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No. 141988
File: 1447022770338.png (309.04 KB, 500x721, shinji glasses.png)

my bf
No. 141989
File: 1447023132935.jpg (155.73 KB, 1280x720, 03-02.jpg)

>>141988your husbando is trash
this is my bf
No. 141991
File: 1447025993656.jpg (56.33 KB, 493x660, image.jpg)

my sun and stars
No. 141992
File: 1447031044060.gif (529.48 KB, 500x628, 502218376.gif)

i dream of him every night
No. 141993
File: 1447031829747.png (81.69 KB, 1280x720, araragi.png)

i know that he's shit but i cant help it
No. 141994
File: 1447032544020.jpg (352.33 KB, 905x2000, Subaru-Sumeragi-X-1999-kamui-a…)

No. 141995
File: 1447050935694.jpg (25.5 KB, 452x640, Collarbones.jpg)

My heart will always belong to Chinese Electric Batman
No. 141996
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Auron why can't you be real ;_____;
No. 141997
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;_____; Vincent
No. 141999
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Can I have them all please?
No. 142001
File: 1447097185900.jpg (165.91 KB, 1024x768, 1871449-1332903876.jpg)

11+ years later and he is still my husbando. I'm no virtual slut kek
No. 142003
File: 1447104510287.jpg (13.29 KB, 210x330, Haer'Dalis.jpg)

>>142001Same. I also had the hots for Haer'Dalis in BG2.
No. 142004
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>>141998Vincent Valentine from ff7, advent children and dirge of cerberus.
He's a great character with a gorgeous back story and he's hot as fuark. Also stoic.
No. 142006
File: 1447105262215.png (1.61 MB, 1075x1078, vidya husbandos chart.png)

There's just too many to choose from.
No. 142008
>>141995Superb taste, Anon.
>mfw I want his figurine so bad>mfw it's rarely sold and usually sells for several hundred dollarsI just want a husbando in plastic form ;_;
No. 142012
>>141997Fuck yes, Vincent has been my husbando since 1997.
>>141998Were you born last night?
No. 142013
File: 1447173793103.jpg (476.49 KB, 586x760,…)

I've had a thing for Ganon since Ocarina of time.
No. 142014
File: 1447188233678.jpg (283.13 KB, 1000x1300, 11397695.jpg)

robot husbando
No. 142018
File: 1447254646785.png (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 1280x720, latest-2.png)

For me it's a toss up between Mononoke's Kusuriuri and Sinbad
I don't know how I'd choose. Though I love Sinbad's personality. If he had a horoscope I bet it would be Aries.
No. 142019
Izumi bby
>>142018 Kisuriuri is a total dreamboat. He's so calm and collected. Mononoke is an excellent anime too, one of my favorites. I wish they'd gone into his backstory a bit more though. I was a bit sad that his 2nd form was never really explained, even briefly.
No. 142021
File: 1447320620935.gif (669.77 KB, 500x282, 1436935834682.gif)

>>142019Yeah, totally agree. Would love for a back story. I think the mystery only adds to his allure, though. I'd be a bit scared anything more so belated risked wrecking the series. I've seen some neat fan doujinshi, though.
No. 142023
File: 1447327118906.jpg (67.79 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>142014Mah nigga!! Loved Zero since Mega man X first came out on the SNES. He's great.
No. 142024
File: 1447328068462.png (311 KB, 593x593, Yukio_PP.png)

>>142021It would be! Kusuriuri doujinshi is near impossible for me to find.
For me personally, I have a lady boner for intellects, socially awkward nerds and glasses wearers. I really love Yukio from Blue exorcist.
No. 142025
>>142014>>142023holy shit anons he was one of my earliest husbandos and I was obsessed with him.
Now he's just a douche though. I think they turned him into a whining bitch after X5 and the MMZ version was terrible.
No. 142026
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No. 142027
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It's gotta be Judal. my favourite asshole
No. 142028
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I'm weak.
No. 142029
File: 1447462958475.jpg (100.22 KB, 766x572, Mudo.Setsuna.full.1044184.jpg)

>>141995a-anon… <3
>dis bitch and his seven-bladed sword No. 142030
File: 1447466854994.png (373.33 KB, 300x300, serveimage.png)

I know he's a piece of shit but I find him adorable.
No. 142032
File: 1447468145621.png (32.35 KB, 800x690, animeharemtemplatemi9.png)

I think this is appropriate for this thread.
No. 142033
File: 1447468204337.png (94.4 KB, 3096x2128, yIWENF9.png)

>>142032And No Life Edition, of course.
No. 142034
>>142032why only anime
anime is shiiiiiit
No. 142037
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>>142032I'm not a slut so I only have 2
No. 142042
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genis sage. i want to kidnap him and put him in a dress, then i would rub his belly
No. 142043
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>>142006is your tf2 husbando engie or spy? you got them both in the same square
mine is sniper No. 142044
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>>142006>>142043>tf2>husbandoAll nine of them are ugly/insane/idiots and you should feel bad
No. 142047
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>>142046good taste anon
he seems the least insane out of the 9 mercs, 10/10 would have a beer with
No. 142048
File: 1449051896500.png (266.06 KB, 332x301, Sabo_Chapter_771.png)

