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File: 1664883022162.png (2.44 KB, 640x320, Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg…)

No. 1363267

You're all invited to visit TERF island <3(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1363271

I did last month and tourist areas in London often had shitty intersex, tranny and weird flags that included the Ukraine maps. Not very terfy if you ask me.

No. 1363273

Oi mate wanker

No. 1363275

File: 1664883454518.jpeg (408.76 KB, 640x983, BAF8A7C2-FEC6-4F1B-B83A-86A944…)

I wish it where terf island but no. We are just as cucked as everyone else in Europe if not more. To all the trannies wanting to move to escape the uwu bigotry and persecution I suggest you go to Russia where they will hunt you like an animal for basically being a faggot in a dress.

No. 1363403

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Ngl nonnie the UK lost their title as TERF island a long time ago. Scotland is as anti TERF as it gets, England is bending that way severely and only plays up TERF stuff for media circuses, and Wales doesn't really do much because nobody lives there

No. 1363406

Scotland is even less terfy than England, they also give people the most pitiful sentences for rape that you can imagine. Scotland is most definitely not based even if the Scottish are.

No. 1363410

Ayrt that's what I said, they're anti TERF. Anti a lot of things actually. Remember the Dankula saga? And that started in like 2015, so they were years ahead of the game when it came to being afraid of woke culture

No. 1363431

I’ve seen men in Scotland get sentenced to 4 years or less for MULTIPLE rapes. They really don’t give a fuck about women and girls at all.

No. 1363433

Not to mention they get out in less than half of that time. One guy raped and murdered an old woman and got 12 years because of “mental health issues”.

No. 1363437

I'm never setting foot in Scotland. Not that my country is any better though but in a different way when it comes to some things. But we still have this piece of shit darmanain as a minister, I'm not even gonna make the effort to spell his name correctly.

No. 1363442

I live here and I'm so sick of this god awful government we've had for over a decade making our country 10x worse (never voted tory and never will) but the labour party can't even define what a women is and wears 'trans women are women t-shirts'. depressing shit.

No. 1363445

there's a reason scotland has more people with a drug problem and has the worst drug related death rate compared to any other country in europe

No. 1363815

I wish I could visit and have tea and scones with all the based British terves.

No. 1363827

When I visited TERF island, I saw more troons in one day than I had ever seen in my lifetime at that point. One on the plane, two in the first Tesco I entered, three in a Claire's I walked past and another one on the bus. They looked like they had robbed a party costume shop. False advertising.

No. 1363833

It's called terve island because of the amount of epic terves there, not because it's a great place for women.

No. 1364127

>bongland offers hrt and surgery on the nhs but jkr lives there and philosophytube made a joke about it once so i guess it's terf island

burger troids are so fucking stupid

No. 1364648

There's a reason why we peaked early.

No. 1364654

Do you know anything about the radical feminist movement emerging in the UK? Do you know who Posie Parker is? Do you know who Magdalene Burns was who inspired it? JKR isn't the only brit to stand up against the troons, yet we are thankful for her as she's given thousands of women here the courage to speak out about it.

No. 1365397

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I'm >>1363403 and my point was magically illustrated less than a few hours after I made that reply kek

No. 1365410

Did any other nonnys hear about one of the men working for Mermaids being outed as a nonce sympathiser

No. 1365566

no, but i can't say i'm shocked

No. 1365987

Yeah, hope they get investigated properly. He is unlikely to be the only one. The campaigning to stop children's puberty all makes sense now.

No. 1365995

File: 1665069548070.jpg (412.32 KB, 1188x2048, FeYOV3oXgAIOkCN.jpg)

I have no idea who this Nicola is, but your British queen is so beautiful.

No. 1366001

Trannies with five o clock shadows and amazon fetish chokers and retarded programmer socks and party city wigs will seethe and call her old and haggard but she's seriously SO attractive.

No. 1366004

Jesus she's looking well

No. 1366005

File: 1665069890238.png (773.91 KB, 829x731, Screenshot 2022-10-06 at 09-21…)

"A trustee of the transgender charity Mermaids resigned last night after it emerged that he had spoken at a conference hosted by an organisation that promotes services to paedophiles.
Dr Jacob Breslow was a graduate student in gender research at the London School of Economics when he gave a presentation at an event for the US-based B4U-ACT in 2011.
According to its website, B4U-ACT promotes services and resources “for self-identified individuals . . . who are sexually attracted to children and desire such assistance”.
Breslow’s presentation appeared to be a critique of how paedophiles were understood."

No. 1366008

She looks regal somehow, she could cosplay queen Elisabeth I

No. 1366024

being a terf really makes your skin flawless

No. 1366029

If we are TERF island then why does my uni have the tranny flag hanging at the gates and they ask me for my "pronouns" every time I re-enrol for the new year? We aren't even a popular uni or located somewhere that would attract those type of subhumans

No. 1366034

fellow brit and ill be honest ive never been asked for my pronouns when applying to anything. is this common practice across unis now?

No. 1366039

t-shirt is refering to pm of scotland who wants to push more tranny shit and destroy women's rights, despite being a fucking woman

No. 1366053

I asked my sister about her university and she said she had the same thing on hers too, it's ones of those "prestige" unis so I guess I'm not surprised in her case. I'm not sure if its every uni but I assume it's ones that want to brag about being heckin inclusive

No. 1366107

Just to let you know that pronouns are required when working for the NHS. Also to work as a doula, you have to refer to women breastfeeding as "chestfeeding" and "birthing person". TERF island…I wish.

No. 1366117

holy fuck nona you serious?? I'm so sorry genuinely
we (aus, commonwealth's forgotten shit experiment) are as bad now, at least in VIC. QLD seems to be okay besides brisbane but holy fuck even on our shit island we are being inundated. I hate this so much. I know of ONE agp in my area (has worked in my centre forever and pre-troon mania) and he keeps his head down and does his work, never seen him in our bathrooms but all of a sudden we all have to bow down?
quitting soon going to ask him bald-faced what he thinks. can't hit me cause he's behind a counter but fuck it nonas I'm sick of being driven from my own home by these fucks. I'd rather be fucking ostracized (already happening kek) for being right than suck dick for cock being wrong

No. 1366124

My medical genetics teacher added at the end of our chromosome disorders lecture on Wednesday that 'sex is actually a spectrum as you can see, so you should watch this video if you have time!'. I wish it were as TERFy as people make out.

No. 1366141

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I love her so much.

No. 1366146

And this was after a short part on the SRY region of the Y chromosome at the start of the lecture. It was so hard to not say anything about it.

No. 1366155

you can't get less offensive and more palatable than JK Rowling. literally how can you rile up hatred for someone so inoffensive and mild mannered? men and the male identified are certifiable

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