File: 1666310550298.jpg (881.76 KB, 822x1356, hurrr durr.jpg)

No. 1381413
>>1381362>“The feminism leaving my body when” male does anything. Can’t stand itI've never seen that one, is it supposed to suggest the person is so impressed with the male she's ready to give up her human rights? Crawling to men is a requirement of our society, not a novelty. Women who make it their personalities need to get a grip
Agreed with the rest of this thread. See also the "stealing your meme" memes like you need to announce when you save a picture on the internet ffs
No. 1381419
>>1381413The feminism joke means that they stop criticizing men the second a hot one does something sexy and I think implies they also wanna be sexually dominated and degraded by him? not sure but it's cringe either way.
I hate the fact that meme is now a synonym for "funny pic"
No. 1381441
>>1381431i fucking HATE the "pretending to be black on the internet" typing style. especially "y'all" - they're clearly not saying that to sound like cowboys or tess holliday or something. it's a fake blaccent and i dont get how the SJW generation all think it's not weird to do that.
i also hate hate HAAAATE all the tweets that are like "is this all life is? wake up, to go work, come home, order doordash, listen to podcasts?" or "me pretending to care what this meeting is about" like fuck off if you live north america, europe, malay peninsula, or australia, you have the power to live a nice life. i don't mean abandon your family and try to make a living sewing costumes for hamsters, but no one's fucking forcing you to go to an overpriced university or work at best buy until you die. you have some fucking agency here.
No. 1381677
>>1381441y'all is lost to any specific group in the US, it's common everywhere. I've been fighting it my whole life but now I'm the weirdo if I don't say it and frankly I folded about a year ago. everyone is y'all now, ok fine.
No. 1381707
File: 1666355926326.jpeg (170.79 KB, 1080x682, CBF57CC7-DEE9-471B-83E3-F222A8…)

I’m so tired of porn jokes specifically this one. I don’t watch porn yet because of the internet’s increasing sexualisation i’m exposed to this shit.
No. 1381735
File: 1666357818188.jpeg (Spoiler Image,423.71 KB, 828x532, C4F548B1-99AA-4719-B967-BDF502…)

>>1381732They're saying it's like this porn meme.
No. 1381806
>>1381392its so weird to me how the same girls that call women over 25 ''milfs'' are also the ones who call 50 year old men ''my innocent little cinnamon roll baby''.
Like they're just aging up women for no reason while they infantilize the geriatric males that they stan.
No. 1382107
File: 1666382368592.gif (253.95 KB, 291x200, 5FFC389C-E6E4-4F49-A5B2-4D98A2…)

Reddit moids using this gif whenever a conventionally attractive female rapes a student. They spam the comments of news stories with shit about how they wish something like that had happened to them even though the entire point of the episode was to show how fucked that line of thinking is.
No. 1382290
>>1382269what is the corn audio?
i don't get the tiktoks like where a random audio (e.g. "oh my god, he's dead! aahhh!") plays while a person just tilts their head or waves their hand. it's so bizarre to me for humour to be so standardized, it's like we're in 1950 and you have to tell knock-knock jokes or "what do you call an x crossed with a y" jokes only.
No. 1382293
>>1381790>>1382277that one's funny because the joke isn't "lol i fucked your wife", it's the use of grammar to make the joke.
the first guy says that if he could choose one person to go out for dinner with, he would choose his dead wife. the second guy doesn't say "same", as in his own wife, but "i also choose that guy's wife".
No. 1382313
>>1382255>>1382284It means ‘oh my Lord’, I prefer using it over omg for no specific reason
>>1382290It’s a Tiktok/Reels audio of a kid taking about how much he loves corn and it got remixed into a song, and while it wasn’t funny in the first place everyone beat it into the ground just like Krissy wake up
>>1382293NTA and while I know it’s somewhat clever I still hate it since it’s the same vein as ‘fucking your wife’ jokes. Maybe I’m just deeply autistic but it came across as necrophilic to me kek I’m probably just retarded though
No. 1382322
>>1382294tfw this one
nonnie is funnier than the entirety of reddit and youtube combined
No. 1382398
File: 1666400018267.jpg (63.21 KB, 900x600, ZOM5PCCOWJANXLOOKGKZSDP574.jpg)

