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No. 143760
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I didn't learn to drive until I was 22 either. It is normal to be nervous. Practice in rural areas when beginning then move to more populated places later on. Repetition is most important. One day, you will be driving and realize you aren't scared.
No. 143761
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I tried to learn when I was 26 years old. Everyone in the driving school, from students to teachers were absurdly bydlo and low class. I paid around 500$ for the theoretical and practical classes.
I failed in the pratical exam, I parked the car but then it failed two times, and this is automatic failure. It would be another 250$ only to take another exam and I couldn't give less shit nowdays.
I heard people who took the exam 10 times until they finally got their license, and this is typical of the third world shithole where I live. The exams are hard on purpose, they don't want more people driving.
No. 143771
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I went to the DMV to renew my learner's and they accidentally gave me a full license. huhuhu
No. 143780
I'm 25 and currently learning to drive. I hate it, but I've always hated the thought of driving. When I turned 17 I was offered lessons for my birthday, but had no interest. But once I was out of uni and job searching, I realised I really do require one to get to the more rural areas (I plan on working in a lab) early in the morning. I've had about 20 hours so far, test is in literally less than 2 weeks and I still hate driving.
I hate that the highway code book is filled with "you MUST NOT etc".
I hate that the instructor is so bothered that I'm going 23mph instead of 28mph in a 30 mph zone.
I hate that I can't just take my time and slow down at junctions and roundabouts. Like fuck, you want me to turn in a sharp circle, check my mirrors, switch gear AND maintain 30mph without losing control on one of those things? Fucking get real mate. And yelling at me to do something extra isn't going to magically improve my multitasking.
I hate that it's all about everyone else. Like I'm going kind of slow, but not stupidly slow, but I've to speed up because the car behind me is MAYBE getting impatient that I'm 5mph below the maximum limit. They can WAIT.
I think /rant, but I just hate driving.
No. 143781
>>143780It's illegal to drive slow as fuck because speed differentials are dangerous.
>I hate that it's all about everyone else. Like I'm going kind of slowYou remind me of people that go in the fast lane and drive the speed limit because fuck everyone else. So glad they started giving tickets out for that where I live.
No. 143782
>>143780Speed comes with practice anon. 25-30 mph feels like sensory overload because it is when you have 20 hours of driving experience and are just getting the hang of it.
Some people like going slower anyway and that's fine. But know the signs of aggressive drivers and when it might be time to speed up to ease the flow or pull over to let them pass. The reason why slow driving can be dangerous is because people can get cozy and start to not pay attention. The people behind can get irritated and start making really dumb moves like passing in a no-pass zone to get around the slow car, or tailgating so close they crash into the slow car or the slow car gets nervous and pulls a bad decision.
No. 143786
>>143756A great low stress place to practice driving is your local cemetery. Usually there isn't much traffic and you can take your time practicing your turns without worrying about other motorists.
My daddy taught me to drive in a cemetery and I taught one of my friends how to drive in a cemetery. Best part is: if you hit someone, they're already dead!
>>143785Driving really freaked me out when I was first learning. I actually got my license "late" at 17 since I put off getting my learner's until I was 16. I've been driving for a decade now. It's just a part of my everyday life, like putting on my shoes. Getting comfortable behind the wheel takes time. Having a patient teacher helps.
No. 143789
>>143787This honestly. I know so many idiots that suck at driving, often do stuff wrong (eg. dont turn on their blinker) and yet, they drive.
Ironically, I can't get myself behind the wheel lol
No. 143792
>>143767same, even the age :(
Idk if I should even try learning
No. 143794
>>143775Hoge vijf, zuster ^^
Daar zit ik ook.
No. 143798
>>143795Meh. It's not a fact of YOUR life if you don't drive a car.
It's limiting, yeah. You'd have to use public transportation everywhere. But I guess it's a matter of personal priorities whether it's worth it…
No. 143801
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>>143766Just commenting again to say that I'll probably be getting my license soon and I'm really nervous.
