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No. 137782
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>>137781Those notepads look adorable! I recently picked up a agenda like pic related and I
love it but I'm so bad at staying organized and actually using it.
I'd really like some recommendations for where to buy cute stationary online as well if anyone has any! I
No. 137783
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>>137782That's cute too, I love large print floral designs. I've never heard of that brand but ill check it out.
The notebooks in the OP are from
It's a korean brand, and they have A LOT of cute stuff. They ship directly from Korea though, so the shipping is super expensive. Shipping for a $70 haul is around $25 - $30 which just kills me, but they have a lot of cute things, and the many of the products aren't too expensive.
No. 137784
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>>137782Also, has a really nice selection of pens/writing tools (as well as other stationary things). They focus more on function
than cute aesthetics, but they have a lot of nice looking writing tools. I recently have begun writing with fountain pens, and have been wanting to upgrade to something a bit nicer than the crappy one I have.
Wondering is anyone has had any experience ordering from them.
No. 137786
Oh my god this is my thread.
I hoard it like mad. It's an addiction. I never wanted to use any of it because then it will be gone. So much paper, envelopes, stickers, writing utensils, tape, stamps, punches, erasers, etc., Etc.
Thrift stores have some awesome stuff for super cheap, especially vintage cards and stuff.
No. 137789
>>137787 Don't get a penpal, it's only your addicition trying to justify itself.
I have also a beautiful and MASSIVE stationary collection and justify always buying more because of penpals. Sometimes if I really like something, I get it twice, just in case.
No. 137792
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Back when I first started writing to my penpal, I used really cheap but cute stationary I got from the dollar store because I didn't have a whole lot of money then. Now I have a little more than I used to and I buy a little but of some nicer stuff. I like buying stickers and putting them on the closing of the envelope. My penpal gets her stuff from a store in her town and sometimes Amazon.
For pens I use the ones from Jetoy. They aren't fancy or anything but they're cute to write with.
No. 137794
>>137788Ooh that's a good idea. My grandparents in particular might like little random "thinking of you"s.
>>137793Yeeeears ago I joined some website that had people all over the world looking for penpals. Don't know if it still exists, but I'd maybe do something like that. Or maybe look around on interest fb groups I'm in or something, and see if someone wanted to be a pen pal.
No. 137795
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I love cute stationary but I hate my own handwriting. I've worked on improving my penmanship but it still feels like a waste for me to write on any pretty papers. It's the worst with journals/diaries, I hate to fill them with ugly scrawls so I never use my ornate ones. Still, I covet cute letter sets, and I'm into card making and paper crafts so I think having a penpal, even if it's just a one off exchange, would be fun. If anyone is interested, hit me up.
I got a planner from a couple of years ago. I went for a hobonochi techo this year but it's honestly a bit too much "planner" for me, even though the tomoe river paper is lovely. Currently deciding between getting another cute planner from mochithings for 2017 or trying one of the smaller hb inserts.
>>137784I love jetpens! I placed a few orders at for pens, notebooks, brushes, and ink and I love them all! It's been a while since my last order, so I don't remember exactly how long shipping took, but I remember all my orders went smoothly and I had no complaints.
No. 137796
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>>137795I feel like I have the exact same problem! I hoard pretty notebooks and never end up using them because I don't want to defile them with my chicken scratch writing. It's becoming a real problem.
No. 137797
>>137795OMG I'm the same. Ended up taking a calligraphy workshop through school and it turned my work around. Highly recommend!
I'm a huge stationary nerd. Try to keep the actual volume of stuff down to a reasonable amount, but I use a large Kikki K planner daily and that allows lots of a room for sticky notes and pens and clips and… all the pretty shit, basically
No. 137801
>>137793It took me awhile to find my pen pal. A lot of people would rather email than write an actual letter anymore so it can take a while to find one. I found mine from an online community that had a section for finding penpals. Half of the people looking for a penpal didn't want an actual penpal sadly. They all wanted t write extremely brief emails all the time. I just kept looking until I found my penpal.
Try finding a website specifically for penpals or a community with your interests that offers penpal advertisements. It may take awhile to find someone but it's a lot of fun once you do find someone!
>>137798That would be cool. I'd be apart of that as long as we have a decent amount of people interested.
No. 137804
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>>137797> calligraphy workshopHuh, I'm going to look for a local one now!
>>137800> Anybody crazy about decorative tape?Yes! This isn't quite as feminine as some of the other designs posted here, but I'm drooling over this tape from mochithings at the moment.
No. 137811
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>>137810I think making stuff to give is part of the fun :)
I do adore planner gear though. Decorated planners can be really cute when done by other people but in practice it's not for me, I prefer to keep that stuff simple. I love little stickers and tapes and tabs designed for planners, but my 'get shit done' mode and my 'take time to make things pretty' mode are mutually exclusive, so in the day to day it just goes to shit. They're great for other types or organization things where I can take my time though, like a note book full of recipes or sewing notes.
No. 137813
>>137809I feel you. A lot of the time I don't care because I know most people just aren't into that, but when I do make the effort to make a special card for someone I appreciate it when they like it, and I'm a bit sad if they don't acknowledge it. It's kinda self centered but I don't pout about it so whatever.
>>137812> I have dysgraphia (my drawing seems to be okay)I don't know much about dysgraphia so I thought this was interesting. I love stickers too! Got them on my laptop, water bottle, and some notebooks I use. I am a bit picky about the ones I put on my laptop though, I hate when the ink on poorly printed paper ones start to rub off after just a few days. I would happily pay extra for cute vinyl stickers, but it's a shame so many designs I like are paper only. Still plenty of places to stick them though!
No. 137816
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>>137814Same here, but even for like my laptop, I don't want to put stickers on it because then I won't have the option to use the sticker anymore
No. 137820
>>137818No idea yet, I'll just go around every cute shop I can find! Currently the main stationary shop I go to is Muji which is quite far from cutesy stuff so I'll discover shops when I'm there.
>>137819Alright! Although by "soon" I exaggerated a little, it'll be next march.
No. 137822
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It's almost the end of the year which is a great time for stationery nerds. Any of you pick out a planner for next year yet?
No. 137823
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>>137822What about holiday cards? Do you guys send any out, and in that case do you make or buy?
No. 137824
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>>137823Do any of you get into gift wrapping too? I think it's really fun but for 90% of the gifts I give I just use cheapo paper because they don't care.
No. 137825
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>>137824If they are the type to use handkerchiefs or kitchen towels, I will usually wrap it up cutely in one of those to save paper though. If they are they type who appreciates a cute gift box and might display it, I love making those kinds of things!
No. 137826
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>>137825Okay, I veered off into /po/ for a bit (but hey can we make this a general paper goods thread? Not sure this board is busy enough to justify a separate thread…) but back to stationery, you can't forget the thank you cards! A few years back a family member gifted me some custom stationary with my initials in the letter head, so I still use that when I write them/my family thank you letters. I still love to browse though.
No. 137828
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>>137827Ugh, dropped the image, but I'm done for now.