I can't help it
No. 142051
>>142049It's okay. I am too since I also want Law and Mihawk.
Dif anon btw.
No. 142054
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i am a huge faggot hump my rump
No. 142057
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>>142056so people who have none 3dpd and non anime should make their own thread?
No. 142058
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I'm so weak with those femenine,slender, long haired, with smooth facial features type holy shiit.
No. 142059
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I recruited Flannel on FE:Conquest and jfc I might be a bit obsessed with him.
No. 142061
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I hate myself.
No. 142063
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>>142062I think I'll just post more western husbandos.
No. 142064
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>>142026o hell yes
I'd pretty much fuck all of the setters in haikyuu
No. 142065
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I sort of hate him, but I'm also making a Crona tulpa because he is waifu.
No. 142067
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just really digging danse right now idk
No. 142070
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>>142068I know, but they're also hot as fuck so I feel conflicted
No. 142071
File: 1450230988841.png (1.42 MB, 635x1612, Dick_Gumshoe_GK2.png)

>>142006I want to bully him.
No. 142074
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After all this time, I still get so damn twitterpated.
No. 142075
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i know it's vidya and not animu, but I love him so much
No. 142076
File: 1450435799295.jpg (49.29 KB, 480x272, pic_0066.jpg)

He roofied me and locked me in a dog cage for several days and fed me dindin through the bars. He could've just asked politely and I would have gladly gotten in, though in the end the Stockholm syndrome only made my love for him grow stronger.
No. 142078
>>142076ot/ god I was not expecting that shit when it came up. when did he make the call to preemptively buy a human sized dog kennel? he can't do inter-dimensional time travel, so…?
he was objectively the hottest one though, so carry on.
No. 142080
I haven't played it or watched the anime, but
>>142076 has me interested.
No. 142081
>>142076You're missing the hottest part about this image, anon. He's locked her in a cage to protect her from a psychopath that wants to kill her. He does it basically because he loves her and wants to keep her safe from going outside, even if, yeah, it's kind of Stockholm Syndromey. It's sort of an uneasy and surprisingly thing when you see it, considering he's just a mild and kind childhood friend, but it makes Toma much more interesting after that point.
Anyway, A+ tastes.
No. 142083
File: 1450544888016.jpg (154.32 KB, 600x583, Franken.Stein.full.889571[1].j…)

there's something wrong with me.
No. 142084
>>142083Oh man, I was in middle school when Soul Eater came out. I remember when there'd be a moment with him I'd feel really excited and blushy. I didn't know that these were sexual feelings and (like the cringy weeb I was) showed my friend clips of him. She said he was scary, so I got embarrassed and never brought up Soul Eater again.
And to this day all my 2D crushes have been psychopaths. Pray for me
No. 142086
File: 1450571684066.png (2.51 MB, 1920x1080, 254.png)

>>142050>are you imagining a cartoon man or an actual human that has a character's traits?Not going to speak for anyone else, but I literally cannot imagine mine in 3D form. All cosplayers are pig disgusting too. I can only love mine as a fictional character. The idea of him being in this world with me as a normal person is way too abstract.
No. 142088
>>142085>>142084May I join in on this?
My likes go between psychopaths, the stoic black haired (w/glasses, preferably) character, or the flamboyant narcissist.
No. 142089
File: 1450714908897.jpg (39.91 KB, 468x351, berserk_manga.jpg)

Oh and Griffith is waifu obv
No. 142092
I really wish there was more anime/manga with yandere males, or just cute-but-crazy guys for us weirdos out there.
But I also agree with the stoic type. For me it's usually a 'psychopath' character or a character that's calm and intelligent. It's even better when they go hand in hand.
No. 142094
File: 1450811527358.jpg (603.86 KB, 827x1181, 52357005_p0.jpg)

rip in peace. ;_;
No. 142096
>>142094RIP hot old dude
MGS is full of them
No. 142097
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>>142064I checked out the show from your pic, based on your obviously good taste and shit, time to watch. Setters, indeed.
I always felt Raiden was under-appreciated in hotness in 4. Like, no one talks about how perfect he was in that game. Non-Cyborg, he's just a megahot Final Fantasy character.
No. 142098
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I'm really getting more and more into MegaTen these days. I'm looking forward to SMT IV Final, it looks like Flynn will be adorable in it. Knowing that there will never be merchandises of him or any SMT IV characters is so damn frustrating.
No. 142099
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rin chan is waifu
No. 142100
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>>142097I've been into Raiden since Sons of Liberty, but in the later games he's just…dear lord.
No. 142102
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>>142100He is weirdly underrated. I guess Snake overshadows him a bit cause it's fucking Snake.
No. 142103
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Classic bae.
No. 142105
File: 1452210657818.png (217.33 KB, 466x732, YuuyaProfile.png)