I'll be living on my own for the first time in a month or so and just absolutely have to learn to drive to get around.
There's a reputable driving school that offers courses for $400. It's a lot of money, but apparently you can get a break on your car insurance if you've taken courses, plus get a tax credit of like $150. Plus, they'll come pick you up and drop you off for free if you don't have a car.
The website looks like it's mostly aimed at high school kids. Even though the course is supposedly just 1-on-1 with an instructor, I'm scared they'll think I'm a retard for being 26 and not knowing how to drive yet.
Plus, I'm still worried about actually taking the test. Learning how to parallel park is a huge part of passing the test, and I could never get it right when I tried practicing. I always get turned around when instinctively knowing simple shit like which way to turn the wheel when backing up.
No. 143807
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I'm 26 and I hate telling people I don't have my license.
No. 143810
>>143809im working on it just dont have the money yet
it is a silly risk but ..its my silly risk
No. 143815
>>143814driving in bad weather?
simple: you just drive much slower than you normally would. people behind you will get mad, but they can deal with it because if you get in an accident it may cost someone's life. (I've had to drive through countless blizzards in open farmland at night uphills both ways since 17, i'm an expert :) ).
i have parallel parked all of once in the 5 years i've had my license. i avoid it at all costs.
No. 143818
>>143816I think it's very important to be looking at who's behind you (and also to your sides) frequently while you're driving. If you notice someone is tailgating you and being generally reckless (texting, for example), then you should keep a large distance between yourself and whoever is ahead of you, and do NOT hit the brakes suddenly. If they keep tailgating you and acting stupid then I would also consider pulling over or switching lanes to let them pass.
Something unrelated to asshole drivers I find helpful is looking at the car in front of the car that is in front of you. I start braking when I see several cars ahead of me doing it, makes things less stressful in traffic.
>>143814Drive slowly, keep a distance, do not brake while making turns in the snow or you will lose control of your car. Parallel parking is mostly a thing if you are going to a city with street parking.
No. 143823
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I've had my license for 2 years now and after driving scacho I never sat behind the wheel again. I'm currently trying to re-learn it but I have a few problems so I was wondering if any anons could give some tips?
The car we currently own is a Peugeot. But I have trouble with the pedals, they sort of push my foot back while releasing.
(I use to practice in a Golf 6 and it all went smooth so idk what's wrong with this)
I can't see the what's in front of the car but everyobe says it's important and easier if you do???
No. 143824
>>143822I feel you anon. I'm 26, no license, and it is hard to imagine myself ever getting one. Cars scare the living shit out of me, and the few times I have tried to drive were panic inducing. I live in a small town with barely any public transport, so my only hope is to try and get a job in a big town where I can at least feasibly walk or ride a bus.
I know a lot of my fear comes from the fact I had a family member in a fatal car accident that killed their passenger. They were a good driver and someone still died, and knowing how many people really do die in car wrecks, just makes me go nope nope nope nope.
No. 143832
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I'm 27 and still can't drive. Some heavy shit happened recently, so I'm on my own now, living in a place without public transportation except Uber, and I really need to get my license.
I'm going to get my permit soon, but I'm scared to even try because I can't memorize or study for shit, thanks to my depression. I'm going to shell out the money to take a course with a driving school, but the thought of driving scares the shit out of me. My reaction time is horrible because of my depression, and the thought of having to think quickly while driving makes me want to puke.
The thing that drives me nuts is I have a lot of family friends who are constantly on my shit about getting my license. I'm fully aware of what responsibilities I have, especially living alone now, but their constant asking puts so much pressure on me, when I can barely get out of bed most days.
Don't even get me started on getting a job, because I've never had one of those either. Shit sucks having no life experience at this age.
No. 207134
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>>143756I'm the OP of this original thread, and I'm just curious how everyone's doing. I'm able to drive in normal roads now, but I HATE driving on the highway. I went today during rush hour and I feel like I almost had multiple near-death experiences, while merging, trying to change lanes, exiting, etc.
