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File (hide): 1674952245783.jpg (2.31 MB, 3000x4000, blanquita 2.jpg)

No. 1484668

Is my dog cute?

No. 1484669

File (hide): 1674952332578.jpg (2.59 MB, 3000x3450, Blanquita.jpg)

Post pictures of your pets

No. 1484679>>1484684

She is very cute but you may be banned for the thread. Give her a pat pat for me

No. 1484680

Eres el argentino verdad? Vete

No. 1484681>>1484686

She looks like my sister's dog, my sister's dog is a misandrist.

No. 1484684

She is very cute, we have two smaller dogs and she grabs her by the neck and helps her climb to high places, she also bites her small to get rid of fleas.

No. 1484686>>1484690

once my brother wanted her to have puppies, but she didn't want to have sex with the other dog.

No. 1484690>>1484694

dont breed your dog when there are plenty in shelters.

No. 1484694

I don't want to make her have babies, she doesn't want to, and it could destroy her spine. I don't want her to suffer

No. 1484702>>1484724

She give paw, I love her nonna

No. 1484724

He knows how to give both legs, the one on the left, and the one on the right. He also gives you the paw to ask you for food

No. 1484744

8/10 would add to my stir fry

No. 1484750

frantically shoving dog toys and treats out of sight "No your dog is ugly you should give it to me to uhh dispose of."

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