>>142092>>142085>>142088>>142084my sisters
I love the crazy psychotic yandere bishies. Pic related.
No. 142107
>>142104I don't know. It bothered me too.
>>142103Awww yes!!
No. 142108
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>>142104I thought he looked fine in revengeance but cyborg raiden from mgs4 will always be the cutiest of pies to me
No. 142109
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>>142108They changes his nose and his jaw shape. MGS4 Raiden was peak hotness.
No. 142110
File: 1452421302509.png (1.34 MB, 800x1369, new shit taste.png)

Admittedly, i'm a slut for vidya
No. 142111
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Farkas is my dream husbando
No. 142112
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>inb4 anything
No. 142113
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>>142112Kek I can see you anon.
>inb4 "Fuck Griffith" No. 142114
File: 1452453695757.png (6.16 MB, 3096x2128, listofshit.png)

>>142033who needs a life anyways
No. 142116
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>>142115He's more of a waifu than a husbando tho
No. 142121
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Judas though. Not even Leon, just Judas.
No. 142123
File: 1452482154218.png (3.79 MB, 1504x1481, Edward_elric.png)

No. 142132
File: 1453400041414.jpg (227.69 KB, 1200x661, 4870894-4419385695-Mugen.jpg)

>>142131They gonna make him trans fam.
All my husbandos are basically discount Mugen.
No. 142135
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>>142134I love Jin and Mugen too. They're both so cool in different ways.
No. 142137
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>>142131Ever read the mango, fam? He
does look like that. He was meant to be a girl in the beginning, then Miura changed his mind but kept the charadesign. Total waifu
No. 142139
File: 1454726674563.gif (246.73 KB, 844x383, tumblr_nbnkwhEYpP1t8f4e9o5_128…)

you don't understand how ashamed I feel for this
No. 142140
>>142137>Ever read BerserkIt's like the most popular manga for years.
Yes, I read it and I'm finally caught up. I just Miura to end it honestly. He already ruined both Griffith and Casca.
No. 142141
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No. 142142
File: 1454801275398.png (169.79 KB, 493x480, 493px-SSB4_-_Link_Artwork.png)

>>142139>tfw he was my favorite too but I will never go back to the cesspool that is the Hetalia fandom>>142141bless you
not enough people like yamaguchi
Link was my first fictional crush and will always have a special place in my weeb heart
No. 142143
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I'm such a fucking pleb but he has had my heart for 7 long years
No. 142146
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No. 142148
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>>142147>loving a ditcher he will leave you just like he left them
No. 142150
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>>142146>>142148>real boysdisgusting
No. 142151
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No. 142153
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>>142148>finding this obvious tumblr photoshop attractiveI thought this was an 18+ board, lmao.
No. 142154
File: 1454963455244.gif (1.49 MB, 1000x640, 1431683024-louis333.gif)

>>142147Please, anon. Everyone knows Louis is the best boy. Zayn is overrated as fuck.
No. 142158
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Husband. fufufu
But I have a huge boner for most of all the Dragon Age guys.
No. 142160
File: 1454998445521.png (118.24 KB, 300x410, image.png)

>>142044if medic were real i would let him rip my panties off and mount me. every night.
i need help.
No. 142162
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>>142157i think he's really cute tbh. i want to see him get a happy ending, but i doubt that will happen. it's a tie between him and pickles for me.
No. 142163
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>>142158I adore most of them too.
>tfw you can't romance Varric No. 142166
File: 1455077350099.gif (1.89 MB, 300x431, tumblr_static_b6h46k576igwwg8w…)

>>1421591. Alistair (witty little shit, haven't played all of inquisition yet, but what I've seen it doesn't seem like you get much screen time with him)
2. Cullen/MHawke
4.Duncan (sexy in that older guy way)/Varric
No. 142167
File: 1455078242341.jpg (26.83 KB, 225x350, CBXR1dC.jpg)

I had many husbandos in my weeb days but Kyouya is still king
No. 142168
>>142166Can I jump in here and range my husbandos from DA?
1. Anders (i'm a catfag)
2. Sten, if Sten was romanceable he'd be nr.1
3. Alistair
4. Zevran
Also, Isabela, Cassandra and Flemeth get honorable mentions.
No. 142169
Anders needs a fucking cat army.
No. 142170
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>>142061My husbando as well
I love him so much…
No. 142171
File: 1455292216896.jpg (113.12 KB, 564x801, bae3916cccee8a9bbbe3ee6c18893b…)

>mfw I'll never get to have a three way with sleepy sensei and cry baby Neet king.
No. 142175
File: 1455296460200.png (666.7 KB, 758x600, tumblr_muql1vGHdn1sn73soo1_128…)

I'm replaying Rune Factory 4 and I don't want to choose just one husbando…but I'll probably end up with Dylas 'cause dat blushing face.
No. 142176
File: 1455296519379.png (108.73 KB, 190x404, Dylas_blushing.png)

>>142175horse maaaan why you so cute
No. 142178
File: 1455495471554.png (321.46 KB, 600x600, DOefbbbO.png)

