being a beard for longer than 5 years is funny to me.

No. 1505983

Ngl I thought Larry was kinda like Phan..like there was truth to it but a lot of fans acted like there wasn't out of respect and wanted people to stop talking about it? Idk I wasn't too into Larry but I remember finding the "proofs" videos so funny and tbh convincing.

No. 1505989

Shouldn't it be in media? Why ot?>>1505461
They are still equally insane.

No. 1506001


No. 1506417

i suddenly remembered that time twitter "sapphics" had a meltdown when ATJ got married to a man because they were truly convinced that she was gay kek

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