Anything involving these two or this part of FMA. People have been running this joke into the ground since like 2006
No. 1382404
File: 1666400516725.jpeg (110.43 KB, 512x512, 8FB55836-B2EB-42C0-9A10-A7391D…)

The decades long obsession with getting Firefly back on the air is what I think really sparked the reboot overload we’re dealing with now. Pretty funny that out of everything that’s been brought back they still haven’t made a second season kek.
No. 1382405
File: 1666400573019.png (34.84 KB, 886x457, this guys dead wife.PNG)

>>1382293Nah. He literally said "I also choose this guy's dead wife." No grammar jokes.
It's completely tasteless but I still think it's hilarious.
No. 1382476
>>1382471I always see it in a misogynistic way. For example-
>> youtube short>> woman almost trips over a wet floor sign that was in her way >>surprised by it and moves it not thinking>>man walks after her falls on his ass>>gets up and puts wet sign back up>>scrotes in the comments raging at woman>> "Women coffee mug emojiMy brother basically said he always sees it in this context, me as well.
No. 1382478
File: 1666405727403.jpg (83.88 KB, 688x449, Screenshot_20221021-222849_Chr…)

>>1382476Same anonna, I looked it up
No. 1382484
>>1381735Words cannot explain how much the meme
triggers the living fuck out of me. you can't tell me that these so called "moral" porn companies are foaming at the mouth for any opportunity to make child porn.
No. 1382494
>>1382487I know people are going to be like. "Can we have one threads without complaining about the troons?"
But I truly think gender identity has made it more popular.
Notice how all the loud and proud misogynist ALSO happen to be huge TRA's? Vaush, Hassan, H3H3, every edgy youtuber. 90% of bread tube etc. They used to pretend to be male feminist now they mask off and only "respect" "women" who just so happen to be born male. I always see straight up weird and aggressive misogyny by these people hidden as "jokes". You can say you hate women but it has to be white women, or Terfs.
No. 1382498
File: 1666407197739.png (44.26 KB, 667x213, goeatadick.png)

Does the clapping emoji in-between words count as a joke? This makes me see red. Imagine talking to someone and they start clapping for emphasis while they are speaking (in a very condescending manner). You'd have to be a cool cucumber not to lose your mind with anger.
No. 1382504
>>1382478This one makes me want to a-log the most, it’s constantly popping up in my feed and it bleeds over to normal posts when a woman literally does anything mundane. There’s always one of them in the comments like they’re going out of their way to find any post made by a woman just to comment that.
>>1382487Exactly how I feel, I think the new generation of males just repeat ‘woman bad’ jokes because hur dur funny and they’re immature. Goes for any minority/marginalised groups.
No. 1382505
>>1382498Ulta is just trying to Wendy's it up and be relatable via social media while also badly adopting AAVE and black womens cultural mannerisms. As well as play the Troon worship card
No. 1382511
1. the bizarre uprising of men joking about being gay, “on the down-low”, being booty bandits or some very pozzed jokes about engaging in homosexual behavior with your fellow bros hurdurdur! it’s so fucking annoying and affirms my tinfoil that 99% of men are faggots and have been indoctrinated to be straight and that explains their hatred of women
2. oversexualized jokes done by men online like joking about two females having a “squirt-off”, sipping women’s bath water or sweaty towel, wanting to lick and eat women’s butts, being an overall creep for laughs, etc. again exposes how awkward, unnatural and nasty male attraction is towards women, it’s such a turn-off and reminds me of a dog wanting to lick peanut butter off a spoon, sloppy and unsanitary
3. idk how we have fallen so fucking far as a species (I truly believe it, we are low quality to begin with) but joking about rape, murder, cosplaying as serial rapists/cannibals/murderers like cosplaying or making skits about jeffrey dahmer, any jokes just making light of real life tragedies or the way women feel unsafe and uncomfortable in many situations
No. 1387232
File: 1666810028137.jpg (245.12 KB, 1152x2048, EbDftcHWoAYApxp.jpg)