When you're going that fast, it's so hard to make quick decisions because everything is happening so fast. Driving on the highway is easy when there's barely anyone on it - like on a Sunday evening, but obviously that can't be the case all the time. Any tips?
No. 207141
>>207134No tips besides keep practicing. I felt the same way when I was learning how to drive.
Interestingly enough I now find highway driving more relaxing because there's no intersections or pedestrians to worry about.
No. 207359
>>207323Anon that's how most people who regularly drive feel, it has nothing to do with gender. It's more of an individual thing, my older brother is a nervous wreck and it's hard being in the car when he drives because if you give him a simple direction he panics and overthinks it.
>>207344this is true though. Female drivers seem to "mess up" more (not going when the light is green, not parking well, etc) but I'll take that over men doing fucking U-turns on a busy street across three lanes of traffic and nearly side-swiping me.
No. 208690
>>208540I will. I am scared of driving big time, but I will eventually conquer that fear and learn to do it. I'm in the midst of a bettering myself phase and this is number one on my list, after getting healthier.
>>208686That's the worst part, it's hard to even work without a license and car. I know I need to practice what I preach, but go get that damn license!
No. 208958
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I got it a year after I was allowed to, but then moved to a city with decent public transport for 6 years and forgot everything. I fucking hate driving, I'm too anxious for it, but I still feel tremendously stupid for forgetting how to drive. Seriously, I went for a drive out in the sticks this summer to see if I still can drive and I had problems taking a neat turn. My father (it was his car) ordering me around probably didn't help.
No. 208964
Um, well. This is embarrassing, but here goes. I hope it makes you feel a little bit better about yourself, anon.
I'm 47, and I still don't. I'm not super happy about it, either. My mom was an engulfing, malignant narcissist and she controlled every aspect of my life until I left home (very much against her wishes) after high school ended. She dressed me, did my hair, everything. She never wanted me to learn and constantly undermined me. I was basically taught to be helpless, which only manifested as the clusterfuck it was as I got older; my family did not believe in therapy or even being mentally healthy so I just drank a ton for most of my twenties and thought I'd dealt with it but I'm tangenting hard–I went to NYC, which is a place where you're better off walking and taking the subway, so it wasn't super important to me.
At 30, I moved to LA with my then boyfriend, now husband. At this point, the idea of driving made me really anxious. I'm an agoraphobic with panic disorder (I would have been one regardless, but I don't think having my mother helped much) and while I've been on benzos since I was 27, I still didn't leave the house much. I worked from home doing freelance writing gigs for the studios, I had gone to film school and friends hooked me up.
I worked for a little while at The Greek theater, but that was close enough for me to walk to. I was really healthy then, also. I was there for two seasons and it was a lot of fun but my head eventually got bad again and…yeah.
The only time it was a problem was when we lived in Florida for five years, but we're back in SoCal now and the fact that things like Uber and Lyft exist make me feel okay about not driving.
I should correct this: I can drive. I just don't have my license and I don't do it often. I keep a learners permit, and in an emergency, I can get my dog to the vet, or whatever. But every single time I've tried to take the test I fail spectacularly because of my anxiety. I tried again when I was in Florida and I almost hit a pedestrian in the parking lot, no joke.
I've sort of given up on the idea. I am beyond ashamed. It limits me in so many ways. I'm really glad for friends who like to drive, my husband, and the aforementioned Uber/Lyft. But I would rather be able to drive and not be terrified about it.
Hang in there and keep trying.
No. 209003
>>208964People who move to my state and refuse to drive buuugs the hell out of me. This is socal! Get with it granny!
Like go to new york if you don't wanna drive lmfao
No. 209154
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19 here. My hometown is in the boondocks where (normally) everyone can't wait to get out and drive and go places so for 2 years I was really given a lot of shit from family and friends about not driving. I got my license the day before I turned 18 and I had such bad anxiety about it I almost pulled off the road to puke. I've been at university now and accidentally bumped into the back of someone's car trying to park in some really small spaces so I really gave up on driving for about 2 weeks (BTFO by anxiety) and now I like to park far away from my dorms because they're not on an incline and are much bigger spaces. I wish I lived in a big city so I can walk/subway/bus everywhere.