>>142151Pickles could doodily doo me any day
Anime-wise Joseph is ultimate husbando
No. 142179
>>142172I had such a love/hate relationship with Haruhi as a character, lol.
>>142174I haven't had sex in two months and this pic of our animu husbando is making me feel pathetic things
No. 142180
File: 1456257504283.jpg (131.58 KB, 480x480, tumblr_m76kzgJQWv1ravfyho1_500…)

>>142175same. I like to level all of them up. I'm really leaning toward Arthur though…
No. 142181
File: 1456380185759.jpg (80.61 KB, 480x640, cfb89f89717cbbcb5e35ad056cc97f…)

>>142175Same, I had a hard time choosing between Doug, Dylas, or Leon, and chose Leon in the end.
No. 142182
>>142180Fuck, I love Arthur. Dylas is cute too but he doesn't feel as… special?
On a side note, I'm so happy to see people who play rune factory.
I still have a huge lesbo crush on Uzuki and Selphy from Frontier.
No. 142183
File: 1456385855797.jpg (344.7 KB, 555x827, trunks_by_umintsu-d6rhtdn.jpg)

>tfw soft, shy, sensitive future trunks-kun will never show up in DBS
>tfw trunks-kun will be a total ass just like his dad
>it just makes him so much cuter
kill me now fam
No. 142184
File: 1456386114075.jpg (99.84 KB, 500x808, large (1).jpg)

forever bae
No. 142185
File: 1456388431244.png (197.71 KB, 226x523, strongbae.png)

Colossus hands down, or Alucard from Hellsing
No. 142186
>>142184omg same
and haku too <3
No. 142188
>>142187OP of the picture and yeah, I 100% agree
but I can't find any decent pictures of book howl so there ya go
>still can't decide if i have a bigger crush on howl or sophie No. 142189
File: 1456503724650.jpg (12.48 KB, 236x283, dcd5b492e13831fc631667ef3c2439…)

Cassandra is my female husbando. Y u no bi?
No. 142191
File: 1456513389875.png (97.75 KB, 772x681, 1453522599152.png)

No. 142193
File: 1457041634219.jpg (323.23 KB, 629x902, jason_todd_detail_by_jiuge-d36…)

>>142185Colossus is a total sweetheart, but I'm more of an anti-hero type of girl. Also Guy Gardner <3
No. 142195
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No. 142197
File: 1457065474964.png (91.91 KB, 250x321, 250px-Crocodile_Anime_Infobox.…)

No. 142200
File: 1457106771203.png (1.52 MB, 901x2397, Roronoa_Zoro_Anime_Post_Timesk…)

>>142197I just realized I might me a OP whore…but whatever.
No. 142201
File: 1457106819532.png (733.02 KB, 1280x1778, trafalgar_law_by_narusailor-d7…)

No. 142202
File: 1457109482577.png (518.41 KB, 800x683, this is just the start.png)

help 2.0 (forgot to crop)
No. 142207
File: 1457143109383.jpg (556.58 KB, 1920x1200, mushishi-2.jpg)

>look through thread
>don't see my husbando
>post my husbando
He's mine and he's perfect and I love him and I don't care if I get consumed by mushi
No. 142212
File: 1457184021759.png (92.42 KB, 500x400, BEHOLD MY DEMONS.png)

>>142202>>142211Good to see people with good taste. Why are the guys in SMT4 so perfect?
No. 142213
File: 1457190822441.png (158.36 KB, 500x284, tumblr_mtb467brEu1qmqv0vo3_500…)

;_; why isn't he real
No. 142214
File: 1457192641304.png (Spoiler Image,14.47 KB, 500x500, 1454798861374.png)

>>142212The only demon I want to behold would be his
Mara if he had itTo be honest, I cannot stand Johnathan so.
No. 142215
File: 1457197014502.jpg (70.71 KB, 584x362, why this.jpg)

>>142214I like Jonathan a lot, but I have to admit that his ending was shit, super frustrating and disappointing. Can't wait for SMT4 Final, I hope it's going to be localized, if not I'll just buy a Japanese 3DS and get it plus Dai Gyakuten Saiban.
>>142213Because he's too perfect.
No. 142216
File: 1457197655394.jpg (83.63 KB, 590x600, The-Cat-Returns-the-cat-return…)