>>1387149>Pumpkin Spice - White Woman SeasonJust googled and meat-canyon is literally a ugly obese white man.
Whats with all these men making misogynistic jokes about women and then just putting the white label to get away with it, I wish people realized that these are the same men who would make jokes about black women and asian women too 10 years ago when it was socially acceptable.
Also very ironic of meatcanyon to make fun of others weight but he is a tub of lard.
No. 1387263
>>1381378I'm so mad mushrooms are now synonym with tifs named Sock or some other bullshit because they're genuinly both delicious and very interesting organisms.
>>1382384Yes and I hate how every video on some random subject is called "the rise and fall of" or "the rise and rise of" if there hasnt been a fall yet
No. 1387615
>>1382384>The YT thing just kinda came out of nowhereNah I think it started with the absurdist Nutshack parody videos where they uploaded the intro but with some stupid, random changes. Then both the naming convention and the parody format became even more popular when they did it to We Are Number One. After that, they started applying that name format to everything, not just that specific kind of parody.
And no, you're not the only one who hates it. I can't stand it at all.
It's kinda like the "POV:" tiktok videos where it's so overused that retards now use it in a way that doesn't make sense. I bet if shit like Racist Mario came out today they'd call it "Super Mario but Mario is racist".
No. 1387640
File: 1666832004758.jpg (23.31 KB, 718x87, cringe.jpg)

>>1381413>See also the "stealing your meme" memes like you need to announce when you save a picture on the internet ffsSame, especially this one.
No. 1387919
>>1387149This joke was already so old and overdone in 2013. Desperate.
>>1387232I've noticed that the white moids who love to dunk on white women are always ugly and unkempt, with fucked up beards (Bo Burnham is another example). Bonus points if they are obese too like this specimen right here.
No. 1387923
>>1381441Sage because late but I think this anon has a point. If you've ever been on tiktok, you've seen the way young gen z (american AND international) speaks. They all use AAVE and it's so embarrassingly forced and unnatural because you can just tell they don't speak like that in their daily lives, especially the non-americans kids who barely understand english grammar as it is.
>omg bro chose violence fr fr nawww he finna get fucked up (skull emoji) - some 12 year old boy from slovakia
That's why there was this whole drama about people pronouncing 'Chile' like 'Chili' a few years ago. They don't know what the fuck they're saying.
No. 1388037
>normie>blorbo or whatever unfunny shit plagues tumblr at the moment>cringe, hear this a lot irl recently too>all reddit jokes no exception redditors are the most pretentious and unfunny userbase ever>>1381310agree based is fine as long as its used appropriately but not as a +1
>>1387856god I hate this so much especially when you catch yourself doing it. I dont want to sound like someone who hangs out online too much and I dont get why people think its cool, there is no secret internet club in todays commercialized web you losers.
No. 1388074
>>1388037>>blorbo or whatever unfunny shit plagues tumblr at the moment>>cringe, hear this a lot irl recently toocringe
>>all reddit jokes no exception redditors are the most pretentious and unfunny userbase ever>there is no secret internet club in todays commercialized web you losers.based
No. 1389941
File: 1666985693831.gif (5.69 MB, 640x504, white-mans-whore-cry.gif)

>>1389888Oooo i hate this too anon. I especially hate the whole "white man's whore" joke people use. The phrase was taken from a famous black/mixed race woman describing the horrible things people said to her for having a white husband and now zoomers use it as a joke when talking about their white crushes. It makes me cringe so hard, it comes across as very self hating. Even weirder when I see white women use the phrase. I know it's suppose to be "dark humor" but as someone in an interracial relationship with a white man it just makes me want to punch people in the face
No. 1389945
File: 1666985842106.gif (797.19 KB, 220x220, rolling-ray-eating-takis.gif)

any joke that includes reation gifs like this
No. 1389957
File: 1666986204743.gif (500.17 KB, 220x220, laugh-spit.gif)

>>1389945This makes me think about the most overused reaction gif on twitter (peaked during the Trump years but can still be seen it to this day)
Like wtf is it even from? What's the origin? There should be a knowyourmeme page about it at this point.
No. 1390074
>>1387149late af but in my 3+ yrs in specialty coffee (not Starbucks) men order flavored drinks including pumpkin spice more than women. women are usually trying to avoid tons of calories and go for americanos etc. men, especially men like
>>1387232 loooove "girly" coffee drinks. age, race do not matter. it was a straight man in his 20s who made me hunt down whipped cream for his uwu mocha today. also
>wypipo dont spice dey food!!>stupid yt girls and their delicious seasonal spice combination reeeeepick one
No. 1391613
File: 1667102023486.png (282.69 KB, 601x625, 1660275982774.png)

