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No. 141226
>>141225Exactly. Unless you're shoving dildos into your ass for porn or caming them i doubt no one gives a flying fuck
assholes aren't something you see everyday (lol literally)
No. 141228
>>141227I don't even think I've looked at my anus since probably around 4 years ago or something
I mean… it's just… why bother? all the effort for nothing
No. 141232
>>141227But are they really?
I mean I know women have more stuff marketed at their junk but I've never on e heard a man or a woman say anything along the lines of 'she didnt smell like lilacs/she wasn't smooth as a baby/didn't have labia that looked fake so I had to break up with her'
I hear about how women are constantly bombarded with pressure to have a cooch that would look good on camera but I've never encountered it or met anybody else who has either.
No. 141240
Lol all the salty anons on this thread are so annoying.
Anyway, has anyone tried Divine Derriere (inb4 lol the name)? Or Pink Cheeks?
>>141235How many shades did you go up?
No. 141249
>>141243It doesn't say on their website or even guarantee that it'll be super pink. It just says that it'll go up 1-7 shades like ???
I'm so tempted but I'm broke right now lol. Probably not the wisest purchase.
No. 141250
>>141237just stop being with men who watch porn, period
it causes them to have unrealistic expectations of women and more prone to sexual dysfunction and violence
No. 141257
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>>141240At least 2 noticeable shades. I've been slacking on it recently.
>>141238Fuck no, buy the bottle I suggested above here
>>141235 , spend literally nothing compared to a salon price, and maintain it yourself for a year on one bottle. Also, bleach your vag, your underarms, dark spots, wherever for free.
The "health concerns" of bleaching are literally the same as anything you do with your ass. It could hurt, you could tear some skin, and if you get it done in a Chinese massage parlor off route 1, you could get AIDS.
I'm very tickled by the girls in this thread getting so upset, like
>>141255 You all just sound like really ugly girls, tbh. Let the hot ladies in healthy relationships have some fun. God knows you get the body positivity movement, and have turned all men into complete beta pussies just so they can have the chance to touch a vagina and not be called a rapist…You know, whenever you're not on your period or having a migraine, or on a bipolar rampage, or why ever it is you have to control and stop 2 people's sex lives.
You want to make assumptions about girls who lighten their asshole, we can make them right back.
No. 141265
>>141257The salon is actually a really good one, but the only one in my city that does it.
Anyway I'm the girl that was considering it but I don't think it's healthy at all. I think it's a horrible thing that women are forced to do. My boyfriend's ass is the same colour as mine (even darker tbh) and so is his dick, but I doubt he'd EVER bleach it, or even consider it. I'm only considering it because I'm a broken and insecure person.
I mean I don't care what people do, but let's call a spade a spade. Shit isn't healthy.
No. 141268
>>141265You realise you giving in to feeling bad and doing something about it is what raises the bar and sets the standard too high for women to naturally achieve, right?
Like, you can say you think it's awful and terrible all you want but participating in it makes you as guilty as the men who perpetuate it. Actions>words.
Don't be complicit in something you hate.
No. 141269
I've got a pink ass but I'm also white.
I don't use bleach but I'll tell you the stuff that keeps my asshole and crack pink, but it obviously wouldn't make someone with melanin baby pink. It can however help lighten the area. And to the whole "it's brown from discoloration!!!111" bullshit: nah. It's hella dark most often because it's a dark deep crevice full of shit. If you aren't white, don't feel bad for not having pink parts: you aren't supposed to!
This is what I do, personally. I don't need any salty bitches whining about how it's pointless, this is for people who want to lighten the area, not for you. I don't care, shut up.
Always use baby wipes after you shit. Travel with them. Keep them in your purse. In your car. Everywhere. Baby wipes are your new best friend.
When you're at home and you take a shit, just squat in the bath tub afterwards and wash your ass under the faucet with soap. Yes, soap is safe on your asscrack. I don't need any know it alls replying with a paragraph about your pH because no, your taint and vagina are not the same thing. Your butthole will be fine.
This may appear tedious to the lazier of you but I fucking love it, feels so clean. Also takes like 30 seconds unless you're retarded.
I exfoliate as well but don't start exfoliating that area unless you're committed to keeping it extra clean, because then you'll make the discoloration even darker. You can find this out yourself by exfoliating your asscrack sith Italy towels and then never doing the extra work to keep shit outcha ass lol.
