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File: 1665120962698.jpg (62.01 KB, 720x477, FePmAYbXkAMdTHH.jpg)

No. 1366610

This annoys me so much, and I'm not sure whether to blame reddit/genZ/moids or just people in general. When something interesting gets posted, the top comments are always a circlejerk of shitty unfunny references to some dumb pop-culture or internet-culture thing.

Pic related is a 2000-year-old mask just discovered in Mexico.

Let's see what the top tweets are….(Retardation.)

No. 1366612

File: 1665121253194.png (432.56 KB, 735x614, Screenshot 2022-10-07 at 01-39…)

Top comment: comparing the green mask to a cartoon about…a green mask. Very clever, breaking new ground, and somehow infinitely amusing


No. 1366615

File: 1665121355392.png (422.48 KB, 750x598, Screenshot 2022-10-07 at 01-41…)

Next-to-top comment: unfunny meme about how a mask does bad things in two fictional cartoons


No. 1366616

File: 1665121472388.png (396.09 KB, 762x568, Screenshot 2022-10-07 at 01-42…)

Third-to-top comment: A video game had an Aztec mask in it which did bad things. At least the video game is somewhat obscure I guess.


No. 1366617

File: 1665121614546.png (916.94 KB, 757x1501, Screenshot 2022-10-07 at 01-44…)

Fourth-to-top: The first actually informative comment.


Keep in mind that the sub-tweets to all of the former ones had thousands of likes as well

No. 1366620

here's the thread link, sorry:


Anyway I hate this, it reminds me a lot of how redditors circlejerk about stupid nonsensical shit that nobody even perceived before they brute-force memed it into existence, like "Canadians are so nice", which will get repeated ad nauseam in 2 different comment threads in any post which at all pertains to Canada.

I remember when the internet wasn't this bad in the early 2010s but it's like reddit and 4chan just took over everything

No. 1366621

I don't get what's wrong with people making lighthearted tweets about how reality can be similar to fiction in weirdly specific ways. If that upsets you just check how bad it can be on the twitter hate thread.

No. 1366623

>in weirdly specific ways
it's a green mask. Apparently the JoJo anime one isn't even green

No. 1366635

that lower right one is just a golden kamuy character

No. 1366641

Yeah because the manga is in black and white.

No. 1366684

Why is this a whole thread

No. 1366696

I think the concept is neat. Kind of like some things aren’t sacred anymore and media has infected our brains in a bad way. I was recently reminded of the Auschwitz’s selfie ban where people were doing dumb shit, like using the train tracks that took millions to their death as balance beams.

No. 1366792

I think the work your looking to describe this is collective consciousness, which is described as
>The collective conscience is “the totality of beliefs and sentiments common to average citizens of the same society” (Durkheim [1893] 1964). As a nonmaterial social fact, the collective conscience is external to and coercive over individuals.

No. 1366821

>the internet wasn't this bad in the early 2010s but it's like reddit and 4chan just took over everything
Kek, how old were you then, 8? The internet was just as bad in terms of being a hivemind, especially on 4chan and reddit. You are romanticizing the past.

No. 1366822

nta but at least 4chan shit didn't leak everywhere. Even YouTube comment sections read like channer threads most of the time now, both in lingo and with people endlessly arguing.

No. 1366823

Kek ok that’s funny.

No. 1366832

>nta but at least 4chan shit didn't leak everywhere
Please tell me you're joking.

No. 1366838

>Even YouTube comment sections read like channer threads most of the time now, both in lingo and with people endlessly arguing.
Ntayrt but youtube comments have literally always been like that lol.

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