>>1390302>>1390361it sorta validates the opinions of sexist moids 'oh, your husband knows how to turn on the stove and not burn the house down? You don't have a husband, you have a MALE WIFE.' Ugh
No. 1391712
File: 1667110637894.jpeg (203.87 KB, 1197x844, 0E7FD2A3-41F4-470B-B7D2-6AEB51…)

>>1389888Yes! I got so sick of this one in particular.
No. 1391873
File: 1667129002093.jpeg (356.36 KB, 2059x1697, B580E0C6-F26D-462C-97D9-BCF927…)

>“Submissive and breedable”
No. 1392124
>>1391976What does Sneed mean? I think the sound of the word is cute. I only hear
Null say it and i never got it.
No. 1392259
>>1392124IDK if you're being ironic or not but if you you replace sneed with chuck it becomes "Chuck's fuck and suck".
Really when people say sneed tho, they mean "cope".
No. 1392574
>>1392517Also "borb"
>>1392533Twitter is still crawlinh with "me am doggo huh hooman n am v smol" style humor amd it's incredibly hard not to kill myself
No. 1393039
File: 1667200615223.png (8.26 KB, 281x208, scrote humor.png)

I hate scrotes and their scrote """jokes""" that are about cheating on their girlfriends, raping them or scaring them by ejaculating in their vagina
No. 1394549
>>1392665>>1387984>>1392656Damn I say "my dude" pretty often, it's more of a habit since people say I sound too serious so it's to add levity. Autism is hell, sorry to everybody I've annoyed kek I look like a typical normie, if that helps. I just try to blend in tbh like most autistic women.
>>1392676I always read it as YouTube at first, it's so dumb.
No. 1400834
the only people I see who say this are addicted to porn
No. 1404951
File: 1668162330270.jpeg (73.27 KB, 736x718, death penalty.jpeg)

>>1392656somewhere, I have a note from 2020 with my least favorite words and my guy/dude are the first entries. I don't care how autistic this is but hearing those words irks me so much and i automatically close out of whatever i'm watching/reading when they crop up. i swear people used it so much 2017-2020. I always think of them in conjunction with those rainbow surreal graphic design memes made by depressive ADHD high school redditors and theater kids, thank god that stuff died out
No. 1406377
File: 1668267231367.jpg (188.29 KB, 1125x1545, 009d8fcb2fdf0ce223816293fe1f64…)

this image and saying "ma'am this is an arby's" to any story
>>1406305I try to avoid men when on social media so I'm lucky enough to enever have seen this meme. The only reason I know it exist is because I have seen people mention it on lc. it's so gross
No. 1409028
File: 1668443666612.jpg (122.54 KB, 1105x1390, ohio-oh-carte-politique-dans-l…)

ohio. shut the fuck up about ohio
No. 1409676
>>1406242>I already don't get jokes in my own languageno explanation will help then, you sound like someone who often does not understand a joke.
after the first guy says "my wife", you'd expect the second to say "i also choose my wife" or "me too" (meaning "i also choose my wife". but instead he says a literal version of "me too' or "same", like he's saying he chooses the exact same person as the first guy. which would be that guy's wife, like, instead of his own.
No. 1409824
File: 1668508351203.jpg (60.01 KB, 651x867, sss,small,product,750x1000.jpg)

>why I go to work when I want to lie around instead? Work bad. Let's stop capitalism. Marxist revolution when?
It's stupid and annoying to see the Twitter groupthink repeated but I also think it's such a lazy self victimizing idea to think work as a concept is bad. Especially since most people I know sharing those memes are overpaid freelancers who have to click a few buttons and talk to a few clients a week, they're not exploited by industrial labor, if they wanted to start a Marxist farm commune they have all the resources they could want. But uhhh that sounds like work, we're allergic to work remember. That's why communism is so cool. If you say you can't work you get headpats and others take care of you. Gulags? Never heard of Gulags. What's their IG?
No. 1410071
File: 1668527950436.jpeg (60.2 KB, 828x291, BEE8F5CF-2680-4847-A9B6-F2D4CA…)