Also someone I follow retweeted a 5 minute video of horrible car crashes so. Anxious about driving farmers stay far away from that.
No. 209197
How do people in America get around without a car if they don't live in NYC or maybe Chicago?
I'm a super klutz who has ADHD so it's hard to imagine people who literally can't drive.
If I moved to a city like Boston or Atlanta, I'd probably be screwed. I could not drive there.
>>208964Not related to driving but I wish I could stay at home and have friends hook me up with jobs. Lucky.
>>208426I cannot imagine staying with someone who wouldn't let me drive for one day. Wtf?
No. 209329
>>209197>>How do people in America get around without a car if they don't live in NYC or maybe Chicago? Usually they carpool with family/friends, have a significant other drive them around, rely on shitty transport, bike, or live close enough to work/school/stores to walk it.
I didn't get my license until 25. I'm 27 now and live in England (from the U.S. bay area). The bus service is pretty unreliable here (often 20-30 minutes late etc) so ironically there are a lot of times I wish I had a car.
Meanwhile it took me until my mid-twenties to learn to drive because I was scared I'd kill someone.
All I can say is that it's important to have a good teacher. Just because they are paid doesn't make them good. My stepdad did a 100x better job teaching me to drive than any of the "professionals".
Driving can open up a whole new world, so I'd recommend it to any anons!
No. 209359
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19 years old here and I can only drive in a straight line. My learner's permit expired any I don't know anyone who can drive AND have a car.FML
No. 209446
>>209329>>209312Thank you so much!
>>209359Me neither; no one in my family has a car/drives, and only a few of my friends have cars (but no time to teach). What I basically ended up doing was saving up money and getting driving lessons from a driving school. (It was ~$350 for 7 lessons + them loaning you the car for the road test. Not too bad.) Maybe there are decently priced driving schools around you? Would not hurt to take a look!
No. 221494
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As a teenager I was eager to drive. Got my permit and everything.
A few years and a traumatic event later, I can hardly be in a car without panicking, nonetheless drive one.
I pretty much refuse to drive after that. It sucks, I don't even have friends to come pick me up. But I don't trust myself on the road, and I don't trust anyone else. I tried driving a few months ago and had a panic attack at the wheel and had to stop. It's just not happening, not for several more years at least.
When my boyfriend moves closer I'm just going to force him to drive me everywhere. For now I'm locked in my room because I hate driving with my parents, it ends in a huge argument. Sad life
No. 221596
>>221592> and it's not rare here to choose to never get a licenseThat's good to hear. Maybe it sounds stupid but I care a lot about the environment so I take it as a huge plus if I can contribute to less gas emissions.
I'm from southern europe so here people look at you weird if you don't have a drivers license in your early to mid 20s. I work remotely so obviously I don't need it, but when I snoop around job ads a lot of them ask for drivers license even though the job itself is pretty sedentary.
I never had the urge to drive a car and my friends that own a car have more troubles with it from parking, to repairs.
No. 224428
>>224380Yeah, most of the US has shitty public transportation. I live in a city that's basically three cities together so anything interesting is at least 40 minutes away from the next interesting thing. Pretty tough to do anything without a personal vehicle.
>>224310>tfw the DMV system is down state-wide so you don't have to take your written test yetI feel so lucky.
No. 225788
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I got my license at 19 so a little late but, now at 22 I haven't driven in over a year because my bf just drives me everywhere and also because my sense of direction is awful and I'm living in a new state, scared of my driving skills in general, parking and getting gas gives me tons of anxiety.
When I did drive it would by for my baking job which was a 1 am to 8 am shift usually. It worked really well for me because no one was out when I would drive in and i didn't have to worry about parking. Getting gas still sucked and sometimes I wouldn't leave till 10am wich meant I had to deal with traffic(the area was a big family vacation spot). I have no clue how a manage to put up with that back then. It felt like a nightmare.