Hair can give the illusion that your crack is dirtier too btw! Hair removal can make it look "cleaner" if that's the look you're going for.
No. 141270
>>141268Oh lord shut
up if someone wants to bleach their fucking asshole they're free to! Christ.
No. 141273
>>141271Oh Christ here we go. Why is it that you have to spell things out word for word because someone is always going to add their own implications to every casual sentence?
As I said before, to expect to make your ass pink when you aren't white is pretty pointless because yours isn't supposed to be pink.
But yes, more often than not, the reason why your crack is mega dark compared to the rest of you is because of
gasp shitstain!
How do I know this? All it took was keeping my ass mega clean to go from discolored to pink. And as I said before, this will lighten it, not a whole horrible lot, and no it will not transform it into a smooth naked mole rat.
Jesus you people. So touchy.
No. 141275
>>141274lucky cunt
I will go as far as using asian products for pink butthole
No. 141276
>>141275Just use Hollywood Bleach.
Lots of people have used it for years. No it's not the cheapest but it isn't going to eat a hole through your butthole.
Salty girls in here are like
>muh chemicalsbut dude it's just the outside of your butthole. If you use something mild you aren't going to suddenly lose touch to your sphincter.
No. 141278
>>141273The thing is, white people's asshole is also not
supposed to be pink. Some white people have pigmented labia, nipples and yes, assholes. If you want to bleach your ass, go ahead, but don't imply everyone who is not black should be doing it. That's just bullshit porn ideals tbh
No. 141280
>>141265Women are not "forced" to bleach their buttholes. Literally no one cares what color your
butthole is. Bleaching sounds like a relatively recent trend, as this thread is the first time I've heard of it. Don't feel insecure about it. Very few people will ever even see your junk, let alone care about its color.
No. 141281
>>141280What I wanna know is how do yall even know you have brown holes etc
I can't see that far back
No. 141283
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>>141268Okay, but if I refuse to bleach my asshole my boyfriend or any guy I date will just either dump me, cheat on me or secretly resent me. I don't want to be alone and it helps my self esteem. I know it's bad and I know by doing it and enabling toxic male behaviour I'm hurting other women, but honestly it's a dog-eat-dog world and they'd fuck me over if they could one way or another so why should I care?
No. 141284
>>141269Also nigger what kind of shits do you take that you have to scrub your ass out in the bathtub after pooping? Get some fibre in your diet you dumb bitch. If your ass is smeared in shit after you go to the bathroom that's indicative of a bigger problem.
99% of the time my poops are wireless wonders. Even the rectum itself is mostly clean. Why the fuck would it be brown if I don't ever have shit smeared over my ass in the first place? And why would my vulva also be brown? I definitely don't have shit going on there.
I feel like I just got trolled. No one can be this dumb. You're either a troll or an underaged girl whose genitals haven't gotten discoloured yet. Come back to me when you're 25+ and lmk if you still have a pink wink you cocky dumb cunt.
No. 141285
>>141284wipeless wonders*
Autocorrect is a cunt.
But those of you who still don't understand: if you take a shit and go to wipe and your paper isn't 99% clean, you're doing it wrong or you just weren't blessed with a genetically superior asshole like me.
No. 141292
>>141286My ass is clean, and I don't have to scrub it every time I take a shit because taking a shit doesn't make it dirty.
I can't imagine how bad the skid marks of farmers must be LOL.
No. 141295
>>141294hah I found out the other day that the skin on the asshole is the same type of skin as the lips on your face.
Certainly feels like it.
No. 141297
>>141296It's Not Vauge. If you're white, it works really well, If your darker, it depends.
>>141294It is is the same ingredients, but the bleach is pretty cheap ($12).
No. 141304
>>141300So I'm this anon.
I'm really sorry for not keeping up with the thread, even if only like three people are gonna come back and check.
I was sorta lazy applying the stuff but don't worry, I'm back on track now. I can say that after like four days, I noticed a change in one area. It was weird because it was just in that area.
I'm starting to apply it regularly now. Will check back after three weeks, then come back.
No. 141308
>>141304Idk why I'm doing this but there's so little information about real progress using these products so I'm gonna talk about my experience thus far using Divine Derriere.