The Mandela effect. SHUT UPPPPP.
No. 1410463
they are Ohio's greatest export
No. 1410587
File: 1668554894077.png (167.04 KB, 332x339, 9D19892A-4537-4F93-BB47-52D8A6…)

I’m surprised I haven’t seen the “aw hell naw misspelling of popular character’s name did thing!1!1!!1!1” shitpost, it was never funny. I also hate when zoomers insist that their humor is “broken” or smth because they laugh at lol randumb object + sound effect
No. 1413639
File: 1668808803885.jpeg (529.06 KB, 1168x1823, CA755EB3-46F1-4888-900D-26F530…)

I hate social media managers. Please just be normal and professional
No. 1413747
>>1410587BEANS LMAO
Fucking hate that so much
No. 1413769
>>1409960Disagree hard I get insane everytime I have a job and quit after year or so to regenerate and do things because I can't do anything but sleeping and working on working days.
No idea how other people do it but I cannot function with less than 10h of sleep and taking this away from the 24h the day has plus the 8-9h work plus the commute that is usually 2h too plus the grocery shopping, cooking, papers etc. I have usually 1-2h left which I use to be depressed and angry at the world and my job.
No. 1413863
>>1413683As a non-tiktoker I honestly don't even understand what you are talking about lol
Does someone just casually say to someone else they did something (why? what?) and they casually answer "I ate"?
No. 1413885
>>1409960Idk beats being poor and having no direction in life.
>>1409028I don't mind this meme because florida can have a rest now.
No. 1414515
File: 1668884500886.jpg (54.94 KB, 324x592, Untitled.jpg)

white people using AAVE makes me feel violent
No. 1415258
>>1414515Black people on SM need to stop attacking only white people for this because other
POC think their cringe behavior gets a pass because they're not getting bullied for it or corrected. I've seen so many
POC act like they came out the womb black and the excuse they always use is "I came from the hood cuz", "I grew up around black people".
No. 1420305
File: 1669312255952.png (112.86 KB, 500x500, ghost.png)

>>1382501I STILL don't understand where this meme came from. I love watching tik tok cringe comps and it's happened like three times where there are clips spliced in of white men letting their dogs lick the inside of their mouths and one dude slurping his dogs tongue. It is the most putrid display of male degeneracy I've ever seen
Any moid trying to push this meme is confirmed a dog fucker
No. 1420457
Even those zoophile/zoosadists are all fucking men
No. 1425245
>>1382107If the “
victims” are happy about it what makes you believe it’s rape?
No. 1425339
>>1425276And this scrote logic
>>1425245 harms women by invalidating our own experiences
No. 1430345
File: 1670016039396.png (204.74 KB, 464x331, fetch.png)

People are trying to force this word "rizz" to be a thing, which is basically a synonym for "game" when trying to pick up women. It sounds stupid as hell to me.
No. 1430359
File: 1670016608503.gif (4.1 MB, 640x404, B453E167-F4A5-4927-82D6-9E6319…)

"bro" "skull emoji" "be so fr right now" "skill issue" "mid" "bussin" "no cap" fucking stoooppppppp itt
No. 1431203
File: 1670089624922.jpg (205.34 KB, 680x961, 094.jpg)

>>1431119Idk I thought this comic was pretty funny
No. 1563568
File: 1682879152474.gif (1.37 MB, 465x498, mauzymice-oooooo-you-like-boys…)

i want to go on a homicidal rampage when i see this faggot furry thing
No. 1563601
File: 1682882236225.jpg (455.86 KB, 1382x2048, mother!.jpg)

>>1481311Maybe they're referring to the horror movie "Mother!"? I've never seen the movie so I don't know what it would mean if that is actually what they're talking about.
No. 1564023
File: 1682897909183.gif (3.5 MB, 396x498, sazzybarb-saucy-santana.gif)

