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No. 1496693

Love ‘em, hate ‘em, whatever. These “bad bitches” are more interesting than the despots themselves.

Discussion of past and current dictatoresses is extremely welcomed!

No. 1496695

Pathetic thread. “Dictatoresses” are mostly nothing more than abused doormats who lash out on other women. None of them has ever been even slightly interesting let alone a Baddie. Best case scenario their husband gives them enough pocket change for a luxury purse collection and that’s only if they ignore the countless underage girls their husbands rape on the regular. Western women are so detached from dictator culture it’s funny. I’m kinda jealous.

No. 1496697

The OP didn't even say any of that kek

No. 1496698

Eva Braun was a doormat, Imelda Marcos wasn’t

No. 1496728

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Really doesn't need its own thread and would fit better in the "Old Famous Dead People as Lolcows" thread but I'll talk about the subject anyway

>First Dictator of my country Ayub Khan's wife was a conservative rural pashtun woman and she was never seen in public other then a handful of times, picrel is her at the farback

>second dictator Yahya Khan(no familial relation to Auyb Khan) remained a bachelor his entire life and had no legally recognized children, but he did have many affairs and possibly many bastard children
>third dictator Zia-ul-Haq's wife was the first one to play some part in politics, mostly giving lectures for morality organizations and was friends with the Queen of Jordan which helped in foster relations between Pakistan and Jordan
>Pervez Musharraf(most hated of all the dictators cause of how passive he was and being a muhajir) also was a rural conservative woman and rarely appeared in public

No. 1496772

>op here

I did say past and present dictator wives, paki-chan; which also includes the living despot pickmes.

No. 1496774

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>Evita has joined the chat

No. 1496851

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Peng Liyuan got nothing on Jiang Qing, she was a baaad bitch!

No. 1499419

Mao? A dictator? I think you're on the wrong thread.

No. 1499522

go back to reddit or /leftypol/

No. 1499622

shes mao wiafe hehe(sage your shit)

No. 1499641

kek anon

No. 1502384

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Gucci Grace

No. 1868301

Did the dictators of your nation have special titles that essentially indicated their status without explicitly stating it? In my nation, the last dictator was referred to as the "Chief Executive."

No. 1868347

Yes. THE leader.

No. 1868437

what country are you from?

No. 1868442

also the one before him was referred to as "The Administrator"
what country are you from?

No. 1868951

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I've always wondered what the cash value of Imelda Marcos' shoes really was. Because if you look at the photos of the surviving collection, it's obvious that there are a lot of both cheap meemaw shoes and duplicates in there. 3000 shoes doesn't sound quite that decadent if 90% of it was just cheapo dollar store shoes in every color they came in, and she had been hoarding them her whole adult life. I don't think insanely priced women's shoes and handbags were even a thing until the 1990's.

No. 1868966

those feathery/fuzzy ones are fun

No. 1869114

It’s said that locals made a bulk of her shoes which would definitely bring the whole collection’s value down (monetary wise - not base on craftsmanship). Pretty easy to amass a huge collection when you’re getting 500+ free a year. Their value was probably at max $5. I’d wager her collection doesn’t even break a million.

No. 1869247

Iran. The previous dictator was called the (reverend) Imam. This one tries to make everyone call him Imam too but hasn't succeeded kek.
What country are you from?

No. 1869434

Her feet must have been in bits breaking all those in

No. 1897971

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I was always fascinated by the Soong sisters. The oldest one, Ai-ling, married the richest man in China, Ching-ling married Sun Yat Sen, and Meiling was the wife of Chiang Kai-shek. I wonder what kind of home life they had to become so sought after by most powerful men in China. I know their family was rich, but it still doesn't explain everything. They're like an Eastern, more successful version of the Mitford sisters.

No. 1898613

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Ri Sol-ju gives Imelda Marcos and Asma Al-Assad a run for their money when it comes to being a bougie ‘ride or die’ bitch

No. 1898621

we literally know nothing about her.

No. 1898631

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>we don’t know nothing about her
On English/western media you don’t, use the Korean site NAVER, it has more info on her than Google (I recommend using the translate option on your phone though).


Korean wiki page: https://namu.wiki/w/%EB%A6%AC%EC%84%A4%EC%A3%BC

Why you rarely or ever see her wear the mandatory badge (again, use translate option): https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/081/0002388946

I’d also recommend watching any propaganda films featuring her and clips from the last inter-Korean summits to get a better feel of her character.

No. 1898647

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I recommend reading "Dictadoras" / "Madam Dictators" by Rosa Montero. I don't know if it's properly translated to English, original is in Spanish. Talks mostly about the wives of European and Russian Dictators. I enjoyed it a lot. Not all of the wives were lolcows tho, some were downright misserable, like Stalin's wife/wives? (I don't remember much about the book so cmiiw).
My favourite was Carmen Polo, wife of Franco. She would visit a city near the town where his husband was born, and when that happened, someone would alert the jewelry stores beforehand. Then, the owners would close them down for that day, because if they didn't she would go to their establishments and take all of the pearls they had: necklaces, earrings, etc. The woman would then tell the owners to send her… an invoice (?) and she would pay it later, but no one would send her anything because she was the wife of the fucking dictator, you don't ask el Caudillo for money lol. So they would lose shitloads of money because of Carmen Polo.
Apparently, if any of the jewel stores wasn't able to close on time and was raided by Carmen Polo (kek), the other jewel stores would come together and give the owner money or jewels back, to share the losses. When I heard about this, I thought that was beautiful. Shows how, in the midst of dark times, people come together.