Just to preface this, I'm mixed - Hispanic and white but my skin color is extremely pale with a little bit of a yellow undertone. Unfortunately, my lower areas are darker than I'd like them to be and were plagued with some discoloration because I was chubby at one point (friction = darkness, as you all know). Also, I have a really fat ass so even after losing weight, the cheeks still rubbed together, creating a dark brown color.
I think I've used it religiously for about 5/6 days, twice a day, only on my butt. It's already gone from an unflattering brown to more of a fleshy brown; I'd say maybe a shade or two. Also, it looks pinker. I might link pictures or something in a month so people can see what I'm talking about. But in less than a week, I think it's done a pretty decent job.
There are a few things I've learned though. First of all, because friction = darkness, you can NOT wear thongs or cheeky underwear that sticks in your crack while/after using the product. Obviously maybe once a week isn't a big deal but you'll just make the darkness come back. Secondly, when applying the product, try to stay a few centimeters away from the anus because it'll burn if any of it leaks in there.
The thing that sucks is that to keep up with the color, I'll have to use it for the rest of my life lol. I'm sure I can skip a few days and it'll be fine but meh, still shitty. I'll be back in a month hopefully with pictures or more results.
No. 141311
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>>141310>barbie pinkWhy do you want such an unnatural shade?
No. 180094
>>141283>Okay, but if I refuse to bleach my asshole my boyfriend or any guy I date will just either dump me, cheat on me or secretly resent me.This isn't even close to true. Speaking as a guy, if I can see your asshole in the first place I'm already pretty happy.
Hypothetically if there was a guy who cared about the shade of the your literal asshole (I'm not convinced he exists) then you should be running a mile, not trying to keep him.
No. 188312
>>180055Hi I came back~ I feel really bad not updating but life kinda got in the way so sorry ._. I stopped using the cream for a few months like a dumb ass but I started again :)
I ordered the 3 tub package thing from their website. They've thus far added new ingredients, keeping the hydroquinone but adding 6% Glycolic Acid and Lactic Acid. Here are my thoughts:
* The color change isn't immediate but it's really close. The point is to "lift" the dark color.
* If you don't see any color change, you either 1) need to get a wax/shave down there (will talk about this later) and/or 2) you aren't exfoliating. You have to remove the dead skin cells that contain the darker pigment I guess in order to see the fresher skin below. Once I did that, I saw much better results.
* Irritation can become an issue. I realized it was better to apply a little in the morning and then at night, after a shower, apply a larger amount.
* Do NOT not NOT wear thongs. Seriously, don't. Friction + acidic cream near your asshole = lots of pain. Be ready to invest in no lines underwear ( I really like Calvin Klein's version).
* This leads me to absorption. Basically, the cream will never fully absorb and takes a few hours for some/the majority of it to really seep in. Wait 20 min after applying to put on clothing. I go a little overboard and at night take saran wrap, put it where my butt would be on my underwear, and tape it there so more of it absorbs (so it doesn't rub off on my underwear). Also during the day I wear a panty liner just in case any rubs off.
* Personally, from starting a little over a week ago with the new formula, my color has changed drastically. It actually sort of depresses me how dark it can get. I know this sounds pretty cringey and embarrassing but it's true. I know a lot of girls out there (especially pale girls like me who have a stark color contrast between that area and the rest of their skin) are insecure about it so hopefully this helps.
I'm hesitant to say it's really pink yet. It was seriously dark as /fuck/ before and now it's such a pretty soft shade. I make sure to exfoliate the area and also make sure there's no hair down there and right now, it really does look sorta pink but it's probably just from wearing the cream all the time. Even so, the shade difference is just :O
I'm planning on using it for about a month religiously and this time, I /will/ come back to update heheh. Before this thread I used to be extremely insecure about it but now I feel more confident so hopefully I can help some of you guys out :) Sorry if this was long! I'll answer any questions if you guys have any :)
No. 188333
>>188317Yeah, I know. I'm going to change my system to the med harbor spa version after this month. It's way better but I kind of just want to see what sort of result I can get from this (>inb4 cancer, anal tear, etc)
Also TECHNICALLY not on my asshole (;
>>188324I tried it doesn't work for me //-;