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No. 14439

What the fuck is happening

No. 14451>>14509

like, three or four black and white girls are having tantrums because they each think they're more beautiful than one another–so they're fagging up /b/ with all this race shit. Nobody gives a fuck about any of it except a few people.

No. 14453

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we are having a good time

No. 14454

race war on lolcow

No. 14509>>14523

some white guy keeps spamming the white threads, but the ops of the white threads are now spamming the black threads thinking they started it/are doing it

No. 14523>>14564>>15043

some of them negroes did started it though i can tell by their writing style and the things they said

No. 14558>>14564

A butthurt black girl is spamming white threads with asian girls

No. 14564

Nope, I'm probably one of like two "butthurt black girls" on /b/ and I'm pretty sure neither of us are behind it. Nice try though.
>inb4 Nazi-chan literally spammed her own threads with Asian girls to false flag and use it as an excuse to spam the black and mixed girl threads because pretty girls of other races make her insecure
I'll just wait for you to finish your little tantrum.

No. 15043


>Writing style determines race of the writer.

Wow have I've seen it all now.

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