i'm not a furry BUT
i love him
No. 142219
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>>142217>>142218watch the cat returns. the baron is great. it's funny, literally every woman i know that's seen this movie loves him.
even my stacy sister thinks he's her ideal of the perfect man.
No. 142221
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>>142097I'm glad you enjoy my boys!!
Raiden is beautiful too and I want him to shred me omfg
No. 142222
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My beautiful wife.
No. 142223
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Even though he's a crossdresser, I would still marry him, lol.
No. 142224
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>>142222When I was kid I had the hugest crush on Seiya and still do.
No. 142225
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>>142224My husbando/waifu.
No. 142226
>>142225A+ Anon it would be awesome to have both.
You know there are Pullip versions on them. I caved and pre-ordered the Seiya one.
No. 142227
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>>142226oops forgot picture
No. 142228
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I am ashamed but I can't help it
he's so cute
No. 142230
>>142228Don't worry anon I love him too
same with Karamatsu even tho he's garbage
No. 142231
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i don't even understand why he appeals to me so much. i haven't even played fire emblem.
No. 142234
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I can't help myself
No. 142235
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I really like the scout.
No. 142238
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C l a i m e d.
No. 142239
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i have the biggest fucking crush on joseph just ughhhhh
No. 142241
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I randomly have a crush on the weird hair dude from haikyuu. He's only a minor character too but I like him a lot his story really interested me for some reason.
No. 142242
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>>142241.. :)
ok I'm done posting
No. 142244
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He just shivers my timbers
No. 142246
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he's perfect ;_;
No. 142247
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>>142018>>142019>>142021I applaud you for your fantastic ass taste. Mononoke is one of my favorite animes, and I really want that new figure of him that was just released
Number one Husbando is probably Howl
No. 142248
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Both young Greg and current Greg. If you watched the show you'd understand
No. 142249
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I know the general affection for him is redundant as fuck (esp on tumblr), but i just can't help myself, it was love at first sight
No. 142250
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its always the psychos…
No. 142252
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He's perfect and I adore him
No. 142253
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i've been getting into the ol' animu again recently after a long time not paying attention to any of it for years (when i was younger i had a bit of a fujoshit phase) & these two were always my otp
No. 142254
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>Tfw your 2D bf confesses and then tells you that you have to kill him
I still get emotional thinking about him. I'm pretty sure he was the first husbando to make me realize what husbandos are.
Pretty sure he's my one true husbando tbh
No. 142255
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I know I've probably posted auron 10000 times in here already, but one more time won't hurt
No. 142258
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old school husbando
No. 142259
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Love/rage pompous egg husband.
No. 142261
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>>142258>Slam DunkMah nigga.
No. 142262
His romance was so infuriating.
No. 142263
>>142260I know someone exactly like Howl irl and yeah, he's cocky and adorably vain, but you literally cannot have a social life if you date these kinds of spoiled brats. He would demand that I cancel my own plans to do stuff like bring him food or clean up his kitchen after he'd trashed it while cooking…really miniscule shit that he could have done himself, but would claim it was a sign that I didn't love him if I ignored his demands. He wanted a housemaid, not a girlfriend. These kind of relationships are cute in fiction, but I can't imagine working out in the long run.
Book-Howl came across as a slightly more acceptable partner. Also I felt like the movie kind of rushed through all the developing romance parts, you never get to see clearly
why Howl and Sophie fall in love, they just have ~chemistry~ or something.
No. 142264
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>>142262I'm still pissed about it. I hope they have it were you can have a better ending with him in four if they make it.
You can take my arm you egg bastard,but give me back my heart.
No. 142265
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No. 142267
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not animu but close enough
>>142265I get it anon
No. 142269
>>142267his romances were terrible. they should never have even had him hook up with asami, then korra, then asami, then korra again. i would have been a lot happier if he got with korra, and they broke up more maturely.
the way the romances were written makes it nearly impossible for me to like him.
No. 142270
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what is it about him that inspires so much hatred
No. 142271
>>142269I hated him with korra. They didn't mesh at all.
If anything I would have preferred asami or no one at all. They kind of made him act like a shitstain just for drama.
No. 142272
>>142271yeah, the fought all the time and i think mako is too laced-up to handle korra. he and asami looked good together, but i can't really remember much about their relationship.
honestly, he should have just stayed single. i know his type and they end up staying alone.
No. 142273
>>142272he was hotter single imo.
Whenever they paired him up with anyone they made him act like a pansy.
No. 142275
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Hottest Disney dad
No. 142276
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>>142275Speak for yourself
No. 142279
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No. 142280
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Where my green, dickless aliens?
No. 142281
>>142270I swear, all my first Dragon age romances end terribly. First I fucked up Alistair by not hardening him before making him king so he broke up with my mage elf, and I let him sacrificed himself to the arch demon to arone kek
Then I romanced Fenris and he dumps me (and I thought it was forever so I fucked up the rest of the romance) and then the fucking Solas romance feels.
I re played the game and tried Cullen and hes my new safe, sweet, reliable DA husbando.
No. 142283
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>>142280I prefer the FAG myself. Was upset that they made him less cute in the movie.
No. 142284
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He cooks, gardens, and wears pink
No. 142285
File: 1460855180400.jpg (536.43 KB, 1936x2592, vu8EQuq.jpg)

