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No. 13984

ITT: Say whatever makes you angry about other races. Attack them. Complain. Whatever.
All /pol/ and Tumblr race war shit goes in here.

No. 13986

G8 b8 m8

No. 13993

I wish these threads would just die already, I'm tired od stormfags and tumblr shitting /b/ up.

No. 13998

Black people are dangerous and wild
White people are hypocrites and annoying (hence why jews belong to the white race ugh)
Asians are annoying and boring

No. 13999

i forgot to say that white people are evil

No. 14022

racist is the the white people equivalent of nigger. white people hate to be called racist as much as black people hate being called nigger, even when theyre being totally racist they still hate it.

people on stormfront hate being called racist, ironically.

No. 14218

I'm biracial:

White side: Nothing against it, tired of the "white is so wonderful and fuck other races" bs on here though and white girls complaining "omg we're so hated" yet they make a ton of fucking "white wonderful we are" threads and then start posting up asian women because half of these girls on here, I assume are white and the odd self hating black are that desperate to fit in with Japanese/Koreans that they'll start lying about their damn race "mixed with Japanese" or "mixed with Korean" and "Im blasian" when it's fucking obvious they're just plain black.

I'm tired to fuck with it.

Blacks: Tired how threads always derail and slavery has to be thrown in while aminyan comes in the equation some how and then white people and then weave

Thank fuck I'm mixed because I don't identify myself as either black or white and can quite happily just be my own lost wondering ethnicity basking in peace.

No. 14223

I'm tired of Japanese women being glorified on here and the internet in general.

When I've seen so many Jvlogs/dramas to know that half of these bitches we see in Popteen, azn aliexpress stores and aidoru… half of them barely even look THAT CUTE!

Most are just standard looking azn with no kawaii and speak sushi language

It gets a bit annoying.

Then the "koreans are perfect" bullshit. Sure, the surgery looks good but they all end up looking just as plastic and as narcissistic as the next cunt next to them

No. 14298

Tired of the copious amounts of insecurity and need for validation about looks.

The WORST offenders when it comes to tumblr fads: Pencil eyebrows, "mermaid" hair, fetish wear as everyday clothes, bad lipstick, shitty obvious acrylic nails, foul entitled behavior, SJW only when it's in their favor…holy shit stopppp.

Also white models are some of the most narcissistic, do-no-wrong cunts I've ever seen.

Never met an attractive asian that didn't have work done to some degree; that in itself doesn't make me mad but the fact that it's denied and others believe it's natural, does.

I get the feeling it's not "trendy" to be latino right now, so idk if anything about them actually makes me mad since they stay off my radar so well? They're loud and tacky sometimes I guess? Idk.

Middle Eastern:
If they're Muslim I just wish they'd stop trying to shoehorn their religion into lolita/cosplay. I'd be just as irritated if I saw anyone else doing it.

No. 14303

Black ; Fucking insecure, they also seem to have a huge victim complex. Just like any community that has been oppressed TBH. Amazing fashion senses.

White plp ; Fucking stupid and clueless… They only care about they fucking self and they have the worst styles. Look like their parents are sister and brothers.

Asians ; Arogant as fuck and impolite. Dress super well. People think their naturally beautiful when they are actually full of surgery (and shit)

Arabs ; 5 % drop dead gorgeous 10 % okay and 85 % super ugly.

No. 14311


I feel like the last part is true for every race.

No. 14320

last part is so true im so ugly i hate my curly hair and dark skin uggggghhh

No. 14434

>They're loud and tacky sometimes I guess?

Mexicans will turn anything into an eyesore.

There was a local burger joint here that was practically a landmark simply due to how long it had been in business.

It finally shut down a few years ago and some Mexicans bought the place. First thing they did? Paint the building bright green, orange and yellow.

They shouldn't be allowed to own property is all I'm saying.

No. 14482

> They're loud
I live in NYC, and while I agree, I still think the worst offenders are white people, and I'm white myself.

I hate getting on the train and hearing two or three white girls on the other side of the cart having a normal conversation much louder than they need to. They're not even excited or angry, just talking about regular things like fixing up their apartment, but the whole train needs to hear it. Yet, as soon as a group of black people or Mexicans come in, they get really quiet, and give them dirty looks once they begin to speak loudly too. It's disgusting, and sometimes I get why other races expect us to be racist.

Asians: I have no problem with them except that a lot of they think or want to be white, denying their culture OR want to have the same status as whites, so they make fun of other races to kind of fit in. It's horrible to experience when that person thinks you'll like them better if they make fun of themselves because of the fact that they're Asian. I'm not wearing a KKK hood, stop that.

While I admire the extent black people have gone to to get equal rights and not be demoralized, black tumblr makes me so, so angry, as do the sjw whites and asians who think they're being allies.

When a black person is being called the n word and denied service, yes, other races, step in and help them. When a black person wants half of the characters in a series, book, movie, etc set in the U.S. to be black? No. They're 12% of the population. That doesn't even matter, they need to take the context of the story into account.

They actually don't bother me, but I do think they're prejudiced against black people ("African Americans") even though there are black latinos who they accept, go figure.

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