No. 1898649

>she would go to their establishments and take all of the pearls they had: necklaces, earrings, etc.
Menuda cabrona, but I wish I could do that lol

No. 1898659

Ruby Wax (comedian) searches for the shoes

No. 1898661

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Kingmaker is also worth a watch


No. 1898672

And Fatboy Slim did a whole concept album about Imelda and Ferdinand

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nAY5B-VV020X2rISyULvBL8QXyQoTV9oc

No. 1898679

Never understood why they made a musical glorifying her when they treated the country so badly.

Only tangentially related but the mystery of Peron's missing hands is fascinating:

No. 1898712

imagine marrying some guy whose some minor officer, then he takes part in a coup against the state, wins a civil war and suddenly he's the most powerful man in your nation that everyone is scared off.

No. 1898804

Best part is that she… kinda was the reason he got that position in the military before he took part in the coup d'etat. Franco was going to be part of the navy actually, but Carmen advised him to follow another path. Then shit happened, people died and he got promoted, lol. It's all explained in the book.

No. 1898832

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Reminds me of Cromwell's wife, she persuaded him to become to become MP(which is just a minor state representative) eventually he'd take part in a rebellion against the crown, find he had a knack for war and become a dictator of a puritan theocracy, unsurprisingly, without him personally commanding the loyalty of the military it was unsustainable and fell apart.

No. 1899250

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Can’t forget about Asma

No. 1899393

Anon, thank you for the recommendation, I'm watching this documentary right now and it's wild. I never really knew anything about Imelda Marcos beyond "dictator's wife" and "shoe collector". Heck, I didn't even consider that she was still alive. But man, she is a raging manipulative narcissist lolcow. She kind of reminds me of Margaret Palermo if she'd married someone rich and powerful.

No. 1900280

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Needs more Latin flavor in this thread: Cilia Flores, Nicolas Maduro’s wife

No. 1900285

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Lis Cuesta and Miguel Diaz-Canal, rockin’ commie chic

No. 1900286

she looks like my therapist

No. 1901382

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Mr. and Mrs. Pooh Bear

No. 2175152

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Has anyone read this?

>From the author of the international bestseller, Red Azalea, comes the stirring, croucally charged story of the woman known as 'the white-boned demon' - the ambitious wife of Chairman Mao whose actions led to the death of millions in the Cultural Revolution. From the young, unwanted daughter of a concubine, defiant in her refusal to have her feet bound, to the wayward, beautiful actress on the stages of Shanghai, to the ruthless, charismatic partner of the great revolutionary leader, Mao Zedong, Anchee Min moves seamlessly from the intimately personal to the broad sweep of world history in this fascinating portrait of an extraordinary woman driven by ambition, betrayal and a desperate need to be loved. Finely nuanced and always ambiguous, Min penetrates the myth surrounding Madame Mao with passion and sensitivity to paint a surprising picture of one of history's most vilified women. Rich with compressed drama and all the lyrical poetry of great opera, Becoming Madame Mao is a startling and moving achievement.

No. 2175221

i haven't, but this sounds extremely interesting and i might pick it up this week. will report back when i start

No. 2235052

I just got this on audiobook the other day to listen to at work after seeing your post. I'm at the part where she meets Mao for the first time and I'm liking it so far. Thanks nonna!

No. 2235098

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One of my favourite and by far the most played games is Jagged Alliance 2
It is a tactical game set in some imaginary South American country where you and your team of mercenaries get to dispose of a dictator.
The dictator in the game beared such striking resemblance to Mira Marković, the wife and right-hand of Slobodan Milošević.
I took great pleasure in fighting against her, and this has surely contributed to it being one of my favourite games ever
Mirjana was to Slobodan much as Elena was to Nikolai Ceausescu. She had her own political party that was focused on getting the youth vote, JUL

No. 2235105

I was already in college when Milošević was disposed, all of my teen years were ruined by this couple, so you can imagine the satisfaction I got playing that game

No. 2245174

speaking of yugoslavian it’s clearly obvious that tito would need an entire new thread for all his women. He even pulled sophia loren.

No. 2306939

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Bad bitches, bad bitches,
What’cha gonna do?
What’cha gonna do when they come for you?

No. 2306943

Holy shit Jagged Alliance posting. Im early in the game still but it’s so cool.

No. 2322345

Heard he's going to go back to being an ophtamologist. Asma used to work in banking, but I doubt she'll go back to that. They were always a somewhat interesting case for me, since it looks like they're actually somewhat well-adjusted and normie-like compared to other dictators and their spouses (or I bought got duped by some Russian propaganda). On the other hand I also found it funny how they both used to be kinda regular citizens until Basel died and Bashar had to take this place as hereditary president. Democracy in Arab countries is basically whatever system they used to have in place before with a bad paint job. I don't know why they even bother with keeping up the pretense.

No. 2322399

IMHO, being a wife of any public figure like that is giga cringe. Imagine marrying some scrotoid 1ho then gets a position like that and basically gets a free pass in cucking you. You can't even feel jealous cuz it's expected. Literally infinity level reverse NTR.
Although I can respect a woman like Eleanor Roosevelt anyway.

No. 2322500

aged poorly, she's ousted in russia dying of leukemia

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