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No. 13579

Does anyone else here believe in reptillians?

No. 13593>>13616>>13620

I don't believe in reptilians but I 100% believe that the human race has been in contact with alien life and that there are many potentially living in compounds somewhere and that specific governing bodies are collectively suppressing this information.

They probably have a good reason to as well but it doesn't make it any less treasonous.

No. 13616>>13619>>13628

Both of those beliefs are completely retarded and delusional.

No. 13619


spotted the reptilian

No. 13620

We're all technically aliens because nothing was on this rock until a bunch of asteroids and meteors carrying bacteria and DNA crashed into it, scattering the potentiality for life. It was only by chance that the earth just happened to foster an environment that was not treacherous enough for organisms to evolve and develop into complex species–I was about to write "meaning us" but then again, we wouldn't even be where we are now had not a freak asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs allowing underground mammals to thrive and evolve into us. Sorry, reptilians.

Aliens living among us is nothing but a pile of bullshit made up by people who can't handle the fact that we're only here because of a number's game and a bit of cosmic luck.

No. 13623>>13631>>13637

white people = aliens

No. 13628>>13633>>13636


I think you're delusional for believing otherwise when multiple higher level officials including the Canadian defence minister have come out and essentially said "Yeah actually we are in contact with intelligent outside species and your governments are covering it up".

It is exceptionally arrogant to believe that given the vastness of the universe and it's seemingly infinite nature that we haven't been discovered by some lifeform or another.
Of course we have, or do you really believe we're the only "intelligent" ones out there. Your worldview is extremely limited.

No. 13631>>13632>>13637

aliens are usually considered to be much more intelligent and advanced than humans, so this would actually make some sense

No. 13632

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No. 13633>>13635

Isn't it equally as arrogant of you to assume that if an intelligent life form existed and could sense us in our dimensionality, that we would be worth visiting? What exactly do you think we'd have to offer an extraterrestrial being with the ability to travel trillions of miles at the speed of light? I know it's human ego to think otherwise, but we're really not that special.

No. 13635>>13639

you seem kind of insufferable.

or you're a reptilian.

gtfo to the denver airport secret bunker.

No. 13636

There's certainly a decent chance intelligent life exists somewhere out there in the universe.

The chance that it's somehow in contact with humans… or even less likely, that it's in contact with some humans who are covering it up… is basically 0.

No. 13637

It would be cool if we could ONE FUCKING THREAD on /b/ that didn't turn into a fucking race war.

No. 13638>>13699

David Icke made up that retarded reptile shit for money and lulz. Either that or he's genuinely crazy and believes in shape shifting reptile people, but I'm pretty sure he just likes to laugh at gullible plebs while rolling around in their hard earned $$$.

My boyfriend also used to spout that looney nonsense until he realized how stupid it made him sound.

No. 13639

>discussion that doesn't happen to agree with you
It's not my fault you can't hold a conversation and resort to ablooblooing.

No. 13699>>13750

But icke lives modestly in a tiny appartment and spends all that he makes from his books on spreading the word, lecturing etc

No. 13750>>13772

^ this

And this isn't the best place to discuss stuff like this. The board is full of children, women that only care about dick and kawaii rilakuma shit, and fucking idiots.

No. 13772

Iono anon, maybe you're being a tad pessimistic. I think a lot of us here like a good conspiracy theory

No. 13812

speaking of David Icke, has anyone else tried reading his books? motherfucker loves giant walls of text

No. 13948>>13950

nicki minaj is a reptile shes also part of the taliban. i have proof too.

No. 13950>>13952

i knew that bitch had to be skin walker

No. 13952>>13955

yes mang. shes such a sly bitch. i hope vermin supreme catches her some day

No. 13955

shes going to eat beyonce. i feel like she wants to eat beyonce.

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