Shitty dark bedroom picture of my Makoto body pillow…I bought this before season 2 aired and I still haven't watched it lmao. If you flip it over, there's shirtless Rin but he's my least favorite character so yeah.
(also my hands look chubby but really they're not)
No. 142286
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ideal monster husbando
No. 142287
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>>142178<3 such a smarmy little shit. Any time he flirts with Suzy I get so jealous lol.
No. 142289
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I like a guy with a big gun
No. 142290
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when will he fuck me
No. 142292
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this fucking dork is everything
No. 142293
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>>142292I just started watching this show recently and just got to the part where he fights Avdol. As soon as he resigned to his fate and decided to go out burning like a good sport I just wanted to give him a big hug :( It doesn't help that he reminds me of my old-school crush Benimaru.
No. 142294
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I recently fell for this guy. There's something about tall blondes that drives me crazy
No. 142298
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Johnny bravo was a great husbando of mine long ago
No. 142299
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Basically, glasses make everything better.
No. 142301
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>>142298Thought that was my RE husbando for a moment
No. 142302
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>>142076I hated this dude so much. Ukyo best guy.
>>142111>>142207A+ taste
Anyway, here's my husbando. What a fucking slut.
No. 142303
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Robin is cute.
No. 142304
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Sekizan or Johnny Joestar or bust for me.
No. 142305
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My current husbando. I like 'em calm and quiet. Bonus points for white hair.
No. 142307
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Jotaro is so sexy. It's killing me. I hate that the whole bad boy thing works on me lol. I want him to blow smoke in my mouth.
No. 142309
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I'm replaying DA2 and this time I tried romancing Anders and now he's my prince charming
>Loves cats
>Banters with Varric are top quality
>Kinda funny, he was funnier in Awakening but still
>Nice voice
>Really loves Hawke and doesn't run away after sex unlike someone else did
>Plus, him moving into Hawke's estate is cute
No. 142311
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>>142309Perfect materials for husbando.
No. 142312
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Dam u Yang.
No. 142313
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Beep beep best husbando coming through
No. 142314
All aboard the Auron train!
No. 142315
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Johan Liebert is my ultimate husbando
No. 142316
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>>142312that's some good taste, anon.
No. 142318
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>>142315doctor tenma is my image of the perfect guy. i would marry him and make miso soup for him everyday
No. 142323
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>>142322Want to give Joe a tub rub. Glasses husbandos are the best.
No. 142324
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This fuckin guy
Absolutely loved his English VA
No. 142326
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>>142322Agreed. The whole character design for him was just too good. Even with the gloves, I just want him to hold me down with those gloved hands.
No. 142328
File: 1463159149891.jpg (20.5 KB, 200x364, 200px-Talon_4.jpg)

Why do I love this smug sadistic lil shit so much? Oh that's right, because he's a smug sadistic lil shit. Who's voiced by Travis Willingham.
No. 142329
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Oops my weird tastes are showing
No. 142332
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I want to get sandwiched by these two.
No. 142333
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>>142329Anon… it would be significantly weirder NOT to be attracted to Kusuriuri. He's a very popular character.
No. 142336
>>142333>>142334>>142330>>142331single tear of happinessI have found my people
>>142324Ah yes, Kurama was my very first animu husbando
No. 142338
File: 1463210186843.png (931.45 KB, 1280x720, sniperscout.png)

>>142043>>142235Sage for reviving old shit, but uhhhnf I fancy both Sniper and Scout
I like imagining that scout would be fast paced, teenage-like and would talk a lot. Sniper would be more mature and collected, taking his time. Ugh
I also dig Engie. He cool.
No. 142339
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>>142338>>142308>>142329All of you are fantastic, please come to my birthday party. I think I might need that figure too, I didn't know they made one.
No. 142341
>>142339It's a really new figurine, just released in March. I can't believe it took nine years for a Kisuriuri figurine to be released(tokihanaaatsu!)
I just remembered I used to have the weirdest eight-year-old little girl crush on the Dark Magician from Yu-Gi-Oh. How embarrassing.
No. 142342
File: 1463616528061.png (371.79 KB, 973x571, chrissmile.png)

I wish there was any merchandise of him ;_;
No. 142346
thanks anon sometimes I forget obvious things lol.
For the other anon and anyone else wondering, it's Chris from something called Earth Maiden Arjuna, which I have never heard of before. "The series follows Juna Ariyoshi, a high school girl chosen to be the "Avatar of Time" and entrusted with saving the dying Earth."
No. 142347
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zura is the best husbando
No. 142348
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I'm attracted to The Old Hunters promo guy. I have no idea who he is but I want to sit on his lap. Gentlemen killers are super sexy.
No. 142352
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No. 142353
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No. 142355
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he's trash but I'm so attracted to him, especially as the servant hnnnng
i have a weird thing for animu guys with white hair
No. 142357
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mah boi
No. 142358
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Orc bf is best bf.
I have a thing for orcs and the new Warcraft movie ruined me.
No. 142361
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I like 'em cocky, funny, powerful, loud and with a tragic past/hidden angsty side you uncover after chipping away from their falsely happy layers
No. 142362
>>142355He's not trash. He's precious. And horrible.
>>142325To be honest to me Kurama and Shuichi Minamino are two different entities. I have huge hots for Kurama but Shuichi.. not so much.
No. 142363
God. I have loved orcs forever. I just find them so sexy. Azgog from The Hobbit was too handsome. And god, I haven't seen new Warcraft but I'm worried I'll get all excited during.
No. 142364
File: 1466418483936.jpg (171.4 KB, 730x1095, 1463592960592.jpg)