>Face Card never declines thats on period, pooh! Face card always valid can't never take her face card away! Thats one thing you can't do!!!!!
and people who use gifs like this while using that language, in fact, any gif that includes this scrote. I know gay men (Especailly gay black men) like to say they've created every single popular "Urban" saying, but I wish that shit would just stay there. It annoys the life out of me to see "Ate" "it's the ____ for me!" "FACE CARD VALID/NEVER DECLINES!" being used seriously.
I don't know maybe i'm just in a bad mood.
No. 1564651
File: 1682964260277.jpg (64.22 KB, 538x673, 1639243836406.jpg)

"it's giving"
"they/them pussy"
Faggot language is a plague
No. 1674834
>>1674793Fuck yes i got sick of rizz the first time I read it on chatbot related forums and have only seen it a million times since.
And I’m sure it’s been mentioned but the porn image of the white girl on a couch surrounded by the black dudes is gross and I see it referenced in random normie memes every so often. Porn isn’t a funny punchline.
No. 1674955
>>1564707It means fierce. Powerful and confident. Mother/father means "person I really admire".
This one doesn't actually bother me because the people saying that do genuinely admire the women they're talking about to like, obsession levels. It started spreading on TT from a sound clip of Azealia Banks praising women by calling them cunts kek
Phrases that personally drive me insane are
>>1417536 and "is the x in the room with us?" Also the word cheugy, nobody except tryhards uses it. It had a moment maybe last year and died because it sounds so ugly.
>>1566860Omg yes, and all the associated cutesy millennial reddit lingo. "I did a thing", "what the frick frack!", etc
No. 1675624
File: 1692869918045.png (543.7 KB, 828x770, IMG_9742.png)

>>1381707Porn addicts and porn stars need to be shamed more. I fucking hate how I get all these references despite never watching it and I hate how dumbass teenagers make these jokes too. Drive them back underground into their goon caves because they aren’t fit to mix with regular people.
No. 1675632
>>1675624 Hopefullly someone reads this, kek but, Male pornstars are very vile, people focus on the women, but i've learned a lot of shit about them on sites like datalounge, because gay men of course, will gossip about pornstars straight/gay. Some "Straight" pornstar who sleeps with women, men and trans, but only trans and women irl and dates a pornstar transgender with a dick (kek) was literally posting online about him and his trans gf, willing to exchange sex for drugs like wtf. Very openly.
So many predators, so many weirdos. I saw a story about some mentally ill Tif, complaining that some disgusting gay scrote she was screwing in a porn set seemed to be very aggressive towards her sexually. The fact there's TIFs sleeping with Positive gay pornstars makes me sick. There's a famous gay pornstar I think his name is Jonny vapid? i can't remember, but he got arrested for choking his girlfriend because she didn't want to have sex with a 14 year old. I don't know if he's still active, he was one of those "gay for pays" who eventually came out as what he was, bisexual, but he would brag about fucking his girlfriend until she bleed.
There's a few pornstars who molested kids, one who gave a
Child a STD/STI and I think he's dead. There's a known super degen, some bald white guy who people say has raped people. Natalie Mars is connected to at least 2 young troon pornstars getting into porn and both have major issues. One is the dude from the Goonclown situation.
It's a bunch of gross shit. I can only imagine how horrible the straight performers are.
There's a reality star, who was on one of those VH1 shows, years ago he had a meltdown and blamed it on his dad/depression. Turns out his troon girlfriend was trying to expose him and the directors of the show wanted to have the troon on the show without the scrotes say so. So he threw a man baby fit. Then he cheats on his girlfriend, humilating her, and joking about it. Theres a video of him showing his asshole and the girlfriend immedeitly broke up with him.
Years later, we find out that it's because she probably figured that he was sending ass pictures to transwomen. Now after having a kid, and his rap career failing he decides to come out as disgusting.
He drinks piss, he gets walked on leashes in public, he flashes his ashy dick in public, he's getting pegged and doing gross interviews about his love for transgender dicks and how he's not "Gay".
I kinda wished we had a thread on male pornstar cows. Datalounge has a lot of funny/sad information. I find something so interesting about men who sleep with men but claim to be straight, but eventually 75% of them end up, coming out, or simply "Soft coming out" by dating/fucking troons/along with women. There's also apparently a heavy push for straight men to do scenes with transgenders, as well as gay men to do TIF scenes, that the gay men on Datalounge HATE.
Some of these pornstars even have wives/girlfriends but act like they HAVE to fuck men in the ass to make a living, kek.
No. 1676175
File: 1692910514563.png (596.92 KB, 1080x796, Screenshot_20230824-134824.png)