Idk why I'm like this. I did get car sick growing up but, it wasn't till later on in life my fear of driving would show up in my dreams. My parents(mostly my mom) ignored teaching me and when they did it would be awful(mom yelling at me). I'm just glad I have my bf to rely on. I work at home and I don't like going out on my own anyways.
It's nice to see I'm not alone in this as much as I originally thought. It certainly hits on my self esteem that I feel so incapable of something that most everyone else seems fine with.
No. 225805
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Does anybody else feel like they never will want to learn how to drive?? I'm way too scared to start, and it's not as if I have a reason to learn in the first place. My mum never learned how to drive, and she's in her 40's by this point, so I guess I'd survive without it
No. 225830
>>225791Thanks anon! It's nice you also have supportive boyfriend helping!
I do think eventually I'll reach the point where I need to at least do some alone driving that way it evens out driving related tasks in my relationship i.e. going grocery shopping. Plus it'll give me more independence.
My bf has helped when I was finishing up college classes, we would leave early so I could drive there and not feel tense. Since I went self employed at home for a year I kinda tried to forget that I could drive lol. We share a car as well and he usually has it for his work.
I should just try to drive at some point this year. I would rather wait till spring though since I'm up north and roads get bad.
I wish you luck and hope your short drives increase your confidence! You definitely motivated me.
No. 225874
>>225788Oh man, car driving nightmares are the worst.
Doesn't help with actually getting pulled over by a sheriff for no reason, she even lied on the reason saying that my license plate was expired (it wasn't) and then left me with a warning, so now I get nightmares of getting pulled over by cops.
I now always remind myself to be prepared to record on my phone/ipod in case I get pulled over for bullshit reasons
My sense of direction is also awful too and I get anxiety with getting gasoline too.
I also get the fear that should I make a small mistake, I'm gonna immediately be seen as the typical "awful female driver lol" and that gives me even more anxiety. This could be in the men hating thread, but I've seen just as many, if not more, awful men drivers but as soon as you're a female in an accident, they immediately resort to that judgement.
My parents were also pretty awful at teaching me too, with my mother making me feel shitty by treating me like an idiot if I didn't know something and my father not informing me what to do and he was the main reason I got my license late since he refused to let me get a license even after I requested it at the age of 18.
Anyways, let's hope that our car driving nightmares and fears/anxiety go away with more practice.
No. 226127
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i'm 22 and don't even know how to start a car
No. 229595
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>>225927this fam. you can even dl offline maps of the entire state
No. 230200
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>>230131Get him a bike and tell the boy to start pedaling if he wants so Maccas.
If he says it takes too long, tell him to pedal a bit faster then.
No. 230206
>>230132fuck off anon, i'm scared of driving, there's many other reasons not to respect him.
>>230131tell him to walk or something ffs. how fucking ungrateful.
No. 230323
>>230131Sack that lazy twat off. My ex would expect me to wait up until all hours of the morning to pick him up from his mate's house, and stupidly, I'd do it. I then realised how much of a push over I was being and putting all of his needs before mine - plus he wasn't giving me any petrol money - so I started being a hard as about it. I started saying no.
On our last Christmas day, he kept asking me to drive him and his brother back to their flat at the other side of the city, and I said no because I wanted to spend time with my family. His parents were at home but they wanted to drink, so I said tough shit and stood my ground. He then ignored me for the next day until I went over to check on him and then he dumped me!
So yeah. Stop giving him rides. If he can walk it, he can damn well do it himself if he's a grown ass man. Stop being so nice.
No. 248584
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>>248574I failed the written part (well, it was on the computer) 3 times in a row, shit happens, you'll get it right
>>248516I'm in the same boat as you right now. I still have to drive to work and eugh, I'd rather take the bus tbh.
I know being a car owner sucks, but have you thought about getting a smart? They're tiny, idk about the price but I think they're easier to drive than a normal car?
I also don't feel like driving is "liberating" like some people say. Guess it's because you'll have to remember where you parked and just keep it somehow constantly in mind