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No. 143723

There's a mental health problem threads, so why not a general health problem thread? What do you have? How do you cope? Feel free to complain/bitch/moan or support and encourage each other.

No. 143724>>143727

I'm overall really healthy except I recently had some bloodwork done and found out that I'm low in vitamin D (was 23 ng/ml). Makes sense considering I'm so exhausted all the time.

My doctor didn't really tell me what to do to fix it specifically other than to pick up a supplement (didn't even tell me how much), so I just got a D3 supplement of 2000 IU. It's been about 2 weeks of taking it and still feel like shit. I assume it takes awhile to build up, but it's driving me crazy because I can't get shit done. I just lay around all day because I don't have any energy.

No. 143725

I have an autoimmune disorder that causes a lot of pain and other various forms of discomfort and I haven't been able to hold a steady job for a while. Shit sucks

No. 143726

I have idiopathic hypersomnia which just means "you're tired all the time and we don't know why". Apparently there's controversy over whether hypersomnia should even be considered separate from narcolepsy, and in fact, I hope they just decide to combine the two together, because there are treatment options/more research for narcolepsy than what I have.

After being told that's what I have I was prescribed some medicine my insurance wouldn't cover (probably would have if it was narcolepsy) and so I can't afford it and it's been years now and life is pretty lame and yeah. oh well.

No. 143727>>143728

Vit D deficiency is super common. I take "Sports Research Vitamin D3 5000iu" at the advice of athletic trainer that works in my office.

No. 143728

Hey thanks for the recommendation! I'll check it out and see about increasing my dosage.

No. 143729>>143730

Found the spoonies

No. 143730>>143735

But being a spoonie is about getting ass pats, kind of hard to get them on, you know, an anonymous website.

No. 143731

I have some weird easily upset digestive track. not really sure what I have but once the doctor said " I might have IBS" but he didn't do any tests or anything so idk if thats really it. going to a gastro doctor next week though.

Once in a while my stomach just gets so painful. like the pain is so bad i feel like i will pass our and have to just lay in bed for days. Usually these days just anything i drink or eat hurts very badly.

I don't have a really bad diet or anything so not sure why this happens. has been happening since I was young although it has decreased in how often it is since then.

I say my whole GI track since I also have a super sensitive mouth that whenever I eat certain things (salty thing, citrus etc, some non citrus fruit) it gets swollen/sores inside (i do avoid these things). I also have food always coming up my throat into my mouth and throat burning when eating fruits or vegetables.

Even if something doesn't make my mouth swell often it stings my tongue which worries me (feels like i'm being stung by bugs, a very strong tingling feeling). The weird part about this is that it's not something that happens everytime with the same fruit/vegetable. One time it will be fine another time it will sting and burn.

I also think I have an anal fissure (ew, not "diagnosed with it" since im nervous of showing the doctor lol). I went to a psychiatric hospital once, got super sick there and they pretty much let me stay in my room for days with little water and pretty much no food ( I have never been this sick before so i couldn't move really). Due to this when I went to the bathroom after leaving this hellhole when i used the bathroom i ripped (? EW) my butt and every since then it's so painful and horrible to use the bathroom, excruciating pain and tons of blood.

I do take vitamins and minerals : 1 multivitamin, calcium vitamin (lactose intolerant), b12 (just got this one for free on sale haha), and spearmint capsules (for my acne).

No. 143732>>143733

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totally going to bitch here

>constantly get migraines nearly every day

>literally live on super strength migraine pills
>struggle with ibs
>intestines sometimes feel like the flames of hell
>super itchy bumps of dyshidrotic eczema on my hands for 2 years now and they wont go away, becomes unbearable at night
>mfw theres no cure
>lower right abdomen gets really sharp pains ever since last month
>short, dull pains every 10 minutes or so
>feels like its literally going to explode if I lay down wrong, laugh, or cough
>live in burgerland so i can't go to the dermatologist or check out my abdominal pain because i cant afford health insurance
thanks obama

No. 143733>>143734

Have you looked into any free healthcare options? There's a lot of states that have it now.

No. 143734

I know it exists but I'm a dumbass and keep forgetting to apply. Thanks for reminding me.

No. 143735

Since when does anyone from the "invisible illness" crowd need their asspats to be personally addressed?

Sure there's a few legit sick people here but I'd bet my left tit most people itt are the same crybabies who all of a sudden got 11 mysterious diseases at the exact same time they stopped getting away with acting like a child.

No. 143736>>143737>>143738

>got a job working in school cafeteria because poorfag college student
>suddenly back pain after every single shift
>like 6/10 pain that makes me want to lie down and do nothing
>sometimes get minor pain on my off days
>my posture isn't even that bad
>none of my coworkers complain about back pain at all

Am I just wimpy? I don't want to bother with seeing a doctor unless I absolutely have to…

No. 143737>>143739

Do you have any leg/knee problems? Are you flat-footed or wear shitty shoes that don't provide a lot of support?

Anything like that can cause chronic back pain, especially if you're on your feet a lot during the day.

No. 143738>>143739

try getting better work shoes or putting inserts in them

No. 143739>>143740

Come to think of it, I do have pronated feet, but I've never needed to do anything about them before. My work shoes are just standard non slip ones. I have no idea if they're good or not - my work ordered them for me.
Would pronated feet cause upper back pain though?

No. 143740

>Would pronated feet cause upper back pain though?