>>1564427Agree, cunt and cunty is extremely overused and only used as shock value, degrading, or praising gay men. Gay moids use it as "I'm better than women, I'm cunty-er than women, I'll steal your man etc." And for everyone else it's a way to be edgy or woke, like a straight white YouTube man with painted nails saying "I'm serving cunt."
It just feels wrong, makes my skin crawl and I don't have a dissertation to explain why it feels so gross and overdone.
Screenshot is of two songs promoted songs that were on a dance cardio playlists.
No. 1901139
File: 1708877839591.gif (1.81 MB, 720x487, enjrvc6p6yjc1.gif)

Any pokemon fans that spend 1 minute in any online community knows the awful and unfunny beaten to death copypasta moids post about wanting to rape Vaporeon…
No. 1917621
>>1901445I associate this one primarily with sex pest trannies.
The two I hate that I’m seeing a lot of comments on YouTube with are “womp womp” and “chat is this real”
No. 1917672
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>>1917648Nah I get what you mean anon and I always thought they were corny. I don’t think it even holds up today with how much pornography is readily accessible for men and if they aren’t complete retards can figure it out on their own. It’s very 2010s libfem tumblr to me.
pic related is one that did make me laugh though No. 1920220
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>>1901139>tfw thought it said creepypastaYou know what the pokemon ones were awful but I'll take the creepy pasta over the coomer one.
No. 1935562
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I don't want to hear any convoluted logic explaining how this retard joke is supposedly degrading men, so it's based, To me this stupid joke will always be pure misogyny.
No. 2071430
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This Hawk Tuah! Bullshit is so fucking annoying. Another meme about women being sexualized, big woop!
No. 2078045
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>>2077871You have also moids claiming that 'whamen are sooo
triggered by it’, picrel. Literally never saw any woman mentioning this girl besides anons above.
No. 2078046
>>2078045they always have to pretend women get
triggered by everything when they're the ones shitting their pants over memes (like the bear one). I also don't think women dislike this meme for…Being jealous of her? Lmfao. It's just gross and unfunny basically
No. 2078070
>>2078045I’m not
triggered by her specifically, I just think spit is vomit-inducing and the mental image is nasty.
No. 2078071
>>2078045The reason I found out about this girl was because there was a trending thread on LSA of them whining about her going viral. Theres SOME people who are a tiny bit butthurt about this, but not to a large extent.
It's mostly, "Why did she go viral for something so dumb/gross?"
No. 2078126
>>2078045I've seen men
triggered by it, arguing with each other about how dateable or not dateable she is. Whether in their fantasy world where she'd date any one of them they'd totally just turn her down anyway because eww sexual. Think my fave was
> She's got all these men sexualizing her, no man wants to deal with that!The fact that they even have to argue that against other men kinda proves otherwise.
No. 2078222
>>2078045I remember seeing some conservitard implying people care more about this woman than pride month. I'm still baffled why a certain demographic of white men are so obsessed with this woman, it's not the first time a white woman has said something spicy in one of those retarded redpiller interview things. The only comparison to this is when a somewhat attractive white woman would make a video that's absolutely cringe and unfunny, but white men will swear up and down like she is hilarious and gorgeous purely because they think some feminist someplace, somewhere is seething about the attention she is getting. This is my whole take away from this. Personally, i think she seems embarrassing.
>>2078071They are correct. There was nothing remarkable about the video. I am honestly shooked men aren't just saying she has a loose vagina or something.
No. 2078285
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>>2078045I thought even moids hated this shit is it a bot magnet or something?
No. 2078415
>>2078358Samefag, but it’s probably the same scrotes claiming that Sydney Sweeney’s breasts ended wokeness or whatever. They would hate seeing any other woman being sexual and would say she’s ran through, but since it’s
triggering their imagined femoid adversaries, she’s a cool girl and totes not like these feminazis.
No. 2079247
>>2078285>>2078998I hate also only seen men
triggered and calling her a slut for daring to say a sex joke, and of course complaining how easily women get attention. It is a dumb thing to say but I hope she manages to make some cash of it.