thank you based Overwatch for giving me a new husbando
No. 142367
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>>142075>>142094>>142097I saw your posts a long time ago and at the time some of my online friends wouldn't stop talking about MGSV because they were playing it so I got curious and started playing some months ago. I love Otacon, he's so cute, but tbh I love all the main guys. So I would like to thanks you for making me want to play these games.
No. 142368
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>>142360Yeah well, at least the orcs were fucking cool. And the baby orc was cute af.
>>142363Finally, someone else who shares my degenerative tastes!
The movie doesn't have much else going for it honestly, so the constant distraction of half naked handsome orcs everywhere was pretty welcomed. Blizzard orcs are generally superior imo, but i remember having a thing for Uruk-hais when the Lotr movies came out… Elder Scrolls orcs are pretty good looking too.
No. 142369
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>>142368another one and fuck it I basically enjoyed the movie
No. 142373
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>>142364SAME, ANON. SAME.
No. 142374
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>>142373But also… I have a thing for Germans.
No. 142375
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>>142374OT, but why is it that the only fanart I can find of him out of his armor is always MercyxReinhardt?
No. 142377
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>>142370For me it was like the opposite, i used to not get why everone loved orcs so much and thought they were the most boring/non-sexy fantasy race. I converted as i grew older for some reason.
No. 142379
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Superior swimming faggot and my husbando
No. 142380
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This motherfucker awakened feelings in little 11-year-old me that I didn't even know were possible.
No. 142381
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He's not my husbando so much as hes my daddy not that my issues know the difference
only diavolo though
his tumblr tag is a fucking mess though it makes me hate italy
No. 142383
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Xander is my husbando nr 1 atm.
I played Birthright first and I was into Saizo and Jakob but at the end I was crying over Xander and when I played Conquest the feels hit me so hard (again).
No. 142384
File: 1466795319933.png (165.62 KB, 914x669, image.png)

my fictional crushes always look like that
No. 142388
>>142387You just want oniichan to take care of you.
I dunno why you'd wanna fuck takumi though hes such a brat lol.
No. 142389
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>>142121Judas is top tier but id still pick Stahn over him any day. Leon has too much baggage.
>>142279>Dio>Not delicious crazy best bad dad m8 wot
No. 142391
>>142388My friends and I make fun of Takumi all the time haha
I also though he's a stupid brat in the beginning but the conversations you he has with 'you' an others are pretty cute actually and he seems more mature there
Xander is still the best tho.
I normally go for other types of characters but Xander is A+ husbando material
No. 142392
File: 1466873967185.jpg (130.97 KB, 1024x597, 1454865234281.jpg)

>>142380Yeeah, Balthier is hot and he is by far the best character of FFXII; he should have been the protagonist instead of fucking Vaan
No. 142393
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No. 142394
>>142392I don't even consider Vaan as the protagonist anymore
I mean he's nice and all and I do like him but he's not the one who saves the world(more like Balthier was the one he was still on the ship in the end as far as I remember) or the one who started everything.
He just kinda got to know Balthier and Ashe by accident and fought with them
Also the story of Balthier and his Dad was so much more interesting than the story of Vaan and his parents
No. 142395
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>>142392Thank you, THANK YOU! I never once understood how Vaan was the main protag. I would have been fine if both Ashe and Balthier were mains instead. Vaan is so damn boring. Balthier is hot as fuck. Who the hell doesn't want a sky pirate husbando?
No. 142398
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>>142367The HD collection is great! 1,2,3 and 4 are my favs. Peace Walker has an interdasting story (also included in the HD collection).
Anyways, welcome to the series/fandom!
I was playing a game of Red Flags and one of the Red cards my friend tried to play as a relationship turn off was "bottom half of jaw is replaced with glass" and I was like No Prob, Bob.
No. 142399
File: 1467202989995.png (553.96 KB, 600x686, CYn9NhWUwAA-4ts.png)

>>142398I'm playing on my ps vita and I don't have a PS3 (or a tv set for that matter)so I've played MGS1 and 2 so far. I'm having a hard time with MGS3 and I after that I'll play MG1, MG2 and Peace Walker. The only thing I don't like about the HD colection is that MGS1 isn't included so I had to download the game with the shitty French dub (only Ocelot, Solid and Liquid sound sort of good, Otacon sounds like he's doing some ad for cereals all the time and Meryl and Sniper Wolf have the exact same voice).
No. 142400
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>>142398Raiden is such a babe. Dear Gods.
No. 142402
File: 1467354333229.jpg (94.94 KB, 800x445, metal-gear-solid-v-the-phantom…)