Absolutely. I'd recommend getting some inserts and see how that goes. If need be, you can always get some custom inserts made.

No. 143741>>143742

How do you find an optometrist? Do you get referred by a general practitioner?

I have two eye issues but they're so minor I don't know if I should go to a doctor or not. One is that my left eye constantly tears up in cold weather. Every day I go out I have water basically pouring from my eye. It doesn't hurt but it's extremely annoying and fucks up my makeup. The other issue is I have vision issues but they're so small/come and go that I don't know if I should get glasses. I basically have no depth perception and can't see shit and night, and then during the day there are days where I can't see far away because shit is blurry, but every vision test I've ever taken is perfect and I can still read fine, it's just fuzzy.

No. 143742

If your eye issues are minor just go to a Lens Crafters or something. Otherwise see if you live near a university with an optometry school. I get my glasses from one and I have no problems with them.

Also you might think your issues are more minor than they are. My little sister found out she was nearsighted at age 15 when she accompanied me to a checkup. According to her, she thought the world was just supposed to be a little blurry.

No. 143743>>143744>>143745>>143746>>143747

Here's what I've noticed that's gone wrong with me, starting two years ago:

Nails no longer grow/break super easily. They used to be so lovely and long that my mom was so jealous. Now they decided they don't like sitting past my fingertips.

Hair quality has gone downhill. Thin, breaks easily.

My mustache, sideburns and chest hair, while not mannish and still not noticeable unless up close, have been growing in darker and longer.

Face is constantly full of acne, my cheeks mostly but there's usually always some small bumps on my forehead and chin. I never had an acne issue as a teen.

My period, while almost always has been irregular, has gone back to being super rare, and also now very, very light. My last one was in August. Before that was April. The last one had no fresh blood and lasted two days.

I sweat more and my body gets warmed up rather quick. This is great in the winter, if I'm walking and active I don't need more than a sweater in most cases, but embarrassing in warmer weather.

A year ago I went to a female health doctor and had a blood test to check on my hormones. The results didn't seem to suggest much was wrong. But I know something has got to be wrong, likely hormones, right?
I recently moved and so I'm going to look for a new doctor soon and hope maybe then my body will stop making me hate it more.

No. 143744

Seems like classic PCOS to me

No. 143745

Damn, this sounds exactly like me minus the irregular periods.

I suspected a hormone imbalance too, among other things like thyroid problems and vitamin deficiencies, and nothing was out of place. I'm fucking stumped.

No. 143746

I instantly thought PCOS too. Good luck with your new doctor, anon. If nothing comes up again, get some more opinions.

No. 143747

Did you check other stuff besides hormones when you did blood work? Could be a couple of vitamin deficiencies overlapping. Nail, hair, and skin issues can be caused by a few different deficiencies. IDK about the body temp regulation thing, but iron can affect periods.

No. 143748>>143751>>143752>>143753

Any farmers get their wisdom teeth pulled yet? I'm particularly eager to get it over with because I've had sinus issues for a few years (constant infections and irritation, splitting/stabbing pain popping up both with or without infection), and doctors didn't have any good advice, but my dentist told me it might be related to my top wisdom teeth pushing on my sinus cavities. I sure as fuck hope that's it, because no medicine my GP suggested helps, and sometimes the pain is really frequent and I just kinda double over with my head between my knees for 20 minutes until it passes.

No. 143749

Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Makes working and going to school almost impossible. I'm trying as hard as i can to be a productive member of society.

No. 143750>>143755

Ibs, hypothyroid, scoliosis, chronic joint pain and pain from the scoliosis, migraines, and a bunch of stupid little shit that just adds up and listing everything definitely makes me feel like tumblr.

I don't know why but I really dislike the spoonie community on there. They're all colorful haired feminist "cripple punks" and it's so annoying.

But I'm in a trial for the ibs medication tenapanor and I'm going to get paid so at least that's cool.

No. 143751

I didn't get mine pulled because they were all pretty badly impacted - I had to have them surgically removed. The actual surgery took about an hour and the resulting pain left me out of commission for about 3 days (that was when I discovered I was allergic to hydrocodone, so your time should probably be easier in the pain meds aspect). I can't comment on your other problems, but I had fewer issues with my back teeth after I got my wisdom teeth out. Be sure to budget some time for you to rest at home, and have a good smoothie machine on hand, because that's all you're going to feel like eating for at least a day.

No. 143752

I got mine pulled (they had already grown out) with local anesthetic. No problem at all, just dry to avoid getting a dry socket. I did once, but it went away (took some painkillers though).

No. 143753

Yeah, got all of mine removed, two at a time. My breath smelled really bad for a few days and I wasn't allowed to use mouthwash, and I was popping paracetamols every 10 minutes but otherwise it was eh.

No. 143754

Thyroid cancer sucks. Not being able to find a balanced Synthroid dose sucks. I've lost half my hair already and I have heart problems akin to a 70-year-old's. Plus I'm apparently immunocompromised. And I didn't even have to do any chemo lmao :^)
IBS and constant problems with my vagina (sry but this is girl talk after all) kind of fade in comparison but still make my life absolute hell hahahaha

No. 143755

Oh gooood i hate having ibs (funnily, i also have join problems and scoliosis)
My stomach was unbearable until i quit gluten (doctors orders not a diet fad), like i would literally shit my pants in public.

Sorry for grossness but i gotta say this. The relief after pooping at the end of a bad ibs cramp is better than sex though.

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