No. 2079334
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>>2078071Yeah especially because the "hawk" part implies that she's like… sucking snot back from her nasal cavity. So she's not even spitting on his dick, he's firing a snot rocket on it. And then putting the snot back on your mouth when you suck his dick. Oh god, just writing this makes me want to puke. Straight sex is so nauseating.
No. 2098215
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>>2078415>since it’s triggering their imagined femoid adversariesRight wing scrotes need to pretend they are always
triggering le ebil ugly feminists. Even though if anyone is complaining it's because they are tired of how heavily forced this meme is. I haven't even watched it but I know everything about it.
No. 2129366
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The new trend of zoomers commenting "freaky" in fancy cursive text makes me want to strangle each and every one of them, by far the most retarded one since hawk tuah
No. 2129474
>>2129438die in the pits of eternal hell please
at least say sucked tits my god
nonny>>2104599worse is when they call it a coin slot or some other shit. usually it's gendie teens who say this shit so i turn an eye but it's so cringe.
No. 2129847
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Reeeeing and raaaaing at phrases like "chai latte", "naan bread", and other stuff used to be funny but now it's overdone, when i watched Spiderverse 2 and watched this joke play out i made a face like i smelt cowshit. Such a lame lame joke. (OT but)also the montage where it was just glazing the FUCK out of what's-his-face, like "oh i'm naturally muscular", "i'm naturally smart", "i have naturally awesome hair"(which is false, Indian GIRLS have nice hair, Indian scrotes think shaving is gay and would step in shit to cool their feet if no white girls were around). It's such a blatant spineless attempt at gaining the favour of Indian audiences.
No. 2130067
>>2129449you're no fun
>>2129474okay fair you're right
what if lolcow was called freakycow and it ate pussy and sucked tits? better?
No. 2134865
>>2134782I'm cooked = I'm doomed/I'm in trouble/I messed up
Let him cook = Allow him to execute his plan, he is onto something
You cooked = You did a good job
No. 2269352
>>2269307sorry I deleted and reposted. Oh my god the __ahh response one is SO stupid.
>>2269342Never heard the safe horny one but it sounds stupid as shit
No. 2275859
>mfw many of the phrases you use were brought up itti'm a dumb zoomie, nonas.
okay here's some i hate:
>women cup of coffee or >is it gay to do x with the bros?>say no homo before x>this boykisser faggot >>1563568>wmen puking emoji* No. 2275880
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>>2142664The other day I ran into it even in my horny BL webtoon translation, I'm so damn pissed that I can't even enjoy my daily escapism in peace, curse these translators
No. 2276626
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I hate the words 'dommy mommy' so much, and I hate the men who use those words even more. The memes about it annoy me, and I don't see nearly enough repulsed reactions to it when people say it as a "joke." It's ALWAYS said by some loser who can't wipe his own ass and wants a girlfriend-mother combo to take care of him. Reading about it sends such a shiver of revulsion through me because I just know the person typing them looks like the WoW player from that one South Park episode.
No. 2289410
>>2289370I think the Queen Never Cry was really funny but some retarded unpaid intern
misused it for a fast fashion ad so now I can't stand it.
No. 2289457
>>2289370it had potential but the edit of it where it zooms out of the baby's face dramatically with that shitty sound bit? playing. I don't know what song it is it sounds like speakers attached to your PC failing. But that edit/sound got really popular and I don't get why because it is really unfunny. I've never seen a meme die that fast actually
I saw duolingo made their own version within a day or two and knew it was already dead. it was such a lazy half assed attempt
No. 2351744
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"Gooning" is a dogwhistle used by "early porn indoctrination" pedophiles like Gigglygoonclown, where they want people to consume worse and worse porn because of it. So it was weird seeing it turned into a joke over time, just without that context.
I think most people only think of it as a goofy term for masturbating a lot. Picrel, found this user's entries on urbandictionary and the top one being heavily downvoted shows the disconnect. Either way, why do they find mass-porn-addiction so funny?
And it's suspicious to me how it infested those "brainrot" memes which are specifically popular among kids.
No. 2351806
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>>2351797Sir this is a Wendy's