>>142400>>142401shhhh, you're both wrong
Big Boss is the best husbando
No. 142403
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>>142402BB and Dave are, obviously, in the same tier when it comes to physical attractiveness. BB is way hotter when it comes to aesthetic tho and dat eye horror mmmmmmmmmpls
No love for poor Eli tho I see. I love my trashy British piece of shit more than the both of them put together.
No. 142405
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does anyone else here like tales :3c
No. 142406
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>>142404my new wife.
>>142401They both just hit different spots. Raiden is so instantly babelicious, but his personality is kind of a flatliner at times. Snake is hot, and his personality is like a multiplier effect.
I was hoping 4 would make me like Rose more, but I guess I get good old fucking Johnny. How is this game so full of complete girl-fuel but so many girls hate it ;-; I guess that's the reward of not being shit.
Congrats, ladies.
No. 142407
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>>142404It doesn't matter anon
No. 142409
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>>142408What I was saying is stop your whining and post qt's
Also pic related
No. 142410
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>>142406I liked Rose a lot in MGS2, I hope MGS4 won't ruin her for me. I've heard about how MGS4 shits all over the story and characters because Kojima was tired of the series so idk. And I thought Metal Gear was popular with women? I'm mostly used to tumblr and pixiv so maybe I got this impression because these websites are full of fujoshis.
No. 142411
>>142406>but so many girls hate it>>142410Wasn't it mostly Quiet that they had a problem with? The skimpyness and muh opression because she can't talk.
You don't see them complaining about the fanservice pandering to girls though….
No. 142413
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>>142411Oh yeah, I remember when I read a bunch of articles about Quiet when I wasn't into MGS yet. I can understand complaining about her being half naked but complaining about her being mute and then complaining about the lack of disabled fictional characters was pretty weird. I think the ones who hates Quiet for that don't even know most of the main male characters are just as fanservicey sometimes.
>>142412I'm glad I'm not the only girl who think Quiet looks hot.
No. 142414
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>>142401>>142402Both are acceptable for different reasons, anon.
No. 142415
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>>142412I'm a lesbian, and while Quiet was sexy, there was no need for her to be running around in a bikini. MGS had plenty of women to pander to both men and gay gals, but Quiet's outfit and her wagging her ass in the camera during cutscene pissed me off. If they had at least given her an actual military sniper outfit, I would have liked her a lot more. Kojima was typical male pervert but didnt want to admit it, so he made up a real bullshit excuse about why Quiet's character 'needed' to be practically nude.
I'm a sniper wolf and Eva fan myself, but Quiet felt way too much pandering to the male audience. Can't we all be happy with Snake's fine ass?
No. 142417
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>>142410It gets silly at times, but honestly I still really enjoyed 4, and even if Kojima was trying to pull an Anno and shit on everything he should've tried harder because it still was a satisfying af game.
>>142416Agreed. I wasn't offended by Quiet at all, nor did she seem like that far of a stretch. There's plenty of male nudity and respectable female characters, to go around so I didn't really care if she had a "sob story justification" for her fine body. If anything, I appreciate they used an un-typical "beautiful" face for her. Nice to see something different.
Also, aren't we forgetting someone here?
No. 142418
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Is it ok to wife BL game characters?
No. 142419
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Tomoe's such a cutie
No. 142420
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Akihiko's been my #1 husbando since junior high, I'm currently doing my 3rd playthrough of Persona 3 just so I can get his ending.
No. 142423
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from yaoi, but idc
No. 142425
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Grabbed Amnesia: Memories on Steam summer sale and I've gotta say Toma's become my favorite. Why can't there be more yandere husbandos? I recently unlocked Ukyo's route but haven't played it yet so I may end up switching over to him though.
No. 142426
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>>142397>>142396Kek, I love him so fucking much too, he is bae. He and Varric were the only DA2 characters that I liked tbh… and I hated Anders so much (which is weird because I liked him in Awakening) because of his SJW personality. On top of that, Fenris romances (friendship AND rivalry) are the best imo.
No. 142430
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My one titty out husbando. It's too bad he's pretty much useless in game.
No. 142431
His arrow hitbox is bigger than russia.
No. 142433
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my volleyball bf
No. 142434
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It's Killua. I guess I have a thing for messed up white haired boys. He makes me so happy I could die.
No. 142435
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i'm a piece of shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
>sage because not animu but nowhere else to post
No. 142436
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>>142324Kurama was posted by someone other than me? You have great tastes.
First husbando for me. I have tons of characters I like or "crush" on but he's the one true husbando
Raiden (mgs4 is best) and Komaeda are a second for me though.
No. 142441
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>>142435>>142438>>142440I must admit…I've got quite the crush on him too.
No. 142442
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my qt bf!
No. 142444
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>>141987>>141987this thread really had me reflecting and realizing no one has passed my love for souma kyou in over a decade
No. 142445
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I don't play as him much anymore, it's mostly Webber now, who I love just as much. I wanna pat his soft, silky spider head.
No. 142448
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>>142445I would love to play some Don't Starve Together with a few fellow farmers. Webber is great. I'm always Willow because her lighter is A+ in the winter season.
No. 142450
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My first anime boyfriend.
No. 142452
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>>142450Seeing him reminded me of how much I loved both Ryoga and Ranma (Rumiko Takahashi <3). Ryoga was my favorite and definitely my official husband, he was really sweet and cute. But I was also crazy for Ranma because of how hilarious and confident he was.
No. 287802
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Um Can Kirby count as a Husbando…
I would fuck him cow-girl style holy shit look at him.(Necro)
No. 299815
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He may be a serial killer, literally smells like rot, has the tendencies of a necrophiliac because living people scare him, and if he loves you will cut your limbs off so you can never leave, but he stole my heart before his game even came out and it only got worse from there.
(Lawrence Oleander from Boyfriend to Death)(stop necroing)