>>14298> They're loud I live in NYC, and while I agree, I still think the worst offenders are white people, and I'm white myself.
hate getting on the train and hearing two or three white girls on the other side of the cart having a normal conversation much louder than they need to. They're not even excited or angry, just talking about regular things like fixing up their apartment, but the whole train needs to hear it. Yet, as soon as a group of black people or Mexicans come in, they get really quiet, and give them dirty looks once they begin to speak loudly too. It's disgusting, and sometimes I get why other races expect us to be racist.
Asians: I have no problem with them except that a lot of they think or want to be white, denying their culture OR want to have the same status as whites, so they make fun of other races to kind of fit in. It's horrible to experience when that person thinks you'll like them better if they make fun of themselves because of the fact that they're Asian. I'm not wearing a KKK hood, stop that.
While I admire the extent black people have gone to to get equal rights and not be demoralized, black tumblr makes me so, so angry, as do the sjw whites and asians who think they're being allies.
When a black person is being called the n word and denied service, yes, other races, step in and help them. When a black person wants half of the characters in a series, book, movie, etc set in the U.S. to be black? No. They're 12% of the population. That doesn't even matter, they need to take the context of the story into account.
They actually don't bother me, but I do think they're prejudiced against black people ("African Americans") even though there are black latinos who they accept, go figure.